partnership in ret brazil summary pdf

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� To set up a pool of highly professional entities to organize the bio-diesel production chain based on Jatropha curcas feedstock (from soil to oil)

� promoting sustained development and poverty alleviation, creating opportunities and a new model for the intensive and extensive use of the energy biomass potential of Brazil.

� Main focus: most vulnerable region of Brazil: Semi-arid, particularly, Jequitinhonha and Mucuri Valleys, in the Minas Gerais, Bahia and Espírito Santo States (Meso Vale)


Final target: to consolidate a socially responsible and state-of-art

biodiesel holding industry in Brazil in partnership with BIOVALE

ENERGY, a recently set up Brazilian corporation for this purpose.

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“Take joint actions and improve efforts to work together

at all levels to improve access to reliable and affordable

energy services for sustainable development sufficient to

facilitate the achievement of the MDGs, including the

Goal of halving the proportion of people in poverty by

2015, and as a means to generate other important services

that mitigate poverty, bearing in mind that access to

energy facilitates the eradication of poverty”

( Summit on Sustainable Development in the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation )


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As a socially responsible corporation, we commit to the following :

1. We will incorporate ESG (Environment, social responsibility and Corporate Governance) issues into general management, investment and decision-making processes.

2. We will be active managers and incorporate ESG issues into our management and investment policies and practices.

3 We will seek appropriate disclosure on ESG issues in our management and in the entities in which we invest and/or attract investment.

4. We will promote acceptance and implementation of the Principles within our organization.

5. We will mobilize to enhance our effectiveness in implementing the Principles.

6. We will report on our activities and progress towards implementing the Principles.

Principles Commitments for Responsible Management

In compliance with UN General Secretary initiative

UNEP – Finance Initiative – UN Global Compact

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As a socially responsible organization, we have a duty to act in the best long-term interests of our beneficiaries and partners.

In this fiduciary role, we believe that environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) issues can affect our ability to attract investment.

We also recognize that applying these Principles may better align the beneficiaries with broader objectives of society

In signing the Principles, we publicly commit to adopt and implement them, where consistent with our responsibilities.

We also commit to evaluate the effectiveness and improve the content of the Principles over time.

We believe this will improve our ability to meet commitments tobeneficiaries as well as better align our investment activities with the broader interests of society.

Principles Commitments for Responsible Management

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The main objective of the Hub is to bring capabilities of the various stakeholders involved in the bio-diesel production chain, both in Brazil and abroad providing resources and diffusing knowledge to the linked firms.

The benefits provided through such linkages are of great significance because of the complimentary capabilities among the stakeholders.

Linkages with foreign organizations can be a great driver of dynamism and competitiveness to develop effectively and rapidly the Brazilian bio-diesel program. The foreign firms benefit from linkages are reduced costs, local market and product intelligence and enhanced assets (UNCTAD 2001).

MINASINVEST´s interventions, as a leading IPA (Investment promotion agency) are important to the extent that investors believe that an enterprising IPA can assist them in identifying and introducing reliable local firms and organizations with whom the investors can partner.

The linkage envisages upgrading domestic enterprises; facilitating thetransfer of technology, knowledge and skills; improving business andmanagement practices; and facilitating access to finance and markets.

Linking the various stakeholders

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the price of crude oil tripled between early 2002 and mid-2005 while natural gas reaches a level six times greater than ten years earlier.

Market scenario and prospects

Source: GTZ/WorldWatch Institute

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� energy companies have not invested in building enough refinery capacity to meet the growing level of world demand. World oil production has gone up by 40% in the past 20 years while refinery capacity has only gone up 15%. �

�the oil reserves discovered between 1950 and 1980 are being run down.

�companies have not been able to find enough new oil and gas fields to replace the exhausting ones.

�Oil is being pumped out of the ground three times faster than it is being replaced by new oil finds.

The growing gap

Source: GTZ/WorldWatch Institute

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"There are not enough large-scale projects in the development

pipeline right now to offset declining production in mature oil fields

and to meet global demand growth beyond 2007". (Chris Skrebowski, the editor of the Petroleum Review )

The total amount of energy that the world gets from oil and gas will begin to decline after 2010.

Will oil prices rise further?

Source: GTZ/WorldWatch Institute

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�The global demand for oil is increasing by just over 2% every year at present. �This increase in demand added to the gap being created by the declining supply, implies new energy sources each year equivalent to 4-5 per cent of the world's current oil production:

around 1,800 million barrels of oil a year.

�In 2015, when world gas output ceases to increase to meet the its growing demand , the new energy sources would have to increase the annual rate at which they grew

by another 900 million barrels.

What alternative sources to fill the gap?

Source: GTZ/WorldWatch Institute

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What will be the effect on the global economy?

a fall in global oil output will cause the global economy to collapse.

Source: GTZ/WorldWatch Institute

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� The only truly sustainable energy sources are those based on the flow of energy from the sun: solar, hydro, wind, wave, biomass.

�These flows are very large in comparison with humankind's use of energy.

�Renewable sources can therefore meet all the world's energy needs, both now and in the future.

�The amount of energy supplied by renewable sources could be 120 times its present level .

What alternative sources to fill the gap?

The problem is to develop these sources quickly enough to fill the gap as it opens up.

Source: GTZ/WorldWatch Institute

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The world is on the verge of unprecedented growth in the production and use of biofuels , by virtue of:

� Rising oil prices, national security concerns, the desire to increase farm incomes, and a host of new and improved technologies .

�The two most prevalent biofuels are ethanol and biodiesel.

World production of ethanol more than doubled between 2000 and 2005, while production of biodiesel quadrupled.

Biofuels: a Booming Industry

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Biofuels: a Booming Industry

Brazil and United States dominate the world ethanol production and use.

The European Union, and Germany in particular, dominates world biodiesel production and use.

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Biofuel production has become substantially more efficient over the last 25 years as Brazil and the United States have scaled up their industries.

Such incremental gains are likely to continue for years to come.

New Technologies, New Gains

However, the greatest potential for biofuels lies in the development of new technologies that will significantly expand the range of biomass feedstock, increase conversion efficiencies, and lower production costs.

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Biofuels – the emerging solution for everyone

“ Only in the Sun Country occurs the magnificent encounter of the solar irradiation with the water, which generates a stunning energetic profusion in its soil. This energy is a heritage inherent to the Brazilian people and so it should be exploited and used to promote its social and economic development.” Artur Augusto Alves

The ability to grow energy crops in addition to food crops could transform agriculture more profoundly than any development since

the green revolution - helping to achieve the United Nations’Millennium Development Goals

Brazil: the biomass source

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In modern economies, large scale poverty imposes an enormous economic loss, wasting the talents and energies of hundreds of millions of people , diverted from socially productive activities that could create wealth for society to the struggle for mere survival.

our challange

The partnerships should be at the global level, at the country level with national stakeholders and external partners acting together, the private sector and civil-society institutions collaborating to create conditions that emancipate poor groups.

But the fundamental partnership, and ultimately the only one that counts, is with the poor themselves. They have the talents, the skills and the knowledge of their own environment.

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One of the main benefits of biofuels is their potential to increase farm incomes and strengthen rural economies. The World Bank reports that biofuel industries require about 100 times more workers per unit of energy produced than the fossil fuel industry.

In 2004, the Brazilian sugarcane sector was responsible for 1 million jobs (direct)/4 million (indirect) corresponding to the production of 350 million tonnes of cane (UNICA, 2003 and Goldemberg, 2003).

The dispersed nature of agriculture makes it unlikely that biofuelproduction will become as centralized as the oil industry.

In the focused region of the project (Jequitinhonha & Mucuri Valleys) the access to modern forms of energy is limited or absent. An orchastrated pool of competences involved in the biodiesel production chain can help provide income and clean, accessible energy that is vital for rural development and poverty alleviation.

Biofuels: A New Future for Rural Communities

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Most poor households in developing countries lack access to modernfuels. They instead rely on traditional biomass fuels like cropwaste,dung, and wood to meet their basic energy needs.

When used with inefficient devices these low-quality fuels often result in harmful health and environmental impacts.

The order of fuels on the energy ladder corresponds to their efficiency and ‘cleanliness’ at end use.

Although modern fuels tend to be more costly, they do provide people with far greater opportunities for income generation.

Energy & prosperity

Climbing the energy ladder towards moremodern fuels, therefore, is a challenge most poor people in developing countries must face in order to improve their overall standard of living.

Source: REN 21/2006

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There is an empirical basis to the relationship between access to modern energy and human development.

Energy is strongly linked to human development.

No country in modern times has substantially reduced poverty without a massive increase in its use of energy and/or a shift to efficient energy sources.

energy link to overall human development

Source: REN 21/2006

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�In general, biofuels have a solidly positive GHG balance. Energy crops have the potential to reduce GHG emissions by more than 100 percent (relative to petroleum fuels) because such crops can also sequester carbon in the soil as they grow.

�Large deforested areas could be recovered by crops producing vegetable oils in order to produce biofuels.

�Even with subsidies, the economic savings with biofuels from avoided oil imports are considerable: between 1975 and 1987, ethanol saved Brazil $10.4 billion in foreign exchange while costing the government $9 billion in subsidies. This investment paid off even more in subsequent years: studies show that from 1976–2004, Brazil’s ethanol production substituted for oil imports worth $60.7 billion—or as much as $121.3 billion including the avoided interest that would have been paid on foreign.

Further benefits

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� Renewable energy will have to supply a greater share of the world's energy requirements.

� It is estimated that the market for clean energy technologies could be worth $1.9 trillion by 2020. The financial sector has a key role to play in developing and promoting this market.

� In the next 25 years, the world will consume all that has been produced in fossil oils so far.

�The world´s dramatic increment for fuels should be supplied by bio-fuels.

� In the future, In the short run, ETHANOL and BIO-DIESEL are the main bio-fuels.

Renewable energy is both a solution and a business opportunity; BUSINESS AS AN AGENT OF WORLD BENEFIT


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Biodiesel - a Mutual Profitable Partnership

�As oil prices and environmental concerns have risen in the past few years, investment in new biofuel facilities has mushroomed in Brazil.

�The Brazilian National Program for use and production was incorporated in the Brazilian energy matrix by Law nr 11.097/2005 .

� Large trans-national corporations, as ADM, have already started investing in biodiesel projects in Brazil

�The crop area required to produce the blend of initial mandatory 2% of biodiesel will be 1.5 million hectares, equivalent to only 1% of the total acreage under crops or available for agriculture throughout Brazil (150 million hectares).


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Brazilian energy matrix

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Brazilian ethanol´s use and production

� PRODUCTION CAPACITY: 18 billion liters/year

� PRODUCTION: 15 billion liters/year (seed/2004/2005)

� EXPORTATION: 2.4 billion liters in 2004

�SUGAR CANE PLANTED AREA: 5.6 million hectares


�90 million hectares of arable lands – Without any forest removal


�Provide production flexibility


�Automobiles, light commercials, motor-cycles and aircrafts

�Flexible Fuel light vehicles: reached 37% of internal market sales in 2005

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The Nacional Program for use and production of Biodiesel (PNPB) is a Federal Inter-ministerial program with an aim at implementing a sustained development , technically and economically. The emphasis lies on social inclusion and employment/wealth generation and regional development

Brazilian National Plan for Biodiesel

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Brazil has ideal conditions for becoming a major world producer of biodiesel. It has a vast amount of arable land, part of which is not suitable for food crops but has the right soil and climate for growing a range of oilseeds.

Biodiesel will make Brazil a global benchmark in the use of renewable fuels.It first won this position in the 1970s with the introduction of ethanol made from sugarcane to power automotive vehicles.

The National Alcohol Program, Proálcool, was the largest fossil fuel substitution program in the world automotive market. It is still considered a global example of excellence, and Brazil remains the largest producer and consumer of fuel alcohol in the world.

The experience Brazil has accumulated through the Proálcoolserves as a strong foundation for implementing the biodiesel program and maximizing the nation’s competitiveness in a relatively short period.

Brazil: a global benchmark in RET

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Source: MME

� Law 11 097/2005: it sets forth a mandatory use of biodiesel

mixture to diesel, which reflects in the following prospects









Brazilian domestic market projection

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Brazil’s export potential

With the launch of commercial production, Brazilbecomes a potential exporter of biodiesel.

The EU aims to ensure that 2% of all the fuel consumedin the region is renewable by 2005, but it has limitedacreage available for growing rapeseed, the mainfeedstock produced in Europe, and industrial capacity is insufficient to meet the stipulated demand.

Despite these constraints, the proportion of renewablefuels is set to reach 5.75% by 2010 according to EU Directive 30, ratified by the European Parliament in May2003.

Given the limitations for production growth in Europe, Brazilian biodiesel enjoys an unprecedented opportunityto build market share in the continent Europe.

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Features of envisaged agricultural area:

Total semi-arid area: 1.219.021,50 Km2, equivalent to about 1/5 of Brazil – comprising ten States Maranhão, Piauí, Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Sergipee Bahia and Minas Gerais. Population: 1/3 of Brazil (55 million)

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���� Bearing high agricultural

production costs

� Bearing internal/external obligations of emission reduction (Kyoto Protocol and other compromises)

� Bearing scarcity of cultivation lands

� Willing strategic alternatives

for diesel supply

Possible partners

Countries :

���� Having to meet social and

environment responsibilities

� Bearing environment liabilities

� Willing to attract SRIand valuing their stock prices

� Bearing intensive need of fuel sources

� Investors in prospective high return SRI

Companies :


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Prospects of biodiesel cooperation/partnership

Possible areas of interest:

�Utilization of Partners technology for biodiesel plants in

building, logistics, utilization of glycerin and other by-

products, specification, engine tests, etc.

�Sale of carbon credits (MDL) obtained through the

utilization of biodiesel in Brazil.

�Export of vegetal oil and biodiesel to Partner´s country.

�Exploitation of the potential domestic market

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“Minas Gerais State is getting ready to become the best State in Brazil

To live and invest.”



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MINAS GERAIS STATE: The ideal place for investments in Brazil

� Strategically located in the Southeast region of Brazil: concentrating 78% of Brazilian consuming market .

� 18 million people.� Territory greater than many European countries.� Third largest South American economy.� Excellent infra-structure� Abundant energy and modern communication.� Modern law on on Public-private partnerships,

respecting obligations with investors and partners.� Expedient and practical action from Public

Administration� Strong competitiveness for new enterprises� Highly qualified labor

MINAS GERAIS State stands at a vibrant moment in its development,

introducing entrepreneurial changes, innovation, paradigm shifts, and

openness for new alternatives and investments.

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The State efforts

�To achieve the efficacy, the State Government has undertaken a profound revision of its structure, including the empowerment of the development apparatus with a greater flexibility in order to meet the new demands of society .

� The objective of Minas Gerais development is now to increase the competitiveness of its economic base, targeting the state’s supply chains, transforming comparative advantages into real and enduring competitive advantages.

�The new model gives primacy to the private initiative in determining the economy’s dynamic as well as an elevated degree of openness to the international economy.

�Bio-fuels production has driven special attention from the State

Government and counts with its full support and incentives.

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The State program for bio-fuels

The program, set forth in Law no. 15.976/2006 has the following goals:

Research and technology development; Technology transfer to the private sector; Job posts creating and improvement of income distribution; Reduction of fossil diesel imports; Reduction of gas pollution emission; Development of Feed-stock production

Targets up to 2007/2008 :

250.000 hectares crop plantation for production of B2 (blend 2% ), reaching 625.000 he for production of B5 in 2013;

Direct income generation to 100.000 families, corresponding to about 500.000 job posts up to 2007.

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Cemig – Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais, is one of the largest electric energy utilities in Brazil.

� With an installed capacity of more than 6 thousand MW (6 GW), the company is in charge of the operation of a 330-thousand-kilometer distribution network, the largest in Latin America, and supplies energy to over 16 million people living in the state's 774 municipalities.

�Cemig is permanently forming partnerships with other entrepreneurships which is generating substantial investments.

�For the sixth consecutive year, Cemig was listed in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index – DJSI World.

Focus: surrounding of CEMIG´s Irape Hydroelectric plant

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Main features of the focused region

Our local partnersAnd environment

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Local productivity capacity

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The yields of currently used biofuel feedstock vary widely. Jatropha seeds have proven advantageous in several spheres.

Perennial crops of Jatropha Curcas will be used to protect lands that are vulnerable to erosion and to restore lands degraded by grazing.

Jatropha curcas: the feedstock

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Jatropha is identified under the physical-chemical platform of biomass energy conversion route. It is a drought-resistant perennial, living up to 50 years and growing on marginal soils (HENNING, 1996).

The remote rural communities of the Brazilian semi-arid in drought regions will be able to address their energy needs using the Jatropha resource.

The Jatropha Curcas was especially selected because the plant is not an invasive species (GÜBITZ ET AL., 1999) and permits the growth of other plants in its vicinity, so it does not negatively affect the ecosystem.

Jatropha curcas: the feedstock

The results of the researches developed by EPAMIG, the State Agriculture R&D entity, in the 80´and the preliminary current

( 2004/2006) results attest the potentiality of the jatropha curcascultivation in the semi-arid region

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Implementation goals

Internal capabilities

External capabilities

Professional POOL

Roles of stakeholders


Action planResources management


Professional management

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Development model

The development model is based on the working relationship between the community benefiting from the BIO-VALE project, a local technical NGO, an enterprising development agency , a foreign development agency, Government stakeholders and a corporation.

Each entity has its respective and important roles that complement, harmonize and support one another leading to the ultimate success and sustainability of the project.

“The private sector can play an important role towards furthering development, for development cannot occur without conditions that are amenable to the conduct of business.” (United Nations)

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Local NGO´s will support following types of interventions:

� establishing effective monitoring and evaluation systems, working closely with cooperating institutions to improve impact assessment and supervision, and strengthening partnerships with a range of different players.

� promoting a global policy environment that increases market access for the rural poor.

� directly responsibility to the community - directly involved in the energy crop cultivation and oil extraction than the development agency, assessing the communities’ organizational capacity and their potential to complete and manage an energy project.

� providing technical, organizational advice, support and training to the community

Development model: local NGO

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MINASINVEST, a not-for profit investment agency, will be primarily in charge of the social-economic factors coordinating the efforts among the various stakeholders, which includes:

enhancing logistics, building market information systems.

Identifying and coordinating the best partners;

Developing policies and strategies to improve competitiveness;

Strengthening the producers´ negotiating position ;

Providing well-researched analyses;

Government and institutional relationships involved in the project.

Development model: Investment agency

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The local community possesses direct responsibility towards the day-today running of the biofuel project . Particular emphasis is given on the socio-economic empowerment of women, thus women groups will be specially utilized to manage the project.

The role of the community should therefore be:

● Provision of land for Jatropha plantation and site for the establishment of the oil extraction unit.● Responsibility for the day-to-day management of plantation, including: cultivation and harvesting.● Commitment of human resources for project development such as unskilled labor (to handle farmlands), access to skilled labor.

In order to help the community in their quest towards sustainable development, it is very important that they should be the main recipient of all benefits accrued from the project.

Development model:The Community

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General coordination among the various stakeholders

Resources (financial and management)

Industrialization: oil extraction and trans-esterification

Logistics (sales, distribution, export process, shipping)



turn-key/Global solution in BioDiesel projects

Research & Development

Institutional and Government support

Project development, Project Financing an Funding

International product commercializationLogistics (sales, distribution, export process, shipping)


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The BIO-VALE project can bring about major economic empowerment by providing income and employment opportunities to both the rural communities and entreupreneus.

The project can be utilized to stimulate a circular system combining ecologic, economic, and income-generating effects (HEN. 1994), particularly to the drought prone rural communities of the Brazilian semi-arid regions.

The project promotes the main aspects of development, which combine to help achieve a sustainable way of life for village farmers in terms of provision of renewable energy, erosion control, economic empowerment through job creation and poverty reduction and economic development.

The favorable context in Brazil, the onset of widespread distribution, the differential tax regime recognizing the importance of oilseed production by family agriculture units– and the introduction of the “Social Fuel” label are regulatory instruments designed to promote social inclusion throughout the new fuel’s production and value chain.
