political and economic systems world geography cy-woods hs

Political and Economic Systems World Geography Cy-Woods HS

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Post on 03-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Political and Economic Systems World Geography Cy-Woods HS

Political and Economic Systems

World GeographyCy-Woods HS

Page 2: Political and Economic Systems World Geography Cy-Woods HS

Political SpectrumM




ent Less governm


Economic Spectrum

Page 3: Political and Economic Systems World Geography Cy-Woods HS

Political Systems

• Tell us how power is distributed within a region.

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• People hold all political power.

• Ex. Ancient Greece

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• Is the U.S. a democracy?

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Democracy Index

Lighter = more democratic

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Political SpectrumM




ent Less governm


Economic Spectrum


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• People have the power through elected representatives.

• Ex. U.S., Germany, India

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Political SpectrumM




ent Less governm


Economic Spectrum


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Theocracy• A system of

government in which religious leaders rule in the name of God.

• Ex. Iran (Vatican City)

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Political SpectrumM




ent Less governm


Economic Spectrum


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Absolute Monarchy

• Absolute power among his or her people. • An absolute monarch wields unrestricted political

power over the sovereign state and its people.

• Ex: Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Dubai

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Constitutional Monarchy

• king or queen acts as Head of State. The ability to make and pass legislation resides with an elected Parliament, not with the Monarch

• ex. United Kingdom, Belgium,Sweden, Norway

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Political SpectrumM




ent Less governm


Economic Spectrum

DemocracyRepublicTheocracyConstitutional MonarchyAbsolute Monarchy

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• An individual or group holds complete political power (by force.)

• ex. North Korea (under Kim Jong-il), Germany (under Hitler), Soviet Union (under Stalin)

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Totalitarian (Dictatorship)

• Often times the people do vote, but it doesn’t matter who they vote for.

• No term limits

• Some do have popular support.

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Political SpectrumM




ent Less governm


Economic Spectrum

DemocracyRepublicTheocracyConstitutional MonarchyAbsolute Monarchy


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Name That Dictator!

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Name That Dictator!

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Name That Dictator!

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Name That Dictator!

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Name That Dictator!

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Name That Dictator

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Name That Dictator!

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Name That Dictator!

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Name That Dictator!

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Name That Dictator!

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Add communism

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Economic System

• Tied to the country’s political system.

• The way people produce and exchange goods and services.

• 3 basic types:

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Modern Economic Spectrum

Command Economy Free EnterpriseSocialism

more government less government

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Command Economy

• Also known as communist economy

• ex) Cuba and North Korea

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Command Economy

• Government controls the factors of production.

• determine job, own the land, etc.

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Command Economy

• Government determines the distribution of goods and services.

• ration food/supplies, who can own what

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Command Economy

• Government provides all basic needs.

• healthcare, shelter, etc.

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Free Enterprise (Capitalism)

• Also known as market or capitalist economy

• ex) U.S.

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Free Enterprise (Capitalism)• Private ownership of

factors of production.

• People own the land, businesses, money, etc.

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Free Enterprise (Capitalism)• Consumer demand

controls production and distribution.

• things are made because people want them

• market

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Free Enterprise (Capitalism)• Government provides

few/no basic needs.

• social programs, welfare, etc.

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• Also known as mixed economy

• ex) France, India, China

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• Major factors of production owned by government.

• energy, healthcare, etc.

• private owners too

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• Distribution of goods and services determined by both.

• a blend

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• Government provides some basic needs.

• healthcare, more extensive social programs, welfare, etc.

• Emphasis on “being fair” to all.

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Levels of economic activities• Just remember the POTATO…

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Primary Activities• Getting the raw materials for immediate use

or in the making of a final product.• fishing, farming,

timber, mining

Don’t be a potato farmer!

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Secondary Activities• Adding value to materials by changing their

form.• Manufacturing• Mark an advancingeconomy.

Turn those potatoes into?.

Or oil into?

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Tertiary Activities• Providing business or professional services.• Usually seen in developed economies.

Sell french fries for business.

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Quaternary Activities

• Provide information, management, and research services by highly trained persons.

• only in placeswith the highest level of economicdevelopment

Study potatoes and alter them.Study potatoes and alter them.

No, it’s not real.