personalizing your prospects experience

Personalizing Your Prospect’s Experience TJ Gephart (@TJGephart) Vincent Migliore (@PardotVincent) #ET13B2B

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Post on 20-Aug-2015




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Personalizing Your Prospect’s Experience

TJ Gephart (@TJGephart) Vincent Migliore (@PardotVincent)



1.  Name

2.  Role at your company

3.  How long you have been using Pardot

4.  Goals & Expectations for this session

5.  Personal Fun Fact(s)


Personalization: The Foundation



Prospect’s Buyer Persona

Marketing User vs Executive User vs IT User

Marketing: What can I learn? How does it help me do my job? What do YOU want to see?

Executive: What value/ROI does this provide? IT: How do I implement this? What resources do I need?


Persona Thoughts

Might not be easy to define •  CEOs of small companies running marketing

Actions are more important than someone’s title

•  It shows their interest.

Re-evaluate your lead qualification

•  How well are you using scoring and grading


Speaking of Interests

What do you already know about their interests?

Tailor what they see based on what you know they want

•  Ex: Are they interested in a specific product?

Optimize the content based on this interaction.

•  Use tools like A/B testing.


Prospect’s Lifecycle Stage

Prospects or Customers? •  Opportunity for upgrading customers Base criteria off score or grade •  Lower the score, more education •  Higher the score, calls to action



Advertise directly to folks when events are happening in their backyard. Offering in-person demos vs scheduling a call Quotes/Case-Studies from local clients Pro Tip: Use auto-geography identification by IP


Personalizing Your Forms

POLL: How many fields is optimal to ask on a general


POLL: How many actual fields are you currently using on your

general form?

What Not To Do!

Pretend this is for a general whitepaper download:

1. How many fields on this form would you keep?

2. How many “levels” of progressive profiling would you use here?

Form Notes

There is a 5% decrease in completion for every field over 4 fields you have on a form.

Track behavior, not their ability to fill out a long form.


Dependent Fields


Dependent Fields

To setup, edit the initial field that needs to be completed.

•  Ex: If country is US or Canada, ask for State/Province

•  Edit Country field to set up dependency

No Nesting

•  Can’t make a field dependent upon another dependent field


Live Example: Dependent Fields

Forms & Gated Content

•  Don't make it hard for interested people!

•  Replace a form with a one-click download

•  Customize thank you content based on their response


Landing Pages

Landing Page Statistics

Over 50% of people who visit your landing page will leave after 10 seconds.


Set Yourself Up for Success

•  Keep branding consistent and avoid any confusion

•  Use limited links and reduce any chance that they will become distracted and navigate away

•  Always serve up relevant content. Not bait and switch.


When Creating Dynamic Landing Page Content

•  Have a purpose

•  Have a plan

•  Use your own CSS

•  Test, test, test!




Multivariate Testing

You can always improve through testing!

Headline - keep it short and direct

Offer - demo, free consultation, whitepaper

Images - demo screenshot, whitepaper pages

Questions Asked - department vs job title


Live Example: Multivariate Testing

Page Actions

A completion action when a cookied prospect comes to a

specific page on your site.

It’s another data point.


Live Example: Page Actions

Personalizing Your Emails

General Advice

•  Make the content relevant to who you are sending to.

•  Be ethical and honest in your messages

•  Make your messages about quick wins. •  Ex: If you have X problem, this is how you solve it


Subject Lines

•  How to make email relevant & engaging before they even open the email.

•  33% of email recipients open email based on subject line alone. (Convince & Convert via

•  Recipients often only read the subject line or the first few lines of an email. Include your CTA first.

•  Subject lines fewer than 10 characters long had an open rate of 58%. (Adestra July 2012 Report)


Variable Tags

•  Great for adding in details you know about the person from their prospect record

•  Works in the subject line

•  Use default mail merge values to cover all the bases

•  Testing using test lists


Live Example: Default Mail Merge Values

Live Example: Test Lists

Chaser Emails (Dynamic Forwards)

When Creating Dynamic Email Content

Be aware of the "creep factor" when using names and other sensitive info.

Timing is key!

- 2am on the weekend feels automated


A/B Testing in Pardot

1.  List splitting

2.  Separate Email Templates

3.  Compare Rules


General Advice

•  Write an email like you’d write to your mom.

•  Don’t overuse HTML.

•  Make it personal.

•  Keep a consistent point of contact (from assigned user)

•  Don’t overdo the customization. Just 1-3 dynamic



General Advice

Make the content relevant to who you are sending to. •  Which of these points are relevant?

Be ethical and honest in your messages

•  Subject line & email content actual align

Make your messages about quick wins.

•  If you have X problem, this is how you solve it


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