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Please have your homework out… Rank plans from harshest (1) to most lenient (3) on the former Confederacy….

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Please have your homework out…. Rank plans from harshest (1) to most lenient (3) on the former Confederacy…. Lincoln’s 2 nd Inaugural Address. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Please have your homework out…Rank plans from harshest (1) to most lenient

(3) on the former Confederacy….

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Lincoln’s 2nd Inaugural AddressWith malice toward none, with charity for all,

with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow and for his orphans, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and a lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.

10 days later he is assassinated

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Key questions: Lincoln’s 10% Plan Johnson’s Plan Radical Republicans

How easily can southern states re-enter the Union?

“Quick and easy”10% of voters swear allegiance,

“Quick and easy” PUNISH THE SOUTHMAJORITY OF VOTERS must swear allegiance

How should former Confederates be treated?

Pardon all who would swear allegiance to UnionCompensation for lost property ($)

Pardon all who would swear allegiance to UnionRestoration of land

DESTROY power of former slaveholdersTreat them like criminalsTake land and give to freedmen

How should former slaves be treated?

Southern states must abolish slaverySouthern states must educate freedmenNO GUARANTEE FOR SOCIAL OR POLITICAL EQUALITY

Just abolish slaveryAGAINST vote for freedmenStates’ rights (up to southern states on how to treat freedmen)

FULL citizenshipRight to voteEQUAL RIGHTS (WADE DAVIS BILL)

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The battle over Reconstruction

President Andrew JohnsonRadical Republican congressman Thaddeus Stevens

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What are the major differences between the Radical Republicans and Andrew Johnson?

• Which plan do you think would be more likely to unite the country after the Civil War?

• Why do you think the Radical Republican plan was considered “radical?”

• What do you predict actually happened during Reconstruction?

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13th Amendment (1st Amendment in 60 years)Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary

servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction

No More slavery!

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Freedmen’s Bureau ActsPROVISIONS:

Education for freedmenLater- Supervises labor contracts between

former slaves and whitesREASON:

Emergency help for freedmenIMP’T:

Federal gov. trying to assist Former slaves

(Johnson vetoes; Congress overrides)

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Civil Rights Act 1866PROVISIONS:

Gives “citizenship rights” to everyone born in America (make and enforce contracts, sue and be sued, give

evidence in court, and inherit, purchase, lease, sell, hold, and convey real and personal property)

REASON:Passed in response to BLACK CODES (southern states

passing laws limiting rights of freedmen)IMP’T:

Major attempt to increase in federal power over states(Johnson vetoes; Congress overrides)

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Reconstruction ActPROVISIONS:

Abolish southern state governmentsSplit it up into 5 military districts

REASONS:Federal government taking control of the

South to enforce reformIMP’T:

Radicals officially take over Reconstruction in the South

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14th amendmentPROVISIONS:

Gives citizenship to anyone born in USA (former slaves)****makes Bill of Rights applicable to states******Sections 3 & 4- PUNISH THE SOUTH

(Confederate war debt or pension can be honored No high ranking Confederate can have ANY political position

without 2/3 of Congress okaying it)REASON:

Protect rights of former slaves/ punish the southIMP’T:

All born in America are citizens****Bill of Rights applies to states****

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15th Amendment- Right to vote cannot be denied because of racePROVISION:

Right to vote cannot be denied based on raceREASON:

Southern states not letting freedmen voteHistorical importance:

Race can’t be an issue

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Closure:The Civil War can be seen as a war over…

states rights- where should power be- at the state or federal level?

or a war over slavery/ status of African Americans

Name one way Radical Reconstruction attempted to answer each of these questions…

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What do you think a “carpetbagger” is, based on these cartoons?How do you think southerners viewed

Reconstruction? Be specific…

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HOMEWORK:For your assigned topic,

IDENTIFY MAIN IDEAFind at least three supporting details that

support, explain it

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Closure Question:Did Radical Republicans go far enough in

trying to reform the south?

Did they go too far in increasing the federal governments authority in states?

Why do you think so? Be specific in where they went too far or not far enough…

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Closure Question:

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Under Reconstruction, Republican government control the South:scalawags- white southern “traitors” who

cooperate with the Republican governments

Carpetbaggers- northern Republicans who move into the south

Freedmen- former slaves (90% Republican)

1868 cartoon

1872 cartoon

1867 cartoon- militaryregistering freedmento vote

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Jigsaw Assignment:12 minutes-

All in group agree on main idea(s) and good details to be used to explain topic

Create a “foldable” 1st page- main ideas(s) Inside pages- supporting details May use bullets or images to explain

Use foldable to briefly explain how life changed for freedmen. All in group should have a role.

20 minutesPresent to class (

HW: answer question on sheet in a paragraphFocus on 3 most important changes in your view;

explain why