paradise throne


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The poem and the preface accompanying that charge the papal antichrist


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Michael Bolerjack

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Paradise Throne and Preface to Paradise Throne

© 2012 Michael Bolerjack

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The world of the end is a strange place to live, but here we are, out of time.

The Book of Revelation was never understood because:

1) it did not apply to the Roman Empire,

2) it is written in signs and symbols, and is not literal,

3) it spoke of the future.

Now the problem is re-solved. Not Rome then, for Rome was not apocalyptically destroyed, but

converted. It is the trouble with Rome now that should concern us. I believe the writing of John

the Divine is the way that it is because the end of the world of which it speaks is not a literal end

of the world but a symbolic one. That the Church took over from the Jews the symbol of Israel,

calling itself the same, is a clue. What is said of Israel therefore applies to the Roman Church.

When Christ says that not one stone will be left atop another, He speaks then not only of the

Temple in Jerusalem, literally overthrown, but of the Church today, that may be destroyed. This

destruction, well under way, involves an attack on the virtues of faith and hope and love. Satan

and the Anti-Christ do not mean to lay waste cities and all nations, but the faith of Christians, all

believers. This can be done really though symbolically. Why would Satan wish to destroy a

world he in a way already controls? It is faith in Christ, and love itself, that he hates. As

deconstruction has shown, the best and perhaps only way to destroy a system is from within. And

we see much done in the Church recently that troubles us, from the condemnations of so-called

heretics to the problem of sex abuse. Besides this is the money, which the Vatican will not speak

of, but which some believe came from Hitler to be stored in Rome, after the fall of Berlin. What

we know is bad enough to cause much disquiet, but what we do not know will, I think, shake the

faith of many, who, as Christ warned, put faith in men and their traditions, rather than in God.

The attack by the recent Popes on the article of conscience decided by the Second Vatican

Council is clear, so no one can disagree with Rome and its teaching. Infallibility is the

foundation of error, to hide, not reveal, truths that Rome wants kept secret, like the death of John

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Paul I, or why as John Paul II took over he insisted “be not afraid.” Should we be? The time we

live in now has become a very meta-physically different type of time, the kind of time in which

the symbols of the Book of Revelation make sense. How you read it is up to you. But read it.

Read it in the Spirit, not the letter, as Paul says. Read it as addressed to the Church of today.

Keep in mind that God does not think as we do, since He came to save sinners, not the righteous.

As Moses said: Would that all God’s people were prophets. The word of God is thoroughly

prophetic, and the scholars who empty it of that dimension empty it of its primary meaning,

which is neither moral nor mystical, but rather eschatological, and is concerned with the

salvation of all, which depends on real and correct relationships with God, who must be known,

in some way, to be loved, believed and relied on in every end.

Nietzsche, who is a type of Anti-Christ, said he wished for a “Caesar with the soul of Christ.”

Derrida ends his Glas, the death knell of The Book, with words in reference to the perfecting of

the resemblance between Dionysus and Christ, and Dionysus was the end-point of the Anti-

Christian Nietzsche’s attempt to found a new religion. In other words, the two best known de-

constructionists were at work on a synthesis of Christians and non-Christians. That would seem

to be the path my book followed in the later stages, combining a dialectical method with

deconstructive insights held together in a catholic framework, for the reformation of both the

Church and the World, along the lines of a logic that accepts the contradictions it finds as

inevitable and not to be rejected, but having been placed here by God, to be incorporated into a

fuller, completed logic that accounts for the real and not just “paradoxical” things that conflict in

The Bible and in our experience. The idea has been that God does not think like we do, therefore

whatever the basic principle of our logic is, it must be ungodly. That would be the logic of

Aristotle, long the backbone of the catholic way of thinking. The problem I face at this late date

is how to distinguish the synthesis I have made in the name of the truth of Christ and the doctrine

of his Word from the anti-Christian deconstructionist attack on Christ that would violently yoke

Him with Caesar and Dionysus. If there is epicriticism, it is needed by me now the most. As for

the Caesar angle, the Roman popes have that covered, and have already, before there was

Nietzsche or any of his Lutheran fathers, combined a false Christ with a false Caesar, doubly

wrong. It may be that from the angle of Dionysus, the new age religions that reject Rome make a

similar error, and this includes a broad range of Christian churches who emphasize the

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resurrection without the passion and the cross. On the other hand, I try to stand firm in the

middle, as would, say, Aquinas, and hew to a course between the twin abysses I have named.

This is because I had the benefit in my catholic seminary of reading some Luther, as well as

Barth, and others, and many other writers on religion, east and west, and have kept as my guide

the word of God as it is revealed in The Bible, interpreted over the course of twenty years, within

the limits of what my conscience, which was formed relatively late in life, but which has come

fully to fruition, recommends. Now the conscience of the critic is the judgment that regulates the

genius, and I have in this regard been informed by many philosophers and thinkers, to the extent

that the system I hold in my work is, while not free from error, as the Roman, able to handle the

problems of the postmodern age, of which misreading and contamination in theory and practice

are fore-most. Nevertheless, it was only in the last year, as I turned my attention at last to the

apocalypse and its interpretation, that these things came into their true meaning as concerning the

end of the world, as it is called by most, that is, the final battle of good and evil.

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Paradise Throne

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The Coup Coda of the Cube kryptos kybos That throne will never be thrown by a pair of dice to say chanced hazarded gambled risked EXCEPT by a cube foreknown, predestined, planned, so w/o a chance, dicey LAUNCHED in eternal circumstances as written in the BOOK: It has already taken place: It is done: Finis: Consummatum est Though we thought it abyssal it was merely Ulysses in an eighteenth

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That number sums all anti- All anti-summation, is already summarized there in the

u l t r a s t r u c t u r e Of even a number, Of the number that is the enigma, The number of a person, And that to come, or as if to come,

Artless Ark, Breaking Bark, What would Peter and Paul do in the midst of such shipwreck? Jesus slept and said O ye of little faith! Should we do likewise?

The MASTER Has not lost his grip on the helm and the ship is not in danger…yet…what if the ship is lost Not foundered but unfounded, wrecked on the rock of the maker? Because thought to be Unshakeable, unjudgeable, w/o a One who would touch these my anointed prophets and WOULD THAT ALL GOD’S PEOPLE WERE PROPHETS Than profiteers,

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All is not vanity, That yes, yet, there be an All: We must still pull down, pull down our vanity, and on the humble rock reside OR COME TO GRIEF in the folds of


Which is the cubic mass of the volume or

the cubic volume of the mass,

[the see and the sea coincide in the shipwreck]

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AS IF TO BE A total count in the making of the anti-Christ, a totality w/o totalizer, the possibilities may be spelled in the alphanumeric that only became possible in the postmodernist era: THE SIX is a hex and a cube Hexagram: Solomon’s Seal Hexagram: Book of Changes CUBE: KAABA Which Islam turns around and faces, center of Mecca

Of course Not to pass over the obvious,


And around this square of Jews and Muslims and Chinese and all our


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The common denominator is the bias of the anti-

CHRIST Who will not allow the ultimate immemorial demon to de-throne PARADISE On a probability that it is a sin, so that it must be licit, for with God Only Certainty Will Do And in the eighteenth hour after dawn, after trial and crucifixion in the garden it is midnight and God walks and talks with His own: The PM was the wrath, postmodern, post-mortem, The AM is the mercy of the dawn and just before, FORGETTING RE- CONSTRUCTIONS For a leap of faith into a new world that was ordained prophetically

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Is not madness become you Is not evil that madness you ABOLITIONS ABSOLUTIONS The search for the absolute Is the search for the knowledge of, And the now forgotten SA

SAVIOR ABSOLUTE un-knowing neither SA nor DE

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As If As If Nothing will have taken Deconstruction’s place was D E R R I D A S A B S O L U T E But the deconstructed place

As If To Be Was silence while being is all meaningful speech and music W/O MERE NOISE/O WHITE NOISE/O THE PAGES W/O Except perhaps a constellation, a great cloud of witnesses: Virgins are not blanks, virgins indeed are signs not empty but full,

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But if the Cube is the Coup in the Coda, the final throw of evil at Armageddon, What of Benedict’s Conscience? On the One Hand: He completes the six sides with the six times six times six equals 216, Meaning 2+16, Meaning B+16 equals the POPE Or, He completes the six sides with six plus six plus six equals 18, Meaning 2+16, Meaning B+16 equals the POPE. On the Other Hand: What does John Paul 2 + Benedict 16 equal?

ALTAR AND SCRIPTURE The final sides of the cube, its top and bottom, They kiss it don’t they? and bury bones within …And placed a LIMIT ON INFINITY…it seemed as if… …It was the number in John’s Gospel when many walked away…

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yet It will have been therefore a Throw of Dice Not done in secret but by symbols obscured, Perhaps even John Paul II did not know that he was the one who was wounded, And to overcome the Left, leaned to the Right, the Roman Fascist Bias

CAESAR AND CHRIST Thus stood opposed, but the emperor, the pope, the magister, the oracle, infallible, the Supreme Pontiff, pagan priest, pontifex maximus, pronounced:

yes Every Caesar is opposed to Christ As Chance is to the one Certainty

THAT All Scripture Emits Paradise Throne.