patrick zheng week4_demo3

moviEharmony Patrick Zheng Finding harmonic movies for 2

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Post on 12-Apr-2017



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Patrick Zheng

Finding harmonic movies for 2

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Data Source● Amazon Reviews Dataset

○ Number of users: 2.1 million○ Number of movies: 200k○ Timespan: May 1996 - July 2014

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Data Pipeline:

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Data Ingestion:

root |-- asin: string (nullable = true) |-- helpful: array (nullable = true) | |-- element: long (containsNull = true) |-- overall: double (nullable = true) |-- reviewText: string (nullable = true) |-- reviewTime: string (nullable = true) |-- reviewerID: string (nullable = true) |-- reviewerName: string (nullable = true) |-- summary: string (nullable = true) |-- unixReviewTime: long (nullable = true)

{asin:u'0790734680', helpful:[0, 0], overall:4.0, reviewText:u'Kevin Spacey always gives a credible performance. Curious to knowhow close story in book was followed.Overall I liked it.', reviewTime:u'06 28, 2014', reviewerID:u'A3MG14J7MXE9CC', reviewerName:u'George McGarrity', summary:u'Serious murder mixed with comedy', unixReviewTime:1403913600}

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Batch Layer:

Collaborative Filtering Model

● MLlib currently supports model-based collaborative filtering,

● Used to predict missing entries.

● Uses the alternating least squares (ALS) algorithm to learn latent factors.

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Web framework:

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Clusters:4 m4.large

4 m4.large4 m4.large8 m4.large

$0.126 * 20 = 2.52 per hour

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● Spark MLlib, train CF ALS, parameter tuning

● Scaling providing recommendations to 2 people: ○ Batch: 2.1m users * 200k movies = 420

billion combinations

○ Streaming with caching: 2 users * 200k

movies = 400k

● Implementing Power bar®○ Normalization○ Consensus function


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About me● Patrick Zheng● MS Computer Science

● Alternative Drug Recommendation System● Retrospective Drug Utilization Review System● Drug Adherence Predictive Modeling

● Movie● Basketball● Hearthstone

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Low latency real time computation base on user’s input:

Movie group relevance:

Movie group disagreement:

Consensus function: