pinson techcenteranalysis

 Tech nolo gy Ce nter Ana lysis Mary Frances Pinson Georgia Southern University FRIT 7738: Practicum March 23, 2012 Part A: Technology Center Analysis

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 Technology Center Analysis

Mary Frances Pinson

Georgia Southern University

FRIT 7738: Practicum

March 23, 2012

Part A: Technology Center Analysis

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 Technology Center Analysis

• Executive Summary

 This Technology Center Analysis reviews the activities and organization

of the 21st Century Global Lab of Altama Elementary School. The center began

in January of 2009 with the goal to provide a 21st Century learning experience

that allows students the opportunity to use technology and apply 21st Centuryskills. The Global Lab’s mission is to have students learn and apply 21st

Century skills. Mr. Knight, the Instructional Technology Coordinator for Altama

allows ample opportunity for classroom teachers to utilize the workspace

provided by the Global Lab. With twenty-five desktop computers, four laptop

computers, and a plethora of other technology resources, the lab provides

students the opportunity to explore and expand the learning taught in the

classroom. The center also provides opportunities for professional

development for teachers through trainings and webinars. After reviewing the

organizational chart, interviews, and observations, a few recommendationsare made for the Global Lab; provide opportunities for teachers to see the

benefits of the lab for their student’s engagement and success. The role of the

Instructional Technology Coordinator could also be revised for the lack of 

responsibility that his role could potentially have. In conclusion, the Global Lab

of Altama Elementary School is making progress toward their goals and

mission. Each year has shown growth and continues to evolve to reach its full


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• Organizational Chart

*KEY: AES- Altama Elementary School

• Methods

 The data collected for the evaluation of the Altama Elementary

School’s Global Lab was done with interviews and observations

(Appendix A, B, andC).

 Two interviews were conducted with the Instructional TechnologyCoordinator, Mr. Kevin Knight. The first interview was to address the

Global Lab’s mission and goals. Mr. Knight also shared the history of the

lab and the purpose that the lab was opened. We also discussed the

variety of uses of the lab. I asked Mr. Knight about the current status of 

the lab. He said that “The lab is still growing and evolving to it’s full

potential as a Global Lab.” His tone of voice seemed to be enthusiastic

Mr. Kevin Knight:

Instructional Technology

Coordinator at AES

Ms. M. Drew: Principal

of AES

Ms. B. Weiss: Media

Specialist of AES

Mrs. S. Schuyle

Coordinator for G

County Schoo

AES Faculty and Staff AES Students

Mr. H. Mann: Glynn County

Schools Superintendant

Valerie Turner: Computer

Network Technician

Dr. J. Rogers: Executive

Director of Early

Academics/ Intervention


Mr. K. Ross: Computer

Network Technician

Mrs. C. Lawson: Direc

Professional Learn

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about the lab continuing to grow. Mr. Knight has been the Instructional

 Technology Coordinator since the lab opened in January of 2009; he has

seen a lot of changes from the beginning. The answers to the first

interview are addressed in the next section, Center Context and Goals

and in Appendix A. After I reviewed the background and initial purposes

of the Global Lab, I had a second interview with Mr. Knight. This

interview was to get a better insight of the changes that has been seen

in the last three and half years. I wanted to look more into Mr. Knight’s

response of the lab “still growing and evolving.” The responses of the

second interview can be seen in Appendix B. After the second interview,

I could tell that Mr. Knight takes great responsibility in the success and

the growing potential with the Global Lab. He takes great pride to see

teachers and students utilize the lab. However, after the creation of the

Organizational Chart, Mr. Knight has to go through a lot of other people

in different roles and locations within the county to be able to haveaccess and the ability to do something within the lab and in the school

on his own. It was discussing these people that made Mr. Knight seem

discouraged about his position and the potential that his job truly has.

Using an observation rubric, Appendix C, I observed two classes

utilize the Global Lab, Kindergarten and 3rd Grade. The first observation

was 30-minutes and the second observation was 40-minutes. The

Kindergarten class that came in did not have much teacher instructions.

 The class has been coming into the lab weekly to work on Success

Maker. Prior to arrival of the class, Mr. Knight had the login screen forSuccess Maker on the desktop computers. The students knew the

routine and logged into the program as they walked to their designated

computer. The Kindergarten teacher, paraprofessional, and Mr. Knight

walked around the room during the designated time. Students were able

to choose Success Maker Math or Reading first and knew once finished

with one lesson, they were to complete the lesson of the next. With

three adults monitoring the room, students stayed on task and help was

given to individual students in ample time. The second observation was

of a 3


grade class. This class has been studying a variety of historicalfigures; Paul Revere, Frederick Douglass, Susan B. Anthony, Mary

McLeod Bethune, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Thurgood Marshall, and Cesar

Chavez. Prior to coming to the Global Lab, the students have done

library research and online research of the seven historical figures. In

the Global Lab, students were to create a PowerPoint presentation of 

each person. On each slide, students were to list 5-7 facts and find 1-2

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pictures of that person. This particular class came to the Global Lab the

day before to get an introductory run-through of the expectations and

how to use PowerPoint. During this time, Mr. Knight also showed the

students how to search and save pictures. When the student came into

the Global Lab, they walked to their assigned computer. They came to

the lab with their note cards of research. The classroom teacher and Mr.

Knight monitored the room while the students worked. The students

worked well independently. Many of the students navigated their way

through PowerPoint very well and when the teacher or Mr. Knight could

not get to a student quick enough, a surrounding student would help

their peer. I asked the teacher what will happen next after the

presentations are completed, and she told me that the students will

present them to their own class and a selected few will present their

presentations to the other 3rd grade classes.

 The two classes that I observed utilized the Global Lab in very

different ways. However, the classes used the lab in order for all

students to have a workspace. This is one of the purposes for having this

lab available to classrooms. This allows each student to have their own

space to work, equal working time for each student, and for students to

develop their own 21st Century skills.

• Center Context and Goals

During the 2008-2009 school year, Altama Elementary School had

an extra classroom on the 4th and 5th grade hallway. After careful

consideration and looking at the Title 1 budget, the administration of the

school agreed to make the classroom a 21st Century Global Lab. The

school administrators opened a new position to be the school’s

Instructional Technology Coordinator/Administrator of the Global Lab.

 The interview committee agreed to hire Mr. Kevin Knight for the new

position. Mr. Knight was currently a 2nd grade teacher at the school. In

 January of 2009, the school opened The 21st Century Global Lab. The lab

has 25 desktop computers, 4 laptop computers, an ActivBoard, an

ActivSlate, a ceiling projector, 2 ceiling speakers, an ELMO documentcamera, and CPS units for student use. The Global Lab has been in

active use now for three years.

 The Mission of the Global Lab is, to have students learn and apply

21st Century skills. The Goals of the Global Lab are, to provide a 21st

Century learning experience that allows students the opportunity to use

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technology and apply 21st Century skills. The Stakeholders of the Global

Lab are, the parents, the teachers, and the students. No monetary

donations are given for the lab. The school provides all funds. Mr. Kevin

Knight is the Instructional Technology Coordinator of the Global Lab. His

role is, to provide technology support, professional learning to teachers,

as well as instruct students in uses of technology in the classroom. The

current status of the Global Lab is that it is in good use by classroom

teachers. The Global Lab continues to grow to reach the potential and

purpose in which the lab was created.

• Center Activities

All center activities are conducted on site in the Global Lab of 

Altama Elementary. The lab has a signup sheet for teachers andadministrators to fill a time for classroom activities, projects, or

professional learning. The center activities are as follows:

Student Culminating Activities (Audience- Students)

• Post Classroom Instruction

o Online Tutorial Practice

SuccessMaker, OAS, Study Island, and

Education City.

o Research Assignments

o Project-Based Assignments

 Timelines and PowerPoint presentations

(individual and collaboration with peers.)

o Writing Assignments

Word Documents (write a story, responseto literature, writing a letter)

o Collaboration


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 The activities listed above have the purpose to engage students as the class

summarizes a unit. After teaching is done in the classroom, the Global Lab

provides opportunities for classes to do projects and activities that will

conclude the lesson. This is a way the students can show what they know and

apply what has been taught.

Intersession Classes (Audience- Students)

• Six weeks prior to the CRCT, administration provides

classroom teachers with a cut score for the 3rd Nine

Weeks Benchmark Test. The students who score on or

below the cut score will be placed in early morning

small groups called intersession groups. These groups

work with Special Education teachers, EIP teachers,

the school’s counselor, the administrators, and other

certified non-classroom teachers for a rigorous 30-

minute small group time. These small groups are to

give aid to these students in preparation for the CRCT.

 The ones that teach an intersession group will utilize the Global Lab to use the

online tutorials as guided practice for the students. The purpose of the

intersession groups is to prepare students for the CRCT.

Staff Development/Professional Learning (Audience-


• Webinars

o Education City

o PD360

o Safari Montage

•  Training


Website Design

o Infinite Campus


Mr. Knight, the Instructional Technology Coordinator, the school’s

administrators, and the school’s instructional coaches will use the Global Lab

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for webinars and trainings for teachers. The purpose of these activities is for

professional development for teachers.

• Evaluation:

After reviewing the organizational chart, the data from the interviewsand observations, I have concluded that the Global Lab of Altama Elementary

School is progressing well in meeting its goals. The center is still growing and

evolving into the potential that it has for the 21st Century Global Lab. In three

and half years, the lab has gone through a variety of changes with adding

more technology and making the lab more available to teachers. It continues

to add more components and as teachers continue to see the benefits, the

more the teachers will utilize the space. The Global Lab provides ample

opportunity and resources for students and teachers to apply 21st Century


After the interviews and observations, there are some recommendations

that I have for the Global Lab. Although the teachers of Altama Elementary are

utilizing the lab weekly, not many of the teachers are truly using it fully. I think

school’s administrators and the Instructional Technology Coordinator could

advertise the Global Lab and show teachers the benefits the lab has on

student engagement. After reviewing the organizational chart, I would

recommend that Mr. Knight, the Instructional Technology Coordinator be given

a more freedom when it comes to the areas of control he has when it comes to

technology in and throughout the school. Mr. Knight has a passion for

technology and teachers using technology in their classrooms, however some

limits hold him back from being helpful to teachers in their individual


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Part B: Monthly Report

• Student Activities: (Approximately 15-25 students)

o SuccessMaker, OAS, Education City, Study Island

 These are online tutorials that reinforce GeorgiaPerformance Standards taught in the classroom. These

programs provide multiple choice questions, games, and

activities that spark student engagement.

o Historical Figures PowerPoint

Students will do media center and online research to

develop a PowerPoint presentation that highlights the

significant historical figures taught in the grade level.

o Commercials (Storyboard and Recording)

Students were to write a persuasive storyboard of a product

they would like to sell. Students use recording equipment to

record commercials to advertise their product.

o Webquests

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 Teachers will post Webquests on their webpages for

students to complete. Webquests are used as a

summarizing activity for students to explore and apply the

standard taught.

o  Timeline (using Timeliner)

Students will highlight significant historical events and use

an online program, Timeliner, to create a timeline.

o Ft. Frederica Research

Fourth grade students participate in a local archeological dig

at Ft. Frederica. Students will research the area prior to their

trip to the park.

o Making How-To Videos

Using recording equipment, students will make How-To

videos that will reinforce school-wide expectations. These

videos will be shown on the school’s morning


• Teacher Activities: (Approximately 15-20 Staff Members)

o Webinars

 The instructional technology coordinator will record

webinars for teachers to view and respond to. These

webinars are for teachers to become more aware of the

resources that are available for classroom instruction.

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A. Interview 1:

1. What are the goals of the center?

 To provide a 21st Century learning experience that allows

students the opportunity to use technology and apply 21st

Century skills.

2. What is the mission of the center?

 To have students learn and apply 21st Century skills.

3. What is the history of the center?

 The center opened in January of 2009 after seeing a room that

could be utilized to pursue the use of the room as a 21st

Century Global Lab. The lab was to allow teachers and students

to apply 21st Century skills.

4. What is the current status of the center?

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 The Global Lab is still growing and evolving to it’s full potential

as a Global Lab.

5. How long have you been the Instructional Technology

Coordinator for the Global Lab?

I interviewed for the position when it became available. At the

time I was a 2nd Grade teacher at the school and I changed

roles that January when the Global Lab opened.

B. Interview 2:

1. What do you see as the biggest benefit for teachers as they

use the Global Lab?

 Teachers are able to use the Global Lab for a variety of 

instructional tools that they cannot use in their classroomalone. The lab provided a computer for each student and allows

the teacher think of new and creative ways to teach the

standards and units.

2. How do you feel is the best way for teachers to utilize the

Global lab more for their students?

I wish more teachers would use the lab. I see the same

teachers using the lab over and over. Those students are

actively engaged and are able to see the world through the useof technology and not just in a textbook. I wish the teachers

that use the lab would encourage their grade level teams to do

the same.

3. How would you as the Instructional Technology Coordinator like

to see the Global Lab reach to it’s full potential?

I would like to see more teachers use the lab. I also wish I had

more control in my position to be more of an aid to teachers.

 Teachers come to me about technology and curriculum, but I

have to go through other loopholes before I can address their

need. This frustrates me and the teachers too.

4. What are the biggest changes you have seen in the Global Lab

since it opened in 2009?

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I have seen the teachers that use the lab become more

creative in how they use the lab.

5. What is the biggest change you would like to see in the next

year with the Global Lab and/or your role as Instructional

 Technology Coordinator?

I would like more teachers to see the benefit the lab has on

student achievement and those teachers utilize the lab more. I

would also like to get in the classroom more to help and

encourage teachers to use technology in their classrooms.

C. Observation Rubric:

Observation 1: Kindergarten Class







Instruction Teacher does no

prior instruction

or set

expectations forstudents.

 Teacher does

little instruction to

assist or hold

students toexpectations.

 Teacher has set

prior instructions

and expectations

and hold studentsto those during

the time in the

Global Lab.



Students are off 

task and not

Students are

mildly off task

Students are on

task and actively

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engaged in


and engaged in



Activity The activity is not

aligned with GPS

and does nothave a set goal

for the students

to meet.

 The activity is

aligned with GPS,

but does not havea real purpose for

the students.

 The activity is

aligned with GPS

and has aconcrete purpose

for the student to

be engaged in

this activity.


Observation 2: 3rd Grade PowerPoint Presentation







Instruction Teacher does no

prior instruction

or set

expectations for


 Teacher does

little instruction to

assist or hold

students to


 Teacher has set

prior instructions

and expectations

and hold students

to those duringthe time in the

Global Lab.



Students are off 

task and not

engaged in


Students are

mildly off task

and engaged in


Students are on

task and actively


Activity The activity is not

aligned with GPSand does not

have a set goal

for the students

to meet.

 The activity is

aligned with GPS,but does not have

a real purpose for

the students.

 The activity is

aligned with GPSand has a

concrete purpose

for the student to

be engaged in

this activity.

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 Total: _______9/9__________