planning for business continuity

Planning for Business Continuity Planning for Pandemic Theresa Rowe Oakland University

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Planning for Business Continuity. Planning for Pandemic Theresa Rowe Oakland University. Stuff Happens. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Planning for Business Continuity

Planning for Pandemic

Theresa Rowe Oakland University

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Stuff Happens

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and

everywhereThe ceremony of innocence is drowned;

The best lack all conviction, while the worst

Are full of passionate intensity.

The Collected Poems of W. B. Yeats, ed. Richard J. Finneran New York: Macmillan, 1989

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Our Experience Fire in building March 1994 Environmental cleaning June 1997 Faulty discharge of Halon December 2000 Crisis September 11, 2001 Ice storm April 2002 Combined electrical / UPS failure July 2002 East coast electrical failure August 2003 Virus invasion September 2003 Invasive hack November 2004

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Recognizing a Disaster

Facility damaged or contaminated Disrupted communications Unauthorized exposure or access Invasion and cross-contamination on networks Uncontrolled perimeter Internet defacement, viruses, phishing, pharming Where does Pandemic fit?

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What is a Pandemic? Virulent human flu that causes a global,

fast-spreading outbreak of serious illness

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The Headlines Bird flu coming to US 'soon'

21/03/2006 08:37  - (SA)   Washington - Deadly bird flu probably will arrive

in the United States this year, and the government says it expects 20 to 100 suspected cases to undergo testing by the end of December.

"At this point, if you're a bird, it's a pandemic. If you're a human, it's not a pandemic," said Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt.

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The Headlines

Mass graves planned if bird flu pandemic reaches BritainBy Adam Stones(Filed: 02/04/2006)

Mass burials are being considered by the Home Office as part of contingency plans for a possible avian flu pandemic.

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The Headlines Oct. 20, 2005 - 12:27 PM The Bird Flu Walkback Begins Edward B. Colby On Tuesday, the Toronto Star led off a front-page

story, headlined "Flu pandemic 'catastrophe' for Canada," with these words:A bird flu pandemic could paralyze Canada's manufacturing sector for more than a year and cost the country hundreds of millions of dollars in medical costs, the Conference Board of Canada says.

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The Pundits

Y2K, Terrorism, SARS, H5N1

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Risk Assessment

Impact on education and economic factors Evacuation Restriction of mass gatherings and closure

of public facilities Quarantines Restricted travel Mass absenteeism – internal and external

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Challenge: Discovering Expectations What does our community expect? What systems are most critical? What is the longest tolerable outage? Who is involved in recovery? How do we communicate? Closure versus evacuation? What is the tolerance for slow and for an


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Constituent Review: Comfort Zone

High lost cost

Low continuity expectation

High lost cost

High continuity expectation

Low lost cost

Low continuity expectation

Low lost cost

High continuity expectation

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Community Business Continuity Plans Reusable plans

– Strike contingency planning– Snow-day closure communications– Pre-planned purchase order and receiving

strategies– Coordinate efforts with bank, vendors– Expectation that some business will be stopped

or interrupted

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Table-Top Scenario Planning

Group participatory exercise Walk through possible events identified in

Risk Assessment, best in a story line with roadblocks

Follow existing plan to test

plan effectiveness

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Planning for the Scenario Planning Event Enough unrestricted time – 4 hours Location Develop scenario Existing plans Identify participants

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Who Should Participate

Facilitator to keep the session to the story line Recorder to document issues Public safety Health care officials County emergency response team Key decision-makers and process owners Communications staff Observers

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Sample Materials for Scenario

Scenario videos on Google Health and Human Services



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Planning for a Pandemic

Event: an outbreak of a highly contagious flu is identified on campus, affecting fewer than 5 students. Students just returned from a trip abroad.– Who needs to know?– What do we need to do?

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Who has the Authority to…..

Initiate campus emergency response Notify public health officials Issue a campus notification Notify parents Issue a press release Close and evacuate residence halls And in what order will these notifications


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Notifying public health

Documented plan for organization to organization communications

IT requests: lists of immediate contact circle – course schedule, residence, clubs, etc.

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Public health

May request organizational assistance for medication or vaccination distribution

Awareness campaign for communicable disease issues

Possible order for campus evacuation or closure

Possible mandate for facility use

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Notifying parents

An existing fast method to notify parents Impact on residential areas International or out-of-state students IT requests: lists of students with permanent

address out-of-state, next-of-kin notifications

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Campus communications

Need for high-tech communications central IT requests: emergency phone hot-line,

emergency information web site, call center, public network space for news media

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Decisions for record-keeping

Flu shot records Next-of-kin records Deceased students, employees IT requests: Locations for storing new data

records, expertise in query and report-writing

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Academic Calendar

Mix on online and presence courses Can we switch to online? No. Suspend the calendar

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Repeat the Scenario: Just IT

IT staff repeated the exercise Plan for handling expected high

absenteeism Recognize pull in other directions Brian Voss, Louisiana State:

“I am not recovering from a disaster to my facility…I’m dealing with the aftermath of the worst disaster in our nation’s history.”

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IT Response

All changes and projects stopped Resources redirected to critical need and

essential functions Emphasize communications systems Unattended backups Special check printing Secure access from remote locations and

working from home

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Thank You

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