phrasal verb for studing

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  • 8/11/2019 Phrasal Verb for Studing


    Verb Meaning Example



    invite on a


    Brian askedJudy

    outto dinner anda movie.

    ask around ask manypeople thesamequestion

    I askedaroundbutnobody has seenmy wallet.

    add uptosomething

    equal Yourpurchases add upto$205.2.


    reverse You!ll haveto back upyourcar so that I can"et out.


    support #ywie backedme upover my decisionto quit my %ob.

    blow up e&plode 'he racin"car blew upaterit crashed into theence.


    add air (e haveto blow50balloons upor theparty.

  • 8/11/2019 Phrasal Verb for Studing


    break down stopunctionin")vehicle*


    ,ur car brokedownat the sideo the hi"hway in

    the snowstorm.

    break down "et upset 'he woman brokedownwhen thepolice told her thather son had died.


    divide into



    teacher broketheinalpro%ect downintothree separateparts.

    break in orce entry

    to abuildin"

    -omebody broke

    inlast ni"ht andstole our stereo.



    'he iremen hadto break intotheroom to rescue thechildren.


    wearsomethin"a ewtimes sothat itdoesn!tlookeel


    I needto breaktheseshoes inbeore werun ne&t week.

  • 8/11/2019 Phrasal Verb for Studing


    break in interrupt 'he '/station broke intoreport the news o

    the president!sdeath.

    break up end arelationship

    #y boyriend andI broke upbeoreI moved tomerica.

    break up startlau"hin")inormal+

    'he kids%ust broke upassoon as the clownstarted talkin".

    break out escape 'heprisoners broke

    outo %ail whenthe "uards weren!tlookin".

    break outinsomething

    develop askincondition

    I broke out inarash ater ourcampin" trip.



    'his sad musicis bringingme down.


    raise achild

    #y"randparents broughtme upatermy parents died.

  • 8/11/2019 Phrasal Verb for Studing



    starttalkin"about a


    #y mother walksout o the roomwhen my



    vomit 1e drank so muchthathebroughthisdinner upin the around phone


    (e calledaroundbut weweren!t able toind the car partwe needed.

    callsomeoneback return aphone call I calledthecompanybackbutthe oices wereclosed or theweekend.


    cancel Jason calledtheweddin"offbecaus

    e he wasn!t in lovewith his ianc.


    ask or ananswer oropinion

    'heproessor calledonme or question3.

    call visit (e called onyou

  • 8/11/2019 Phrasal Verb for Studing


    onsomeone someone last ni"ht but youweren!t home.

    callsomeoneup phone 4ive me yourphone number andIwill callyouupwhen we are in town.

    calm down rela& aterbein"


    You are still mad.You need to calmdownbeore youdrive the car.

    not careforsomeone/something

    not like)ormal+

    I don!t careforhis behaviour.

    catch up "et to thesame pointassomeoneelse

    You!ll have to runaster than that iyou want tocatchupwith #arty.

    check in arrive andre"ister at

    a hotel orairport

    (e will "et thehotel keys when

    we check in.

    check out leave ahotel

    You have to checkouto the hotelbeore 3300 #.



    look at



    company checks

  • 8/11/2019 Phrasal Verb for Studing


    investi"ate outall newemployees.


    look at)inormal+

    Check outthecra6y hair on that"uy7

    cheer up becomehappier

    -he cheeredupwhen sheheard the "oodnews.



    I brou"ht yousome lowersto cheeryou up.

    chip in help I everyone chipsinwe can "et thekitchen painted bynoon.


    tidy* clean 8lease cleanupyour bedroombeore you "ooutside.



    I cameacrossthese oldphotos when I wastidyin" the closet.

    come apart separate 'he top andbottom comeaparti you pull

    hard enou"h.

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  • 8/11/2019 Phrasal Verb for Studing


    inwhile I wasdancin" with youruncle.

    cut in pull in tooclosely inront oanothervehicle

    'he bus driver "otan"ry when thatcar cut in.

    cut in start

    operatin")o anen"ine orelectricaldevice+

    'he air

    conditioner cutsinwhen thetemperature "etsto 229:.





    'he doctors cut

    offhis le" becauseit was severelyin%ured.



    'he phonecompany cutoffour phonebecause we didn!t

    pay the bill.

    cutsomeoneoff take out oa will

    #y"randparents cutmyather offwhen heremarried.

    cutsomethingo remove I cutthis

  • 8/11/2019 Phrasal Verb for Studing


    ut part osomethin")usually

    withscissorsand paper+

    ad outo thenewspaper.


    beat up*ransack)Br.;.*


    1e!s lucky to bealive. 1is shopwas done overby

    a street "an".dosomethingover

    do a"ain)

  • 8/11/2019 Phrasal Verb for Studing


    oup o her bike.




    without anappointment

    I mi"ht drop

    in/by/overor teasometime thisweek.



    e andleavethemitthere

    I have to dropmysisteroffat workbeore I comeover.

    drop out quit aclass*

    school etc

    I dropped outo-cience because it

    was too out eat at a

    restaurantI don!t eel likecookin" toni"ht.=et!s eat out.

    end up eventuallyreachdod


    (e endeduprentin" a

    movie instead o"oin" to thetheatre.

    fall apart break intopieces

    #y new dress fellapartin thewashin" machine.

    fall down all to the 'he picture that

  • 8/11/2019 Phrasal Verb for Studing


    "round you hun" up lastni"ht felldownthis


    fall out separaterom aninterior

    'he money musthavefallen outomy pocket.

    fall out )o hair*teeth+

    becomeloose andunattached

    1is hair startedto fall outwhen he

    was only 5.


    understand* ind the


    I need to figureouthow to it the

    piano and thebookshel in thisroom.

    fillsomethingin to writeinormation in blanks)Br.;.+

    8lease fill intheorm with yourname* address*and phone



    to writeinormation in blanks)

  • 8/11/2019 Phrasal Verb for Studing


    it is empty.

    find out discover (e don!t know

    where he lives.1ow can we findout>


    discover (e tried to keepthe time o theparty a secret* but-amantha foundi

    t out.


    communicate* makeunderstandable

    I tried to getmypointacross/overto the %ud"e butshe wouldn!tlisten.

    get along/on like eachother

    I was surprisedhow well my new"irlriend and mysister gotalong/on.

    get around have


    #y "randather

    can getaroundine in hisnew wheelchair.

    get away "o on avacation

    (e worked sohard this year thatwe had to getawayor a week.

  • 8/11/2019 Phrasal Verb for Studing


    get awaywithsomething

    do withoutbein"noticed or


    Jason always getsawaywithcheatin" in

    his maths tests.

    get back return (e got backromour vacation lastweek.



    you hadbeore

    =i6 inally gother-cience

    notes backrommy room?mate.

    get backatsomeone


    #y sister gotback atme orstealin" her shoes.-he stole my

    avourite hat.get backintosomething


    I inally got backintomy novel andinished it.


    step ontoa vehicle

    (e!re "oin" toree6e out here iyou don!t letusget onthe bus.


    recoverrom anillness*loss*

    I %ust gotoverthe lu andnow my sister hasit.

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    a problem

    'he company will

    have to close i itcan!t get overthenew re"ulations.

    get roundtosomething

    inally indtime to do)

  • 8/11/2019 Phrasal Verb for Studing



    take thebride tothe altar

    #yather gaveme awayat my



    ruin asecret

    #y littlesister gavethesurpriseparty awaybyaccident.


    "ivesomethin"tosomeoneor ree

    'he librarywas givingawayold bookson Ariday.



    return a


    I have

    to givetheseskates backtoAran6 beore hishockey "ame.

    give in reluctantlystopi"htin" or


    #y boyrienddidn!t want to "oto the ballet* but

    he inally gave in.


    "ive tomanypeople)usually atno cost+

    'hey were givingoutree perumesamples at thedepartment store.

    givesomething quit a I am giving

  • 8/11/2019 Phrasal Verb for Studing


    up habit upsmokin" as oJanuary 3st.

    give up stop tryin" #y mathshomework was toodiicult so I gaveup.



    #y brother triedto go afterthethie in his car.


    try toachievesomethin"

    I went aftermydream and now Iam a publishedwriter.



    (e are goingagainstthe bestsoccer team in thecity toni"ht.

    go ahead start*proceed

    8lease goaheadand eatbeore the ood"ets cold.

    go back return to aplace

    I have to gobackhome and"et my lunch.

    go out leavehome to"o on a


    (e!re goingoutor dinnertoni"ht.

  • 8/11/2019 Phrasal Verb for Studing



    go out


    date Jesse has

    been going outwith=uke sincethey met lastwinter.


    review 8lease gooveryour answersbeore you submit

    your test.

    go over visitsomeonenearby

    I haven!t seen'ina or a lon"time. I think I!ll gooveror an houror two.


    suer lackordeprivation

    (hen I wasyoun"* wewentwithoutwinterboots.

    grow apart stop bein"riends

    over time

    #y best riend andI grew

    apartater shechan"ed schools.

    grow back re"row #y roses grewbackthis summer.

    grow up become anadult

    (hen Jack growsuphe wants to be

    a ireman.

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    grow outofsomething

    "et too bi"or

    ;li6abeth needs anew pair o shoesbecause she

    has grown outofher old ones.


    "row bi"enou"h toit

    'his bike is too bi"or him now* buthe should growintoit by ne&t


    "ivesomethin"used tosomeoneelse

    I handedmy oldcomicbooks downtomy little cousin.

    handsomethingin submit I have to handinmy essay byAriday.


    todistributeto a "roupo people

    (e will handoutthe invitationsat the door.



    'he police askedthe man to handoverhis walletand his weapons.

    hang in staypositive)

  • 8/11/2019 Phrasal Verb for Studing



    hang on wait a

    short time)inormal+

    Hang onwhile I

    "rab my coat andshoes7

    hang out spend timerela&in")inormal+

    Instead o "oin" tothe party we are

    %ust "oin" tohangoutat my place.

    hang up end aphone call

    1e didn!t say"oodbye beorehe hung up.



    I had to holdmydo"backbecausethere was a cat inthe park.


    hide anemotion

    Jamie heldbackhis tears athis "randather!suneral.

    hold on wait ashort time

    8lease holdonwhile I transeryou to the -alesepartment.


    hold irmlyusin" yourhands orarms

    Hold ontoyourhat because it!svery windyoutside.

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    rob man in a blackmaskheldthebank upthis


    keep ondoingsomething


    eep onstirrin"until the liquidcomes to a boil.


    not tell (e keptourrelationshipfromo

    ur parents or twoyears.


    stop romenterin"

    'ry to keepthewet do"outo thelivin" room.


    continueat thesame rate

    I you keepthoseresultsupyou will"et into a "reatcolle"e.


    ail tosupport orhelp*


    I need you to beon time.on!t letme dow

    nthis time.

    letsomeonein allow toenter

    :an you letthecat inbeore you"o to school>

    log in)or on+ si"n in )toa website*


    I can!t log intoAacebook because

    I!ve or"otten my

  • 8/11/2019 Phrasal Verb for Studing


    etc+ password.

    log out)or off+ si"n out

    )o awebsite*databaseetc+

    I you don!t log

    offsomebodycould "et into youraccount.


    take careo

    I have to lookaftermy sick"randmother.

    look downonsomeone

    think lesso*considerinerior

    ;ver since westole thatchocolate bar yourdad has lookeddown onme.


    try to ind I!m looking forared dress or theweddin".

    look forwardtosomething

    be e&citedabout theuture

    I!m lookingforward tothe:hristmas break.


    investi"ate (e are "oin"to look intotheprice osnowboards today.

    look out be careul*vi"ilant*and take


    =ook out7 'hatcar!s "oin" to hityou7

  • 8/11/2019 Phrasal Verb for Studing


    look outforsomeone/something

    beespeciallyvi"ilant or

    on!t or"etto look outforsnakes on the

    hikin" trail.



    :an you lookovermy essay orspellin" mistakes>


    search andind

    inormation in areerencebook ordatabase

    (e can lookherphone

    number upon theInternet.

    look up


    have a lot

    o respector

    #y little sister has

    alwayslookedupto me.


    invent* lieaboutsomethin"

    Josie made upastory about whywe were late.

    make up or"ive

    each other

    (e were an"ry

    last ni"ht* butwe made upatbreakast.



    #ysisters mademeupor my"raduation party.

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    conusetwo ormore


    I mixed upthetwins! namesa"ain7

    pass away die 1is uncle passedawaylast ni"htater a lon" illness.

    pass out aint It was so hot inthe church that an

    elderlyladypassed out.


    "ive thesame thin"to manypeople

    'heproessor passedthete&tbooks outbe

    ore class.passsomethingup


    I passed upthe%ob because I amaraid o chan"e.





    'hanks or buyin"

    my ticket.I!ll payyou backon Ariday.


    bepunishedor doin"somethin"bad

    'hat bully will payforbein" mean tomy little brother.

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    choose I pickedoutthreesweaters or you

    to try on.


    indicatewith yourin"er

    I!ll pointmyboyriendoutwhenhe runs by.


    put whatyou are

    holdin" ona suraceor loor

    You can putthe"roceriesdownon

    the kitchencounter.



    eel stupid

    'hestudents putthesubstitute

    teacher downbecause his pants weretoo short.


    postpone (e are puttingoffour trip untilJanuary becauseo the hurricane.


    e&tin"uish 'henei"hbours putthe ire outbeorethe iremenarrived.


    assemble I have to putthecribtogetherbeo

  • 8/11/2019 Phrasal Verb for Studing


    re the babyarrives.

    put upwithsomeone/something

    tolerate I don!t think Ican put upwiththree smallchildren in the car.



    on yourbody

    on!t or"et to putonyour newearrin"s or the




    I ran intoan oldschool?riend atthe mall.


    drive avehicleover aperson orthin"

    I accidentally ranoveryour bicyclein the driveway.




    =et!s runover/throughthe

    se lines one moretime beore theshow.

    run away leaveune&pectedly* escape

    'he child ranawayrom homeand has beenmissin" or threedays.

  • 8/11/2019 Phrasal Verb for Studing


    run out have nonelet

    (e ran outoshampoo so I hadto wash my hair

    with soap.


    return)usually bymail+

    #y letter "ot sentbackto mebecause I used thewron" stamp.




    ,ur boss seta

    meetin"upwiththe president othe company.

    setsomeoneup trick* trap 'he police setupthe car thie byusin" a hidden around compare

    pricesI want to shoparounda littlebeore I decide onthese boots.

    show off act e&tra

    special orpeoplewatchin")usuallyboastully+

    1e always shows

    offon hisskateboard

    sleep over staysomewhere or the

    You should sleepovertoni"ht i theweather is too bad

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  • 8/11/2019 Phrasal Verb for Studing



    return anitem

    I have to takeournew'/backbecause it

    doesn!t work.

    take off start to ly #y plane takesoffin iveminutes.




    !ake offyoursocks and shoes

    and come in thelake7


    removerom aplace orthin"

    :an you takethe"arba"eoutto thestreet or me>


    pay orsomeoneto "osomewhere with you

    #y"randparents tookusoutor dinnerand a movie.



    rip into


    I tore upmy e&?

    boyriend!s lettersand "ave themback to him.

    think back remember)oten Cto*sometimesC on+

    (hen I thinkbackon myyouth* I wish I hadstudied harder.

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    consider I!ll haveto thinkthis %oboer overbeore I

    make my inaldecision.


    dispose o (e threwour oldurniture awaywhen we won thelottery.


    decreasethevolume orstren"th)heat* li"htetc+

    8lease turnthe'/ downwhile the"uests are here.

    turnsomethingdown reuse I turnedthe%ob downbecauseI don!t want tomove.


    stop theener"ylow*

    switch o

    Your mother wantsyou toturnthe'/ offand come

    or dinner.


    start theener"y*switch on

    It!s too dark inhere.=et!sturnsomeli"hts on.



    :an you turnthemusicup> 'his is

  • 8/11/2019 Phrasal Verb for Studing


    volume orstren"th)heat* li"ht


    my avourite son".

    turn up appearsuddenly

    ,ur cat turnedupater we putposters up all overthenei"hbourhood.



    I!m "oin"to trythese

    %eans on* but Idon!t think theywill it.



    test I am "oin"

    to trythis newbrand odeter"ent out.


    inish thesupply

    'he kids usedallo thetoothpaste upsowe need to buy

    some more.

    wake up stopsleepin"

    (e have to wakeupearly or workon #onday.



    Youcan warmyoureetupin ront o

  • 8/11/2019 Phrasal Verb for Studing


    re the ireplace.

    warm up prepare

    body ore&ercise

    I always warm

    upby doin" sit?ups beore I "o ora run.

    wear off ade away #ost o my make?up woreoffbeore I "ot tothe party.

    work out e&ercise I work outat the"ym three times aweek.

    work out besuccessul

    ,ur plan workedoutine.


    make acalculation

    (e have to workoutthe total costbeore we buy thehouse.

    Alphabetical List - A

    PhrasalVerb Meaning Example

    abide byRespect or obey(the law, a decision, a rule)

    If you want to stay at thisschool, you mustabide bytherules.

    account for Explain; give a reasonI hope you can accountforthe money you spent!

    ache for Want something or someone very much.He was so lonely he achedfor the sound of a humanvoice.

    act on Tae action as a result o! something The police acted onthe callthey received.

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    act up "ause pain or annoyance by !unctioning badlyDad's poor knee is actingupagain.

    add up #ae sense; seem reasonable Her story just doesn't add up.

    adhere to $upport; !ollow; act in accordance withll contestants must adhereto the rules.


    Recommend not doing something

    Thedoctor advisedhimagainstcarrying heavy loads.

    agree with %ave the same opinion as someone elseI agree withyou. I think shedeserves the award too.

    aim at &irect towards a targetThe policeman aimedhisgunatthe hijacker.

    allow forTae into consideration;'nclude in a calculation

    ou'd "etter leave earlyto allow for heavy tra#c.

    amount to Reach; be euivalent to$% The total cost amountsto$&(.&% His statement amountedtoa confession.

    angle at $how !rom a particular point o! view.The documentary was angledatyoung viewers.

    angle for Try to obtain something by hinting.I suspect Tom's angling for afree ticket.


    Reply rudelyDon't answer backyourmother!

    answer for) *e responsible !or something.

    +) $pea on behal! o! someone.

    $% )ormally parents haveto answer for their children's"ehaviour.&% I agree, "ut I can't answerformy associate.

    answer to *e responsible tobe controlled by (someone)*ho do you answer to in youjo"+

    appeal to)-lead or mae an earnest reuest.

    +) *e attractive or interesting.

    $% The organiers appealedto the crowd to stay calm.&% -amping doesn't appealtome.

    apply for#ae a !ormal reuest !or something(ob, permit, loan, etc.)

    He applied forthe jo"advertised.

    arrive atReach(an agreement, a decision, a conclusion)

    It is hoped that theywill arrive at an agreement atthe end of the meeting..

    ask after Enuire about someone/s well0being.y mother is always askingafteryou.

    ask around #ention it to people you see or meet.I'll ask around and see ifanyone has seen your cat.

    ask in 'nvite someone to come inside. I couldn't leave her standingoutside in the cold so

  • 8/11/2019 Phrasal Verb for Studing


    I asked her in.

    ask out 'nvite someone to lunch, dinner, the cinema .../ohnhas asked aryout severaltimes.

    avail(oneself) of

    Tae advantage o! something(an opportunity)

    *hen the company isprivatied, you shouldavailyourself of the opportunityand "uy some shares.

    average outat

    Result in an average (amount)The price of lunch averagesout at $( per person.


    Meaning Example

    back away#ove bacwards, in

    !ear or dislie

    *hen he saw the dog,

    he backedaway.

    back downWithdraw; concedede!eat.

    0ocal authorities backeddownon their plans todemolish the cinema.

    back offRetreat, abandon anintention.

    The thugs backed o whenthey saw the police.

    back outWithdraw !rom anagreement.

    *e made a deal. oucan't back out now!

    back up

    ) 1ive support orencouragement

    +) mae a copy o!(!ile, program...)

    $% If I tell the "osswe've gottoo much work,

    will youbackme up+&% It is recommendedto back upall 1les.

    bail out

    ) -ay money tosecure someone/srelease

    +) Rescue !rom!inancial di!!iculties

    $% *hen he was arrested, hisfamily refused to bailhim out.&% The government bailedoutthe "ank.


    together 2nite in a group.

    -onsumers banded

    togetherto protest againstthe measures.

    bank on*ase your hopes onsomethingsomeone.

    Don't forget the date.I'm banking onyour help.

    bargain forExpect; be prepared!or.

    The interview was moredi#cult than hehadbargained for.

    bear out "on!irmThe other witnesses willbearout my testimony.

    bear with *e patient.2lease "ear with me please

    while I 1nish my e3planation.beef up 'mprove or mae He beefed uphis

  • 8/11/2019 Phrasal Verb for Studing


    more substantialpresentation with diagramsand statistics.

    black out3aint; loseconsciousness

    *hen he fell o4 the horse,he blacked out.

    block off $eparate using abarrier.

    The area was blockedo during thedemonstration.

    blow up

    ) Explode.

    +) *e destroyed byan explosion.

    $% The terrorists said the"om" would blow

    upat 5 o'clock.&% The car blew up "utluckily there wasno"ody in it.

    boil downto

    *e summari4ed asThe pro"lem boils downtoa lack of money.

    boot up$tart a computer byloading an operatingsystem or program.

    /ust give me a few minutesto boot up the computer.

    break awayEscape !romcaptivity.

    few horses brokeawayfrom the paddock.

    break down

    ) 1o out o! order,cease to !unction.

    +) 5ose control o!one/s emotions.

    $% /ohn's carbroke downonthe way to theairport.&% The parents brokedownwhen they

    heard the "ad news.

    break into Enter by !orce.The "urglars broke intothehouse around midnight.

    break off) $top, discontinue

    +) $top speaing

    $% It was decided to breako diplomaticrelations with that country.

    &% 6he broke o in themiddle of a sentence.

    break out $tart suddenly.7ioting broke out as a resultof the strike.

    break out ofEscape !rom a placeby !orce.

    Three prisoners broke outofjail.

    break up"ome to an end(marriage,relationship...)

    fter her marriage broke up,8mma went to live in 0ondon.

    bring off$ucceed in doingsomething di!!icult

    ou pretended to "e ajournalist and he "elievedyou+I never thoughtyou'd bringthat o!

    bring up ) Raise (a child). $% 6he stopped working inorder to bring up

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  • 8/11/2019 Phrasal Verb for Studing


    check inRegister at a hotel orairport.

    :or security reasons, youhave to check intwo hours"efore your ;ight.

    check out

    ) -ay one/s bill and

    leave (a hotel)

    +) 'nvestigate orveri!y.

    $% Is r.

  • 8/11/2019 Phrasal Verb for Studing


    driver to 1nd the theatre.

    cross outRemove by drawinga line through.

    In some e3ercises you areasked to cross outtheincorrect word.

    cut downon Reduce in number orsi4e. The doctor told him tocutdown on cigarettes.

    cut out

    ) Remove usingscissors.+) $top doingsomething.

    $% 6hecut outa picture in amagaine.&% I'm going to cutouteating sweet food.

    deal with%andle, tae care o!(problem, situation)

    The manager is goodat dealing withdi#cultcustomers.

    deckout (in/with)

    &ress; decorate

    $% The women wereall decked out in "eautiful dresses.&% The e3hi"ition hall will"e decked out in the colours of 8urope.

    die down"alm down, becomeless strong.

    *hen the applause dieddown, she started to sing.

    dig into

    ) Try to !ind deepinside something.

    +) $tart to dosomething.

    7) Tae !romsomething.

    $% He dug intohis pocketand found a coin.

    &% It was time to dig into the

    work that hadaccumulated on her desk.

    >% Dad had to dig intohissavings to repair theroof.

    dig up

    ) *rea up thesoilremove bydigging.

    +) &iscover or revealin!ormation.

    $% He tried to dig up the tree"y its roots.

    &% 6ome newspapers often

    try to dig upscandalous information.

    dish out&istribute or giveaway a lot.

    He spent the day dishingoutinvitations to tourists.


    &ecide to do withoutsomething.

    I'm afraid you'll have todownload it.They've dispensed withthepaper version.

    do awaywith

    1et rid o!; abolish.

    6ome people think it's timeto do away withthe over "lean or redecorate. y parents will need to do

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    over their living9room soon.The paintwork needsrefreshing.

    do up 3asten (a garment)?ood "oy le3! ou knowhow to do upyour coat now!

    do without #anage without.The shops are closed so we'llhave todo without sugar.

    drag on5ast longer thanexpected.

    *e e3pected a short speech"ut it dragged onand on!

    drag out

    ) #ae somethinglonger thannecessary.

    +) #ae someone

    reveal or givein!ormationunwillingly.

    $% 0et's decide now andnot drag outthisdiscussion.

    &% The police 1nally draggedouta confessionfrom the suspect.

    draw upWrite (contract,agreement,document).

    n agreement as drawnupand signed "y the twoparties.

    dress up

    ) Wear elegantclothes.

    +) &isguise onesel!.

    $% Do people dress upto goto the opera in yourcountry+&% -hildren love to dress

    up at Halloween.

    drift apart*ecome less andless close.

    *e were childhood friends"ut we drifted apartoverthe years.

    drift off 1radually !all asleep.He sat "ack, closed his eyesand drifted o.

    drive at'nsinuate; be tryingto say.

    *hat e3actly areyoudriving at+

    drop behind3all into a positionbehind others.

    @ur sales have droppedbehind those of our


    drop in8isit, usually on the

    way somewhere.

    I sometimes drop into seemy grandparents on my wayhome from school.

    drop off

    ) &eliver someoneor something.

    +) 3all asleep.

    $% I'll dropyouoat the "usstop if you like.

    &% ?randdad often dropso in front of the T=.

    drop out

    5eave school without


    6he decided to go to art

    school, then droppedoutafter the 1rst term.

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    drown out*e louder in order tocover another sound.

    6he turned up the musicto drown outthe noise ofthe children outside.

    ease off/up

    Reduce, becomeless severe or slow

    down(pain, tra!!ic, wor ...)

    fter -hristmas, the

    workload generally easeso.

    egg on EncourageEgged on "y his friends, the"oy clim"ed over the wall.


    $tart or engage in6he embarked ona careerthat lead her to fame.

    end in3inish in a certain

    way result inTheir marriage endedin divorce.

    end up3inally reach a state,

    place or action

    If he continues hismisconduct, he'll end upin


    even out

    ) Eliminatedi!!erences o!opinion.

    +) *ecome level orregular

    $% fter a long discussionthey managed toevenout their di4erences.&% The road wasevenedout to make it safer.


    3ind an excuse orplausible explanation

    How are you goingto explain awaythe missingmoney+

    face up (to)6ccept ad deal withsomethingunpleasant.

    6am will have to face upto thefact that /enny is not in love withhim.

    fall behind3ail to maintain acertain level

    6hefell behind at school andhad to study harder.

    fall through3ail does nothappen

    @ur planned "oat trip fellthrough"ecause of the storm.

    figure out2nderstand !ind theanswer

    I'm trying togure outhow toassem"le the wardro"e.

    fill in forTemporarilysubstitute !oranother person

    8va is a"sent this morning and/ulie is going to ll in for her.

    fill out"omplete (a!ormapplication)

    2leasell outthe enclosed formand send it "ack as soon aspossi"le.

    find out&iscover or obtainin!ormation

    I'm going to call the cinemato nd outwhat time the 1lmstarts.

    fit in (with)3eel com!ortable or

    be in harmony with

    He just doesn't 1t in with the

    others.fix up Repair or renovate They're going tox upthe

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    get out of(!noun)

    5eaveHow did he get out of thehouse+

    get out of(!verb)

    6void doingsomething

    6ome hus"ands manage togetout ofdoing any housework.

    get overRecover !rom(illness,disappointment)

    -harlie had the ';u "ut he gotoverit.

    get rid of EliminateIt's di#cult to get rid of oldha"its.

    get round(to)

    3ind the necessarytime to dosomething.

    I 1nally got round tomakingthe list that I promised.

    get together#eet each other0et's get togetherfor lunch oneday.

    get up Rise leave bed I usuallyget up at C o'clock.

    give away

    ) 1ive something!ree o! charge.

    +) Revealsomething.

    $% He gave away most of hispaintings.

    &% The names of the witnesseswill not "egiven away.

    give backReturn something toits owner.

    He promised to give backthemoney he "orrowed..

    give up $top ing something.6arah gave upsmoking 1veyears ago.

    gloss over

    Treat somethingbrie!ly so as to avoidembarrassingdetails.

    The director glossed over therecent drop in sales.

    go along(with)

    6gree with; accept.le3 tends to go alongwith anything his wife says.

    go back Return-hildren go backto school afterthe holidays.

    go away

    ) 5eave a place

    +) &isappear !ade

    $% *e decided to go awayfor afew days.

    &% The stain still hasn't goneaway.

    go in EnterThere's a "akery. 0et's goinand "uy some "read.

    go into (!noun)

    1o insideGo into the "akery and see ifthey sell croissants.

    go into (!noun)

    9oin or enter apro!ession ororgani4ation.

    He decided to go intothe armywhen he left school.

    go in for

    %ave something as

    an interest or hobby.

    6he doesn't really go in

    for sports.go out 5eave one/s home to any young people go out a lot.

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    attend a socialevent.

    go (out) with%ave someone as aboy!riendgirl!riend.

    Is /ulie going out! withTom+

    go with5oo good withsomething else.

    These shoes don't go with myskirt.

    go through Experience.2etewent througha lot of painafter the accident.


    #atch; harmoni4e(with)

    The curtains don't go with thecarpet.The curtains and carpet don't gotogether.

    grow up$pend one/schildhood becomean adult

    He grew upin a small village inthe mountains.

    hand back Return6he read the article andthen handed it back.

    hand down-ass on (bytradition,inheritance...)

    y clothes were handeddown to me "y my older sister.

    hand in$ubmit (report,homewor)

    ll application forms must"e handed in"efore the end ofthe month.

    hand out &istribute6amples will "e handed outatthe end

    of the demonstration.

    hand over1ive to someone inauthority.

    The "oy was forced to handover the mo"ile phone he hadstolen.

    hang back*e reluctant to dosomething

    ll the children rushed towardsthe clown e3cept one "oywho hung back.

    hang on Wait"ang ona minute. I'm earlyready.

    hang on (to)

    :eep a hold on


    "ang onto that rope and you'll

    "e ok.

    hang out

    $pend time in aparticular place or

    with a group o!!riends

    *here does hehang out thesedays+*ho does he hang out with+

    hang upEnd a telephoneconversation

    Don't hang up. I haven't1nished yet.

    head off$tart to gosomewhere.

    He headed oto the trainstation.

    head for

    1omove in a certain


    The "oat was heading for the

    rocks.hit at 6im a blow at He hit atthe wasp with a

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    something. newspaper.

    hit backRetaliate reply toan attac

    *hen he was attacked, the"oy hit back.

    hit on/upon3ind unexpectedly orby inspiration

    6hehit uponan idea for hernew collection.

    hold on) Wait

    +) 1rip tightly

    $% "old onplease. I'll put youthrough to r.

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    the hotel.

    "ot down Tae uic notes

    I(otted downtheaddress whilewatching theprogramme on T=.

    keep at -ersevere.

    His fatherencouraged himto keep at hisstudies.

    keep back Retain !orce to stay bac "arrier wasinstalled tokeepbackthe fans.

    keep on "ontinue doing somethingI told him to "e Auiet"ut hekept

    onmaking noise.

    keep up with$tay at the same level as someone orsomething

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    friends like to look"ack on the goodold days.

    look down on "onsider as in!erior

    He tends tolookdown onanyone

    who is notsuccessful.

    look into Examine or investigate.I'll look into thematter and call you"ack.

    look on *e a spectator at an event

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    a real "argain!

    miss out (on) 5ose an opportunity to do something.If you leave "efore6aturday you'll missouton the party.

    mix up #istae one thing or person !or another

    I don't know themem"ers' namesyet.I tendto mixthem up

    move in 6rrive in a new home or o!!iceou've "ought a newhouse+ *hen areyoumoving in+

    move out5eave your homeo!!ice !or anotherone.

    y neigh"our isleaving.He's moving

    outne3t 6aturday.

    nail down#ae someone say somethingprecisely

    He promised to come"ut we'll haveto nailhim downto adate.

    name after1ive the same name as anotherperson

    *illiam was namedafter his grandfather.

    narrow down Reduce a list or a number o! options.The list of suspects has"een narrowed

    downto three people.

    nod off 3all asleepy grandfatheroften nods oin frontof the television.


    Try to discover by searching.

    I don't likepeople nosingaround my desk.

    note down Write something downI'll call the stationand note downthedeparture times.

    opt out5eave a system or decide not toparticipate

    I enjoy tennis "ut I'm so"usy I had to opt outofthe tournament.

    own up 6dmit or con!ess somethingThe "oy owned up.Hesaid he kicked the "allthrough the window.

    pass away &ieThe old ladypassedawaypeacefully.

    pass on Transmit

    Don't forget topass

    on the information.pass out 3aint lose consciousness 6hepassed

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    out when she heardthe "ad news.

    pay back Reimburse

    I will lend you &(providedyoupaymeback"ef

    ore the end of theweek.

    pick on"hoose someone to blame, punish, bully,etc.

    The other childrenwere alwayspickingon -harlie "ecauseof his red hair.

    pick out $elect; choose

    *ill you helpmepick out ahand"ag to go withmy out1t+

    pick up 5earn-hildren are Auicktopick up a newlanguage.

    pick up "ollect; give someone a li!t/ames is comingtopick me up at Go'clock.

    play up "ause pain or discom!ort.

    y stomach isstarting toplayup again after allthat heavy food.

    play upEmphasi4e or mae something seem moreimportant.

    He alwaysplaysuphisachievements.

    play down#inimi4e or mae something appear lessimportant

    Thegovernmentplayeddownthe gravity ofthe situation.

    pop across/over/down/out

    "ome or go uicly in the direction speci!ied

    6hepopped overtovisit her motherafter lunch.

    pop in #ae a brie! visitHe sometimespopsinfor a cup ofco4ee.

    pop up 6rise, occur

    TheAuestionpoppedup during themeeting.

    pull through vercome di!!iculties or illness

    y grandmothercaught pneumonia"ut shepulled

    through.put away Return something to its normal place a!ter 2leaseput awaythe

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    using it.

    dictionary whenyou've 1nished usingit.

    put off -ostpone arrange a later dateThe meetingwasput o "ecause

    of the strike.

    put on Turn on switch on-ould youputon the light please+

    put on Wear a garment or piece o! clothing.*ut onyour coat 9it's getting cold.

    put out ExtinguishIt took a long timetoput out the 1re.

    put (yourself) out 1o to a lot o! trouble be inconvenienced.2lease don'tputyourself outfor us.

    put (something)out 5eaveplace someting outside the house.

    Don't forget toputoutthe dust"in.

    put through "onnect two people (on the telephone)I'llputyouthroughto r.

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    could ringhim back.

    ring off End a phone callHe gave his nameand then rang o.

    rub out Erase*rite it in pencil sothat youcan rubit out.

    rule out EliminateThe police ruledoutpoliticalmotives.

    run away Escape !rom a place or suddenly leaveHe ran awayfromhome at the age offourteen.

    run into#eet by accident or unexpectedly

    (also < bumpinto)

    6ophie ranintoaria at the

    shopping centre.

    run out of %ave no more o! something*hat a nuisance!I've run outofco4ee.


    #ae something smaller than originallyintended.

    Due to the crisis thecompany had to scale downthe sie of the plant.


    scrape up

    #anage to !ind or collect enough o!

    something you need, usually money

    *e 1nallyscrapedtogether enough money to

    "uy an old car.

    scrape through $ucceed with di!!icultyHow I scrapedthroughthe e3am is amystery!

    set off $tart a ourney8arly 6aturday morningwe set ofor the skislopes.

    set up $tart a business6heset up her owncompany $ years ago.

    settle for 6ccept something not uite satis!actory.

    I was hoping for a "etter

    proposal "utI'll settleforthe amountyou o4er.

    shop around "ompare pricesIt's always wise toshoparound "efore "uyinganything.

    show off *rag or want to be admiredThere's David showingo in his new sports car!

    show up 6ppear arrive*e e3pected *illiam tocome "ut he didn't show

    up.shut *e silent, stop taling @hshut upyou idiot!

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    up (impolite)

    sign away 1ive up one/s rights or ownershipHesigned away hisproperty and joined areligious community.

    sign in Register (e.g. at a hotel)0et's go and eat as soon aswe've signed in.

    sign out -ay your bill and leave (e.g. a hotel)He signed out and left forthe airport.

    sign over (to) Trans!er ownership o! somethingHesigned over the houseto his two children.

    sign up (for) Enroll in an activity8mma signed upfor acomputer course.

    sign up (with) $ign an agreement to wor !or somebody2aul hassigned upwith anews agency.

    single out $elect !or special attention Two "oys were singledout for e3tra coaching.

    sink in To be !ully understoodIt took a while for the scaleof the disaster tosink in.

    sit down Tae a seat2lease come in and sitdown.

    sleep in $leep later than usualTomorrow's 6aturday, so Icansleep in!

    sleep over $tay overnight at someone else/s home.ou're welcome to sleepover if you don't want to

    drive in this weather.slip up #ae a mistae

    ou slipped up there! Hisname is le3, not lan!

    sober up 1et rid o! the e!!ects o! too much alcohol/ack went for a long walkto sober up.

    sort out rgani4e, resolve a problem6tudents should sortout their "ooks at the endof the school year.

    stand for) Represent, mean

    +) Tolerate

    $% =Tstands forvalueadded ta3.

    &% I'm not going to standforsuch "ehaviour!

    stand up Rise !rom a sitting positionThe pupils stood upwhenthe headmaster arrived.

    stick to "ontinue without changing anything*e must decide on a planof action and stick toit.

    stick up for &e!endIt's important to stick upforone's principles.

    take after Resemble in appearance or character/amie really takes afterhisdad.

    take apart &ismantle or separate the components The technician hasto takethe

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    machine apartin order torepair it.

    take away*uy !ood at a restaurant and carry itelsewhere to eat it.

    Two "eef curries to takeaway please.

    take away "ause something to disappearThe doctor gave me ta"letsto take awaythe pain.

    take back 6gree to receive bac be returned.*e will take backgoodsonly if you can produce thereceipt.

    take back Retract or withdraw something saidI take backwhat I saida"out cheating.

    take care of 5oo a!terI'll take care ofyour plantswhile you're away.

    take off 5eave the groundThe plane took oat Co'clock.

    take in 6llow to stay in one/s home6he's always takinginstray cats and dogs!

    take in =ote with your eyes and register.6he took inevery detail ofher rival's out1t.

    take in2nderstand what one sees, hears or reads reali4e what is happening.

    The man immediately tookinthe scene and called thepolice.

    take on %ire or engage sta!!

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    downe3actly on time.

    toy with Thin about, without serious intentI've "een toying withtheidea of starting to walk towork.

    track down 3ind by searchingThe police 1nally trackeddownthe main suspect.

    trade in 1ive as part payment !or a new article.I traded inmy car for anew model.

    try on-ut on or wear something to see i! it suitsor !its

    I'm not sure a"out the sie.-an I tryit on+

    turn away Re!use entrance to someoneHundreds of fanswere turned awayfromthe foot"all stadium.

    turn down)5ower the volume.


    $%2lease turn downthemusic it's too loud.&% I couldn't turn downano4er like that!

    turn off $top by turning a switch, tap or nob.#urn othe lights please"efore you leave.

    turn up) 6rrive, appear

    +) Raise the volume

    $% 6he turned upan hourlate.

    &% -ould you turn uptheradio please+

    use up 3inish a product ( so that there/s none le!t)The kids have used upallthe toothpaste.

    veer away from 6void, stay away !romI veer away from hypochondriacs if Ican.

    vie with "ompete or rival with someoneThe athletes vied witheach otherfor 1rst place.

    vouch forExpress con!idence in, or guaranteesomething

    ou can give the keys to ndy. Ican vouch forhim.

    ward off:eep away or repel (somethingdangerous or unpleasant).

    I take plenty of vitamin - to wardo colds.

    warm up) Reheat something.+) #ae more lively or more relaxed.

    $% 6he warmed upsome left9oversoup.&% He told a few jokes to warmup the atmosphere.

    wash up Wash the dishes a!ter a meal. *ho's going to help me wash up+

    watch out *e care!ul -atch out! There's a car coming.

    water down ) &ilute or mae weaer by addingwater $% If you water downthe medicineit will "e

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    +) #ae less severe

    easier to take.&% He watered downhis remarksso as not

    to o4end anyone.

    wear out) *ecome unusable+) *ecome very tired

    $% /ulie wore out her shoes

    sightseeing.&% t the end of the day /uliewas worn out.

    whip up -repare uicly.I can whip upsomething to eat ifyou're hungry.

    wolf down Eat greedily and uicly.The "oys wolfed downthe wholecake in no time!

    work out) &o physical exercise+) 3ind a solution or calculate


    $% I work out twice a week at thegym clu".&% It's e3pensive "ut I

    haven't worked out the e3act cost yet.

    wind up3inish or put an end to something
