plc and cnc machines

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  • 8/13/2019 plc and cnc machines





    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the

    Requirements for the award of

    Degree of Bachelor of Technology in Elecronic! an" Co##$nicaion



    Roll No: !""!"#"$!


    Department of Electronics and Communication EngineeringS%hool of En&ineerin& and Te%hnolo&'( Sharda Uni)ersit'

    Greater Noida( U*+*,-"!#".


  • 8/13/2019 plc and cnc machines



    1 hereb' de%lare that the 1ndustrial Trainin& Report entitled 2+34 and 4N4 s'stems in

    industrial ma%hine tools2 is an authenti% re%ord of m' own wor5 as requirements of .,

    6ee5s 1ndustrial Trainin& durin& the period from !7,".,-"!# to -8,"8,-"!# for the

    award of de&ree of B*Te%h* /Ele%troni%s and 4ommuni%ation En&ineerin&0( S%hool of

    En&ineerin& and Te%hnolo&'( Sharda Uni)ersit'( Greater Noida( under the &uidan%e of

    9*Ar)ind 5umar*

    &Signa$re of !$"en'

    Bo""a D$rga Te(a



    4ertified that the abo)e statement made b' the student is %orre%t to the best of our

    5nowled&e and belief*


    E-a#ine" .y%

    !* -* #*

    Hea" of De/ar#en

    &Signa$re an" Seal'

  • 8/13/2019 plc and cnc machines



    The su%%ess and final out%ome of this proe%t required a lot of &uidan%e and assistan%e

    from man' people and 1 am e;tremel' fortunate to ha)e &ot this all alon& the %ompletion

    of m' proe%t wor5* 6hate)er 1 ha)e done is onl' due to su%h &uidan%e and assistan%e

    and 1 would not for&et to than5 them*

    1 respe%t and than5( for &i)in& me an opportunit' to do the proe%t wor5 in B*

  • 8/13/2019 plc and cnc machines




  • 8/13/2019 plc and cnc machines


    1n all( orders for more than 8"" utilit' sets of thermal( h'dro( &as and nu%lear has

    been pla%ed on the %ompan' as on date* The power plant equipment manufa%tured b'


  • 8/13/2019 plc and cnc machines


    %o,&eneration plants( DG power plants( industrial steam turbines( industrial boilers and

    au;iliaries( waste heat re%o)er' boilers( &as turbines( heat e;%han&ers and pressure

    )essels %entrifu&al %ompressors( ele%tri%al ma%hines( pumps( )al)es( seam less steel

    tubes( ele%trostati% pre%ipitators fabri% filters( rea%tors( fluidiCed bed %ombustion boilers(

    %hemi%al re%o)er' boilers and pro%ess %ontrols*

    The %ompan' is a maor produ%er of lar&e siCe th'ristor de)i%es* 1t also supplies

    di&ital distributed %ontrol s'stems for pro%ess industries and %ontrol and instrumentation

    s'stems for power plant and industrial appli%ations* The %ompan' has %ommen%ed

    manufa%ture lar&e desalination plants to help au&ment the suppl' of drin5in& water to




  • 8/13/2019 plc and cnc machines


    Rene4a.le Energy

    Te%hnolo&ies that %an be offered b' B

  • 8/13/2019 plc and cnc machines


    Ta.le of conen!

    !* +ro&rammable lo&i% %ontrollers /+340

    i* +34 histor'

    ii* 3adder lo&i% and arra's

    iii* +34 pro&rammin&

    i)* +34 operation

    )* 4ase stud'

    -* 4N4 s'stems

    i* 1ntrodu%tion

    ii* Elements of 4N4 ma%hine tool

    iii* Output elements

    i)* 4onfi&uration of a 4N4 s'stem

    )* Elements of 4N4 ma%hine tool

    #* Tools and te%hnolo&' used

    i* 3adder lo&i%

    ii* +ro%ess of Retrofittin&

    7* Snapshots

    ?* 4on%lusion and future s%ope

    .* Referen%es

  • 8/13/2019 plc and cnc machines


  • 8/13/2019 plc and cnc machines


    Li! of fig$re!

    !* A Simple Rela' 3a'outs and S%hemati%s

    -* A Simple Rela' 4ontroller

    #* A +34 1llustrated with Rela's

    7* A Seal in 4ir%uit

    ?* A Simple 3adder 3o&i% Dia&ram

    .* An E;ample of a nemoni% and Equi)alent 3adder 3o&i%

    8* An E;ample of a Sequential un%tion 4hart

    $* An E;ample of Stru%tured Tree +ro&ram

    @* The Separation of 4ontroller and +ro%ess

    !"* The S%an 4'%le of a +34

  • 8/13/2019 plc and cnc machines




    4ontrol en&ineerin& has e)ol)ed o)er time* 1n the past humans were the main method for

    %ontrollin& a s'stem* ore re%entl' ele%tri%it' has been used for %ontrol and earl'

    ele%tri%al %ontrol was based on rela's* These rela's allow power to be swit%hed on and

    off without a me%hani%al swit%h* 1t is %ommon to use rela's to ma5e simple lo&i%al

    %ontrol de%isions* The de)elopment of low %ost %omputer has brou&ht the most re%ent

    re)olution( the +ro&rammable 3o&i% 4ontroller /+340* The ad)ent of the +34 be&an in

    the !@8"s( and has be%ome the most %ommon %hoi%e for manufa%turin& %ontrols*

    +34s ha)e been &ainin& popularit' on the fa%tor' floor and will probabl' remain

    predominant for some time to %ome* ost of this is be%ause of the ad)anta&es the' offer*

    !* Reliable %omponents ma5e these li5el' to operate for 'ears before failure*

    -* le;ible and %an be re,applied to %ontrol other s'stems qui%5l' and easil'

    #* 4omputational abilities allow more sophisti%ated %ontrol*

    7* Troubleshootin& aids ma5e pro&rammin& easier and redu%e downtime*

    ?* Reliable %omponents ma5e these li5el' to operate for 'ears before failure*


    3adder lo&i% is the main pro&rammin& method used for +34s* As mentioned

    before( ladder lo&i% has been de)eloped to mimi% rela' lo&i%* The de%ision to use the

    rela' lo&i% dia&rams was a strate&i% one* B' sele%tin& ladder lo&i% as the main

    pro&rammin& method( the amount of retrainin& needed for en&ineers and tradespeople

    was &reatl' redu%ed*

    odern %ontrol s'stems still in%lude rela's( but these are rarel' used for lo&i%* A

    rela' is a simple de)i%e that uses a ma&neti% field to %ontrol a swit%h( as pi%tured in

    i&ure-*!* 6hen a )olta&e is applied to the input %oil( the resultin& %urrent %reates a

  • 8/13/2019 plc and cnc machines


    ma&neti% field* The ma&neti% field pulls a metal swit%h /or reed0 towards it and the

    %onta%ts tou%h(%losin& the swit%h* The %onta%t that %loses when the %oil is ener&iCed is

    %alled normall' open* The normall' %losed %onta%ts tou%h when the input %oil is not

    ener&iCed* Rela's are normall' drawn in s%hemati% form usin& a %ir%le to represent the

    input %oil* The output %onta%ts are shown with two parallel lines* Normall' open %onta%tsare shown as two lines( and will be open /non,%ondu%tin&0 when the input is not

    ener&iCed* Normall' %losed %onta%ts are shown with two lines with a dia&onal line

    throu&h them* 6hen the input %oil is not ener&iCed the normall' %losed %onta%ts will be

    %losed /%ondu%tin&0*

    1nput %oil





    Figure 1*Simple Relay Layouts and Schematics

  • 8/13/2019 plc and cnc machines


    Rela's are used to let one power sour%e %lose a swit%h for another /often hi&h %ur,

    rent0 power sour%e( while 5eepin& them isolated* An e;ample of a rela' in a simple

    %ontrol appli%ation is shown in i&ure -* 1n this s'stem the first rela' on the left is used as

    normall' %losed( and will allow %urrent to flow until a )olta&e is applied to the input A*

    The se%ond rela' is normall' open and will not allow %urrent to flow until a )olta&e is

    applied to the input B* 1f %urrent is flowin& throu&h the first two rela's then %urrent will

    flow throu&h the %oil in the third rela'( and %lose the swit%h for output 4* This %ir%uit

    would normall' be drawn in the ladder lo&i% form* This %an be read lo&i%all' as 4 will be

    on if A is off and B is on*

    1nput A

    Normall' %losed

    1nput BNormall' opened

    1nput 4

    Normall' open

    3adder lo&i%



    Figure 2 A simple relay controller

  • 8/13/2019 plc and cnc machines


    The e;ample in i&ure - does not show the entire %ontrol s'stem( but onl' the

    lo&i%* 6hen we %onsider a +34 there are inputs( outputs( and the lo&i%* i&ure # shows a

    more %omplete representation of the +34*

  • 8/13/2019 plc and cnc machines


    an' rela's also ha)e multiple outputs /throws0 and this allows an output rela' to

    also be an input simultaneousl'* The %ir%uit shown in i&ure 7 is an e;ample of this( it is%alled a seal in %ir%uit* 1n this %ir%uit the %urrent %an flow throu&h either bran%h of the

    %ir%uit( throu&h the %onta%ts labelled A or B* The input B will onl' be on when the output

    B is on* 1f B is off( and A is ener&iCed( then B will turn on* 1f B turns on then the input B

    will turn on( and 5eep output B on e)en if input A &oes off* After B is turned on the

    output B will not turn off*



    Note when A is pushed the output B will turn on and the input B alsoturn onand 5eep B on permanentl' until the power is remo)ed

    The line on the ri&ht is bein& left off intentionall' and it is implied in

    these dia&rams

    Figure 4 A seal-in circuit

  • 8/13/2019 plc and cnc machines



    The first +34s were pro&rammed with a te%hnique that was based on rela' lo&i%

    wirin& s%hemati%s* This eliminated the need to tea%h the ele%tri%ians( te%hni%ians and en&i,

    neers how to pro&ram a %omputer , but( this method has stu%5 and it is the most %ommon

    te%hnique for pro&rammin& +34s toda'* An e;ample of ladder lo&i% %an be seen in i&ure

    ?* To interpret this dia&ram ima&ine that the power is on the )erti%al line on the left hand

    side( we %all this the hot rail* On the ri&ht hand side is the neutral rail* 1n the fi&ure there

    are two run&s( and on ea%h run& there are %ombinations of inputs /two )erti%al lines0 and

    outputs /%ir%les0* 1f the inputs are opened or %losed in the ri&ht %ombination the power %an

    flow from the hot rail( throu&h the inputs( to power the outputs( and finall' to the neutral

    rail* An input %an %ome from a sensor( swit%h( or an' other t'pe of sensor* An output will

    be some de)i%e outside the +34 that is swit%hed on or off( su%h as li&hts or motors* 1n thetop run& the %onta%ts are normall' open and normall' %losed* 6hi%h means if input A is on

    and input B is off( then power will flow throu&h the output and a%ti)ate it* An' other %om,

    The first +34s were pro&rammed with a te%hnique that was based on rela' lo&i%

    wirin& s%hemati%s* This eliminated the need to tea%h the ele%tri%ians( te%hni%ians and en&i,

    neers how to pro&ram a %omputer , but( this method has stu%5 and it is the most %ommon

    te%hnique for pro&rammin& +34s toda'* An e;ample of ladder lo&i% %an be seen in i&ure

    ?* To inter ret this dia ram ima ine that the ower is on the )erti%al line on the left hand

  • 8/13/2019 plc and cnc machines


    The se%ond run& of i&ure ? is more %omple;( there are a%tuall' multiple %ombi,

    nations of inputs that will result in the output K turnin& on* On the left most part of the

    run&( power %ould flow throu&h the top if 4 is off and D is on* +ower %ould also /and

    simultaneousl'0 flow throu&h the bottom if both E and are true* This would &et power

    half wa' a%ross the run&( and then if G or < is true the power will be deli)ered to output

    K* 1n later %hapters we will e;amine how to interpret and %onstru%t these dia&rams*

    There are other methods for pro&rammin& +34s* One of the earliest te%hniques

    in)ol)ed mnemoni% instru%tions* These instru%tions %an be deri)ed dire%tl' from the lad,

    der lo&i% dia&rams and entered into the +34 throu&h a simple pro&rammin& terminal* An

    e;ample of mnemoni%s is shown in i&ure .* 1n this e;ample the instru%tions are readone line at a time from top to bottom* The first line """"" has the instru%tion 3DN /input

    load and not0 for input """"!* This will e;amine the input to the +34 and if it is off it

    will remember a ! /or true0( if it is on it will remember a " /or false0* The ne;t line uses

    an 3D /input load0 statement to loo5 at the input* 1f the input is off it remembers a "( if

    the input is on it remembers a ! /note: this is the re)erse of the 3D0* The AND statement

    re%alls the last two numbers remembered and if both are true the result is a !( otherwise

    the result is a "* This result now repla%es the two numbers that were re%alled( and there is

    onl' one number remembered* The pro%ess is repeated for lines """"# and """"7( but

    when these are done there are now three numbers remembered* The oldest number is

    from the AND( the newer numbers are from the two 3D instru%tions* The AND in line

    """"? %ombines the results from the last 3D instru%tions and now there are two numbers

    remembered* The OR instru%tion ta5es the two numbers now remainin& and if either one

    is a ! the result is a !( otherwise the result is a "* This result repla%es the two numbers(

    and there is now a sin&le number there* The last instru%tion is the ST /store output0 that

    will loo5 at the last )alue stored and if it is !( the output will be turned on( if it is " the

    output will be turned off*

  • 8/13/2019 plc and cnc machines
















    Figure !" An eample o# mnemonic program
















  • 8/13/2019 plc and cnc machines


    The ladder lo&i% pro&ram in i&ure .( is equi)alent to the mnemoni% pro&ram*

    E)en if 'ou ha)e pro&rammed a +34 with ladder lo&i%( it will be %on)erted to mnemoni%

    form before bein& used b' the +34* 1n the past mnemoni% pro&rammin& was the most

    %ommon( but now it is un%ommon for users to e)en see mnemoni% pro&rams*

    Sequential un%tion 4harts /S4s0 ha)e been de)eloped to a%%ommodate the pro,

    &rammin& of more ad)an%ed s'stems* These are similar to flow%harts( but mu%h more

    powerful* The e;ample seen in i&ure 8 is doin& two different thin&s* To read the %hart(

    start at the top where is sa's start* Below this there is the double horiContal line that sa's

    follow both paths* As a result the +34 will start to follow the bran%h on the left and ri&ht

    hand sides separatel' and simultaneousl'* On the left there are two fun%tions the first one

    is the power up fun%tion* This fun%tion will run until it de%ides it is done( and the power

    down fun%tion will %ome after* On the ri&ht hand side is the flash fun%tion( this will run

    until it is done* These fun%tions loo5 une;plained( but ea%h fun%tion( su%h as power up

    will be a small ladder lo&i% pro&ram* This method is mu%h different from flow%harts

    be%ause it does not ha)e to follow a sin&le path throu&h the flow%hart*

    #igure $"se%uential #unction chart



    +ower up

    +ower down




  • 8/13/2019 plc and cnc machines


    Stru%tured Te;t pro&rammin& has been de)eloped as a more modern pro&rammin&

    lan&ua&e* 1t is quite similar to lan&ua&es su%h as BAS14* A simple e;ample is shown in

    i&ure $* This e;ample uses a +34 memor' lo%ation N8:"* This memor' lo%ation is for

    an inte&er( as will be e;plained later in the boo5* The first line of the pro&ram sets the

    )alue to "* The ne;t line be&ins a loop( and will be where the loop returns to* The ne;tline re%alls the )alue in lo%ation N8:"( adds ! to it and returns it to the same lo%ation* The

    ne;t line %he%5s to see if the loop should quit* 1f N8:" is &reater than or equal to !"( then

    the loop will quit( otherwise the %omputer will &o ba%5 up to the RE+EAT statement

    %ontinue from there* Ea%h time the pro&ram &oes throu&h this loop N8:" will in%rease b'

    ! until the )alue rea%hes !"*

    N8:" :L "M


    N8:" :L N8:" I !M

    UNT13 N8:" L !"


    An e;ample of stru%tured pro&ram

    )67 PLC connecion!

    6hen a pro%ess is %ontrolled b' a +34 it uses inputs from sensors to ma5e de%i,

    sions and update outputs to dri)e a%tuators( as shown in i&ure @* The pro%ess is a real

    pro%ess that will %han&e o)er time* A%tuators will dri)e the s'stem to new states /or

    modes of operation0* This means that the %ontroller is limited b' the sensors a)ailable( if

    an input is not a)ailable( the %ontroller will ha)e no wa' to dete%t a %ondition*



    eedba%5 fromsensors=swit%hes

    4onne%tions to a%tuators

    #igure &"'he separation o# control and process

  • 8/13/2019 plc and cnc machines


    The %ontrol loop is a %ontinuous %'%le of the +34 readin& inputs( sol)in& the lad,

    der lo&i%( and then %han&in& the outputs* 3i5e an' %omputer this does not happen

    instantl'* i&ure !" shows the basi% operation %'%le of a +34* 6hen power is turned on

    initiall' the +34 does a qui%5 sanit' %he%5 to ensure that the hardware is wor5in& prop,

    erl'* 1f there is a problem the +34 will halt and indi%ate there is an error* or e;ample( ifthe +34 ba%5up batter' is low and power was lost( the memor' will be %orrupt and this

    will result in a fault* 1f the +34 passes the sanit' %he%5 it will then s%an /read0 all the

    inputs* After the inputs )alues are stored in memor' the ladder lo&i% will be s%anned

    /sol)ed0 usin& the stored )alues , not the %urrent )alues* This is done to pre)ent lo&i%

    problems when inputs %han&e durin& the ladder lo&i% s%an* 6hen the ladder lo&i% s%an is

    %omplete the outputs will be s%anned /the output )alues will be %han&ed0* After this the

    s'stem &oes ba%5 to do a sanit' %he%5( and the loop %ontinues indefinitel'* Unli5e normal

    %omputers( the entire pro&ram will be run e)er' s%an* T'pi%al times for ea%h of the sta&es

    is in the order of millise%onds*

    Figure 1( "'he scan cycle o# plc

  • 8/13/2019 plc and cnc machines



    +34 inputs are easil' represented in ladder lo&i%* 1n the below i&ure there are

    three t'pes of inputs shown* The first two are normall' open and normall' %losed inputs(

    dis%ussed pre)iousl'* The 11T /1mmediate 1npuT0 fun%tion allows inputs to be read after

    the input s%an( while the ladder lo&i% is bein& s%anned* This allows ladder lo&i% to

    e;amine input )alues more often than on%e e)er' %'%le*

    Ladder Logic )nputs

    La""er Logic O$/$!

    1n ladder lo&i% there are multiple t'pes of outputs( but these are not %onsistentl'

    a)ailable on all +34s* Some of the outputs will be e;ternall' %onne%ted to de)i%es

  • 8/13/2019 plc and cnc machines


    outside the +34( but it is also possible to use internal memor' lo%ations in the +34*

    Three t'pes of outputs are shown in below i&ure* The first is a normal output( when

    ener&iCed the output will turn on( and ener&iCe an output* The %ir%le with a dia&onal line

    throu&h is a normall' on output* 6hen ener&iCed the output will turn off* This t'pe of

    output is not a)ailable on all +34 t'pes* 6hen initiall' ener&iCed the OSR /One ShotRela'0 instru%tion will turn on for one s%an( but then be off for all s%ans after( until it is

    turned off* The 3 /lat%h0 and U /unlat%h0 instru%tions %an be used to lo%5 outputs on*

    6hen an 3 output is ener&iCed the output will turn on indefinitel'( e)en when the output

    %oil is de ener&iCed* The output %an onl' be turned off usin& a output* The last instru%tion

    is the 1OT /1mmediate Output0 that will allow outputs to be updated without ha)in& to

    wait for the ladder lo&i% s%an to be %ompleted*

    Ladder logic outputs

  • 8/13/2019 plc and cnc machines


    )69 CASE STUDY%

    +roblem: Tr' to de)elop a rela' based %ontroller

    that will allow three swit%hes in a room to %ontrol a sin&le li&ht*

    Solution: There are two possible approa%hes to this problem* The first assumes that an'

    one of the swit%hes on will turn on the li&ht( but all three swit%hes must be off for the

    li&ht to be off*

    swit%h ! swit%h - swit%h #


    Swit%h !


    Swit%h -

  • 8/13/2019 plc and cnc machines


    The se%ond solution assumes that ea%h swit%h %an turn the li&ht on or off( re&ardless of

    the states of the other swit%hes* This method is more %omple; and in)ol)es thin5in&

    throu&h all of the possible %ombinations of swit%h positions* Kou mi&ht re%o&niCe

    this problem as an e;%lusi)e or problem*

    swit%h ! swit%h - swit%h #

    swit%h ! swit%h - swit%h #

    swit%h ! swit%h - swit%h #

    Swit%h #

    Note: 1t is important to &et a %lear understandin& of how the %ontrols are e;pe%ted to

    wor5* 1n this e;ample two radi%all' different solutions were obtained based upon a

    simple differen%e in the operation*



  • 8/13/2019 plc and cnc machines


    2. CNC Sy!e#!

    :6) Inro"$cion

    The 4N4 is a %omputer based ele%troni% equipment that re%ei)es %ommands in

    di&ital form from perforated tape or other t'pes of input( as well as positional information

    of %ertain elements of the ma%hine* The 4N4 interprets %ertain of these di&ital data as

    requirements for new positions of the ma%hine elements and &i)es appropriate %ommands

    of dire%tion and )elo%it'* The 4N4 also interprets %ertain other additional data as

    %ommand of )elo%it'( of dis%rete fun%tions( of a%tions et%*

    Numeri%al %ontrol /N40 is a method emplo'ed for %ontrollin& the motions of a

    ma%hine tool slide and its au;iliar' fun%tions with an input in the form of numeri%al data*

    A %omputer numeri%al %ontrol /4N40 is a mi%ropro%essor based s'stem to store and

    pro%ess the data for the %ontrol of slide motions and au;iliar' fun%tions of the ma%hine

    tools* The 4N4 s'stem is the heart and brain of a 4N4 ma%hine whi%h enable the

    operation of the )arious ma%hine members su%h as a slides( spindles( et%* as per the

    sequen%e pro&rammed into it( dependin& on the ma%hinin& operations*

    The main ad)anta&e of a 4N4 s'stem lies in the fa%t that the s5ills of the operator

    hitherto required in the operation of a %on)entional ma%hine is remo)ed and the part

    produ%tion is made automati%*

  • 8/13/2019 plc and cnc machines


    The 4N4 s'stems are %onstru%ted with an N4 unit inte&rated with a

    pro&rammable lo&i% %ontroller /+340 and sometimes with an additional e;ternal +34

    /non,inte&rated0* The N4 %ontrols the spindle mo)ement and the speeds and feeds in

    ma%hinin&* 1t %al%ulates the tra)ersin& paths of the a;es as defined b' the inputs* The

    +34 %ontrols the peripheral a%tuatin& elements of the ma%hine su%h as solenoids( rela'

    %oils( et%* 6or5in& to&ether( the N4 and +34 enable the ma%hine tool to operate


    Ele#en! of a CNC Machine Tool

    1n a 4N4 ma%hine tool there are three maor &roups of elements

    4ontrol and ele%troni%s

    Ele%tri% dri)es /ele%trome%hani%al dri)es0

    e%hani%al elements /table( Slide( tool holder( et%*0

    1n addition( there %an be h'drauli% and pneumati% s'stems( whi%h are inte&rated with

    the 4N4 ma%hine tool*

    The primar' fun%tion of the dri)e is to %ause motion of the %ontrolled ma%hine

    tool member /spindle( slide( et%*0 to %onform as %losel' as possible to the motion

    %ommands issued b' the 4N4 s'stem*

  • 8/13/2019 plc and cnc machines


    1n order to maintain a %onstant material remo)al rate( the spindle and the tool

    mo)ements ha)e to be %oordinated su%h that the spindle has a %onstant power and the

    slide has a %onstant torque*

    In/$ Ele#en!

    So#e of he co##only e#/loye" in/$ ele#en! are /$!h;.$on< foo !4icher &MCB'

    An 4B is a prote%ti)e de)i%e( whi%h will pro)ide both o)erload and short %ir%uit

    prote%tion when %onne%ted in a %ir%uit*

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    spindle and whene)er this does not mat%h with the pro&rammed )alues( a %orre%ti)e

    a%tion is ta5en*

    S/ee" Conrol Uni

    This unit a%ts in unison with the 4+U for the mo)ement of the ma%hine a;es* The 4+U

    sends the %ontrol si&nals &enerated for the mo)ement of the a;is to the ser)o,%ontrol unit

    and the ser)o,%ontrol unit %on)erts these si&nals into a suitable di&ital or analo& si&nal to

    be fed to a ser)o,dri)er for ma%hine tool a;is mo)ement* This also %he%5s whether

    ma%hine tool a;is mo)ement is at the same speed as dire%ted b' the 4+U*

    Ser=o Conrol Uni

    The de%oded position and )elo%it' %ontrol si&nals( &enerated b' the 4+U for the a;is

    mo)ement forms the input to the ser)o,%ontrol unit* This unit in turn &enerates suitable

    si&nals as %ommand )alues* The %ommand )alues are %on)erted b' the ser)o,dri)e unit

    whi%h are interfa%ed with the a;es and the spindle motors*

    The ser)o,%ontrol unit re%ei)es the position feedba%5 si&nals for the a%tual mo)ement of

    the ma%hine tool a;es from the feedba%5 de)i%es /li5e linear s%ales( rotar' en%oders(

    resol)ers( et%*0* The )elo%it' feedba%5 are &enerall' obtained throu&h ta%ho &enerators*

    The feedba%5 si&nals are passed on to the 4+U for further pro%essin&* Thus( the ser)o,

    %ontrol unit performs the data %ommuni%ation between the ma%hine tool and the 4+U*

    The amount of mo)ement and the rate of mo)ement are %ontrolled b' the 4N4 s'stem*

    Clo!e" Loo/ Sy!e#

    The %losed loop s'stem is %hara%teriCed b' the presen%e of feedba%5* 1n this s'stem( the

    4N4 s'stem sends out %ommands for mo)ement and the result is %ontinuousl' monitored

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    b' the s'stem throu&h )arious feedba%5 de)i%es* There are &enerall' two t'pes of

    feedba%5 to a 4N4 s'stem,position feedba%5 and )elo%it' feedba%5*

    O/en Loo/ Sy!e#

    The open loop s'stem la%5s feedba%5* 1n this s'stem( the 4N4 s'stem sends out si&nals

    for mo)ement but does not %he%5 whether a%tual mo)ement is ta5in& pla%e or not*

    Stepper motors are used for a%tual mo)ement and the ele%troni%s of these stepper motors

    is run on di&ital pulses from the 4N4 s'stem*

    O/eraor Conrol Panel

    The operator %ontrol panel pro)ides the user interfa%e to fa%ilitate a two,wa'

    %ommuni%ation between the user( 4N4 s'stem and the ma%hine tool* The %onsists of two


    ideo displa' unit


    2i"eo Di!/lay Uni &2DU'

    The DU displa's the status of the )arious parameters of the 4N4 s'stem and the

    ma%hine tool* 1t displa's all %urrent information su%h as:

    4omplete information on the blo%5 %urrentl' bein& e;e%uted a%tual position )alues(

    set or a%tual differen%e( %urrent feed rate( spindle speed

    A%tual position )alue( set or a%tual differen%e( %urrent feed rate( spindle speed*

    A%ti)e G fun%tions( mis%ellaneous fun%tions

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    ain pro&ram number( subroutine number

    Displa' of all entered data( user pro&rams( user data( ma%hine data( et%*

    Alarm messa&es in plain te;t

    Soft 5e' desi&nations*


    A 5e'board is pro)ided for the followin& purposes:

    Editin& of part pro&rams( tool data( ma%hine parameters*

    Sele%tion of different pa&es for )iewin&*

    Sele%tion of operatin& modes( e*&*( manual data input( o&( et%*

    Sele%tion of feed rate o)erride and spindle speed o)erride

    E;e%ution of part pro&rams

    E;e%ution of other tool fun%tions

    Machine Conrol Panel &MCP'

    1t is the dire%t interfa%e between the operator and the N4 s'stem( enablin& the operation

    of the ma%hine throu&h the 4N4 s'stem*

    Durin& pro&ram e;e%ution( the 4N4 %ontrols the a;is motion( spindle fun%tion or tool

    fun%tion on a ma%hine tool( dependin& upon the part pro&ram stored in the memor'* +rior

    to the startin& of the ma%hinin& pro%ess( ma%hine should first be prepared with some

    spe%ifi% tas5s li5e(

    Establishin& a %orre%t referen%e point

    3oadin& the s'stem memor' with the required part pro&ram

    3oadin& and %he%5in& of tool offsets( Cero offsets( et%*

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    Mo"e! of O/eraion

    +reset mode

    anual data input /D10 mode

    Automati% mode

    Referen%e point mode

    o& mode

    1n%remental mode

    De!ign of #o"ern CNC M?CS

    The desi&n F %onstru%tion of %omputer numeri%all' %ontrolled /4N40 m=%s differs

    &reatl' from that of %on)entional m=% tools*

    1mportant parts and aspe%ts of 4N4 m=%Hs to be %onsidered in their desi&nin& :

    /a0 =4 stru%ture

    /b0 Guide wa's

    /%0 eed dri)es

    /d0 Spindle F spindle bearin&s

    /e0 4ontrollers( software F operator interfa%e

    /f0 easurin& instruments

    /&0 Gau&in&

    /h0 Tool monitorin&

    (a) M/c Structure:

    The =% stru%ture is the load %arr'in& F supportin& member of the =% tool* All themotors( dri)e me%hanism F other fun%tional assemblies of ma%hines tools are

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    ali&ned to ea%h other F ri&idl' fi;ed to the =% stru%ture* The =% stru%ture issube%ted to stati% of d'nami% for%es F it is( therefore( essential that the stru%ture

    does not deform or )ibrate be'ond the permissible limits under the a%tion of these


    (b) Guide ways:Guide wa's are used in =% tools to:

    i0 4ontrol the dire%tions or lines of a%tion of the %arria&e or the table on whi%h a

    tool or a wor5 pie%e is held*

    ii0 To absorb all the stati% F d'nami% for%es*

    (c) eed Dri!es:

    On a 4N4 =% the fun%tion of feed dri)es is to %ause motion of the slides as per the

    motion %ommands* Sin%e the de&ree of a%%ura%' requirement is hi&h( the feed dri)eshould ha)e hi&h effi%ien%' F response* The fed dri)e %onsists of /a0 ser)omotor/b0 e%hani%al transmission s'stem*

    (d) Spindle / Spindle "earings:

    aterial remo)al usin& sin&le point or multi point wor5 pie%e requires rotationalspeeds of the order of #",.""" rpm and e)en hi&her* All wor5 or tool %arr'in&

    spindles rotatin& at these speeds are sube%ted torsional and radial defle%tions* The'

    are also sube%ted to thrust for%es dependin& on the nature of the metal %uttin&operation bein& performed* To intorsional strain on the spindles the' are desi&ned to

    be as stiff as possible with a minimum o)er han&* Also( the final dri)e to the spindleshould be lo%ated as near as possible the bearin&s*

    (e) Gauging:

    Gau&in& on a =% tool is basi%all' used for wor5 pie%e inspe%tion( for definin& tool

    off,sets F for tool brea5in& dete%tion*

    (f) #ool monitoring systems:

    A tool monitorin& s'stem monitors the tool wear F tool brea5a&e*

    (g) Controls$ Software % &ser 'nterface:

    4N4 %ontrols are the heart of the 4N4 =4s* The earl' 4N4 %ontrols werede)eloped for simple appli%ations in turnin&( ma%hinin& %entres F &rindin&*

    The new &eneration %omputer numeri%al %ontrols allow simulations %ontrol of

    more a;es( interpolate positions faster( and use more data points for pre%ise %ontrol*

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    These pro%essors perform multi tas5s run one pro&rammin& F simulatin& a se%ond whi%h ma;imiCes the =% use*

    () Measuring systems:

    On all 4N4 =%( an ele%troni% measurin& s'stem is emplo'ed on ea%h %ontrolled

    a;is to monitor the mo)ement F to %ompare the position of the slide F the spindlewith the desired position*

    easurin& s'stems are used on 4N4 =%s for:

    /i0 onitorin& the positionin& of a slide on a slide wa'*

    /ii0 Orientin& the spindle table F measurin& the speed of the spindle*

    #urning Centre De!elopments

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    3esser floor spa%e

    1n%reased operational safet'

    a%hinin& of ad)an%ed materials

    Elimination of operator errors

    le;ibilit' in %han&es of %omponent desi&n

    Redu%ed inspe%tion

    A%%urate %ostin& and s%hedulin&

  • 8/13/2019 plc and cnc machines


    Tool! an" Technology U!e"

    La""er Logic

    La""er logichas e)ol)ed into a pro&rammin& lan&ua&e that represents a pro&ram b' a

    &raphi%al dia&ram based on the %ir%uit dia&rams of rela' lo&i% hardware* 3adder lo&i% is

    used to de)elop software for pro&rammable lo&i% %ontrollers /+34s0 used in industrial

    %ontrol appli%ations* The name is based on the obser)ation that pro&rams in this lan&ua&e

    resemble ladders( with two )erti%al rails and a series of horiContal run&s between them*

    3adder lo&i% is widel' used to pro&ram +34s( where sequential %ontrol of a pro%ess or

    manufa%turin& operation is required* 3adder lo&i% is useful for simple but %riti%al %ontrol

    s'stems or for rewor5in& old hardwired rela' %ir%uits* As pro&rammable lo&i% %ontrollers

    be%ame more sophisti%ated it has also been used in )er' %omple; automation s'stems*


    Rerofiingrefers to the addition of new te%hnolo&' or features to older s'stems*

    power plant retrofit( impro)in& power plant effi%ien%' = in%reasin& output =

    redu%in& emissions

    home ener&' retrofit( the impro)in& of e;istin& buildin&s with ener&' effi%ien%'


    seismi% retrofit( the pro%ess of stren&thenin& older buildin&s in order to ma5e

    them earthqua5e resistant

  • 8/13/2019 plc and cnc machines



    !* 4N4 s'stem After retrofittin&

    -* 4N4 s'stem before retrofittin&

  • 8/13/2019 plc and cnc machines


    #* 4N4 s'stem


  • 8/13/2019 plc and cnc machines



    This report has dis%ussed the role that pro&rammable lo&i% %ontrollers ha)e in the

    effi%ient desi&n and %ontrol of me%hani%al pro%esses* Also dis%ussed about the

    understandin& 4N4 S'stems and the operation of it* inall'( the report has dis%ussed

    rela' lo&i% and the e)olution that ladder lo&i% made from it*

    !* +ro&rammable 3o&i%

  • 8/13/2019 plc and cnc machines



    The ma%hine that we ha)e retrofitted is ust an e;ample of preliminar' retrofittin&

    5eepin& in mind the use and the %osts in%urred* There is a hu&e s%ope for further

    impro)ements in the ma%hine* These %an be listed as below:

    A multi station tool turret %an be in%orporated in the e;istin& 4N4 ma%hine*

    Automati% 4lampin& me%hanism %an be installed /Draw bar e%hanism0*

    Automati% Tool 4han&in& /AT40 de)i%es usin& Roboti% Arm Te%hnolo&'*

    Automati% +allet 4han&er /A+40 for automati% wor5 pie%e %han&in&*

    A 4hip 4on)e'or %an be in%orporated for eas' and hassle free disposal of %hips*

  • 8/13/2019 plc and cnc machines



    !* http:==en*wi5ipedia*or&=wi5i=Retrofittin&

    -* http:==en*wi5ipedia*or&=wi5i=3adderlo&i%

    #* http:==web*bhelh'd*%o*in

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