political systems of india & usa


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This Presentation give a detailed study of the Political Systems of India and U.S.A.


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India – with a population of around a billion and an electorate of over 700 million – is the world's largest democracy. India's lower house, the Lok Sabha, is modelled on the British House of Commons, but its federal system of government borrows from the experience of the United States, Canada and Australia.

U.S.A. - Like most nation states, the American political system is clearly defined by basic documents. The Declaration of Independence establishes the United States as an independent political entity, while the Constitution creates the basic structure of the federal government. Both documents are on display in the National Archives and Records Administration Building in Washington, D.C.


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These images show the conditions of the political system of India & U.S.A. INDIA U.S.A

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1.The Legislative Branch

2.The Executive Branch

3.The Judiciary Branch

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U.S.A.The Senate is the upper chamber in the bicameral legislature known collectively as Congress. The original intention of the authors of the US Constitution was that the Senate should be a regulatory group, less politically dominant than the House. However, since the mid 19th century, the Senate has been the dominant chamber and indeed today it is perhaps the most powerful upper house of any legislative body in the world.

INDIAThe lower house in the Indian political system is the Lok Sabha or House of the People. As set out in the Constitution, the maximum size of the Lok Sabha is 552 members, made up of up to 530 members representing people from the states of India, up to 20 members representing people from the Union Territories, and two members to represent the Anglo-Indian community if it does not have adequate representation in the house according to the President.


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The head of state in India is the President. This is normally a ceremonial role, originally modelled on the British monarch to "advise, encourage and warn" the elected government on constitutional matters. The President can return a Parliamentary Bill once for reconsideration and, in times of crisis such as a hung Parliament, the role is pivotal.


Although the 'founding fathers' wanted to avoid a political system that in any way reflected the monarchical system then prevalent in Britain and for a long time the Presidency was relatively weak, the vast expansion of the federal bureaucracy and more power to the President than is the case for any single individual in most political systems.


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INDIA The Supreme Court is the highest judicial authority in civil, criminal and constitutional cases. The court consists of up to 26 judges, including the Chief Justice of India, all of whom are appointed by the President on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. They serve until the age of 65.

U.S.A.The Supreme Court consists of nine Justices: the Chief Justice of the United States and eight Associate Justices. They have equal weight when voting on a case and the Chief Justice has no casting vote or power to instruct colleagues.


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India has a multi-party system, where there are a number of national as well as regional parties. A regional party may gain a majority and rule a particular state. If a party represents more than 4 states then such parties are considered as national parties. In the 63 years since India's independence, India has been ruled by the Indian National Congress (INC) for 51 of those years.

The modern political party system in the United States is a two-party system dominated by the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. These two parties have won every United States presidential election since 1852 and have controlled the United States Congress since at least 1856. Several other third parties from time to time achieve relatively minor representation at the national and state levels.

INDIAN political party system

U.S.A. political party system


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India is the world’s largest democracy.

In INDIA seats are reserved for women so that they can also participate in politics.

The Indian politics is of federal type. The central govt. governs the whole country & state govt. governs the different states.

The process of work is very slow. e.g. A bill has to pass many sessions in the parliament to become a law.

The problem of corruption is highest in Indian politics.

Due to reservation for the OBC ,SCs etc. results that talented people from general category don’t get the chance to show their talent.

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MERITS DEMERITSTwo-party systems are often

considered to be more stable than multiparty systems and it is thought that political stability can benefit economic growth.

President of U.S.A. is the most powerful person of the whole political system.

The process of work is very fast & all the branches of politics do their work very fastly & properly in U.S.A.

Only the person who is a native American can stand in election.

In U.S.A. political system there is no law of reservation in any department.

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George Washington (February 22, 1732 – December 14, 1799) was the first President of the United States of America, serving from 1789 to 1797, and dominant military and political leader of the United States from 1775 to 1799. Washington became the first president by unanimous choice, and oversaw the creation of a strong, well-financed national government that maintained neutrality in wars. His leadership style established many forms and rituals of government that have been used since, such as using a cabinet system . Washington is universally regarded as the "Father of his country".

The first president of U.S.A. “GEORGE WASHINGTON”

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Jawaharlal Nehru; 14 November 1889 – 27 May 1964), often referred to with the epithet of Panditji, was an Indian lawyer, politician and statesman who became the first Prime Minister of independent India (1947–64) and became noted for his “neutralist” policies in foreign affairs. He was also one of the principal leaders of India’s independence movement in the 1930s and ’40s. Nehru was elected by the Indian National Congress to assume office as independent India's first Prime Minister, and re-elected when the Congress Party won India's first general election in 1951 and 1952. Nehru contributed to the establishment of a secular Parliamentary democracy in India.

The First Prime Minister Of India “Jawaharlal Nehru”

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Indian Civil ServiceThe Civil Services of India is the civil service and the permanent bureaucracy of the Government of India. The executive decisions are implemented by the Indian civil servants. Civil servants are employees of the Government of India and not Parliament of India. Not all employees of the Government of India are civil servants.

1.Cabinet secretary2.IAS (Indian Administrate service)3.IPS (Indian Police Service)4.IRS (Indian Revenue Services)5.IFS (Indian Foreign Services)

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The Cabinet Secretary of India is the most senior civil servant in the country. The Cabinet Secretary is the Ex-Officio and Chairman of the Civil Services Board of the Republic of India; the chief of the Indian Administrative Service and head of all civil services under the rules of business of the Government of India. The Cabinet Secretary is arguably India's most powerful bureaucrat and right hand of Prime Minister of India.

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U.S. Civil ServiceIn the United States, the civil service was established in 1871. The Federal Civil Service is defined as "all appointive positions in the executive, judicial, and legislative branches of the Government of the United States, except positions in the uniformed services.

The U.S. civil service includes the Competitive service and the Excepted service. The majority of civil service appointments in the U.S. are made under the Competitive Service, but certain categories in the Diplomatic Service, the FBI, and other National Security positions are made under the Excepted Service.

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After comparing the political systems of both nations we have come to the conclusion that American political system is better than the Indian political system in many ways and that’s why they are able to made their nation into the category of developed countries but their political system also have some drawbacks , so it requires our nation to take all the good things of their political system and ignore all draw backs.

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