pic symposium 2011 | nashville, tn where will all the pigs be raised? global economics vs food...

PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, T Where will all the pigs be raised? Global Economics Vs Food Security and other Politics Jerry Thompson Genus Director Russia and Asia Pacific

Post on 19-Dec-2015




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Page 1: PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN Where will all the pigs be raised? Global Economics Vs Food Security and other Politics Jerry Thompson Genus Director

PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN

Where will all the pigs be raised?

Global Economics Vs Food Security and other PoliticsJerry Thompson

Genus Director

Russia and Asia Pacific

Page 2: PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN Where will all the pigs be raised? Global Economics Vs Food Security and other Politics Jerry Thompson Genus Director

PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN


1. Global Economic Overview– The PIC World Pork Competitive Survey

2. Non-economic Factors– From Food Security to Customer Demand

3. Showcase on China

Page 3: PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN Where will all the pigs be raised? Global Economics Vs Food Security and other Politics Jerry Thompson Genus Director

PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN

The Challenge

• Double food output by 2050 using 50% of the water that we use today

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PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN

World Meat Production and Trade

• Meat Production grows at 1.8% per year• Meat Trade grows at 3.4% per year

Fapri 2010 World Agriculture Outlook

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PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN

Per Capita Meat Consumption

• Pork first choice among consumers• 2019: 55 Kgs of Pork, Chicken and Beef

Fapri 2010 World Agriculture Outlook

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PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN

World Pork Production and Trade

• Production grows at 1.6% / Year• Trade grows at a rate of 2.8%

Fapri 2010 World Agriculture Outlook

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PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN

Who is Eating Pork?

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PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TNFapri 2010 World Agriculture Outlook



South Korea

United States









0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

Per Capita Pork Consumption (Kgs/person)

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PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN

Selected Net Importer Countries

Fapri 2010 World Agriculture Outlook

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PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN

The PIC World Pork Competitive Survey

• Objective:

– Quantitative study of key success factors that positively or negatively impact growth in pork production in selected countries

• 70 Industry leaders from 15 different countries

• Focus on: USA, Canada, EU-27, Chile, Mexico, China, Japan, Brazil, Argentina, Australia, South Korea, Phillipines.

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PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN


Land AvailabilityLabor Efficiency

Farm ProductivityLocal Demand for PorkPork Quality Standards


Level of Cost of Production% Feed Cost / Total Cost

Cost per Sow in New Project

POLITICAL & SOCIAL FACTORSPork is Country´s Strategic

Government SubsidiesLocal Food Safety RegulationLevel of Environmental Laws

Welfare PressureCountry´s Animal Disease Control

Industry Key Success Factors

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PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN

45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 8545




















Structural Factors


cal &


ial F




PIC 2010 World Pork Competitive Survey


Ability to Compete?

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PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN

45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85

















Structural Factors


of P



PIC 2010 World Pork Competitive Survey




What about Cost?

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PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN

Non-Economic Factors

Food SecurityThe availability of food and our

access to it

Page 15: PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN Where will all the pigs be raised? Global Economics Vs Food Security and other Politics Jerry Thompson Genus Director

PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN

China’s Twelfth Five Years Plan Date:16 March 2011

• 把握“一个重点任务”,按照科学发展的要求来加快现代农业的发展。在工业化和城镇化的过程当中,同步推进农业现代化。另外,要突出“一条主线”,就是要加快农业发展方式的转变,继续调整和优化产业结构。

• 紧紧围绕“两个目标”,就是把保证国家粮食安全、持续发展我们的粮食生产作为首要目标,把持续快速的增加农民收入作为农业农村经济工作的中心目标 .

• 提高“三个能力”,提高农业的综合生产能力、农业的抗风险能力和农业的市场竞争能力。

• 在“十二五”要下大力气推进“四化”,农业生产经


• 强化“五大支撑”,强化农业发展的政策支撑、科技支撑、装备支撑、人才支撑、体制机制支撑

• Ⅰ• Speed up the development of modern agriculture.

• Ⅱ• Guarantee the safety and develop our production capacity.• Take increasing farmers income as the top priority in agriculture

economy development.

• Ⅲ• Improve overall agriculture production levels• Strengthen anti-risk capability• Enhance competitive edges

• Ⅳ• Promote agriculture business to be more specialization, more

standard, more systematization and more intensification.

• Ⅴ• Support agriculture development with preferential policies, advanced

technology and equipment, talented people and optimized mechanism.

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PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN

The ‘Putin Plan’ for Russia• 2-й этап Программы

реализуется в 2013-2020 гг. Цель увеличить маточное поголовье до

2.85 млн свиноматок с общим поголовьем до 35 млн голов (при умеренном сценарии) или до 45 млн (при инновационном сценарии)

основные задачи для достижения плана:1. улучшение экономических условий

работы свиноводства России, обновление племенного потенциала, повышение конкурентоспособности и экономической эффективности производства свинины

2. создание и развитие сети селекционно-генетических центров с первоклассным научно-технологическим потенциалом

3. реконструкция действующих и создание новых производственных мощностей в товарном свиноводстве в рамках различных организационных моделей и форм хозяйственной деятельности

4. Развитие предприятий по убою и мясопереработке кормовой базы свиноводства, повышение качества кормов

5. разработка и внедрение современных стандартов качества и технического регламента производства свинины

• 2nd stage of the national program “Development of pork production 2013-2020”Objective to increase the national sow herd up to 2.85 mln sows with total pig stock up to 35 mln pigs ( with a moderate scenario) or up to 45 mln pigs (with an innovative scenario)

Key actions to achieve the targets: 1. Improvement of economy of pork sector.

2. Establishment of net of selection centers with innovative technologies

3. Reconstruction of existing production facilities & establishment of new operations within different organizational models & forms of business.

4. Development of slaughter & processing facilities and feed production for pork industry

5. Development & introduction of advanced quality standards & technical regulations of pork production.

Page 17: PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN Where will all the pigs be raised? Global Economics Vs Food Security and other Politics Jerry Thompson Genus Director

PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN

Expansion plan of yearly average swine stock in 2009-2012 & up to 2020,

 ’000 Hds 2008(факт)

2009 2010 2011 2012 2020 – Moderate

2020 – Innovative

Federal celection centers -- 65 296 740 1 000 2 000 2 268

Pork operations: 3 494 4 028 4 461 5 210 5 273 9 929 16 079

- units with capacity of 216 K heads 799 871 945 1 026 1 042 1 771 2 627

- units with capacity of 198 K heads 721 795 885 967 990 1 875 2 814

-unit with capacity of 54 K heads 545 619 715 793 800 1 400 3 940

- units with capacity from 6 up to 54K heads 1 429 1 742 1 915 2 424 2 441 4 883 6 698

Companies with capacity less than 6 K heads

3 506 3 662 3 784 4 121 4 205 11 364 12 195

Little farms (kolkhoz) 1 786 1 813 1 721 1 844 1 875 3 289 5 263

Private backyards 8 824 8 373 8 111 8 044 8 148 8 418 9 195

TOTAL17 609 17 941 18 372 19 960 20 500 35 000 45 000

Including sows 1 715 1 738 1 766 1 791 1 831 2 779 3 000

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PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN

Программа государственной финансовой поддержки:

1. Единовременные субсидии федерального бюджета племенным хозяйствам на

первоначальное приобретение свиноматок хряков с высоким генетическим потенциалом в

размере 20% от стоимости поголовья.2. Государственная поддержка ежегодного

обновления основного стада для плем. товар хозяйств в размере: для племхозяйств 6 тыс. рублей на голову, для товар. хозяйств 3 тыс. рублей на голову. Благодаря данному направлению государственной поддержки предполагается снизить зависимость российского свиноводства от поставки импортных плем животных, сформировать условия для возрождения и развития отечественного племенного свиноводства.

3. Государственная поддержка на содержание маточного стада племенных хозяйств отвечающих современным требованиям племенного дела в размере 5 тыс. рублей на основную и проверяемую свиноматку основного стада.

4. Государственная поддержка товарных продаж свинины из селекционно-племенных центров с целью компенсации затрат СГЦ при реализации свиноматок и хряков из основного стада на товарное мясо из расчета 20 руб. за килограмм живого веса

5. Субсидирование процентных ставок по инвестиционным кредитам для реконст-

рукции и строительства свиноводческих мощностей, предприятий по убою и мясопереработке и предприятий комбикормовой промышленности, финансовая поддержка НЦ

State financial program:

1. One-time subsidies from federal budget to breeding organizations for first purchase of sows & boars with a high genetic potential in amount of 20% from the stock value.

2. State support of annual replacement of the main herd for breeding & commercial complexes: 6 000 rb/head for breeding units & 3000 Rb/head for commercial units. With this measure it is planned to minimize dependence from imported breeding pigs & form proper conditions for restoration & further development of local swine breeding.

3. State financial support to grow sow stock of the breeding organizations in amount of 5 000 Rb for a productive sow in the main herd meeting all up-to-date requirements of the breeding operations.

4. State support of commercial sales of pork from selection centers with an aim to reimburse expenses of selection centers for slaughtering sows & boars from the main herd in amount of 20 Rb per 1 kg live weight.

5. Subsidies of interests rates of the investment loans taken for reconstruction & construction pig production projects, slaughter & processing facilities projects & feed production operations. Financial support of research centers.

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PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN

The Republic produces 2.6M pigs in 1965!!!

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PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN

The Result….

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PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN

Trade Restrictions….

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PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN

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PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN

…and other Politics

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PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN

Animal Welfare Concerns

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PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN

COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 2001/88/ECof 23 October 2001

amending Directive 91/630/EEC laying down minimum standards for the protection of pig

Sows and gilts shall be kept in groups during a period starting from 4 weeks after the service to 1 week before the expected time of farrowing. The pen where the group is kept must have sides greater than 2,8 m in length. When less than 6 individuals are kept in a group the pen where the group is kept must have sides greater than 2,4 m in length.

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PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN

COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 2001/93/ECof 23 October 2001

amending Directive 91/630/EEC laying down minimum standards for the protection of pig

• Focus on:– Light requirements and maximum noise levels, – Permanent access to materials for rooting and

playing, – Permanent access to fresh water, – Additional restrictive conditions to carry out

mutilations on pigs, – Minimum weaning age of four weeks.

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PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN

UK Herd Size – 1973 - 2010

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PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN

In response 40% of the UK herd is now outdoors

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PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN2011 - PIC Survey

Sow Stalls or Group Housing by 2020?

Group Housing Outdoors Sow Stalls -










Asia China EuropeLatin America North America


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PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN

What does the Customer really want?

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PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TNFapri 2010 World Agriculture Outlook (2009 Data)




South Korea2%







Chile0,3% Other


Global Consumption

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PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN

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PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN

Population Density

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PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN

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PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN

Source: Brilliant Pioneer Consultant

Future of China’s Protein Consumption 2005 - 2030














Million Tonnes

Beef Poultry




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2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009










Stable increase of rural inhabitants’ income

Unit: RMB

Source: Statistics Bureau of China

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PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN

No comparative advantage for land intensive agriculture

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PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN

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PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN

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PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN

The new Integrators

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PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN

PIC Nucleus in Benxi

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PIC Symposium 2011 | Nashville, TN

Thank you!