gusd draft trustee area maps draft trustee area maps 12/1/2015 presented by douglas johnson,...

GUSD Draft Trustee Area Maps 12/1/2015 Presented by Douglas Johnson, President of NDC On behalf of NDC and Compass Demographics

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Page 1: GUSD Draft Trustee Area Maps Draft Trustee Area Maps 12/1/2015 Presented by Douglas Johnson, President of NDC On behalf of NDC and Compass Demographics

GUSD Draft Trustee Area Maps

12/1/2015 Presented by Douglas Johnson, President of NDC

On behalf of NDC and Compass Demographics

Page 2: GUSD Draft Trustee Area Maps Draft Trustee Area Maps 12/1/2015 Presented by Douglas Johnson, President of NDC On behalf of NDC and Compass Demographics



Date Action

Jan. 12 Board Consideration & Adoption of mapping criteria & schedule

Feb. 2 Board approves outreach plan and schedule

Feb. 12 Draft maps posted to District website

Feb. 16 Presentation to Board of Draft maps

March 10 Public Forum at Roosevelt Middle School

March 16 Public Forum at Crescenta Valley High School

March 17 Public Forum at Toll Middle School

April 5 Board holds official Public Hearing

April 19 Board holds official Public Hearing. Board selection of preferred map.

May 3 Board formal adoption of preferred map

April, 2017 First three seats elected by trustee area

April, 2019 Remaining two seats elected by trustee area


Page 3: GUSD Draft Trustee Area Maps Draft Trustee Area Maps 12/1/2015 Presented by Douglas Johnson, President of NDC On behalf of NDC and Compass Demographics

Districting Criteria



Equal Population

Federal Voting Rights Act

No Racial Gerrymandering

Communities of interest



Visible (Natural & man-made) boundaries

Continuity in office

Planned future growth

Federal Laws Traditional Redistricting Principles

Page 4: GUSD Draft Trustee Area Maps Draft Trustee Area Maps 12/1/2015 Presented by Douglas Johnson, President of NDC On behalf of NDC and Compass Demographics





Race/Ethnic Profile Count Percent ACS Profile Count Percent

Total Population 213,878 April 2015 Voter Registration 111,865

Latino 35,827 17% April 2015 Latino Reg 14,890 13%

NH White 130,995 61% April 2015 Armenian Reg 33,716 30%

NH Black/African-American 2,847 1% April 2015 Other Reg. 63,259 57%

NH Native American 529 0% April 2015 Voters Voting 21,367 19%

NH Asian-American 41,663 19% April 2015 Latino Reg 1,477 7%

NH Pacific Islander 630 0% April 2015 Armenian Reg 7,979 37%

NH Other 655 0% April 2015 Other Reg. 11,911 56%

NH Multi-Race 732 0% ACS Total Population 215,039

Voting Age Population 172,927 81% Age 0 - 19 46,999 22%

VAP Latino 26,524 15% Age 20 - 60 123,637 57%

VAP NH White 109,314 63% Age 60+ 44,404 21%

VAP NH Black/African-American 2,232 1% Age 65+ 32,896 15%

VAP NH Native American 440 0% Immigrant 113,593 53%

VAP NH Asian-American 32,894 19% Age 5+ 204,972

VAP NH Pacific Islander 559 0% Speaks English at home 67,366 33%

VAP NH Other 472 0% Speaks Spanish at home 26,946 13%

VAP NH Multi-Race 492 0% Speaks Asian language at home 29,108 14%

Citizen Voting Age Population 133,254 Speaks other language at home 81,553 40%

CVAP Latino 19,235 14% Speaks English only "well" or less 69,710 34%

CVAP NH White 88,436 66% Age 25+ 154,187

CVAP NH Black/African-American 2,243 2% Age 25+, no HS degree 22,271 14%

CVAP NH Native American 240 0% Age 25+, HS degree (only) 70,404 46%

CVAP NH Asian-American 21,110 16% Age 25+, bachelor degree (only) 41,754 27%

CVAP NH Pacific Islander 195 0% Age 25+, graduate degree (only) 19,758 13%

CVAP Other 1,676 1% Households 78,659

Nov. 2012 Voters Voting 65,394 62% HH Income $0-25k 18,397 23%

Nov. 2012 Latino voters 10,648 16% HH Income $25-50k 16,767 21%

Nov. 2012 Asian-Surnamed voters 3,928 6% HH Income $50-75k 12,368 16%

Nov. 2012 Filipino-Surnamed voters 1,562 2% HH Income $75-200k 25,401 32%

Nov. 2014 Voter Registration 111,631 HH Income $200k+ 5,727 7%

Nov. 2012 Latino Reg 17,794 16% Housing units 82,735

Nov. 2012 Asian-Surnamed Reg. 7,481 7% Vacant 4,077 5%

Nov. 2012 Filipino-Surnamed Reg. 2,793 3% Occupied 78,659 95%

Nov. 2014 Voters Voting 33,276 30% Rented 45,693 58%

Nov. 2012 Latino voters 4,760 14% Owned 32,965 42%

Nov. 2012 Asian-Surnamed voters 1,816 5% Single-Family 37,046 45%

Nov. 2012 Filipino-Surnamed voters 692 2% Multi-Family 45,690 55%

Glendale Unified Summary Demographics

Sources: 2010 Census, California Statewide Database, 2008-2012 American Community Survey and 2015 data from Political

Data Inc (PDI).

2008-2012 ACS data will be updated with 2009-2013 data.

Page 5: GUSD Draft Trustee Area Maps Draft Trustee Area Maps 12/1/2015 Presented by Douglas Johnson, President of NDC On behalf of NDC and Compass Demographics





Latino % of


Armenian % of


Latino % of



% of CVAP

Page 6: GUSD Draft Trustee Area Maps Draft Trustee Area Maps 12/1/2015 Presented by Douglas Johnson, President of NDC On behalf of NDC and Compass Demographics

Defining Communities


There are many ways to define communities

Best way to define a neighborhood remains to hear from the people

who live there

Some examples of communities of interest could include:

School attendance areas; housing developments; neighborhoods around parks;

horse-friendly neighborhoods

Some communities want to be unified to maximize their voice in single

trustee area election. Others (often school attendance areas) want to be

divided so they have multiple representatives on the board.


Page 7: GUSD Draft Trustee Area Maps Draft Trustee Area Maps 12/1/2015 Presented by Douglas Johnson, President of NDC On behalf of NDC and Compass Demographics


GUSD School Areas & Neighborhoods


Page 8: GUSD Draft Trustee Area Maps Draft Trustee Area Maps 12/1/2015 Presented by Douglas Johnson, President of NDC On behalf of NDC and Compass Demographics

Draft Maps



Page 9: GUSD Draft Trustee Area Maps Draft Trustee Area Maps 12/1/2015 Presented by Douglas Johnson, President of NDC On behalf of NDC and Compass Demographics

Map Notes



• All maps are shown overlaid on the

attendance zone map (at right)

• All trustee areas are contiguous and

reasonably population balanced (0.4%

to 4.92% per plan)

• All maps are reasonably compact

• All maps respect communities of

interest, but in very different ways

• All maps avoid pairing the trustees

who are not retiring at the end of

their current terms

• Oddly-shaped Census Blocks

complicate drawing lines in the hills

Page 10: GUSD Draft Trustee Area Maps Draft Trustee Area Maps 12/1/2015 Presented by Douglas Johnson, President of NDC On behalf of NDC and Compass Demographics

Map A



• North consolidated in Area 1

• Fremont / Woodlands / Glenoaks

in Area 2

• Glenoaks Blvd is the border

between Areas 3 and 4

• Area 4 is an “I-5 Corridor” area

• Southeast Area 5

Page 11: GUSD Draft Trustee Area Maps Draft Trustee Area Maps 12/1/2015 Presented by Douglas Johnson, President of NDC On behalf of NDC and Compass Demographics

Map B



• North of Verdugo Wash in Area 1

• Verdugo Woodlands and Glenoaks

form core of Area 2

• Rancho together with the rest of

NW Glendale in Area 3 (west of

Pacific and north of Mountain)

• Glendale south of Hwy 134 in

compact east-west Areas 4 and 5

(divided by Colorado)

Page 12: GUSD Draft Trustee Area Maps Draft Trustee Area Maps 12/1/2015 Presented by Douglas Johnson, President of NDC On behalf of NDC and Compass Demographics

Map C



• North consolidated in Area 1

• Fremont / Woodlands / Glenoaks

in Area 2

• Railroad is the border between

Areas 3 and 4

• Area 4 is a “central Glendale” Area

• Area 5 is an “I-5 corridor” Area

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Map D



• Goal is to avoid division of RD White

and unite RD White and Verdugo


• North has two trustees areas: 1 and 3

• Area 2 has Verdugo Woodlands,

RD White and Marshall

• Area 3 goes from Glenwood Rd to

north edge of the City

• Area 4 covers from Glenwood Rd

south to Colorado

• Area 5 is compact area south of


Page 14: GUSD Draft Trustee Area Maps Draft Trustee Area Maps 12/1/2015 Presented by Douglas Johnson, President of NDC On behalf of NDC and Compass Demographics

Ways to Review Plans



PDF Map & Demographics Online Map

Page 15: GUSD Draft Trustee Area Maps Draft Trustee Area Maps 12/1/2015 Presented by Douglas Johnson, President of NDC On behalf of NDC and Compass Demographics

Next Steps



Plans are still open to testing, revision and even all-new maps

Date Action

March 10 Public Forum at Roosevelt Middle School

March 16 Public Forum at Crescenta Valley High School

March 17 Public Forum at Toll Middle School

April 5 Board holds official Public Hearing

April 19 Board holds official Public Hearing. Board selection of preferred map.

May 3 Board formal adoption of preferred map

April, 2017 First three seats elected by trustee area

April, 2019 Remaining two seats elected by trustee area