pinstripe healthcare presents: innovating for results - hr’s role to lead and foster innovation

1 Content Property of Pinstripe, Inc. Innovating for Results HR’s Role to Lead and Foster Innovation Thursday, April 19, 2012

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1 Content Property of Pinstripe, Inc.

Innovating for Results HR’s Role to Lead and Foster Innovation

Thursday, April 19, 2012

2 Content Property of Pinstripe, Inc.

Ashley Gouge Vice President Pinstripe Healthcare

• Innovation Myth Debunked

• What is Innovation

• Hiring for Innovation

• HR’s Role

• Q&A

Introductions & Agenda

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Innovation Myths Debunked

4 Content Property of Pinstripe, Inc.


comes from

people who

are creative.”

Fact: Innovation is far more likely to come from a disciplined approach.

Innovation Myth #1

5 Content Property of Pinstripe, Inc.

“Innovation is



a lot of


Fact: Innovation is more correlated with resource scarcity. And failure to innovate is truly costly.

Innovation Myth #2

6 Content Property of Pinstripe, Inc.

“Innovation is

creating a hot

new product.”

Fact: New products are quickly copied and rarely enjoy sustained profits or success.

Innovation Myth #3

7 Content Property of Pinstripe, Inc.

Business model

Finance Networking

2. Networking enterprise’s structure/ value chain

1. Business model how the enterprise makes money

Core process

Process. Enabling process

3. Enabling process assembled capabilities

4. Core process proprietary processes that add value

6. Product system extended system that surrounds an offering

Product performance

Offering Product system


7. Service how you service your customers

5. Product performance basic features, performance and functionality


Delivery Brand

Customer experience

10. Customer experience how you create an overall experience for customers

8. Channel how you connect your offerings to your customers

9. Brand how you express your offering’s benefit to customers

[email protected]

10 Types of Innovation

8 Content Property of Pinstripe, Inc.

• Creating an experience for the savvy healthcare consumer.

• Design a system that educates and moves us away from

“sick care” to truly “health care”

• To approach providing healthcare differently

• To transition to an organization rewarded for volume to

one rewarded for value - quality

Healthcare Organizations Must Innovate

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Hiring for Innovation

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Innovation Focus Areas

Culture Processes


11 Content Property of Pinstripe, Inc.


Discovery-driven • Associating

• Questioning

• Observing

• Idea Networking

• Experimenting

Delivery-driven • Analyzing

• Planning

• Detail-oriented Implementing

• Self-disciplined

Different Talents

12 Content Property of Pinstripe, Inc.



is not enough.

• Its power to differentiate has eroded.

• Operational flexibility is essential.

• New insights are needed. • New methods and tools must

be embraced. • Processes should be

systematically developed encourage the hiring, training, rewarding and promotion of discovery-driven people.


13 Content Property of Pinstripe, Inc.

Continue to

build a

Safe Place

to innovate.

• Innovation is everyone’s job

• Disruption is part of an

innovation portfolio

• Create small innovation project


• Take smart risks in pursuit of


• Celebrate wins and losses


14 Content Property of Pinstripe, Inc.

Fostering Innovation Formula

Culture Processes


Challenge the status quo Take smart risks

Systematic Flexible

Delivery-driven Discovery-driven

Innovative Ideas

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HR’s Role in Innovation

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1. Work across the organization.

HR’s Opportunity to Lead

17 Content Property of Pinstripe, Inc.

1. Work across the organization

2. Encourage experimentation & adaptation

HR’s Opportunity to Lead

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1. Work across the organization

2. Encourage experimentation & adaptation

3. Source, attract, screen and assess for the right talent

HR’s Opportunity to Lead

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1. Work across the organization

2. Encourage experimentation & adaptation

3. Source, attract, screen and assess for the right talent

4. Reach outside of your organization & industry

HR’s Opportunity to Lead

20 Content Property of Pinstripe, Inc.

1. Work across the organization

2. Encourage experimentation & adaptation

3. Source, attract, screen and assess for the right talent

4. Reach outside of your organization & industry

5. Seek out partners that will accelerate your innovation

HR’s Opportunity to Lead

21 Content Property of Pinstripe, Inc.

“Always try

just one more


- Albert Einstein

• Innovation is essential for

survival today

• Innovation can be …simple

• It is about leadership and


• Hiring the “right” balance of

talent is key

Parting Thoughts

22 Content Property of Pinstripe, Inc.