pendulum science experiment

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  • 8/7/2019 Pendulum Science Experiment


    How Does the Period of Motion of a Pendulum

    Depend on Its Mass, Amplitude, or Length?Objectives/GoalsThe purpose of my project was to find outhow a pendulum worked and what

    variables affected it,because there are many pendulums that

    exist in everyday life (in grandfather

    clocks, swings, and more).Finding out how a pendulum works and

    what affects it helps us understand how

    some everyday objectswork, as well as build those objects.Methods/MaterialsI built a pendulum frame and constructed a pendulum that consisted offishing wire, which I could changefor length, and a plastic cup with weights I could change for mass. For

    amplitude, I adjusted the angle atwhich the pendulum was released using a protractor attached to the

    pendulum frame. Using a stopwatch,I would record the amount of time the pendulum took to complete one

    full period of motion. I controlledthe environment the pendulum was in so that there were no outside

    effects acting on the pendulum.

  • 8/7/2019 Pendulum Science Experiment


    How Does the Period of Motion of a Pendulum

    Depend on Its Mass, Amplitude, or Length?Summary StatementMy project was nding out how the variables of

    length, mass, and

    amplitude aect the period of moon of a pendulum.

    Help ReceivedMy father helped

    me build the

    pendulum frame

    (but I ran the


  • 8/7/2019 Pendulum Science Experiment


    Materials NeededTo construct the pendulum frame:

    2-by-1-inch (5-by-2.5-cm) wood: 5 pieces 2 feet (61 cm) long for the

    base and top panels and 2 pieces 3 feet (0.9 meter) long for the up-

    right sides of the frame

    6 small metal angles and screws and/ or nails

    To construct the pendulum:

    screw hook


    balance scale

    shing weights (minimum 30 units of 1 ounce (0.028 kg) each)

    small plasc bole with cap

    thin shing line (minimum 10 feet (3m))

    To measure the variables:


    kitchen balance

    stopwatch that can measure to 1/100 of a secondExperimentA simple pendulum will be constructed and set into moon several

    mes, with changes made in its variables of weight, length, and angle ofrelease. The average period will be computed, together with its standard

    deviaon, for each experimental run.

  • 8/7/2019 Pendulum Science Experiment


    ProcedureAssemble the pendulum frame using the diagram as a reference. Be sure

    to aach the screw hook to the center of the upper wood frame. Aach

    the protractor as shown. Weigh (W) a random number of shing weights,

    put them into the small plasc bole, and aach the cap. Cut a length (L)

    of the shing line, and e one end to the plasc bole cap and the other

    to the hook. At this point the pendulum is ready to be set into moon.

    Bring the bole to an amplitude of (A) degrees (as indicated by the pro-tractor) from the vercal, and release the pendulum. Time the period of

    moon (P) with the stopwatch. This is the me between two successive

    passes of the pendulum through the maximum amplitude. Repeat this

    procedure (N) mes (e.g., ten mes) to get consistent results

    Compute the average me period (T) and the standard deviaon (S):

    where P(i =1, 2, . . . n) are the individual measured periods.

  • 8/7/2019 Pendulum Science Experiment


    Repeat steps 2 and 3 with several dierent values for the

    three independent variables of length (L), weight (W), andamplitude (A). Select three to ve dierent lengths, from a

    minimum of about 2 feet (60 cm) to the maximum allowed

    by the height of your pendulum. Select two or three dier-

    ent weights totaling from about 10 to 30 ounces (0.28 to

    0.84 kg). Two or three dierent amplitudes can also be

    used in the range of 10 to 39 degrees. (Each run is, ofcourse, characterized by the values of the three independ-

    ent variables.)

  • 8/7/2019 Pendulum Science Experiment



    Compare the experimental results from all the trial runs

    with dierent weights. Did most of the experimental results

    stay close to the standard deviaon (S) of the average peri-

    od (S)?





    If not, were the dierences signicant? Judging from your

    results, do you believe that the period of moon was de-

    pendent upon the weight, amplitude, or length of the pen-







  • 8/7/2019 Pendulum Science Experiment





    Length Weight Amplitude Period

  • 8/7/2019 Pendulum Science Experiment


    How Does the Period of Motion of a Pendulum Depend on

    Its Mass, Amplitude, or Length?ResultsMy results for my experiment showed that the period of moon did not

    change when the variables of mass

    and amplitude were changed, but increased when the length of the pen-

    dulum was increased. (However,

    the data was not exact enough to nd the exact relaonship between

    the length and the period of moon).

    Conclusions/DiscussionThe results for the experiment are important because they show that a

    pendulum's period of moon is only

    aected by length and not by mass or amplitude. Learning that the mass

    and amplitude do not aect a

    pendulum's period of moon is important because the explanaon of it

    can be ed to physics and ideas

    like inera. Knowing that the length of a pendulum aects its period of

    moon can impact us because we

    can beer understand everyday pendulums in our lives and so could, for

    example, understand how to x a

    grandfather clock if it were running too slow. Further experimentaon

    could be done to nd the exact

    relaonship between the length of a pendulum and its period of moon

    so our understanding would increase.

  • 8/7/2019 Pendulum Science Experiment


    Pendulum Equilibrium Position

    Restoring ForceGravitation

    Gravimeter Pendulum Clock

  • 8/7/2019 Pendulum Science Experiment


    Penduluma weight suspended from a

    pivot so that it can swingfreely.

    Equilibrium Positiona particular set of


    Restoring ForceRestoring force, in a physicscontext, is a variable force

    that gives rise to an equilibri-

    um in a physical system.

    Gravitationor gravity, is a natural phe-nomenon by which physical

    bodies attract with a force

    proportional to their mass.

    Gravimeteran instrument used in gravim-

    etry for measuring the local

    gravitational field of the


    pendulum clocka clock that uses a

    pendulum, a swinging weight,

    as its time keeping element.

  • 8/7/2019 Pendulum Science Experiment


    Pivot Friction



  • 8/7/2019 Pendulum Science Experiment


    PivotThe item from which a

    pendulum is hung.

    Frictionthe force resisting the relative

    motion of solid surfaces, fluid lay-

    ers, and/or material elements slid-

    ing against each other.

    Dragrefers to forces that oppose

    the relative motion of an


    Amplitudethe magnitude of change inthe oscillating variable with

    each oscillation within an os-

    cillating system.

    Oscillationthe motion taken for the bob

    to go from A to B to C

    ( through A) and back to

    position A.