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If you ’re a conscious, single woman

looking for REAL soulmate love

then you ’re about to discover…

InsIde ✽ Learn how to quickly and easily replace the 6 biggest Hurdles to soulmate love with powerful “Love

Magnet Beliefs” that will empower you and literally draw your soulmate to you.✽ discover the new empowering beliefs that you will want to adopt to become attractive to the life

you’re dreaming of✽ discover the proven path you can follow if you want to intentionally invite soulmate love into your life

You’re a conscious single woman who’s looking for your Mr. Right. We believe that you’re here because you dream of having true love in your life. You know that there’s something special that you’re destined for. You felt it most of your life. You’ve been dreaming of a partner that sees and feels you deeply. And yet…

You’re still single. You may be feeling it’s your fault, maybe there’s something wrong with you, perhaps you’re simply “too much” for a man, maybe you’re destined to be a cat lady your whole life? Trust me, I know how you feel, I’ve been there and let me assure you:

It’s NOT your fault you’re still single, there’s nothing

wrong with you

MMy name is Lara Fer-nandez and

girlfriend, I’ve been there too. Let me tell you, I’ve had some breakups I didn’t think I’d ever recover from. There were times where I just didn’t think that true love would ever find me. I had my mo-ments where I was sure that there was something broken about me, that something was wrong with me, and if I didn’t settle down - and quick! - I was destined to live alone the rest of my life.

And then there were the times I convinced myself that all the good, quality men out there were gone, taken by other women. At least, in MY area anyway. I got to a point where I thought if yet another man told me that I deserved better than him - I would have just shot him! Ugh!

…AND How To Jump Them Effortlessly So YouGet There In Record Time

Hello and welcome,

The Top 6 Mental Hurdles On Your Journey To

Mr. Right

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time, more energy, and more money in myself than ever before. I was gonna MAKe this happen!

I became willing...willing to do whatever it took to find my man. And in what sometimes felt like a long journey, and ultimately felt like an overnight blossoming of a beautiful bouquet of roses, I attracted Johnny Fernandez, the love of my life. Within 3 weeks of our first date, we were in love and planning the rest of our lives together. That was over 13 years ago and now we are living a fantastic life together helping women just like you to do what we did to find each other.

When I say a fantastic life – I mean that I wake up every day to Johnny telling me “good morning woman of my dreams”. We take walks along the water where we live in a beautiful little town in the san Francisco Bay Area of California. We work togeth-er on our mission to empower women – helping them attract the love and life of their dreams. And we are totally on the same page in raising our strong, inde-pendent, and creative daughter who is surrounded and supported by a strong, committed, healthy love that neither of us experienced in our childhoods, but that we are gratefully providing for her.

After so much dating drama, I almost gave up on soulmate love. After one particularly excruciating break-up, I was lying in the fetal

position on my bed, and it was then I made a deci-sion. A decision that would change the course of my entire life forever.

I decided that I was either going to find my soulmate, the man of my dreams, and live the life of my dreams with him… OR I was going to be a cat lady. You know what I’m talking about, right? The old lady that lives with 50 cats all her life and then bequeaths her entire estate to her cats in her will when she dies? That was gonna be me if I didn’t find the right man!

In that moment of decision, I knew that I had to get support from somebody who had already done what I wanted to do….

So I hired a love mentor, I took personal and spiritual growth workshops and I read tons of books on attracting love and relationships. In short, I became a dedicated student of myself – how and why I did what I did, and how and why I attracted the guys I did. I also became a dedicated student of true love and healthy relationships.

And because I REALLY wanted true love for myself, I jumped in with both feet. I invested more

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And the good news is, this is not just a one-time thing, where I happened to “get lucky” to attract Johnny. Johnny and I have been helping women to step into their power and find their soulmate love for over 9 years now, we did the research and quickly discovered there were plenty of others who have also followed a certain path to love (sometimes without even knowing it). Johnny’s experience as an educator and course creator helped as we discovered each step of the journey then carefully laid out this path so other people can easily follow it.

Regardless of age, career, background, relationship history, looks, whatever, when the path is carefully followed, true love shows up for you - almost by magic! (it’s not magic, but can be magical). And now our grateful clients, women just like you from all over the world, follow the same path to love. If I can do it, if they can do it, then YOU can do it. Really.

We are so glad you said “Yes” to take advantage of this free guide – “The 6 Mental Hurdles Keeping You From Soulmate Love” where we are taking you through the biggest and most common internal challenges women have with opening up to soulmate love. So just to recap, by the end of this guide, you’ll...

For example, if you believe that “ALL men play games” then you will find yourself questioning everything a man does and expecting him to mess you around. We’ll talk about men’s game playing - and hear what real men have to say about that - later in this guide.

✽ Learn how to quickly and easily re-place the 6 biggest hurdles to soulmate

love with powerful “Love Magnet Be-liefs” that will empower you and literally

draw your soulmate to you.✽ discover the new empowering beliefs that you will want to adopt to become attractive to the life you’re dreaming of✽ discover the proven path you can

follow if you want to intentionally invite soulmate love into your life

If you’re like many of the women we work with then one of your biggest challenges or concerns is the

quality or type of man that you are seeing out there in the world, or that you are believing are out there in the world.

Whether your beliefs come from first hand experience, stories your friends have told you or popular media it’s very easy to find yourself believing all men are a certain way, have certain habits or want certain things based on a small handful of cases.

This is called “globalizing your experience” and it can be responsible for holding you back from attracting the right kind of man because you will, quite literally, get what you expect. so instead of you’ll “believe it when you see it”, you are seeing it because you believe it (about men).

Your Mr Right is a man, so when you globalize your experience you push him away, both energetically, and with your words, body language, what you wear, and where you go. It all is a product of your beliefs. At the same time, though, if you don’t trust yourself to make the right judgement then you may find yourself attracted to or sticking with a man who really Is playing games.

The ONLY way to deal with this is to develop rational, healthy beliefs that make it easier, nOT harder, to see each man for who he ReALLY is.

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If you would like to find out more about HOW to develop healthy beliefs that nurture and grow your connection to soulmate love, then consider registering for our free, 4 part video series, called The Magic of Heartbreak, where you’ll learn about what you may be unconsciously doing that keeps you stuck the same relationship patterns, and how to finally break this cycle so you can attract the kind of man you REALLY want and deserve. - Just Click Here To register.

Adopting The 6 Powerful Love Magnet Beliefs In This Guide

1. Read this 6 Biggest Hurdles To Soulmate Love guide TWICE orthree times so you really take them in.

2. Print out the Statement of Beliefs and stick it to your fridge,wall, bathroom mirror or anywhere you will see it every day so

you can remember to…

3. Read your Statement of Beliefs out loud once every day (ormore if you want to speed it all up) until you really feel them

so you know you’ve internalized them and can move forward con-sciously towards love.


WHen He AppeARs

If you really want to internalize these new beliefs and make them your own, then here’s what you need to do:

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SIMpLE. Besides my own experience of adopting these beliefs, among others, and attracting my soulmate Johnny to me, together we have also, over the last 9 years, worked with over a thousand single women looking to attract their soulmate, and have helped them shift their beliefs from unsupportive to supportive, and change their lives as a result. With so many of them as now happily married women, they point to working with us on shifting their inner beliefs as the key.

In addition to that, we interviewed several genuine, conscious men - both single and happily married - real Men Of Quality who we know personally, and who we know from experience

that conscious single women like you are looking for, and would value their experience and insights.

Then, we asked them to tell us the truth about men so you can install some new healthy, realistic and positive beliefs that will help

you magnetize your soulmate to you. some of them are actually in relationships with women who’ve worked with us, so we KnOW they are real Men Of Quality, and the women started out right where you are right now - ready to make a change, and committed to finally finding their Mr Right for real. Oh, and the men who are single are consciously and intentionally looking for THeIR Mrs. Right.

GOOd qUESTION. The statement of beliefs is a short declaration you can use to help you internalize your new attitudes towards men. (You’ll find it at the end of this guide.)

When you’re trying to adopt a new belief or behavior its very easy to slip back into old habits or get disheartened so your statement of beliefs is there as a way to remind yourself of the truth and help you really take on your new way of thinking and make it a part of your new soulmate attracting mindset.

But wait, WHAT Is THIssTATeMenT OF BeLIeFs?

HOW dO I KnOW THese neW BeLIeFs ARe Less

Flawed Than My Old Beliefs?

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The idea that all men are interested in is sex has been around for as long as time itself. sure, all some men want is sex, but you don’t want that kind of man…


Mental Hurdle TO sOuLMATe LOve #1

Men only want sex and aren’t attract-ed to a woman as a whole independ-

ent person”

Mike: “I would say, well sex is important, sex withlove is so much more satisfying than casual sex. so much so that a man like me, I don’t want casual sex at this point in my life, only sex that I want is sex that is in a deeply committed loving relationship...the idea that men just want sex and don’t want intimacy, actu-ally that’s totally false.”


Patrick: “The sort of qualities that I am looking for awoman who is full of light and lot of energy. It all brings playfulness and considerate and a sort of positive ener-gy… a woman who has some sort of sense of purpose or meaning to her life, whether it’s to, whether she is involved with some sort of cause or she loves the work she does or she loves her leisure time or active life, she is into painting or hiking or something but there’s something that lights her up in her life as well.”

Paul: “someone with a good heart, someonewho sees herself having a long term relationship, not only long term but a lifelong relationship with someone. so, I guess it gets into, after attraction it gets into conversation and shared values and that sort of thing.”

Mike: “she is intelligent and thoughtful, she is exqui-sitely sensitive, so that she really feels life deeply and it’s really clear that she is impacted by her connections deeply, that’s something that’s very attractive to me. someone who is perceptive, who is good at hearing not only everything that said but hearing what isn’t said and really has good intuition.”

New Empowering Belief: Men of quality want intimacy and a REAL, loving, committed relationship just as much as YOU!

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Mental ObstacleTO sOuLMATe LOve #2

All men do is play games”

One experience many women have had that feels like a game is the whole “why didn’t he call?” issue...

Listen, if he’s really interested, he’ll call and pretty quickly too. You’ll hear from him within a day or two if that’s the case.


New Empowering Belief: Men of quality will be honest with you about how they feel...if they’re interested, they’ll call you!

Remember, you don’t want to pine away for a man to call who isn’t interested. Instead, you want to prepare yourself so you are only sharing your

precious time with quality men who are worth your time and attention. That way, if he’s interested he’ll call because he’ll see and feel the connection that you feel as well.

Mike: “It’s certainly not part of my game, it certain-ly not part of dating experience and certainly not something my friends would do. Yeah I would say that if I date a woman and I want to see her again, she knows about that. I will call or email, one way or another I will make my feeling very plain to her. I think one thing women need to hear is that guys, even the most intelligent guys are far less compli-cated than they imagine.”

Paul: “not calling means basically I am notinterested, let’s face it. You know, if you are really interested you would call.”

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sometimes women think that being intentional about love means that you have to mold yourself into what the man wants or into what you think he wants and that’s the way to attract him and keep him.


Mental ObstacleTO sOuLMATe LOve #3

I have to be what HE wants me to be,

I can’t be me. I’ll lose myself in a re-


New Empowering Belief: Men of quality want a woman who is confident enough to be herself, to stick to her principles and who

is in her power!

Justin: “That’s crap. And someone who is tryingto be exactly what you want them to be is real-ly showing their own weakness. They don’t have the internal fortitude or, you know, constitution to really be set in who they are. Just on a person-al level outside of men and women, I mean, you didn’t come into this life to serve someone else, and you came in to learn your own life’s lessons. What was really attractive about my wife is that, she was focused on her own purpose. she had her own identity and even years later now that we are married and we have a child, she’s added that to beingness, to her personality.”

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Otto: “I think thatthere are certainly some men who are afraid of commitment just as there are some women who are afraid of commitment. If you are with the right person, I think that commitment just sort of happens naturally and organically to the relationship and to each other.”

New Empowering Belief: Men of quality are NOT afraid of commitment. In fact, they are actively seeking a woman of quality (like you) to commit to!

Mental ObstacleTO sOuLMATe LOve #4

Men are afraid of commitment THAT’S why I have not been able to find a man

who wants to commit to me”

There is no doubt that committing to someone is a big deal, that’s why finding your soulmate is so important to you, right? Of course, many women find that even when they are ready to commit, the men they are connecting with (either dating or in a relationship with) just aren’t and pull away from you the moment you mention it…

If you are finding that the men you are attracting are afraid of commitment, I invite you to look at that as a mirror. What I mean by this is that the universe will meet you at the level of your commitment... to yourself and to what you say you want. As Rumi said, “Half-heartedness does not reach into majesty”.... and that is so true. don’t be half-hearted about finding love. COMMIT to becoming the very best version of YOu and attracting the right man for you... and, yes, the universe will meet you there at that level of commitment...and the right man will too!


Patrick: “Committing was a little harder to integrateinto how I was living my life then [at a younger age]. But you know now at this point of my life, I’m 43. It’s very different, there’s certain things that are more im-portant to me in life and being in a long term commit-ted relationship with a really really incredible woman, that is one of my highest priorities. I just think it would be tremendously fulfilling. I also though kind of have a different mindset around this and some of it’s actually thanks to a lot of the work that I have done with you and Lara, around a kind of abundance thinking around “is there actually somebody out there who’s a good match for me?” In the past I used to wonder about that a lot, will I ever find someone who’s a match for me? Is she in singapore or somewhere? Is there someone actually for me here in my area? And so my thinking around that has really shifted a lot to much more of an abundance mindset.”

Mike: “I am not afraid of commit-ment. I think certainly there are men and women out there, who are afraid of commitment. I think certainly there are men and women who are the opposite, who are just so insecure that they will grasp white knuckle to anything that comes along and just hold on and they will call that commitment. I think there are many men like me, who are longing for a commitment.”

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Mental ObstacleTO sOuLMATe LOve #5

Men just aren’t attracted to strong

women in their power”

There is a common belief that men aren’t attracted to strong women. This is simply nOT true. To men of quality a woman with a strong personality, ideals and beliefs is a big plus, something they actively look for...What they dO nOT want is a woman who compares herself to others, or complains about other people or even worse, has a chip on her shoulder, especially one related to men.


New Empowering Belief: Men of quality ARE attracted to strong women

Matthew W.: “I have always been attractedto strong women. I have always looked for some-body who I would consider a partner. In fact I remember in my early 30s, I met this girl, she was so cute and there was a lot of great chemis-try and before we even had our first date, out of her mouth she said, “I am just looking for a guy who’s got to have a nice job, so he can pay all the bills and I can go shopping and take care of the house.” I was like, I am done. I didn’t even ask her out. I didn’t even move forward because I am like, “this isn’t gonna go anywhere.” It might be fun but it’s not gonna go anywhere because I knew that we were already a mis-match. so, I think there is plenty of guys like me, I don’t think I am that big of an exception”.

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Mike:: “It is on my list. It’s the highest thing on mylist by far. It is my prayer every single day. It just is, I mean if there were a book that I could read, if there were a course I could take, that would bring it, that I knew would bring it closer to love, I would gladly do it. It’s just, in some ways it’s the highest priority in my life, having a dream relationship is something far more important to me than say having a dream career and certainly far more important than saying having a dream car. Yes, having a dream relationship that I can’t even put into words how that is a priority that trumps all other priorities in my life.”

Mental ObstacleTO sOuLMATe LOve #6

Men don’t think about or desire soulmate love”


New Empowering Belief: Men of quality DO desire soulmate love just as much as you!

Matthew W.: “I certainly think men think aboutlove just as much as women do and really for me, it was in my early to mid-thirties that I started getting really serious about it again. It took that long, it took about 10 years for me to finally think ‘you know... maybe I could actually be in a long relationship again that actually is leading towards marriage.’ And when I started thinking that way was the real shift for me and I started doing things differently and I started looking for different types of women. so, yeah I think men think about love all the time.”

Paul: “You know it’s a thing that Imight not be comfortable at admit-ting let’s say... in a bar with a bunch of guys having beer. But the truth is yeah I do, I really do and like pretty much all the time, honestly. I do want my soulmate, I do dream of a life with someone who is really right for me and it’s really high in the top of my list. If it’s not really up there, I mean there’s what I want to do in life and what contribution I want to make and if it’s not first then its second being with my soulmate for sure. sharing that life with someone that’s really right for me. Yeah.”

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What you say, how you say it, your body language, who you talk to (or don’t talk to) and the “vibe” you send out will all

be driven by your inner beliefs. Most women are simply unaware of their soulmate blocking beliefs, such as those we have discussed in this guide. There are many more, and now knowing what’s really driving you can be disastrous for your love life.

For example, if you allow yourself to believe ALL men are a certain way you will simply never allow a man to be any other way. even if he is doing everything right, you’ll be forever suspicious. And drive even a good man away.

If you’re thinking you just need to find the One man that isn’t a jerk, then girlfriend, you’re setting yourself up for a long walk through the “scarcity thinking wilderness” and missing every possible good man that crosses your path. That type of approach doesn’t work. The truth is you want to empower yourself first. What do I mean by that?

You want to do the inner work, you want to explore and change your beliefs and behaviors around yourself, your beliefs and behaviors about men and about love and relationships.

That is what’s going to change your destiny.

So, now you may be saying, “Well Lara, I get that not ALL men are jerks, com-mitment-phobes or just in it for the sex but the only men I find ARE at least one of those things” then here’s the deal:

If that keeps happening for you then one, or more, of three things is the case:

1. You are subconsciously sabotaging yourself with false beliefs about yourself, your

worthiness, and might even be questioning if your desire for love even matters enough to do anything about it.

2. Your beliefs about men are driving good men away and inviting in jerks due to your

body language, things you say, and your overall behavior around men.

3. You have deep seated fears about what being in a relationship may mean for you, and these

beliefs about relationships leave you wanting but at the same time fearing a relationship.

All three problems are caused by the internal beliefs that drive your behavior. If you truly want to find your soulmate then consider exploring and shifting your beliefs about yourself, men, and relationships in general.

Start to take on those NEW, empowering beliefs and you will start to see things really shift in your life.

If you’d like to follow a proven path to taking on these new, empowering beliefs, then consider registering for our free video series, called Men OF Quality Do Exist - Just Click Here To Register

deTeRMIne YOuR ResuLTs WITH MenYour Beliefs

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Here,s WhatI InvITe YOu TO dO nexT

If you’re serious about consciously and intentionally attracting your soulmate then you’ll want to know the following...

After 12 years of helping conscious, single women like you live the life of their dreams with their soulmate by their side, we’ve learned that EVERYTHING you need to be successful in this area can be simplified into 5 Cs.

There is actually a 5 part formula, like a recipe that has 5 ingredients that once you learn and apply in your life it will make the process of magnetizing soulmate love to you as easy as pie.

each ingredient of the recipe starts with the letter C... and these “5 Cs” are the secret to your creating the sweet and inviting yummyness that will begin magnetizing your soulmate - the man of your dreams, to you.

now if you thought discovering the top 6 hurdles on your journey to Mr. Right (and how to overcome them) was helpful, I encourage you to register right now to receive our free, 4 part video series, Men OF Quality Do Exist. When you sign up for these videos, Johnny and I will send you a bonus gift. When you sign up to receive our free video lessons, we’ll also send you our downloadable audio recording, The 5 C’s of Love, where Johnny and I will walk you through the simple 5C’s of the recipe for magnetizing love to you.”

This is core curriculum that we’ve shared with thousands of women around the world. But never like this, never so much, so succinctly laid out for you so you can easily just get it. It’s what we share with our advanced clients as well.

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We’ll walk you through each of the C’s, the five ingredients and show you which to FOCus On FIRsT because just like when you bake a cake, if you skip one, or add them in the wrong order (like if you add the vanilla or water before you fully sift the flour, baking soda, chocolate and all that) you’ll end up with

nothing but a not-tasty, not-really-cake mess, something wrong entirely.

Click here to register to start watching your videos right away

Thanks for reading! I hope you got some value... and I hope you can see now that there is a safe and sure part to avoid staying single And to find your Mr’s just a matter of learning the right way of

going about magnetizing your true love to you!

If so, I’m excited to help you! It would be our honor. If not, we wish you well on your journey and we are here for you if and when you are ready to take it further.

Of course, none of these new beliefs about men will do much if you don’t put yourself and your commitment to true love first. no matter

what you have done in the past, you must believe that now is the time for something new, different, and special to happen for you in order to

magnetize that to you. now is the time for a fresh start. so at the end of the beliefs about men, we’ve also included, as a bonus, three essential self love and self worth beliefs that will give you a stronger foundation on which to

place these new beliefs about men and love for you.

YOuR neW eMpOWeRIng BeLIeFs

ready for printing

To your soulmate success,Lara Fernandez *

P.S. you should be aware that these videos are only available for a limited time, so if you want to learn more from us, NoW is the time to register.

P.P.S. Remember to print out your New Empowering Beliefs - on the next page.

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1. A man of quality will want intimacy and a REAL, loving,committed relationship just as much as I do!

2. A man of quality will be honest with me about how he feels...ifhe’s interested, he’ll call me!

3. A man of quality wants a woman who is confident enough to beherself, stick to her principles and who stands in her power!

4. A man of quality is NOT afraid of commitment. In fact, he isactively seeking women of quality (like me) to commit to!

5. A man of quality is attracted to strong woman who speaks hertruth.

6. A man of quality DOES desire soulmate love just as much as me!

7. I love myself. I’m worthy of being loved. I desire soulmate loveand my desires matter now.

8. Regardless of my past, True Love is totally possible for me, and Inow step toward it with new grace and power.

9. I commit to what matters to me, and allow the Universe to showme the way forward now.


sTATeMenT OF neW
