parasitology done

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Post on 07-Jul-2018




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  • 8/18/2019 Parasitology Done



    The egg on the left was found in the feces of an individual that

    recently arrived from Puerto Rico. The egg measured about 52

    micrometers long x 22 micrometers

    wide. What species does it


    The eggs of Trichuris (Trichocephalus)

    trichiura are very distinctive with the

    smooth wall and bipolar plugs

    The worm was found attached to the wall of the small intestine of

    a patient undergoing intestinal surgery for another matter. !ou are

    viewing the buccal cavity of the parasite. What species does it


    Ancylostoma duodenale.. Note the large, ventral cutting teeth (top)

     The eggs on the left were found using the scotch tape test on a

    " year old #lorida boy visiting relatives in $ansas. The eggs

    measured about 55

    micrometers long x 25

    micrometers wide. What

    species does it represent

    Enterobius vermicularis. Theeggs of Enterobius vermicularis

    (and Enterobius gregori) are

    smooth and slightly flattened along one side.

     The microfilaria on the left was seen

    in a blood smear of a graduate

    student native to %frica. !ou note that

    it is sheathed& fails to possess tail

    nuclei& and measures about 2'(

    micrometers in length by ).5

    micrometers in width in the fixed

    smear. What species does it represent

    Wuchereria bancrofti. os!uitos are the


     The egg on the left was found

    in the feces of a *anhattan&

    $ansas resident. % friend of 

    yours sent you the fecal samplegratis +yes& this happens often

    when you are a parasitologist,.

    The egg measured about -5

    micrometers long x -(

    micrometers wide. What species

    is represented

    Ascaris lumbricoides. This is a corticated,viable egg that simply

    has odd, lumpy pro"ections of the outer protein coat.

    The egg on the left was found in the

    feces of a ' year old $ansas /tate

    0niversity student who hails from

    %labama. The egg measured about 1(micrometers long x ) micrometers

    wide. What species does it represent

     Necator americanus. Eggs of

    Ancylostoma duodenale tend to beslightly shorter and less elongate, but in

    reality the eggs of the two are very difficult to tell apart. Necator

    americanus is far more common in North America than

     The worm on the left waspassed in the stool of a "

    year old child. 3t measured

    ( mm in length. What

    species does it represent

    Enterobius vermicularis. #emale Enterobius vermicularis andEnterobius gregori are impossible to distinguish.Note the distinct

     posterior esophageal bulb and attenuated tail of this female worm.

    The worm on the left was passed in the

    stool of a small child in *anhattan& $ansas

    in '"". The entire worm measured about

    2 cm +' inches, in length. What species is


    Ascaris lumbricoides. This female roundwormwas indeed passed by a child in anhattan,

    $% and is typical of the truly large si&e of the

    adult female ascarid.

     The egg on the left was found in the

    feces of an individual returning from

    4olivia after a 2 month research field

    trip. The egg measured about '(

    micrometers in length x -5

    micrometers in width. What species

    does it represent

    Ascaris lumbricoides. This is anunfertili&ed egg' the outer surface is oddly mammillated to a degree so that the

    surface is lumpier than the fertili&ed egg. The inner embryonic layers are

    lacing so that the cytoplasm inside is highly disorgani&ed.

     The egg on the left was found in

    the feces of a college professor in

    *anhattan& $ansas. The egg

    measured about "( micrometers

    in length x -5 micrometers in

    width. What species does it


    Ascaris lumbricoides. This is afertili&ed egg' the outer surface is

    mammillated and the cytoplasm

    within enclosed by distinct membranes.

    The egg on the left was found in the fecesof a young girl in *anhattan& $ansas.

    ther eggs with thic6er& more mammilated

    walls and of similar si7e were noted. The

    egg measured about "( micrometers in

    length x -5 micrometers in width. What

    species does it represent

    Ascaris lumbricoides. This is a fertili&ed egg'

    the outer mammillated surface has been

    stripped away which occasionally occurs.

    This woman is suffering from whatparasitic condition resulting in the

    swelling of the lower extremities as


    Elephantiasis. Wuchereria bancrofti, a

    lymphatic filarid, is the principle agent that

    initiates chronic elephantiasis below thewaist. The swelling is due (primarily) to

    chronic fibrosis over many years.


  • 8/18/2019 Parasitology Done


     The worm onthe left was

    one of several

    passed in the

    stool of a *anhattan resident following antiparasitic therapy.

    The worm measured nearly ) cm +1 inches, in length. What

    species is represented

    Ascaris lumbricoides. This worm was passed in *++ by a

    anhattan resident and is a male, as noted by the hooed tail.

     The photograph on the left is a s8uashpreparation from s6eletal muscle tissue. What

    species does it represent

    Trichinella spiralis. The first stage larvae born to

    females in the intestine mae their way to seletalmuscle tissue. ere, they become encapsulated in

    muscle fibers as shown. -ene epression in the

    host cell becomes modified so that the muscle cell

     becomes what is termed a nurse cell, whichsupports the dormant larva.

     The egg on the leftwas found in a fecal

    flotation from a '

    year old boy. 3t

    measured about "(

    micrometers in

    length by (

    micrometers in width. What species does it


    Enterobius vermicularis. Note that the egg is partially

    embryonated and is slightly flattened along one side.

     The larvae on the left was passed in thestool of a -) year old 9ietnam veteran.

    3t measured about (( micrometers in

    length. *any other identical larvae

    were also present& and even a few

    elongate& slender female worms

    measuring about 2.5 mm in length were

    noted. What species does it represent

    %trongyloides stercoralis. although other less commonly seen members of the genus

    also infect humans. The rhabditiform larvae in the feces are diagnostic, and adults are

    occasionally seen. /ecause infections can be autoinfective, larvae may occasionally

     be seen in the sputum and urine.

    The worm on the left was one of many foundembedded in the prolapsed rectum of a ' year old

    Puerto Rican child visiting relatives in $ansas. 3t

    measured -5 mm long. What species does it

    represent Trichuris trichiura.. Whipworms are !uitecommon in warm, moist climates. eavyinfections may

    result in prolapsed rectum, finger clubbing, and growth

    retardation in children. The more slender end is the

    anterior end which threads itself into the intestinal wall'

    the larger end contains the reproductive organs. This is a female worm.

     The worm on the left was foundattached to the wall of the small

    intestine of an individual during

    autopsy. The worm is an

    incidental finding only. !ou are

    viewing the buccal cavity of the

    parasite. What species does it


     Necator americanus.. Necator

    americanus has ventral cutting plates.

     The two eggs on the left are from a human stool specimen. The larger of the two eggs measures 15 micrometers

    long by -5 micrometers wide. %re they both from the same species of worm

    0es.. They are eggs of Ascaris lumbricoides. The egg on the far left lacs mammilations whereas the other egg is

    heavily mammilated. /oth may embryonate and become infective.

    :estodes ; Trematodes

    The adult

    trematode on

    the left was


    from the bile

    duct of a recent immigrant from

  • 8/18/2019 Parasitology Done


    The eggs on the left were

    found in the feces of a 2

    year graduate student who

    came here from Thailand.

    The eggs measured about

    5 micrometers in length.

    What species does it

    representTaenia sp.Eggs of Taenia saginatus tend to be slightly moreellipsoidal than those of Taenia solium, but in most cases one

    cannot really distinguish between the two

     The eggs on the left were

    found in the urine of a peace

    corp wor6er with hematuria

    and who had >ust returned

    after spending 2 years in

    =gypt. The eggs measured

    about "( micrometers long x

    "( micrometers wide. What species do they represent%chistosoma haematobium.The adult worms reside mainly in the veins ofthe urinary bladder pleus. Embryonated eggs, with a terminal spine, are

     passed with the urine.

     The egg on the left was found

    during a routine screen of the

    feces of a :hinese *icrobiology

    student. The egg measured about

    )( micrometers long x "(

    micrometers wide. What species

    does it represent

    %chistosoma "aponicum.The egg of 

    %chistosoma "aponicum is embryonated when passed in the fecesand possesses a tiny sublateral spine that can be easily seen only

    when the egg is in the correct orientation.

    The egg on the left was found in the

    feces of a Puerto Rican coed who

    was ta6ing a human parasitology

    course. The egg measured about "5

    micrometers long x 1( micrometers

    wide. What species does it


    %chistosoma mansoni.The eggs of

    %chistosoma mansoni are passed in the feces and have a large sublateralspine

    The worms at the left

    are those of


    mansoni. The male is

    holding the female in

    a longitudinal groove

    down his body. What

    is this groove called

    -ynecophoral canal

    The egg on the left was found in the

    sputum of an elderly $orean

    gentleman. The egg measured about

    )5 micrometers long x -)

    micrometers wide. What species does

    it represent

    6aragonimus westermani.0ou are

    correct. The 5nd intermediate host isusually a #W crab. Note the rim around the

    edge of the operculum (the shoulders)

     The egg on the left was found in

    the feces of a graduate student

    from Thailand. The egg

    measured about 2) micrometers

    long x " micrometers wide.

    What species does it represent

    1lonorchis sinensis.The eggs of

    1lonorchis (and some of the other bile duct flues, as well as some

    heterophyids) are small, passed embryonated, and have a tiny posterior nob that is sometimes present

    The proglottid on the left is one of a string

    passed by a student who returned from

    *adison& Wisconsin several months

    earlier. =ach proglottid measured slightly

    under cm in width. What species is


    7iphyllobothrium latum.%trings of

     proglottids are fre!uently passed in the feces

    of infectedindividuals. The dar structure in the middle of each proglottid is the

    rosette3shaped uterus filled with eggs.

     The parasite on the left was

    purged from the intestinal tract

    of a dog in *anhattan& $ansas.

    3t measured 1 mm in total

    length. %lthough this adult

    stage is not found in humans&

    the larval stages can be pathogenic. What species does it represent

    Echinococcus granulosus. umans may serve as intermediate hosts for theunilocular hydatid cyst.

    The tapeworm larval stage on the

    left is pinhead si7e& and was

    removed from a grasshopper in

    *anhattan& $ansas. What type of

    larval stage does it represent

    1ysticercoid.The cysticercoid is a

    solid3bodied larval stage that contains

    an invaginated scole.

    The photograph of the tapeworm scolex on the left represents which of the following species

    Taenia solium.The scole is from a newly ecysted cysticercus. Although not easily seen in this photograph, the

    scole possesses 5 rows of large hoos.


     The flagellates on the left were

    found in a vaginal smear of a

    female student +obviously, who

    complained of vaginitis. The

    tropho7oites measured about 25

    micrometers long x 1

    micrometers wide. What species do they represent Trichomonas vaginalis . This species inhabits the urogenital tract, often

    asymptomatic in males, and has + anterior flagella and a 8th that forms the

    undulating membrane. The end of the undulating membrane generally

    ends either at the tropho&oite, or slightly anterior to the midline.

     The fully sporulated oocyst on the left

    was from a population of oocysts found

    following a flotation of a stool from an

    %3?/ patient. ocysts averaged about

    ).- micrometers long x ".2 micrometers

    wide. What species is represented

    1ryptosporidium muris. 1ryptosporidium muris is a gastric form,somewhat larger than 1. parvum, and usually found in non3human

    hosts. To date, there are only a handful papers ever describing

    this parasite from humans, usually from 9: positive patients.

  • 8/18/2019 Parasitology Done



     parvum. ;ocysts of


    spp. stain reddish

    with the acid faststain.

  • 8/18/2019 Parasitology Done


    about "( micrometers in diameter. What species is


    Tooplasma gondii. The dar dots are the nuclei of the


    cramping. The cystBli6e stage shown measures about ( micrometers in

    length. What species is represented 9sospora belli. The elongate oocysts are

     passed unsporulated, and complete development eogenously

    The photograph on the left is from a fecal smear.

    The patient had periodic bouts of diarrhea. The

    parasite measures about 2 micrometers in

    length. What species is represented

    -iardia lamblia. -iardia lamblia (-iardiaintestinalis) is the only diplomonadid to occur inhumans.

    The photograph on the left is of a

    human blood smear. 4ased solely on

    the structure of the gametocytes& what

    species of malaria is represented

    6lasmodium falciparum. This species of malaria has characteristic banana3shapedgametocytes.

    The photograph on the left is an iron

    haematoxylin stained amoeba tropho7oite

    from a fecal smear. The patient had periodic

    bouts of diarrhea& abdominal cramping& and

    some blood in the stool. The parasite

    measures about 25 micrometers in length.

    What species is represented

    Entamoeba histolytica. Note that the endosome

    is relatively small and near centrally located.

    The photograph on the left is from a

    human fecal smear. The cyst

    measured about 55 micrometers in

    diameter. The patient had moderate

    diarrhea. What species is


    /alantidium coli. This ciliate has large cysts and tropho&oites, and

     possesses the large dumb3bell lie macronucleus as shown.

    The photograph on the left is from the heart muscle of a middleBaged 4ra7ilian man who diedsuddenly of heart failure. What species is represented

    Trypanosoma cru&i. The structure is a pseudocyst with amastigotes. The parasite is transmitted byreduviids.


    The insects on the left represent a

    nymph and adult of what type of


    eduviid. eduviids (Assassin

     bugs, issing bugs, cone3nosed

     bugs, etc.) tae blood meals and are

    the vectors of 1hagaBs disease. This particular species is a member of the genus Triatoma. 9f you wish to

    see additional images of reduviids, tag the tiny icon in the bottom right

    corner of the page.

    The insect to the left has found attached

    to pubic hair by a student in class.