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  • 8/14/2019 People's Liberation Army Air Force


    People's Liberation Army Air Force

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • 8/14/2019 People's Liberation Army Air Force


    The People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) (Pinyin: Zhnggu Rnmn Jifngjn

    Kngjn) is the aviation branch of the People's Liberation Army, the military of the People's Republic

    of China. It currently consists of approximately 400,000 personnel and 2643 combat aircraft[1]

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    Although the Chinese Red Army (PLA's predecessor) had operated a few aircraft since the

    Second Sino-Japanese War, the first organized air arm of the PLA was the Nanyuan Flying Group,

    formed in the summer of 1949 with about 40 ex-Nationalist aircraft, responsible for the air defence of

    the soon-to-be capital city ofBeijing, China.

    The PLAAF itself was founded on 11 November 1949, shortly after the establishment of the

    People's Republic of China. At the beginning it relied heavily on Soviet help and was armed with Soviet

    aircraft. Within 6 years, the PLAAF began manufacturing its own aircraft, but initially these were copies

    of Soviet types. The first of them was the J-2, corresponding to the MiG-15. Some western observersrefer to the upgraded MiG-15bis variant as J-4, but PLAAF never used "J-4" aircraft designation.

    Soviet involvement also extended to training combat pilots. Those took part to some degree in

    the Korean War, where Chinese pilots along with their Russian counterparts often engaged American

    aircraft in combat. This increased cooperation between the two Communist nations also allowed the

    Chinese to begin building their own versions of the MiG-17 and MiG-19: the J-5 and J-6.

    The 1960s proved to be a difficult period for the PLAAF. This was due to the break in relations

    with the Soviet Union, and as a consequence the Chinese aircraft industry almost collapsed. The

    outbreak of the Vietnam War helped it to recover, though, as the PRC government began providing the

    forces ofNorth Vietnam with J-2s, J-5s, and some J-6s. The 1960s also saw the first indigenous Chinese

    designs, namely the J-8.

    Although the PLAAF received significant support from Western nations in the 1980s when

    China was seen as a counterweight to Soviet power, this support ended in 1989 as a result of the Chinese

    crackdown on the Tiananmen protests of 1989 and the later collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.

    Ironically, China's former foe, Russia, became its principal arms supplier to the effect that Chineseeconomic growth allowed Russia to sustain its aerospace industry.

    Between the Vietnam War and the early 1990s, the PLAAF's flying consisted mostly of large

    numbers of near-obsolete Soviet planes. The main mission scenario under consideration by the PLAAF

    during this time was to support the PLA in defending China against a massive Soviet tank invasion.

    Under the doctrine of People's War, Chinese air strategy involved large numbers of short-range low-

    technology fighters. This mix of forces would not have stood up well to the Republic of China AirForce, which had fewer but much more modern planes such as the F-16 and Mirage 2000.

    Modernisation Programme

    In the early 1990s, the PLAAF began a program of modernisation, motivated by the collapse ofthe Soviet Union, as well as the possibility of military conflict with the Republic of China on Taiwan

    and perhaps also involving the United States. This process began with the acquisition of Su-27s in the

    early 1990s and the development of various fourth-generation aircraft, including the domestic J-10, and

    the JF-17 in collaboration with Pakistan. The PLAAF also strived to improve its pilot training and

    continued to retire obsolete aircraft. This resulted in a reduction of the overall number of aircraft in thePLAAF with a concurrent increase in quality of its air fleet.
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    The 21st century has seen the continuation of the modernisation programme with China's huge

    economic growth. It acquired 76 Su-30MKK's from 2000 to 2003, and 24 upgraded Su-30MKK2's in

    2004. It also produced around 100 J-11s (from 2002 onwards) and bought 3 batches (at a total of 76) of

    the Su-27SK/UBK. Production of the J-10 fighter began in 2002. The PLAAF also began developing itsown tanker aircraft, which it previously lacked, by modifying old Soviet planes such as the Tu-16

    Badger (in China known as the H-6). In 2005 it announced plans to buy approximately 30 IL-76transport planes and eight Il-78 tanker planes from Russia, which would greatly increase its troop airlift

    capability and offer extended range to many aircraft.

    The PRC is restricted in arms acquisitions due to the on-going arms embargo imposed on it by

    the European Union and United States. It seems unlikely that fully built offensive hardware will beallowed for export to China from the EU even if the embargo is ever lifted. In that case, China would

    concentrate on buying avionics and similar technology.

    The current goal is to have a mostly fourth-generation air force (with integrated C4ISR systems

    for increased battle effectiveness), giving it an advantage over the older fourth-generation aircraft of the

    Republic of China, even though the ROCAF has been authorised by the US to purchase F-16 C/D blockfighters to help replace its older F-5s. The PLAAF is also developing its own fifth-generation fighter, the

    J-XX, as a possible counter to late generation Western fighters; however it is still under development.
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    Headquarters Air Force (HqAF)

    The HqAF consists of four departments: Command, Political, Logistic, and Equipment, which

    mirrors the four general departments of the PLA.

    Military region air forces (MRAF)

    o Division (Fighter, Attack, Bomber)



    The PLAAF typically uses the system of threes in its organisation at Division and below, i.e. 3Regiments per Division, 3 Squadrons per Regiment, and so on. There are also Independent Regiments

    within the MRAFs. There are also 2 Airborne Corps (15th, 16th) under direct control of HqPLAAF.

  • 8/14/2019 People's Liberation Army Air Force


    Aircraft inventory

    Aircraft Origin Type VersionsIn

    service[2] Notes



    Canada VIP transport CL 601 5

    Changhe Z-11 China



    Chengdu J-7




    J-7 II





    version of the MiG-21 [2]

    Chengdu J-10 China fighter 70

    fourth generation

    domestic, fielded in

    limited numbers (up to

    100 in service accordingto aviation weekly)

    Chengdu JF-17 Thunder



    fighter 3

    Serial production

    beginning; 3.5-generation

    fighter jointly-producedby Chengdu Aircraft

    Industry Group (CAC)and Pakistani Aeronautical

    Complex (PAC), currently

    under development. [3]


    Cougar Francetransport

    helicopterAS 332 6

    Harbin H-5 China





    Retired version of the Il-28 (Coldwar, mostly retired) [4]

    Harbin Y-11China

    transport 15

    Harbin Y-12 transport 2
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    Hongdu JL-8China


    trainer 25

    Ilyushin Il-18 Soviet

    Uniontransport 10

    Ilyushin Il-76Russia

    transport 20

    PLAAF imported a

    number of Ilyushin Il-

    76MD medium-rangetransport, and the Il-78

    tankers in 1990s & 2005.

    (Modern) [5] (14 inservice + 30 to be


    Mil Mi-8Russia



    Mil Mi-17Russia


    200 Imported from Russia

    NanchangCJ-6 China

    trainer 1,419

    Nanchang Q-

    5 Chinaattack 500

    ground attack aircraft

    developed from the MiG-

    19 [6] (Cold war)

    Shaanxi Y-8China



    Copy of the Russian An-

    12 (Cold War) [7] (80+ in


    Many versions for specialmissions in service.

    Shenyang J-6 China









    version of the MiG-19 [8]

    (Mostly retired, few used

    in training/reserve units)
  • 8/14/2019 People's Liberation Army Air Force


    Shenyang J-8China

    fighter 180indigenous 3rd generation

    fighter [9]

    Shenyang J-11 China fighter 95

    version of the Su-27 [10]

    (200 Licensed,~100 havecurrently been assembled)


    Y-5 Chinautility


    Licensed copy of Russian

    Antonov An-2 made since1950s. Light

    utility/transport aircraft

    [11] (Cold War)

    Sikorsky S-




    helicopter S-70C 19

    Sukhoi Su-27 Russia









    Sukhoi Su-30Russia








    Tupolev Tu-

    154 Russiapassenger




    Some converted for

    special missions

    Xian H-6China





    version of the Tu-16

    Badger [13]

    Xian Y-7 China transport 23

    Copy of the Russian An-

    24, Y-7H based on An-26

    (Cold War) [14]
  • 8/14/2019 People's Liberation Army Air Force


    Shenyang J-8B

    Chengdu J-10

    Many of the main types of PLAAF aircraft have been specially modified and carry no cleardistinct designation. The following types of modifications have been reported:

    Harbin H-5: A number of these older aircraft had been modified as HD-5 aircraft

    and operated with electronic countermeasures suites. They are being phased out.

    Ilyushin Il-76: One of the many platforms which the Chinese have attempted to

    use for an airborne early warning aircraft under the KJ-2000 program. Shaanxi Y-8: A large number of trials and programs have made use of this

    utilitarian airframe:o A few have been modified for electronic countermeasures as a

    replacement for the Harbin HD-5 being phased out.

    o 2 or more have been given a ventral canoe housing an electronic supportmeasures array beneath the forward fuselage, as well as a farm of antennae

    on the loading ramp.

    o 2 have been included in the KJ-200 airborne early warning program.

    o 2 have been modified similarly to the KJ-200 program for air surveillance

    and command.o Some have been given the British Marconi Electronic Systems Argus-

    2000 airborne early warning system

    o 4 have been modified as maritime patrol aircrafto 2 have been modified for electronic intelligence gathering, with a variety

    of electronic equipment.o 1 has been modified as an airborne command post, recognizable by a farm

    of antennae above the cockpit.

    o 1 is being tested with cheek mounted radar for battlefield surveillance.

    o 1 is operated as a radar test bed, nominally in civil guise.

    o 1 is operated as an avionics test bed, nominally in civil guise.
  • 8/14/2019 People's Liberation Army Air Force


    o Some of the Y-8 aircraft in service are of the recent Y-8-F600 modernized


    Shenyang J-5: While the MiG-17 and the locally built derivative, the J-5, have

    been retired from PLAAF service, some have been converted to drones and UAVsfor various purposes.[15]

    Tupolev Tu-154: Two or more of these airliners have had three bulges builtunderneath their fuselages for use in the electronic support measures role. Another

    handful have been modified for electronic intelligence gathering.

    Xian Y-7: At least one was modified for maritime patrol work under the nameFearless Albatross and participated in the 2nd half of the joint Sino-USA maritime

    search and rescue exercise held near Chinese coast. Another example is operated

    by the government as an avionics testbed in civil guise. A few may also have been

    modified as training aircraft.

    China continues to develop its aircraft technology, and while few details are available regarding

    aircraft development programs, some reported efforts include:

    J-XX - Western designation for a fifth-generation fighter supposedly under

    development by SAC (producer of J-11).

    JL-9 also known as FTC-2000 Mountain Eagle, a modernized 2-seat JJ-7 trainer

    based on the MiG-21U (Upgraded) [16] L-15 Advanced Lead-In Trainer (LIFT) (Modern) [17]

    Changhe WZ-10 - attack helicopter (Number in service unknown)

    Y-9 - Multi-purpose transport aircraft under development (Under Development)


    In addition to aircraft operated by the PLAAF, a substantial helicopter fleet is operated directly

    by the People's Liberation Army, while a broad range of combat aircraft, transports, and support planesis flown by the People's Liberation Army Navy. Some types often reported as PLAAF aircraft in fact are

    only operational with other branches:

    Arospatiale Alouette III: 6 SA 316 helicopters are operated by the Army.

    Arospatiale Gazelle: Purchased from Europe in the late 1980s, 8 SA 342Lhelicopters are operated by the Army.

    Beriev Be-200: 15 antisubmarine patrol aircraft ordered for the Navy.

    Changhe Z-8: A license produced version of the SA 321 Super Frelon, 12 are

    operated by the Navy.

    Harbin Z-9: A license produced version of the SA 365 Dauphin, 25 are operatedby each the Army and Navy.

    Kamov Ka-28: 8 of the Russian helicopters are operated by the Navy.

    Kamov Ka-29: 40 transport helicopters ordered for the Navy.

    Kamov Ka-31: 20 antisubmarine helicopters ordered for the Navy.

    Xian JH-7: 20 to 40 operated by the Navy.
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    PLAAF Insignia

    The markings of the PLAAF are a red star in front of a red band, it is slightly similar to the

    insignia of the United States Air Force. The Red star contains the Chinese characters for eight and one,

    representing August 1, 1927, the date of the formation of the PLA. PLAAF aircraft carry these markings

    on the fins as well.
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