pecial - nys historic

j f t f JfRlDAr, 3TTNE v" K* ',<# MlMest When buying Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Silver wire. Cut Glass, etc. Never before was my stock so complete. t mmmmmmmmm PLATTSBURdH PRESS can save yon purchases. one-half on your Try me when buying that Diamond or Wedding Ring. All goods sold with a guarantee. A. S. Allen JEWELER 5 River Street Over P. H. Graves' Store FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1914 THE PRESS HAS A LARGER cmcmuam<m THAN AUL TBDE OTHER DAILIES OF THIS SEC- TION COMBINED. YOUR ADVER- TISEMENT IN THE PRESS WH& THEREFORE BE BEAD B Y T H E MOST PEOPLE, City and Vicinity News, mmmmmammmm j.ltalllilfHUDCiW'liM' Show Their Patriotism Pcrcheron Stallion i BREEDER'S GAZETTE No 87102 Will stand the season at Charles Beynoids, Ingraharo, New York. This is a fine black Percheron stallion out of an Importod Sire and Dam. Service fee $15.00. Dae when mare is known to be in foal Chazy Heart's Delight Farm New York For Sale Property on South Catherine street eocsisting of 25 acres, two one family houses and one two family house. ILarge barn and other buildings. Houses rent for 5408.00 a year. About 20 &eres under cultivation, about 10 seres good pasture with sprihg. Eleven hundred feet on Saranac river. City etreet xuns through property. City 'waler and sewers. The land is very flea having' been fertilized both with manure and tankage from our render- ing plant for several years. Apply —Fraternal Bible -ipla&s ^&CiH*si©n! to Burlington tonight* —Mrs. N. E. Chamberlin of Bur- lington attracted some attention in New York recently by driving a pink motor car, which she drove from the Queen City to Manhattan. Queried by a reporter she said: "My car is the only pink automobile in existence I had it painted pink because that is my favorite color. There is ,a little gray about it, but the jreneral effect > is pink, and I am tremendously fond of it. —Job K. Hedges of New York, re- ceived the honorary degree of doctor of laws at St. Lawrence university commencement at Canton Wednesday. He was the only one thus honored by St. Lawrence this year. —•There will be a. reguHar meertiinig of •Maiodonioiu.frh Lodtg-e, I. O. O. F., toriighrt af.S o'clock. —The funeral ot Mrs. Catherine Tier my w„i« Held from -St. John's church Wednesday miorwrag at $ o'clock, solemn reqajiem high mass 'be- l celebrated by Re*-. J. H. JDrtecoM, D. D., D. C. L., pastor of the chuneh. The pall bearers were Thionias Oo&- telJo, Dr. W. J. Rre-nan, Daniefl But- ler. John B. Tteiroeiy, J a m e s Marsh and Daniel Ryan. The toteirmient was at Peru, the -Rev. Father Grant hier, conducting the service. —The pkrn<k? of the Delta Alpha Society which was to have been held Saturday afternoon has been tpostpon- ed to Monday afternoon, at four o'clock. OF COMMENDATION APPROPRIATE EIGHT HUNDRED DOI/LARS FOR TH$ DECORA- TION OF COUNTS BUILD- INGS AND OTHER EX- PENSES. M. TIERNEY & SON 3o So Catharine St Phone 412 The Board of Supervisors at their special meeting yesterday displayed their public spiritedness and patriot- ism by going on record as favoring the proposed celeb ration of the Ope hundredth anniversary of the Battle of Plattsburgh, and appropriating money that the county building in this city may be properly decorated during the celebration in September. Every member of the Board strongly favored the proposition of appropriating the necessary money and their action is- worthy" > o* the highest commendation from every resident of the county.; The following resolution offered by Supervisor McDowell of Mooera, is the action in the matter taken by the Board: Whereas, The tJnited States govern-., ment is about to make an •appropria- tion toward the celebration of the one ifrnnWTilh i •riil«i^ilM»rtaM^|i|.1i i. iwiiii»iiri|fiii1)ii,ti , n\iiiliiT[ijf Wiiljii msim Wa~^hole-*a1ke aft) ^e^^e, parf* in Hit^aji$ the eetebratibft a saccessj «kd eo-apera*fe w*ith ^he Wjjftfcri'&ee** appointed by tfie governor:©* t&e-«ftti$3 <tk>$mr 1§er& atod ptfter ^«ga»i3aiaiftu"sS toward m®t end. .'•'.. v llesolved> 1 !Ph'at the ofte huSSJretlf dollars appropriated July .lS. H^NET to;, defray the expenses- of the JeraSier| committee be reappropriated &ndi $h%*| the further sum of ?fv0 be ^ppropri^l ated to pay the expenses thai •may teieh incurred by the Board for. "the .pur- poses of ihe celebration 1n u^or&titfgj •county TtnMldtegs, and other publlej (purposes' - sueh aflrouht, ; «©Yvso-'m»ch^ <t!hereor~ $s may bo -heeded to be, Paf<i5 by the eourfty treasurer .out -of, aH,y*j funds "in. his hands avai%ble' for thatr purpose upon the oertlfi^ate of-audit_ ; of the clerk of the B o a r d *>f S u p e r visors. . . _ inriiimi!^ |iii t "KMjjIliiylrlli '1tT|iHn<fiHii -AMUSEMOENT& of Plattsburgh, Whereas, New York state has made an appropriation for the saih^\ pur- pose and Whereas, 'various civic bodies. and i other organizations are making ex- Palace Be sure aWd,bring your coupons &»&; get a receipt on the &taito- C o n t e s t ^ "CouhfbeSte ^esch-i's 1 Jewels^V^i^aiarSipih! 2-reol drama.* Ada Gifford aad SSarry' Northup have the title rojtes of which] they do justice in t M s , piw#ttfitiojti,;j "Ooiui'tto.g Betty's Bdauf, ®d>i^^-.f#rM comedy, "When a Woan^to- Ou^dies ^ Biograph. diramaj,. Uouise, Vaae. and' Olare McDonaioll are fea*ure>i., Satais*-: day—"n5he Cig'areMe MaSkfr- of Seville' JCiene 2-reel da-aima. alt1w«uigh this is; a fore%n it is a fereat one thiere is?; also a.loive storyf-which mafkfsrtMs worth seeimg, "rl'igh Life Bite Sffiip- pery Slim, Essanay comedy Western^ "At his fixpens©*, Lu%lfn drama. Wonderland ' Today is the Fourth.Installment' 'f fehe great "Lucfl©^ LOve^' series, -ffea-' hundredth anniversary of th* ^tm\V 1T [ n l' GTa ' 6e ^ n ^ ancaPi«yordj 1 1nstallment three showed Lucille I?ovef & Brail! General Contractor & AND AUL KINDS O P R E P Cement Blocks and Bricks made to order. and Floors. All Cement Work given special attention. ALL WORK GUARANTEED House Phone—BRAIJLT House Phone—LaMARCHB OFFICE phone WORK. Cement Walks, CurDlaf Estimates cheerfully foralshed. 9-R. * OFFICE NO. 4- BRINKERHOFF STREET. ENORMOUS PECIAL -TTL JLi Eld Of aU this season's most charming garments and best materials which you cannot afford to overlook and take advantage of the most wonderful tempting bargains - ^ , _ _ , Women's and Misses' Department Ail Suits Below Cost of Materials jtryiitg to escape from the natipnal ^spy into the jungle where she Is-infet^ hy the w^ld animals on one. jslde *nd ^e spy on the other, ©oa't Bftl to? <take up the story here and see it all to| the finish. We. also have the laugh •able Mike and J a k e Com|^y_, f *a Your Peanut." The-stOry ot 4 -election bet, also two otfcer very goo<l? reels titles unknown: Admission 5c NOTICE. On the evening of tflie next rega^r j meeting, of the Saranac Valley Crt&nge! to be held I*iday, June -12th. ,*ifhe- : first and second degrees .of the iani-j tiatory -w»rlc will be «»n*ered. AH; candidattes are requested to be pre sent. , X4' f f /3 < l \ 2 We offer Suits iu the latest styles of all wfM>l serge. Colors blue, tan and tango for $8.98. Iteg-uiar $18.00 >alue. ' Wc offer Suits that were sold for $>2.00. matcriaJs. style's and <olors tn laU'st. V\oiidci-ful value for $10.95 \\f oiler the finest Suits in styles. matcriaJ- and quality for SI4.95 Uiat were $.'50.00 and $;{.">.00. WAISTS For Friday and Saturday all our SI.50 Walstft for 98 cents. Several styles U> pick from. * \' h i H m ¥ f ; ' ^ * *• • • a «'1J:\ IK DHKSSKS. $;;.»h (or Krisso forinerlj s<-/lm^ Jc.r .$»i.!th and ST.OK. S)0.i»."i l<>i Iteautifiil < n-pe (!*• CliiiK" Mir.sis. -t\cin) -.t>l«-i mid color*, to selcci I roin Kcjiulai- \alue $18.(Ml a/iil S ^ o (XI SMART <Y)ATS. All $9.98 and $11.50 New Spring Coats for $6.98. AU $12.00 and $15.00 Coats includ- ing the lCngiisJi Kalniaeuan for $7.95 MilR'PS Kof Fridaj and Satnrdaj we will sell all our Skirts at a great reduc- tion. OPEIN A CHARGE ACCOUNT. Arrange your payment to suit your convenience. We make No extra charge, for Your Credit is Good Here LEWIS' The Family Outfitter Cor Margaret & Cornelia St H. S. SI/HANS, Manager Plattsburgh, N. Y. NEW YORK SWPREaiE COtmT— Clinton County. Charles A. Plefen- dorf, Plaintiff, against Cecil W. Defrv paw, John Clarrow, Mary Garrotr and John 13. Judge, Defendants. In pursuance of a judgment of fere- closure and sale, made and entered In the above entitled action, bearing date the 8th day of May, 1914, I, the undersigned referee in said judgment named, will sell at public auction, at the offices of James H. Burns, locat- ; ed at 46 Margaret Street, in the city of Plattsburgh, County of Clinton, New York, on the 15th day of fane, 1914, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the premises directed by said Judg- ment to be sold, and therein described as follows: All that tract or parcel of land situate in the Town of Beekmantown, County of Clinton, and State of New Fork, being the East half of a part of Lot. No. 90, In the Duerville Patent, and is bounded as follows: To wit: Beginning at the South West corner of said Irf>L No. 90; thence on the West «ne of said Lot No. 90, twenty two chains and thirty-seven links; thence East parallel to South line twenty-two chains and thirty-seven links; thence South parallel to West line tw*nty-tWo chains and thirty- seven links to the South line of said lot; thence West on the South line twenty-two chains and thirty-seven links to the place of beginning: Con- taining twenty-five acres of land, more or less. Also a right of way to pass and repass along the path to a spring on the premises heretofore deeded by Darius Whitman to Eliza- beth A. Sanger by Deed dated May 6th 1882. and recorded in Clinton County Clerk's Office in Vol 76 of Deeds at page 4 77. Also all that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Town of Beekmantown, Clinton County and State of New York and is bounded and described gs follows, viz: Beginning in the center of the highway leading Xorth from "Craig Gate," so-called, and running thence Westerly in the Soufh line of land owned and occupied by Elizabeth Sanger, twenty rods and twelve feet to lands owned and occupied by Richard Whitman; thence southerly in the East bounds of said Richard Whitman's land to a stone wall run- ning East and West located on lands of Richard Whitman, thence easterly six rods to said highway leading North from "Craig Gate," so-called; thence in the center of the highway to the place of beginning; containing one and one quarter acres of land, be the same more or less. Also, a right of way across a cer- tain premises as reserved to Darius Whitman by Deed fi om Patrick Thor- ton to Lorenzo Clay In the fullfilment of a certain contract made by said Patrick Thorton to said Darius Whit- man and by said Darius Whitman as- signed to Lorenzo Clay, reserving the right of way as set forth in said deed, dated June 18th, 1896, and recorded in Clinton County Clerk's office in Vol. 94 of Deeds at page 2'23. H. I'. GILLILAND, Referee. JAMES H. BURNS, Attorney for Plaintiff, Office & P. O. Address, 46 Margaret Street, Plattsburgh, N. Y. e;Jawfls!ha5ooL ' I Are the daintiest, tastiest flaked and so think thousands of partic th its of rolled paper-thin mm* perfectly fo®L_ i^^llil^fj e package—no bo&er-^W: wpik Served with cream—fresh fruit—delicious? x - s In Our Wash Goods Department Dollar Day left us with a number of short lengths ranging from 10 to SO yard pieces and to make quick sales on these goods wo have marked Uieni u.s follows: 32 inc-u silk tissues, crepes and voiles, priced from 2oe. to S5o. yd. NOW 19c«»yd. 37 and 32 Inch brocade crepe-dc-chenc, .silk ratines and siUi striiie erepes, regular value 45c, 50c. and 5»c. CHOICK S2c. yd. Dolly Varden silk poplin, 25 inches wide. SPKCIAL 50c. yd. Dresses of every description priced at $1.98 LIKE THOSE IN OUR SMALL WINDOW up to $4.00 and upward like those we are now showing in our large window-exceptional yalues every one of them The largest line of 8 ft 3 in.x 10 ft 6 in. and 9 x 12 rugs we have yet shown are on exhibition in our rug department Very Special Values are to be had in our Wall Paper Department The Busy Store on The Busy Corner This stors is proud of the fact that it doss not have a ladies' coat or suit in the store every garment was sold Dollar day 6iti

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j f t f JfRlDAr, 3TTNE




MlMest When buying Watches, Diamonds,

Jewelry, Silver w i r e . Cut Glass, e tc . Never before was my stock so complete.




can save yon purchases.

one-half on your

Try me when buying that Diamond o r Wedding Ring. All goods sold

with a guarantee.


5 River Street Over P. H. Graves' Store

FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1914



City and Vicinity News,

mmmmmammmm j.ltalllilfHUDCiW'liM'

Show Their


Pcrcheron Stallion i BREEDER'S GAZETTE No 87102

Will stand the season a t Charles Beynoids, Ingraharo, New York. This is a fine black Percheron stallion out of an Importod Sire and Dam. Service fee $15.00. D a e when mare is known to be in foal

Chazy Heart's Delight Farm

New York

For Sale Property on South Catherine street

eocsisting of 25 acres, two one family houses and one two family house. ILarge barn and other buildings. Houses rent for 5408.00 a year. About 20 &eres under cultivation, about 10 s e r e s good pasture with sprihg. Eleven hundred feet on Saranac river. City etreet xuns through property. City 'waler a n d sewers. The land is very f lea having' been fertilized both with manure and tankage from our render-i n g plant for several years. Apply

—Fraternal Bible -ipla&s ^&CiH*si©n! to Burlington tonight*

—Mrs. N. E. Chamberlin of Bur­lington attracted some attention in New York recently by driving a pink motor car, which she drove from the Queen City to Manhattan. Queried by a reporter she said: "My car is the only pink automobile in existence I had it painted pink because that is my favorite color. There is ,a little gray about it, but the jreneral effect

> is pink, and I am tremendously fond of it.

—Job K. Hedges of New York, re­ceived the honorary degree of doctor of laws at St. Lawrence university commencement at Canton Wednesday. He was the only one thus honored by St. Lawrence this year.

—•There will be a. reguHar meertiinig of •Maiodonioiu.frh Lodtg-e, I. O. O. F., toriighrt af.S o'clock.

—The funeral ot Mrs. Catherine Tier my w„i« Held from -St. John 's church Wednesday miorwrag at $ o'clock, solemn reqajiem high mass 'be-

l celebrated by Re*-. J. H. JDrtecoM, D. D., D. C. L., pastor of the chuneh. The pall bearers were Thionias Oo&-telJo, Dr. W. J. Rre-nan, Daniefl But­ler. John B. Tteiroeiy, James Marsh and Daniel Ryan. The toteirmient was at Peru, the -Rev. Father Grant hier, conducting the service.

—The pkrn<k? of the Delta Alpha Society which was to have been held Saturday afternoon has been tpostpon-ed to Monday afternoon, at four o'clock.





M. TIERNEY & SON 3o So Catharine St

Phone 412

The Board of Supervisors at their special meeting yesterday displayed their public spiritedness and patriot­ism by going on record as favoring the proposed celeb ration of the Ope hundredth anniversary of t h e Battle of Plattsburgh, and appropriating money that the county building in this city may be properly decorated during the celebration in September. Every member of the Board strongly favored the proposition of appropriat ing the necessary money and their action is-worthy">o* the highest commendation from every resident of the county.; The following resolution offered by Supervisor McDowell of Mooera, is the action in the mat ter taken by the Board:

Whereas, The tJnited States govern-., m e n t is about to make an •appropria­tion toward the celebration of the one

ifrnnWTilh i •riil«i^ilM»rtaM^|i|.1i i. iwiiii»iiri|fiii1)ii,ti,n\iiiliiT[ijf Wiiljii

msim Wa~^hole-*a1ke aft) ̂ e^^e, parf* in Hit^aji$ the eetebratibft a saccessj «kd eo-apera*fe w*ith ^he Wjjftfcri'&ee** appointed b y tfie governor:©* t&e-«ftti$3 <tk>$mr 1§er& atod ptfter ^«ga»i3aiaiftu"sS toward m®t end. . ' • ' . . v

llesolved> 1!Ph'at the ofte huSSJretlf dollars appropriated July .lS. H^NET to;, defray the expenses- of the JeraSier| committee be reappropriated &ndi $h%*| the fur ther sum of ?fv0 be ^ppropri^l a ted t o pay the expenses t h a i •may teieh incurred by the Board for. "the .pur­poses of ihe celebration 1n u^or&titfgj •county TtnMldtegs, a n d other publlej (purposes'-sueh aflrouht, ;«©Yvso-'m»ch^ <t!hereor~ $s may bo -heeded to be, Paf<i5 by the eourfty t reasurer .out -of, aH,y*j funds "in. his hands avai%ble' for t h a t r purpose upon t he oertlfi^ate of-audit_;

of t he clerk of the Board *>f Super visors.

. . _ inriiimi!^ | i i i t "KMjj I l i iy l r l l i '1tT|iHn<fiHii


of Plattsburgh, Whereas, New York state has made

an appropriation for the saih^\ pur­pose and

Whereas, 'various civic bodies. and i other organizations a re making ex-

Palace Be sure aWd,bring your coupons &»&;

get a receipt on the &taito- Contest^ "CouhfbeSte ^esch-i's1 Jewels^V^i^aiarSipih! 2-reol drama.* Ada Gifford aad SSarry' Northup have the title rojtes of which] they do justice in tMs, piw#ttfitiojti,;j "Ooiui'tto.g Betty's Bdauf, ®d>i^^-.f#rM comedy, "When a Woan^to- Ou^dies ^ Biograph. diramaj,. Uouise, Vaae. and' Olare McDonaioll a r e fea*ure>i., Satais*-: day—"n5he Cig'areMe MaSkfr- of Seville' JCiene 2-reel da-aima. alt1w«uigh th i s is; a fore%n it is a fereat one thiere is?; also a.loive storyf-which mafkfsrtMs worth seeimg, "rl'igh Life Bite Sffiip-pery Slim, Essanay comedy Western^ "At his fixpens©*, Lu%lfn drama.

Wonderland ' Today is the Fourth . Insta l lment ' ' f

fehe great "Lucfl©^ LOve^' series, -ffea-'

hundredth anniversary of th* ^tm\V1T[nl'GTa'6e^n^ a n c a P i « y o r d j 11nstallment three showed Lucille I?ovef

& Brail! General Contractor &

AND AUL KINDS O P R E P Cement Blocks and Bricks made to order.

and Floors. All Cement Work given special attention. ALL WORK GUARANTEED House Phone—BRAIJLT House Phone—LaMARCHB OFFICE phone

WORK. Cement Walks, CurDlaf

Est imates cheerfully foralshed.

9-R. *




Of aU this season's most charming garments and best materials which you cannot afford to overlook and take advantage of the most wonderful tempting bargains • - • ^ , _ _ , — •

Women's and Misses' Department Ail Suits Below Cost of Materials

jtryiitg to escape from the natipnal ^spy into the jungle where she Is-infet^ hy the w^ld animals on one. jslde * n d ^ e spy on the other, ©oa't Bftl to? <take up the story here and see it all t o | t he finish. We. also have the laugh •able Mike and Jake Com|^y_, f*a Your Peanut ." The-stOry o t 4 -election bet, also two otfcer very goo<l? reels titles unknown: Admission 5 c


On the evening of tflie next r e g a ^ r j meeting, of t he Saranac Valley Crt&nge! to be held I*iday, J une -12th. ,*ifhe-:

first and second degrees .of t h e iani-j t iatory -w»rlc will be «»n*ered. AH; candidattes a r e requested to be pre sent. ,

X4' ff

/3 <l\


We offer Suits iu the latest styles

of all wfM>l serge. Colors blue, tan

and tango for $8.98. Iteg-uiar $18.00

>alue. '

Wc offer Suits that were sold for

$>2.00. matcriaJs. style's and <olors

tn laU'st. V\oiidci-ful value for $10.95

\\f oiler the finest Suits in styles.

matcriaJ- and quality for SI4.95 Uiat

were $.'50.00 and $;{.">.00.


For Friday and Saturday all our

SI.50 Walstft for 98 cents. Several

styles U> pick from.

* \'

h i H



f;' ^ *


• •



$;;.»h (or K r i s s o forinerlj s<-/lm^

Jc.r .$»i.!th and ST.OK.

S)0.i»."i l<>i Iteautifiil < n-pe (!*• CliiiK"

Mir.sis. -t\cin) -.t>l«-i mid color*, to

selcci I roin Kcjiulai- \a lue $18.(Ml

a / i i l S ^ o (XI


All $9.98 and $11.50 New Spring

Coats for $6.98.

AU $12.00 and $15.00 Coats includ­

ing the lCngiisJi Kalniaeuan for $7.95


Kof Fridaj and Satnrdaj we will

sell all our Skirts at a great reduc­


OPEIN A CHARGE ACCOUNT. Arrange your payment to suit your convenience. We make No extra charge, for Your Credit is Good Here

L E W I S ' The Family Outfitter

Cor Margaret & Cornelia St H. S. SI/HANS, Manager

Plattsburgh, N. Y.

NEW YORK SWPREaiE C O t m T — Clinton County. Charles A. Plefen-dorf, Plaintiff, against Cecil W. Defrv paw, John Clarrow, Mary Garrot r and John 13. Judge, Defendants.

In pursuance of a judgment of fere-closure and sale, made and entered In the above entitled action, bearing date the 8th day of May, 1914, I, the undersigned referee in said judgment named, will sell a t public auction, a t t h e offices of J ames H. Burns, locat-

; ed a t 46 Margaret Street, in the city of Plattsburgh, County of Clinton, New York, on the 15th day of fane , 1914, a t 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the premises directed by said Judg­ment to be sold, and therein described as follows:

All tha t t ract or parcel of land situate in the Town of Beekmantown, County of Clinton, and State of New Fork, being the East half of a part of Lot. No. 90, In the Duerville Patent, and is bounded a s follows: To wit: Beginning a t the South West corner of said Irf>L No. 90; thence on the West «ne of said Lot No. 90, twenty two chains and thirty-seven links; thence East parallel to South line twenty-two chains and thirty-seven links; thence South parallel to West line tw*nty-tWo chains and thirty-seven links to the South line of said lot; thence West on the South line twenty-two chains and thirty-seven links to the place of beginning: Con­taining twenty-five acres of land, more or less. Also a right of way to pass and repass along the path to a spring on the premises heretofore deeded by Darius Whitman to Eliza­beth A. Sanger by Deed dated May 6th 1882. and recorded in Clinton County Clerk's Office in Vol 76 of Deeds at page 4 77.

Also all that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Town of Beekmantown, Clinton County and State of New York and is bounded and described gs follows, viz: Beginning in the center of the highway leading Xorth from "Craig Gate," so-called, and running thence Westerly in the Soufh line of land owned and occupied by Elizabeth Sanger, twenty rods and twelve feet to lands owned and occupied by Richard Whitman; thence southerly in the East bounds of said Richard Whitman's land to a stone wall run­ning East and West located on lands of Richard Whitman, thence easterly six rods to said highway leading North from "Craig Gate," so-called; thence in the center of the highway to the place of beginning; containing one and one quarter acres of land, be the same more or less.

Also, a right of way across a cer­tain premises as reserved to Darius Whitman by Deed fi om Patrick Thor-ton to Lorenzo Clay In the fullfilment of a certain contract made by said Patrick Thorton to said Darius Whit­man and by said Darius Whitman as­signed to Lorenzo Clay, reserving the right of way as set forth in said deed, dated June 18th, 1896, and recorded in Clinton County Clerk's office in Vol. 94 of Deeds a t page 2'23.


Attorney for Plaintiff, Office & P. O. Address, 46 Margaret

Street, Plat tsburgh, N. Y. e;Jawfls!ha5ooL '

I Are the daintiest, tastiest flaked and so think thousands of partic


its of rolled paper-thin

mm* perfectly fo®L_ i^^llil^fj

e package—no bo&er-^W: wpik

Served with cream—fresh fruit—delicious?

x - s

In Our Wash Goods Department

Dollar Day left us with a number of short lengths ranging from 10 to

SO yard pieces and to m a k e quick sales on these goods wo have marked

Uieni u.s follows:

32 inc-u silk tissues, crepes and voiles, priced from 2oe. to S5o. yd.

NOW 19c«»yd.

37 and 32 Inch brocade crepe-dc-chenc, .silk ratines and siUi striiie

erepes, regular value 45c , 50c. and 5»c. CHOICK S2c. yd.

Dolly Varden silk poplin, 25 inches wide. SPKCIAL 50c. yd.

Dresses of every description priced at $1.98 LIKE THOSE IN OUR SMALL WINDOW up to $4.00 and upward like those we are now showing in our large window-exceptional yalues every one of them

The largest line of 8 ft 3 in.x 10 ft 6 in. and 9 x 12 rugs we have yet shown are on exhibition in our rug department

Very Special Values are to be had in our Wall Paper Department

The Busy Store on The Busy Corner This stors is proud of the fact that it doss not have a ladies' coat or suit in the store

every garment was sold Dollar day
