payroll integration with adp (csv based)

Payroll Integration with ADP (CSV Based) Functional Overview Ellipse EAM® 8.9

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Payroll Integration with ADP (CSV Based) Functional Overview

Ellipse EAM® 8.9

© Copyright 2017 ABB

All Rights Reserved

Confidential and Proprietary

Legal Disclaimer

The product described in this documentation may be connected to, and/or communicate information and

data via, a network interface, which should be connected to a secure network. It is your sole responsibility to

ensure a secure connection to the network and to establish and maintain appropriate measures (such as but

not limited to the installation of firewalls, application of authentication measures, encryption of data,

installation of antivirus programs, etc.) to protect the product, the network, your systems, and the interface

against any kind of security breach, unauthorised access, interference, intrusion, leakage, damage, or

corruption or theft of data. We are not liable for damages or losses related to any such security breach,

unauthorised access, interference, intrusion, leakage, damage, or corruption or theft of data.



Contents Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations .............................................................................................. 4

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 6

Purpose .......................................................................................................................................................... 6 Business Benefits ......................................................................................................................................... 7

Functional Enhancements .......................................................................................................................... 8

New Components ........................................................................................................................................ 8 Payroll Master Data File Adapter (ADP) .......................................................................................... 8

Payroll Transaction Data File Adapter (ADP) ................................................................................ 11 Payroll Pay Advice Adapter (ADP) .................................................................................................... 17

Modifications to Existing Components ............................................................................................... 20 Payroll Master Data Adapter ........................................................................................................... 20 Payroll Transaction Data Adapter .................................................................................................. 22 Payroll History Service ...................................................................................................................... 23 Employee Core Taxation Service .................................................................................................... 25 Payroll Advice Adapter ...................................................................................................................... 25 Payroll Calculate ................................................................................................................................. 25

Obsolete Components ............................................................................................................................. 26

How to Configure ...................................................................................................................................... 27

Modules ....................................................................................................................................................... 27 Configuration ............................................................................................................................................. 27

Functional Overview ................................................................................................................................. 36

FAQs ............................................................................................................................................................. 37

Payroll Integration with ADP (CSV Based)


Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations Definition Description

Global Payroll Adaptor A generic payroll integration solution using the Ellipse Integration

Platform (EIP).

MSE81S Ellipse program for the Personnel Workbench. An employee self-

service application and also used by HR users.

MSO808 Ellipse program used for creating and maintaining pay group


MSO820 Ellipse program used for assigning people to a pay group.

Payroll Type

= Rostered

The Payroll Type of ‘Rostered’ enables a person to be added to a

roster and use leave functionality to reduce availability hours

without the need for timesheets or payroll.

Payroll Type

= Timekeeping

The Payroll Type of ‘Timekeeping’ equates to the Unvalued

Timekeeping Transaction model used by the Global Payroll Adaptor


Payroll Type

= Gross

The Payroll Type of ‘Gross’ equates to the Valued Transaction

model used in the Global Payroll Adaptor solution.

Payroll Type

= Full Payroll

Time and attendance and payroll functionality being performed

within Ellipse.

Available for Australian payroll.

Payroll Type

= No Payroll

A person not using Ellipse for rostering, timekeeping, award

interpretation or payroll and therefore not requiring availability

information for work scheduling purposes.

Person For the purposes of this document, a generic term for an individual.

The person may be an employee, contractor, volunteer and so on.

EIP Ellipse Integration Platform.

OAGIS Open Applications Group Integration Specification. OAGIS is the

common content model used to represent messages between


Payroll Integration with ADP (CSV Based)


Definition Description

HR-XML HR Interoperability standards provided by HR Open Standards,

provides an open data exchange standard for HR applications.

CSV Comma Separated Values. CSV is a common data

exchange format supported by many commercial applications.

ADP Provider of outsourced Human Capital Management (HCM)

solutions encompassing HR, payroll, talent, time, tax and benefits


Payroll Integration with ADP (CSV Based)


Introduction Purpose The purpose of this functional overview is to describe the ability to integrate with ADP Payroll in

the USA using the Ellipse Payroll Adapters in Ellipse 8.9.3 and above.

Business processing will occur in Ellipse in relation to:

Maintenance of employee reference data (including, but not limited to: biographical

information, positions, rates of pay, fixed allowances, deductions, banking details and

taxation information).

Preparation of payroll transactional data.

Updating of current period information onto the pay advice history tables based upon

results from the ADP payroll update.

Processing of payroll costing and deductions to accounts payable using information on

the pay advice history tables.

Both the employee reference and transactional data will be exported in CSV format so that the

files can be imported by the ADP Payroll system for payroll calculation processing to occur.

Upon completion of Payroll processing in the ADP Payroll system the payroll results file will be

utilised by Ellipse in order to update the pay advice history tables.

The integration, both outbound from Ellipse to ADP and inbound from ADP to Ellipse utilises

CSV import/export files in the ADP prescribed format.

This overview document describes the points of integration, the mapping of Ellipse elements to

the ADP CSV files and the processing flow for payroll when using this method for integration.


8.9.3 EIP ADP






Payroll Payroll



Results Pay


Payroll Integration with ADP (CSV Based)


Business Benefits The Ellipse ADP payroll adapters provide a standard supported method for integrating Ellipse

with ADP payroll in the USA utilising the Global Payroll Adapter. These enhancement provide the

ability to integrate with ADP Payroll by sending either basic employee information or employee

information including deductions, banking and taxation details along with valued or unvalued

payroll transactions to ADP, and subsequently receiving payroll results from ADP which will

update the current period information on the Ellipse pay advice history tables.

The key benefits of this enhancement are:

1. Customers can leverage the benefits of Ellipse’s asset intensive industry focused

solution for rostering, timekeeping, award interpretation and integrate with the ADP

payroll solution as required.

2. Payroll history transactions for the payroll types of Full Payroll, Gross and Timekeeping

are stored in a consistent manner and can be accessed via the same services and

adaptors. This achieves a simplified integration and reporting model.

3. History of payroll details with point in time review of any historical pay run. The online

application details basic information for each pay process for an employee as it was

when originally generated.

4. Single point of entry regardless of where the actual payroll calculations and

disbursements occur. The following type of process flow is supported:

a. Personnel details are changed within Ellipse. The changes trigger the extraction

of the personnel data for use by the ADP payroll solution.

b. Time, Leave and Labour transactions are entered within Ellipse.

c. Payroll process values transactions (if required) and triggers extraction of

payroll data for use by the ADP payroll solution.

d. Employee personnel and transactional data is loaded into the ADP payroll

solution using ADP supplied utilities.

e. Remaining steps of payroll calculation and disbursement performed in the ADP

payroll solution.

f. Payroll results generated in ADP for use by Ellipse.

g. Payroll results loaded into Ellipse using supplied adapter, the results are used by

Ellipse to populate pay advice history tables.

Payroll Integration with ADP (CSV Based)


Functional Enhancements New Components The following new components have been implemented as a result of this development item:

Payroll Master Data File Adapter (ADP) Overview

The Payroll Master Data File Adapter is used to process employee reference data contained

within the Payroll Master Data message that is generated by the Payroll Master Data Adapter

when any employee type changes are applied within Ellipse. The employee information

contained within the message is used to create entries on an output file in the ADP prescribed

CSV format. This ADP formatted CSV file can then be used to update employee information

within the ADP payroll application.

This interface assumes the creation and management of employee personnel and payroll

reference data will be managed within Ellipse with any changes sent to ADP.

The mapping of Ellipse attributes to the individual ADP data elements in the CSV file when not

sending banking, deductions and taxation entities is as follows:

ADP CSV File Attribute Ellipse Attribute and Mapping

"Co Code" Pay Group

"File #" Employee Id

(ADP supports 6 character employee id fields, if Ellipse

Employee Id is alpha it will be the first six chars, if numeric it

will be the last 6 chars)

“Change Effective On” Period End Date for Pay Group that the employee is assigned


“Employee Status” Employee Status

If Employee Status within Ellipse is 'A', the employee status in

the interface file will be set to 'A'

If Employee Status within Ellipse is 'I', the employee status in

the interface file will be set to 'L'

If Employee Status within Ellipse is 'X'

and the Employee Death Date is not zero, the employee

status in the interface file will be set to 'D'

If Employee Status within Ellipse is 'X'

and the Employee Term Date is not zero and the Employee

Death Date is zero, the employee status in the interface file

will be set to 'T'

“Gender” Gender Code

If Gender Code within Ellipse is ‘U’, the gender in the interface

will be set to ‘N’

Payroll Integration with ADP (CSV Based)


ADP CSV File Attribute Ellipse Attribute and Mapping

“Actual Number of


Actual Number of Dependants

“'Data Control Position 1” Union Code

“Data Control Position 2” Employee Type

“'Data Control Position 3” Employee Type

“Data Control Position 4” Personnel User Defined Field 3 (code)

“Rehire Status” Rehire Code

“Hire Date” Hire Date

“Normal Retirement Date” Retirement Date

“Birth Date” Birth Date

“Leave of Absence Start


Suspend Date

“Clock” Personnel User Defined Field 4 (code)

“Home Department” Position Classification 8 (code)

“Pay Frequency Code” Pay Group Pay Frequency

“Employee Last Name” Surname

“Social Security Number” Social Security Number

“Employee First Name” First Name

“Preferred Name” Preferred Name

“Address Line 1” Residential Address 1

“Address Line 2” Residential Address 2

“City” Residential Address 3 (Suburb/City)

“State Postal Code” Residential State Code

“Zip Code” Residential Zip Code

“Termination Date” Termination Date

“Termination Reason” Termination Reason

“Rate Type” Employee Rate Type

Payroll Integration with ADP (CSV Based)


ADP CSV File Attribute Ellipse Attribute and Mapping

“Rate 1 Amount” Employee Rate

“Increase Type” Employee Rate Change Reason

“Rehire Date” Rehire Date


The Payroll Master Data File Adapter (ADP) has been developed to operate within an end-to-end

integration solution with the ADP payroll system. The expected process is as follows:

Employee Payroll Master Data information is maintained in an ad hoc manner in Ellipse.

Where changes to the data are made in Ellipse, this information will be published from

Ellipse and stored/aggregated in an EIP queue until required to be sent to ADP.

When the data is required to be sent to ADP (as defined by a schedule), the data will be

extracted from the EIP queue and a CSV file in the ADP prescribed format will be generated,

ready to be sent to ADP in order to synchronise employee information.

Please refer to the Ellipse technical documentation for additional information.

Payroll Integration with ADP (CSV Based)


Payroll Transaction Data File Adapter (ADP) Overview

The Payroll Transaction Data File Adapter is used to process employee payroll transactions

contained within the Employee Work Time message and will create formatted entries on an

output file in the ADP prescribed CSV format.

This ADP formatted CSV file is then used as input to the payroll process in the ADP payroll


This adapter assumes that the Time Recording process will be managed within Ellipse and the

Payroll calculation process will occur within ADP.

The mapping of Ellipse earnings, deductions and taxation transactions to the individual ADP

data elements in the CSV file is as follows:

ADP CSV File Attribute Ellipse Attribute and Mapping

"Co Code" Pay Group

"Batch Id" Pay Run Number

"File #" Employee Id

(ADP supports 6 character employee id fields, if Ellipse

Employee Id is alpha it will be the first six chars, if numeric it

will be the last 6 chars)

"Employee Name" Ellipse Formatted Name

(any commas in formatted name are removed)

"O/T Hours" Transaction Units

(populated for earnings type transactions where the income

type is "OTH")

"Reg Hours" Transaction Units

(populated for earnings type transactions where the income

type is "REGH")

"Temp Rate" Transaction Rate

(populated for earnings type transactions)

"Hours 3 Code" Transaction Units

(populated for earnings type transactions where the income

type is "HRS3")

"Hours 3 Amount" Transaction Amount

(populated for earnings type transactions where the income

type is "HRS3")

"Hours 4 Code" Transaction Units

(populated for earnings type transactions where the income

type is "HRS4")

Payroll Integration with ADP (CSV Based)


ADP CSV File Attribute Ellipse Attribute and Mapping

"Hours 4 Amount" Transaction Amount

(populated for earnings type transactions where the income

type is "HRS4")

"Adjust Ded Code" Transaction Code

(populated for pre-tax and post-tax deduction type


"Adjust Ded Amount" Transaction Amount

(populated for pre-tax and post-tax deduction type


"Adjust Federal" Transaction Amount

(populated for tax type transactions where the deduction tax

type is "FED")

"Adjust Lived Local" Transaction Amount

(populated for tax type transactions where the deduction tax

type is "LIVL")

"Adjust Lived State" Transaction Amount

(populated for tax type transactions where the deduction tax

type is "LIVS")

"Adjust Medicare" Transaction Amount

(populated for tax type transactions where the deduction tax

type is "MEDI")

"Adjust Soc Sec" Transaction Amount

(populated for tax type transactions where the deduction tax

type is "SOCS")

"Adjust SUI/SDI" Transaction Amount

(populated for tax type transactions where the deduction tax

type is "SUI")

"Adjust Worked Local" Transaction Amount

(populated for tax type transactions where the deduction tax

type is "WRKL")

"Adjust Worked State" Transaction Amount

(populated for tax type transactions where the deduction tax

type is "WRKS")

"Advance Pay Date" Not set

"Allocation Position" Not set

Payroll Integration with ADP (CSV Based)


ADP CSV File Attribute Ellipse Attribute and Mapping

"Batch Description" Not set

"Cancel Pay" Not set

"Deduction by Week Nb" Not set

"Ded Forecast Wk1" Period Number For Advance Payments

(populated when deductions are to be processed in advance)

"Ded Forecast Wk2" Period Number For Advance Payments

(populated when deductions are to be processed in advance)

"Ded Forecast Wk3" Period Number For Advance Payments

(populated when deductions are to be processed in advance)

"Ded Forecast Wk3" Period Number For Advance Payments

(populated when deductions are to be processed in advance)

"Ded Forecast Wk4" Period Number For Advance Payments

(populated when deductions are to be processed in advance)

"Earnings 3 Code" Transaction Code

(populated for earnings type transactions where the income

type is "ERN3")

"Hours 3 Amount" Transaction Amount

(populated for earnings type transactions where the income

type is "ERN3")

"Earnings 4 Code" Transaction Code

(populated for earnings type transactions where the income

type is "ERN4")

"Hours 4 Amount" Transaction Amount

(populated for earnings type transactions where the income

type is "ERN4")

"Earnings 5 Code" Transaction Code

(populated for earnings type transactions where the income

type is "ERN5")

"Hours 5 Amount" Transaction Amount

(populated for earnings type transactions where the income

type is "ERN5")

"FLSA Special Processing


Not set

Payroll Integration with ADP (CSV Based)


ADP CSV File Attribute Ellipse Attribute and Mapping

"FLSA Workweek" Not set

"Memo Code" Transaction Code

(populated for earnings type transactions where the income

type is "MEMO")

"Memo Amount" Transaction Amount

(populated for earnings type transactions where the income

type is "MEMO")

"O/T Earnings" Transaction Amount

(populated for earnings type transactions where the income

type is "OTE")

"Pay #" Not set

"Paycheck Tax Frequency" Not set

"Rate Code" Not set

"Reg Earnings" Transaction Amount

(populated for earnings type transactions where the income

type is "REGE")

"Repl Ded Code" Not set

"Repl Ded Amount" Not set

"Repl Federal" Not set

"Repl Lived Local" Not set

"Repl Lived State" Not set

"Repl Medicare" Not set

"Repl Soc Sec" Not set

"Repl SUI/SDI" Not set

"Repl Worked Local" Not set

"Repl Worked State" Not set

"Shift" Not set

"Special Action" Not set

"Tax Frequency" Not set

"Temp Cost Number" Not set

Payroll Integration with ADP (CSV Based)


ADP CSV File Attribute Ellipse Attribute and Mapping

"Temp Dept" Not set

"Temp Lived Local" Not set

"Temp Lived State" Not set

"Temp Recip State" Not set

"Temp School Code" Not set

"Temp State Code" Not set

"Temp Worked Local" Not set


The Payroll Transaction Data File Adapter (ADP) has been developed to operate within an end-

to-end integration solution with the ADP payroll system. The expected process is as follows:

Payroll Integration with ADP (CSV Based)


Initial work time transactions and allowances are created within Ellipse via the roster

generation and leave request update processes. These processes generate the standard

working time transactions along with any previously entered absences for the current

period on the MSF891 table. The generated time transactions are automatically interpreted

into payroll transactions on the MSF832 table ready for further processing.

Adjustments such as changes to start/stop times, addition of overtime, entry of additional

allowances and rate overrides are made to the existing timekeeping entries, or entered as

new time entries. These changes and additions are approved and automatically interpreted

into payroll transactions on the MSF832 table ready for further processing.

Absences are entered or maintained, with the associated time transactions generated and

automatically interpreted into payroll transactions on the MSF832 table ready for further


Any manual payroll transactions, including adjustment entries are entered.

At the end of the pay period, the Ellipse payroll update process is initiated which creates

payroll history transactions on the MSF835 table that are marked with a status of ‘PEND’

(Pending Processing). This status indicates that the payroll transactions are ready for

export. The transactions that are output to the history table will be either valued or non-

valued depending upon the configuration of the pay group being processed (Gross

indicates valued transactions whereas Timekeeping indicates non-valued transactions).

When the payroll update completes it will trigger the Payroll Transaction Adapter to push

the ready to export work time transaction data on the MSF835 table to the Employee Work

Time message on an EIP queue where it will be held until it is required to be sent to ADP for

processing. The Ellipse payroll history transactions on the MSF835 table are marked with a

status of ‘SENT’, indicating that they have been sent to the staging queue ready for

processing by the Payroll Transaction Data File Adapter (ADP).

The employee payroll transaction data is sent to ADP on a defined schedule using the Payroll

Transaction Data File Adapter (ADP). This adapter consumes the Employee Work Time

messages and populates the relevant details into an ADP formatted CSV flat file. The CSV

file will then be uploaded via SFTP to a server from where it will be processed by the ADP

system. This step includes a configurable acknowledgement process, where Ellipse the

payroll history transactions on the MSF835 table can be marked with a status of ‘PROC’

indicating that they have been sent to ADP. The acknowledgment of receipt of Payroll

transactions in ADP via this integration solution is configurable and if not used the payroll

history transactions will remain marked with a status of 'SENT' in the Ellipse system,

indicating that they have been sent to EIP.

Please refer to the Ellipse technical documentation for additional information.

Payroll Integration with ADP (CSV Based)


Payroll Pay Advice Adapter (ADP) Overview

With the standard Payroll integration model for Ellipse 8.9+, the Payroll Integration includes

Payroll Advice Data information being sent from ADP to Ellipse.

For the ADP Payroll Advice Data File interface, the information passed includes the following:

- PayAdviceHeader (MSF8P1)

- PayAdviceEmployee (MSF8P4)

- PayAdviceEmpEarning (MSF8P9)

- PayAdviceEmpDeduction (MSF8PA)

- PayAdviceEmpBanking (MSF8PB)

This adapter assumes that Human Resources processing will be managed within Ellipse and the

Payroll calculation will be processed in ADP.

The Payroll Pay Advice Adapter is used to import the current period earnings and deduction

results of a payroll process in ADP into the Ellipse Pay Advice History tables, this information

can then be used for deductions to accounts payable and payroll costing update.

The mapping of the ADP data elements in the CSV file is as follows:

ADP File Attribute Ellipse Attribute and Mapping on the

ProcessPayrollAdviceEmployee message

Employee Id Employee Id

Period End Date

Envelope Type Mapped to the Envelope Type in either the

earnings or deduction component of the


Transaction Indicator Used to determine if the earnings or deduction

components of the message are populated

When the indicator is 1 the earnings area will be

populated, whereas if the indicator is 2, 3 or 4

the deduction area will be populated, unless the

bank account number is populated in which

case the banking area will be populated

Transaction Code Mapped to the Transaction Code in either the

earnings, deduction or banking component of

the message

Transaction Date Mapped to the Transaction Date in either the

earnings or deduction component of the


Payroll Integration with ADP (CSV Based)


ADP File Attribute Ellipse Attribute and Mapping on the

ProcessPayrollAdviceEmployee message

Pay Group Mapped to the pay group in the header area of

the message

Pay Run Type Mapped to the run type in the header area of

the message

Transaction Type

Transaction Units Mapped to the Quantity (Units) in the earnings

component of the message

Ordinary Units

Amount Mapped to the Amount in either the earnings,

deduction or banking component of the


Bank Number Mapped to bank account number in message

(only required for banking type deductions)

Branch Code Mapped to branch code in message (only

required for banking type deductions)

Bank Account Name Mapped to bank account name in message (only

required for banking type deductions)

Bank Account Type Mapped to bank account type in message (only

required for banking type deductions).

If passed must be one of the following

C – Cheque

S - Savings

Example of the flat file with Payroll Advice Data that will be passed to Ellipse.


A0000014,20170701,_,1,001,20170702,PW1,U, ,40.00,40.00,1000.00,,,,

A0000014,20170701,_,3,101,20170702,PW1,U, , , ,121.10,,,,

A0000014,20170701,_,4,840,20170702,PW1,U, , , ,55.25,,,,

A0000014,20170701,_,4,992,20170702,PW1,U, , , ,800.00,1237890,123-034,M SMITH,S

With the standard Payroll integration model for Ellipse 8.9+, the Payroll Integration will include

Payroll Advice Earnings, Deduction and Banking current period data information being sent

from ADP to Ellipse. A deduction can be for banking in which case the bank fields can be passed

in via the adapter, if they are not sent the deduction will be treated as a normal deduction.

Processing The Payroll Advice Data information will be determined in ADP as the result of Payroll calculation

processing. ADP will generate a flat file containing this information that will be loaded into

Ellipse from ADP. When the information is required to be sent to Ellipse (as defined by a

Payroll Integration with ADP (CSV Based)


schedule), the flat file will be uploaded to EIP and the information will be extracted from the flat

file and then sent to Ellipse.

In this scenario ADP is the master of the payroll advice information, Ellipse will be the slave. It is

expected that the data will be determined in ADP, that data then will be pushed to Ellipse to be

synced there.

The ADP Payroll Advice Data File interface will take the required information from the flat file

published from ADP and populate the specific details for an employee into individual

ProcessPayrollAdviceEmployee messages.

The adapter will firstly call the Ellipse PayAdviceHeader web service to obtain the payroll advice

header uuid for the pay group. The value of the uuid will then be included in all individual

ProcessPayrollAdviceEmployee messages for employees.

The ProcessPayrollAdviceEmployee messages will be passed to the Ellipse Payroll Advice

adapter to load the employee payroll advice details into Ellipse.

The process of processing payroll advice messages from an external Payroll system will

potentially involve large numbers of messages being processed. To manage this without

impacting processing of other messages, separate queues have been implemented to channel

the payroll advice messages.

Please refer to the Ellipse technical documentation for additional information.

Payroll Integration with ADP (CSV Based)


Modifications to Existing Components The following components have been modified as a result of this development item:

Payroll Master Data Adapter The Payroll Master Data adapter has been extended from catering for employee deduction

information only, to providing all employee reference data applicable to payroll processing in a

single message thereby removing the need to use the Employee Personnel adapter for

integration with an external payroll solution. The PayrollMasterData message is based upon the

HR-XML noun PayrollMasterData and will be generated each time there is a change to any

employee information that is relevant to payroll processing for an employee.

The Payroll Master Data adapter includes the Ellipse business elements outlined below:


o Employee information is maintained on the Employee file (MSF810) and the

Personnel file (MSF760). This information includes employment details, names

and addresses, contact details, identifying information such as social security

number and similar information.

Employee Positions

o Employee Positions information is maintained on the Employee Position table

(MSF878). This information includes position title, description, effective dates,

classifications, workplace deployment and similar information.

Employee Rate History

o Rate History information is maintained on the Employee Pay Rates table

(MSF830). This information includes rate amount, effective date, rate change

reason and similar information.

Employee Fixed Allowances

o Employee Fixed Allowance information is maintained on the Employee Fixed

Allowances table (MSF821). The information includes earnings codes, amounts,

dates, references and similar information.

Employee Deductions

o Employee Deduction information is maintained on the Employee Deductions &

Banking table (MSF822). The information includes deduction codes, amounts,

dates, references, supplier details and similar information.

Employee Banking

o Employee Banking information is maintained on the Employee Deductions &

Banking table (MSF822). The information includes deduction codes, amounts,

dates, references, supplier details and similar information.

Employee Core Taxation

o Employee Core Taxation information is maintained on the Employee Tax Details

table (MSF824). The information includes exemptions, additional withholding

amounts, filing/marital status and similar information.

Employee Authority Taxation

o Employee Authority Level Taxation information is maintained on the Employee

Tax Controls - U.S. table (MSF816). The information includes exemptions,

additional withholding amounts, filing/marital status and similar information at

an individual taxation type level.

Payroll Integration with ADP (CSV Based)


Payroll Integration with ADP (CSV Based)


Payroll Transaction Data Adapter The Payroll Transaction adapter is used to provide the transactional input data used in payroll

processing by a 3rd party payroll application. This adapter has been extended to accommodate

additional details being output for the employee, earnings/deduction configuration and payroll

processing information to provide support for the standard adapter used in integration with

ADP in the USA.

The following new attributes have been added to the message generated:

Indicator Indicator is used to determine the type of

transaction, values are:

1 Earnings

2 Pre Tax Deduction

3 Taxation

4 Post Tax Deduction

IncomeType Income Type is configured against the

Earnings Codes within Ellipse and is used to

control how earnings transactions are

processed and mapped within the ADP


For an earnings transaction this field will

contain one of the following values:

OTH Overtime Hours

REGH Regular Hours

HRS3 Hours 3

HRS4 Hours 4

ERN3 Earnings 3

ERN4 Earnings 4

ERN5 Earnings 5


OTE Overtime Earnings

REGE Regular Earnings

TaxationType Taxation Type is configured against the

Deduction Taxation Codes within Ellipse and

is used to control how taxation transactions

are processed and mapped within the ADP


For a taxation transaction this field will

contain one of the following values:

FED Adjust Federal

LIVL Adjust Lived local

LIVS Adjust Lived State

MEDI Adjust Medicare

SOCS Adjust Social Security


WRKL Adjust Worked Local

WRKS Adjust Worked State










For entries that are paid in advance, indicates

the number of periods in advance and the

effect on deduction processing

Payroll Integration with ADP (CSV Based)



The PayrollTransactionData message utilises the EmployeeWorkTime noun that is part of the

OAGIS standard to represent an Ellipse Employee Payroll Transaction record.

The Payroll Transaction Data adapter includes the Ellipse business elements outlined below:

Payroll History

o Payroll history includes employee details, payroll factors, worked periods,

absence periods, costing allocations and work locations. The adapter relies on

the Ellipse Payroll Transaction History (MSF835) being generated prior to

processing. The payroll transaction history includes transactions generated by

the Roster Generate (MSB890), Timekeeping (MSE891), Leave Requests

(MSE888) and Payroll Transaction entry applications (MSE832, MSO832, MSO89F

and MSO83M). These processes combine to generate the payroll transactional

data that will be processed by this adapter. The above processes utilise

employee details, configuration and award interpretation process to generate a

complete set of work time, fixed allowances and deduction type transactions for

an Ellipse Employee based upon the configuration that is in effect and the

transactions entered.

Payroll History Service The Payroll History service is used to provide the transactional input data used by the payroll

transaction data adapter and subsequently used for payroll processing by a 3rd party payroll

application. This service has been extended to accommodate additional details being output for

the employee, earnings/deduction configuration and payroll processing information in order to

provide support for the standard adapter used in integration with ADP in the USA.

The following new attributes have been added to payroll history service, with changes made to

the Read, Search and Export methods.

Income Type For earnings codes - MSF801_INCOME_TYPE_A

Taxation Type For tax codes - MSF801_TAX_TYPE_D

Periods Paid In Advance For entries on advance envelopes - MSF820_PRD_PAID_ADV

Deduction From Period For entries on advance envelopes - MSF820_DED_FROM_PER

Deduction To Period For entries on advance envelopes - MSF820_DED_TO_PER

Deduction From Report


For entries on advance envelopes - Report period from

MSF802 that matches MSF820_DED_FROM_PER

Deduction To Report Period For entries on advance envelopes - Report period from

MSF802 that matches MSF820_DED_TO_PER

Deduction Forecast Period 1 For entries on advance envelopes - First report period for

deduction forecasting

Deduction Forecast Period 2 For entries on advance envelopes - Second report period for

deduction forecasting

Deduction Forecast Period 3 For entries on advance envelopes - Third report period for

deduction forecasting

Deduction Forecast Period 4 For entries on advance envelopes - Fourth report period for

deduction forecasting

Deduction Forecast Period 5 For entries on advance envelopes - Fifth report period for

deduction forecasting

Cost Account Code MSF83C_COSTING_CODE

Cost District Code MSF83C_DSTRCT_CODE

Cost Equipment Reference MSF83C_EQUIP_REF

Cost Project MSF83C_PROJECT_NO

Payroll Integration with ADP (CSV Based)



Cost Work Order MSF83C_WORK_ORDER

Costing Ind MSF83C_COST_IND

Payroll Integration with ADP (CSV Based)


Employee Core Taxation Service The Employee Core Taxation service is used to provide the core taxation data used by the

payroll master data adapter and subsequently used for configuring employee information in a

3rd party payroll application. This service has been extended to accommodate additional

employee taxation details being output in order to provide support for the standard adapter

used in integration with ADP in the USA.

The following new attributes have been added to the core employee taxation service.

Pension Ind MSF824_PENSION_IND

Residential State set to the state code stored on the physical location table for


Worked State set to the state code stored on the physical location table for

employees current physical location

1099 Participant Type MSF824_FIELD1_A (character 1)

1099 Account Type MSF824_FIELD1_A (character 2)

1099 Account Number MSF824_FIELD2_A

Payroll Advice Adapter The Payroll Advice adapter is used to import payroll advice information from an external payroll

solution and update the Ellipse Payroll Advice History tables. This adapter has been extended to

accommodate additional details being stored on the payroll advice history tables for the


The Payroll Advice adapter includes the Ellipse business elements outlined below:

PayAdviceHeader (MSF8P1)

PayAdviceEmployee (MSF8P4)

PayAdviceEmpEarning (MSF8P9)

PayAdviceEmpDeduction (MSF8PA)

PayAdviceEmpBanking (MSF8PB)

PayAdviceLeave (MSF8PD)

PayAdviceMessage (MSF8PC)

PayAdviceEmpPTDEarning (MSF8P5)

PayAdviceEmpPTDDeduction (MSF8P6)

PayAdviceEmpYTDTax (MSF8P7)

PayAdviceEmpTax (MSF8P8)

Payroll Calculate Payroll calculate has been enhanced to support processing of deduction and taxation

adjustments when processing an Integration type payroll run (Payroll Calculate request

parameter payroll types 'T' and 'G'). This means that any deduction or taxation adjustment

transaction that is entered within Ellipse will be processed and made available for processing in

an external payroll system in the same way that earnings transactions are.

Payroll Integration with ADP (CSV Based)


Obsolete Components No components have been made obsolete as a result of this development item, the current

legacy payroll transactions components will be made obsolete in a future release.

Payroll Integration with ADP (CSV Based)


How to Configure Modules

Module No Module Name Required Notes

3001 General

3801 Payroll Configuration

3820 Payroll Management

3870 Position Management

Configuration In order to utilise the payroll integration adapters there is configuration required in both Ellipse

and EIP, this document encompasses the configuration required with Ellipse, please refer to the

EIP documentation for the configuration required in EIP.

Modify Pay Group (MSO808)

To utilise the payroll integration process the Payroll Type field on the Pay Group General Details

will need to configured as either a ‘G’ – Calculate Gross or ‘T’ – Timekeeping, this will indicate to

the system that the payroll is being processed outside of Ellipse and either valued or non-valued

transactions will be sent to the external solution.

Payroll Integration with ADP (CSV Based)


Modify Earnings Code (MSO801)

The Income Type field on the earnings code is used to map an individual earnings to the relevant

attributes on the ADP Payroll Transaction CSV file, this ensures that the integration process

doesn’t require certain earnings codes to be used for a particular usage, and any earnings code

can be configured to generate the appropriate ADP transactions.

The Income Type is validated against the MSF010:INCU table and can be one of the following


The ADP payroll transaction adapter uses the value configured against the individual earnings

codes to populate the attributes in the CSV file that is sent to the ADP payroll solution.

Ellipse Income Type ADP Payroll Transactions CSV File

OTH "O/T Hours" field will be populated with Units/Hours from

the MSF835 table

Payroll Integration with ADP (CSV Based)


Ellipse Income Type ADP Payroll Transactions CSV File

REGH "Reg Hours" field will be populated with Units/Hours from the

MSF835 table

HRS3 "Hours 3 Code" field will be populated with the earnings code

from the MSF835 table

"Hours 3 Amount" field will be populated with Amount/Value

from the MSF835 table

HRS4 "Hours 4 Code" field will be populated with the earnings code

from the MSF835 table

"Hours 4 Amount" field will be populated with Amount/Value

from the MSF835 table

ERN3 "Earnings 3 Code" field will be populated with the earnings

code from the MSF835 table

"Earnings 3 Amount" field will be populated with

Amount/Value from the MSF835 table Transaction Code

ERN4 "Earnings 4 Code" field will be populated with the earnings

code from the MSF835 table

"Earnings 4 Amount" field will be populated with

Amount/Value from the MSF835 table Transaction Code

ERN5 "Earnings 4 Code" field will be populated with the earnings

code from the MSF835 table

"Earnings 4 Amount" field will be populated with

Amount/Value from the MSF835 table Transaction Code

MEMO "Memo Code" field will be populated with the earnings code

from the MSF835 table

"Memo Amount" field will be populated with Amount/Value

from the MSF835 table Transaction Code

OTE "O/T Earnings" field will be populated with Amount/Value

from the MSF835 table Transaction Code

REGE "Reg Earnings" field will be populated with Amount/Value

from the MSF835 table Transaction Code

Payroll Integration with ADP (CSV Based)


Modify Deduction Code (MSO803)

The Tax Type field on the deduction code is used to map an individual taxation type deduction

entry to the relevant attributes on the ADP Payroll Transaction CSV file, this ensures that the

integration process doesn’t require certain deduction codes to be used for a particular usage,

and any taxation type deduction code can be configured to generate the appropriate ADP


The Taxation Type is validated against the MSF010:BENT table and can be one of the following


The ADP payroll transaction adapter uses the value configured against the individual taxation

codes to populate the attributes in the CSV file that is sent to the ADP payroll solution.

Ellipse Taxation Type ADP Payroll Transactions CSV File

FED "Adjust Federal" field will be populated with the MSF835


Payroll Integration with ADP (CSV Based)


Ellipse Taxation Type ADP Payroll Transactions CSV File

LIVL "Adjust Lived Local" field will be populated with the MSF835


LIVS "Adjust Lived State" field will be populated with the MSF835


MEDI "Adjust Medicare" field will be populated with the MSF835


SOCS "Adjust Soc Sec" field will be populated with the MSF835


SUI "Adjust SUI/SDI" field will be populated with the MSF835


WRKL "Adjust Worked Local" field will be populated with the

MSF835 Amount/Value

WRKS "Adjust Worked State" field will be populated with the

MSF835 Amount/Value

Employee Personnel Workbench (MSE81S)

Ellipse is the source for employee information and any changes to employee information will

trigger a payroll master data message to be generated, this message will be queued for use by

the ADP payroll master data adapter to generate a CSV file that will be used by ADP to

synchronise the employee information within the ADP payroll system.

Only those employee that are also configured on payroll (MSO820) will have an entry generated

on the CSV file.

The following personnel fields contained within the Personnel Workbench will be used to

populate attributes within the ADP CSV File.

Ellipse Personnel Workbench

ADP CSV File Attribute Tab Attribute

"File #" Employee

(As ADP supports 6 character employee id

fields, if Ellipse Employee Id is alpha it will

be the first six chars, if numeric it will be

the last 6 chars)

“Employee Status” Key Dates Employee Status

If Employee Status = 'A' will be set to 'A'

If Employee Status = 'I' will be set to 'L'

If Employee Status = 'X'

and Death Date is not zero will be set to 'D'

If Employee Status = 'X'

Payroll Integration with ADP (CSV Based)


Ellipse Personnel Workbench

ADP CSV File Attribute Tab Attribute

and Term Date is not zero and Death Date

is zero will be set to 'T'

“Gender” Biographical Gender

If Gender = ‘U’ will be set to ‘N’

“Actual Number of


Biographical Number of Dependants

“'Data Control Position 1” Work Details Union

“Data Control Position 2” Key Dates Employee Type

“'Data Control Position 3” Key Dates Employee Type

“Data Control Position 4” Classifications Personnel User Defined Field 3 (code)

“Rehire Status” Key Dates Rehire Code

“Hire Date” Key Dates Hire Date

“Normal Retirement Date” Key Dates Retirement Date

“Birth Date” Biographical Birth Date

“Leave of Absence Start Date” Key Dates Suspension Date

“Clock” Classifications Personnel User Defined Field 4 (code)

“Employee Last Name” Name Last Name

“Social Security Number” Identity Social Security Number

“Employee First Name” Name First Name

“Preferred Name” Name Preferred Name

“Address Line 1” Address Residential Address Line 1

“Address Line 2” Address Residential Address Line 2

“City” Address Residential City

“State Postal Code” Address Residential State

“Zip Code” Address Residential Post Code/Zip

“Termination Date” Key Dates Termination Date

“Termination Reason” Key Dates Termination Reason

Payroll Integration with ADP (CSV Based)


Payroll Integration with ADP (CSV Based)


Employee Payroll Details (MSO820)

Employees must be configured on payroll within Ellipse in order for information to be created

on the ADP CSV file. The employee will also need to be on a pay group that is configured with a

Payroll Type of G – Gross Payroll Transactions or T – Non-Valued Payroll transactions.

The following fields contained (or derived from) the employee payroll details application will be

used to populate attributes within the ADP CSV File

Ellipse Maintain Employee Payroll Details

ADP CSV File Attribute Tab Attribute

"Co Code" General Pay Group

“Change Effective On” General Current Period End Date for the Pay Group

“Pay Frequency Code” General Payment Frequency of the Pay Group

Employee Rate Amounts (MSO830)

Employee rate information is configured using the Maintain Employee Rates application, the

rates entered on here will be used when creating the ADP CSV file. The rate that is used will be

the rate as at the current period end date.

The following fields contained (or derived from) the employee payroll details application will be

used to populate attributes within the ADP CSV File

ADP CSV File Attribute Ellipse Employee Rate Amounts Attribute

“Rate Type” Rate Type

“Rate 1 Amount” Rate Amount

“Increase Type” Reason

Position Details (MSO8PA)

Employee Home Department is configured using the Maintain Position Details application using

Position Classification Code 8, the value entered on here will be used when creating the ADP

CSV file.

The following fields contained (or derived from) the employee payroll details application will be

used to populate attributes within the ADP CSV File

ADP CSV File Attribute Ellipse Position Details – Classifications Attribute

“Home Department” Job/Position Classification 8

Payroll Integration with ADP (CSV Based)


MSF010:BENT – Taxation Type

The following configuration is required on the MSF010:BENT table if sending taxation type

deduction transactions from Ellipse to ADP.

MSF010:INCU – Income Type

The following configuration is required on the MSF010:INCU table if sending earnings

transactions from Ellipse to ADP.

Payroll Integration with ADP (CSV Based)


Functional Overview The purpose of this functional overview is to describe the ability to integrate with ADP Payroll in

the USA using the Ellipse Payroll Adapters in Ellipse 8.9.3 and above.

Business processing will occur in Ellipse in relation to the maintenance of employee reference

data (including, but not limited to: biographical information, positions, rates of pay, fixed

allowances, deductions, banking details and taxation information), and the preparation of

payroll transactional data.

Both the employee reference and transactional data will be exported in CSV format so that the

files can be imported by the ADP Payroll system for payroll calculation processing to occur.

Upon completion of Payroll processing in the ADP Payroll system the payroll results file will be

utilised by Ellipse in order to update the pay advice history tables. Once the current period

information has been imported into the pay advice history tables the payroll costing update and

deductions to accounts payable processes can be initiated within Ellipse.

The integration, both outbound from Ellipse to ADP and inbound from ADP to Ellipse utilises

CSV import/export files in the ADP prescribed format.

The following activities can be performed:

Payroll Integration with ADP (CSV Based)


FAQs The following questions are answered in this FAQ section:

When would I use the payroll type of Gross?

When would I use the payroll type of Timekeeping?

Can a person move between payroll types?


When would I use the payroll type of Gross?


When undertaking timekeeping, award interpretation and payroll exception processing in

Ellipse and passing valued transactions to a third party payroll system for “gross to net”

processing and the associated disbursements and compliance reporting.

This model would be commonly used for countries outside Australia, particularly customers

which utilise bureau services such as ADP for payroll.

The benefit is that you are able to use the benefits of Ellipse rostering, timekeeping and award

interpretation with full integration of availability and resource information for maintenance

scheduling purposes.


When would I use the payroll type of Timekeeping?


When undertaking timekeeping and award interpretation processing in Ellipse and passing

unvalued timekeeping transactions to a third party payroll system for payroll processing.

This model would be commonly used for countries outside Australia, where the customer

wishes to utilise Ellipse as a clocking system to take advantage of its rostering, award

interpretation and availability functionality but integrate with a 3rd party payroll.

Often the use between Gross and Timekeeping with be influenced by the integration

capabilities of the third party payroll system.


Can a person move between payroll types?


Yes. This can be achieved in a variety of ways, including:

1. Manually changing the Payroll Type against the person from No Payroll to Rostered and

vice versa.

2. Pay Group transfers.