palantec~ · 2013-12-13 · apoderado 0 su apoyo y prornetiendo que el asesinato de julio roldan...


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Page 1: PALANTEc~ · 2013-12-13 · apoderado 0 su apoyo y prornetiendo que el asesinato de Julio Roldan saria vengado. 0 iez mesas antes at PARTIDO de los YOUNG LORDS y la gente del Barrio




Page 2: PALANTEc~ · 2013-12-13 · apoderado 0 su apoyo y prornetiendo que el asesinato de Julio Roldan saria vengado. 0 iez mesas antes at PARTIDO de los YOUNG LORDS y la gente del Barrio

Ea,..,. in the .~ eobbW .... ~ .ewahned by the _hit ff·.,Julo's '** __ caltad out _ the ~: J~ on the ltQor. toJdus tltaU.t" !IW4' ~ _ .... · ..... in,....

hours Iater"'·ttceived Word .1 .. 1i .................. _ . • ••••

The belt he wasn't supposed to, or didn't have. -

No revolutionary hangs himself. No revolutionary kills himself. Julio was a revolutionary; he had been a member of MPI for ye3rs in Puerto 'Rico, and when he' came to this country he joined the YOUNG LORDS. He lived for his people, he Ijyed every day striving for a revolution: He loved life, he had no reason to die other than in battle for his people and his is/and. He lived his thirty-four years to the fullest - and he _ murdered.

Murdered by his prison guerdsl Murdered by a system that preY8n111d us

from bailing him out Unmediatley beeaIt. we didn'thlWe'anoui!h ~ .'

Murdered by. MaYor Lindsayis ' end ~iisiORer Mctiratffi neglect· Of .... prilOl1sl . . •.•

Mtndered like hundreds of other prisol18l'S 1Iave bean murderedl

Murdered by a capitalist society that has 'no respect for the lives of our peopIel

Julio _ just like any other brother who gets thrown into the priSOOL His death _ thllIIRe as all the other "so-called" hangings. The 011", dlfferenllebatwean his death end

~ btfIIrs_" ... '!t8tJt.~ II YOUNG l,.ORD, .• ~ the YU!ol.NG:~RDS f'ARTV wiII8IHIIIgI

bl$. death and the deaths of the otherL We wItf rip 1M rag off the eyas of justice, who is now blind. Our people mUst no longer ba blind to

• _ aJfferinv end torture in 1M prisons.

We know our people are JNfth UI1ft· ... struflllle. At Julio's funeral, 2.00t-:peopIe

'fOUI4G t.OROS. PARTY ,1M "fIlIjt'.P"... . Party, Puerto Ricin StudIInts u_ .:aU.,' W\lr K_, .,Ju~ latina and Los'Sidltda Ie

i Raza ...... his pallbaarers end honor ty8Ids. Our . people did not man:h IiIantly for a revolUtionary is never silencad, 8IIen, in death. The revolution cor\tinuas, end ou~' oemtit:lue in the strUggle. We have' now "'t f)Ower ,*,Ind the words ''DeIpierta Iloricua, Defienda 1,.0Tuyo."tPuarto RicanJ.Awake, Defanct.~:s ~~£..death~_ us:alt forward- toJiI8Itk. the • rlbeNltiOa of Puerto Rico. ..Julio',' death wJfl move. us towards the IiberI!tion of an the ~jn amerIkkka's jailL . . '. .

Page 3: PALANTEc~ · 2013-12-13 · apoderado 0 su apoyo y prornetiendo que el asesinato de Julio Roldan saria vengado. 0 iez mesas antes at PARTIDO de los YOUNG LORDS y la gente del Barrio




Page 4: PALANTEc~ · 2013-12-13 · apoderado 0 su apoyo y prornetiendo que el asesinato de Julio Roldan saria vengado. 0 iez mesas antes at PARTIDO de los YOUNG LORDS y la gente del Barrio



Hundreds of people rushed throu~ the doors of the People's Church on Sunday night. October 18. Over a thousand others stood outside waving Puerto R iean flags. chanting their support. and promising that the murder of Julio Roldan would be avenged. Ten months before, the YOUNG LORDS PARTY and the people of EI Bal'rio had taken

:v:.u~_;;;;::th~"'t:~~~;0' we wwen't leavi,. r,~nds would be met. This . , 4lI'I'I18d.

Everyone is dissatisfied with the official reports given by the Department of Corrections on the number of Puerto Ricans found cIe8d in their cells in recent yearL But avery attempt to irwestlgate the prison system hes been turned down. Our people are arrested on phoney cherges. held on high bails (which only the rich cen PIV', and are beatan and murdered in their ceits. In taking the church. we ~ out this situation; and we made these two demands:

1) That the Methodist Church and other churches liVe a $150.000 grant to the YOUNG LORDS PARTY 10 that we cen set up a legal cIat'1InIe center for the community in the PeopIe's Church.

2) That the city immediately allow the ..... to ~ the conditions of the priIon system. ..... Iy the murden of Julio Roldan, .... '-' and tht8e of the ..... tiator. lit the 0ueaM Hou. of Detention ........... __ 1.,

. A • .,..... V.... pIitor of the People', ~~~ the probIemt of __ .. nity IIId ...... that he opaIIS

the church .. the ...... nity and enctor.. our demandL Lawyen, lew students.

community people, and members of the PARTY have already set up the Julio Roldan

People', Defen. Center. We ask that the families of. people in

prisons or det8ntion centers Come in IIId tIve UI information about the, ......... of theIJ relatives in prison 10 that we cen docunalt their _ in order .. brint pressure egeinst the prison systam and get information from the ou~ in to them. We allO want to

document the cases of all brothers and sisters who have been in prison and have experienced

police brutelity. The Julio Roldan People's o.r-aC8n4IM

wila1so _offering draft CGUnIIIIing .. __

brothers who don't want .. go into the army. In Puerto Rico. not have to.",e in the army ..... a SII'OIIt ... hes been made In the courts and a SII'OIIt eftti.dreft ~ hes daveloped. We are trying to do the same thing here. We will also be giving out information about Puerto Ricans who have been jailed here in _ikkka for fighfing in the liberation struggle: Carlos Fellclano. George Robles, o..r CoIhIzo,cMartin Sostre. Lolita Lebron; and we will be IIIttIng up a comrnm. of people from the community to educate people about tt.. _,and to raIte money for their defense.

F !nally, we will be setting uti' e community bail fund, ~1iI we know that most of our people cennot afford to beil their reletives out of jaiL

We have liberated the PeopIe~s . .church agein, and this time,.,. are,armed. We knOW that our dernands' ... ~. becaute'...,·, , corne out of the needs of our people. Puerto Ricans and BIackJ must ...... _0:

~tionary structure te help them~p 'this corrupt and racist prison system. We .... , .anned ... we lliwe - ~. tb(l pet nmint won't hesitate to kill ~: ", Ricans f~ fer theit rightL We ~~~~ • becau. ,.,. must ,d8fencI euneTves. and we advi. all Puerto Ricans and Third World people to begin preparing for tIteir cIat'1InIe', The u.s. government is killing us. and now we must defend ourselves or die as a nation.


Richie Perez Information Captain YOUNG LORDS PARTY

Page 5: PALANTEc~ · 2013-12-13 · apoderado 0 su apoyo y prornetiendo que el asesinato de Julio Roldan saria vengado. 0 iez mesas antes at PARTIDO de los YOUNG LORDS y la gente del Barrio

",-_._8_I,' .. nt«;,

PEOPLE'S DEFENSE IN PEOPLIi'S OHUROH Cientos de personas entraron

entusiesrnadas par las puertas de fa Iglesia de fa Gente el domingo 18 de Octubre por la noche. Mas de mil personas sa quedaron afuera ondeando banderas Puertorriquenas, apoderado 0 su apoyo y prornetiendo que el asasinato de Julio Roldan saria vengado. Diez mesas antes el PARTIDO de los YOUNG LOHDS y la gente del Barrio sa habian apoderado 0 su apoyo y prornetiendo que el asesinato de Julio Roldan saria vengado. 0 iez mesas antes at PARTIDO de los YOUNG LORDS y la gente del Barrio se habian apoderado de la iglesia en la calle 111 y la avenida Lexington. Pero esta vez tue diterente. Esta vez no ibamos a dejarla. Esta vez nuestras demandas sarian oidas. Esta vez estabamos armadas.

Nadie esta satisfecho con los reportes oticiales dados por el departamento de correccion del numero de Puertorriquenos encontrados muertos en su 5 celdas en los recientet'anos. Pero todo intento de investigar el sistema de prisiones ha sido rechazado, Nuestra gente ha sido arrestada con cargos estupidos. puestos bajo fianzas altas (que solo gente rica puede pagar) y han sido golpeados y asesinados en sus celdas.

AI apoderarnos de la iglesla. tel1lendo en Client;) esta slwaciOn, 11050trO$ hicilnos estas dos demandas: 1) Que la iglesie Metodista y otrtil.i\llesias"donen.$lSfMKlOal'f'ARTIDOc/e'· ios~~PPtir'lipoal!r "efu"pi!Zitl<tin centro de detensa legal para la comunidad en la Iglesia de la Gente. 2) Que la ciudad immediatamente de permiso al clero para investigar las condiciones del sistema de fas prisiones, especialmente los asasinatos de Julio Roldan, Jose Perez y de tres de los negociadores en la casa de detencion de

Oueens el primero de octubre. EI Reverendo Velazquez, pastor de la

Iglesia de la Gente, reconoce los problemas de nuestra comunidad y ha dicho que eI esta dispuesto a abrir las puertas de la iglesia a la

Finalmente formaremos un fondo de fianzas para fa comunidad, parcjue sabemos que fa mayoria de nuestra gente no puede pagar las fianzas pera sacar a su s familiares de

comunidad y que respalda nuestras demendas. la carcel. Hernos liberado de nuevo la Iglesia Abofiedos, estudiantes de leyes, gente de la de la Gante, y esta VIZ estamos I!IlIladOs. comunidad y miembros del PARTIDO de los Sabemos que nuestras dernandas son justas YOUNG LORDS han organizado ya el Julio porque vienan de las necesidades de nuestra Roldan Centro de Defensa del Pueblo. gente. Puertorriquenos y Negro' deben terIIr

Pedimos a las familias de personas en una estructurB h'lVotucionaria que los 'ayude prisiones 0 en centros de detencion que en su bataUa an cdirtra de este corrupto y vengan y nos den informacion acerca de las racista sisterne de txisiones.'Nosotros estamos condiciones de sus familiares en las prisiones armadas porque hemas vista que et !obierno para que nosotros podamos documentar sus no pensara mucho antes de matar mas casos para poner presion contra at sistema de Puertoaiquenos que estan lUchando por sus las prisiones y para poder hacerles lIegar derechos. infor",lacion desde clJfller,a ~,ellos ""ti7Ql I ' <..,EstamQs a

,Tamblen cpMfemot ~ ....... " .... ~w.f •• 1, 0" til .... hermanos y. hermanes . ~ en .totfbs prision y lIan

Page 6: PALANTEc~ · 2013-12-13 · apoderado 0 su apoyo y prornetiendo que el asesinato de Julio Roldan saria vengado. 0 iez mesas antes at PARTIDO de los YOUNG LORDS y la gente del Barrio

On October 30 of this year, the YOUNG LORDS PARTY will go to the united nations to present the case of the Puerto Rican Nation. We will be there along with thousends of friends for Puerto Rica1 Liberetion.

Why should we gI) _-. ... "1 lepuse the u.n. is iupposed 'to -bi'tfMt' highest intarnetionel authority, end the fact that Puerto Rico .. a colony of the uni1ad statas is an imBr~ proti/em, not a lOcal one. The u.n. outlawed soIonies many v-s ego, and ordered all' nations to release their colonies. The uni1ad statas still openly owns Puerto Rico, by regulating our trade, economy, POlltlca.sociaI J1andards, culture, language, and~ educ:atiort. :There is not a _t of a Puerto' Rican's lift that is not controlled in sOme way by amerikkkL We _ a people. Wiler. a natIOn. W. have earned this .. a fact .of 'our opprasion.We have many things in common, but what binds us is the daily battle for survival we wage aliainst the united statas, against the low wages, against the racism, against the fatal abortions. against the rats, and against the polica. We have outlasted the ..... iard$, and now we struggle against the an.ikkkans.

The U.s.a. tries tit say that the "Puerto R_ .ProbIem" is a local issue, like Ii city ...... ~ .... ~.,... or how -.y ~ •• __ ~.""'Thilsis. tr. w.".,~~. we_ Puerto RiI:ImI. ~ two .,. incOmpatIble. There is no tUeh thing 1$ a Puerto Rican-amerikkkan. Ariyone who says they .,. Puerto R ican-gringos .,. fools living in a world of fantasy. Ain' .. no piece of paper can make a Jpic a yanqui.

Tbe colonization of Puerto Rico is an inwmat~I~.~acow~,ourca. must be heard before the u.n. ~ a people of coWr. we .,. part of the Third World Family· Latinos, Blecks. Indians. and ~s . What does this maan1 It means that going into the

_II a servica and killing Vietnamese is like killing your mother. It means that anything that goes down between oursalves and the united states should be treated .. a relationship between one nation and another. It means that being drafted for Puerto Ricans is the same .. the U.s. drafting a cat from Bangkok. India. It means that being put in a U.s. jail is like snatching someone from Ghana in Africa and putting them in the jOint hare. It means that the Puerto Rican nation has a right to datermine its own destiny.

The first point of the YOUNG LORDS PARTY 13 Point Program states. "WE WANT SELF·DETERMINATION FOR PUERTO RICANS .- LIBERATION ON THE ISLAND AND INSIDE THE united sta.". The island of Puerto Rico must be sat free of outside rule. and we must eliminate 'the capitalists. the businessman, and politicians from our midst. We must live in a socialist society, a sharing, people society, if we want peace. All revolutions have been based on land. Zapata fought for land. Jefferson· fought for land. Land is the base on which people build, and Borinquen is our base.

From Borinquan, we moved to the u.s.. where there is no defined land. except the ghettoes we have been thrown in. So in the unH8d statas wewillt\llm .. with our frilnds all OIl« the co.mtry"to1Irtlllfslo_1hose Who have power now. In the"' .... wherever a spIc stands. 1Iaeos. sits. or shits. she or he is ()JJpreSai. Right on the spot, at that _to we _ being colonized. Therefore. we must all fight from that spot. In the IIni1ad states as on the island we must struggle for liberation.

We must struggle for Puerto Rico end against the united states.

We must struggle for freedom for those of us in the meximum security cells( as opposed to the minimum security cells. the streets ) end in the armed serv icas, ind against wardens. polica. drill instructors, ganarels,


politiCians, businessmen, and commi~ We must struggle for healthy, secure lives

and against genocide. We must struggle for international peace

and against U.s. imperialiSOl and war. We must demand this at the u.n. on

October 30. Next year may be too late.


Pablo "Yorube" Guzman Minister of Information YOUNG LORDS PARTY

EI 30 de octubre de este ano, el PARTIDO de WI YOUNG LORDS ira a las Naciones Unidas a prasentar 81 C8SO de la nacion Puertorriquena. Nosotros estaremos alii junto con mileS de amigos de Ia lucha par la liberecion de Puerto Rico.

Porque vamos a I .. Naciones Unidas? Porque 1 ... NacionIS Unldas este SUpueste

a ser ....... autoridacl """'lIlIIlo .. af,e1 hecho .que~ ~ ~ _una ~de los euados unidos 1$ lin ~ internacionel. no lin problema tocal Las' NaciOnes Unldas decIarO 'ilegales IeS Colonies hace m&(chos anos y pidio que todos WI paiIes libertaran a SUI cownias. Los estados unidos sigue todavia abiartamente teniendo a Puerto ~ Rico como colonia, controlendo nuestro comarcio. economia. nuestro sistema politico, social, nuestra cultura, Ianguaje y educacion. No hay un momenta de 18 vida

. Puertorriquena que no este de aIgun modo


Page 7: PALANTEc~ · 2013-12-13 · apoderado 0 su apoyo y prornetiendo que el asesinato de Julio Roldan saria vengado. 0 iez mesas antes at PARTIDO de los YOUNG LORDS y la gente del Barrio

Oc;tubre 30 eI vigesino aniverserio de Ia ravuelte en Jayuya. Ese dia las fuerzas armadas del Partido Nacionalista dirigio un levantamiento an Jayuya. Lares, Utuado, Ponce, San Juan, Arecibo y otros pueblos. Pocas personas conocen Ia verdadera historia de la revuelta. .J. ibros de historia norteamericanos sobre Puerto Rico, casi no mencionan la revuelta.

Casi todos los hombres y la mujeras que dirigieron la ravolucion acaban de salir de la carcel y por supuesto no han podido escribir nada sobre la revuelte. Los ~icanos quieran mantenernos con una mantalidad de escIavos y por eso traten de esconder nuestra historia. de serluchadores por la libertad, personificada an Betences y Lares, Don Padro y Jllyuya.

sabia que no podieh genar. Tambien sabia que era major morir peleando que vivir como eslavos. Pues entonces dio la orden de que el manes 30 de octubre, al las doce del medio dia, empezara la revuelta.

Las fuerzas armadas del Partido estaban dirigidas por Don Juan Jaca, EI plan era que cada junta en cada pueblo atacaria los precintos de policias y apoderarse de las armas en BUos, y despues ir a Utuado donde eI ejercito se reuniria a empezar la guerra de guerrilles an el centro della isla. Unos dias antes de la ravuelta, Don Juan Jaca habia visitado personalmanta aquellos militantes an que mas confiaba diciendoles del plan. En San . J u a n las fuerzas fueron dirigidas por

QUE VIVA JAYUYA! Juan Gonzalez Ministrode Defansa PARTlpO DE l.ORDS


Cuando miembros de los YOUNG LORDS van a Puerto Rico siempre habIamos con aqueIIos patriotes del Partido Nacionelista que enos atres levimtaron las armes contra el Irwasor norteemericano yanqui, VisitamoS sus casas. oimos las historias de SUI movirnientos y aprendimos de e1Ios. Ali fua que pudlrnos

Raymundo Pachaco un gran y valiente 50 ......... polk' •• , _ ........ "'-""" ........ ,..w.. revolucionario Puertorriqueno. Pero uno de :=..: -:: :'::"i:' ::w..~ ,i.";;:' := t =: los miembros que esteba supuesto a esconder ...... _10 .......... RIc ..

TRIUNFO EFIMERO: En JaYuy,. Bit pueblo do la atODlaia, J .. revoludolllir'os naeionan.ta. • .... tuvlerOD un triaBI. dimer. eu.ndo I.Cur .. apocierane de] pueblo. Ifl«. de .taear el eURr­tel de 18 Polleia e hlet'ndiaT otr05 edttieios pii­bUeos y privados4 Fuetzas de 18 Guardia Nael ... Dal recobraron eJ potier al die sleuiente. y de.,. volvieroD Ie traatiuUidad a 18 dudadani ••

las ermas. se deseparecio eI dia antes. y se las lIavo. Cuando los 600 hombres asignados a atacar Ia forteleza llegaron a una plaza en el pueblo, no encontl"erOn armas. pronto fueron amtlIf8dos. Encoqtnn:klse tin tasperdidas ~~I IIlId' ..... · ........... forteleza donde m...--.

En Jayuya. Blanca Canales dirigio el ataque alprecinto. Los ravolucionarios genaron ligerarnente, y sa movieron hacia UtuaEn Arecibo Jaca tenia su grupo mayor y sus major en1renados hombres en el Partido. Llevo la mayoria a Utuado para particlpar en eI ataqlle de m.ctiodia. Solo dejos unos cuantos hombres para atacer el precinto en Arecibo. Pero el lider politico de Ia junta en Aracibo sa puso narvioso y empezo el ataque muy temprano. Sa puso en panico por unos cuantos policias y ataco a las diez an vez de la doce. Fueron derrotados inmediatamante y el gobierno de la isla supo anseguida que un ataque sa esteba empezando por toda la isla.

Soldados fueron movilizados, cuando las fuerzas de los otros pueblos empezaron el ataqlle, el gobierno estaba preparado. Solo en Jayuya tuvo exito eI ataqu8,. ~ Y sus

raconstruir la historia de la revuelte del 1950 .. hombres ounce lIegaron porque Utuado de aquellos que participeron y vivieron an estaba ~edeado. EI Y sus hombres se e/la. Algunos de los datos quizas no son escondieron en las montalljlS por unos CIIantos completamante correctOs porque vienen de Ia dias y por fin. sa entl}llllll'on: .• memoria de muchos.individuos •• pero son La r~iue~erH.nos~ies major que ninguna historia. Hesta que sa y mas dti 2.00q./ N~ . fIirOn . ascriba una verdadera historia del Partido arrestados. Mumos ",*on lfevados a juciO$ y Nacionalista, tenemos que apr8nder de los sentenciados a 300 Y. 400 anos de carcel La nacionalistas mlsmos. Los nacionalistas sa mayoria fueron soItados an 1111970 despues de andaban armando y preperandose por muchos 20 enos d.e carceI. Vienta anos de ser anos. Pleneaban empezar Ia revolucion en el prisioneros de guerra. Y hoy en die, genta an 1952. Munoz \ Marin y sus patrones el movimiento sa quejan cuando ·alguien as norteamericanos tenian agentes en el Partido. sententiado a uno 0 dos anos de carceI. En el 1950, Marin empezo a. arrester Cojamos ejemplo de verdaderos nacionelistas por toda Ie isla. Cuendo Don revoluciona'rios, los del Partido Nacionalista, Pedro oyo de kis arrestos, sa decidio, si eI quienes unico prin.cipio era • LA PATRIA ES gobierno iba a arrester, 811Carce1ar, Y a mater a \I ~LOR Y sACRIFICIO.


October 30th ~ the- twIIrttiedI anniversary of the rawoIt of Jayuya. On dtet clay, the armed fOl'f:tlqfthe ~ Per1y. lid.............··,., Juan;Anlcibo, and' ~4" .' people know the real story of tit revolt. Arnerikkkan history books of Puerto Rico hardly mention it.

Most of the man and women who led the­revolution just came out of jail, so that they havan't written anything about it yet. The amerikkkans try to hide our history 1)f fighting for freedom, of EI Grito de Lares and Betances. of Jayuya and Don Pedro Albizu Campos. because they want to keep us with our slave mantality.

When we from the YOUNG LORDS PARTY go to Puarto Rico, we always got to visit thosa patriots from the Nationalist Party who years ago picked up the gun against the yanqui. We visit their homes, listan to them tell us stories of their movement, learn from them. Thet is how we pieaad together thi$ story, PI.lba 1III/Qlt.of 1""'-:-fr:_"~ participated and those who lived in it. ScMne of the facts may not be accurate; since UIey are from the of mallY,peopIe,Jmt they are at all. Until a true . Part¥· R

the Natton8Iists

preparing and arming ~" years. They ... planning to _ the reDlution· in 1962. Munoz Marin and hR amerikkkan bosses Jiad agents in the party. In 11!J5O, Marin began to arrest "'Nationalists all over the island. When


Page 8: PALANTEc~ · 2013-12-13 · apoderado 0 su apoyo y prornetiendo que el asesinato de Julio Roldan saria vengado. 0 iez mesas antes at PARTIDO de los YOUNG LORDS y la gente del Barrio

f1£SSAQ£ F~Of1 A R£t;oLlIT'ONA~Y QOf1PANt~A :

I address myself to the members of the YOUNG LORDS PARTY and to all Puerto Rican, Latin America!,1,. North A~ican patriotic organizations Of N4ijly o~ in short, to all men and women in the new struggle for people's liberation who have made the Independence of Puerto Rico their cause, and who will unite in front of the United Nations building the 30th of October to demand the irAinedlete withdrawal of the yanqui invading forces from our land and the recognition of Puerto Rico as a sovereign and· Independent I1IItioA.

J -.d you my most c:ormal meisage of tra18mity and -\imi1ude on behalf of the heedom Iovlrig people of Puerto Rico, who On that· same . day of October 30th will be gatfIer8d totether solemnly in a National AsiembJv in the town of Jayuya to proclaim and reaffirm the validity of the cry for liberty that we uttered In those mounteins on October 30, 1960, exactly 20 years ago.

That 30th of October a general uprising 1O()Ic piaca in the who ... island. There were shoot-out battles in the barrio Macena of PenueIat, in Utuedo, Ponce, Arecibo and in front of '" . - offiCial nisIcleIICi Of

.. .~ 'It",",

.·W •• ·$wr\ ~. ... own headqu_l, te1:tIng to the city hat! and the federal offfces of the u;a.; that 11, the post offica and tile army recruiting office (which at thet tima was recruiting Puet'to R ice", to serve as cannon fodder in Korea). The municipality of jayuya was under the po_ of the revolutionaries for three days, under the c;ommand of Elio Torrasole. Elio is the brother of our martyr, Grlselio T orresola,

.. who feU November 1st in front of Blair House in Washington when as a participant in this nIVOIution he want with Oscar Collazo to shoot the president of the u.s.

'n Jayuya, the u;a. flajl$ were lowered'

from all the public buildings for three days and the Puerto Rican flag was raised in a building in the center of the town from where we illlUed OIH' freedom fII'OC'amation with the cry of VIVA PUERTO RICO LlBRE! '

The lackey government of the colony under the command of the traitor Munoz Marin mobilized the pigs, the badly namad National Guard, and launched it against Jayuya, occupying the town after having bombed and strafted it from its planes. Our people overcome, the leckeys at the service of YlllVJli imperialism handed over the control

'of the town to the insular, federal, and lnurikfpal functfOneries In a publIC ceremony.

This ceremony which Was Photographed by the newspapermen is the tacit reminder that our pciople proclelined their independence for­three days and that it repudiated the intervention of the u;a. in our fatherland.

This struggle of 1960 waS nurtured with the blood of our purest men. Once more the sacrifice of our martyrs. consecrated our sovereignty; for in that glorious step we reeffirined our desire to be free, continuing the chronolgy· of our independent republic began in Lares.

The 1 ....... '11on of .~ftIIIe ...... ,,7

namas-th8 lest one, tI1e'so-caIled "free associated state." This intervention has been fought against in whatever form this island has been abIa to, 'this small island that hes known how to rise up, especially in the last 40 years under the inspiration of the hero and teacher Don Pedro Albizu Campos. Puerto Rico has kept up 8 _ for its liberation from the first encounter in 1932 In which Rafael Manuel Suarez Diaz offered his life on the stairs to the capitol building to the recent death of another student, Antonia Mertinez, who less than a yaar ago fell, beaten down by the imperialist's bullets in the University in Rio Piedras, and the burning of the 2000 draft cards in Lares on September 23. The

struggle has had many martyrs and hundreds of Puerto Ricans have suffered imprisonment, which demonstrates our unbeatable determination to reestablish the independellCe of Puerto Rico which was proclelmed in Lares andJayuya.

t,.odav Puerto Rico is suffering the most rnonstruous intervention as our territory is surrounded with lend basas and submarine basas with powerful jltomic weapons that, because of the smallness of the island, can cause the destruction of all the Puerto Ricans and the totel disappearance of the island from the map of the wctr~d.

And as if this horrible menece were not enough, genocide is being pel peb ated in the most ~way with a,maash,."boI,IIfto hou~to force _ wOma.. ..... e U.s. form of birth control. The plan is to prevent the birth of more Puerto R leanS. At the same time, they stop the advancement of

our youth when they recruit them to take them to their deaths in the fields of Vietnam. On the other hand, they have no qualms in firing over the heeds of the Puerto Ricans whO live on the island of Culebra and the U.s. merines have the audacity to ask that the people of Culebra abandon their island because the almighty marine of the biggest empire in the world has decided to use this island as a terget for their military practicas.

Friends of the demonstration in front of the United Nations, I invite you to prepare a document including these and other violations to the human and poIiticel rights of our Puerto Alcan fatherlllflCl and to present them to all the delegates to the United Nations and

,·to'8IIthe'Ctliefs"of stIifY'Gf .n'tHe COthlUWof the world •. I ask you not to stop and to continue picketing periodically the United Nations to demand 'the liberty·!)f O\Ir.

, prisoners of _ in the jailS of the'-unl'llld' stetesr(our patriots~-'iOscar Collato, Lolita Lebron, Rafael Cancel, Andres Figueroa, Irving Floras, and Carlos Feliciano.

To all of you gathered there on that day, we say to you, forward, always forward, every day with more faith in the ultimate victory. If on that day or in following days, the United Nations plays deaf to your demand, you Puerto Ricans who are there, come beck to our Puerto Rican countryside and let us redouble the fight without mercy and without rest from ell the engIas and by whatever means necessary until we obtain the liberty of Puerto Rico. -

From Beyamon: Puerto Rico, says hello one that Was imprisoned for .17 years for only the III'ima offofing her fatherIan4

'8IaitICI ~! tanaIe't-l


Page 9: PALANTEc~ · 2013-12-13 · apoderado 0 su apoyo y prornetiendo que el asesinato de Julio Roldan saria vengado. 0 iez mesas antes at PARTIDO de los YOUNG LORDS y la gente del Barrio

.hl •• te ;- .

.... -., .•.. ...... ~, \


Me dirijo a los miembros del PARTIDO de los YOUNG LORDS Y a todas las organizaciones patrioticas Puertorriquenas, hiipanoemericanas, y' norteamericanas de ftueva York. En 111m. a los hombres y ~ de Ia nueva luc:ha de liberacion de los .~ que han hecho suva Ia lucha cia Ia '; I I IdIIIJct. cia Puerto Rico, Y que eI dia 30 '" OC1ubre proximo. IilJftUniran ~ 'a Ia ..... cia las Naciones Unidas para dernaiIdar al 1Itiro inmedlato, de nuastra tierra_ las fuerzis irwasoras yanquis y al reconocimiento de Puerto Rico como pueblo soberano a independienta. Las envio mi mas cordial mansaja da confratar":izacion y de agredecimiento a nombre clal pueblo amanta de Ia inclapendencia cia Puerto Rico que ese mismo dia 30 cia octubre astara reunido en solamne Asemblaa Necional en aI pueblo cia Jayuya para proclamar y rafirmar Ia valiclaz daI g,.ito cia libertad que dimos en eses montanas el 30 cia Octubre cia 1950, haca exactamenta 20 anos.

EI 30 cia octubre hubo un levantamiento general en la isla. Especialmenta hubo batallas a tiro limpio en el barrio Macana de Penuelas, en Utuado, POQC8, Arecibo y frenta a la Fortalaza, la resiclancia oficial en San :juan del gobemador de la colonia. En Jayuya los revolucionarios tomamos el pueblo abatiendo Ia poIicia en su cuartal, quemando Ia Alcaldia y las .oficinas federales cia Estados Unidos, etto tI$, del correa y daI·."iQio militar obIigau.lo (que. ~~,. a. fos Puertorriquenos para servir cia earn!,",le eanort en Corea). EI municipio cia Jeyuya'estuvo en poder cia los revolucionerios tres dias, al mando daI comandanta Elio Torresola. Elio as hermano cia nuestro martir Griselio T QlT8sola' caido aI 1 de noviembre frents a la casa Blair an Washington cuando fue junto a Oscar Collazo a tirotaer al Presidents de 10sEstados Unidos como participantes cia este revolucion.

En Jayuya por tres dias estuvieron bajadas las bencIares de Estados Unidos de todos los edificios publicos y alzada Ia bendera cia Puerto Rico an un edificio daI centro clal pueblo dIIde donda·tanzamos la procIama cia libertad con eI grito cia "Viva Puerto Rico Libre".

EI gobierno tkwe de Ia colonie bajo II mando del traidor rnunoz _In movilizo t. constabularia Ia mal llamada guardia nacionaI

. .y. Ja.laozo IObre Jayuya oc:upatdoal pueblo con 1111 .tropjIs ...... cia bombardeerlo V ainetraIIarIo desde .. eviones. Vencidos nuestros hombres ese tropa al servicio clal imperlalismo yanqui entrego el mando clal pueblo a los fuocij)nerios /nsul_ feclarales Y municlpeles an una ceremonia' publica. Esta ceremonia qua fue fotografiada por los periodistas as .. tacito reconocimiento cia qua nuestro pueblo proclamo durenta tres dies su incIapendencia y repudio Ia intarvencion cia Estado Unidos an nuastra patrie.

En este jornada clal eno 1950 fue ebonada con Ia sangre cia nuestros hombres mas puros. ·Una VIZ mas aI sacrificlo cia los martires" consagro RU8ItrI soberenia puas an ese atapa gIoriosa Ie reafirmo Ia voluntad cia SIr libras, continuando Ia cronoIogia cia Ia republica Independienta empauda an Lares.

La intaIYencion cia Estados Unidos en PuertoRic9 lui lido disfraude con diferentas nombres, .. ultimo. eI llernado estado fibre 1IIOCiIdo.!a " ..... &acion'luI lido coint.ticIa *' Ia forma ... he ~ ......... 1sIa.

que ha sabido levantarse, sobre todo en los ultimos 40 enos bejo la inspiracion clal heroe y maestro don Pedro Albizu Cernpos para declararse en guerra~' en_. un. u ova forma, Desde el primer encuentro en 1932 • las escaIeras daI capitoIio insuler ofrando su vida el primer martir cia esta sigIo, eI estudiata Rafael Manual Suerez Dial haste I. muerta recienta de otra esuadianta Antonia Mar1Inaz 'quien no haca un ano cayo abatida por las baIas del imperialismo en Ia Universidad cia Rio Piedras, y Ia quema cia las 2000 tarjetas delserviclo militar en Ia concentracion el dia 23, Puerto Rico ha mentenido una guerra Par

Fallan Proposito:

Lo reYohIe!Oa Ie Itsl •• l'aerIo ....

Ia.o r:epe ........ .. W_DC'" I ... pllol ' .... r.l, ru .... ae atui • """'1'01

del Concr- T .. lat .... _ .... aI

~ IIarrr s. ,..,....11 .. Ie ... ' maI_ ...... ucletaal&lao ... Ioear 10 c_ JIIaaea,

"'" Oaea. Cellae lurftIt.).

su liberacion. La fucba ha tenido muChos martires y cientos cia fuertorriquenos hemas sufrido . prision, para demostrer nuestr8 inquebrantsble clatarminicion de reestabIecer Ia inclapendencia cia Puerto Rico procIarnada an L_ y Jeyuya.

En los actuales momentos Puerto Rico sufre Ia mas monstruosa intarvenslon pues nuestro tarritorlo este recIaado cia bases cia tierra y subrnerines con podIIeosas Mmas atomicas que clade Iaf184U*t8Z • Ie 'isla puede conducir • un ~sto de todos los Puertorriquenos y a Ia deseparicion total de la Isla clallIIJPI cia la tierra. .

,"'f ~ ... -.0 ,cia ... ~ ~~.~~~#"'.~, ,',.", tI

&factua . en Ia form. mas cIaIcarada con una campada masiVa casa por case para instar a las. mu~ al control ,cia Ia natalidad. EI plan as evitar que nazean mas Puertorriquenos. Mientres tentos se cIatiene aI avance cia nuastra juventud recJutando. pare lIeveria a morir a los campos cia Ia tambi8n mertir tierra vietnentita. Por otro iado ya no tienM reperos

. an ,laniaie titOI a II cabeuda cia que viven en Ia isla dIi'Cu'" Y dilClled8ll1en.e pedir la _ina de EsUIdo Unidos qUe Ie saquen a los ' Culabran"l d. IU isla, porque • todopoderosa _ina clal imperio mas grande daI mundo 18 lui entojado hac« illS practicas

alii de tiro aI blanco. Amigo. de Ia concentracion, frenta a las

Neciones Unidas, yo las invito.a prepanr un documento contaniendo estas y otr8I vlolaciones a los cIarechos hwnanos y poI~ de 18 patrie Puertorriqua.·V a ....... tI/1o • todos los daIegedos de las Naciones URidas y. todos los le#tI! cia E~ de,todos los ..... deI"inUAcio.Vo reI,'liWitoa no ceJer y continuar p~ perioclicamentlt ... cede de las Naciones Unidas en cIamenda cia Ia ".dIP' ""tela -f'!lerto Rico y Ia libertad cia nue •• tuerra an las C&'II8Ias cia E ' "'lo. "lIbnegados patriotes Oscar . ... ~, RafIIaI Cancel, Andres F t"~ F~ y ~ Feliciano.

A todos los am reunidos ese' dia . los decimos adaIanta, siempre adelanta, cade dia con mas· fe en leI triunfG final. Si ese dill 0 en dias SUc,sNOS las Naciones Unidas Ie hecen sordes 8 vuestro reclamo. Puertorriquenos que &hi esteis. voIved 8 Ios-eampos cia Puerto Rico y redoblemos Ia Iuche sin detcanso y sin cuartel cIasde todos los engulos y e como • pueda haste COfII8guif • libertad cia ,... Rico. ..

Desde Bayamon. Puerto Rico las .. una que estuvo 11 ai10s praia pur eI ... daIito cia.,. ........ ' "


Page 10: PALANTEc~ · 2013-12-13 · apoderado 0 su apoyo y prornetiendo que el asesinato de Julio Roldan saria vengado. 0 iez mesas antes at PARTIDO de los YOUNG LORDS y la gente del Barrio

ALBIZU Cuando uno Ie pregunta a aI. padres

quJan .... ~ro Albizu Campos. muohos de eIIos nos contastan que fue un hombre violento. loco, y Reno de odio para 10. ven.1$. 'Otroshan de,l:Iecir que fue 11/1 ~., .• IYIU)" ~. eI !lUIS. ~ que ,,*, , ; !*D', .• .. .uvo mafos m8toCIos Par. . Ies COllI •. ...... "-' .Ie'~ .,alSi fallo _ ill ~. AJ. fin Mmos 'de «ICOIdtar otros .. dicIn que don Padro Albizu Campos fue .... ~ pet\'iota tria' grande de este tigIo; ~·~· nuatra hiItoria;. igff~ toIernentii· a ~; eI

",'. Ie patrie; Entoncas Ii hoy Ie ''''..,.ibunosl! 1'001 de los ,muchos'yanquis

que •. ~ ... univertidadesy ofII;Inas de ~. en los· .... vnidos escriben ... iIlIMPt'fii:IOt ...... fa'lIistorIe PuertorriquMa, nos dII;8n. que Albizu Campos fue un hdmbre ~. racista, 1010 y sin contac:to ninguno ' con ."/Pla dl8rla del ~. y que ~., nOIo~ Puertorriquenos qut RunIIIa ....... voz. io vlmos en accion. 4)

fIUdII!aaI' participIir en Ie· lucha por 18 ~ _puebIoMque eI partioIpo't

• III v;de KtiseI tabImos mucho. 'Nacio atJrlncipio del sieIo en ........ del sur, Ponce. ~. __ ito ................ ... .~ ... ; "'~8fIip....., ... ,--. ;.., a.;.. ..

, tervirI& 0;; ..... , ~Con 18 ayuda. un tIOIIrdote ....... villi beca • uncolegloen New ''a'UJi ', ... De,llhi. k90. tranIIadara, con on beca a 18 u~ de Harvard. Cuando ....18 primera iuerra mundieI .' hlzo .... en at IIjercito I1OI'I8In*IcenO. Se ... • Harvard con un' sinumero de

......... y f:Iiptoinas. y detpues de 18 guerra ...... II Puefto.Rico.

En esos 1920's. Puerto Rico estaba ....,laempaando a conocer y orgenlz .. en ..... 10$ inwaIOres nortaamericanoi, que 'It! ...... 20 enos de oc:upacion militar y COft1JO/ 8COI1OII1ico Y agresion c:ulturel contra ~ EI Partido Union era una coaIicion ~"'tes eta. sociI!Ies an.Puerto Rico. 11.... trataban de Pele., contra los

;,,"f"~" ~a-...-. .,.. ~ •• 'ii "-'I""~""'. vtIrFIII'1IIl 0 ... -r-..,......

-.. decian entonces. fNiy amigffltos OMIt....... estos con los .ocupadores.

;;;~,1 ... at ParticIoUnIon.Pero en .. ....... f'artIdo Union .... ".detmIode de

.;, tn_ndIpcia de aI pIatafo .... iJ .. ovena ~. ~delpartido..~~

~,..j .1." .........•. · ... II .. 'OPiO "rfidO ... p..~.':lnt ... la I: An",ndellcla COIPO .. 'JlljIyOI'.· Y no r' .• COIM.4.lF8 ellado de muchas 0_ Entre los ~~;~.::v militan .. estaba et,joven ~ de

~.~.~.;; .•. '.:;.... : ~-:rof~:' ~EI C= ' ... j~iiO. . 0ty{ .' ... ,,~\I,lIzu participo en da!'le. 10 primer -t"l}' ••• ~,,, nuevo. partidP. pero pronto selio ~/!;f~ la i~""iI;a latina en un nicorriclo qu8 ~:. ~ IS _ I)lffl\nte ... u,mpo.conocio j~' .~.i9s,. AA .. A .... fc,a .. latina.

~ .... 1lOfIdicioiIIts y . .a Iamisma v. ...... ~.~~~dI!.

"!-". ,..,~ ...... ¢'~ ••... eil .. iI. '~' .' .. "*

~s",~. ....'

dI! ac:cion inmediata. las elac:ciones colonialas se acercaban. y una fac:cion del partido queria descartar las elac:ciones por. considerarlas perdida de tiempo porque despuas de 30 anos de elac:ciones. los yanquis todavia controlaban mas que nunca Ia vida diaria de ~ Puartorriquenos y aI tierra. Elta fac:cion' proponia que el partido tomara Ies armas y se tirera a Ie lucile ermada como la unice via .hacla la Iibertad. La otra fac:cion proponla que

. eI partido tratara Ies elac:ciones una v. mas • como creian ellos, habia posibilidad de uar-

y asi ....... lam.tlcl .... yanquiJ. Aibizu entro en ""ill1l.. ye en eI proCeso. fue elijiclo ~ del partido.

. EI~. perdio las aIacciones ... aOO y otre va en at .,.. Fit\eIIrientB M "32, se IaniIeron 10$ JIaci"''' ••. 18 .... arrnacIa.' , Albizu p8IO los proxi~ sais a1Jqs aducancIti eI pueblo' ioIft Ie reelidad de I. OCUp8Clon norteameric:anIL Occurieron muchos. tiro18os y en uno de estos dOt nacionaHstas asasinaron al coronel riggs. jete yanqui de las fuerzas de seguridad. Por ... accion, los dos fuaron matadqS en Ia cereal sin jucio, y Albizu y at liderato del partido fueron arrestados y ac:usados con conspiracion para derribEr el gobierno de los estados unidos. En eI jucio, los Puertorriquenos 10 encontraron inocente. y los oortaamericanos c:ulpable. EI gobemador ~icano m'ando a bu$C8r un jurado

pI_nente de los estados unidos. compuesto de ~is y dOt vendepabfas. . iSle' juflIdo 10

~.CU""'r.,S8II"Il.dG ''''M.OS M ........... MlimIt.~Safto .1a .... _ .. 1_t~tMII.;1as

tortures de electricidad que no 10 dejaben dortnil'.

Con todo Y ISO. empezo de nuevo a organizer eI partido. En 1950. creyendo que eI alcagueta. rnunoz marin. estaba pleplllandIl

una IJIatanza para los .DJCional~ ~ 1aIwIr,1Ii. nWoIucion en ,18 isla. ~I\ ~A •. , . Arecibo. Sen Juan, Y Qtros pueblos de 18 ilia. los nacionalistas combatieron Ies fuerzas armadas de los yllllqqis y sy a!caguetas. Pen, Padro fue capturado daspues de un tiro18o de tres dies en aI _ en eI Viejo Sen Juen. aI

c:uerpo desrnavado de ....plrar tanto gas de Iegrimas. pero aI pistoIa todavia en Ia mano. Fue echado a la CIII'C!tIotra V.. con 18 mayoria de los n8cionalistlls. muehos de cualas fueron rnatados. En eI 1963, munoz' marin. tratendo de ganar Ie sinpatia .. los votantes en las elac:ciOnes, 10 soIto. Pero .. eI 1964. c:uendo lolita lebron Y tres otros nacionelistas tiroteeron eI congraso de los astados unidos, Albizu fue IIITtIstado de nuevo dondequedo haste 1965. En Ie carceI Ie torturaron de nuevo y edemas Ie dieron unos . tratamiantos de rayos "coIbaIt" que poco a poco 10 mataron. No queriando varlo morir en Ia carceI, eI gobierno colonial 10 soIto 1010 para verlo mora: a ~ mesas de salir de Ia carceI en eI 1965.

~ ..... iaqa~~fI. ." ....... ' ..

confusion sobrela ver"" AIbIzu't Porque tan diversas opinionas?

Primero. desde eI principio de alluldIaM el Partido NacIoneIista, Albizu fue etaeado 'pol' eI !JObierno yanqui como fueron IIIIIC8doS todos que se ·rebeleben. los yanquis decian que Ia razon pOI' Ie c:ueI Alblzlt peIeaba .era porque astaba enoja,do que en' Harvard se Ie habia ditcriminado. y no porque IIIItlIbe aI

pIItria. Tambien decien, como 10 dicen hoy contra c:ualqulera que habia • Iucha armada .como via a'le 1Ibertad. que IV rec:urao a Ies armas era una Ioc:ura sin 8XCUSI. TrataIJ'en de ...... que va no habian otres fonnas aIJIertas paralograr nuestra 1Ibertad. y que de hecho eIIos mismo _ rnant1IJtian en Puerto Rico a cause de aI. propias annes. Como 10$ ....... unidos controIaben toda 18 prIIIIIIt, lasillCUalas y eI golIerno. toda infot'maoion· publiCa daba asta imprasion negativa de~; Por 810. grandes'ftIftMrOS de PIlei ......... que nunca COIIOcieron a Albiiu. birlian I0Io .. ' imprasion. ' "

: Segundo: don PedrO,.,.une:'fN!,WWque J hab.. muy finalnril:n18, 'Yr.' los' '\Puertorrtquenos con Vn&large' £ia de

coloniucion. educacion y fUrma de 8X~se era a!go todopobrir;Opr\rnIdo aspiraba tener, Esto cree un imagen de' Albizu como una gran inteligencia. quetodos miraban con respeto y admiracion; aof1lllueno siempra entendieran completamente su mensaje politico. Esto aumento latendancia a mirarlo como gran genio y no como hOmbre sensillo, representante de la vida diaria de todo '9oric:ua oprimiso. Entonces que importancia tiene don Pedro?

Albizu fue el pri.... Puertorriquefto en levan tar las armascontra eI invasor notteamarieano. Lo hizo en un tiernpO cuaRdO 18 miIyOria deBoric:uas ~. ya

i ' "-"~'s' 1;

Page 11: PALANTEc~ · 2013-12-13 · apoderado 0 su apoyo y prornetiendo que el asesinato de Julio Roldan saria vengado. 0 iez mesas antes at PARTIDO de los YOUNG LORDS y la gente del Barrio

CAMPOS accomodandose a la creciente ocupacion, la iliminacion de nuestro idioma y el robo de nuestras tierras. Este levantamiento de armas fue con un valor inigualable en nuestra historia, desde los tiempos de Betances. Toclavia hoy nos sirve como ejemplo. Albizu mismo estuvo muy conciente de la necesidad del valor para Iograr fa liberacion cuando dijo, "La patria as valor y sacrificio," y cuando sinnumero de v_ probo su propio valor.

Ademas, el resucito elestUdio y la lmportancia de la historia y cultura Puartorriquena. en vn .. 1iempo. -cUando los yanquis hacian todo para Iograr que nos olvldaramos de ambos. Asi consideramos a Albizu como gran hombre, y gran luchador en fa largll y dura fucha par nvestra liberacion que /leva el pueblo de Puerto Rico. Pero a 1a misma vez, que 10 alabamas. no podemos permitir que se santifique.

• Hoy la lucha de boricuas en la isla y aqui en las entranas del monstruo yanqui ha progresado desde los tiempos de Albizu. Vemos que cuando el liderato del Partido Nacionalista fue arrestado, no quedaben cuadros entrenedos para segu ir y intensificar la lucha. Por eso hoy nos concentramos en ese desarollo. Vamos que Albizu nunca brego con Ie reelidad que somas un pais mayormente Africano y que las mazclas que occurrieron enti'e espanoles, Indios.. y Afrftanos no nos dejp espano1izante, col11O at deci& Sabemol hoy tambien, que para lanzar la Iucha armada, se tiene primero que organizar y crear un

movimiento popular que pueda sostener y lIevar acabo una guerra popular de todo

Puertorriqueno y no de un grupo 0 partido. Por fin, hoy para Puerto Rico al punto de

extincion a las manas de las companias nortearnericanas que nos hacen producir riquezas con las wales ellos se queden y que nos roben nuestro cobra, 1ierras. bosques, y islas--sebemos que sera _io ir mas alia de fa independencia en nuestros objetivos y buscar otr8S forrnas de manejar una sociedad y una economia differentes a las axistententes formas capitallstas. que los yanquis han usado. para robarnos nuestra riqueza. En1IIndemos fa nececidad de uh socialismos autantico Puertorriqueno que. nazca de nuestra lucha cotidiana.

Pero todos estos adeIantos en nuestra lucha no Ie quitan a Pedro Albizu eampOs su grendeza' como Boricua que dedico y dio $II

vida por la libaracion del pueblo Puertorriqueno.


tarlos Apont81l ·.genilrilWMitdlilcacion

Sector del Bajo Manhattan

'" ,:fh,\&;" ..... ~~~~·

A PERI(;Oi."'Y.\S._ Laura M.~~s tiz •. ). pf'rtt,i11a df' nadmiento J Albil.u Lllupo .. t~ dirig. I 11K pf'd$dish ... durante una con'"ren­

dt pr~ .. ~. a~¥r. t"11 dllrrmtf la en .. l I~nn.l". la .u .. r!t dr lib t~~o al Gobler ... P'H"-d. tit'''. l.211U M("nf'~~ rs ~n l:l It''tuali dlld primfora 'K'rrf'brJa Itt lot 1'111000 de ("uba .me ~.tri,"," tniti".,_ l:n la futo dr arriba. tomOllb «'"I 13 tit" navlt'lnb,~ df'1 ~iu. pa,ado. Maria 0 ..

1tt"l'ulu4,.., , ... .,a .1 "M~t!stro" tr:os ha.b~r si do rsfe ,hu'u"". ,or rl ~ntont" GoiM!rnador ll1uiu: 'f Ril.! ~lit(>u:'·~ a ~j anM por acth'Jda4pll ttrr.rist.~, t:t udan'r tie Albizu C ... f't«·\t~1"1'1 t"!ltUd4"""MI ..... Ut-Ut' .. Purr1urd ,,_6. tie- SU IUA, £1 rutifrt1ll teodd la,.r ,.

When we ask our parents who AIblzU Campos was, many of them _ that 118 was a violent man, crazy and full of h.for the yanqui. Othars say that ha was in intelligent man, even the most intelligllnt Puerto Rico has produced, but that he used very bad methods, that he tried to do it the hard way, and that is why ha failed in his purpose. We may still find others who say that don Pedro Albizu Campos was the greatest patriot of this centrury; the most valiant Puerto Rican of our history, equal only to Betances; the fathar of our counu-y; If today we ask one of the many yanquis who from their universi'tllHnd ~t offices,

write«'1heir OM' ~ ... lIaroAI,,' .Pu!It'tc RicaD hlstory,"tNIY will ii,If' .... ~' Campos was a liiofen't man. a rac:'fSt. aIoriI, without any contact wlttt· the delly 1Ife of the Puerto Rican. And what will we believe, we Puerto Ricans who never heard his voica, never saw him in action, nor participated in the fight for the liberation of· our country which he led?

Of his actual life we know a lot. He was bom at the beginning of this century ,in Ponce, the pearl of the south. Whan he was a small boy, as he himself reported years I.r, he was able to hear the great patriot Jose de Diego recite his nationalist poems and from those days in high school ha felt the great love for his country that later on served as an example to every Puerto Rican. With tha help of a prieSt ha won a scholarship to a college ifi . N_ Hampshira. From there he won anothar scholarship to Harvard University. When .• first world war broke out; he enlisted in '. american. irmy as 8 lieutailant.' Hi "9racJUa1Bd from Harvard with various honors ari4 diplomas and retumed to Puerto Rico ~ the war .. CIVil". ' .

In ~'1"s. f>uerto Rico was just beginnilig tO~\now and organize against the north amiII'icaD' invaders, who had 20 yean of military occupation, economic con1rOl and cultural aggression against Borinquen. The Union Party was a coalition of cflfferant soc .. classes in Puerto Rico who went trying to fight against. thole Puerto Ricans who went selling out qur coun1ry; tha pitiyanquls. as they wentalled for being very frlandly whfI tha illll8d8n. Albizu joined the Union Partv. But in 1922 tha. Union Partv withdraw independence for Puerto Rico as·" of tha demands in their platform, and tha you .. radicals left thefJ8l1Y and dIlI1Ied .... pIII'ly with indepandatlC8 as their major cIatMnd .. not as one IIftOftII othan. Among tha, ~

ceNT. 1\16

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In January, 1989, tile Young Lords OlJlJlization began 'to' ;or9anize the Puerto Ricans of Chicago to fight __ the rats. the roaches. tile police, the conditions we

r ',to fight for tile fr~,' ',' " ,at our people. On.l\llY 26, ' 1 ~J., NewY1MkJlnd foilowecl 1be example of Che Che Jimenez, now u~ in fightinv for tile liberation of Puerto Rico IIIIIlQlU'JlllQJlleinthKcountry.· ~

''On April 4, 1969, Young Lord Manuel Rarnoswas stiOt down .in the streets of Chicago bV a pig. That murderer was ..., tried, and he still walks tile streets. And last week, October '6; 1970, YOUng Lord Julio Roldan, 34 years old,

ha/1ged in the Tombs. tile ~Ie pr:iIon of New

We are beginning to put that point into pnictice. We are preparing for the day when the whole Puerto Rican nation will rise up to get the yanqui off our backs. The YOUNG LORDS PARTY will organize our people, educate ~, prepai-e them. And in tile future, a People's A'W\' wiD ~ like CAL like MIRA, to lead that armed fight. All wa are doing is ~cating. Education is the first step in revokItion: And armed self-defense is the first step of education for armed revolution.

The People's Church will be rernarnbered as tile third time in our history that Puerto Ric_ resorted to guns to get justice. First was EI Grito de Lares and Batances. Second was Don Pedro and the Nationalnt Party. Third K tile YOUNG LORDS PARTY.

The first two failed, but thay _ examples for us proud to be Puerto Ricans. Out' {Il8rc1t to Nations on October 30 is in QOII' ..... ion ~ that fight of hdro.

, ~:.:'

En enero, 1989. la DlJlJlizacion de los YOUNG LORDS empezo a OI'fIRizar Ia juventud Puertorriquena de Chicago a peIear contra las rates. , las cucaraches. la ponela, las condiciones IIIJ qUIJ vivimos . a peIear par la libertad de nuestra gente. EI 26 lie julio de 1989' sa olJlJlil!atcm los YOUNG LORDS EN Nueva York, y siguiendo el ejemplo de CM CJ\aJimeri$z, ahOra clandestlno, esta luchando' per fa liberacion de Puerto Rico y nuestro pueblo en este pais.

EI 4 de abril de 1969, el YOUNG LORD Manuel Ramos fue _inado per un puerco en las calles de Chicago. Este asesino ounea ha sido juzgado y todavia camina las calles libremente. Y Ie semana pasada, el 16 de 1970, el YOUNG LORD Julio Roldan, de 34 anos, fue asesinado, ahorcado par guardias penates 811 las tumbas, ese carceI

,poeilga de Nueva York. EI.~o

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Esto. es para dijarlas saber que el Frente de Liberacion. de los presos es ahora una seccion del PARTIDO DE LOS YOUNG LORDS, Y que estamos haciendo to-do 10 po.sible que haya un completo basta ya a las injusticias, tratos inhumanO-s, y brutalidades que·han venido siendo puestos en practica en to.dO-S los campos de concentracion.

A este momento, una orden de corte ha sido ieventado en contra del Mayor Lindsay y del Puerco McGrath. Este entredicho servira el die 'Z1 de Oct1.Ibre en Ia Co.rte FJJderaI del DiItrite, demandancfct a ~.que cierre. las Tumbas basta quIt.puedM ser IIIIgUflIS,

~ y decentes las condiciones. Nos epodIiemosle I .... de Ie Gents... Ie _Ida Lexington y Ie celie 111 pari ... UtIda como un centrO dedefensa 1ageI. 'DeIIImos illfotmarte que. Ii tu '- sido .~ 0. '- viltoalgutt tipo de blufalidaci, ......... Informacion anosOtro';'o que'li .', 1ieMftfanillar'es 0. reIatIvOs que hayen pasado porto ·",,1Imo sa pongan en contalltO con

'EI Frente de Liberacion de los preso.s tiene cinco demandas que son:

1) Estar seguro.s que ninguna persona es retenida en las prisiones par que el 0 ella no tengan suficiente dinero para pagar la fianza.

2) Investigar y actuar en los brutales, injustos, y inhumanos tratos por los que los preso.s pasan cuando estan adentro.

3) Asegurar la formacion de un comite de presos en los campos de concentracion, y que les sea permitido co.municarse cono8l mundo de atuera.

4) Asegurarse que los presos sean tratados con rapidez en sus casos. y Ie sea perm itido tomar consejo de su propia decicion y que ningun de los c:lereChos constitucionales d8 la gents y derechOs humanos sean violados.

5) Asegurar y proveer que lo.s presos aI lIagar a III libertad puedan tener trabajo.s, IIducacion, C8II, y adeptecion en Ie cOmunidad.



This is to let .,.. Liberation 6nmt .. YOUNG LORDS ... cl91ng everything in . ,-complete ,

~ tnIIItment·. . whicfl . is being tuauted in" ..... allon. campt.

At this point.aPJoiunctIon '-~ flied ......... Mayor Lindsay end PIg MeG.....,. TbII' iftIunction wi! be --'on die 27Utdeyof

... October . in die FJJderat DiItIict': ~ ....... McGrath to .... dleT __ t.mtil 1lICh time IS It can be niede.., ......,. end -:::= __ ~c1lf11h81reet

, andl.eltington Avwale ........... .... . .-Center. W'~.'~~;""if ,.. . _or.....,pq .. JI,.~~~ ... , •. : ......... , ....,. ..... ~JB .. ~,_« ~;~ .... i,..,..,. •• ~~~·:':'

~'~~!./ / -;"'\

;;.: 1) To ...... tIletlJO parIon ba detained in

;.II ~ ... · ... uAabiiJ to make bail 2) . To 'investigate and act On the brutal

.iU$t, . and inhuman treatment bamg 1iIX'8JC\U1W''OI\ the inmates.

3) To assure that an inmate's committee be .. 1et up in the COl ..... '" ation·cemps. and dIet'they be .JI8I'mitted to. conwnunic8ta with 'the ouUkfe wiorfd.

4l To·intIft diet Inmates are given speedy lI'iaIt, and hive acceD to counllil of his or her .... end diet none of the people's consti1utiOnel ',iiIhu afId besic human rights be violated. ' "

6l To. ~_ provldettielnmates, upon ..........with jobs,-. ~i housing. end ..... lItIhenttotba~ .:

•• 1..-.

Informacion puede ser obtenida en:

Denise Oliver-Ministerio de F inanzas Victor Martinez c/o YOUNG LORDS PARTY 1678 Madison Avenue, NYC EI Barrio, u.s.a.

TelefonO-: 427·7754 0 427·7755

Information may be obtained fro.m: Denise Oliver--Mlnistar of Fu­Victor Martinez do.YOUNQLOROSPARTY 1678 MacrISOll Avenue, NYC Et Ban-io, u .....

TetefdnO:, 427·7764, 427·7755


Page 14: PALANTEc~ · 2013-12-13 · apoderado 0 su apoyo y prornetiendo que el asesinato de Julio Roldan saria vengado. 0 iez mesas antes at PARTIDO de los YOUNG LORDS y la gente del Barrio

came to the YLP from the Inmates Liberation Front, an organization formed inside amerikkka's concentration camps (pritotls). It was formed by a group of man of all ages who ware tirecf of being humiliated, harrassed, and mistreated in the jails. Inhuman living conditions, bugs, rats, rotten food, filth, endless waiting for trials, and sick, erazy guards who laughed While we suffered beatings forced us to act if we wanted to SUNWa.

We took over the Long Island Detention Houll where man are SUfJPOIIKI to ba held waiting for court appearances. We ware treated lika animals even though the consti1ution says we ere innocent until proven guilty. We took over the institution and took hostages so that the wor\d could know what was going on in this so-called land of the free.

After our demand for bail reviews .. met, my case was the first one to .. called before the bail hearings held inside the prison. I bad a $3,500 beil, and they _ through the case and pBroled rna in my own CIMtody. The charta was' possassion of $toIen property. I was in the joint for two mon1flS before the case finally carne up. I would Still be there if itWllnm't f. the ___ , beCau18 the compIainaSlt cwas on vacation around the ..... untifOeoamber 'I. He's rich enough to tr1Iii4t around the world, but I'm not rich ~~ my beiI~ I rot in prison. MY'" was just one of the small _ of ift~ to be ~ inside the ~ I!fand

, ':'f"."""".( .:I"-~. ~\""'~.';'~~<- ",

\,~ "came out, I went ~Iy to .• ~\~,"'ORDS· PARTY becaull the o$8r".imt1it8s bad asked rna to go to the PARTY to· try to get help from the outside. TltlfttheVOUNG LORDS PARTY bailed out Victor Martinez, one of the representativas who tpOke for the Inmates Liberation Front. Victor Iiho joined the PARTY'when he got out.

Before I ever became inYoIv'ed with the

ftIfOIution, I was just another dead nigger. A" being out I reetlzad that that small COftCentrIltion camp in Long Island is just a reftaction of the biggest and most oppressive COJICIiIIftration camp of them aII--emarikkka. As , sit here and think about it I laugh to

. mysaIf, becau18 I thought that this was ~. Now I realize that I have never bad fnIediom. As t _ all oppressad people and as I till my past and my' father and mother and ... and brothers, it tails rna but one thing. 'n time for freedom. That's why I'm so proud to· be a member of the YOUNG LORDS PARTY, becau18 I know they are f~.for the f.eedom I)f the brothers and sisters in all concentration camps. When we took this chIIrch with guns, I sensed the unitY and the love that we have for each other, and f Iiho sansed the feer of death because we !eve fife and do not want to die. But we do not lN8nt to be stepped on any more. We will die if that's what it takes to be free. So I hope that everyone who reads this who is not a revollltionary can understand that life is not justsaff.

POWeR TO THE PeOPLE! My _ is Gilbert Jimenez.

Yo vine al PARTIDO DE LOS YOUNG LORDS desde el Franta de Liberacion de los Presos, una organizacion formeda dentro de los campos de concentracion amerikkkanos (las prisiones).

EStII franta fue formada par un grupo de hombres de todas las edadas que. estIIben cansedos de ser humilladas, parsaguidos, y maltratados an las carcefes. Condiciones de yida ,jIthumanas. piojos, rates, comidlI podrida, ,~, esperas intenninebles peru ser juzgedos y guardies locos y anfermos que 18

reian mian1res nosotros sufriamos los golpes, ,nos forzaban a actuar si queriamos sobrevivir.

Nosotros tomalnos la Case de Oetencion

de Long Island donde los hombres 18 supone que somas detanidos para esperan aparacer en anta Ia corte. Fuinlos tratados como animates a pesar de que Ia constitucion dice qua uno es inoc:enta besta que se pruebe Ia wlpa. T omamos Ia institucion y ftIhenes lSi eI mundo sabrie 10 que.estabe pesando en esta asi--Ilameda "tierra de la libertad."

Luego que nuastra demenda por rwision de fianzas fue aceptada, mi caso fue el

primero:lm ser lI.,ado anta Ia corte de fianza bach. ~ de Ie prision. Yo tenia una flIira de $3;500. ellos vieron el caso y me dejaron Jibra':bejo paIabrit. EI cargo fue ~.~robada. Yo astuve en la

.. ' ' . ..' de que m! . .at1i.,v no tuera .... t. , .•..

18 tome dIt Ie ~. porque eI que me . acusabe 8SIt8b8 en vacacionas afrededor del mundo basta eI prlmem de diciambre. EI as 10 suf~temantII ricopere viajar par • eI mundo,pero yO no soy 10 suficientllmanta rico .... pager Ie fianza--asi que rna pudri

. en Ie prision. Mi caso fue solo uno de los pequenos casas de. injusticia que se encuentren dentro de fa Case de Oetencion de Long Island.

Duando sali. vine d~ta: aI

PARTIDO DE LOS YOUNG LORDS pO,qua los otros-presidiarios rna pidieron qua viniara al PARTIDO para tratar de consaguir ayude de la Q8Ilta. Entonces eI PARTIDO DE LOS

YOUNG LORDS pago Ia fianza de Victor Martinez, uno de los representantes que hablo an nombre del Franta de los PrasoS. Victor tambien II in""'IIf'MRYfOO. . . Antes you ............ .wue!to an fa revolucion; yo. ere soIamenta otro NasIJo Muerto an vida. Luago qua sail rna eli cuenta

que ese pequeno campo de COI1CItntr8Cion '" Long" Island as soloun"f8ffajo del mas.-ande y oprasivo campo de conoantracion de todos-- amerikkka. Mientras astoy I8I1I.edo aqui Y pianso acerca de ISO, rna riode,lni mismo, pdrque yo pense qUa asto ere IibIirted; Ahora rnadoy wanta que nUnca hi tenktO libertad. AI ver 6 toda Ie genta oprimida y aI ver a mi pasedo y mi padre y madre y hermanas . y herfttenos, ISO rna dice solo una _--as tiempo de libertarse •. Es par ISO que astoy orgulloso de _ un miembro del PARTIDO De LOS YOUNG lORDS, porque se que ellos &Stan pe/aando par Ie .liber1lld de las hermanas y hermenos en todos los campos de concentracion. Cuando tomamos asta igIesia con rifles, senti Ie unidad y eI amor qUe tenemos uno para con otros y santltambien at . temor . no

lee asto y entender que fa vida as no-solamenta ptvpia.

PODER AL.PUEBLOI Mi nombre as Gilberta JimenIL

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.[ .~·.·16

IIIItIIIrtI .. the young lawyer from Ponce. Pwdro AIbizu c.mpos. They formed the ......... iIt Party of Puerto Rico.

AIbizu joined in the launching of the _ PII'tY. but pretty 100I'I he stlIr1Bd on a trip

: ....... UItin America 1hat lasted almost fiva ,.... During this time he mat Latin AMnIIB I'IIIIOIuUoneri about their .......... II'Id at die __ ti_ tpntad the

....... the cokpial~ of Puerto Rico. He .-.mad to Puerto Rico in 1930

..... die Nationalist Party .. in the midst '" ... debatB about iU COUI'll of action. Ita die colonial elections got cloa. a fac:tioil

'. '" die JB1.Y wanted to discard the elections , ....... they considared them a wasta of



prison in Atlanta. Giorgia. He can. out of jail in 1947. sick and w.k from the electrical tortures thet did not lat him "p. Evan so • he stlIr1Bd to reorganiza the party.

In .1950. munoz marin _ planning the tIaugh18r of till Nationalist PartY so he could

flO ahead with his plans to set himself up in the _ "commonwealth." Even though the

revolution had been planned for 1962 and they _'t JIIIP8I'8d yet, the NatiClbdltib threw ~ into battle rather than wait and be murdered in jaiJs or shot in the back on dark straets. In Jayuya, Arecibo, San Juan

and other towns in the island; the Nationalists fOUght against the yanqui armed forces and tl*.r hirelings. Don Pedro _ captured after

three days of .,nfire in his houta in Old San Juan, his body limp from the 18ar .... but with his.,n still in his bend. He .. thrown into jail again, with the majority of the other NatIoneIists, many of whom wire killed. 1n 1163, munoz marin, trying to gain the sympadiy of the voters for the elections, freed him. But in 1964, when Lolita Lebron !lAd ..... other Nationafists Ihot-up the

' ......... of the 1Ifth8(t. states. Aibizu ._ '_Tes.flnd _ leapt in jail until 1966. He _ toI1Urad again in jail and besides _

;J •. given. cot.It-ray treaemants thet kilt.ed him . 'J little by little. Not Wanting him to dt8 in jill, ~. ·the colonial government raIeIIed him. He died . . 1Ivae months rater in 1965.

Given this long history of struggle against the yanqui occupier, why is there so much confusion about the real importance of ~1bizu7 Wby so many different opinions?

FIm. since the beginning of his stru\l9le in , the Nationalist Party, AIbizu _ attacked by

the yanqui fIOV8I'M*It as all thote who rebelled _ attacked. The yanquis said thet the FallOn why Aibizu fought back _

....... he .. angry at having been

........... againIIt In Harvard and not , .......... he lowed." -..try. They alto aid.

f ~::: .. _lIlY ...., ....... 'anyone who talks . ~,c~,~.tIIIDut ............... __ to freedom, ././ ... ~ up .... _ en --. ...

.. lta..... . .. ) n;aa;a tii8Y tri8Ci to deny thet there __ .

no other opM wavs for us to lit our freedom --when actually they maintained themselveS in Puerto rico because of their own arms, Because the united states controlled the press • . the schoOls and the government. all public information gave a negative impression of Albizu. So a great number of Puerto Ricans who nevar kMW A'lbizu had only thet impression.

Second. don Pedro _ 8 men who spoke beautifully. and for the Puertro Ricans with a long history of colonization. education and a nice wrty of expressing yourself _ somthing

thet every poor. oppraseed person longed to have. This created an ill'lllSlll ot AJbIzu ... men of great intelligence, whom evarybocIy rep8I;18d and,edmlred. ... ~ .they didn't always understand comple.~ hill political massage. This inc:nased the tendanay of his being looked at as a great genius and not like a vary simple man. ~ 1h8 daily life of avery opressed Puerto Rican. Then what is the importance of don Pedro?

Albizu was the tint man to take up amis against the yanqui invader. He did this at • ti_ when the majority of the Puerto Ricilis were accomodeting themsII\Ies to the grOWing military occupation. the elimination of oUr ~age, the theft of our land. This upri$ing with arms _ with courage unequaled in our history sinea thetirne of Betancas. It lIlY •• an example to us today; AIbizu . _ very much aware of the naoessity fir couraga to obtail) liberatioit when heseid. "The motherland is-courage and sacrifica." and" many timas he showed. his own veIor.

He also brought out the ~'tf studying and. J(~!9.Puet:to R~ta~' and C\llture at a time when the yanqlriS ... doing everything possible to make· us.f. both. "4" CONider Albizu a great II'I/IIJ and.. . great fighter in the long and hard strIIfIIIIe for our liberation that has been carried out by the people of Puerto Rico. But at the _ time

thet we preise him, we cannot. ~ him a saint.. . , Today the struggle of Puerto Ricans in thit

island and hera in the bowels of' the yanqui beast has advanced sinea Albizu's times. We _ thet when the leadenhip of 1118' Nationalist Party _ arrested. there _ no

trained cadre to continue and intensify the struggle. That is why today we concentrate on tIJ8 dwaIopment of all PARTY III8II1bers.We _ thet AIblzu never dealt with the .... ity that we .. -mty an African country and that the intermixing of ..... ish. Indians. II'Id Africana did not '-e us being mora spanish .. hellicl. .We alto know today thet to .... armed. .. struggle you IIawe to ....... and cr8II1Ie.' a .popuIar ~ fint 1hat can .. stain and cenY on. • pe!ilfIla~. ,. ,.faR Puerto' .R.icanI and not just of r.'~ or party.

FiIIaIIy,wiIh,Puerto Rioo ...... f.the point of atInclidttjt the .... :ot"" .... emerican ~ that ,...Us··;pnwida . riches which they kaep for them ...... fIat rob us of our copper, land. .~ ..... isIands-__ know 1hat it will be IIIIIISsIIrV to go beyong indepeIldence in our objectives, We must find other means to menage our soeiety and economy dlf:ferant from the ex iIting. capitaliSt one thet the yanquis have used flO rob. us of· our wealth. We understand the MC8SIity of an authentic Puerto Rican socialism thet wilt develop from our dailY struggle.

But all thew improvements in our struaIIa do not take ewey from Pedro AIblzu Campot his gnIIItneIS as Ii Puerto Rican who dedIcac8d and ... hill ... for the IIberatiOIt of the Puerto Rican ..... .

C8r1DJ~.' ' ..... Li.dJ alt' YQUN8:.kORasPAR1Y

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Esta vez el premio de puerco de la semana as compartido par el mayor lindsay y su co m i sionado del departamento de correccionalas, george mcgrath. lindsay ha' eStado mintiendo al pueblo, jugando jUegos

politicos con las vidas de nuestras gentes. EI obviamente ha decidido tratar de ganarse los votos conservadores de la gente de la derecha en nueva york par medio de u'sar la brutelidad en la gente que este peleendo por los derechos basicos del ser humano. Durante 18 rebelion en las prisionas, lindsay y mcgrat(l


-prometieron que no habria represalias si los rebenes eran d4ijados :81). ·I.II:ienaa. Mas tarde elias estuvieron viendo la manara brutel 1:on que los guard las correccloniM' gotpeabarili los prisiOmeros bajo las ordenes de alios. Cuando preguntamas par fotografias de estes acciones, eI perro mentiro$O que as mayor de este ciudad dijo: "A mi rne dijeron que Ilts In;uries vimeron .'Ios dos Iados" " que las in;urias vlnieron de los dos Iado" Toda persona 81'1 este ciudad via _ fotografias de

n u estros harmanos siendo golpeados y maltratados por los aninia" que patru'lian I.,.: prisiones. Entan,ees, no era una sorpresa que lindsay y su titere mcgrath, rehusaran a dejar

a el clero que Investigara el sisterne de las

prisiones y el asesinato de Julio. Aunque la ley 4.36 de 81 codi90 penal

permite al claro entrar a las piisiones con abogados para ver a los deteriidos en sus celdas, los politicos estan tratando de esconder la verdad a la gente. Ellos piensan que pueden cubrir los crimanes que han sido cornetidos dentro de las prisiones eligiendo a un politico millonario del Partido Democratico William vanden Hueval,para controlar eI sistama de correccioneles. .Pues, asesjnos,l~ g8llte no v0tBl'il por.~~;,r~.~IS;, .• no vamos a confiar Ia vida de nuema gente a nueve hombres escogidos par Lindsay--iISO , as coma dejar que los asesinos investigell el

asesi~. " L~ ha dicho que Ia toma armeda de

Ia IgleSIB de Ia Gente as "deplorable y es un sacrilegio." Nosotros decimas que el verdadero sacrilegio es el tratamiento de los prisioneros en la carcel, porque la pruliba iIe eso es que Ie han negado la entrada ah:Iero. Nosotros decimas que as "deplorable" que nadia las haya metido una patada a esos dos y los haya sacado de la ciudad.

This week's Pig of the Week Award is shared by Mayor Lindsay and his commissioner of the Department of Corrilctions, George. McGrath. Lindsay has been lying to tha public, playing political' games with our people's lives. He has obviously decided to try to win tha support of New York's right,wing conservative voters by brutalizing'Peopie f~ing for basic human rights.

During tha prison takeovers, Lindsay and McGrath promised no reprisals if hostages were released. They later watched savage beatings by correction guards acting on their orders. When asked about photographs of these beatings, tha lying dog that is mayor of this city said, "I have been told there were injuries on both sides." I njuries on both sides! Every person in this city saw tha pictures of our brothars being clubbed and kicked by tha animals that patrol the prisons.

It was no surprise then that Lindsay and his puppet, McGrath, refused to let clergy investigate tha jail system and Julio's murder. Even though Law 4.36 -of tha Penal Regulations allows clergy to go inside tha prisons with lawyers to see inmates in their eells, the politicians are trying to hide tha truth from tha people. They think that they can cover up tha crimes being co~itted in tha prisons by appointing a millioneire, Democratic Party politician, William .. vanden

:';L ,,=,~A\:,~ won't go for it;· we·... not truSifMg our people's lives to nine man picked by £lndsay himself-that's like latting tha killers investigate the killing.

Lindsay has said that the armed takeover of tha People's Church is "deplorable and a sacrilege." We say that the true sacrilege is tha treatment of prisoners in tha jails because they have been denied access to the clergy. We say that it's deplorable that no one has kicked your two asses and run you out of the city.

Page 17: PALANTEc~ · 2013-12-13 · apoderado 0 su apoyo y prornetiendo que el asesinato de Julio Roldan saria vengado. 0 iez mesas antes at PARTIDO de los YOUNG LORDS y la gente del Barrio



La noche del viernes, 2 de OC1ll bre, Dinieio :IJohhny'" Perez, de i2 anos, tu8 asesinado a san9re fria en Ia Avenida Cauldwell del Bronx. Fue matado a las 7:30 . • de .Ia noche por cuatro balas disparadas a' corta distancia.

Lo que (Jcurrio daspues de Ia muerte de Johmy debe de servir como ejemplo de 10 que Puertorriquenos y Afro-Americanos debien heber hecho hace mucho tiampo. La gente de Ia Avenida Cauldwell .. cansaron del abuso; Ie represion faciste de la pOlieia hebia llegado e un extremo. Hermenos y hermanes iov'nel, padres, madres, y abuelos oriIanizaron un grupo de auto-defensa. Sa I/aman Justicia Latina.

La noche del 2 de OC1llbre, Ia gente de Ia Avenida Cauldwell .. encontraben en las _/eras de los adifieios hablando y pesendo 81 tialJlPO; ninos jugeben en las calles; los hombres oien Ia peIote 0 jugeben biller; cosas que todes·1es comunidades Puertorriquena 0 ~ ___ todes ... noches. Dos "oficialas

delll_ .... ,I*J.AvenIde ~. SlW8CIlio(Ies bruteles-furzeron que III ....... ~ con 81 odIo, III ira, Y Ia frustracion que lOs POertorriquenos hen mentenido por dentro contra 81 departamentO de polieia.

AC1lIendo sobre una acusacion de que un lwmeno de 27 enos .. habia robado una biciclate, Ia policia entro a la comunidad, cazendo, buscando bulla. Fueron de persona a persona, forzandole a que Ie dieran informacion s6bre el paradero del harmeno. EI hermano habia cojido'la biciclete presteda 1*'0 parace que .. habia quededo con ella mes tiernpo de 10 qua estebe aJPUesto. Dacidio que no tenia nada qua _dar y fue a buscer la policia para aclarar al ceso. Cuendo

la polieia 10 vio, 10 agarreron, Ie doblaron los brazos por detras de Ia aspslde, haste arriba, y comenzaron, a insultarle....:tocio· asto sin deci, ... , una palabre. La' gente de Ia cuadra que conocian 81 hermeno, Ie hieiaron ruada a los policies Para demander razon' por sus acciones. Los "oficiales de la ~" entonces empezaron a pagerle al harmeno. A/{joien Ie tiro una botella a uno de los policias y Ie dio a uno en la cabeza.

Johnny Perez oyo el revolu y dejo aJ juego de billar para investiger 10 que pasaba. La poIicia habia sacedo sus pistolas y las esteban apuntando a Ia gente. Un policia .disparo, un tiro dendole a Johnny al lIegar al grupo. La gente corrio a esconder .. , cojiendo ninos en sus corridos. Mientras Ia gente de la Avanida Cauldw,U miraban uno de los policias .. acarco a Johnny que .. mantenia

. herido an III IICCII'II, y Ie metio tres bales mas. Johnny habia lido fusilado solo unos momentos entes y estebe tiradoliri 18 ac:iia. sangrando; no habia razon ninguna por III cua! Ie bestia tenia que mataIrfo;,.

La poIiciit entuI'lc8r 'wrrio haste' una bodega, apuntandole sus pistoles al bodegero y forzendolo a trancar la puerta. En uno. momentos, policia de fuerzas de choque, como 81 TPF y 81 SES, empezaron a patrullar Ies calles de Ia Avenida Cauldwell con rifles, cascos, y equipaje de motin. La gente de la avenida mentuvieron manifesteciOnes frente del pracinto 41 haste Ies 3 a.m. demandando 81 arresto de los asesinos. De hacho, no .. hizo nada sobre 81 asesinato de Johnny.

La gente ragreso a Ia comunidad, .. organizaron y .. pusiaron 6n contacto con el PARTIOO DE LOS YOUNG LORDS. Han am~ a tenar clases de educacion politica

y reuniOnes generales, y esten trabajendo con 81 PARTIOO. Justicia Latina esta lIhora defendiendo la clmwriidad contra tiradoras de . drogas, assltos, y brutBlidad policiaca. Durante las ultimes .. menas, e1los y 81 PARTIOO DE LOS YOUNG' LORDS hen estedo colactando ropa para mandar a Puerto Rico.

Gente de todas las comunidades oprimidas deben aprender del 8S!Sineto en CaukllMI. porque si no actuamos ahora, algun die no muy lejos, un hermano 0 una hermana de su propio bIoque sara muerto a sangre fria por un po/icia. Cuando eso pase, no vaya diciendo "hay bandito" 0 meneendo II!;. cabeza. La gente de Cauldwell no 10 hicieron. Unocobre venganza organi~, ensenando y aprendiendo a protegerse uno mismo y a au comunidad. Debimos apren$r de Ia muerte de Johnny Perez y Julio roldan que Ie poIlcia esta ahi para ·mentenarnos en nuestro sI1fo; por madio de cumplir regIes que Ie clese de gente en poder (lindsay, rockefeller, nixon, y

; ',. mitchlllJ. baoeft pare eIfos ~!.en' poder. Cuantos tenemos que morir antes que ~_ a protegernos de esos qUe no ..

aguanterian en user sus.armas para /NIIl""" este sistema de racismo;' opresion, y explotacion1


Benjamin Cruz Teniente de Informacion PART/OO DE LOS YOUNG LORDS Sector, del Bronx

Page 18: PALANTEc~ · 2013-12-13 · apoderado 0 su apoyo y prornetiendo que el asesinato de Julio Roldan saria vengado. 0 iez mesas antes at PARTIDO de los YOUNG LORDS y la gente del Barrio



A Puerto Rican brother, DiniCio "Johnny" Perez, 22, was murdered in cold blood Friday night, October 2, on Ceuldwell Avenue in the Bronx. He was killed at approxilnetely 7:30 p.m. by 4 bullets fired at close range from a policemen's gun.

What happened after Johnny's murder should serve as an example as to what Puerto Ricans and Blacks should have done a long time ago. The people of Ceuldwell Avenue got fed up with "81 abuso," the sen.1ess beatings and killings had gone fer anough. Young sisters and brothers, fathers and mothers and grandparents got together and organized a self-detense group. They now call them.lvas Justicia Latina.

Il I l( I H( .1 1)\ "­'t 1! I

On the night of October 2nd, people were sitting on their stoops talking; kids ware playing ball in the streats; men were playing pool or watching the ballgarne-things that lNary Puerto Rican and Black community do JUSTICIA LATINA AT JULIO'S FUNERAL

, lNary night. Two "peace officers" came down Ceuldwell Avenue, and their brutal actions forced the people to deal with the hate, anger, end frustratioft' that all fOuer1JoRicens have kept inside them against the police dapaI trnent.

Acdnt ,Oft, *1ICCU1atian .d!et .... 27 ,y#ItIIIf okIlDtbw bad, stOIt!n 8 biker ., police came into ., community, hunting. Th!ty went around thI:ea18ning and forcing people to give diem Information on ., whereabouts of the brother. The brother had only borrowed the . 1.Jike but had kept it too long. He decided he had nothing to hide, so he went looking for the cops to clear things up. When the cops _ the brother, they grabbed him, pushed his arms behind his blick, all the way up, and began to CU~ him--all of this without saving a word. People from the block Who k_. the brother surrounded the police to

demand a reason for their actions. The "n

Cuatro dias despues del asesinato de Julio Roldan, otro hermeno en los u.s. marines, fIamado Antolin Floras Jr. de 19 anos de eded foe encontrado ahorcado en 81 fuarta Lejuana, Caroline del Norte. EI tellllJranw recivido ~ JUs femitiaras decia' qII$':"8pareotemen1e .. IIabia suicidedo.

Daspu8$ que heblemos con..,s padres, as claro que fue asesinato. Su padre 10 vio fa semena pasada y dijo que su hijo estaba de lRuy buen humor. Habia regresado de Viet t4am y Ie quedaba todavia un ano en el e;ercito. Estaba planeando casarse pronto. este caso no es un caso aislando esto Ie esta Pesando /I muchos de nuestros hermanos y harmanas, y debe aca~ ahara. CuaAtoS mas daben morir?


officers" then began to hit the brother. Someone from the crowd threw a rock and righteously hit a cop in the heed.

Johnny Perez heard the commotion and left his ppol ,game to ~out whet was happenfng. The copt had putW oUt ",*",0$ and were aiming diem at the people. One cop fired, his shot hitting Johnny as he reached the scene. People ran for cover, trying to grab

children 8$ they ran. The people of Ceuldwelr Avenue loOked up and _ one cop walk over to the fallen body of Johnny Perez and pump three more shots irrto him. Johnny had been shot .conds earlier and was lying on the floor; there was no reason why the bIIest had to kill him.

The cops then ran into a grocery store and pointed their guns at the owner, forcing him to lock the door. In a few minutes, TPF and



SES were patrolling Ceuldwell Avenue with helmets, rifles, and riot gear. The people demonstrated in front ef the 41st Precinct until 3 8.m. demending tNt thelllUfdlNrs ba arrested. et ~ "notlllnn;w. ~t the killirlg:' ,...,···.,,·1· "It;,;, '

The people went back to the~. organized dIem.tvas and contacted . the YOUNG LORDS PARTY. They began to have political education cIassas and general meetings and are now working very with the YLP. Justicia Latina now servas and protects the community against drug pushers, "",ggers, and police brutality. During the past -.. they, along with the YLP, have bIIen collacting clothes to send to Puerto Rico.

Four days after the murder of Julio Roldan, another brother, Antolin Flores Jr., 19 years old, of the u.s. marines, was found banged at fortlej~ north carolina. The telegram r' Iris parents said that it­wasapparen

After ta • is parents, it was clear that it was' .HiS father had .an him a week ago and said ,ttl. son was in good spirits. He bad come back from Vietnam with a year to go. He was planning on getting married.

This is not an isolated- ca.. It is happening to many of our brothers and sisters, lind it must be stopped now. How ~any more must die?


Carl Pastor _ Field Lieu .... YOUNG LOROSPARTY iowar~~

Page 19: PALANTEc~ · 2013-12-13 · apoderado 0 su apoyo y prornetiendo que el asesinato de Julio Roldan saria vengado. 0 iez mesas antes at PARTIDO de los YOUNG LORDS y la gente del Barrio

SOMOS UNA NACION controlado par amerikkka.

Nosotros SORIOS un pueblo. Somos una nacion. Hemos ganado este derecho par ser oprimidos. T_RIOS,muchas cosas en comun pero 10 que nos une es la batalla diaria par sobravivir que t8nemos contra los estados unidos, contra los bajos salarios, contra al racilmo, contra las abortos fatales, contra de I'II1IIS, • 'Y contra Ia poIieia. Nosotros hemas sobravivido a los espanoIas, y ahora luchamos contra los amerikkkanos.

Los estados unidos tratan de deeir qua al "problema de los Puertorriquanos" as un problema local, como eI problema de Ia basura aqui; 0 COm9',euifltas astampillas van a la oficina de correos. Eno as un truco. Nosotros no SORIOS amarikkkanos--somos Puertorriquenos. Las dos razas son incompatibles. No hay tal cose de ser Puertotriqueno amerikkkano. Cualquiera que diga que es Puertorriqueno-gringo es un tonto viviendo an un mundo de fantasia. No hay ningun pedazo de papal que pueda hacer a un "spie," amerikkkana.

La colonizacion de Puerto Rico es una pregunta internacional. Como colonia" nuastro caso deba ser escuchado en las Naciones Un/das. Como gente de color somos parte de la familia del Tercer Mundo--Latinos, Negros, Indios, y Asiaticos. Que significa esto? Esto signifiea que ir al ejercito y matar Vietnamitas es como matar a tu propia madre. Significa que todo 10 que pase entre nosotros y los estados unidos debar;a ser tratado como un problema entre una nacion y otra. Eso signifiea que ser reciutado as para los Puertorriquenos 10

, .~tJ~.t~os ~an 00. de Bangkok, Tailandia. Eso signifiea

que .'. en earcelado en amerikklqi~.s c~o saca'ah' una perona de Gana en':Africa y pon.lo en una careel de aqui. Signifiea que la mtC:iC!l1 Puertorr iquena tiene el derecho de ~il'ar .su prqpio destino.

E! primer Punto de,la plataforma de los 13 puntos del PARTIDO DE LOS YOUNG LORDS dice "Queremos autodatarminacion paI'a todos los Puertorriquenos y libaracion en la isla y dentro de los estados unidos." La 4sla de Puerto Rico' debe . ser libarada de dorninacion extranjera, y debamos eliminar los capitalistas, negociantes y politiqueros. Debamos vivir en una soeiedad socialista sociedad popular, si queremos paz. Todas ~ revoillciones han estado basedes en el problem. de fa tierra. Zapata paleo por la tierra. 'Jefferson peleo par la tierra. Mao peteo par la tierra. Tierra es la base sobre la cua/ el == constr~yey Bori,!quen •. ~ nu~a

Dasde BoriOquen, nos. mudemos a lOs ~ unidos, dopde 1M) 1tay~1o

::::=:::"C:~:.':': ~=:&:IZa~:: podII'. In lot·· ...... ~ ..... _ que .Uft~ .......... , ..... OCIIJIII..O .. .... ~ ... Eft ... Ilbl""'; .... 1OdOa ...... ~apartir!llt .. ~'fn .. .......... compenla,. ........... ............ .'

DIIIJnIoI·fucfIar· par PU4Irfo Rico y ..... loa ..... unldos. '. ~

DIIIJnIoI ..... pili' flbarar _ ....... . ............... _1 ............. . .... idId maKImo ten ~ a las ceIdeI-...... ida ....................... .. GJIIIs)y .... fuerzas ..... ; y ... CIOft'IM

...... aciIJs, JSOI" pot ....... ni .... illIi4~r

Debamos luchar por una vida seludable, segura y contra el genocidio.

Debamos luchar par la paz internaeional y contra el imperialisrno amerikkkano y las guerras.

Debamos demandar esto ante las Naciones Unidas el 30 de Octubre. EI ano que viene puede ser muy tarde.


Pablo ''Yoruba'' Guzman Ministro de Information PARTIDO DE LOS YOUNG LORDS


uon Pedro heard about the arrests, he made a decision. If the government were going to arrest, jail, and kill the Party members. they may as well move now, start the revolt. He knew they could not win. He also knew it 4s batter to die fighting for freedom than to live a slave. So he gave the order that on noon, Tuesday, October 30th, the revolt should begin. , •

The armed forces of the Party were led by Don Juan Jaca. The plan was that each junta

.". .... __ --__________ ,..-.. in each town was to attack. the ~ police precinct, get the guns in the preci&f, __

to Utuado where the army would ba ufli1ed and .guerrilla warfare wou Id begin in the center of the island.

A few days before, Don JUan' went personally to the most trusted militants in each town and told them the plan. The Republic would be proclaimed and independence would ba fought for with sweat and blood. In San Juan, the forces were Ie(I by Raimundo Pacheco, a brave and great Puerto Rican revolutionary. But one of the mambars of the group who was hiding the guns, disappeared the morning bafore and took the guns with him. When the 600 mew assigned to attack the fortaleza arrived at Ii square in the town, there were no arllls. They were soon picked up and arrested. Unable to

1_ ... ____ ...... ______ ... _ ... _ ... find the guns, Raimundo and four otlle($.

attacked the fortaleza themselves and were killed... . i~

'.~~lCfA t..Al'INA '

People from all opprassed communities should learn from the murder of Johnny Perez, bacause unless we act now, one dey a brother or sister from your block may ba murdered in cold blood by the police. When. that heppens, dem't go' around saying "hay bandito:' or shaking your head. The people from Cauldwell didn't. You get payback by learning, teaching, and organizing to protect yourselves and your Communities. People should learn from the murders of Johnny Perez and Julio Roldan that the. police are there" to keep us in our place by enforcing the rulas that the ruling class (lindsay, rockefeller, nixOl\. mitch8n) make to keep themselves in power.' How many more '9f us muSt ba killed before we bagin to protect ourselv", against those who would use guns to main .. n this

.w svstem: Iff f~sm, .P9prenton ',and! t" ei(p!oitat1On7 ;' 'I.' ," · "


e-;yCNz 'iIIoI.illldon u....Imt . VOUIIGI..ORDS PARTY BronX Branch

In' Jayuya: BltiOca ~nafes'~ on the precinct. The revolutIonaries won quicJdy .;.!md moyed. tow.ard U~~o .. ,!.ln

·~~:~'J~f~ t~:tr.btr:.S took' tml majeiritv\to UtIlBdo-. aI'Ii\I1i'in tmtf .

. for the nQ6n "a~:He I~t only!' few behinf.:r to attack. the.ll(acinct.itt Ar~ But tbj. political 'eader of the junta i~ ~ beCame nervous and attacked the precinct tb!J soon. He panicked when he saw some poI~ and attacked at 10:00 a.m. in~ of n~ They were defeated and' the island government knew right away that an a~,

was on the way: . 't Soldiers wereJDObililed. WIlen all th6

others bagan to' attack at noOn, tilt government was ready. Only in Jayuya waf the attack successful. Jaca and his mennev. got to Utuado bacause the town ~ •. surrounded. HE! and his men hid in the hitl$ for a few days and finally $Urrendered. ..

The revolt was put down in a couple of

days, and .. over 2,OO? Nation~.list.s ~ arrested. Many were tried arid ~c:ed ttl 300, 400 years in jail. 'Most were ~ i1f. 1970, after 20 y.ears in ;'il. 20 y.-s of beiIII', a pr"'ot~,Anct AOIIJ pea_ pit"" .. tcream in ".. _emeht whIIn· someone it

to ~ veer ortWi:(1"liIke" 8x8l11Pflt . somer'" r.vo~~;,~

NationItllt h1.v •. whole ontyprincipla;W8t" ".'" Thea.tiOn .... enchacrifice." ·':fIJ··

~ "..' ";~i >

1..0000U)i1 DON 1tEOR91 . L.U'V&.JAVt.J"tfAI


"'Ift" ofOeten.. VOUNG I..ORDS PARTY

Page 20: PALANTEc~ · 2013-12-13 · apoderado 0 su apoyo y prornetiendo que el asesinato de Julio Roldan saria vengado. 0 iez mesas antes at PARTIDO de los YOUNG LORDS y la gente del Barrio




"YoaDM" GU_ ....

e.ry __ of the YOUNG LORDS PARTY ...... fotlo .• th .... rules. CENTRAL COMMITTEE .~ CENTRAL .... BRANCH STAFFS, incIudIne ........ will ........... ruIaa.. ,. , Every __ of· the ' . ..,-tv ___ ..... .rules, and ...., dwn My .. AIry __ '-til ..... .... rules II IUbjICt to .'tIJII'Iion by the PARTY.


1. You ... YOUNG LORD 25 hoUrs • dIy. 2. .,."" JtARTY ........ ...... 01' • jift tip .....

dial .................... O!' ...... or ......... ~ ..... ......

. 3. Atty ............. tIIoo1int .. will III ......... . ,,~ ........... -V "- any .... *'" In Ilia or'" ...... or In .. tYstam ..... on duty. No .. -V ......... duty •

............. wI! ..... rules ................ t .... or ............ of ... PARTY AtlVMt&RE. '

":;i':'.:·:.iiM. , ............. poInt or tire ....... of any kind "'~)l,."._Ii!:;'li.. .. iI. or 3 rr • .a, It.,.. ··U......... .. join .. -- fortt ......... . 's /Irntttt. of LiIIIration.

,.fII! •. mtJD ............. tIIIIIIIItit arm. .... ... • __ ..,...,. YOUNG LORDS WIll ... only

............ AI!'d wiff 19\ nothiftt, ....... rtrlt aid _

.. ~ .. by .. ~ ' .. t • 10. No member may .... in ....,.ic unIan authorized by the Cantral Committee or Cantral $tiff.

11. The 13· Point "otr8m mus~ .. be memorized and the Platform mutt be understood by eIch member. .

12. PARTY communications mIift be national and tacaI. ' .~

. 13. No ~ may speak abqut _ther member uaIau he or sh!I IS ...-nt. :

'14. A'll PARry busi_ is to .. kept within. the PARTY.


NO --tv radio show on WBAt.fM. YOU Monday -me at 11·11·30 P.M •• 81.7. "- ditcuaId IUdI 1Dpica • cuIIurII

LORDS gIIIOCide, ........ Pueno RicMWOIMIt • ~ .... politic-' .......

P.I .... ,....,. PALANTE .... --- • -_ -:ftft & & action, in which -.nion Is .... of ... _ ........... to Ihut up in the ..... .....,. on .... the .... offingof.N .

PALANTE will .. broadrcat ............ Radio - ..... If you MIlt 10 ____ __.. your _ on the air. write PALANTE. do

S WBAI·FM. 30 E. 39d1 St.. New YOIIl, N.Y. .. • __ Shows.,. rapeated TIIIIIday IIIOf'ftinIt at

. - ~ 11:00 •. m.·

0(f), 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 G> (;) .....a~~Td~ 0 vauNI LCIIICIe o

o o -0




PALU'lB CllCULA'1'lo. o

!J49 ~ AvauB -0 POI1X, .;Y. 10459

o NAIIa ••••••• ~ ••••••• -.- .~---.------ 0 .,. . .........•.............•.•. CITY ___ ••••••• __ • .,.... ___ •• ____ ••••. 0

o NfmOl'l/j1. IIMI,..,. 1 \'BAa (U ISSUI!S) 0 ..... 71 0","5 0

o 6 MONTHS Q2 ISSUI!S) 0),00 C 5.00 0 o 3 MONTHS (6 ISSUES) 0'·50 03,50

O ~ 0 0 0 00000· ~

Page 21: PALANTEc~ · 2013-12-13 · apoderado 0 su apoyo y prornetiendo que el asesinato de Julio Roldan saria vengado. 0 iez mesas antes at PARTIDO de los YOUNG LORDS y la gente del Barrio



Puerto Ric:an NIen, or puppIU of the oppreAor, do not help For 500 van, fint spain and than uni1lld states have wlontnd. our people. They are _ by the system to lead our people our country. BlUionI of dollars in profits leave our country doMI blind alleys, just lika the thousands of poverty pimps who the uni1lId states -V y_. In -V way we _ sieves of keep our communities peac:eful for ~, or the meet workers .... We _t liberation and the p_ in the hencIs of who keep .... cIIvicIed and bIowint .:It other away. We ~ • PaopIe, not Puerto Ric:an exploiters. IOCiety where the people lOCiaIisticaIIy -.troI their labor. QUE VIVA PUERTO RICO LlBRE~ VENCEREMOSI


Our Latin Brothers and SistIrs, inside and outside the We cIIawId ImmediaU wittIchweI of u.s. miliary foroes and states, are Oppresaed by ..... kkan busn-. The Chicano .....from Puerto Riccb VieInIm. aiId all C)fIIIn!II8CI --"iaI built the Southwest, and we support their right to inside and outside "" u.s. No -"-to Ric:an IhoUId .-w in . the U- and their land. The people of Santo Domingo u.s. army ... inst his Brothers and Sistan, for tIw only true army fight against tringo domination and its puppet ......... of opprwI8CI people II tIw people'. army to fight all N .... .-mad liberation stnJtIIes in Latin Amaric:a are part of the U.s. OUT OF VIETNAM, FREE PUERTO RICO! ' of L at!.- 8gIinst imperialilm. QUE VIVA LA RAZAI 9. WE WANT FREEDOM FOR ALL POUTICAL PRISONERs.

3. WE WANT LIBERATION OF ALL THIRD WORLD I'"C'Jr'L.C. We ~ all Puerto Ric:anI freed ...... they have been tried by

Just as Latins fint stand under spain and the yanquis. people. Indiins. and Asians sIaVIId to build the _Ith

they ,... foutItt for frwdom and

the I1ICiIt courts of the coIOniarI, and -not by ·.their .~ --. and ...... We ~ all frwdom fighters frOni jeiI. .r:-x::,. FREE ALL POLITICAL PRISONERSI

lIfE WANT EQUALITY FOR~IN.MACHISMO MU8T ... . (~.~. Third World the fight for tr.dom." tlwooforad and

J,If the world are _ nation UIIdar oppraISion. ...... -.. ••.•• 0&: REVOtUTIONARY, •• NOT oPPIUSSIVE. ••


The Latin. BIact, Indian and Alien people iMide the u.s. colonies fighting for liberation. We know thIt WIIShington, street. and city hall Witl try to make our nationalism into but. Puerto Ricans ara of all colors and we rasilt racism. of poor white people are rising up to demand fre.lom and support them. These are the ones in the u.S. thet ar.· stepped

Under capitldism. our __ have lIMn oppnasad by tJaIft .the IOCiety and our _ man. The doctrine of IIIIIChiaM ...... UI8d by our men to take out their frustrationI against their .wtv., ..... ; motherI, and chIIchft. Our men must support their __ In their fight for economic and sOcial equality, and niust. IWOgI1ize thIt our __ are aquals in -V WIlY within the ~ ........ fORWARD, SISTERS, IN THE STRUGGLEI


by the NIerS and the government. We each organize our Anyone who resists injustice is caIIad • communist bY "the man" llut our fights are the same against oppreuion and we will and condamned. Our people are brainWMhad by talevision. radio. it together. POWEFJ TO ,ALL OPPRESSED PEOPLE!, schools, and books to O@P.!*I people in other ;. • countries fighting for their freedom. No longer witl our people 5. WE ~.AlIlT COMMUNITY CONTROL OF OUR ..... ' ... .,rll.,·.I\1 .. .,. believe attacks and sIandars. ...... they. hmt t.rned who the AND LAND. real anamy is and who their real frlandl _ We wlfl dafancI· our

Brothers and Sisters around ttleworld who fltht for justic:a We want control of our communities by our people and pro""ASI against the rIt:h Nlen of this country. . to guarantee thet all institutions serve the needs of our VIVA CHE! People's control of polioa, health services. churc:hes, housing. transportation and weIfara are naedIId. We _t 12. WE BELIEVE ,ARMED SEI;F-DEFENSE AND ARMED to attacks on our land by urbM ~aI, h9twaY STRUGGLE A~E THE ONLY MEANS TO LIBERATION. universities and corporations. LAND BELONG$; TO AA,L THE PEOPLE I We are 0fJP0IM to v~the vioIimca of hunarY. 1IhiIdreP.

Ifli_.. adults, dItaIad old' people, and the ~ of pcMrty t. WE WA,n It TR'uE EDUCATION OF OUR CKt:UI.t:1 .nd profit. Wa h.". •• ked, petition", gana to COtII'ts. CU .. ;l:R£ AND SPANISH :.ANGUAGE. cIamonstrated peac:efuUy, and WOUld for 1'o\itic:ians full of empty

We must learn our hilt,. 'f of fithting against culturel. as wall economic: genocide by the yanqui. Revolutionary culture. of our p8cip1e. is the only true teaching.

~. But we' still ain't fr .... The time lies _ to dafancI the Ii_ of our people' against reprelSion and for revoIutional'y war .gainst. the busill8Slmen. politician, and polioa. Wbef> • government oppr_ our people, we have the right to abolish it and creata • new one. . BORICUA IS AWAKE! ALL PIGS BEWARE!


We want liberation. clothing. fr.. food, ecfucati!:»"o. lJealth care, transportation. utilities. and 'employment for all. We. WIIIIt a society where the needs of Our people come fint. and where we give solidarity and aid to the peoples of the world, nOt

.. -,,'r _.v.v.. and racism., . VICTORIA SIrj;MPRE!

Page 22: PALANTEc~ · 2013-12-13 · apoderado 0 su apoyo y prornetiendo que el asesinato de Julio Roldan saria vengado. 0 iez mesas antes at PARTIDO de los YOUNG LORDS y la gente del Barrio



For 500 yean, fint spain and then united states have colonized our country. Billions of dollan in profits leave our country for the united states 8I/tIK'f veer. In 8I/tIK'f way _ are slaves of the gringO. We _t liberation and the '0_ in the hands of the People, not Puerto Rican exploiten. • OUE VIVA PUERTO fUCO LIBREI



Puerto Rican rulers, or puppets of the oppressor, do not help our people. They are paid by the ~ to teed our people down blind alleys, just like the thousands of poV«ty pinlps who keep our communities peaceful for busi_, or the street worfcen who keep ... divided.and blowing eecII other away. We _t a society where the people sociaIistlcaHy control their 1eIior. VENCEREMOSI


Our Latin Brothen and Sisters. inIicte and outside the We demand Immediata withdra_1 of u.s. military tore. _ states, are' oppressed by amerikldtan' JIasi_. The ChIcano Iaes from Puerto Rico, Vietnam, and all oppressed cornmunitieI

.built the Southwest, and _ SUllJ)Ol1their ritht to control inside and outside the u.s. No Puerto Rican shoufd .-vein the m. and their land. The people of$anto 0Dmlng0 u.s. army against his Brothen and Sisters, for the 0IIIy true fitht against gringo domination _: its puppet fIIIII18AIII. of oppressed people is the people', army to fitht all nders. ermid IiIMration strutIIes in Latin ,A;inerica are part of the _ U.s. OUT OF VIETNAM, FREE PUERTO RICO! . of Latinos against imperialism. QUE VIVA I.:A RAZAf· . 9. WE ·WAN.T FREEDOM FOR ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS.

3.WE.WAN.T LISERATlON'OF MU THIRD WORLD rl:\WL.I:. We want all Puerto Ricans freed because thev ........ tried. bo/' the racist courts of the colona.., and not bo/ their own people

Just,:.s ...... ~, tint- ..... under .. and the yanquis, and peen. We want en freedom fighters ....... from jail. people, Indians, and Asians slaved 10 buifd the _Ith FREE' ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS! . country. For 400 veers they .... fought for freedom lind .ageinst racist 8abyton (deoadtInt 4fI1Pire). ~ World WE . WANT EOUALITY. FO,twOMEN; .'1ISMO MrR'l". led .. fight for freedom. Aft the aatarect· .... ·oppreseed· REV<n.uTIONARY ••• NOl' .00000SSlVE.:·: . . i~""" of the wwId are one nation under oppression., . Ie NO PUERTO RICAN IS FREE UNTIL ALL PEOPLE Under cepitalism, our woman have .... oppressed bo/ both the FREEt society and our own men. The doctrine of machismo has ...

used by our men to take out their frustrations against their . 4. WE ARE REVOLUTIONARY NATIONALISTS AND OPftOSE. wm.. sisters, mothen, and childran. Our men must support their AACtSM.. woman in their fitht for economic and social equality, and must

The La~, Black, Indian and Asian people. inside the u.s. colonies fithting for libenttion. We know that washington. street, and city hall will try to make our nationalism into but Puerto Ricans are of all colon and _.resist nICism. of poor white people are rising up to demand freedom and support them. n- are the ones in the u.s. that are stepped

recognize that our woman are equals in fN«y _y within the f8VOIutionary ranks. ' FORWARD, SISTERS, IN THE STRUGGLEI


bo/ the rulers and the .,.-nment. ~ each organize our Anyone who r.esists injustice is called • communist by "the men" bat . our fights are the _ against ~ion and _ will and condemned.. Our people are brainwashed by television, radio, it together. POWER TO ALL OPPRESSED PEOPLE I newspapers, schools, and books to oppose people in other.

countries fighting for their freedom. No longer will our people 6. we WANT COMMUNITY CONTROL OF OUR INS:TI1'UTIOflISI believe attacks and slanden, hacause they have learned who the AND LAND. reel enemy is and who their reel friends are. We will defend our

Brothen and Sisters around the worfd who fight for justice . We want control of our communities by our people and prOi"a"11S1 against the rich rulen of this country. to guarantee that all institutions serve the needs of our VJ.VAJlNE!, PjlO pIe's control of police, health services, churches, hbuSing, transportatiOn and walfare are needed .. We want 12. WE BELIEVE ARMED SELF·DEFENSE AND ARMED to attacks on our land by urban removal, highway STRUGGLE ARE THE ONLY MEANS TO LIBERATION. universities and corporations. » . LAND' 8ELONGS TO ALL THE PEOPLE! We are opposed to violence·the viotenaP of' hungry children.

illiterate adults, diseased old people, and the vio .... ce of poverty 6. WE WANl A TRUe EDUCATION and profit. We have asked, petitioned, gone to courts.

TURE AND SPANISH LANGUAGE. demonstrated peacefully, and voted for politicians fun of empty promi.... But _ still ain't free. The time has come to defencf the lives of. our people against repression and for revolotionary war against the businessman, politician, and police. When a government oppreuO$ our people, wa have therillht to abolist. 't and create a new one. . BORICUA IS AWAKE! ALL PIGS BEWARE!


We want liberation, clothing, free food, educatim,. health.: e<;re, t, ~IlSflOrtatiQn, utilities, and employment for all. We wan'" t

$l)Ciety where the needs of our people come first, and whel;e we 'give solidarity and aid to the peoples' of the world,'. not· oppreSSIon and racism. . HASTA LA

Page 23: PALANTEc~ · 2013-12-13 · apoderado 0 su apoyo y prornetiendo que el asesinato de Julio Roldan saria vengado. 0 iez mesas antes at PARTIDO de los YOUNG LORDS y la gente del Barrio