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Ebook Sample

Personal Productivity Hacks ThatGet Rid Of Overwhelm And

Help You Achieve The Results Want

Works Even If You Are A Committed Procrastinator

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Table Of Contents

A Short Intro 141 Personal Productivity Strategies 3

#1 Target Practice 3#2 “Why” 5#3 The Previous Night 6#4 The List 7#5 Seize The Mornings 8#6 The Yuck Factor 8#7 Vilfredo’s Wisdom 9#8 The Rule Of Four 11#9 Zap This Fear 13#10 The Workspace Factor 14#11 Blocks Of Time 14#12 The Rhythms Of The Body 16#13 Say Yes To Slack 17#14 Slice And Dice 18#15 Batch The Routine 18#16 Can You Keep This Up? 19#17 Task Switching 20#18 Productivity In Minutes 20#19 Productive Meetings 21#20 Rapid Decision Making 21#21 Speed 22#22 Zone Of Silence 22#23 Uninterruptible 23#24 The Productive Start 23#25 Whispers From Within 24#26 The Reward 24#27 The Lay Of The Land 24#28 ‘No” 25#29 The Physical Dimension 27#30 The Constraints Fix 28#31 It’s Urgent 29#32 Build This Up 30

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#33 Questions Are The Answer 31#34 The Middle Path 32#35 The “Why” In Front 32#36 The Two Minute Rule 33#37 ‘Templatify’ 33#38 Flexible Starts 34#39 Unsubscribe 34#40 “No, Boss” 35#41 The Morning Mind Hack 36

Productive Tech 38Move Fast, Move Now 48

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A Short Intro

Thank you for your purchase!

And a big welcome to the ‘Smart Productivity Hacks’ report.

Personal productivity - or the lack of it - is not a random event.

Highly productive people get that way using specific strategiesand approaches, whether they realize it or not.

I run a business helping small and medium businesses get morecustomers online.

For years, I worked 12 -14 hour workdays and was stressed outof my brain. The results I generated for my clients came at a veryheavy price.

I paid no attention to my health, spent very little time with familyand had no time for myself. Eventually, mostly because I got sickof it all, I decided to implement some changes.

I’ve always been interested in personal development, productivityand the like. Ever since I was a teenager, actually.

So it was natural for me to start a deep dive into personalproductivity strategies.

In doing so, I discovered many specific ideas that were proveneffective by others and also backed by research.

I started implementing those hacks in my own work. In a periodof just 2 to 3 weeks, I discovered something amazing.

I was now working significantly fewer hours - more like 5 to 7hours a day instead of 12 to 14. Yet somehow, I got much moreuseful stuff done!

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In 4 months, my clients’ results - and my revenues - grewbeyond what I expected.

I switched off work at the end of the day and started spendingmore time with my family. And my stress levels plummeted.

Overall, I was far happier and more productive.

I wrote this short report because I wanted to share these provenstrategies with others like you.

It is intentionally short and to the point. You won’t find anylengthy theoretical explanations here.

It’s designed to let you implement these hacks right away.

A word of warning, though.

Some of these techniques may seem too simple to be worthwhile.Don’t let that fool you.

It’s quite the opposite. Simple works. Complex falls flat.

That’s what I saw repeatedly in my attempts to increase my ownproductivity.

Let’s dive into it right now.

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41 Personal Productivity Strategies

“You’ve got to think about the big things, while you are doing thesmall things, so that all the small things go in the right direction”

– Alvin Toffler

#1 : Target Practice

This is where it all starts.

Setting an objective. It’s absolutely vital. Unfortunately, becauseit’s commonplace advice, people ignore it.

That’s a huge mistake. (Without a goal, how do you know theitems on your to-do list are in fact, important to you and whatyou ultimately want?)

Here’s how to set your target effectively.

Step 1:Choose one area that you believe would impact your life themost right now.

Maybe it’s building a business. Or losing weight. Or maybeit’s getting specific results in an exam.

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While you should eventually have goals in multiple areas ofyour life, it is usually best to start with just one area.

Because doing so increases the probability of actuallyachieving your chosen goal.

Step 2:Decide precisely what you want to accomplish in that area.

Make it specific. It is said that if something is notmeasurable, it’s probably not achievable.

So define what you want clearly.

Step 3:State your objective succinctly.

State it in a manner that makes sense to you personally.

And then write it down. Preferably on paper, though somefolks do very well by having it written on a computer /phone, etc.

Step 4:On paper, make a broad plan showing how you are going toget to your objective.

Outline it in general terms, for the sake of gaining clarity foryourself.

Step 5:Make a list of all the individual tasks you need to do (or getdone by others) in order to get to your goal.

It may take a bit of time to think up everything. But do itanyway.

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This step is important. Don’t skip it.

Step 6:Rearrange the above list in terms of priority and thesequence in which those tasks need to be done.

What will you do first?

What will you do next?

What are the critically important things you need to executevery well in order to get to your goal?

What this gives you is a well thought out plan for achievingyour goal.

You could even map out your plan visually on a sheet ofpaper (that’s how I do my planning). Put individual tasks incircles, have arrows going between circles to show sequenceand connections, etc.

Congratulations! By actually doing these six steps, you haveput yourself well ahead of most of your competition!

And now, with your plan in hand, you are ready to get crackingexecuting the plan.

#2: “Why”

What are the underlying reasons why you want to achieve thegoal you’ve set?

Let’s say you want to lose a certain amount of weight by a certaintime.

Ask yourself why you really want to do that?

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The real reasons could include looking good on the beach, beingable to fit into a particular dress size, feeling fit and healthy andso on.

It doesn’t matter if some of the true reasons seem superficial, insome sense.

What matters is that those reasons are important andmeaningful to you personally.

What anyone else thinks of them is irrelevant. In any case, youneedn’t reveal your true reasons to anyone else.

Now write out those reasons in one or two short sentences. Younow have a purpose statement that is meaningful to you.

The reason this is important is because knowing your truepurpose in pursing the goal gives you the drive to achieve thegoal.

It allows you to persist, even when the inevitable roadblocksappear on the path to your goal.

#3: The Previous Night

Here’s another thing that can power up your productivity.

Plan each day in advance.

Set time aside each evening for this purpose.

Take a look at what you accomplished that day. Carry over anypending tasks to the next day.

During this process, refer to the written / visual plan you madeearlier.

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Also refer to the purpose statement you wrote down.

Doing so will help you maintain perspective on what you arereally trying to achieve and keep you on track.

When planning out the day, identify the high priority items thatwill lead to your goal. Mark them out separately.

Those are the “must do” things on your agenda.

Consciously make sure you do those things. Else it’s all too easyto get lost in the little emergencies that crop up every day andnot get the critical stuff done.

Also, set out all the materials you need the next day, in advance.This saves a lot of time and effort during your critical peakproductivity hours.

Here’s a little appreciated reason why you should do this planningprocess the previous evening and not first thing the next day.

When you plan the previous day, your subconscious mind hastime to process what you have written down. As a result, whenyou wake up the next morning, you will often find new ideaspopping into your mind that can help you get those tasks donebetter.

So make sure you plan the day the previous evening.

#4: The List

During the process of planning your day, you should have made alist of all the things you are going to do that day.

Keep this list with you at all times. Refer to it to help you decidewhat to do next.

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If you come across a new task that needs to be done that sameday, add it to the list.

When you complete a task, check it off the list.

This simple act gives you a feeling of accomplishment.

That feeling - caused by the release of a chemical calleddopamine - is critically important.

It motivates you to persist with your tasks, even when obstaclesarise (and they always will).

It gives you a feeling that you are in fact succeeding, even whenthe goal itself is still far from being accomplished.

This is one of the keys to succeeding with anything worthwhile.

#5: Seize The Mornings

For most people, mornings are when they have the highest levelsof energy and alertness.

If that’s you, make sure you do your most important, goal-achieving tasks first thing in the morning.

Don’t spend your mornings answering routine emails, looking atsocial media feeds, gossiping at the water cooler and other suchtime-wasting activities.

#6: The Yuck Factor

During the entire day, what is the yuckiest thing you have to do?The one that makes you cringe at the thought of doing it?

Got it?

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Ask yourself, is that yuckiest thing also one of the most importantthings to do today?

If the answer is yes, do that yucky thing first thing in themorning!

Once you do it, you release the pent up mental and emotionalenergy that was churning you up on the inside at the thought ofhaving to do this thing!

You will also feel a great sense of accomplishment at having thewill to do that unpleasant task.

And your entire day gets off to a wonderful start, once you getthat out of the way!

Can you see how that works?

Just do this a few times on consecutive days. And feel the surgeof energy and confidence that comes from knowing - not merelybelieving - that you can do whatever it takes!

This is, in fact, one of THE greatest secrets to extraordinaryproductivity there is. Use it.

#7: Vilfredo’s Wisdom

The 80/20 rule - also known as the Pareto Principle, after VilfredoPareto. Apply it to goal setting, goal getting and everything elseyou can think of.

And prepare to be amazed at how much important stuff you getdone and how much better your life becomes!

It truly is that powerful.

Pareto observed that much of the results in any area of life come

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from just a few causes or actions.

A figurative way of stating it is that 80% of the results come from20% of actions or causes. Though of course, it could well be 92%of results coming from 3% of actions, or any other combination ofnumbers. (They don’t have to add up to 100, obviously.)

He called those few actions the “vital few” as opposed to the“trivial many”, which comprised the majority of actions or causesthat produced only a small amount of results.

For example, in a hypothetical case, 86% of a company’s profitsmight come from just 9% of all its customers.

This means logically, managers of that company should spendmost of their time nurturing those 9% of customers to ensureprofit growth and stability.

The same logic applies to goal achievement too.

If you think about it, you will find that there are just a few vitalactions that drive most of the results in terms of getting to yourgoal.

Discover what those actions are.

If you have a list of 14 items you need to do on a given day,perhaps only 1 to 4 of those items will have a significant impacton achieving your goal.

Perhaps each of those few tasks have 5, 10 or 15 times as muchvalue as each of the other tasks on the list.

So you should ensure those few important tasks are done first (ifat all possible) and done very well too.

This means not allowing the lower priority tasks to takeprecedence over the high priority ones.

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This approach of identifying critical tasks and focusing on gettingthem done on a priority basis has any number of benefits.

You can actually save time and effort by doing so.


Because often, important tasks take the same time and effort asunimportant tasks. By doing the key tasks first and then eitherdelegating the other tasks or even letting some of them remainundone, you can save a whole lot of time.

And you will move towards your goals, despite not doing thoseless important tasks.

Just consistently apply the 80/20 rule to your work life and evento all other areas of life.

You will very quickly notice the difference it makes.

#8: The Rule Of Four

Do this exercise now (and get rid of that feeling of overwhelmright away).

Read through your goal statement and your purpose statement.

Now ask yourself, “What is the most important single thing Icould do that will take me to my goal in the best, quickestpossible way?”

Take a sheet of paper and write down your answer.

Now ask yourself, “What is the second most important thing I cando in order to achieve my goal quickly?”

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Write down your answer underneath the first answer.

Repeat this process two more times. Come up with the third andfourth most important things you can possibly do to get to yourgoal.

Write them down, in order.

Here’s the shocker - as much as 90% of the all the contributionyou can possibly make to get to your goal is contained in thosefour things!

You might not believe it when you read it.

I encourage you to be skeptical.

But try it out. And do it right now!

Got it done? Great!

Now read those 4 tasks you’ve written down just now.

Think about all the other tasks you could do to get to your goal.

Ask yourself, what would happen if you spent 80% or more ofyour time and energy on just those 4 tasks? And only theremaining 20% or less on all the rest of the things you could do?

Would you get to your goal faster? More easily? In a bettermanner?

You will know the answer.

The answer is inevitably, a resounding YES!

So how do you use this insight?

It’s simple. When working towards your goal, do those four

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things first.

And do them to the best of your ability.

If there are other things that apparently need to be done, see ifyou can either cut them out altogether, or delegate them.

If that’s not possible, do those other (less important) things in thetime after you do those four tasks.

Provided you have a well defined goal to work towards, doing justthis one exercise regularly and then focusing each day on the fourmost critical activities will multiply your goal-getting abilitiesmany, many times over.

Just use this insight starting right now!

#9: Zap This Fear

If you’re like me, you are convinced - beyond any reasonabledoubt - that if a task is to be done well, then you are the onlyperson who can do it.

The fact is, most people have a big fear of delegating things toothers. This mindset is a major barrier to productivity.

(I struggled with this for several years.)

In reality, except for a few core tasks / activities that you cannotor should not delegate, the rest is probably better done by others.

Your personal effectiveness and your organization’s output areboth better served by this approach.

If someone else can do a task 80% as well as you can, then youshould delegate it to him or her.

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For most tasks, good enough is good enough. No need to stressover it.

Of course, if you are sending out a proposal for a $20 milliondollar contract, even if you delegate the writing, you will probablygo over it with a fine-tooth comb yourself.

It’s really a question of priorities.

#10: The Workspace Factor

A cluttered, disorganized workspace often equals a cluttered,disorganized mind.

That’s no good for getting to your goals, obviously.

So make it a priority to clean up your workspace, if it is even theslightest bit off.

Only keep things on your workspace that you will actually use inthe immediate future. Remove and file /store away all else foreasy retrieval later.

Place objects like paper, files, etc in the order in which you willneed to access them.

That helps you get into a productive mode easily and smoothly.

This seems basic, but it’s essential if you are to get things doneconsistently.

#11: Blocks Of Time

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