final phrasal verb lev 1

I am dizzy. I am going to throw _____ (vomit). a) off b) away c) up d) down The teacher comes to school _____ 7:00 am. a) on b) in c) at Mrs Smith is not pleased _____ the new servant. a) at b) of c) about d) with e) on Mary is very weak _____ Mathematics. a) for b) by c) in d) at e) on

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phrasal verb


Page 1: Final Phrasal Verb Lev 1

I am dizzy. I am going to throw _____ (vomit).

a) offb) awayc) upd) down

The teacher comes to school _____ 7:00 am.

a) onb) inc) at

Mrs Smith is not pleased _____ the new servant.

a) atb) ofc) aboutd) withe) on

Mary is very weak _____ Mathematics.

a) forb) byc) ind) ate) on

Peter is very good _____ English.

a) withb) at

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c) ond) toe) for

There is a post office _____ my school.

a) onb) withc) ind) oppositee) to

The bus was late this morning but it�s usually ________ time.

a) inb) atc) on

I saw Tom ________ the doctor�s.

a) inb) withc) at

We need a lot of things for the party. Let's run _____ the list now.

a) onb) throughc) intod) after

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Everyone _____ John was present this morning.

a) exceptb) sincec) withd) bye) for

The shops close ________ 20:00.

a) onb) atc) in

I�m going on holiday ________ the end of August.

a) inb) fromc) at

The dog is sleeping _____ the fire.

a) onb) inc) byd) throughe) with

The teacher was very angry _____ the naughty boy.

a) withb) forc) at

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d) toe) on

My house is ________ the end of the street.

a) atb) Xc) in

Have you seen this article ________ the newspaper (magazine)?

a) atb) inc) on

Amy is very polite _____ her teachers.

a) tob) withc) atd) frome) on

The famous singer was married _____ a rich man.

a) tob) forc) ind) one) at

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You may go on _____ your work.

a) withb) inc) atd) ofe) to

Excellent work, keep it _____ (continue)!

a) upb) offc) backd) out

When he saw a shark, he swam quickly _____ the land.

a) overb) byc) towardsd) intoe) on

John held _____ (controlled) his anger.

a) upb) backc) offd) down

Write your name ________ the top of the page.

a) in

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b) atc) on

�Where�s May?� �She�s ________ bed.�

a) onb) atc) in

Most children like looking _____ wild animal.

a) inb) atc) acrossd) fore) round

He told me ________ his plans ________ lunch.

a) about, inb) about, atc) with, at

John left school ________ 1995.

a) inb) fromc) on

We met a lot of people ________ our holiday.

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a) duringb) inc) at

I live very close _____ my school.

a) nearb) toc) downd) offe) of

Thomas suddenly began to feel ill ________ the examination.

a) duringb) forc) while

Mary met her friend _____ the bus-stop.

a) betweenb) alongc) ond) ate) after

How much did you pay _____ your new bag?

a) fromb) offc) ofd) ine) for

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Julia is working ________ her desk.

a) overb) onc) at

We stayed _____ my brother's house in London.

a) byb) atc) ond) to

Living _____ this city is very expensive.

a) downb) outc) ind) toe) away

These baskets are made _____ hand.

a) byb) ofc) withd) frome) at

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Tom and Susan broke _____ last year (ended their relationship).

a) outb) upc) downd) through

Will you make _____ your mind quickly?

a) atb) roundc) upd) upone) through

There weren�t many people ________ the concert.

a) withb) atc) in

Let's keep (stay) _____ touch!

a) inb) onc) atd) by

Mr Chan's car is _____ the garage.

a) acrossb) sincec) outsided) without

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e) during

Mr Smith has a cigarette _____ his hand.

a) forb) toc) ofd) upe) in

He got _____ the bus near his house.

a) atb) offc) overd) ofe) besides

We called _____ (visited) him last Wednesday.

a) upb) inc) ofd) one) to

The fire broke _____ (started suddenly) last night.

a) awayb) offc) outd) down

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Where is Ann? Is she ________ her brother�s?

a) byb) atc) in

The man is very kind _____ the poor beggar.

a) atb) withc) ford) one) to

The teacher was very pleased _____ the diligent girl.

a) onb) withc) ind) ate) to

Helen is studying law ________ university.

a) atb) inc) inside

We got ________ the station just ________ time to catch the train.

a) at, on

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b) in, inc) to, in

The policemen are searching _____ the thief.

a) ofb) inc) ford) bye) upon

I have a friend who lives ________ a small village ________ the mountains.

a) in, inb) in, onc) at, on

Where will you be ________ Easter?

a) inb) onc) at

There was an aeroplane flying _____ our school.

a) aboutb) atc) overd) intoe) against

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I�m going on holiday ________ August.

a) atb) inc) for

You should not throw _____ (dump) the rubbish.

a) offb) downc) awayd) up

Mr Johnson marked our papers _____ the test.

a) atb) in front ofc) afterd) beforee) under

The car exhibition is _____ July.

a) inb) onc) at

Sandy will look _____ (take care of) the baby. Don't worry!

a) afterb) intoc) upd) at

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Butterflies often play and dance _____ the flowers.

a) withb) forc) amongd) betweene) over

The wolf jumped _____ the lamb and killed it.

a) ofb) byc) ond) downe) in

You should turn _____ the light in the evening.

a) onb) toc) ford) ate) off

John put _____ his clothes and went out.

a) atb) onc) ind) withe) through

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I always feel tired ________ the evening.

a) onb) inc) at

I put _____ my hat when I come home.

a) tob) onc) withd) upe) off

I am willing to lend some money _____ my poor friend.

a) onb) atc) tod) fore) from

Don�t sit ________ the grass. It�s wet.

a) atb) inc) on

Our car broke _____ (stopped working) on the road.

a) down

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b) outc) upd) through

Mrs Young came _____ her friend yesterday.

a) underb) inc) acrossd) downe) among

Pupils return home _____ school.

a) besideb) afterc) ind) behinde) over

I met Ann ________ the way to work.

a) fromb) inc) on

Who is that man ________ the horse?

a) onb) abovec) at

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Milan is ________ the north of Italy.

a) onb) atc) in

They have lived in Australia _____ 1998.

a) sinceb) toc) untild) for

The birds come back to the tree _____ the evenings.

a) inb) onc) at

The postman delivers letters ______ the afternoons.

a) onb) atc) in

The book is _____ David.

a) besideb) intoc) amongd) ofe) between

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The heavy rain prevented us _____ going to the park.

a) onb) fromc) withd) ofe) to

Did you come here ________ the car?

a) byb) inc) on

_____ the car, Mr. Chan has a bicycle.

a) Betweenb) Besidesc) Besided) Amonge) With

The car is waiting ________ the traffic lights.

a) withb) forc) at

They arrived ________ Paris last week.

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a) atb) toc) in

We lived in England ________1995 ________ 1998.

a) for, tob) since, toc) from, to

They went to Macau _____ sea.

a) inb) onc) tod) ate) by

You should attend better _____ your studies.

a) tob) atc) with

We celebrate Chinese New Year ______ spring.

a) atb) onc) in

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The ferry left _____ Lantau Island an hour ago.

a) downb) forc) ind) toe) by

Mr Chan has gone to Thailand _____ holiday.

a) inb) withc) ofd) insidee) on

I shall get _____ the bus at the next stop.

a) inb) atc) ford) offe) to

The cars stopped when we were walking _____ the road.

a) acrossb) besidesc) aboutd) betweene) over

Look _____ (Be careful)! A car is coming!

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a) upb) afterc) outd) away

You should not talk with your friends when you are _____ duty.

a) withb) byc) ond) ine) at

They always have assembly _____ Monday mornings.

a) onb) inc) at

Did the Second World War break _____ (start) in 1941?

a) downb) upc) offd) out

Anna should break _____ (overcome) her shyness.

a) downb) upc) throughd) off

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Simon _____ and hurt his leg.

a) fell off his bikeb) fell down his bikec) fell his bike off

The train reached Hung Hom _____ time.

a) onb) byc) ofd) ate) to

I am not hungry _____ dinner.

a) afterb) exceptc) liked) paste) off

Matthew is looking the word _____ (searching for the meaning of the word) in the dictionary.

a) upb) awayc) offd) down

A lot of children are afraid _____ spiders.

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a) forb) ofc) withd) about

The guards carried _____ (performed) their duties well.

a) upb) overc) ond) out

The bad boy is rude _____ me.

a) atb) toc) withd) one) for

What time did you arrive ________ the station?

a) byb) atc) in

I live ________ a small street near the station.

a) inb) atc) on

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There�s a dirty mark ________ the ceiling.

a) aboveb) onc) at

We didn�t speak ________ the meal.

a) tob) inc) during

Tom can finish his homework _____ his brother's help.

a) ofb) withoutc) outd) ine) at

I had a swim ________ the river.

a) inb) atc) on

You should turn _____ the light before going to sleep.

a) tob) offc) on

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d) fore) at

My mother is making coffee _____ breakfast.

a) againstb) fromc) withd) fore) through

The police are looking _____ (investigating) the case.

a) downb) atc) intod) up

I�m tired. I�m going ________ home.

a) Xb) atc) to

Did you come here ________ the bus?

a) byb) inc) on

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Christmas this year will be _____ a Sunday.

a) atb) inc) on

You may do what you like when you are _____ duty.

a) atb) toc) ford) offe) on

You should not borrow money _____ your poor friend.

a) fromb) forc) atd) toe) on

We need to hold _____ (delay) the project.

a) awayb) upc) offd) down

You look sad ________ this photograph (picture).

a) onb) withc) in

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We are looking _____ seeing you soon.

a) forward tob) out ofc) intod) up to

The garden is lovely ________ spring.

a) inb) Xc) at

Susan sits _____the back of our class.

a) likeb) overc) ond) undere) at

She�ll be here ________ a moment.

a) atb) withc) in

The children are having fun in the playground. They are running _____ one another.

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a) outb) afterc) atd) to

Victoria is going away ________ a week ________ September.

a) for, inb) in, onc) on, in

Have you ever worked ________ a farm?

a) inb) onc) at

When you leave the hotel, please leave your key ________ reception.

a) forb) atc) in

There�s somebody ________ the bus stop.

a) inb) atc) with

Does this book belong _____ you?

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a) tob) ofc) atd) one) in

The office is ________ the first floor.

a) onb) atc) in

There are a lot of apples ________ those trees.

a) inb) withc) on

The thief was very cruel _____ me.

a) onb) toc) atd) fore) in

I put _____ my coat when I go out.

a) outb) toc) ond) fore) in

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Are you going away ________ the weekend?

a) on / inb) at / inc) at / on

Keep _____ (Don't touch / Don't walk on) the grass!

a) downb) awayc) upd) off

The naughty boy is disobedient _____ his parents.

a) atb) onc) tod) ofe) by

�Where�s May?� �She�s ________ work.�

a) forb) inc) at

What time did you get ________ the hotel?

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a) inb) toc) at

Hold _____ (wait)! Don't move!

a) downb) upc) ond) back

She likes to wake up early _____ the morning.

a) onb) atc) in

I�m going on holiday ________ next week.

a) inb) atc) X

Mrs Lee sits _____ her two sons.

a) forb) uponc) underd) betweene) about

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Mr and Mrs Chan have been married ________ 1980.

a) sinceb) fromc) for

Are you doing anything ________ Saturday morning?

a) inb) Xc) on

The children go to bed _____ nine o'clock.

a) atb) inc) on

They have been married ________ ten years.

a) forb) sincec) in

"Are you angry _____ me?" Tony asked Mary.

a) fromb) withc) atd) ofe) within

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I fell asleep ________ the film.

a) duringb) onc) at

We argued _____ the waiter _____ the price of the meal.

a) with, aboutb) to, forc) at, over

Goodbye! I�ll see you ________ a few days.

a) fromb) forc) in

"What is the matter _____ you, Peter?" John asked.

a) withb) ofc) beneathd) intoe) under

John goes to school _____ foot every day.

a) byb) inc) for

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d) one) with

Let us go _____ a walk in the park.

a) tob) forc) ond) frome) near

They�re getting married ________ six months� time.

a) inb) forc) since

The burglars broke _____ (entered by force) our house last night.

a) upb) throughc) intod) down

Sue is standing ________ a queue.

a) onb) atc) in

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The thief steals _____ night.

a) atb) inc) on

What a surprise! I ran _____ Michael in the library last week.

a) upb) intoc) offd) out

It rained ________ three days without stopping.

a) duringb) inc) for

Oh my goodness! A mouse has just run _____ my legs.

a) afterb) outc) intod) through

The concert is ________ 22 November.

a) atb) inc) on

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Did you walk ________ home?

a) tob) Xc) at

Hurry up! We're running _____ time.

a) throughb) outc) offd) out of

I lost my wallet. I am looking _____ (trying to find) it now.

a) intob) atc) upd) for

We watched TV ________ two hours last night.

a) forb) inc) about

You should throw away the empty bottle. The jam has run _____.

a) upb) throughc) outd) off

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I am obedient _____ my parents.

a) ofb) onc) tod) ate) for

Angela works ________ a shop.

a) insideb) atc) in

Where will you be ________ Christmas Day?

a) atb) inc) on

There were plenty of restaurants _____ the riverbank (河岸).

a) alongb) besidesc) againstd) around

I see a picture on the wall _____ there.

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a) atb) ofc) overd) beyonde) with

The hospital is _____ two miles from here.

a) forb) onc) withind) excepte) without

Hurry! The train will leave ________ five minutes.

a) forb) atc) in

She poured some tea _____ the cup.

a) atb) ofc) withd) intoe) to

Are you going out ________ this weekend?

a) Xb) onc) at

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You should get _____ the bus at the bus-stop.

a) atb) upc) tod) fore) on

They went to China _____ their holidays.

a) atb) duringc) ofd) toe) with

It is ten minutes to five _____ my watch.

a) aboutb) offc) byd) oute) up

In Britain people drive ________ the left.

a) tob) atc) on

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The scouts set _____ early for a picnic.

a) offb) onc) upd) ate) by