physical science review. the best way to describe the rate of motion of an object that changes speed...

Physical Science Review

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Physical Science Review

The best way to describe the rate of motion of an object that changes speed several

times is to calculate the object’s____.

A. Average Speed

B. Constant Speed

C. Instantaneous Speed

D. Variable Speed

Which of the following is a force?

A. Inertia

B. Friction

C. Acceleration

D. Velocity

The unit for ____ is m/s2.

A. Weight

B. Acceleration

C. Inertia

D. Velocity

Which of the following is not used in calculating acceleration?

A. Initial Velocity

B. Average Speed

C. Time Interval

D. Final Velocity

A body accelerates if it____.

A. Speeds Up

B. Slows Down

C. Changes Direction

D. All of These

The gravitational force between two objects depends on their____.

A. Masses

B. Velocities

C. Shapes

D. Volumes

____ acts only between surfaces that are in contact..

A. Inertia

B. Friction

C. Gravity

D. A net force

An object’s weight is directly related to its ____..

A. Volume

B. Velocity

C. Mass

D. Shape

An object of large mass has ____ than an object of small mass..

A. Less inertia

B. More inertia

C. Less weight

D. Greater acceleration

A constant velocity means acceleration is ____.

A. positive

B. negative

C. increasing

D. zero

A net force acting on a moving object causes the object to ____.

A. fall

B. accelerate

C. stop

D. curve

____ is the force of gravity on an object.

A. Mass

B. Momentum

C. Centripetal force

D. Weight

Which of these opposes acceleration due to gravity?

A. momentum

B. air resistance

C. reaction force

D. terminal velocity

According to Newton’s second law, ____ equals mass times acceleration.

A. gravity

B. momentum

C. force

D. weight

What force causes a leaf to fall more slowly than a penny?

A. gravity

B. momentum

C. inertia

D. air resistance

Which best illustrates Newton’s third law?

A. Projectile motion

B. Circular motion

C. Rocket propulsion

D. Centripetal force

The ____ velocity of a projectile is considered to be constant.

A. horizontal

B. circular

C. accelerated

D. vertical

The smell of a rose is considered to be _____ data.

A. qualitative

B. quantitative

____ is reached when air resistance and force due to gravity are equal.

A. Negative acceleration

B. Terminal velocity

C. Centripetal acceleration

D. weightlessness

Which of the following does not affect the amount of air resistance that acts on an object?

A. Mass

B. size

C. shape

D. speed

The basic SI unit of energy is the____.

A. kilogram

B. joule

C. newton

D. kelvin

If the velocity of an object increases, the ____ of the object will also increase.

A. Kinetic energy

B. mass

C. Specific heat

D. Potential energy

Which of these is not used to calculate change in thermal energy?

A. volume

B. Temperature change

C. Specific heat

D. mass

The ____ of a material is a measure of the average kinetic energy of its particles.

A. Potential energy

B. Thermal energy

C. temperature

D. Specific heat

Which of these does not represent work done on a rock in the scientific sense?

A. Lifting a rock

B. Throwing a rock

C. Holding a rock

D. Dropping a rock

The total amount of kinetic and potential energy in a closed system is called ____.

A. Specific heat

B. Mechanical energy

C. Thermal energy

D. temperature

As the temperature of a material increases, the average ____ of its particles increases.

A. Kinetic energy

B. Potential energy

C. Specific heat

D. mass

Kinetic energy is directly related to ____.

A. volume

B. force

C. mass

D. position

The ____ of an object depends upon its position.

A. Kinetic energy

B. Thermal energy

C. Potential energy

D. temperature

Materials with a high ____ absorb a lot of energy with little change in temperature.

A. Potential energy

B. Kinetic energy

C. velocity

D. Specific heat

Which is not a method of heat transfer?

A. conduction

B. insulation

C. radiation

D. convection

If the frequency of a wave increases then the wavelength ______________.

A. Stays the same

B. increases

C. decreases

D. Blows up into a large flaming mass

Matter with a definite mass but no definite shape is ___________.

A. plasma

B. gas

C. liquid

D. solid

Which material is a poor insulator of heat?

A. aluminum

B. feathers

C. air

D. plastic

A ____ is an example of a heat mover.

A. refrigerator

B. Steam engine

C. Combustion engine

D. four-stroke engine

In which of these form(s) is water not a fluid?

A. Liquid water

B. ice

C. Water vapor

D. steam

Heat can move easily through a good ___.

A. insulation

B. carburetor

C. conductor

D. collector

Which of these does not require the presence of a medium(matter)?

A. radiation

B. conduction

C. convection

D. combustion

In order for radiant energy to change to thermal energy, it must be ___.

A. reflected

B. conducted

C. convected

D. absorbed

A____ changes thermal energy into mechanical energy.

A. Heat engine

B. refrigerator

C. Solar collector

D. conductor

The temperature at which all particle motion of matter would stop is ____.

A. Absolute zero

B. Its melting point

C. 0 degrees C

D. 273 degrees C

The state of matter that has a definite volume and a definite shape is ____.

A. gas

B. liquid

C. plasma

D. solid

The most common state of matter is ____.

A. gas

B. liquid

C. plasma

D. solid

Most pressure is measured in ____.

A. grams

B. kilopascals

C. newtons

D. kilograms

Pascal’s principle is the basis for ____.

A. aerodynamics

B. buoyancy

C. hydraulics

D. Changes of state

Bernoulli’s principle explains why ____.

A. Airplanes fly

B. Boats float

C. Pistons work

D. Ice melts

Particles separate completely from each other in a(n)____.

A. gas

B. liquid

C. solid

D. Amorphous material

The state of the matter in the sun and other stars is primarily____.

A. amorphous

B. plasma

C. liquid

D. gas

In general, as a solid is heated, it ____.

A. Becomes a gas

B. condenses

C. contracts

D. expands

A material’s heat of fusion gives the amount of energy needed to ____.

A. Condense a gas

B. Boil a liquid

C. Melt a solid

D. Evaporate a liquid

A copper wire will bend. This is an example of ____.

A. A chemical property

B. A physical property

C. conservation

D. An element

Which of the following is not an element?

A. water

B. carbon

C. oxygen

D. hydrogen

An example of a chemical change is ____.

A. boiling

B. burning

C. evaporation

D. melting

Gelatin is an example of a____.

A. colloid

B. solution

C. substance

D. suspension

A sunbeam is an example of ____.

A. An element

B. A solution

C. A suspension

D. The Tyndall effect

One way to destroy a colloid is called ____.

A. combustion

B. filtration

C. coagulation

D. technology

The red color of a rose is a ____.

A. Chemical change

B. Chemical property

C. Physical change

D. Physical property

The process of evaporating water from seawater for drinking is a ____.

A. Chemical change

B. Chemical property

C. Physical change

D. Physical property

Which warning label indicates a chemical property of the material being labeled?

A. “fragile”

B. “flammable”

C. “handle with care”

D. “shake well”

Which of the following is a substance?

A. colloid

B. element

C. mixture

D. solution

The state of matter of most of the elements to the left of the stair-step line in the periodic

table is____.

A. gas

B. liquid

C. plasma

D. solid

If a pattern repeats itself, it is____.

A. isotopic

B. metallic

C. periodic

D. transition

____ is an element that would have similar properties to those of neon.

A. aluminum

B. argon

C. arsenic

D. silver

Boron is a ____.

A. metal

B. metalloid

C. Noble gas

D. nonmetal

The element potassium is a ____.

A. metal

B. metalloid

C. nonmetal

D. transition metal

The element bromine is a ____.

A. metal

B. metalloid

C. nonmetal

D. transition metal

The halogens are those elements in Group____.

A. 1

B. 11

C. 15

D. 17

In its group, nitrogen is the only element that is a____.

A. gas

B. metalloid

C. metal

D. liquid

____ is a shiny element that conducts electricity and heat well.

A. chlorine

B. sulfur

C. hydrogen

D. magnesium

The atomic number of Re is 75. The atomic mass of one of its isotopes is 186. How many

neutrons are in an atom of this isotope?

A. 75

B. 111

C. 186

D. 261

The elements that are least likely to react with other elements are the ____.

A. metals

B. Noble gases

C. nonmetals

D. Transition elements

The oxidation number of Fe in Fe2S3 is____.

A. 1+

B. 2+

C. 3+

D. 4+

The name of CuO is ____.

A. copper oxide

B. copper(I) oxide

C. copper(II) oxide

D. copper(III) oxide

The formula for copper(II) chlorate is____.

A. CuClO3

B. CuCl

C. Cu(ClO3)2

D. CuCl2

Which of the following is a nonpolar molecule?

A. N2

B. H2O

C. NaCl

D. HCl

The number of electrons in the outer energy level of Group 17 elements is____.

A. 1

B. 2

C. 17

D. 7

An example of a binary compound is ____.

A. O2

B. NaF

C. H2SO4

D. Cu(NO3)2

An example of an anhydrous compound is ____.

A. H2O

B. CaSO4

C. CuSO4 x 5H2O

D. CaSO4 x 2H2O

An atom that has gained an electron is a ____.

A. negative ion

B. positive ion

C. polar molecule

D. nonpolar molecule

An example of a covalent compound is ____.

A. Sodium chloride

B. Calcium fluoride

C. Calcium chloride

D. water

An example of a chemical reaction is ____.

A. bending

B. evaporation

C. melting

D. photosynthesis

Lavoisier’s experiments gave examples of the law of ____.

A. Chemical reaction

B. Conservation of mass

C. coefficients

D. gravity

An element that is more ____ will replace another element in a compound.

A. active

B. catalytic

C. inhibiting

D. soluble

In the expression 4Ca(No3)2, the 4 is a ____.

A. coefficient

B. formula

C. subscript

D. soluble

BHA is an example of a(n) ____.

A. catalyst

B. formula

C. inhibitor


If a substance is dissolved in water, ____ follows its formula in an equation.

A. (aq)

B. (cr)

C. (g)

D. (l)

In the tarnishing of silver, Ag2S is a(n) ____.

A. catalyst

B. inhibitor

C. product

D. reactant

In the burning of hydrogen, O2 is a(n) ____.

A. catalyst

B. inhibitor

C. product

D. reactant

____ is an allotrope of oxygen, O2, that absorbs UV radiation.

A. H2

B. O3

C. Cl

D. Cl2

If a substance is a solid, ____ follows its formula in an equation.

A. (l)

B. (g)

C. (cr)

D. (aq)

Solutions of equal concentrations of HCl and CH3COOH ____.

A. Will not have the same pH

B. Will react the same with metals

C. Will make the same salts

D. Will have the same amount of ionization

Sulfuric acid is also know as ____.

A. Battery acid

B. Citric acid

C. Stomach acid

D. vinegar

Most sulfuric acid is used to produce ____.

A. batteries

B. fertilizer

C. Petroleum products

D. plastics

____ is used to make phosphoric, nitric, and hydrochloric acids.

A. dehydration

B. A base

C. pickling

D. Sulfuric acid

The most widely used base is ____.

A. ammonia

B. Caustic lime

C. lye

D. Milk of magnesia

Carrots have a pH of 5.0, so carrots are ____.

A. acidic

B. basic

C. neutral

D. An indicator

Pure water has a pH of ____.

A. 0

B. 5.2

C. 7

D. 14

Certain materials can act as indicators because they change ____.

A. acidity

B. color

C. concentration

D. taste

KBr is an example of a(n) ____.

A. acid

B. base

C. indicator

D. salt

You might use a solution of ____ to titrate an oxalic acid solution.

A. HBr

B. Ca(NO3)2


D. NH4Cl

All waves carry ____ forward.

A. matter

B. energy

C. Matter and energy

D. The medium

A wave that carries a large amount of energy will always have a ____.

A. Large amplitude

B. Small amplitude

C. High frequency

D. Short wavelength

A sound with a low pitch always has a low ____.

A. amplitude

B. frequency

C. wavelength

D. Wave velocity

As ____, sound intensity decreases.

A. Wave velocity decreases

B. Wavelength decreases

C. Quality decreases

D. Amplitude decreases

Sounds with the same pitch and loudness traveling in the same medium may differ in


A. Frequency

B. amplitude

C. quality

D. wavelength

Sound cannot travel through ____.

A. solids

B. liquids

C. gases

D. Empty space

Variations in the loudness of sound that are caused by wave interference are called


A. beats

B. Standing waves

C. pitch

D. Forced vibrations

____ is shown when a windowpane vibrates at the same frequency as a thunderclap.

A. The Doppler effect

B. resonance

C. reverberation

D. Destructive interference

Wave frequency is measured in ____.

A. hertz

B. decibels

C. meters

D. meters/ second

When a sound source moves away from you, the sound’s ____.

A. Velocity decreases

B. Loudness increases

C. Pitch decreases

D. Frequency increases

Electromagnetic waves are different from other types of waves in that they do not


A. Have amplitude

B. Have frequency

C. Transfer energy

D. Need a medium

When light enters matter, it ____.

A. Slows down

B. Speeds up

C. Travels at 300,000 km/s

D. Travels at the speed of sound

A contact lens is ____.

A. transparent

B. translucent

C. opaque

D. square

Electromagnetic waves with the longest wavelengths are ____.

A. Radio waves

B. Visible light

C. X rays

D. Gamma rays

The process of changing the frequency or amplitude of radio waves in order to encode

a signal is ____.

A. diffraction

B. modulation

C. reflection

D. refraction

When food molecules absorb microwaves, they vibrate faster and their ____.

A. Kinetic energy decreases

B. Kinetic energy increases

C. Temperature decreases

D. Temperature remains constant

Your body gives off ____.

A. Radio waves

B. Visible light

C. Infrared radiation

D. Ultraviolet radiation

Fluorescent bulbs glow when the phosphors inside absorb ____.

A. microwaves

B. Gamma rays

C. Infrared radiation

D. Ultraviolet radiation

X rays are best absorbed by ____.

A. bone

B. hair

C. muscle

D. skin

Objects that partially scatter light that passes through them are called ____.

A. reflective

B. opaque

C. translucent

D. transparent

An object becomes positively charged when it ____.

A. Loses electrons

B. Loses protons

C. Gains electrons

D. Gains neutons

When two negative charges are brought close together, they will ____.

A. repel

B. attract

C. Neither attract nor repel

D. ground

As the distance from a charged particle increases, the strength of the electric field


A. Can’t be determined

B. Remains the same

C. increases

D. decreases

An example of a good insulator is ____.

A. copper

B. silver

C. wood

D. Salt water

Connecting a charged object to Earth in order to discharge the object into Earth is

called ____.

A. charging

B. grounding

C. draining

D. inducting

The difference in potential energy per unit charge between two electrodes is measured

in ____.

A. amperes

B. coulombs

C. ohms

D. volts

The difference in energy carried by electrons at different points in a circuit will determine

the ____.

A. voltage

B. resistance

C. current

D. power

Resistance in an electrical wire causes electrical energy to be converted to ____.

A. Chemical energy

B. Nuclear energy

C. Thermal energy

D. sound

Which of the following wires would tend to have the least amount of electrical


A. long

B. fiberglass

C. hot

D. thick

Electrical energy is measured in ____.

A. volts

B. newtons

C. kilowatts

D. kilowatt-hours

Radioactivity can be ____.

A. Found in your classroom

B. Prevented by a tracer

C. seen

D. smelled

Elements that have been produced artificially through nuclear reactions have

atomic numbers ____.

A. Greater than 92

B. Greater than 83

C. Between 83 and 92

D. Between 90 and 111

When a neutron decays, the electron produced is called ____.

A. An alpha particle

B. A beta particle

C. Gamma radiation

D. Both a and c

The time for half the nuclides in a sample of a radioactive isotope to decay ____.

A. Is constant

B. varies

C. Increases with time

D. Decreases with time

Carbon-14 dating could be used to date ____.

A. An ancient Roman scroll

B. An ancient marble column

C. Dinosaur fossils

D. Earth’s oldest rocks

Radiation in a nuclear laboratory could best be measured with ____.

A. A cloud chamber

B. A Geiger counter

C. An electroscope

D. A bubble chamber

A ____ is an ongoing series of fission reactions.

A. Chain reaction

B. Decay reaction

C. Position emission

D. Fusion reaction

The sun is powered by ____.

A. Nuclear decay

B. Nuclear fission

C. Thermonuclear fusion

D. combustion

A radioisotope that acts as an external source of ionizing radiation in the treatment

of cancer is ____.

A. cobolt-60

B. carbon-14

C. gold-198

D. technetium-99

A major medical use of radiation is to ____.

A. Assist breathing

B. Ease pain

C. Heal broken bones

D. Treat cancers