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As Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Department

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Mahasaraswati Denpasar University












This thesis entitled “Improving Speaking Skill Through Cooperative

Learning Method of the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 2 Ubud in

Academic Year 2012 / 2013” has been approved and accepted as Partial

Fulfillment for the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Department Faculty of

Teacher Training and Education, Mahasaraswati Denpasar University.

Advisor I,

Nengah Dwi Handayani, S.Pd.,M.Pd

NPK. 82 8410 315

Advisor II,

I.G.A Putri Wirastuti, SS.,M.Hum

NPK. 82 7610 354




This thesis has been examined by committee on oral examination on

August 16th


Chief Examiner

Dr. Drs. Made Sukamerta, M.pd

NIP. 119550507 198203 1 003

Examiner I

Nengah Dwi Handayani, S.Pd., M.Pd

NPK. 82 8410 315

Examiner II

I.G.A. Putri Wirastuti, SS.,M.Hum

NPK. 82 7610 354

Approved by

Dean of the Faculty of Teacher

Training and Education

Prof. Dr. Wayan Maba

NIP. 19581231 198303 1 032

Head of the English Department

I Komang Budiarta, S.Pd

NPK. 82 8208 306




COVER ..................................................................................................... ii

APPROVAL SHEET 1 ............................................................................. iii

APPROVAL SHEET 2 .............................................................................. iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................ v

TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................. vi

LIST OF TABLE ....................................................................................... viii

LIST OF GRAPH ...................................................................................... ix

ABSTRACT .............................................................................................. x


1.1 Background of the Study........................................... 1

1.2 Statement of Research Question ............................... 3

1.3 The Objective of the Study ....................................... 4

1.4 Limitation of the Study ............................................. 4

1.5 Significance of the Study .......................................... 4

1.6 Assumption .............................................................. 5

1.7 Hypothesis ................................................................ 6

1.8 Definition of Key Terms ........................................... 6

1.9 Theoretical Framework ............................................. 7


2.1 Conception of Speaking ............................................ 8

2.2 The Importance of Speaking Skill ............................ 10

2.3 Cooperative Learning Method .................................. 11

2.3.1 Three Steps Interview ...................................... 13

2.3.2 Think Pair Share............................................... 14

2.3.3 Talking Chips ................................................... 14

2.3.4 Round Robin .................................................... 14

2.3.5 Inside or Outside Circle ................................... 15


2.3.6 Numbered Head Together ................................ 15

2.3.5 Jigsaw ............................................................... 16

2.4 Assessment of Speaking Skill ................................... 16

2.4.1 Vocabulary ....................................................... 16

2.4.2 Fluency ............................................................. 17

2.4.3 Grammar .......................................................... 17

2.4.4 Comprehension ................................................ 18

2.4.5 Pronunciation ................................................... 18


3.1 Subject of the Study .................................................. 19

3.2 Research Design ........................................................ 19

3.2.1 Planning ........................................................... 21

3.2.2 Action ............................................................... 22

3.2.3 Observation ...................................................... 24

3.2.4 Reflection ......................................................... 25

3.3 Research Instruments ................................................ 25

3.4 Data Collection ......................................................... 29

3.5 Data Analysis ............................................................ 29


4.1 Data ........................................................................... 31

4.2 Data Analysis ............................................................ 34

4.3 Discussion of Findings .............................................. 37


5.1 Conclusion ................................................................ 41

5.2 Suggestion ................................................................. 42

REFERENCES ...........................................................................................




Table 1. Speaking Rubric ........................................................................... 27

Table 2. Tabulation of Data Showing the Subjects’ Progressing Scores in

Speaking Skill after the Implementation of Cooperative

Learning Method .......................................................................... 32

Table 3. Tabulation of Data Showing the Subjects’ Changing Motivation

and Attitudes in Learning Speaking Skill through

Cooperative Learning Method ..................................................... 33

Table 4. Tabulation of Data Showing the Frequency Distribution of Initial

Reflection and Reflection Scores In Improving Speaking Skill

through Cooperative Learning Method ......................................... 35

Table 5. Summary of the Research Finding Showing the Mean Scores of

Each Session and the Grand Mean for Cycle I and Cycle II ....... 36



Graph 1. Depicting the Subjects’ Progressing Mean Score of Cycle I in

Improving Speaking Skill through Cooperative

Learning Method ......................................................................... 40

Graph 2. Depicting the Subjects’ Progressing Mean Score of Cycle II in

Improving Speaking Skill through Cooperative

Learning Method ......................................................................... 40

Graph 3. Depicting the Subjects’ Progressing Grand Mean in Improving

Speaking Skill through Cooperative

Learning Method .......................................................................... 41



Darsini, Ni Wayan. 2013. Improving Speaking Skill through Cooperative

Learning Method of the Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 2 Ubud in

Academic Year 2012/2013. First Advisor: Ni Nengah Dwi Handayani

S.Pd, M.Pd. Second Advisor: I.G.A. Putri Wirastuti S.S, M.Hum.

Keywords: Speaking Skill, Cooperative Learning Method

The present classroom action study dealt with improving speaking skill

through cooperative learning method of the eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Ubud in

academic year 2012/2013. The present classroom action study was basically triggered

by the fact that the subjects under study still faced problem in speaking skill. The

subjects’ problem should be instantaneously solved. The implementation of

cooperative learning method was expected to be an effective way to improve

speaking skill of the eight grade students of SMPN 2 Ubud. In this classroom action

study, the teaching and learning process were divided into two cycles and each cycle

consisted of two successive sessions. The obtained data of the present classroom

action study were collected through the administration of pre-test, post-test, and

questionnaire which analyzed desriptively. The present classroom action study was

started with administering initial reflection or pre-test to the subjects under study. It

was designed for the purpose of diagnosing pre-existing the subjects’ achievement in

speaking skill. The results of the data analysis of the pre-test score showed the mean

figure of 56.58. It was categorized as low ability of speaking skill. After the treatment

was given, the results of the data analysis of the reflection or post-test scores in cycle

I (X1, and X2) showed increasing mean figures of 65.86 and 74.22. The results of the

data analysis of the reflection or post-test scores obtained by the subject under study

in cycle II (X3 and X4) pointed out the increasing mean figures of 78.44 and 80.78.

Compared with the mean figure of pre-test score, the mean figure obtained by the

subjects under study for each session was convincingly much higher than the mean

figure of pre-test score. The grand mean figure of the reflection or post-test scores

obtained by the subject under study in cycle I was 70.04 and in cycle II was 79.61.

There was a significant difference of the grand mean figure between cycle I and cycle

II. The difference of the grand mean figure of cycle I and cycle II was 9.61. These

findings clearly showed that the speaking skill of the subjects under study could be

improved through cooperative learning method. The result of the data analysis from

the administration of questionnaire showed the comparative percentage figures of

52.20% for option A, 44.34% for option B, 03,22% for option C, and 0 % for option

D. These findings clearly indicated the subjects’ positive changing attitude and

motivation in improving speaking skill through cooperative learning method.





1.1 Background of the Study

English is very important to be learned because English is international

language, it means by knowing English well you be able to communicate with the

foreigners with different language and culture. In Indonesia English is the first

foreign language that taught at school and it is considered as an important subject

to acquire the knowledge, and to develop technology, art, and culture. English is

one of subject which is taught from kindergarten school until university. Based on

the school curriculum for English, teaching English is a subject that is consists of

four skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. Moreover, there are

some elements of language that should be taught to develop these four skills they

are: grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and spelling.

Actually all of English skills and English elements are important, but

speaking skill is the most important skill that should be mastered by English

learner. Speaking ability able to describe how far the language learner mastered

about the language itself. Speaking ability is challenging to mastering because

speaking skill covers all of English elements. In the other opinion Turk, C

(2003:20) states spoken language was the first form of communication between

human beings. From that statement can be concluded that speaking is the first skill

that should taught first when someone learns about a language.

In relation with speaking the standard competencies for speaking that

should be mastered by eight grade students of junior high school, namely: (1)

expressing meaning in very simple transactional conversation and interpersonal to



do interaction with surrounding environment, (2) expressing meaning in spoken

functional texts and very simple monolog in the form descriptive and recount to

do interaction with surrounding environment. Now days, people believe that if

the goal of English course is truly to enable students to communicate in English,

then speaking skill should be taught and practiced in classroom. It is related to

speaking as the activity that takes the fundamental part of human communication,

in which we spend more time to speak than to read and to write. Therefore, in

teaching English, speaking activities should be given more emphasis than reading

and writing activities.

Unfortunately now days student face a complicated problem in using

English specially speaking. Turk C. (2003: 2) states that most people think a

decent standard of competence in speaking to group is a part of the basic

professionalism of any job; but too many professional are nervous about speaking

and afraid they do not speak well. From that statement concluded that there are

some problems that perhaps found in speaking skill. In some cases they perhaps

know about some vocabulary that they needs to express about some information

or expression but they afraid to make mistake in pronunciation or structure or they

feel shy to their friend when do a mistake. In the other cases they know about

structure but they have limited vocabulary. The last is that the teacher dominates

the teaching activity using Indonesian so it can not increase students’ speaking

skill. Based on this condition the researcher decided to do the Classroom Action

Research (CAR) by using Cooperative Learning Method which is limited in two

techniques those are: three step interview and numbered head together.



Cooperative Learning Method is a successful strategy in which small

teams, each with students of different levels of ability, use a variety of learning to

improve their understanding of a subject. Slavin in Isjoni,( 2011: 15) states that in

cooperative leaning method, students work together in four member teams to

master material initially present by the teacher. From this statement we can

conclude that cooperative learning is a method where learning and working in a

small group consist of 4 until 6 members collaboratively be able to stimulate

students more interest in learning process.

Cooperative learning method has many techniques, therefore this research

will be limited in two techniques they are: three step interview and numbering

head together. Three step interviews is a technique which can be used to get to

know concept in depth or can be used as an ice breaker for team member to get to

know one another. The steps are: (1) each member of the team chooses another

member to be a partner, (2) partners reverse the roles, and the last step members

share their partner’s response with the team. In addition numbered heads together

is a strategy is useful to check for understanding, to review, as an antidote to the

whole class question answer format. A team of four is established. Each member

is given numbers of 1, 2, 3, 4. Questions are asked of the group. Group works

together to answer the question, so that all can verbally answer the question.

Teacher calls out the number for example number two and each number two is

asked to give the answer.

1.2 Statement of Research Question

Based on the background of the research, the research question can be

formulated as follows: can the speaking skill be improved through Cooperative



Learning Method of the eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Ubud in academic

year 2012 – 2013?

1.3 Objective of the Study

Methodologically writing, any scientific study intends to answer the

research question that has been previously formulated and determined. In line

with this rationale, the present study intends to find the weather or not speaking

skill of the eight grade students of SMPN 2 Ubud can be improved through

Cooperative Learning Method.

1.4 Limitations of the Study

The scope of the study is limited on the use of cooperative learning

method in improving speaking skill of the eighth grade of SMPN 2 Ubud.

As known that cooperative learning method has many techniques. But in

this research, the researcher will limited the method in two techniques they are:

three step interview and numbering head together.

1.5 Significance of the Study

Cooperative learning method especially three step interview and

numbering head together has some benefits those are:

1. For the teacher, to improve students’ skill in speaking is very significant.

Cooperative learning method has some techniques which are need a

participation of all students to speak up, because in this method each student

has to make an interaction with the other members in the class. In addition

this situation can help the teacher to measure and find out the weakness of the

student easily.



2. For the students, cooperative learning method will give a way to the student to

find the topic that they will study and the limitation of the topic that they will

talk. In addition it can help the students to focus on one problem and will try

to discuss it specifically in order to improve their knowledge and their


3. For the other researcher, the result of this study is expected to give an

alternative source and references to other researchers in their attempts to

study cooperative learning method especially to improve speaking skill.

1.6 Assumption

Through this study, the researcher concerns with the several variables that

have been stated on the research question. In order to neutralize the compounding

variables, it is important to state some assumptions as follows:

1. The eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Ubud are assumed to have

learnt English skill such as: listening, speaking, reading, and


2. The eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Ubud are assumed have a

good speaking ability.

3. The eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Ubud under study have the

same level in learning English.

4. The instruments that will be used by the researcher are valid and

reliable to measure and improve the speaking skill of the eighth

grade students of SMPN 2 Ubud.



1.7 Hypothesis

On attempting to give a tentative solution to the problem, the hypothesis

will be stated as the following: the students’ speaking skill of the eighth grade

students of SMPN 2 Ubud in academic year 2012 – 2013 can be improved

through cooperative learning method.

1.8 Definition of the Key Terms

The English study is complex, problematic, broad and difficult, in order to

avoid misunderstanding on the reader, it is important to give clear definition there

are shown as follows:

1. Improving speaking skill is the effort of the researcher to improve the

speaking skill of the students. Speaking skill is productive skill in the oral

mode. Moreover, speaking skill, like the other skills, is more complicated

than it seems at first and involves more than just pronouncing words.

2. Cooperative learning method as a method used by the teacher to improve

the students’ skill in speaking. Cooperative Learning Method has some

techniques that probably stimulate the students to communicate with the

other class member in order to solve the problem. Cooperative Learning

Method has many techniques but to make the research more effective the

method will be limited to two techniques, as follows: three step interview

and numbering heads together. In addition three step interview has three

steps, they are (1) each member of the team chooses another member to

be partner. (2) They ask each other some question according the topic

given and (3) they back to their team and share their partner’s response



with the team. The second technique is numbering head together, in

addition it technique is useful to check students’ understanding.

Numbering heads together also has some several steps such as: (1) the

class divides into some groups that consist of 4 until 6 students. (2) Each

student is given numbers of 1 until 4 or 6 (depends the team members)

and the teacher asks the question. (3) Team works together to answer the

question and the last one teacher calls out a number example two and

each number two from all group will answer the question verbally.

3. SMPN2 Ubud is one of junior high school in Ubud. It is located in

Gianyar regency.

1.9 Theoretical Framework

This study deals with improving speaking skill of the eighth grade students

of SMPN 2 Ubud in academic year 2012/2013 by Cooperative Learning Method.

Therefore, the research study is conducted with the following theoretical

framework, as follows: (1) conception of speaking skill, (2) the importance of

speaking skill, (3) cooperative learning method (4) assessment of speaking skill.

All of these will be discussed in the chapter II, which deals with the discussion of

the Review of Related Literature.




2.1 Conception of Speaking Skill

Speaking is an activity when people use their voice to deliver their

opinion, suggestion, information even critic. When we talk about something of

course there are many elements that we should understand those are: the topic of

what the speaking about, vocabulary, grammar, and also intonation. Topic of

speaking is important to be mastered by speaker because by mastering the topic

the speaker will be easier to divide the important things from the topic that will be

asked to the listeners. The second element is vocabulary, it is important for

speaker in order to speak well at least the speaker has enough vocabularies to

express some idea. Grammar is very useful when people speaking, because

grammar is able to give implicit meaning in speaking activity. The last one is

intonation; by using the appropriate intonation probably make the information

successfully transferred to the listeners. All of the elements are needed to make a

good understanding between speaker and listener.

Anderson and Bachman (2009:1) claim that speaking skills are an

important part of the curriculum in language teaching, and this makes them an

important object of assessment as well. As known that language ability can

measured from four language skill however now days people usually judge the

language skill from how well someone able to speak in language itself. The

professionals are expected to have good speaking skill; in addition, many people


speak in order to show their ability and influence someone, for example

politicians, teacher, lawyer however president.

Brown (2003: 140) states that speaking is productive skill that can directly

and empirically observed, those observations are invariably colored by accuracy

and effectiveness of a test – taker’s listening skill which is necessary compromises

the reliability and validity of an oral production test. From that statement it can be

concluded that listening skill has a big influence in speaking skill. Listening is a

first language skill that taught when the learners learn about language because

listening skill can give the learners how to improve speaking skill. By listening

learners able to learn how to speak from the models, it will give a good effect to

learners. In addition listening able to add the vocabularies mastering; influence the

pronunciation and intonation.

From all statements above it can be concluded that speaking skill is an

important skill to be mastered when someone learn about language especially

foreign language. Speaking skill becomes the most important skill since people

have belief that language mastery is able to be judged from how well someone

speak. In language teaching, language is essentially speech. Someone on his or her

daily life needs to be able in using English as good as possible in order to make a

comprehensible situation in speaking. In addition, the language function should

also be involved in this skill which it involves the use of grammar,

comprehension, fluency, and all of these should be used appropriately in a social

interaction. Therefore the appropriate method and technique are needed to

improve students’ speaking skill.


2.2 The Importance of Speaking Skill

Speaking skill is the productive skill in the oral mode. Like the other skill,

speaking is more complicated that seems at first and involves more than just

pronouncing words. There are five components of speaking skill that can be

defined as follows: pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency and

comprehension. To be a good speaker the English learners have to master all of

the components. However, besides those linguistic components above there are

many factors that influence speaking ability. Turk, C (2003:5) states that if we

want to improve speaking skills first we must be aware of ourselves, our

motivations, behavior patterns, and likely mistakes. From that statement it can be

concluded that our own motivation and also our environment are the emphasis

factors in improving speaking skill. If the learners have a high motivation to

improve their speaking skill, they will study hard and find many sources and

model about speaking skill. The environment is the next important factor that

influences learners speaking skill, because if people around the learners are able to

speak well it will be easily for the learners to copy their way to speak.

Speaking skill becomes the important aspect of language when studying

the language especially English without practicing to speak is useless. Celce

Murcia and Olshtain in Gruyter (2006:139) state that speaking in a second

language has been considered the most challenging of four skills are given the fact

that it involves a complex process of constructing meaning. That statement can

describe that speaking skill is the most important thing to be mastered when

people learn English because speaking is a process of constructing meaning; it

covers almost all of language components. Through speaking someone can


express their minds, ideas, and thought freely and spontaneously. In addition

purpose of teaching speaking is to guide both the teachers and students to use the

target language as a common language in teaching learning process even in their

daily life.

In global era speaking ability in English is useful in many situations and

places. Such as in the school, apply for a job, or when someone goes to the other

country because English is international language. That fact requires people to

master English active in order to make verbal interaction with people around the


2.3 Cooperative Leaning Method

English is the first second language which is taught in the school in

addition, speaking skill as one of English skill is a challenging skill to be

mastered. According to that fact is known that school becomes an essential place

to improve student speaking skill. To improve speaking skill at the school teacher

can be an appropriate model who able to be copied by students is their teacher.

Besides teacher’s English skill, the appropriate method and technique is needed to

stimulate the students to speak up and improve their English skill.

Cooperative learning method can be an appropriate method to use in

teaching learning process to improve students speaking skill. Cooperative learning

method has several techniques that stimulate the student to make verbal

interaction with the other member of the class. Cooperative learning method is a

method that divides the class member to several groups and arranges the students

to work in a group. This method is useful to encourage the students’ activeness

and responsibility to their own self and their team members. Moreover Slavin


(2000:5) states that all cooperative learning methods share the idea that students

work together to learn and are responsible for their teammates’ learning as well as

their own. In addition to the idea of cooperative work, student team learning

methods emphasize the use of team goal and team success, which can be achieved

only if all members of the team learn the objectives being taught. That is, in

student team learning the students’ tasks are not to do something as a team but to

learn something as team.

Cooperative learning method can judge as construct learning situation

because in its learning process the students are stimulated to make discussion in a

team in order to solve the problem given by their own knowledge. Isjoni

(2011:33) states that learning in constructivism or cooperative learning method

able to arouse the students’ conviction to their self and courage to face the

problem and solve it in a new learning situation; in addition, students who learn in

constructivism are given chances to build their own understanding. Moreover,

Resmek in Isjoni (2011:33) explains there are three aspects in relation to build

rationale in learning theory which known by constructivism. First, learning is a

process to build knowledge; not knowledge reserve process. Second, students use

their knowledge to build the new knowledge and the third, learning process is

depended of environment situation. The statement above can describe that

constructivism or cooperative learning method can be used to build the

understanding about concept or idea more clearly when students directly involved

in knowledge development itself. Remembering process will be easier after

understanding a concept; students can remember the concept longer because


students actively involved in constructing the reserve knowledge with their own

knowledge in addition to find their own knowledge concept.

In relation with speaking skill, cooperative learning method is an

appropriate method to arouse the students’ activeness to construct their own

concept to express their idea or even their knowledge in verbal communication.

Moreover, Celce Murcia and Olshtain in Gruyter (2006:139) state that speaking in

a second language has been considered the most challenging of four skills are

given the fact that it involves a complex process of constructing meaning.

Cooperative learning method has some techniques that able to be applied

in the teaching learning process. All of the techniques are appropriate to improve

the students’ ability, as follows:

2.3.1 Three Steps Interview

Three steps interview is an appropriate technique to stimulate students’

interaction with the other class’ member ( Isjoni, 2011:78). Three step interview

can be used to get the concept in depth or can be used an ice breaker for team

members to know one another. Each member of a team chooses another member

to be a partner. During the first step students interview their partners by asking

clarify questions. During the second step partners reverse the roles. For the final

step, members share their partner’s response with the team. This technique can

help the students to improve their speaking skill by paraphrasing their pair’s

opinion when they are sharing it with the team’s member. In addition, three steps

interview appropriate students to practice their speaking skill in order to reinforce



2.3.2 Think Pair Share

Think pair share is useful to encourage the students’ time on task and

listening to each other. After rehearsing in pairs, more students are expected to

respond. The first step is teacher provokes student’s thinking with a question or

prompt or observation. The students should take a few moments to think about the

question. The next step is students think about the answer by making a discussion

with their partner. They are able to compare their opinion and make the best

answer. The last step is the students can share their opinion with the whole class.

Isjoni (2011:78) states think pair share is very useful to create the optimal

participation between all class’ member and give the same chance to each student

to explain their opinion.

2.3.3 Talking Chips

Talking chips support democratic and accountable participation in small

group interaction. Each student is given a certain number of chips. Each time they

talk, they must submit a chip, but once their chips are gone they may no longer

talk. Students must use all their chips. This helps the teacher to monitor the

students’ interaction and ensure all groups’ members have equal opportunity to

share their thinking while enhancing communication skill (Isjoni, 2011:79)

2.3.4 Round Robin

Round robin is a technique that gives each member get equal chance to

contribute their idea or opinion ( Isjoni, 2011:79). Class is divided into small

groups (4 to 6) with one person appointed as the recorder. A question is posed

with many answers and students are given time to think about answers; after the


thinking time members of the team share responses with one another round robin

group. The recorder writes down the answer of the group members. The person

next to the recorder starts and each person in the group give an answer until time

is called.

2.3.5 Inside or Out Circle

Divide class into two groups. One group forms a circle facing outward, the

others find one person in the circle to stand opposite; there are two circles of

people facing each other. Information can be shared and reviewed, and outer

circle can move easily to generate more responses or discuss new information.

This technique can help the whole students to share information together in the

same time (Isjoni, 2011:79).

2.3.6 Numbered Heads Together

This strategy is useful to check the understanding, to review, as an antidote

to the whole-class question – answer format. A team of four is established. Each

member is given numbers of 1, 2, 3, 4. Questions are asked to the group. Group

works together to answer the question, so that all can verbally answer the

question. Teacher calls out a number example 2 and each two from all groups is

asked to give the answer. Richards and Renandya (2002:52) state numbered heads

together encourages successfully group functioning because all members need to

know and be ready to explain their group’s answer.


2.3.7 Jigsaw

Jigsaw can be used to develop a concept, master content, for discussion

and group projects. Groups with four students are set up. Each group member is

assigned some unique material to learn and then to teach to his group members.

The group discuss about the material to decide what is important and how to teach

it. After practicing in these expert groups the original group reform and student

teach each other. Jigsaw technique can encourage the students to be more active

and work together to understand the material (Isjoni, 2011:54)

2.4 Assessment of Speaking Skill

Assessment is the procedure to collect data of the student in order to

measuring the effectiveness of the method or technique which is used in the

research. According of Brown (2004:4) assessment is an ongoing process that

encompasses a much wider domain. In speaking assessment is challenging, there

are several components that should be emphasized as follows:

2.4.1 Vocabulary

English has a very large vocabulary, which adds greatly to our

opportunities to express subtle shades of meaning and to use different styles

(Michael McCharty, 2002:6). Moreover, vocabulary is the important component

in speaking skill. By mastering enough vocabularies, students can express their

idea clearly. Turk, C (2003:87) states that the second way in which spoken

language differs from written language is that the choice of vocabulary is very

different. Written vocabulary is formal, and explicit. Spoken vocabulary tends to


be familiar, and every day. From that statement we can conclude that the

appropriate way to develop the students’ speaking skill is made sure that the

vocabulary used in the speaking topic is familiar for them.

2.4.2 Fluency

Fluency has crucial part in speaking, because by fluency teacher can

measured how far the students master the topic of speaking and the most

important benefit of fluency is teacher can conclude how far the students

understood about the speaking concept itself. In addition, when the students have

a good fluency when they are speaking in using the target language it indicates

that they have understood the speaking concept as well as the purpose.

2.4.3 Grammar

Grammar is needed in spoken language in order to arrange the correct

sentence. People judge you by the way you speak, and they can dismiss what you

have to say if you say it carelessly (Aan Batko, 2004:22). Thus, grammar is

needed to make a good understanding and comprehension between speaker and

listener. However, most students are very easy to get confused with English

grammar, while grammar is very needed to form a right sentence. If the students

do not have grammar mastery, of course they will not able to produce sentences

that grammatically correct. Realizing that the students’ grammar mastery is very

weak; in addition, they feel embarrassed when they want to produce English

sentences orally.


2.4.3 Comprehension

When someone speak, he has to make sure that he understands about what

he has said and able to make the listener catch easily the ideas, meanings and

feelings of speaker that why comprehension is needed in speaking. Both the

production and comprehension of language are a factor of our ability to perceive

and process stretches of discourse, to formulate representations of meaning not

just from a single sentence but from referents in both previous sentences and

following sentences (Brown, 2007:226). From that statement it can be concluded

that comprehension is used to describe the stretches of the topic which is being

spoke by the speakers.

2.4.5 Pronunciation

Pronunciation is the speaker way to express every single word in correct

language. Pronunciation is needed to make good understanding between speaker

and listener; moreover, clear pronunciation can express the speaker ideas correctly

and make the listener understand the ideas easily. However, Burns and Claire

(2003:5) state that the survey conducted for this project showed that pronunciation

can be something of a ‘Cinderella’ in language teaching – to be given low priority

or even avoided. Sometimes teaching learning process only stressed in using of

grammar or the fluency without correcting the student’s pronunciation. Some

factors can be the reasons of that situation; one of those factors is the teachers’

effort to build students’ confidentiality.




3.1 Subject of the Study

The subjects of the study were the eighth grade students of H class of

SMPN 2 Ubud in academic year 2012/2013 which consisted of 36 students, 21

males and 15 females. The students were selected based on interview in which the

researcher did with the English teacher who has been teaching in the eighth grade

students of SMPN 2 Ubud. Most of students found difficulties in improving their

speaking skill.

3.2 Research Design

The study was a classroom action research. The classroom action research

intended to improve students’ speaking skill to the eighth grade students of SMPN

2 Ubud in academic year 2012/2013 through Cooperative Learning Method. It

meant that a classroom action research was applied in classroom teaching learning

process in order to improve the students’ speaking skill. Research is an academic

activity and as such the term should be used in a technical sense. According to

Clifford Woody in C.R.Kothari (2004:1) research comprises defining and

redefining problems, formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions; collecting,

organizing and evaluating data; making deductions and reaching conclusions; and

at last carefully testing the conclusions to determine whether they fit the

formulating hypothesis. Classroom Action Research began with teachers

identifying a concrete problem they have. Then they gathered data to help solve


the problem and after carefully analyzing this data, undertake changes in their

classroom to hopefully solve their initial problem.

In this classroom action research there were two kinds of tests which were

used in evaluating students’ speaking skill namely: Initial reflection (IR) or pre-

test intended to evaluate the pre-existing speaking skill, then Reflection (R) or

post test was administered at the end of each session in every cycle in order to get

the comparison result score before the researcher taught the subject by using

cooperative learning method and after the method used in this teaching learning

process. In this classroom action research, the teaching learning process was

divided into two cycles moreover each cycle consisted of two sessions. Each

session consisted of four interconnected activities, namely: Planning (P), Action

(A), Observation (O), and Reflection (R). The first step was a planning how to

solve the weakness or even problem. The second and third steps were used to

apply the method in teaching learning process, and the last step was used to

measure how far the method could improve the students’ speaking ability.

Therefore to make it apparent, the explanations can be shown by a design below:

Cycle I

Cycle II

In was appropriate to describe about the four interconnected steps in

improving students’ speaking skill by using cooperative learning method which

mentioned as P, A, O, and R are dedicated to the following discussions:


3.2.1 Planning

Planning was needed for whole session; in order to make the classroom

action research (CAR) could be successfully done. Moreover, C.R.Kothari

(2004:32) states that the one of important features of research design is a planning

that specifies the sources and types of information relevant to the research

problem. In addition before the teaching learning process was done, the researcher

had to prepare the appropriate planning for all sessions in each cycle. As

mentioned previously, the subjects of this classroom action research were the

eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Ubud in academic year 2012/2013. In

conducting the classroom action study, the undertaking of it was totally based on

the fact that the subjects under study had low speaking ability in English.

Therefore, cooperative learning method was used to help the students in

overcoming the problem. It was strongly hoped that this method would be the

appropriate and efficient in improving the students speaking skill. The classroom

action research was planned by following instructional mean activities, such as:

1. Selecting the certain materials which should be appropriately used in

teaching speaking by using cooperative learning method.

2. Designing lesson plans or setting up teaching scenarios of the present’s

class action study. The researcher designed and planned four lesson

plans or teaching scenarios because the classroom action study was

divided in two cycles (cycle I and cycle II). Each session or meeting

was planned to last for 80 minutes. It is necessary to note that teaching

scenarios were designed in improving student’s speaking skill by using

Cooperative Learning Method. The topics of material were taken from


junior high school teaching syllabus. The researcher tried the best to

create communicative classroom activities in order to help the students

to improve their speaking skill.

3. Constructing post test at the end of each session. The forms of post-

tests were by creating a short dialogues according of situations that

were given. The administration of the reflection or post test was used

to measure the extent of subjects’ progress in speaking skill after the

treatment given.

4. The last activity was constructing the questionnaire to the subject

under study. The questionnaire was given to students by the end of

cycle I. The administration of the questionnaire was used to measure

the changing learning behaviours of the subject in improving speaking

skill through cooperative learning method.

3.2.2 Action

This one of the important activities was conducted in the part of classroom

action study. Conducting the previous planned teaching scenarios was the main

activity in this class action study. In line with the objective of the study, action or

classroom activities refered to what the researcher really did in the classroom

setting during the processes of teaching speaking skill. Action step was important

to make sure the data was collected in the appropriate procedure. Therefore the

researcher tried to implement and conduct the previously planned classroom

activities in teaching scenarios. So the objectives of teaching speaking skill for

every session become most effectively and efficiently achieved. The classroom


activities were classified into three main parts, namely: pre activity, whilst activity

and post activity. These kinds of activities will be described below:

1. Pre-activities

Teaching learning process was started with pre-activities. In these

activities, the researcher also acted as a teacher asked valuable

question to make the subjects willing to speak up. It was important

action because pre activity was intended to activate the subjects’ prior

knowledge related to the topic. This activity also aimed to focus

subjects’ mutual interests and attention. Beside warmed up the subjects

under study, in this activity the teacher also told the students about the

principally use of cooperative learning method.

2. Whilst-activities

In whilst-activities the researcher who acted as a classroom teacher

applied cooperative learning method. The researcher gave the

explanation of the certain expressions to the subject under study, in

order to make comprehensible situation of students in studying the

speaking. The researcher also gave the example of short dialogue using

those expressions. In this activity the researcher was divided the

method into two techniques, they were three steps interview and

numbering heads together. In three steps interview students asked to

make a group consisted of 4 students. Than each student chose their

partner from the others group and made a conversation by using the

expressions given. After doing the dialogue they had to back to their

group and made the discussion with the whole group members about


the information and also the mistakes that happened during the


In numbering heads together the class also divided into several groups

consisted of 4 persons then each member was given a number 1 until 4

than they did a discussion about the material given. Both of the

techniques were stressed in the students understanding about the

concept of material in order to check it in end of whilst activity all

groups had to express their opinion about the material and giving the

example about the using of the certain expressions.

3. Post-activity

Post- activity was the last activity. The last activity was post activity. In

this activity, the teacher concluded the lesson that had been given and

gave the students chance to ask question about the lesson.

3.2.3 Observation

In this present study, the researcher also acted and behaved as a classroom

teacher as well as an observer. The classroom observation should be done during

the teaching and learning process. The information that were obtained from the

action during the teaching learning process were very useful to recognize the

effect of the treatment given. There were two kinds of observation done in this

study. First, the researcher observed the students’ attitude toward the teaching and

learning process and found out the progress of the students’ speaking skill.

Second, the researcher also investigated the students’ response toward the

application of cooperative learning method; in addition, it could be seen after the

students filled out the questionnaire. The questionnaire was in form of multiple


choices. It was constructed in ten questions, this was also provided in Indonesian

to avoid confused or misunderstanding of the students in answering the

questionnaire. The result of questionnaire showed how many students looked

interested, enjoyed and understood to the commands being instructed.

3.2.4 Reflection

Reflection was given to the students being studied which focused on

teaching speaking skill through cooperative learning method. As previously

mentioned, the classroom action study was divided into two cycles where in every

cycle consisted of two sessions. It meant that the reflection was provided for four

times, twice were administered in Cycle I and twice in cycle II. The reflection or

post-test was designed in the form of oral test, the students would be asked to

make a short dialogue based on situations given by the teacher; in addition, the

students had to perform their dialogue in front of the class with their partner. The

results of the reflections were corrected and scored at home and the subject’s

errors were soon discussed in the following sessions. The result reflection of cycle

I was used as feedback and complement in planning and carrying out the actions

in cycle II.

3.3 Research Instruments

In order to collect the needed data for the present investigation and find

out the effectiveness of cooperative learning method as the promoting activity in

improving speaking skill of VIII H class of SMPN 2 Ubud, some data were made.

The research instruments were tools which were used to collect the required data.

The selection and construction of appropriate, valid and reliable research


instruments were very essential step of a scientific investigation, this was on

account of the fact merely valid and reliable research instrument could be used to

collect the valid and reliable data for study being undertaken. The instruments can

be described in follows:

1) Speaking Skill Tests

There were two kinds of instruments were used to collect the data in

speaking tests, which were mentioned as Pre-test and Post-test, such as:

- Pre-test (Initial Reflection)

The initial reflection or pre-test was designed for the purpose of

diagnosing pre-existing students’ achievement in speaking skill;

furthermore, it was administered before the treatment was given to

the students. The pre-test was designed in the form of oral test. The

subjects under study would be asked to make a short dialogue based

on situations given by the teacher; furthermore, they had to perform

their dialogue in front of the class with their partner.

- Post-test (Reflection)

The post-test was aimed to check students’ improvement in speaking

skill after conducting teaching and learning process through

cooperative learning method. The reflection or post-test would be

administered to the subjects under study for four times after passing a

treatment at the end of each session. As the pre-test, the post-tests also

were designed in the form of oral test. The students had to arrange a

dialogue based on situation given and perform their dialogue in front

of the class. The result of reflection or post-test in cycle I would be


used as feedback and basis to plan and carry out the action in cycle

II. If the result of this test showed progress and reached the criteria

of success, the action would be stopped until this cycle. In scoring

the initial reflection or pre-test and reflection or post-test was used

speaking rubric. The scoring categories of speaking rubric were

adopted from Brown (2004:172) who states that there are five

important elements needed to be scored in speaking skill such as:

grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, and pronunciation;

nevertheless, in this classroom action study, the researcher only

focused on three components of speaking skill in scoring criteria such

as: grammar was the appropriate structure or grammar in constructing

the dialogues to avoid misunderstanding; fluency was the speed and

the flow of the students’ speech in performing the dialogues with their

partner; in addition, comprehension was the students’ understanding

about their dialogues. For the detail explanation about the speaking

rubric, it could be seen in the following table (table 1)

Speaking Rubric

Scores Grammar Comprehension Fluency



grammatical errors

even in simple

structures; meaning

is obscured.

The speech is

incomprehensible and

the speaker does not

know anything about

what he has said.

The speech is slow

and exceedingly

hesitant; difficult

to perceive

continuity in



Frequent gramma-

tical errors even in

simple structures

that at times

obscure meaning.

The speech is

incomprehensible and

the speaker knows little

things about the


The speech is

frequently hesitant

and jerky with

some sentences

left uncompleted.




grammatical errors

that do not obscure

meaning; little

variety in


The speech is difficult

to understand by

listener and the speaker

knows little things

about the speech.

The speech is

relatively smooth

but is

characterized by

some hesitation

and unnatural



Some errors in


structures possibly

caused by attempt

to include a variety.

The speech is

understood by listener

and the speaker knows

and understands about

the speech.

The speech is

smooth with few



Accuracy and

variety of



The speech is easy to

understand by both

speaker and listener.

The speech is

smooth delivery.

Weight 5 7 8


scores 25 35 40

Total 100

- The Questionnaire

In this study, the questionnaire was designed to find out the

students’ response toward the application of the cooperative

learning method in teaching speaking skill. The questionnaire

consisted of 10 multiple choice test items. In order to avoid

confusion of misunderstanding, the questionnaire was administered

in this study by using Indonesian language. The items of

questionnaire were scored by using the rating scale of 0-3. With the

brief discussions: three points was awarded A; two points for B; one

point for C; and zero points for D.


3.4 Data Collection

The data gathered for the classroom action research study were two types,

such as: quantitative data and qualitative data. The quantitative data as the most

important data required to answer the research question under study were

collected through administering initial reflection (IR) or pre-test and Reflection

(R) or post-test. The qualitative data were collected from the questionnaire given

to the eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Ubud in academic year 2012/2013.

3.5 Data Analysis

The obtained data would be analyzed by descriptive quantitative technique

in order to find out the result of the study. The data required to answer the

research question under study was collected through administering pre-test and all

of the post-tests, some supporting additional data were gathered through

administering questionnaire to the subject under study.

To find out the score of the individual student, the researcher counted up

the scale from each indicator; in addition, it was multiplied by the weight of each

component. The maximum score of grammar (G) was 20, the maximum score of

comprehension (C) was 30; furthermore, the maximum score of fluency (F) was

50. Therefore, the score of individual were counted into the following formula:

Descriptive analyzed data of mean scores of pre-test, post-test I and post-

test II were calculated by using the formula as follows:

M =

Where: M = the mean score of the students’ achievement in speaking

= the sum of all scores


N = the number of subjects

The mean score would show the improvement made by the students. If the

mean score was 75, it meant that the students have reached the criteria of success;

furthermore, the action in this cycle would be finally stopped.

Finally, the data which resulted from the questionnaire would also be

descriptively analyzed through the following formula:




4.1 Data

There were several data gathered for the action study in class VIII H of

SMPN 2 Ubud. There were three kinds of instrument used to gather the data,

namely: pre-test/initial reflection (IR), post-test/reflection (R), and questionnaire

(Q). In this study, the classroom action research was set up into two cycles which

in every cycle consisted of two sessions. A very significant improvement was

found on students’ speaking skill by using cooperative learning method.

The pre-test/initial reflection of speaking skill was administered to the

subjects under study to collect their pre-existing ability in speaking skill; in

addition, it was administered before the treatment was given to the subjects under

study. The post-test was aimed to check the subjects’ improvement in speaking

skill after conducting teaching learning process through cooperative learning

method. In this study, the post-tests were administered four times (two times in

cycle I and two times in cycle II) in which the post tests were conducted at the end

of every session.

Therefore, there were five sets of raw scores showing the improvement of

speaking skill of the subjects under study through cooperative learning method.

They were pre-test/initial reflection scores and post-test/reflection scores for all

sessions (S1, S2, S3, and S4). The five sets of scores which were collected in this

study could be tabulated as follows:


Table 2

Tabulation of Data Showing the Subjects’ Progressing Score

in Speaking Skill after the Implementation of Cooperative Learning Method

Subjects IR S1 S2 S3 S4

1 60 74 76 80 84

2 36 45 66 74 76

3 45 66 76 80 84

4 47 64 74 76 80

5 45 60 66 76 80

6 44 48 66 76 80

7 60 72 78 80 84

8 60 76 78 80 82

9 60 70 72 76 80

10 57 60 66 76 80

11 60 66 70 76 80

12 60 76 80 84 84

13 57 66 74 80 84

14 60 66 74 76 80

15 60 66 78 80 84

16 52 60 74 78 80

17 52 66 78 80 80

18 50 60 74 78 80

19 65 68 78 80 82

20 65 68 78 80 84

21 57 66 76 78 80

22 65 68 74 76 80

23 60 66 74 78 80

24 72 76 78 80 84

25 57 66 76 80 80

26 67 70 78 80 80

27 52 66 70 76 78

28 52 64 74 78 78

29 60 74 78 80 80

30 52 60 74 80 80

31 65 70 74 76 80

32 52 60 74 80 80

33 66 64 74 78 80


34 40 64 70 80 80

35 60 66 74 78 80

36 65 74 78 80 80

TOTAL 2037 2371 2672 2824 2908

The additional data required for the present study were collected through

administering questionnaire to the eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Ubud. The

answer of the questionnaire was quantitatively scored using the rating scale 0-3 (A

= 3, B = 2, C = 1, D = 0). The score gathered from administering questionnaire

showed the subjects changing attitudes and motivation in learning speaking

through cooperative learning method. The obtained data showing the subjects’

total score for items of the questionnaire were tabulated as follows:

Table 3

Tabulating of Data Showing the Subjects’ Changing Motivation

and Attitudes in Learning Speaking through Cooperative Learning Method

Subjects A B C D

1 30 - - -

2 6 12 2 -

3 18 8 1 -

4 - 20 1 -

5 6 16 - -

6 6 16 - -

7 3 16 1 -

8 6 16 - -

9 6 12 2 -

10 9 14 - -

11 9 8 3 -

12 6 16 - -

13 18 8 - -

14 6 12 2 -

15 6 10 3 -

16 27 2



17 12 12 - -

18 6 12 2 -

19 6 16 - -

20 12 12 - -

21 12 12 - -

22 21 6 - -

23 0 18 1 -

24 27 2 - -

25 21 6 - -

26 21 6 - -

27 9 10 2 -

28 9 10 2 -

29 27 2 - -

30 6 12 2 -

31 12 12 - -

32 27 2 - -

33 21 6 - -

34 3 18 - -

35 12 12 - -

36 12 12 - -

Total 438 374 27 0

A + B + C + D = 839

4.2 Data Analysis

As mentioned previously, there were five sets of raw scores which showed

the subjects’ improvement in speaking skill through cooperative learning method.

These data were analyzed by computing the mean score (X) for each session.

Based on the research instruments in which the researcher administered the pre-

test and post-test in each session, the collected data should be analyzed and then

the results of the analysis were discussed. The mean of the initial reflection or pre-

test score (X0) and the mean of the reflection or post-test scores for the four


sessions (X1, X2, X3, and X4) could be computed, in addition they were first of

all tabulated as the following:

Table 4

Tabulation of data showing the frequency distribution of initial

reflection (IR) and reflection scores in improving Speaking Skill through

Cooperative Learning Method

X0 F0 X1 F1 X2 F2 X3 F3 X4 F4

72 1 76 3 80 1 84 1 84 8

67 1 74 3 78 10 80 17 82 2

66 1 72 1 76 4 78 7 80 32

65 5 70 3 74 13 76 10 78 2

60 11 68 3 72 1 74 1 76 1

57 4 66 11 70 3

52 6 64 4 66 4

50 1 60 6

47 1 48 1

45 2 45 1

44 1

40 1

36 1

1. The X0 of IR scores = ∑ X0



36= 56,58

2. The X1 of S1 scores = ∑ X1



36= 65,86

3. The X2 of S2 scores = ∑ X2



36= 74,22

4. The X3 of S3 scores = ∑ X3



36= 78,22

5. The X4 of S4 scores = ∑ X4



36= 80,78

The grand mean XI of the post-test scores in cycle I could be seen as follows:


XI = X1 + X2

2 =

65,86 + 74,22

2 = 70,04

The grand mean XII of the post-test scores in cycle II could be seen as follows:

XII = X3 + X4

2 =

78,44 + 80,78

2 = 79,61

The result of analysis above which were considered as the findings of the

study could be summarized as following:

Table 5

Summary of the Research Finding Showing the Mean of Each Session and

the Grand Mean for Cycle I and Cycle II

Pre-test S0 X0 = 56,58 Grand Mean

Cycle I S1 X1 = 65,86

XI = 70,04 S2 X2 = 74,22

Cycle II S3 X3 = 78,44

XII = 79,61 S4 X4 = 80,78

The additional supporting data were collected by means of administering

questionnaire by the end of cycle II to the subjects under study. The data obtained

from the questionnaire that showing subjects’ changing attitudes and motivation

in learning speaking skill through cooperative learning method should be

computed and then discussed; furthermore, it was clearly shown in table 3.

Therefore, the computation of the comparative percentage for the scores of the

items of the questionnaire showing the subjects’ total responses for respective

item of A, B, C, and D were shown as following formula:

1. Total percentage of item A = 438

839 x 100% = 52.21%

2. Total percentage of item B = 372

839 x 100% = 44.34%


3. Total percentage of item C = 27

839 x 100% = 03,22%

4. Total percentage of item D = 0

839 x 100% = 0%

4.3 Discussion of Findings

The result of data analysis which were established as the findings of the

classroom action study showed the effectiveness of the cooperative learning

method in improving the students’ speaking skill. The mean of the initial

reflection or pre-test scores (X0) obtained by the subjects under study in speaking

skill pointed out the mean figure of 56.58. This mean figure clearly showed that

the pre-existing speaking skill of the subjects under study was still low. The result

of the data analysis of the reflection or post-test scores in cycle I (X1 and X2)

showed the increasing mean figures 65.86 and 74.22. The mean figure obtained by

the subject under study for each session in cycle I was obviously higher than the

mean figure of the initial reflection or pre-test score. The grand mean figure of the

reflection or post-test scores obtained by the subjects under study in cycle I was

70.04. It was higher than the mean figure of the initial reflection or pre-test score.

The grand mean figure for cycle I showed that the speaking skill of the students

under study got an improvement after they had been taught through cooperative

learning method.

The result of the data analysis of the reflection or post-test scores obtained

by the subjects under study in cycle II (X3 and X4) pointed out the increasing

mean figures of 78.44 and 80.78. The mean figure obtained by the subjects under

study for each session in cycle II was convincingly much higher than the mean


figure of initial reflection scores. The grand mean figure of the reflection or post-

test scores obtained by the subjects under study in cycle II was 79.61. There was a

significant difference of the grand mean figure between cycle I and cycle II. The

difference of the grand mean figure of cycle I and cycle II was 9.57. The

significant difference of the mean figure showed that cycle II which was started

with revised new planning was more effective and conducive than cycle I. It also

showed that the speaking skill of the students under study improved significantly

after they had been taught through cooperative learning method.

The result of the data analysis from the administration of questionnaire

was considered as additional supporting data. The proportional percentage figures

of the total response of the questionnaire for item A, B, C, and D were 52.21%,

44.34%, 03.22% and 0%. These findings clearly supported the major findings of

the study. The obtained comparative percentages of the questionnaire items

indicated the students’ positive changing attitude and motivation in learning

speaking skill through cooperative learning method. Therefore, the result of the

questionnaire indicated a good finding in term of the students’ responses toward

the application of cooperative learning method in learning speaking skill. These

finding also convincingly suggested the effectiveness of cooperative learning

method in teaching speaking skill.

To make it understandable, the main findings of the classroom action study

showing the comparative increasing mean figures of the pre-test and post-test

scores obtained by the tenth grade students of SMPN 2 Ubud for cycle I and cycle

II could be graphically presented as the following:




80 74.22

70 65.86

60 56.58






0 Xo X1 X2

Graph 1: Depicting the Subject’s Progressing Achievement in Speaking Skill

after the Implementation of Cooperative Learning Method in Cycle I


90 78.44 80.78



60 56.58






0 Xo X3 X4

Graph 2: Depicting the Subject’s Progressing Achievement in Speaking Skill

after the Implementation of Cooperative Learning Method in Cycle II



90 79.61

80 70.04


60 56.58







Graph 3: Depicting the Subject’s Grand Mean Subjects’ Progressing

Achievement in Speaking Skill after the Implementation of Cooperative

Learning Method

The application of cooperative learning method applied by the researcher

to the subjects under study in improving speaking skill successfully increased the

ability of the subjects in speaking skill. It could be seen through the mean figure

of initial reflection (IR), the post-test in cycle I and post-test in cycle II in which

the mean figure was increasing. The findings vividly indicated that the present

classroom study was successfully done by the researcher.

The findings of this study could vividly answer the research question in

chapter I that the application of cooperative learning method could improve the

students’ speaking skill significantly. It also indicated that the hypothesis stated in

chapter I, the speaking skill of the eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Ubud in

academic year 2012/2013 can be improved through cooperative learning method

was finally accepted.




5.1 Conclusion

On the basis of finding and discussion previously, it could be drawn a

conclusion that the implementation of cooperative learning method could improve

the achievement of the eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Ubud in academic year

2012/2013 in speaking skill. This improvement could easily be seen by comparing

the students’ mean scores of pre-test and post-test. The mean figure of the

students in pre-test was 56.58 and it was considered as low achievement. After

having treatment in cycle I, the grand mean figure of the cycle I was 70.04; in

addition, the students’ mean figure in cycle II was 79.61 and categorized as good

achievement. It was significant progress of the students compared with the result

of the pre-test and post-test in cycle I. These findings showed the fact that the

application of cooperative learning method in improving speaking had

successfully solved the problem faced by students in speaking skill.

The major findings of the present classroom action study was supported

by the result of the questionnaire. The percentage figures of the total response of

the questionnaire for item A, B, C, and D were 52,21%, 44,34%, 03,22%, and 0

%. The obtained comparative percentages of the items of the questionnaire

indicated the students’ positive response attitudes and motivation after they have

taught to improve speaking through cooperative learning method.


5.2 Suggestion

Based on the conclusion which had clearly stated above, there were some

following suggestions could be taken into account.

1. For the English Teacher

The English teacher in SMPN 2 Ubud are suggested to keep on motivating

their students to improve their English. As the cooperative learning

method contributed significant improvement to the subjects’ competency

in speaking skill, then it is suggested also to be applied by the teacher in

the class. Along with the effort of improving students’ ability in speaking,

the teacher is also expected to enhance students’ skills in expressing their

idea orally.

2. For the Students

The students are expected to be able to maintain what they have already

reached now. It is also suggested that the students have a lot of practice in

improving speaking skill by applying cooperative learning method in order

to be skillful on it. Furthermore, the students are suggested to have a lot of

reading in order to have a lot of vocabularies. By having a lot of

vocabularies in mind, it will make them easy to express and explore their

idea in speaking.

3. For the Other Researcher

Since the cooperative learning method is implemented in improving

speaking skill in this classroom action research, then it is recommended

for other researchers to undergo further research in studying the

effectiveness of cooperative learning method in improving speaking skill.




List of the Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 2 Ubud

in Academic Year 2012/2013 class VIII H

No Name

1 Agus Aripayana I Gst. Ngr. Made

2 Andika I Made

3 Angga Purnama Putra I Gede

4 Angga Putra I Made

5 Anggoro Putra I Ketut

6 Aniska Yanti Ni Putu

7 Ari Adeg Yudana I Putu

8 Andiyasa I Kadek

9 Aditya Andreana I Komang

10 Agus Hendra Kurniawan I Komang

11 Amelinda Novianti Ni Putu

12 Anok Candra Kusuma I Kadek

13 Ardita I Wayan

14 Deni Irawan I Gusti Ngurah

15 Edo Kurniawan I Wayan

16 Eka utangga I Gusti Putu

17 Ovy Andaresta Ni Putu

18 Mayanti Ni Kadek

19 Santika Putra I Gusti Nyoman

20 Sri Devi Natasya Ni Komang

21 Rika Maharani Ni Putu

22 Sinta Pramesti Ni Putu

23 Soma Adi Suputra I Made

24 Sri Murtini Dewa Ayu Ketut

25 Sugi Juniari Ni Kadek

26 Teza Juliantari Ni Putu

27 Trisna Darmayanti Dewa Ayu Komang

28 Ukik Setiawati Ni Komang

29 Wahyu Semadi Dewa Ngakan Putu

30 Wandi Atmajaya I Wayan Gede

31 Titin Saraswati Ni Komang

32 Wahyu Dw. Natha Ekayana Putra I Putu

33 Wahyu Sambu Ardika Putra I Wayan

34 Widiastuti Ni Wayan

35 Yogi Dinanta I Made

36 Yuniati Sukmantari Ni Kadek


Pre-test Instrument

Read the text below, choose one text and make a short dialogue according to

the text! Practice it in front of the class with your partner!

1. Dena is a new student in Class VIID. She comes from Jakarta and the

teacher asks her to sit beside Jasmine. Jasmine is a kind student she

greet Dena first and asks about many things about Dena like name,

address, hobby, and also the reason of Dena move to Ubud. Dena does

the same thing to ask Jasmine.

2. Dion is a Javanese, he come to Bali for holiday. One day he is visiting

his grandmother’s house in Bali and he meets his cousin Budi. Budi

stays in Bali as a student. He asks Dion’s opinion about Bali. In

addition Dion asks Budi his reason to continue his study in Bali.

3. Tina and Tia are classmates. Today they have an English exam.

Unfortunately, Tina forgets to bring her pen, because Tia has two pens,

she offers hers pen to Tina.



Cycle I Session 1

School : SMPN 2 Ubud

Subject : English

Class / Semester : VIII H / 2

Time Allotment : 1 meeting (2 x 40 minutes)

Language Aspect : Speaking

I. Standard Competence

- Expressing transactional and interpersonal conversations used in daily social


II. Basic Competence

- Expressing the meaning of transactional and interpersonal conversation of

very simple spoken language accurately, fluently and thankful to interact

with the nearest environment that involves speech act: giving and asking


III. Indicators

- Constructing a short dialogue based on situation given.

- Performing a short dialogue based on situation given.

IV. Learning Objectives

- Students are able to construct a short dialogue about asking and giving

personal information.

- Students are able to perform a short dialogue about asking and giving

personal information.

V. Moral Value

- Creative

- Responsible

- Tolerance

VI. Method and Technique

- Cooperative learning method

- Three step interview

VII. Teaching Material

Asking and giving information

To asking personal information, we can use the following expressions:

- Hi what is your name?

- Where do you live?

- What is your favorite hobby?

- Do you have…..?

- How long will you stay here?

To giving personal information, we can use the following expressions:

- My name is……...

- I live in……..

- My favorite hobby is……..

- Yes I do or no, I don’t

- I will stay here for……


Dina : Hi, what’s your name?

Lina : Hi, my name is Lina. What’s your name?

Dina : My name is Dina, nice to meet you.

Lina : Nice to meet you too.

VIII. Teaching Learning Activities

Pre Activities (10 minutes)

- Greeting the class

- Checking the attendance list

- Delivering the topic material to the students

- Delivering the goals of teaching learning process

Whilst Activities (60 minutes)

- Exploration

- Giving some questions which are related to the materials

- Explaining the lesson in the target language

- Giving students chance to speak or asking questions

- Elaboration

- Asking student to make a group consist of 4 student

- Asking students to choose their partner from the other group

- Asking students to make a short dialogue based on the situation given

- Asking students to discuss the information and also the mistakes that

happen during the conversation with their patner in the group

- Asking students to make conclusion or corection about the mistakes

- Confirmation

- Giving students comment about their performance

- Giving reward to the students who have the best performance

- Giving motivation and advice to students who have low ability in speaking

Post Acttivities (10 minutes)

- Providing the conclusions

- Asking students if they have some questions

- Closing the lesson

IX. Sources

- English in Focus 2 for Junior High School text book grade VIII

X. Assessment

- Type of assessment: oral performance test

No. Aspect of Speaking Scoring

Weight 1 2 3 4 5

1 Grammar 5

2 Comprehension 7

3 Fluency 8

Total Score

The Researcher,

Ni Wayan Darsini



Cycle 1 Session 2

School : SMPN 2 Ubud

Subject : English

Class / Semester : VIII H / 2

Time Allotment : 1 meeting (2 x 40 minutes)

Language Aspect : Speaking

I. Standard Competence

- Expressing transactional and interpersonal conversations used in daily social


II. Basic Competence

- Expressing the meaning of transactional and interpersonal conversation of

very simple spoken language accurately, fluently and thankful to interact

with the nearest environment that involves speech act: asking, giving and

rejecting a help

III. Indicators

- Constructing a short dialogue based on situation given.

- Performing a short dialogue based on situation given.

IV. Learning Objectives

- Students are able to construct a short dialogue about asking, giving and

rejecting a help.

- Students are able to perform a short dialogue about asking, giving and

rejecting a help.

V. Moral Value

- Tolerance

- Discipline

- Responsible

VI. Method and Technique

- Cooperative learning method

- Three steps interview

VII. Teaching Material

Asking for a help and thing

- Can you help me?

- Help me please?

- Can you bring me….?

- Can I use your pencil?

- Can I borrow….?

- Would you like to share your … with me?

Giving for a help and thing

- May I help you?

- Can I help you?

- Can I bring your …?

- Would you like me to …?

- You can borrow my ….

- You can use my ….

- Would you like to share my … with me?

Rejecting a help and thing

- No thank you

- No I will be fine

- No I can bring it by myself

- No I have the other one

Dina : Can you help me Dion? These books are very heavy.

Dion : Yes of course.

Dina : Thank you

Dion : You are welcome

VIII. Teaching Learning Activities

Pre Activities (10 minutes)

- Greeting the class

- Checking the attendance list

- Delivering the topic material to the students

- Delivering the goals of teaching learning process

Whilst Activities (60 minutes)

- Exploration

- Giving some questions which is related to the materials

- Explaining the lesson in the target language

- Giving students chance to speak or asking questions

- Elaboration

- Asking student to make a group

- Asking students to choose their partner from the other group

- Asking students to make a short dialogue based on the situation given

- Asking students to discuss the information and also the mistakes that

happen during the conversation with their patner in the group

- Asking students to make conclusion or corection about the mistakes

- Confirmation

- Giving students comment about their performance

- Giving reward to the students who have the best performance

- Giving motivation and advice to students who have low ability in speaking

Post Acttivities (10 minutes)

- Providing the conclusions

- Asking students if they have some questions

- Closing the lesson

IX. Sources

- English in focus 2 for Junior High School text book grade VIII

X. Assessment

- Type of assessment: oral performance test

No. Aspect of Speaking Scoring

Weight 1 2 3 4 5

1 Grammar 5

2 Comprehension 7

3 Fluency 8

Total Score

The Researcher,

Ni Wayan Darsini



Cycle 2 Session 1

School : SMPN 2 Ubud

Subject : English

Class / Semester : VIII H/ 2

Time Allotment : 1 meeting (2 x 40 minutes)

Language Aspect : Speaking

I. Standard Competence

- Expressing transactional and interpersonal conversations used in daily social


II. Basic Competence

- Expressing the meaning of transactional and interpersonal conversation of

very simple spoken language accurately, fluently and thankful to interact

with the nearest environment that involves speech act: praising and

congratulating someone or something.

III. Indicators

- Constructing a short dialogue based on situation given.

- Performing a short dialogue based on situation given.

IV. Learning Objectives

- Students are able to construct a short dialogue about praising and

congratulating someone or something.

- Students are able to perform a short dialogue about praising and

congratulating someone or something.

V. Moral Value

- Creative

- Communicative

- Responsible

VI. Method and Technique

- Cooperative learning method

- Three steps interview

VII. Teaching Material

Praising someone or something

To praise someone, we can use the following expressions:

- You look beautiful!

- You have shining eyes!

- You are very cleaver

To congratulate, we can use the following expressions:

- Happy birthday

- Happy new year

- Happy Galungan day

- Congratulation


Ayu : Hi, Yuni congratulation you won in English debate last week. You

are very cleaver.

Yuni : Thank you Ayu

Ayu : You are welcome.

VIII. Teaching Learning Activities

Pre Activities (10 minutes)

- Greeting the class

- Checking the attendance list

- Delivering the topic material to the students

- Delivering the goals of teaching learning process

Whilst Activities (60 minutes)

- Exploration

- Giving some questions which is related to the materials

- Explaining the lesson in the target language

- Giving students chance to speak or asking questions

- Elaboration

- Asking student to make a group consist of 4 students

- Asking students to choose their partner from the other group

- Asking students to make a short dialogue based on the situation given

- Asking students to discuss the information and also the mistakes that

happen during the conversation with their patner in the group

- Asking students to make conclusion or corection about the mistakes

- Confirmation

- Giving students comment about their performance

- Giving reward to the students who have the best performance

- Giving motivation and advice to students who have low ability in speaking

Post Acttivities (10 minutes)

- Providing the conclusions

- Asking students if they have some questions

- Closing the lesson

IX. Sources

- English in focus 2 for Junior High School text book grade VIII

X. Assessment

- Type of assessment: oral performance test

No. Aspect of Speaking Scoring

Weight 1 2 3 4 5

1 Grammar 5

2 Comprehension 7

3 Fluency 8

Total Score

The Researcher,

Ni Wayan Darsini



Cycle 2 Session 2

School : SMPN 2 Ubud

Subject : English

Class / Semester : VIII B / 2

Time Allotment : 1 meeting (2 x 40 minutes)

Language Aspect : Speaking

I. Standard Competence

- Expressing transactional and interpersonal conversations used in daily social


II. Basic Competence

- Expressing the meaning of transactional and interpersonal conversation of

very simple spoken language accurately, fluently and thankful to interact

with the nearest environment that involves speech act: giving an opinion,

agreement and disagreement.

III. Indicators

- Constructing an opinion, agreement and disagreement based on situation


- Performing an opinion, agreement, and disagreement based on situation


IV. Learning Objectives

- Students are able to construct a opinion based situation given

- Students are able to giving the opinion based situation given

V. Moral Value

- Communicative

- Discipline

- Tolerance

VI. Method and Technique

- Cooperative learning method

- Numbering head together

VII. Teaching Material

Giving an opinion, agreement and disagreement

In giving an opinion, agreement and disagreement we can use the following


- In my opinion……..

- I think…….

- I agree with your opinion because…...

- It’s a good idea

- That true

- I disagree with your opinion because…...

- It’s not a good idea

- That’s not true


Sarah : I think we don’t need to come to Rina’s birthday next Tuesday

because we have exam the day after.

Ani : I disagree with you we must respect to Rina. We can leave the party

earlier if you want to study for our exam.

Sarah : Oh it’s a good idea! I agree with you.

VIII. Teaching Learning Activities

Pre Activities (10 minutes)

- Greeting the class

- Checking the attendance list

- Delivering the topic material to the students

- Delivering the goals of teaching learning process

Whilst Activities (60 minutes)

- Exploration

- Giving some questions which is related to the materials

- Explaining the lesson in the target language

- Giving students chance to speak or asking questions

- Elaboration

- Asking students to choose their group

- Asking students to make an opinion based on the situation given

- Asking a group choosed to perform their opinion and the other group will

add the opinion or asking agreement or disagreement.


- Confirmation

- Giving students comment about their performance

- Giving reward to the students who have the best performance

- Giving motivation and advice to students who have low ability in speaking

Post Acttivities (10 minutes)

- Providing the conclusions

- Asking students if they have some questions

- Closing the lesson

IX. Sources

- English in Focus 2 in for Junior High School text book grade VIII

X. Assessment

- Type of assessment: oral performance test

No. Aspect of Speaking Scoring

Weight 1 2 3 4 5

1 Grammar 5

2 Comprehension 7

3 Fluency 8

Total Score

The Researcher,

Ni Wayan Darsini


Post-test Instrument

Cycle 1 Session 1

Read the text below, choose one text and make a short dialogue according to

the text! Practice it in front of the class with your partner!

1. Dion wants to visit his uncle in Jogyakarta. He goes by plane and

fortunately he meets a friendly boy named Anton. Anton comes from

Jogyakarta and he will spend his holiday in his town. Dion asks many

things about Anton and his town Jogyakarta. Anton also asking about Dion

reason to visit Jogyakarta.

2. Lina is in a crowded restaurant and she can’t find an unoccupied table.

Luckily someone wants to share her table with Lina. The kind girl named

Mitha, then they talk during their lunch after introduce each other. They

talk about many things such as hobby, their favorite sport and also their



Post-test Instrument

Cycle 1 Session 2

Read the texts below, choose one text and make a short dialogue according to

the text! Practice it in front of the class with your partner!

1. Melati is a sudent of Junior high school. One day she sees an old woman

named grandma Wati who brings a heavy bag across her house. Melati

wants to help her but the bag is too heavy for her thus she asks her brother

to help them. But grandma Wati says she can bring her bag by herself.

2. Riana visits her school’ library, she borrows some books. Unfortunately

she can’t bring all books by herself than she asks Winda; her classmate to

help her. Winda offers to bring the books until Riana’s house but Riana

says her brother is waiting for her in school park.


Post-test Instrument

Cycle 2 Session 1

Read the texts below, choose one text and make a short dialogue according to

the text! Practice it in front of the class with your partner!

1. Today is Ayu’s birthday and she invites all of her classmates to come to

her house to join in the party. Kartika is Ayu’s best friend; she comes to

Ayu’s house earlier and helps Ayu to prepare everything. Kartika

congratulates Ayu first and praises that she is beautiful with her new dress.

2. Liana is the smartest student in VIII H and she always gets the first rank in

the class. Today is English test, but unfortunately she doesn’t get the

highest score. Then, Liana approaches Andra who gets the highest score.

Liana congratulates Andra and praises that Andra is smart.



Petunjuk Menjawab

1. Jawablah pertanyaan – pertanyaan Questionnaire dibawah ini sesuai

dengan keadaan anda yang sebenarnya dengan cara memberikan tanda

silang pada huruf A, B, C, dan D.

2. Semua jawaban adalah benar sesuai dengan keadaan anda masing –


3. Terima kasih atas bantuan anda dalam menjawab pertanyaan dalam

Questionnaire ini.


1. Apakah Bahasa Inggris itu penting bagi anda?

A. Sangat penting

B. Penting

C. Biasa – biasa saja

D. Tidak penting

2. Apakah anda tertarik dengan pelajaran bahasa Inggris?

A. Sangat tertarik

B. Tertarik

C. Biasa – biasa saja

D. Tidak tertarik sama sekali

3. Menurut anda apakah belajar speaking ( berbicara) penting dalam

pelajaran bahasa Inggris?

A. Sangat penting

B. Penting

C. Biasa – biasa saja

D. Tidak penting

4. Apakah anda suka menggunakan Cooperative Learning Method ( Metode

Belajar Kelompok) dalam belajar speaking (berbicara)?

A. Sangat suka

B. Suka

C. Biasa – biasa saja

D. Tidak suka

5. Bagaimana sikap anda saat guru Bahasa Inggris anda mengajar atau

menjelaskan materi didepan kelas?

A. Sangat serius memperhatikan

B. Serius memperhatikan

C. Biasa – biasa saja

D. Tidak memperhatikan

6. Bagaimana sikap anda saat guru menerapkan Cooperative Learning

Method (Metode Belajar Kelompok) dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris?

A. Sangat serius memperhatikan

B. Serius mempehatikan

C. Biasa – biasa saja

D. Tidak memperhatikan

7. Apakah dengan Cooperative Learning Method (Metode Belajar

Kelompok) dapat meningkatkan kemampuan speaking (berbicara) anda

dalam bahasa Inggris?

A. Sangat dapat meningkatkan

B. Dapat meningkatkan

C. Biasa – biasa saja

D. Tidak dapat meningkatkan

8. Bagaimana pendapat anda tentang speaking yang disajikan dengan

menggunakan Cooperative Learning Method (Metode Belajar Kelompok)?

A. Sangat mudah dimengerti

B. Mudah dimengerti

C. Biasa – biasa saja

D. Sulit dimengerti

9. Apakah anda setuju Cooperatiove Learning Method ( Metode Belajar

Kelompok) digunakan pada setiap jam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

A. Sangat setuju

B. Setuju

C. Biasa – biasa saja

D. Tidak setuju

10. Bagaimana kemampuan anda dalam speaking (berbicara) dengan

menggunakan Cooperative learning Method Method ( Metode Belajar


A. Sangat meningkat

B. Meningkat

C. Biasa – biasa saja

D. Tidak meningkat


My name is Ni Wayan Darsini. I was born on May, 18th

1991. I live in Br. Semana, Singakerta, a small village in

Ubud Sub – district, Gianyar Regency. My parents are

Balinese; thus, I am truly Balinese and Hindus. I grow up

in a simple family. My parents always teach me to work

hard if I want to be success. My father is I Wayan Darma,

he is a farmer and my mother is Ni Made Siring, she is a housewife. I have one

sister, now she is in the ninth grade in junior high school. Her name is Ni Made

Marsini. I started my study in elementary school at SDN 2 Singakerta in 1997 and

I graduated in 2003. My best achievement in elementary school got the 3rd

rank in

the fourth grade and 2nd

rank in the sixth grades. After I graduated from

elementary school, I continued my junior high school at SMPN 2 Ubud in 2003

until 2006. Then, I continued my study in senior high school at SMK Pariwisata

Kertayasa in 2006 until 2009. After I finished my senior high school, I continued

my study at Faculty and Teacher Training and Education, Mahasaraswati

Denpasar University in 2009. I chose English because English is interesting

language form me. I have lot of dreams in my life, but I really want to make my

parents proud of me. I want to make an enjoyable future for them. Beside my

parents and all members of my family, I also want to express my thanks to all of

my friends who always give me their love and support.


Post-test Instrument

Cycle 2 Session 2

Read the text below, choose one text and make a short dialogue according to

the text! Practice it in front of the class with your partner!

1. Maria and Kynan are brother and sister. Their parents want to bring them

to Ubud to spend their holiday. Kynan ask Maria about her opinion about

Ubud. Maria says Ubud is an enjoyable place but Kynan prefer to spend

his holiday with his friend and stay at home. Maria disagree with Kynan’s

idea because they must visit their grandma and grandpa in Ubud; they

haven’t met each other since the last holiday.

Dita and Merry have homework for tomorrow and they haven’t done it yet. But

they really want to go to cinema to watch their favorite movie. Merry don’t want

to finish the homework and she will be absent tomorrow. But Dita disagree with

Merry’s idea. She wants to finish the homework first and go to cinema next



Batko, A. 2004. When Bad Grammar Happens to Good People: How to Avoid

Common Errors in English. Franklin Lakes, NJ: Career Press.

Brown, H. D. 2004. Language Assessment: Principles and Classroom Practices.

United States of America: Pearson Education, Inc.

Brown, H. D. 2007. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching: Fifth

Edition. United States of America: Pearson Education, Inc.

Burns. A and Claire, S. 2003. Clearly Speaking: Pronunciation in Action for

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Curran, P., Deguent, S., Lund, S. W., Miletto, H. and Straeten, C. V. 2000.

Methodology in Language Learning: T-kit. France: Council of Europe


Fulcher, G. and Davidson, F. 2006. Language Testing and Assessment: An

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Gilbert, J. B. 2008. Teaching Pronunciation: Using the Prosody Pyramid.

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Gruyter, M. D. 2006. Current Trends in the Development and Teaching of the

Four Language Skills: Studies on Language Acquisition. New York: Die

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Harmer, J. 2001. The Practice of English Language Teaching: Third Edition.

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Hiebert, E. H. and Kamil, M. L. 2005. Teaching and Learning Vocabulary:

Bringing Research to Practice. London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

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Larsen, D. and Freeman. 2000. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching:

Second Edition. London: Oxford University Press.

Luoma, S. 2004. Assessing Speaking. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

McNiff, J and Whitehead, J. 2006. All You Need to Know about Action Research.

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Nelson, G. 2001. English an Essential Grammar. London and New York:


Pollard, L. 2008. Teaching English: A book to Help You through Your First Two

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Richards, J. C. 2001. Curriculum Development in Language Teaching.

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Slavin, Robert E. 2000. Cooperative Learning, Theory, Research, and Practice.

London: The Johns Hopkins University.

Turk, C. 2003. Effective Speaking: Communicating in Speech. London: Spon


Wallace, T., Stariha, W. E. and Walberg, H. J. 2004. Teaching Speaking,

Listening and Writing: Educational Practices Series-14. Perth: IBE

Publications Unit.