poc d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers

Système distribué de calculs financiers Par Xavier Bucchiotty

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Post on 29-Jun-2015




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Présentation effectuée pendant l'Open-XKE de Xebia France. Ceci est le résultat d'un POC sur la création d'une architecture distribuée de calculs financiers. On y parle de Scala, programmation fonctionnelle, de Stream, du patter Iteratee, de Akka Actors et Akka Cluster


Page 1: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers

Système distribué de calculs financiers

Par Xavier Bucchiotty

Page 2: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers





Page 3: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers

Build a testable,

composable and scalable

cash-flow system

Page 4: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers

Stream API Iteratees Akka actor Akka cluster

Step 4Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Page 5: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers

Use caseFinancial debt management

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Page 7: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers
Page 8: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers

initial = 1000 €duration = 5 yearsfixed interets rate = 5%

Date Amort Interests Outstanding

2013-01-01 200 € 50 € 800 €

2014-01-01 200 € 40 € 600 €

2015-01-01 200 € 30 € 400 €

2016-01-01 200 € 20 € 200 €

2017-01-01 200 € 10 € 0 €

1000 €

Page 9: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers

initial = 1000 €duration = 5 yearsfixed interets rate = 5%

Date Amort Interests Outstanding

2013-01-01 200 € 50 € 800 €

2014-01-01 200 € 40 € 600 €

2015-01-01 200 € 30 € 400 €

2016-01-01 200 € 20 € 200 €

2017-01-01 200 € 10 € 0 €

1000 €

date = last date + (1 year)

Page 10: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers

initial = 1000 €duration = 5 yearsfixed interets rate = 5%

Date Amort Interests Outstanding

2013-01-01 200 € 50 € 800 €

2014-01-01 200 € 40 € 600 €

2015-01-01 200 € 30 € 400 €

2016-01-01 200 € 20 € 200 €

2017-01-01 200 € 10 € 0 €

1000 €

amort = initial / duration

Page 11: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers

initial = 1000 €duration = 5 yearsfixed interets rate = 5%

Date Amort Interests Outstanding

2013-01-01 200 € 50 € 800 €

2014-01-01 200 € 40 € 600 €

2015-01-01 200 € 30 € 400 €

2016-01-01 200 € 20 € 200 €

2017-01-01 200 € 10 € 0 €

1000 €

outstanding = last oustanding - amort

Page 12: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers

initial = 1000 €duration = 5 yearsfixed interets rate = 5%

Date Amort Interests Outstanding

2013-01-01 200 € 50 € 800 €

2014-01-01 200 € 40 € 600 €

2015-01-01 200 € 30 € 400 €

2016-01-01 200 € 20 € 200 €

2017-01-01 200 € 10 € 0 €

1000 €

interests = last outstanding * rate

Page 13: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers

val f = (last: Row) => new Row {

def date = last.date + (1 year)

def amortization = last amortization

def outstanding = last.outstanding - amortization

def interests = last.outstanding * fixedRate


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Step 1Stream API

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Date Amort Interests Outstanding

2013-01-01 200 € 50 € 800 €

2014-01-01 200 € 40 € 600 €

2015-01-01 200 € 30 € 400 €

2016-01-01 200 € 20 € 200 €

2017-01-01 200 € 10 € 0 €

Page 16: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers

Date Amort Interests Outstanding

2013-01-01 200 € 50 € 800 €

2014-01-01 200 € 40 € 600 €

2015-01-01 200 € 30 € 400 €

2016-01-01 200 € 20 € 200 €

2017-01-01 200 € 10 € 0 €




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case class Loan( ... ) {

def first: Row

def f:(Row => Row)

def rows = Stream.iterate(first)(f) .take(duration)


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case class Portfolio(loans: Seq[Loan]) {

def rows =



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3450 €Total

Date Amort Interests Total paid

2013-01-01 200 € 50 € 250 €2014-01-01 200 € 40 € 240 €2015-01-01 200 € 30 € 230 €2016-01-01 200 € 20 € 220 €2017-01-01 200 € 10 € 210 €2013-01-01 200 € 50 € 250 €2014-01-01 200 € 40 € 240 €2015-01-01 200 € 30 € 230 €2016-01-01 200 € 20 € 220 €2017-01-01 200 € 10 € 210 €2013-01-01 200 € 50 € 250 €2014-01-01 200 € 40 € 240 €2015-01-01 200 € 30 € 230 €2016-01-01 200 € 20 € 220 €2017-01-01 200 € 10 € 210 €

Loan 1

Loan 2

Loan 3

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// Produce rowsval totalPaid = portfolio.rows

// Transform rows to amount.map(row => row.interests + row.amortization)

//Consume amount.foldLeft(0 EUR)(_ + _)

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// Produce rowsval totalPaid = portfolio.rows

// Transform rows to amount.map(row => row.interests + row.amortization)

//Consume amount.foldLeft(0 EUR)(_ + _)

type RowProducer = Iterable[Row]

type RowTransformer[T] = (Row=>T)

type AmountConsumer[T] = (Iterable[Amount]=>T)

Page 22: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers

//LoanStream.iterate(first)(f) take duration

//Porfolioloans => loans flatMap (loan => loan.rows)


+ on demand computation- sequential computation

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object RowTransformer {

val totalPaid = (row: Row) =>

row.interests + row.amortization


+ function composition- type limited to «map»

RowTransformer(Row => T)

Page 24: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers

object AmountConsumer {

def sum = (rows: Iterable[Amount]) => rows.foldLeft(Amount(0, EUR))(_ + _)


AmountConsumer(Iterable[Amount] => T)

+ function composition- synchronism

Page 25: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers

Stream API

Step 1

5000 loans50 rows

~ 560 ms

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On demand computation

Function composition

Sequential computation


Transformation limited to «map»

Pros Cons

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Step 2Iteratees

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Integrating Play iterateeslibraryDependencies ++= Seq( "com.typesafe.play" %% "play-iteratees" % "2.2.0-RC2")

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Input Status


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Input StatusIteratees are immutable

Asynchronous by design

Type safe

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enumerate and interleave

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case class Loan(initial: Amount, duration: Int, rowIt: RowIt) {

def rows(implicit ctx: ExecutionContext) =



Data producer



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case class Portfolio(loans: Seq[Loansan]) {

def rows(implicit ctx: ExecutionContext) =


producers can be combined


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2013-01-01 200 € 50 € 250 €2014-01-01 200 € 40 € 240 €2015-01-01 200 € 30 € 230 €2016-01-01 200 € 20 € 220 €2017-01-01 200 € 10 € 210 €

2013-01-01 200 € 50 € 250 €2014-01-01 200 € 40 € 240 €2015-01-01 200 € 30 € 230 €2016-01-01 200 € 20 € 220 €2017-01-01 200 € 10 € 210 €

Date Amort Interests Total paid

2013-01-01 200 € 50 € 250 €2014-01-01 200 € 40 € 240 €2015-01-01 200 € 30 € 230 €2016-01-01 200 € 20 € 220 €2017-01-01 200 € 10 € 210 €

3450 €Total

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Consumer as a state machine

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Iteratees consume Input

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object Input {

case class El[+E](e: E)

case object Empty

case object EOF


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and propagates a state

Page 39: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers

object Step {

case class Done[+A, E](a: A, remaining: Input[E])

case class Cont[E, +A](k: Input[E] => Iteratee[E, A])

case class Error[E](msg: String, input: Input[E])


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Iterateedef step = ...val count = 0





Iterateedef step = ...val count = 1


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Iterateedef step = ...val count = 1

Iterateedef step = ...val count = 1







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Iterateedef step = ...val count = 1






Iterateedef step = ...val error = "Runtime Error"


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val last: RowConsumer[Option[Row]] = {

def step(last: Option[Row]): K[Row,Option[Row]]= {

case Input.Empty => Cont(step(last))

case Input.EOF => Done(last, Input.EOF)

case Input.El(e) => Cont(step(Some(e)))




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object AmountConsumer {

val sum: AmountConsumer[Amount] =


(rows: Iterable[Amount]) => rows.foldLeft(Amount(0, EUR))(_ + _)

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object AmountConsumer {

val sum: AmountConsumer[Amount] =


Iteratee.fold[Amount, Amount](Amount(0, EUR))(_ + _)

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import RowTransformer.totalPaidimport AmountConsumer.sum

val totalPaidComputation: Future[Amount] = portfolio.rows.run(sum)

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import RowTransformer.totalPaidimport AmountConsumer.sum

val totalPaidComputation: Future[Amount] = portfolio.rows |>>> sum

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map and filter

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Input Status


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Data transformation

object RowTransformer {

val totalPaid =

Enumeratee.map[Row](row =>

row.interests + row.amortization



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def until(date: DateMidnight) = Enumeratee.filter[Row](

row => !row.date.isAfter(date)


Data filtering

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type RowProducer = Iterable[Row]

type RowProducer = Enumerator[Row]

type AmountConsumer[T] = (Iterable[Amount]=>T)

type RowTransformer[T] = (Row=>T)

type RowTransformer[T] = Enumeratee[Row, T]

type AmountConsumer[T] = Iteratee[Amount, T]

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Futures are composable

map, flatMap, filteronComplete, onSuccess, onError, recover

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// Produce rowsval totalPaidComputation: Future[Amount] = portfolio.rows &> totalPaid |>>> sum

// Blocking the thread to wait for the resultval totalPaid =



atMost = defaultTimeout)

totalPaid should equal(3480 EUR)

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We still have function compositionand prepares the code for asynchronism

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RowProducer//LoanEnumerator.enumerate( Stream.iterate(first)(f).take(duration))


+ on demand computation+ parallel computation

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+ Function composition+ map, filter, ...

val totalPaid = Enumeratee.map[Row](row =>

row.interests + row.amortization


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+ Function composition+ Asynchronism

def sum = Iteratee.fold[Amount, Amount]

(Amount(0, EUR))(_ + _)

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Stream API

Step 1

5000 loans50 rows

~ 560 ms


Step 2

5000 loans50 rows

~ 3500 ms?

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simple test

complex test Thread.sleep((Math.random() * 1000) % 2) toLong)

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Stream API

Step 1

5000 loans50 rows

~ 560 ms

with pause~ 144900 ms


Step 2

5000 loans50 rows

~ 3500 ms

with pause~ 157285 ms


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Cost of using this implementation of iteratees

is greater than gain of interleaving for such small


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Bulk interleaving

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//Portfolioval split =loans.map(_.stream).grouped(loans.size / 4)

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Stream API

Step 1

5000 loans50 rows

~ 560 ms

with pause~ 144900 ms


Step 2

5000 loans50 rows

~ 4571 ms

with pause~ 39042 ms

Page 67: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers

On demand computation

Function composition

Sequential computation


Transformation limited to «map»

Pros Cons

Page 68: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers

On demand computation

Function composition

Sequential computation


Pros Cons

Page 69: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers

On demand computation

Pros Cons

Function composition

Parallel computation


No error management

No elasticity

No resilience

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Step 3Akka actor

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Integrating AkkalibraryDependencies ++= Seq( "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-actor" % "2.2.0")

Page 72: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers

Actors are objects

They communicate with each other by messages


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class Backend extends Actor {

def receive = {

case Compute(loan) => sender.tell( msg = loan.stream.toList, sender = self)


case class Compute(loan: Loan)

Page 74: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers

case class Loan

def rows(implicit calculator: ActorRef, ctx: ExecutionContext) = {

val responseFuture = ask(calculator,Compute(this))

val rowsFuture = responseFuture .mapTo[List[Row]]

rowsFuture.map(Enumerator.enumerate(_)) ) }}

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val system = ActorSystem.create("ScalaIOSystem")

val calculator = system.actorOf(Props[Backend].withRouter(

RoundRobinRouter(nrOfInstances = 10)),"calculator")


Page 76: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers

Supervisionval simpleStrategy = OneForOneStrategy() { case _: AskTimeoutException => Resume case _: RuntimeException => Escalate}

system.actorOf(Props[Backend]....withSupervisorStrategy(simpleStrategy)), "calculator")

Page 77: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers


Routee 3

Routee 2

Routee 1


Page 78: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers


Routee 3

Routee 2

Routee 1



Page 79: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers


Routee 3

Routee 2

Routee 1

Actor System

Page 80: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers





+ parallel computation- on demand computation

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+ Nothing changed

val totalPaid = Enumeratee.map[Row](row =>

row.interests + row.amortization


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AmountConsumerdef sum = Iteratee.fold[Amount, Amount]

(Amount(0, EUR))(_ + _)

+ Nothing changed

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5000 loans50 rows

~ 4571 ms

with pause~ 39042 ms

Stream API

Step 1

5000 loans50 rows

~ 560 ms

with pause~ 144900 ms


Step 2

Akka actor

Step 3

5000 loans50 rows

~ 4271 ms

with pause~ 40882 ms

Page 84: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers

On demand computation

Function composition

Parallel computation


Pros Cons

No error management

No elasticity

No resilience

Page 85: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers

On demand computation

Function composition

Parallel computation


Pros Cons

No error management

No elasticity

No resilience

Page 86: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers

No on demand computation

Function composition

Parallel computation


Error management

Pros Cons

No elasticity

No resilience

Page 87: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers

Step 4Akka cluster

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Integrating Akka ClusterlibraryDependencies ++= Seq( "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-cluster" % "2.2.0")

Page 89: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers

Cluster RouterClusterRouterConfig

Can create actors on different nodes of the cluster Role Local actors or not Control number of actors per node per system

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Cluster RouterAdaptiveLoadBalancingRouter

Collect metrics (CPU, HEAP, LOAD) via JMX or Hyperic Sigar and make load balancing

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val calculator = system.actorOf(Props[Backend].withRouter(

RoundRobinRouter(nrOfInstances = 10)),"calculator")


val calculator = system.actorOf(Props[Backend] .withRouter(ClusterRouterConfig(

local = localRouter, settings = clusterSettings))

, "calculator")}

Page 92: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers


Routee 3

Routee 1

Actor System

Routee 4

Routee 3

Actor System

Routee 6

Routee 5

Actor System


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cluster {

seed-nodes = ["akka.tcp://[email protected]:2551","akka.tcp://[email protected]:2552"] auto-down = on


Page 94: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers


Routee 3

Routee 1

Actor System

Routee 4

Routee 3

Actor System

Routee 6

Routee 5

Actor System


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+ Nothing changed

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+ Nothing changed

val totalPaid = Enumeratee.map[Row](row =>

row.interests + row.amortization


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AmountConsumerdef sum = Iteratee.fold[Amount, Amount]

(Amount(0, EUR))(_ + _)

+ Nothing changed

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Function composition

Parallel computation


Error management

Pros Cons

No on demand computation

No elasticity

No resilience

Page 99: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers

Function composition

Parallel computation


Error management

Pros Cons

No on demand computation

No elasticity

No resilience

Page 100: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers

Function composition

Parallel computation


Error management



Network serialization

Pros Cons

No on demand computation

Page 101: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers

Stream API

Step 1

5000 loans50 rows

~ 560 ms

with pause~ 144900 ms


Step 2

5000 loans50 rows

~ 4571 ms

with pause~ 39042 ms

Akka actor

Step 3

5000 loans50 rows

~ 4271 ms

with pause~ 40882 ms

Akka cluster

Step 4

5000 loans50 rows

~ 6213 ms

with pause~ 77957 ms

1 node / 2 actors

Page 102: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers

Stream API

Step 1

5000 loans50 rows

~ 560 ms

with pause~ 144900 ms


Step 2

5000 loans50 rows

~ 4571 ms

with pause~ 39042 ms

Akka actor

Step 3

5000 loans50 rows

~ 4271 ms

with pause~ 40882 ms

Akka cluster

Step 4

5000 loans50 rows

~ 5547 ms

with pause~ 39695 ms

2 nodes / 4 actors

Page 103: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers


Page 104: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers

Stream API

Step 1

powerful library

low memory

performance when single



Step 2

Akka actor

Step 3

error management

control on parallel execution via configuration

Akka cluster

Step 4




elegant API

enable asynchronism

and parallelism

Page 105: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers

It’s all about trade-off

Page 106: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers

But do you really need distribution?

Page 107: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers

Hot subject

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Recent presentation from «Heather Miller» for spores (distribuables closures) [2]

Recent release of Scala 2.10.3 and performance optimization of Promise

Release candidate of play-iteratee module with performance optimization

Lots of stuff in the roadmap of Akka cluster 2.3.0

Page 109: POC d'une architecture distribuee de calculs financiers

YOUFOR watching

