physical development fundamental movement skills foundations and framework volume 2 1 2/27/2014

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Page 1: Physical Development Fundamental Movement Skills Foundations and Framework Volume 2 1 2/27/2014

Physical Development

Fundamental Movement Skills

Foundations and FrameworkVolume 2



Page 2: Physical Development Fundamental Movement Skills Foundations and Framework Volume 2 1 2/27/2014

Strand: Fundamental Motor Skills Acknowledgement

This presentation is based on a presentation given by Dr. Clersida Garcia on February 9, 2011 to CPIN on behalf of the California Department of Education, Child Development Division. CPIN would like to thank Dr. Garcia for her invaluable work as a co-writer and presenter on the physical development chapters of the California Preschool Learning Foundations, Volume 2 and California Preschool Curriculum Framework, Volume 2.

Dr. Clersida Garcia, ProfessorDirector of Motor Development Research Laboratory

Northern Illinois UniversityExpanded Research Consortia Expert in

Physical DevelopmentMaster Trainer of the Head Start Body Start National Center for

Physical Development and Outdoor Play


©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)


Page 3: Physical Development Fundamental Movement Skills Foundations and Framework Volume 2 1 2/27/2014

What It Might Look Like…


©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN) 04/10/23

Page 4: Physical Development Fundamental Movement Skills Foundations and Framework Volume 2 1 2/27/2014

Fundamental Movement Skills

• The “ABCs” of movement development

• Provide the foundation for building more complex movement

• Allow the creation of patterns of coordination


©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN) 04/10/23

Page 5: Physical Development Fundamental Movement Skills Foundations and Framework Volume 2 1 2/27/2014

• Through meaningful interactions with the environment - people and objects

• Through the practice of both structured and unstructured movement experiences

Fundamental Movement Develops


©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN) 04/10/23

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• The preschool curriculum

• The daily lives of children at home

Fundamental Movement Skills Develop through Integration in to:


©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN) 04/10/23

Page 7: Physical Development Fundamental Movement Skills Foundations and Framework Volume 2 1 2/27/2014

Fundamental Movement Skills

• Consists of three substrands

1.0 Balance: Static and Dynamic

2.0 Locomotor Skills

3.0 Manipulative Skills


©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)


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Practical Activities

• Static balance using a rope or a hoop

• Dynamic and static balance using music “Skip to my Lou”

• Take the eggs to the hen (balance course)

• Circus balance acts


©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)


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Substrand 1.0 BalanceStatic Balance


©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)


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Substrand 1.0 Balance1.2 Dynamic Balance


©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)


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Substrand Picture Match

• Find the picture that best matches the balance substrand card.


©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)


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Interactions and Strategies to Support the

Development of Balance


©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN) 04/10/23

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Interactions and Strategies to Support the Development of Balance

Provide opportunities to include diverse cultural themes


©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)


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Interactions and Strategies to Support the Development of Balance

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What It Might Look Like…


©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN) 04/10/23

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Interactions and Strategies to Support the Development of Balance


©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN) 04/10/23

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Fundamental Movement Skills

Consists of three substrands:

1.0 Balance: Static and Dynamic

2.0 Locomotor skills

3.0 Manipulative skills


©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)


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What It Might Look Like…

©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)



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Practical Activity

• Feed the animals using different locomotor skills

• Obstacle course

• Listen and move


©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)


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Substrand: 2.0 Locomotor Skills 48 and 60 months old



©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)


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Substrand 2.0 Locomotor SkillsRun and Jump


©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)


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Substrand 2.0 Locomotor SkillsGalloping, Sliding, Hopping, and Leaping


©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)


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Substrand Picture Match

Find the picture that best matches the locomotor substrand card.


©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)


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Interactions and Strategies to Support the Development of Locomotor Skills

• Observe and continuously analyze children’s locomotor skills to facilitate planning for learning opportunities.

• Promote and be aware of the progressive development of coordination of locomotor skills. (Curriculum Framework, Volume 2, page 150)


©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)


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Progressive Development of Locomotor Skills


Sample Developmental Sequence of Running

Exploring level

Child runs with feet flat Arms are at the waist and move side to side

Small steps, little bend of knees and little reach with legs

Integration level

Child runs showing opposition of arms and legs and heel to toe action

knees bend more than 90 degree in recovery

Increased speed body lean forward



Child runs alternating flat feet with heel to toe action

Bigger strides

Arms are down to the side

Knees bend less than 90 degree



Designed by Clersida Garcia and Illustrations by Xuyen Garcia, 2010

©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)


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Progressive Development of Locomotor Skills


Sample Developmental Sequence of Jumping

Exploring level

Child bring arms back on take off

Legs do not completely extend

Body bend

Small vertical jump

Integration level

Child swing arms forward over head

Body get extended during the flight phase, jump is diagonal

Land on feet. Consistency



Child brings arms side way on the take off

Arms do a completed circle at take off

Body leans forward and jumps forward

Body and legs flexed during flight phase

Land on hands and feet


Designed by Clersida Garcia and Illustrations by Xuyen Garcia, 2010

©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)


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Progressive Development of Locomotor Skills


Sample Developmental Sequence of Hopping

Exploring level

Child holds hopping leg up leg parallel to the floor. Body erect. Difficult to maintain leg up and hop

Integration level

Child swings leg like in a pendulum action. Shows opposition of arm and leg. Smooth's rhythmical hopping. Body leans forward



Hopping leg flexed moves up and down

Forceful hops arms pull up

Body leans too much forward

Leg hanging behind the body

Arms uncoordinated



Designed by Clersida Garcia and Illustrations by Xuyen Garcia, 2010

©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)


©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)

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Progressive Development of Locomotor Skills


Sample Developmental Sequence of Skipping

Exploring level

Child has difficulty alternating feet. May hop, step, or run while trying

Arms bilateral and uncoordinated

Integration level

Child shows smooth alternative skip. Smooth and rhythmical pattern Arms use contra-laterally in opposition to legs




Deliberated skip

High skips

Arms used to pull body up

Slow rhythm

Arm used bilaterally

Uneasy skips


Designed by Clersida Garcia and Illustrations by Xuyen Garcia, 2010


©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)

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Interactions and Strategies to Support the Development of Locomotor Skills

Use music, songs,rhymes, and stories to provide rhythmical




©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)

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Time for Reflection

• Find the Reflective Practice handout.

• Reflect on your everyday practice and follow instructions on handout.

• Read two of the items you highlighted.


©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network CPIN)


©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)

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Listen and Move

Steve and GregWe All Live Together,

Volume 2

Brain Break



©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)

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Fundamental Movement Skills

1. Consists of three substrands

1.0 Balance: Static and Dynamic

2.0 Locomotor skills

3.0 Manipulative skills


©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)


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What It Might Look Like…


©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN) 04/10/23

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What It Might Look Like…

©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)



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Practical Activity

Save the Fish!

Help the fish get back in the water…


©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)


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Substrand 3.0 Manipulative Skills Gross Motor Manipulative Skills

48 to 60 Months


©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)


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Substrand 3.0 Manipulative Skills Fine Motor Manipulative Skills


©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)


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Substrand Picture Match

Find the picture that best matches the manipulative substrand card.


©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)


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Sequential Nature of Fundamental Movement Development

• Manipulative skills develop in a continuum from simple (using one body part) to more complex body actions (using other body parts in smooth coordination).

• Research-based developmental sequences represent common pathways of development and can guide instruction and learning.


©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)


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Interactions and Strategies to Support the Development of Gross

Manipulative Skills

• Observe developmental sequences of fundamental manipulative skills

• See Appendix A

• Vary the focus according to children’s needs and experiences


©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)


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Sample Developmental Sequence of Throwing


Sample Developmental Sequence of Throwing

Exploring level

Child is stationary and usually bring arm up flexed or extended and throw down with arm action only

Integration level

Arm wind up down and back below the waist. Throw showing arm lag, lower body rotate first than upper body (sequential rotation)


Child begins to homo-laterally step

arm wind up upward and move down during the throw

Arm moves upward during wind up and sideways during the throw, sometimes body rotates (block rotation of body)

homo-laterally step and may maintain straddle position for several throws

Homo-lateral and contra-lateral step (inconsistency). Throw facing target

Big Step contra-lateral most of the time side facing target



Designed by Clersida Garcia; Illustrations by Xuyen Garcia, 2010

©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)


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Exploring level

Child is stationary and usually misses the ball

Integration level

Child usually moves feet to catch successfully using hands only

Consistency catching


Child begins to use hands, arms and chest to successfully catch the ball

May step toward the ball

Begins to catch with hands only

Inconsistency is present in trials


Sample Developmental Sequence of Catching


©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)


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Sample Developmental Sequence of Striking


Sample Developmental Sequence of Striking



Exploring levelChild is stationary and holds the bat with one or two hands Striking action goes from top down “choppy” action

Integration levelChild body is sideway in preparation to strike. Steps contra-laterally and rotates lower body first then upper body. Swing is horizontal and makes contact with ball Consistency

Child may steps and rotates around with the swing

Child steps homo-laterally and may swing diagonally

Child steps contra-lateral, swing horizontal

Body rotates as a unit (block rotation)


Designed by Clersida Garcia and Illustrations by Xuyen Garcia, 2010

©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)


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Provide a variety of equipment to accommodate differences in body size, skill level, special needs, and the developmental level of children’s physical and sensory system.

Interactions and Strategies to Support the Development of Manipulative Skills



©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)

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Interactions and Strategies

• Take a strip from the envelope marked “Interactions and Strategies.”

• Find the assignment in the Physical Development section of the Curriculum Framework, pages 139-171.

• Record the ideas presented in the section.• You have 10 minutes.• Be prepared to share with your table group.


©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)


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Interactions and Strategies to Support the Development of Fine Motor

Manipulative Skills

Learn about children‘s cultural context for fine motor skills (gender-based cultural expectations).


©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)


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Focus on the quality of

movement rather than the end




©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)

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• Provide a variety of tools to support participation of children with disabilities or other special needs.

• Modify and adapt as needed.

Interactional Strategies that

Support the Development of Fine

Motor Skills



©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)

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Interactions and Strategies to Support the Development of Manipulative Skills

• Create meaningful scenarios that provide the opportunity for the integration of fundamental movement skills with other curriculum concepts.


©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)


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What It Might Look Like…50


©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)

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• Provide opportunities for repeated practice in a safe environment.

• Create meaningful activities that provide a sense of success.


Interactions and Strategies to Support the Development of Manipulative Skills


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• Understand children’s cultural gender-based expectations when teaching manipulative skills.

Interactions and Strategies to Support the

Development of Manipulative Skills



©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)

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Putting it All Together1. In table groups, design an activity that

puts all three substrands together.

2. Please use any of the materials provided.

3. Present the activity to the whole group.

4. Consider adaptations for a child with a disability.

5. Include potential ELD strategies.


©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)


Page 54: Physical Development Fundamental Movement Skills Foundations and Framework Volume 2 1 2/27/2014

What You Can Do Tomorrow!

Make a piñata or a fly for the game.

Swat the Piñata


Swat the Fly


©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)


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Make and Take-Save the Fish

• Use template or draw a fish on your piece of felt.

• Cut fish shape out.

• Use materials in baggie that says scales to decorate your fish.

• Make a pole using dowel, string and magnet.


©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)


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Parking lot questions

Questions and Answers56


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Let’s Share Your Impressions


©2011 California Department of Education (CDE) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)


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Head Start Body StartWeb Site Resource

This is a resource that can be shared with families and teachers.


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This is one of many resources that can be shared with families and teachers.


Head Start Body StartWeb Site Resource

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