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Isaiah 9:6

6 For a child will be born for us, a son will be given to us, and the government will be on His shoulders. He will be named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal

Father, Prince of Peace.

God has given believers full access to peace. How-ever, I believe many Christians live in confusion be-cause of a lack of true understanding of what that means. When it comes to embracing God’s peace, the first thing we must acknowledge is that Peace is a person, not a place or a thing.

Sar Shalom—the Prince of Peace, is more than a fleeting feeling. He is the Son of God. Once this concept becomes a reality our perspectives change. Problems no longer have the power to control envi-ronments and circumstances lose their ability to de-termine outcomes.

I challenge you to invite the Prince of Peace into your life and to abide in His presence always.

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Matthew 7:11

11 If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in

heaven give good things to those who ask Him!

Are you in need of Peace? We live in a world that seems to thrive off of chaos and operate in confusion. However, we have the ability to live peacefully among the chaos. Peace does not mean we do not have prob-lems. It does mean that your problems do not have you. Scripture tells us that God loves to give good gifts to those who ask. Sar Shalom, the Prince of Peace is God’s gift to us. Do you need to experience the gift of peace? All you have to do is ask for it.

Sar Shalom, give me peace when I’m prone to worry. Give me peace when I’m tempted to doubt. Fill my mind with your thoughts of peace to such a degree that my face, my muscles, my nonverbal expressions, my body language reflect this peace to those around me. That alone would be a great victory, and I trust you to do this in my life. As for peace in my relation-ships-where there’s conflict, bring resolution and res-toration. I ask for peace in my heart-where there is doubt, bitterness, or regret, I ask for wisdom and ac-ceptance within. Let my words bring peace to those around me. And bring about peace between the races in the world and in my nation. Quell the violence with your peace as only you can.

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Matthew 8:23-27

23 As He got into the boat, His disciples followed Him. 24 Suddenly, a violent storm arose on the sea, so that the boat was being swamped by the waves. But He was sleep-ing. 25 So the disciples came and woke Him up, saying, “Lord, save us! We’re going to die!” 26 But He said to them, “Why are you fearful, you of little faith?” Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the sea. And there was a great calm. 27 The men were amazed and asked, “What kind of man is this?—even the winds and the

sea obey Him!”

The very presence of God is peace and as children of God, His presence is with us always. Yet, you and I can be a lot like the men in the boat with Jesus. Often we react to the situations in our lives as if we are battling through the storms alone. At one point or another, we are all guilty of letting our cir-cumstances dictate our actions, our feelings toward those around us and even toward God Himself.

God’s peace transcends any of life’s circumstances, results or details and He wants to replace those worries with His rest. Allow the peace of God to guard your heart and your mind today and always.

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Sar Shalom, just as the disciples couldn’t rest in the boat when a storm arose, sometimes I worry and fret during my personal storms. Yet in the midst of the

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stormy sea you slept. You slept in peace because you are peace, and storms carry no authority over you. Forgive me for living the sleepless life on so many stormy occasions and failing to rest in your peace. I confess that peace is sometimes elusive, and I beg your forgiveness for not letting go and letting you reign peacefully in my life.

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Day 4: aDORaTION

“Your attitude affects your thinking which in turn affects your feelings which in turn affects

your actions.”

Do you live in awe of the presence of peace in your life? The peace that Paul describes in Philippians 4:6-7, is much more than a one time experience or encounter, it is the result of Christ’s presence in your life. As believers, peace should be your way of life and state of being.

“ 6 Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses every thought, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”

It may be easy to apply this principle in theory, however, when you look around your life and the activities of your day, do you live as if you believe that God is the Prince of Peace? Do you remain steady and trusting regardless of what is happening around you? Living according to this foundational truth, requires a shift in attitude, an adjusted way of thinking and a true perspective on God’s peace.

Today, ask God to give you true understanding of His peace and thank Him for being Sar Shalom in your life. Commit to adjusting your perspective and changing your actions to reflect this truth.

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Sar Shalom, You are the prince of peace. You hold this world together simply by your intent. Where there is chaos, you bring calm. Where there are strug-gles, you bring stability. You alone embody peace and can bring peace to our lives, our homes, our church-es, our communities, and our nation. The mere men-tion of your name ushers in a certain stillness. You alone know what is needed to bring about order and tranquility. You are worthy of my highest praise and adoration.

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Day 5: ThaNkSgIvINg

Colossians 3:17

17 And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God

the Father through him.

As children, we are taught manners and as adults we are expected to use them. When someone opens a door for us, serves us a plate of food or hands us an unexpected gift, saying “thank you,” is the acceptable way to show our gratitude and appreciation for what they have done. It is also common to show gratitude with handwritten notes, warm embraces and various material gifts.

So let me ask you to consider this, what is the appro-priate expression of gratitude for the gift of peace? In other words, how can you live a life that exudes gratefulness to God for the gift of His son, Jesus, and the unexpected peace that His life brings to every de-tail of your life?

If you find yourself worrying about the unopened doors of your circumstances, simply choose to abide in the gift of peace. Choose gratitude.

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Sar Shalom, I lift up my tired and worn-out heart to you in gratitude for your gift of peace. You calm the storms with but a word and subdue enemies with but a stone, and you offer me peace through-

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out my days. Thank you for this greatest of bless-ings. Thank you for the rest that comes by abiding in your presence, Sar Shalom. I don’t understand the circumstances around me and life seems un-fair, you have a way of bringing a peace that calms all my confusions. It is a beautiful thing, and I thank you for it.

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The Urban Alternative (TUA) is a Christian broadcast ministry founded over 30 years ago by Dr. Tony Evans. At TUA, we seek to promote a kingdom agenda philosophy designed to enable people to live all of life underneath the comprehensive rule of God. This is accomplished through a variety of means, including media, resources, clergy ministries and community impact training.

The Urban Alternative’s daily radio broadcast airs on over 1,000 radio outlets in America and in over 100 countries worldwide. Find us online at TonyEvans.org.

Dr. Tony Evans is the founder and president of The Urban Alternative, a national ministry dedicated to restoring hope and transforming lives through the proclamation and application of God’s Word. For over three decades, Dr. Evans has also served as senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas. He is a prolific author of numerous books, including the best-selling Kingdom Man. His radio program, “The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans,” is heard daily on over 1,000 radio outlets. Dr. Evans is also the chaplain for the Dallas Mavericks and former chaplain for the Dallas Cowboys.



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The Urban AlternativePO Box 4000 | Dallas, TX 75208800.800.3222 | TonyEvans.org

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Graphic Designer:Maggie Haberman