peyton whales

Whales Peyton Lissau

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Post on 15-Jun-2015




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WhalesPeyton Lissau

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I chose to do whales because they are surprisingly close to humans. Whales have the largest brains on earth, brains just as complex as our own. They have culture, they have language, and they sing songs. Almost everything about whales is a mystery, though. These amazing creatures are hidden from our view moving in a slow-motion ballet under the waters.

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Whale Talk

Whales communicate with a variety of low pitched sounds and are highly social as well as caring parents. These gentle giants of the oceans are also extremely intelligent, it has been estimated that the average Beluga whale has an IQ of 155.

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A Whale’s Life

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Whales have sleek, streamlined bodies that move easily through the water. They are the only mammals, other than manatees, that live their entire lives in the water.

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Whales carry their young on...

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Their back

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Average Life Time

The average whale lives to be around 100-150 years old. Of course only if it is lucky enough to live that long. Whales go through huge battles for food or for females during mating season so they can get wounded easily which sometimes leads to a shorter life.

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A Whales Food Web

A whale eats krill and krill eat phytoplankton

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A whale's baleen plates is the most important role in its filter-feeding process. To eat, a baleen whale opens its mouth widely and scoops in its prey. It then partly shuts its mouth and presses its tongue against its upper jaw, forcing the water to pass out sideways through the baleen.

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Like All Mammals

•Whales breathe air into lungs,

•Whales have hair (But they have a lot less than land mammals, and have almost none as adults),

•Whales are warm-blooded (they maintain a high body temperature),

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The Blow Hole

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A whales blowhole is the hole at the top of its head through which the animal breathes air. As whales reach the water surface to breathe, they will forcefully blow air through the blowhole.

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Whales can be found inhabiting all of the world’s major oceans from the Arctic and Antarctic oceans to the tropical waters at and around the center of the equator.

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Whales are endangered from over fishing and pollution. Whaling fleets killed about 1 million sperm whales

and hundreds of thousands of almost every type of baleen whale. Many people are exhausting popular oil-producing baleen species such as

bowhead, gray, humpback and right whales.

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Baleen Whale

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As you can see, whales are full of interesting facts and yet have so much undiscovered about them. They have an IQ of 155 and have a complex body including the blow hole and very different teeth that no other creature has. Whales are beyond amazing animals.

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