passive audiences and the hypodermic needle theory

The relationship between the viewer & the video Audience theories

Upload: iain-bruce

Post on 15-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Passive audiences and the hypodermic needle theory

The relationship between the viewer & the video

Audience theories

Page 2: Passive audiences and the hypodermic needle theory


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Be honest…..

Who wants a malteaser?

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How much power do you think ‘the media’ has over the people who watch (or play) it?

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In October 1938 America descended into panic...

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The media can have a powerful effect on audiences.

But what is the dynamic of that relationship?

Who holds the power?

Who has the control?

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In 1995 Oliver Stones satirical thriller ‘Natural Born Killers’ was released.

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Hypodermic needle theory

Says that video directors can inject their message straight into the audiences mind

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Its also referred to as the magic bullet.

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Do you think the audience is viewed as passive or active in hypodermic needle theory?

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What makes a passive audience?

1. Observe rather than actively participate.

2. Don’t question the message.

3. Accept the “truth” at face value.

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Surely people are more than just a sponge, soaking up whatever ‘facts’ are presented to them?

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Today I want you to think about the idea of a passive audience. Is it possible for an audience member to be passive? What effect did the following have, and do you think it proves or disproves the idea of a passive audience? Can you argue both sides? Make notes.

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