percetion of tour operator

8/7/2019 Percetion of Tour Operator 1/27 Submitted by: Tanvi Madan - PGDBM

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Submitted by:Tanvi Madan


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Step 1: Problem Definition

The perception of the tour operators for various

destinations - USA, Europe.

Step 2: Approach to the problem

Research Questions

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Step 3: Marketing Research Design

Research Design


Exploratory ResearchDesign



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Marketing Research Data

Secondary Data

External Data


Primary Data





CausalDescriptiveDirect Indirect



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Step 4: Field Work or Data Collection

� V isited� Telephonic interview at

Step 5: Data Preparation and Analysis

 W e analyzed the data and came up with the perceptions of the tour operators on various parameters.

Step 6: Report Preparation and Presentation

Documented the entire project in a written report thatspecifies the specific research questions identified

� Describes the approach and present the result and majorfindings.

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Not really.We are actually second worst!

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We Indians are not the worldsworst tourists.

The French are.

Something to smile about?

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Survey on Parameters like..y Politeness

y W illingness to try out local cuisine


The state in which tourists left their roomsy The tips they gave

y The way they dressed

y How noisy they were

y How considerate they were

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Finding :

What are the key factors which play a pivotal role in deciding a

destination for the customer?

Primary:The major area of concerns depends majorly on the PURPOSE of travelling.


y Fully loaded customery Unaware Customer

Perception:y Duty to acknowledge and make him aware of the offerings.y No hidden expectation are there in his mind.

For the unaware customers, during the counseling session the tour operatorsinquire about the purpose first and his likings.

E.g. Is he a W ater Loving person that he should go for some Islands likeMauritius, if Cynic Beauty lover then Switzerland and if Night Life then USA or


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BUDGET:� It plays a crucial role in deciding the destination.

� Customer takes decisions based on perceived price andreference price.

� But again it varies from customer to customer.

E.g. If a person travelling on a business tour (costcutting)compared with honeymoon(happiness)

Perception:On the basis of buying pattern of customers the touroperators have included various packages which would fitto their pocket.

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 A IRLINE ROUTING:� The route through which the customer is taken to the

destination. It may consists of changing of flights, takinghalts etc.

� The path and routing is conveyed to the customer and the

package is planned accordingly.


� They suggest senior citizen to go for airline routing which

have halts so that it doesnt get cumbersome for them.�  And the business class people who travel with a time

constraint are suggested with direct routing as money is not apriority for them against time.

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� Role of internet.

� People wish to have a overlook of the interiors, services,locations and the benefits of the selected hotel.


� Online overview of the hotels, grades and the room they have booked.

Information of various services in advanceE.g. Breakfast facility, Swimming pools, Entertainment

options, Car service etc.

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 V ISA PROCEDURE:� Most of customers find it difficult to arrange the visa on

their own. The effort and the time required for theprocedure are tedious and are not understood properly by each customer.


� Tour operators offer the service of getting visa onchargeable basis.

�  And if the customer wants to manage on his own thenthe tour operator is not liable for any mishap.

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�  As the medical services are extremely expensive abroadso people tend to have their medical insurance doneprior to their tour.


� Identified the need and designing the packagesaccordingly.

� Customer is explained about the premiums, age bars,policies and benefits of IMI.

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 Alertness among people due to incidents.

E.g. Racial Discrimination towards Indians, Chances of Natural Calamities


Unbiased opinion to the customers and facilitate with

the best possible help.

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Finding :

Why is the availability of food a major area of concern for Indian

travelers going abroad?

Secondary Data:� Indians who travel arent eager to experiment with local cuisine.y They are very much careful regarding the food when we take a trip.y Researcher commented that Eating samosas in Cairo or puri bhaji

in Beijing is not their idea of fun.Primary Data:y Food plays a major role in making the customer feel secure and

satisfied while selecting the destinations.y Its a cultural thing.

Perception:y W e offer the service of providing all kinds of Indian food on

chargeable basis.y This aids a lot in increasing the customer satisfaction and helps him

in making quick and pleased decision.y It costs very high but customer satisfaction is our ultimate goal.

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Findings :

What is the perception of tour operators for providing a tour

guide to customer?

Secondary Data:y  As Indian are very peculiar about their certain habits and needs, so it

becomes very difficult for them to adjust in the new environment whichconsists of language, culture, traditions, food, people & atmosphere.

y Such a behavior is interpreted as Rudeness in the foreign countries.

Primary Data:On interviewing the tour operator, he shared his belief that theircustomers mostly face language problem. They found that customers

 were unable to manage things without the help of a tour guide.

Perception:For country like Europe, tourists are to be provided with a tour guide

 who should to familiar to their language, needs, behavior and habits.

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Finding :

Is there any difficulty in maintaining the relationship with foreignoperators due to the loud behavior of our customers?

Secondary Data:y Indians generally speak loudly and this can make them appear to be ruder than

they actually are.

Primary Data:y Indians prefer to travel in family groups.y Most families who are noisy feel its normal behavior that they are exhibiting, its

natural when they are out in a large group.y They are very tolerant to noise from others too, being used to community living.

Perception:y W e and our foreign operators have accepted that its a normal behavior of our

customers.y Its their way of expressing joy and enthusiasm while they are out on tour in

groups.y So we dont find it very difficult now days to manage relationship abroad.y Moreover our customers are also mature enough to understand the ethnicity of 

foreign culture.

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Findings :

What are the services which are expected by the customer butnot at all entertained by the tour operator?

�  Any sort of financial help

Cancellation of the package once its done� Cancellation on the basis of visa or passport problem

� Post Medical Insurance Desire

� Claim for any loss

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Q uestionnaire

1.  W hich kind of tour packages are mostly sold via your counter?y Domesticy Internationaly Both

2. Do you offer customized and partial packages to customers?y  Yesy No

3. W hat are the major traveling reasons by the applying customers?y Business

y Family  V acationy Honeymoony Study toury Medical Purposey Others

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4. W hat percentage of customer prefers the advice/suggestion provided by operator in deciding tour destination?y 0-10%y 11-20%y 21-30%y 31-40%y 40% and above

5. W hat are the main criteria upon which packages are offered to customers?y Profit Marginy Customer Spending Powery Customer Preferred Locationy Others: Specify___________________

6. Do majority of the customers go for assistance for your visa from you?y  Yesy No

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7. W hat are the most preferred locations by customers irrespective of season/

non-season basis?y Europey  Americay Gulf\Africay  Asia \Pacific

8. W 

hich is according to you the best marketing activity?y T V /Print Mediay W eb Mtgy Local Agenty Others: Specify__________

9. The Highest Selling tour packages range betweeny 0-9ky 10k-24ky 25k-49ky 50k-99ky 1L and Above

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10. W hich place does the customer prefer generally during his visit? Rankfrom 1 to 5, where 1 is least important and 5 the most important?



Natural Scenery 

Historic Places

Night Life

Others: Entertainment Only 

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11. How important according to you is International Medical Insurance?

y Extremely Important

y V ery 

y Important

y Somewhat Importanty Not V ery Important

y Not At All Important

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12. Transforming into Technology Leverage Offerings Is?y Extremely Important

y V ery Important

y Somewhat Important

y Not V ery Important

y Not At All Important

13. The Behavior of the customers has changed drastically due toincreasing awareness of the customer through Internet?

y Strongly Disagree

y Disagree

y Neutral

y  Agree

y Strongly Agree

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14. Co-operation from our Foreign Associates is

y Excellent

y V ery Good

y Good


Fairy Poor

15. Describe your USP


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Thank You