part 2 40 questions questions about iman. click for the answer questions, iman, batch #22 does...

Part 2 40 Questions Questions about Iman

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Page 1: Part 2 40 Questions Questions about Iman. Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #22 Does Almighty Allah have a son? a.You must be kidding, the answer

Part 2 40 Questions

Questions about Iman

Page 2: Part 2 40 Questions Questions about Iman. Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #22 Does Almighty Allah have a son? a.You must be kidding, the answer

Questions, Iman, batch #2 2

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Does Almighty Allah have a son?

a.You must be kidding, the answer is no.

b.No, but He has a daughter.c.Yes, but I don't know who the wife

is.d.Yes, since God has a father.

Page 3: Part 2 40 Questions Questions about Iman. Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #22 Does Almighty Allah have a son? a.You must be kidding, the answer

Questions, Iman, batch #2 3

Click for the answerAlmighty Allah is Supreme,

He can do anything. What does that mean?

a.He has complete capability.b.He has the full knowledge.c.He has the Will if He wants to do

anything.d.All the above.

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Questions, Iman, batch #2 4

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Can Almighty Allah create anything?

a.Yes, anything we want.b.Yes, anything He wants to.c.Most everything.d.Yes, within reason.

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Questions, Iman, batch #2 5

Click for the answerIf Almighty Allah is that

powerful, will He be in need of anything?

a.No.b.No, that is because He is self-

sufficient.c.Yes, our love.d.Yes, He wants to be known.

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Questions, Iman, batch #2 6

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What is meant by the will of Almighty Allah?

a.He achieves after he decides to do so.

b.He does not do it unless He wants to.

c.When he wants to, He wills it then executes it.

d.a, b, and c above in that order.

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Questions, Iman, batch #2 7

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When He wants to do something, Almighty Allah wills it first then He does it. How is that?

a.Nothing is produced unless Allah wills it first.

b.God's will precedes anything done.c.Putting things together come

immediately after.d.All the above.

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Questions, Iman, batch #2 8

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How vast is the knowledge of Almighty Allah?

a.So vast it is limitless.b.Beyond imagination.c.Man's knowledge is like a drop

compared to God's.d.All the above.

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Questions, Iman, batch #2 9

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Can we keep from Almighty Allah?

a.No, nothing whatsoever.b.Yes, our secrets.c.Yes, our thoughts.d.Yes, we can sneak something.

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Questions, Iman, batch #2 10

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Can we hide any secrets from Almighty Allah?


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Questions, Iman, batch #2 11

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We know that Almighty Allah sees us and hears us, does He know what is in our hearts?

a.Yes, some of the time.b.Yes, all the time.c.No, how can He.d.Maybe.

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Questions, Iman, batch #2 12

Click for the answerCan Almighty Allah hear all

the people all the time and at the same time?

a.No, how can this be!b.Yes He can, since His essence is

vastly different.c.Yes, but only somewhat.d.all the above.

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Questions, Iman, batch #2 13

Click for the answerCan Almighty Allah see us

and all the people all the time and at the same time?

a.Yes He can, since his essence is vastly different.

b.Yes, but only at times.c.No, how can this be!d.All the above.

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Questions, Iman, batch #2 14

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How can Almighty Allah see and hear us in such a way, yet He has no ears or eyes like ours?

a.His essence is different from that of His creation.

b.That is why He is God.c.He is in no need of any organs.d.a and c above.

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Questions, Iman, batch #2 15

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Who is the mightiest of all?

a.Caesar.b.Almighty Allah.c.Myself.d.Muhammad (pbuh).

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Questions, Iman, batch #2 16

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Who has made all the oceans and lakes?

a.Mother nature.b.Almighty Allah.c.Came by itself.d.a and c above through God's


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Questions, Iman, batch #2 17

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Who has created all the animals on earth?

a.Mother nature.b.Came by itself.c.Almighty Allah.d.a and b above through God's


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Questions, Iman, batch #2 18

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Who wished to make man on earth?

a.The Prophets.b.Mother nature.c.Almighty Allah.d.All the above.

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Questions, Iman, batch #2 19

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Who accepts the Will of Almighty Allah?

a.A true believer.b.a above + in Islam.c.Atheist.d.Ahlul-Kitab.

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Questions, Iman, batch #2 20

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Who bows to the Will of Almighty Allah?

a.A true Muslim believer.b.Anybody.c.Atheists.d.All the above.

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Questions, Iman, batch #2 21

Click for the answerHow is our knowledge

compared to that of Almighty Allah?

a.Infinitesimal.b.Large enough.c.Fair in size.d.The same.

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Questions, Iman, batch #2 22

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Who knows what is in our minds?

a.Our mothers.b.Our fathers.c.Only our Lord, Almighty Allah.d.All the above.

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Questions, Iman, batch #2 23

Click for the answerDoes Almighty Allah hear our

prayers and respond to them if He so wishes?

a.Only sometimes.b.Of course He does, all the time.c.Yes, when He wants to.d.All the above.

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Questions, Iman, batch #2 24

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Can we hide from Almighty Allah?

a.Sure we can.b.No, we cannot.c.We can sometimes.d.All the above.

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Questions, Iman, batch #2 25

Click for the answerCan we do sneaky things

without Almighty Allah seeing us?

a.Yes.b.Not at all.c.Sometimes.d.If we hide them well.

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Questions, Iman, batch #2 26

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How close is Almighty Allah to us?

a.As close as ourselves to ourselves.b.Close enough.c.Around us.d.At a distance.

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Questions, Iman, batch #2 27

Click for the answerWhat happened to Prophet

Musa when he wanted to see Almighty Allah?

a.Couldn't, he fainted.b.a above + the intensity of the

moment was too much.c.a and b above.d.He saw God for ten minutes only.

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Questions, Iman, batch #2 28

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Does Almighty Allah speak to us?

a.Yes He does in an indirect way.b.Yes directly.c.No.d.Only when we want to.

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Questions, Iman, batch #2 29

Click for the answerDoes Almighty Allah have a

tongue and a mouth like ours?

a.Probably.b.No, because His essence is

different.c.Yes.d.All the above.

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Questions, Iman, batch #2 30

Click for the answerDid Almighty Allah speak to

one of the Prophets? Who was it?

a.Muhammad (pbuh) during Mi'raaj.b.Musa (Moses).c.a and b above.d.Isa (Jesus) and Ibrahim (Abraham).

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Questions, Iman, batch #2 31

Click for the answerWhich angel did speak to the

Prophets on behalf of Almighty Allah?


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Questions, Iman, batch #2 32

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What are the attributes of Almighty Allah?

a.They are His Sublime Qualities.b.They are thirteen in number.c.There are some that He cannot be.d.All the above.

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Questions, Iman, batch #2 33

Click for the answer

There are thirteen attributes of Almighty Allah, name five.

a.Eternal, Non-changeable, Self-sustaining.

b.See, Hear, Speak without eyes, ears or mouth.

c.Has the Will, Power, and Knowledge.

d.All the above + Capability.

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Questions, Iman, batch #2 34

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Who is Shaitan?

a.An angel who disobeyed Allah.b.A jinn who defied Allah.c.A jinn within us.d.The good Iblees.

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Was Shaitan an angel or was he a Jin?

a.A jinn.b.Partly jinn, partly angel.c.An angel.d.None of the above.

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Questions, Iman, batch #2 36

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Why did the Shaitan defy Almighty Allah?

a.He was too conceited.b.He thought he was better than

Adam.c.He thought he was playing it

smart.d.a and b above.

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Questions, Iman, batch #2 37

Click for the answerThe Shaitan was with the angels

when Allah ordered everyone to bow to Prophet Adam. Why did Shaitan disobey the Order?

a.He thought he was superior to Adam.

b.He had too much self-pride.c.He felt his self-pride was bigger

than disobeying God.d.All the above.

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Questions, Iman, batch #2 38

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Is the Shaitan bad or good to us?

a.Very bad.b.The worst enemy.c.Not so bad at times.d.Maybe bad some of the time.

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Who will fool us all the time?

a.Our own self.b.Shaitan in the first place.c.Our friends.d.All the above.

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Who tempted Adam and Eve?

a.Shaitan and themselves.b.Only Shaitan.c.Adam and Eve themselves.d.All the above.

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Questions, Iman, batch #2 41

Click for the answerDoes Shaitan want us to be

bad, mean and use bad language?

a.Yes, because he wants us to defy Allah.

b.Yes, sometimes.c.Yes, most of the time.d.No.

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End of quiz

a. You may go for the next set of questions about Iman or

b. You may choose another topicc. Thank you and May Allah bless
