page two ayport news bayport date ny suffolk

PAGE TWO THE SUFFOLK COUNTY NEWS, SAYVTLLE, L. L, THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1963 WANT ADS — LT 9-8208 ayport News By MRS. HIRAM DARROW Tel. HR ^'-1737 Mrs. George Maxey of Suy- dam Lane entertained at her home on Friday night at a bridal shower for Miss Janice Hinckley of Sayville. Co-hostess^ cs at the party were Mrs. Carl Watren of Sayville and Mrs. Robert Hopper of Center Mori- ches. The honored guest sat un- der a decorated umbrella to open her gifts. The guests were Mrs. Fred Heuer, Mrs. George Pennington and Mrs. John Ed- wards of Bayport, Mrs. Philip Dodd, Mrs. Louis Stang Jr., Mrs. . Charles Clowe, Mrs. Georgo Skinner, Mrs. Jackson White, Mrs. Charles Webber, Mrs. Peter Morris, Mrs. ' Kenneth Morris, Mrs. George S.hreiber, M r s John McEvoy. Mrs Meta "KuV.e, Mrs. Charles Suckow, Mrs. David Wallace, Mrs. Roy HoldorfT, Mrs. Harold Hinckley and the Misses Edna Ellison, Jo Arm McEvoy and Barbara Suc- kow, all of Sayville, Mrs. A. 51. McFarland of Cumberland, Md., Mrs. Pearl Bush and Mrs. For- rest Hinckley of Clifton N. J., Mrs. William Newhouse and Mrs. William Iseldyke of West Sayville, and Mrs. Ernest Par- sons and Miss Ann Beinick of Bohemia. Miss Hinckley will be married on June ninth to Wil- liam Newhouse, now stationed at the Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs. Modern Home Owner combin- ed package insurance policies can save you money. See Charles P. Didcerson, 31 Main Street, Sayville. 24tf The Bayport-Sayville Unit of the Ladies Auxiliary to Brook- haven Memorial Hospital met on Monday for a box.luncheon and dessert and coffee served by Mrs. George Jacob and Mrs. Edith Bishop of Bay Shore and Mrs. Clarence Rogers of Say- ville. At the meeting Mrs. Frank Embler, volunteer chairman re- ported that 11 workers gave 104 1/4 hours of service last month. The guests for the day were Mrs. Sidney of Bellport and Mrs. A. L. Starke of Oak- dale. It was reported that the recent Fashion and Wedding Gown Show netted the unit S103. Tomorrow is the day for the Bayport-Sayville and Blue Point Units to tour the hospital at 10:30 a. m. Anyone interested must make reservations by call- ing Mrs. Edward Dietz in Bay- port. Plans were also made for a combined card party and strawberry festival, at the June 10th meeting in ..the Community House. The "don at ion will be 51.25. Plans were also discussed for the July Dutch Treat Luncheon at Land's End. Thorvaldsen and Gedde Build- ers have several lots for sale south of Middle Road and they will build to suit. HR-2 1495. 30tf Doris Irvine of Edgewater Avenue entertained Saturday night at a pajama party for Florence Baden of Blue Point in celebration of her 15th birth- day. Overnight guests were Les- lie Divis of Bayport, and Mavis Grieshammer of Bayport. The Bayport Memorial Park Association will meet tonight at eight for the annual business meeting at the Bayport Fire House. The-annual Sayville Republi- can Club snack dance will be held at the new Island Hills Country Club, Lakeland Avenue, Sayville, on Friday, May 17, 1963. 50t2 Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Thornbloom of Bayport Avenue entertained at luncheon last Wednesday for the sixth birthday of their daughter, Gretchen. Her guests were Susan Ruggiero, Franklin Canning, Marion Cass and Courtney King. Mrs. Lyle Thornbloom, chair- man of the Friendly Town Com- mittee, has announced that city children taking part in Fresh Air Fund benefits this year will be invited to spend two weeks in this area from July 18th and from August first. Among those who have already re-invited guests for this summer arc Mr. and Mrs. Donald Huszagh, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Green and Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Goudsmit, all of Bayport. Richard E. Tremblay, airman apprentice, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs Earl Tremblay of 150 Hollvwood Drive, has been graduated from the Aviation Crash Crewman School at the Naval Air Technical Training Center. Mcmnhis, Tenn. Tronv hlay entered the service in Sep- tember l°f>2 and is a graduate of Sayville Hii'.h School. Mr and Mrs. Hielinrd Fern- hard hid their son. Rich- ard .lr . ehristencd at the Moth- odist Church on Sunday morn- ing by the Rev. Landnn K. Owen. Mr. and Mrs. William O'Brien and their daughter Coleen and Mrs. Herman Meyer of Stephen Road were luncheon gue>ts Sat- urday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hackett in Brook- lyn after Coleen had received her First holy communion at Our Lady of the Snow Church. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Taitz of Renee . Drive entertained on Mother's Day for dinner when their guests were their parents, Mr. and Mrs..Marcus Manta an.d Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Berkowitz of the Bronx. Mr. and Mrs. George Beltz of Tucker Drive entertained at luncheon on Saturday for rela- tives and friends in honor of their son, Richard, who had re- ceived his first holy communion that morning at Our Lady of the Snow Church. A buffet luncheon was given by Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Avolio of Tucker Drive on Saturday for their daughter, Donna, who had received her first holy commu- nion at Our Lady of the Snow Church that morning. For the brightest wash come to the authorized Westlnghouse Bayport Laundromat Third Avenue just north of Montauk Highway. 75ti Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bacile of Renee Drive entertained at a Mother's Day dinner for Mr. Bacile's mother, Mrs. Beatrice Prisco of Brooklyn, a weekend guest, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ba- cile and children, Beatrice, Lin- da and Robert Jr. of Bayport. Are your valuables and Im- portant papers safe from loss? A safe deposit box at The - Oystennen's Bank in Sayville is available to you- The cost is pennies a day. 8tf The altar flowers at the Me- thodist Church on Sunday were given by Mr. and Mrs. Everett Dunkerley in loving memory of their mothers. There was also a floral arrangement given by Sir. and Mrs. George Mitchell in memory of their parents. Next Sunday night the local Methodist Church and the Say- ville Methodist Church families will meet in the Sayville Con- gregational Church for a hymn sing. The annual Sayville Republi- can Club snack dance will be held at the new Island Hills Country Club, Lakeland Avenue, Sayville, on Friday, May 17, 1963. 50t2 Mr. and Mrs. William Seherff; o- '-,:.!-<-- i£§af ^ElrsVvAVenue entertained <pn -tf. .i^tlfetWwrnoon at a.paVtyHn celebration; of .the eighth" birth- day of their daughter, Joan. The party table was decorated in pastel colors and party favors for the following girls: Ann Grube, Christine Murphy, Cheryl Smith and Christine Barker of- Bayport, Laura Follner, Linda Casa and Linda Svihura of Pat- chogue. Gary Divis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Divis of Fairview Avenue and a junior at James Wilson Young High School has been awarded a summer pre- college scholarship to the Mer- rill School of Journalism North- western University, Evanston, 111. A dinner party was held on Sundav at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Darrow on Bayport Avenue in celebration of the 18th birthday of their grandson, Eric Kindberg of Islip Terrace, and Mother's Day with four generations in attendance, Eric's great grandmother, Mrs. Gesine Wiltsey, his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Darrow, and his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kind- berg and their other children. Miss Karen. Judith, Nancy and Lance, and Mr. and Mrs. Benja- min Rutkowski and daughters, Dale. Robin and ^Jill of Fair- view Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Marinus Par- mentier and daughter, Miss Nik- ki of Ste. Foy, Canada, are spending a few days at the home of Mr. Parmcntier's fath- er, John Parmentier, on Oak Road. The Bayport Couples Club met Saturday night at the Me- thodist Church Parish Hall for an "Olympic Meet" with nil members taking part. The hosts were Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Fink, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kir- ouac, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tay- lor and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rrunncr. Two couples were ac- cepted as members: Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Huggard and Mr. and Mrs. John McClurc, Guests for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Allan Edwards, Mr. and Mrs Richard Hock, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Von Roskirk and Mr. and Mrs. William Franz. Plans were completed for the progres- sive dinner party on June eighth when the appetizers will bo served at seven o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs Lyle Thornbloom on Bayport Avenue. The following high school stu- dents went by bus last Wednes- day for a science field trip: Tho- mas Tyler, Dianne Darbee. Alex- ander Schaap. Dean Silver, Alan Sanders, Andrea Douglas, Kathy Cochrane. Paul Clough, Eric Pasternack. Kevin Reilly, Rose Rettig, Peggy Easton, Nancy Gray, Sally McCarthy. Theodore Lap, Ellen Stadtmuller, Mavis Grieshammer. Steven Millheiser, Barbara Gillette, Karen Godel, Anna Staniswicz, Virginia Hoi- lins, Thomas Cooney, Ellen NevelotT, Ann Lindahl, Dale Rutkowski. P a t McKendrick, Heidi Albanese, Joseph Vernon, Michele Ln Cour, Daniel Heintze, Laurie Williams, Connie Mc- E 11 i g o 11, Eileen MacLean, Thomas Scrimo, Leslie Divis, Steven Lonski, and their faculty advisors, Albert L. Specht and Joseph J. Da Lucia. They toured the Museum of Natural History and visited the Planetarium in New York. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Poido- mani of Edgewater Avenue liad as their weekend guests, Mr. Poidomani's mother, Mrs. Vin- cent Poidomani, and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kouremetis, of Bridgeport, Conn. They came to attend the first holy communion of Mr. and Mrs. Poidomanis' son Mark, on Saturday at Our Lady of the Snow Church. The Bayport-Blue Point Teach- ers Association presented "Fac- ulty Follies of 1963" at the James Wilson Young High School last Friday and Saturday -nights. The program consisted of a number of musical attrac- tions and several comedy turns which proved highly entertain- ing to the large audiences. The proceeds will be used for a scholarship for a high school student who will enter the teaching profession. Ten members of the local Chapter of the National Honor Society attended a recent lunch- eon at the Timber Point Coun- try Club in Great River, The Bayport young people in the party of 100 were Roberta Busch, William Betjemann, Ca- tharine Lott, Linda Gray, Gre- gory Neilon, Susan Vanik. Jo- sette Mondanaro, Jeffrey Shef- field, Ronald Schwizer and Dan- iel Perlman. Mr. and Mrs. William Bledsoe of McConnell Avenue have as their house guest Mrs. Heddy Harland from England. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Selby of McConnell Avenue had their baby daughter, Grace Jeanette, dedicated at the Blue Point Bap- tist Church Sunday morning by the Rev. I. A. Falk. The baby's sponsors were Miss Sherry Stoll and John Sehroeder of Bayport. Following the ceremony the baby's grandparents, ifiv. and-' r" i For Good Eating Shop at. .. Bayport Delicatessen 578 MIDDLE ROAD BAYPORT, N. Y. TEL. HR 2-1086 TRY OUR DELICIOUS FRESHLY SLICED COLD CUTS Bayport Date Book ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Monday 8:30 p. m. Sunday School rooms St. Ann's Church; BAYPORT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL P.T.A. Second Wednesday, 8 p. ni., school auditorium. THE BAYPORT METHODIST MEN'S CLUB Third Tuesday of every month at 8 p. ox BAYPORT-SAYVILLE UNIT - LADIES' AUXILIARY - BROOK- HAVEN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Second Monday, 8:15. The Community House, Sayville. BAYPORT CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC. rirst Thursdays. Jan- uary, March, May, September and November. 8:30 p. m., Bay- port High School. Annual Meeting — Third Tuesday July, 8:30 p. m., Bayport High School. BAYPORT REPUBLICAN CLUB—Meets at the Suffolk County Republican Clubhouse in Blue Point at 8 p. m. on the fourth Thursday of the month. BAYPORT TAXPAYERS ASS'N. First Thursdays in January, April. June and October Board of Directors meets. Third Thurs- days of January, April, June, and October, regular meetings held at Bayport-Blue Point High School. BOARD OF EDUCATION Every first and third Friday at 8:30 p m. in the high school. BOY SCOUTS Mondays, 7:30, High School COUPLES' CLUB Second Saturdays, 8:15 p. ra. FIRE DEPARTMENT First Fridays 8 p. m. fixehouse. Ladies' Auxiliary, meets second Monday at 8:15 p. m. CUB PACK Meeting fourth Wednesday of every month. GIRL SCOUT TROOP COMMITTEE First Wednesdays, 8 p. m. GIRL SCOUT BROW r NT£S Mondays and. Thursdays, Elementary School- 3:15 - 4:30 p. m.; Fly-up Brownies, Tuesdays, Methodist Church, 3:30 - 4:30 p. rn. HOME EXTENSION Eyery Wednesday 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. in fire house. First Wednesdavs at 11 a. m., covered dish luncheon at 12. GIRL SCOUTS Troop six, meets three p. m. Thursdays in ele- mentary school. rNTERMEDIATE SCOUTS—Troop 68 — Thursdays, Wesley House, 3:30 p. m.; Troop 33 —•Mondays, Wesley House, 3:30 p. m.; Troop 11 first and third Tuesdays at Junior High gym, 7:30 p. m.; Troop 27 — Second and fourth Tuesdays, Junior High gym, 7:30 p. m. SENIOR SCOUTS High School Students, Troop 28 — Methodist Church, first and third Mondays, 7:30 p. ra. Trail Blazers Troop at Methodist Church, second and fourth Mondays, 7:30 p. m. LIONS CLUB Second and fourth Mondays, 7:30 p. m., Albert's Restaurant SOUTHSIDE HOSPITAL AUXILIARY Second Tuesdays, 1:30 p. ra. ; Les Lawrence of Bayport and Sanford Wagner of Brookhaven won the United States Industrial Bridge Contest recently and will defend this country' against France and England in bridge competition. Both men are em- ployed at the Brookhaven Na- tional Laboratory. • Anthony Founder, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Founder of Church Street, won second place in the chess tournament at Clarkson College of Technology in Potsdam, N. Y. where he is a senior. The tournament, which has been going on since fall, was open to faculty and students of Clarkson and the State Uni- versity as well as the village of Potsdam. ' • V.ftrs.v "Lester r E. Garhart has- felui^ed•* home after .spending' Mrs. William Bledsoe of.McCon- -*-V*a< week -in "JeffersonviUerN. Y nell Avenue entertained at din- ner for Mr. and Mrs. Selby and the baby, the sponsors and Mrs. Heddy Harland. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith of First Avenue celebrated the fifth birthday of their son Rich- ard on Saturday afternoon with a party supervised by his sister Cheryl. The guests were James Swamback, T h o m a s Manfre, Christopher and Gregory Scherff, Kevin Murphy, Mark Richter, and Jeffrey Smith. Navy Lt. David S. Langner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Siegfried Langner of 80 Seaman Avenue is engaged in training aboard the attack aircraft carrier USS Shangri-La at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The Shangri-La is the flagship of Carrier Division Six. Pvt. William T. Connors took part in "Exercise Grand Slam II" last week with other mem- bers of the 14th Armored Caval- ry Regiment in Germany. Pvt. Connors entered the Army in September 1961, completed ba- sic training at Fort Dix, N. J., and arrived overseas in Febru- ary 1962. He is a 1955 graduate of Sayville High School. His mother, Mrs. Rita Connors, lives at 744 Montauk Highway, Bay- port. The Epsilon Hi-Y Society met on Wednesday night of last week at the home of Miss Helen Banfich on Gillette Avenue with all members present. It was re- ported that Miss Barbara Bogcl will be the new advisor as Mrs. Adrianne Wallace had resigned due to the pressure of business. Miss Bogel will be in charge of the next meeting on May 22nd when plans will be made for the summer schedule. William Brown of Oakwood Avonuc was taken by ambulance last week to St. Albans Naval Hospital where he was placed on the critical list. He has since improved slightly. Grants Won by Two Teachers Joseph J. Do Lucia and Rob crt G. O Donnell of James Wil- son Young High School have received National Science Foun- dation grants for the coming summer. Mr. De Lucia, a West Say ville resident and a te.ieher of science nt the high school, was awarded a grant to attend Georgetown University in Wash- ington, I). C. The Vogram. of- fers a concentrated study of modern physics with special emphasis on applications to space physics Mr. O'Donnell, a chemistry teacher, has received n grant for the Mimmer of 1M3 J at Adelphi College in Garden -<o City, taking care of her son and; daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Garhart, and their son. James, all of whom were ill. They are recuperating, but Mr. Garhart has developed shingles. Lester E. Garhart is visiting his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wigley in Meriden, Conn. John W. DuBois, a 1960 grad- uate of James Wilson Young High School, has been elected to the Senate of the Student Association at Pittsburgh State University College. DuBois, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard S. DuBois, of Oakwood Avenue, is a junior at Plattsburgh where he is studying to become a hiuh school social studu)* teacher. The Senate's function includes that of adopting statutes estab- lishing and governing the acti- vities, enterprises, and under- takings of the Student Associa- tion. School Concert To be Offered TomorrowNight Tomorrow at 8:15 p. m. James Wilson Young High School will present the second part of its annual spring concert. This por- tion of the concert will be per- formed by the orchestra and senior girl's chorus. The orchestra, conducted by Henry Brynan, will present sel- ections from the Baroque and Classic periods, and on through contemporary' music. Different choirs of the orchestra will he featured in solo groups, to illus- trate orchestral color in sound. The girl's chorus, under the direction of John Andersen, will be heard singing "Fa Una Cnn- zone" by Vecchi. "Sapphic Ode" by Brahms, "N'on Nobis Do- mine" by Quilter, and "Pearo Comes to Mo" by Lyn Murray in its first group of .«on\'s. A group of ei^ht girl<: will sing throughout the cour-o of the evening. Peggy Maxian, Di- anne Darbee. Pam Haskins. Paula Grieshammer. Lynn Thompson, Kathy Cochrane. San- dra Dioguardo and N'nnry llai! well will sing "Now is the Month of Maying'' hy Morlc\. "Sincere" from "The Music Man." and with the chorus "Pick a Little. Tnlk a Little", and "Goodnight, Lndies" from "The Music Man." The chorus will also ?inr. scv oral recent poputar smirs. and the chorus and orchestra will (•ftrtiMne to rlo.»e the concert with Haydn's "St. Antoni (ho rale." Fairchilds Mark 60th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fair- child of Locust Street, Bayport, celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on Saturday after- noon in St. Ann's parish house in Sayville. About 60 relatives and friends gathsred to con- gratulate them upon the occa- sion. .Mr. and Mrs. F*airchild have lived in Bayport for 41 years, having come from Brooklyn where they were married in .Grace Episcopal Church. Mrs. Fairchild is 80 years of age and Mr. Fairchild will be 82 in Au- gust: Among the guests was Mrs. Fairchild's brother, Alfred Kornrumpf of Hempstead, but her sisters, Mrs. Harry Hubbard of Goldsboro, Md. and Mrs. Henry Hubbard of Danbury. Conn, were unable to be pres- ent They have four children, Clarence Fairchild of Patchogue, Mrs. Edmund Brown and Mrs. James Brown of Bayport, and Edward Fairchild of Linden- hurst, 10 grandchildren, and two great grandchildren. Ml/Tv DON'T BE A LITTERBUGI Published at a public tervtc* In cooperation wttfl The AdvirtltJng Council ^0^&&0^0^&^^0^f^0Ut0^j^0MypUt&^p^0t0l0^0H0&i0&tfMl^ BY NEIL J. SPARE NEIGHBORS If you need help, the folks next door can be depended on. What's more, when they need someone fhey will know they don't have very far to go. This mutual at- tlitance may bo comforting and pave the way to other bigger dlvl- donds when neighbors ripen into friends. Ford cars can b» depended on to give you the most driv- ing pleasure. You can get quality at (air prices when you buy a Ford. Stop and tee what we have at SAYVILLE FORD 102 North Main Street Sayville TEL. LT 94800 N. Y. State Infpectie-n Station #7 4 49 Sending Long Island potatoes to.Idaho may be like shipping coals to New- castle, but Idaho Gov. Robert E. Smylie,- lett> wasv presented with a bag of Long Island's best last week. The presentation was made by Riverhcad Councilman Elmer A. Stotzky, right, at the Suffolk County Republican Committee's spring dinner. En- joying th'e presentation are County Chairman Arthur. M'. Cromarty, second from reft, and State Sen. Elisba TV Barrett:. •: V : \ ['?:".'" (Children Receive First Communion The following children of the confraternity classes at St, Law- rence's Church received their first holy communion on Satur- day morning: Deborah Armstrong, Victoria Ashby, Doreen Babbitt, Eileen Barry, Veronica Broere, Joan C h r i s s c s , Kathleen Colligan, Sandra Distin, Karen Sue Fonda, Roberta Giambatista, Darida Gonzalez, Kathleen Greene, Ma- rie Haggerty, Gayle Mirabito. Cathy Miller, Kathleen Newell. Debbie Lee Ridge, Deborah Rox- burgh, Jeanne Schumann, Laura . , Trueb. Lorraine Wilkie, Ellen . : Williamson, Susan Woods, Kath- leen Burke, Melanie Cavanagh, Karen Crean, Helen Chester, Loretta Conway, Jill Downing, C h r i s t i n a Edward?, Patricia Greenwald, Edith Jackson,- An- toinette Mangiapane, Theresa Martin, Karen Merolla, Pamela McMullen, Susan Palmer, Su- zanne Roventini, Patricia Sea- greryj /•,•"••>: ••-•,:•- -*-:-.-W?>^».»^i. Also Miureen Smolski,'Karen - «" Sterna, Su^ali'Smyth,Mary,We>-'"" v ver, Wendy Wheeler, Robin Wil- son, Pamela.Zegel, Margaret Ze- gel, Linda Panico, Jacqueline Foley, Diane Atkinson, Alison Boyle, Patricia Brett, Karen Douglas, Karen Francis, Janet Glanzman, -Corine Hake, Gail Isaacson, Joanne LoCascio, Ma- ria Medaglia, Mary Lou O'Con- nell, Kerry O'Keefc) Deborah Pieron, Angelina Pinzone. Kath- leen Roniinger. Joanne Raupp, FUCT Si^norelli. Denise Stan- ford and Deborah Su n. Also, John Cush, Gerard Faas, .Paul Hahn, Michael Hintz, Glenn Holz, Jeffrey Horn, Lawrence Kelly, William Korinek, Victor LaCalamita, Dennis McCole, Wil- liam Marose, Ignazius Oliver!, David Quinn, Robert Spina, Roy Tate, Michael Tripptrec, Brian Troxler, Thomas ' Whittaker, Leslie Campbell, Francesco Ca- pobianco, John Demeusy, Wil- liam DeBeauchamp, Kenneth Duvall, Gregory' Filaso, Cadman. Frederick, James Gagliardi. John Gorman, Douglas. Heils- berg, Marc Italiano, John Krey.c, Glen Kucera, James Lcmbeck, Michael Lowry, Paul Martin. Kevin Moore, Lawrence Napier, Joseph Palmeri, Edward Riegcl, Thomas Roskowski, Steven Alex- andre, Steven Cafiso, Rich; Manfre, Matthew Hock, Jan Rogers, John Rogers, Stepl Beakes, Andrew .Bennett, Bn Buckel, Roderick Carborell, seph Corsi, Joseph Duggan, ; yln Farrell, Anthony Fosci. vin Fuzia, Lawrence Gulia Peter Lehmann, Kenneth Mai John Nolan, James Pier George' Rhode, John Rick. "Peter Sarich. Raymond We and,'Pichnrd Wilson and I nard Martin. S. & T>UH&&Uey *S&ft4 BAYPORT EMERSON 3-6550 SOUTHAMPTON ATLANTIC 3-9080 Business Machines Office Furniture idners The CASTLE INN ^jror ' ^Jine l^r lb man Caff J1D 9-6200. THE CASTLE INN, 712 MAIN ST. JU 1-9651 ISLIP, N. Y. JU 1-5540 LUNCHEONS SERVED 12 , 2:30 P. M. DINNERS 5 P. M. TO 9:30 P. M. COCKTAIL LOUNGE OPEN FIREPLACE RESERVATIONS CATERING FOR WEDDINGS & PARTIES 100 FEET EAST OF TOWN HALL Wt0*H0k0*m*6*1*mWlm*m%9'mfl0*0V*m**&^^ •wn^OTftfw#*nwvu*^*A*#\A#wvv\^v»**^f\f%A»^*/*rtf» ) BIRDSEYE CUT GREEN BEANS LEAN OINS of PORK OR HALF WHOLE MOTT'S APPLE SAUCE 3-15 oz. jars CHICKEN OF THE SEA SOLID WHITE MEAT TUNA 3 cans 9* CHUN KING CHOW MEIN 3 pack 43c SARA LEE FROZEN POUND CAKE ea, 59c HAWAIIAN PUNCH 46 oz, can 31c NOODLES 2 Ig. cans 42 RE UMBERTO STUFFED OLIVES 10 oz. Jar 3 ICE CUBES BAYPORT'S HOME TOWN MARKET SINCE 1864 MIDDLE ROAD TEL. HR 2-0317 BAYPORT, N. Y mmmimnm - w v ^ - . * - r * ^ •* >»<i»**i»*^v.^»<-w^*«*r^%*< M»l) »»<»^*-M>'»l^.'-'M»V , »''»<W|i^^ Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Page 1: PAGE TWO ayport News Bayport Date NY Suffolk County...PAGE TWO THE SUFFOLK COUNTY NEWS, SAYVTLLE, L. L, THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1963 WANT ADS —


ayport News By MRS. HIRAM DARROW Tel. HR '̂-1737

Mrs. George Maxey of Suy-dam Lane entertained at her home on Friday night at a bridal shower for Miss Janice Hinckley of Sayville. Co-hostess^ cs at the party were Mrs. Carl Watren of Sayville and Mrs. Robert Hopper of Center Mori­ches. The honored guest sat un­der a decorated umbrella to open her gifts. The guests were Mrs. Fred Heuer, Mrs. George Pennington and Mrs. John Ed­wards of Bayport, Mrs. Philip Dodd, Mrs. Louis Stang Jr., Mrs. . Charles Clowe, Mrs. Georgo Skinner, Mrs. Jackson White, Mrs. Charles Webber, Mrs. Peter Morris, Mrs. ' Kenneth Morris, Mrs. George S.hreiber, Mrs John McEvoy. Mrs Meta "KuV.e, Mrs. Charles Suckow, Mrs. David Wallace, Mrs. Roy HoldorfT, Mrs. Harold Hinckley and the Misses Edna Ellison, Jo Arm McEvoy and Barbara Suc­kow, all of Sayville, Mrs. A. 51. McFarland of Cumberland, Md., Mrs. Pearl Bush and Mrs. For­rest Hinckley of Clifton N. J., Mrs. William Newhouse and Mrs. William Iseldyke of West Sayville, and Mrs. Ernest Par­sons and Miss Ann Beinick of Bohemia. Miss Hinckley will be married on June ninth to Wil­liam Newhouse, now stationed at the Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs.

Modern Home Owner combin­ed package insurance policies can save you money. See Charles P. Didcerson, 31 Main Street, Sayville. 24tf

The Bayport-Sayville Unit of the Ladies Auxiliary to Brook-haven Memorial Hospital met on Monday for a box.luncheon and dessert and coffee served by Mrs. George Jacob and Mrs. Edith Bishop of Bay Shore and Mrs. Clarence Rogers of Say­ville. At the meeting Mrs. Frank Embler, volunteer chairman re­ported that 11 workers gave 104 1/4 hours of service last month. The guests for the day were Mrs. Sidney of Bellport and Mrs. A. L. Starke of Oak-dale. It was reported that the recent Fashion and Wedding Gown Show netted the unit S103. Tomorrow is the day for the Bayport-Sayville and Blue Point Units to tour the hospital at 10:30 a. m. Anyone interested must make reservations by call­ing Mrs. Edward Dietz in Bay-port. Plans were also made for a combined card party and strawberry festival, at the June 10th meeting in ..the Community House. The "don at ion will be 51.25. Plans were also discussed for the July Dutch Treat Luncheon at Land's End.

Thorvaldsen and Gedde Build­ers have several lots for sale south of Middle Road and they will b u i l d to suit. HR-2 1495. 30tf

Doris Irvine of Edgewater Avenue entertained Saturday night at a pajama party for Florence Baden of Blue Point in celebration of her 15th birth­day. Overnight guests were Les­lie Divis of Bayport, and Mavis Grieshammer of Bayport.

The Bayport Memorial Park Association will meet tonight at eight for the annual business meeting at the Bayport Fire House.

The-annual Sayville Republi­can Club snack dance will be held at the new Island Hills Country Club, Lakeland Avenue, Sayville, on Friday, May 17, 1963. 50t2

Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Thornbloom of Bayport Avenue entertained at luncheon last Wednesday for the sixth birthday of their daughter, Gretchen. Her guests were Susan Ruggiero, Franklin Canning, Marion Cass and Courtney King.

Mrs. Lyle Thornbloom, chair­man of the Friendly Town Com­mittee, has announced that city children taking part in Fresh Air Fund benefits this year will be invited to spend two weeks in this area from July 18th and from August first. Among those who have already re-invited guests for this summer arc Mr. and Mrs. Donald Huszagh, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Green and Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Goudsmit, all of Bayport.

Richard E. Tremblay, airman apprentice, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs Earl Tremblay of 150 Hollvwood Drive, has been graduated from the Aviation Crash Crewman School at the Naval Air Technical Training Center. Mcmnhis, Tenn. Tronv hlay entered the service in Sep­tember l°f>2 and is a graduate of Sayville Hii'.h School.

Mr and Mrs. Hielinrd Fern-hard hid their son. Rich-ard .lr . ehristencd at the Moth-odist Church on Sunday morn-ing by the Rev. Landnn K. Owen.

Mr. and Mrs. William O'Brien and their daughter Coleen and Mrs. Herman Meyer of Stephen Road were luncheon gue>ts Sat­urday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hackett in Brook­lyn after Coleen had received her First holy communion at Our Lady of the Snow Church.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Taitz of Renee . Drive entertained on Mother's Day for dinner when their guests were their parents, Mr. and Mrs..Marcus Manta an.d Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Berkowitz of the Bronx.

Mr. and Mrs. George Beltz of Tucker Drive entertained at luncheon on Saturday for rela­tives and friends in honor of their son, Richard, who had re­ceived his first holy communion that morning at Our Lady of the Snow Church.

A buffet luncheon was given by Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Avolio of Tucker Drive on Saturday for their daughter, Donna, who had received her first holy commu­nion at Our Lady of the Snow Church that morning.

For the brightest wash come to the authorized Westlnghouse Bayport Laundromat T h i r d Avenue just north of Montauk Highway. 75ti

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bacile of Renee Drive entertained at a Mother's Day dinner for Mr. Bacile's mother, Mrs. Beatrice Prisco of Brooklyn, a weekend guest, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ba­cile and children, Beatrice, Lin­da and Robert Jr. of Bayport.

Are your valuables and Im­portant papers safe from loss? A safe deposit box at The -Oystennen's Bank in Sayville is available to you- The cost is pennies a day. 8tf

The altar flowers at the Me­thodist Church on Sunday were given by Mr. and Mrs. Everett Dunkerley in loving memory of their mothers. There was also a floral arrangement given by Sir. and Mrs. George Mitchell in memory of their parents. Next Sunday night the local Methodist Church and the Say­ville Methodist Church families will meet in the Sayville Con­gregational Church for a hymn sing.

The annual Sayville Republi­can Club snack dance will be held at the new Island Hills Country Club, Lakeland Avenue, Sayville, on Friday, May 17, 1963. 50t2

Mr. and Mrs. William Seherff; o- '-,:.!-<-- i£§af ̂ ElrsVvAVenue entertained <pn

-tf. . i ^ t l f e tWwrnoon at a.paVtyHn celebration; of .the eighth" birth­day of their daughter, Joan. The party table was decorated in pastel colors and party favors for the following girls: Ann Grube, Christine Murphy, Cheryl Smith and Christine Barker of-Bayport, Laura Follner, Linda Casa and Linda Svihura of Pat-chogue.

Gary Divis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Divis of Fairview Avenue and a junior at James Wilson Young High School has been awarded a summer pre-college scholarship to the Mer­rill School of Journalism North­western University, Evanston, 111.

A dinner party was held on Sundav at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Darrow on Bayport Avenue in celebration of the 18th birthday of their grandson, Eric Kindberg of Islip Terrace, and Mother's Day with four generations in attendance, Eric's great grandmother, Mrs. Gesine Wiltsey, his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Darrow, and his par­ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kind­berg and their other children. Miss Karen. Judith, Nancy and Lance, and Mr. and Mrs. Benja­min Rutkowski and daughters, Dale. Robin and ^Jill of Fair-view Avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. Marinus Par-mentier and daughter, Miss Nik-ki of Ste. Foy, Canada, are spending a few days at the home of Mr. Parmcntier's fath­er, John Parmentier, on Oak Road.

The Bayport Couples Club met Saturday night at the Me­thodist Church Parish Hall for an "Olympic Meet" with nil members taking part. The hosts were Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Fink, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kir-ouac, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tay­lor and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rrunncr. Two couples were ac­cepted as members: Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Huggard and Mr. and Mrs. John McClurc, Guests for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Allan Edwards, Mr. and Mrs Richard Hock, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Von Roskirk and Mr. and Mrs. William Franz. Plans were completed for the progres­sive dinner party on June eighth when the appetizers will bo served at seven o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs Lyle

Thornbloom on Bayport Avenue.

The following high school stu­dents went by bus last Wednes­day for a science field trip: Tho­mas Tyler, Dianne Darbee. Alex­ander Schaap. Dean Silver, Alan Sanders, Andrea Douglas, Kathy Cochrane. Paul Clough, Eric Pasternack. Kevin Reilly, Rose Rettig, Peggy Easton, Nancy Gray, Sally McCarthy. Theodore Lap, Ellen Stadtmuller, Mavis Grieshammer. Steven Millheiser, Barbara Gillette, Karen Godel, Anna Staniswicz, Virginia Hoi-lins, Thomas Cooney, Ellen NevelotT, Ann Lindahl, Dale Rutkowski. P a t McKendrick, Heidi Albanese, Joseph Vernon, Michele Ln Cour, Daniel Heintze, Laurie Williams, Connie Mc-E 11 i g o 11, Eileen MacLean, Thomas Scrimo, Leslie Divis, Steven Lonski, and their faculty advisors, Albert L. Specht and Joseph J. Da Lucia. They toured the Museum of Natural History and visited the Planetarium in New York.

Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Poido-mani of Edgewater Avenue liad as their weekend guests, Mr. Poidomani's mother, Mrs. Vin­cent Poidomani, and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kouremetis, of Bridgeport, Conn. They came to attend the first holy communion of Mr. and Mrs. Poidomanis' son Mark, on Saturday at Our Lady of the Snow Church.

The Bayport-Blue Point Teach­ers Association presented "Fac­ulty Follies of 1963" at the James Wilson Young High School last Friday and Saturday

-nights. The program consisted of a number of musical attrac­tions and several comedy turns which proved highly entertain­ing to the large audiences. The proceeds will be used for a scholarship for a high school student who will enter the teaching profession.

Ten members of the local Chapter of the National Honor Society attended a recent lunch­eon at the Timber Point Coun­try Club in Great River, The Bayport young people in the party of 100 were Roberta Busch, William Betjemann, Ca­tharine Lott, Linda Gray, Gre­gory Neilon, Susan Vanik. Jo-sette Mondanaro, Jeffrey Shef­field, Ronald Schwizer and Dan­iel Perlman.

Mr. and Mrs. William Bledsoe of McConnell Avenue have as their house guest Mrs. Heddy Harland from England.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Selby of McConnell Avenue had their baby daughter, Grace Jeanette, dedicated at the Blue Point Bap­tist Church Sunday morning by the Rev. I. A. Falk. The baby's sponsors were Miss Sherry Stoll and John Sehroeder of Bayport. Following the ceremony the baby's grandparents, ifiv. and-'



For Good Eating Shop at. . .

Bayport Delicatessen 578 MIDDLE ROAD BAYPORT, N. Y.



Bayport Date Book ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Monday 8:30 p. m. Sunday School

rooms St. Ann's Church; BAYPORT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL P.T.A. — Second Wednesday,

8 p. ni., school auditorium. THE BAYPORT METHODIST MEN'S CLUB — Third Tuesday of


HAVEN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL — Second Monday, 8:15. The Community House, Sayville.

BAYPORT CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC. — rirst Thursdays. Jan­uary, March, May, September and November. 8:30 p. m., Bay-port High School. Annual Meeting — Third Tuesday July, 8:30 p. m., Bayport High School.

BAYPORT REPUBLICAN CLUB—Meets at the Suffolk County Republican Clubhouse in Blue Point at 8 p. m. on the fourth Thursday of the month.

BAYPORT TAXPAYERS ASS'N. First Thursdays in January, April. June and October — Board of Directors meets. Third Thurs­days of January, April, June, and October, regular meetings held at Bayport-Blue Point High School.

BOARD OF EDUCATION — Every first and third Friday at 8:30 p m. in the high school.

BOY SCOUTS — Mondays, 7:30, High School COUPLES' CLUB — Second Saturdays, 8:15 p. ra. FIRE DEPARTMENT — First Fridays 8 p. m. fixehouse. Ladies'

Auxiliary, meets second Monday at 8:15 p. m. CUB PACK — Meeting fourth Wednesday of every month. GIRL SCOUT TROOP COMMITTEE — First Wednesdays, 8 p. m. GIRL SCOUT BROWrNT£S — Mondays and. Thursdays, Elementary

School- 3:15 - 4:30 p. m.; Fly-up Brownies, Tuesdays, Methodist Church, 3:30 - 4:30 p. rn.

HOME EXTENSION — Eyery Wednesday 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. in fire house. First Wednesdavs at 11 a. m., covered dish luncheon at 12.

GIRL SCOUTS — Troop six, meets three p. m. Thursdays in ele­mentary school.

rNTERMEDIATE SCOUTS—Troop 68 — Thursdays, Wesley House, 3:30 p. m.; Troop 33 —•Mondays, Wesley House, 3:30 p. m.; Troop 11 — first and third Tuesdays at Junior High gym, 7:30 p. m.; Troop 27 — Second and fourth Tuesdays, Junior High gym, 7:30 p. m.

SENIOR SCOUTS — High School Students, Troop 28 — Methodist Church, first and third Mondays, 7:30 p. ra. Trail Blazers Troop at Methodist Church, second and fourth Mondays, 7:30 p. m.

LIONS CLUB — Second and fourth Mondays, 7:30 p. m., Albert's Restaurant

SOUTHSIDE HOSPITAL AUXILIARY — Second Tuesdays, 1:30 p. ra. ;

Les Lawrence of Bayport and Sanford Wagner of Brookhaven won the United States Industrial Bridge Contest recently and will defend this country' against France and England in bridge competition. Both men are em­ployed at the Brookhaven Na­tional Laboratory. • Anthony Founder, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Founder of Church Street, won second place in the chess tournament at Clarkson College of Technology in Potsdam, N. Y. where he is a senior. The tournament, which has been going on since fall, was open to faculty and students of Clarkson and the State Uni­versity as well as the village of Potsdam. ' •

V.ftrs.v "Lester rE. Garhart has-felui^ed•* home after .spending'

Mrs. William Bledsoe of.McCon- -*-V*a< week -in "JeffersonviUerN. Y nell Avenue entertained at din­ner for Mr. and Mrs. Selby and the baby, the sponsors and Mrs. Heddy Harland.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith of First Avenue celebrated the fifth birthday of their son Rich­ard on Saturday afternoon with a party supervised by his sister Cheryl. The guests were James Swamback, T h o m a s Manfre, Christopher and G r e g o r y Scherff, Kevin Murphy, Mark Richter, and Jeffrey Smith.

Navy Lt. David S. Langner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Siegfried Langner of 80 Seaman Avenue is engaged in training aboard the attack aircraft carrier USS Shangri-La at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The Shangri-La is the flagship of Carrier Division Six.

Pvt. William T. Connors took part in "Exercise Grand Slam II" last week with other mem­bers of the 14th Armored Caval­ry Regiment in Germany. Pvt. Connors entered the Army in September 1961, completed ba­sic training at Fort Dix, N. J., and arrived overseas in Febru­ary 1962. He is a 1955 graduate of Sayville High School. His mother, Mrs. Rita Connors, lives at 744 Montauk Highway, Bay-port.

The Epsilon Hi-Y Society met on Wednesday night of last week at the home of Miss Helen Banfich on Gillette Avenue with all members present. It was re­ported that Miss Barbara Bogcl will be the new advisor as Mrs. Adrianne Wallace had resigned due to the pressure of business. Miss Bogel will be in charge of the next meeting on May 22nd when plans will be made for the summer schedule.

William Brown of Oakwood Avonuc was taken by ambulance last week to St. Albans Naval Hospital where he was placed on the critical list. He has since improved slightly.

Grants Won by Two Teachers

Joseph J. Do Lucia and Rob crt G. O Donnell of James Wil­son Young High School have received National Science Foun­dation grants for the coming summer.

Mr. De Lucia, a West Say ville resident and a te.ieher of science nt the high school, was awarded a grant to attend Georgetown University in Wash­ington, I). C. The Vogram. of­fers a concentrated study of modern physics with special emphasis on applications to space physics Mr. O'Donnell, a chemistry teacher, has received n grant for the Mimmer of 1M3

J at Adelphi College in Garden -<o City,

taking care of her son and; daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Garhart, and their son. James, all of whom were ill. They are recuperating, but Mr. Garhart has developed shingles. Lester E. Garhart is visiting his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wigley in Meriden, Conn.

John W. DuBois, a 1960 grad­uate of James Wilson Young High School, has been elected to the Senate of the Student Association at Pittsburgh State University College. DuBois, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard S. DuBois, of Oakwood Avenue, is a junior at Plattsburgh where he is studying to become a hiuh school social studu)* teacher. The Senate's function includes that of adopting statutes estab­lishing and governing the acti­vities, enterprises, and under­takings of the Student Associa­tion.

School Concert

To be Offered

TomorrowNight Tomorrow at 8:15 p. m. James

Wilson Young High School will present the second part of its annual spring concert. This por­tion of the concert will be per­formed by the orchestra and senior girl's chorus.

The orchestra, conducted by Henry Brynan, will present sel­ections from the Baroque and Classic periods, and on through contemporary' music. Different choirs of the orchestra will he featured in solo groups, to illus­trate orchestral color in sound.

The girl's chorus, under the direction of John Andersen, will be heard singing "Fa Una Cnn-zone" by Vecchi. "Sapphic Ode" by Brahms, "N'on Nobis Do-mine" by Quilter, and "Pearo Comes to Mo" by Lyn Murray in its first group of .«on\'s.

A group of ei^ht girl<: will sing throughout the cour-o of the evening. Peggy Maxian, Di­anne Darbee. Pam Haskins. P a u l a Grieshammer. L y n n Thompson, Kathy Cochrane. San­dra Dioguardo and N'nnry llai! well will sing "Now is the Month of Maying'' hy Morlc\. "Sincere" from "The Music Man." and with the chorus "Pick a Little. Tnlk a Little", and "Goodnight, Lndies" from "The Music Man."

The chorus will also ?inr. scv oral recent poputar smirs. and the chorus and orchestra will (•ftrtiMne to rlo.»e the concert with Haydn's "St. Antoni (ho rale."

Fairchilds Mark

60th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fair-

child of Locust Street, Bayport, celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on Saturday after­noon in St. Ann's parish house in Sayville. About 60 • relatives and friends gathsred to con­gratulate them upon the occa­sion.

.Mr. and Mrs. F*airchild have lived in Bayport for 41 years, having come from Brooklyn where they were married in .Grace Episcopal Church. Mrs. Fairchild is 80 years of age and Mr. Fairchild will be 82 in Au­gust:

Among the guests was Mrs. Fairchild's b r o t h e r , Alfred Kornrumpf of Hempstead, but her sisters, Mrs. Harry Hubbard of Goldsboro, Md. and Mrs. Henry Hubbard of Danbury. Conn, were unable to be pres­ent They have four children, Clarence Fairchild of Patchogue, Mrs. Edmund Brown and Mrs. James Brown of Bayport, and Edward Fairchild of Linden-hurst, 10 grandchildren, and two great grandchildren.



Published at a public tervtc*

In cooperation wttfl The AdvirtltJng Council




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Sending Long Island potatoes to.Idaho may be like shipping coals to New­castle, but Idaho Gov. Robert E. Smylie,- lett> wasv presented with a bag of Long Island's best last week. The presentation was made by Riverhcad Councilman Elmer A. Stotzky, right, at the Suffolk County Republican Committee's spring dinner. En­joying th'e presentation are County Chairman Arthur. M'. Cromarty, second from reft, and State Sen. Elisba TV Barrett:. •: V : \ ['?:".'"

(Children Receive First Communion The following children of the

confraternity classes at St, Law­rence's Church received their first holy communion on Satur­day morning:

Deborah Armstrong, Victoria Ashby, Doreen Babbitt, Eileen Barry, Veronica Broere, Joan C h r i s s c s , Kathleen Colligan, Sandra Distin, Karen Sue Fonda, Roberta Giambatista, Darida Gonzalez, Kathleen Greene, Ma­rie Haggerty, Gayle Mirabito. Cathy Miller, Kathleen Newell. Debbie Lee Ridge, Deborah Rox­burgh, Jeanne Schumann, Laura . , Trueb. Lorraine Wilkie, Ellen .:

Williamson, Susan Woods, Kath­leen Burke, Melanie Cavanagh, Karen Crean, Helen Chester, Loretta Conway, Jill Downing, C h r i s t i n a Edward?, Patricia Greenwald, Edith Jackson,- An­toinette Mangiapane, Theresa Martin, Karen Merolla, Pamela McMullen, Susan Palmer, Su­zanne Roventini, Patricia Sea-

g r e r y j /•,•"••>:••-•,:•- - * - : - . - W ? > ^ » . » ^ i . Also Miureen Smolski,'Karen - «"

Sterna, Su^ali'Smyth,Mary,We>-'""v

ver, Wendy Wheeler, Robin Wil­son, Pamela.Zegel, Margaret Ze-gel, Linda Panico, Jacqueline Foley, Diane Atkinson, Alison Boyle, Patricia Brett, Karen Douglas, Karen Francis, Janet Glanzman, -Corine Hake, Gail Isaacson, Joanne LoCascio, Ma­ria Medaglia, Mary Lou O'Con-nell, Kerry O'Keefc) Deborah Pieron, Angelina Pinzone. Kath­leen Roniinger. Joanne Raupp, FUCT Si^norelli. Denise Stan­ford and Deborah Su n.

Also, John Cush, Gerard Faas, .Paul Hahn, Michael Hintz, Glenn Holz, Jeffrey Horn, Lawrence Kelly, William Korinek, Victor LaCalamita, Dennis McCole, Wil­liam Marose, Ignazius Oliver!, David Quinn, Robert Spina, Roy

Tate, Michael Tripptrec, Brian Troxler, Thomas ' Whittaker, Leslie Campbell, Francesco Ca-pobianco, John Demeusy, Wil­liam DeBeauchamp, Kenneth Duvall, Gregory' Filaso, Cadman. Frederick, J a m e s Gagliardi. John Gorman, Douglas. Heils-berg, Marc Italiano, John Krey.c, Glen Kucera, James Lcmbeck, Michael Lowry, Paul Martin. Kevin Moore, Lawrence Napier, Joseph Palmeri, Edward Riegcl, Thomas Roskowski, Steven Alex­

andre, Steven Cafiso, Rich; Manfre, Matthew Hock, Jan Rogers, John Rogers, Stepl Beakes, Andrew .Bennett, Bn Buckel, Roderick Carborell, seph Corsi, Joseph Duggan, ; yln Farrell, Anthony Fosci. vin Fuzia, Lawrence Gulia Peter Lehmann, Kenneth Mai John Nolan, James Pier George' Rhode, John Rick. "Peter Sarich. Raymond We and,'Pichnrd Wilson and I nard Martin.

S. & T>UH&&Uey *S&ft4 BAYPORT



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