persuasion power point

Persuasion The ways you are convinced! Disclaimer: the purpose of this lesson is not to convince you of anything. The purpose is to teach you to merely think critically about items as they are presented to you in the modern world.

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Post on 27-Apr-2015




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The ways you are convinced!

Disclaimer: the purpose of this lesson is not to convince you of anything. The purpose is to teach you to merely think critically about items as they are presented to you in the modern world.

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Basic Elements of Persuasion

• Persuasion uses four basic concepts: repetition, simplicity, imagery and sentiment.

• There are three major categories of persuasive techniques: o Ethoso Pathoso Logos

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Ethos (Credibility)

• The appeal based on the character of the speaker

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Pathos (Emotional)• An appeal to the person's emotions through

images or word choice 

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Logos (Logical)

• The appeal to a logical argument. Giving reasons that substantiate claims and avoiding fallacies.

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Three-in-One Ad• What are the ethos,

pathos and logos appeals of this advertisement?

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Everyday Persuasion

• You use persuasion every day. “Every time we communicate with someone we are doing so in an attempt to convey a particular response.”

• You do it when you argue with your parents, when you write persuasive essays, when you ask for an extension on your homework or when you’re trying to get your parents to buy the latest item you want.

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Other places you might find persuasion:

• Movies• Literature• Songs• Photography• Advertisements • Political cartoons• Commercials• Anything political

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Specific Types (page 914)

• There are many specific types of persuasive techniques and they all depend on the ethos, pathos and/or logos appeals to make their point. These include, but are not limited to: o Bandwagon - tapping into people's desire to belongo Testimonial - using celebrities or satisfied customers to persuadeo Transfer - connects a product, a candidate, or a cause with a

positive image or ideao Appeal to pity - taps into people's emotionso Appeal to fear - preys upon people's fear for their safetyo Appeal to vanity - uses flattery to win people over o Words with positive associations - calls up favorable images,

feelings or experienceso Words with negative associations - brings to mind unpleasant

images, feelings or experiences; often creates distrust or unease

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Review• Look at the following media and detemine

oWhat is the claim?That is, what is the position or problem at hand. What are you trying to be convinced of?

oWhat form of persuasive techniques are the following examples using?Ethos, pathos or logos? Can you be any more specific? (p. 914)

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“Imagine!” by John Lennon

Imagine there's no Heaven It's easy if you try No hell below us

Above us only sky Imagine all the people

Living for today

Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too

Imagine all the people Living life in peace

You may say that I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can

No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man Imagine all the people Sharing all the world

You may say that I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us And the world will live as one

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Political Cartoons

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Television Commercials

• Marines

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Literature: Persuasions in Text

• Look at models 1  and 2 "Break the Addiction" and "Stranded" on page 915

• Analyze the Text "The Promise" on page 916.

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Your Assignment Choices

• Assignment #1: Semantic Word Map o Create a semantic word map for the words ethos, logos and pathos. For

the examples (at the bottom of the map) you must find three unique images of print ads that use that type of appeal.

• Assignment #2: Example Chart o Complete the “Labeling Persuasions” handout. Label each example as

using ethos, logos or/and pathos appeals. Explain your reasoning in two to three sentences.

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Assignment #1 - Semantic Word Map

Directions:1. The term or concept is placed in a box in the middle of the page.2. Directly above it is another box where the major classification to which it belongs is written.  The box should answer, What is it? 3. To the right of the term or concept are a series of boxes that indicate its essential characteristics.  These boxes answer the questions "What is it like?" or "What are its distinguishing characteristics?" You should have at least two boxes for this.4. Below the term or concepts are a series of boxes that provide examples of the concept. For this you must print out small images of three unique examples of print ads that primarily use that type of appeal. Example of Semantic Word Map:

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Assignment #2 – Persuasive Examples handoutDirections: On a separate sheet of paper, label each image as appealing to pathos (emotions), logos (logic) or/and ethos (credibility). Write a short explanation, saying why you labeled it as such, giving specific examples from the ad to back up your explanation. Each explanation should be approximately two to three sentences. An example has been done for you

1. Pathos – This print advertisement for the “Boys and Girls Club” largely relies on pathos appeals. The text on the hand says that “In these hands the sound of a guitar or the sound of a gun…a story of desperation or one of inspiration...sign language or gang signs…all depending on who gives them a hand.” The language makes you feel sympathetic for the child in need by appealing to pity.