padua journal constitution

Newsletter The PJC, 1234 Main Street, Padua, Italy | 123-456-7890 | Adam Molloy THE PJC April 2011 Katherine is tamed! News is out that the famed Petruchio has finally corralled the beast, the marries her! New Feature: Man/ Woman of the Month! MAN: PETRUCHIO WOMAN: KATHERINE PETRUCHIO Petruchio is here to come save the day! He is here to tame the infamous Katherine, and to open up the much- wanted spot of the suitor of Bianca, Katherine's sister. He is brand- new to Padua, and his reasons for taming Katherine may be a little off, but we have been waiting for somebody like him for a while. BIANCA Bianca is the woman of the month, blah, blah, blah. She has been the woman of the month for longer than anyone can remember. Why can't it be Katherine? The new, tamed (thanks to Petruchio), Katherine is not so bad. New Sport! BAR BRAWLING A fight broke out yesterday inside a nearby bar between the bartender and a majorly drunk man. It did not turn violent, though most witnesses say that it was about to, if other forces didn't step in. After the fight, the drunkard fainted and was carried away by a very rich person in an effort to prank the poor man into thinking that he is somebody he is not.By personal request, neither of the fighters shall be named. Business: New Investment- Marriage!? Investors say maybe. Petruchio- Yes Lucentio- No Katherine- Yes Bianca- No Can you figure out who’s marriage is true love? Issue No. One Andrew, Adam, Omar PADUA: THE PADUA JOURNAL CONSTITUTION 1234 Main Street Padua, Italy TELEPHONE (123) 456-7890 FAX (123) 456-7891 New Sport? Old Kate New Kate Business or Not?

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A Taming of the Shrew Newspaper higlighting some of the issues that happen in this newspaper


Page 1: Padua Journal Constitution


The PJC, 1234 Main Street, Padua, Italy | 123-456-7890 | Adam Molloy

THE PJCApril 2011

Katherine is tamed! News is out that the famed Petruchio has finally corralled the beast, the marries


New Feature:Man/ Woman of the Month!


PETRUCHIOPetruchio is here to come save the day! He is here to tame the infamous Katherine, and to open up the much- wanted spot of the suitor of Bianca, Katherine's sister.  He is brand- new to Padua, and his reasons for taming Katherine may be a little off, but we have been waiting for somebody like him for a while.

BIANCABianca is the woman of the month, blah, blah, blah.  She has been the woman of the month for longer than anyone can remember.  Why can't it be Katherine?  The new, tamed (thanks to Petruchio), Katherine is not so bad. 

New Sport!BAR BRAWLINGA fight broke out yesterday inside a nearby bar between the bartender and a majorly drunk man.  It did not turn violent, though most witnesses say that it was about to, if other forces didn't step in.  After the fight, the drunkard fainted and was carried away by a very rich person in an effort to prank the poor man into thinking that he is somebody he is not.By personal request, neither of the fighters shall be named.

Business: New Investment- Marriage!?

Investors say maybe.Petruchio- Yes

Lucentio- NoKatherine- Yes

Bianca- NoCan you figure out who’s marriage is true love?

Issue No. One Andrew, Adam, OmarP A D U A :


1 2 3 4 M a i n S t r e e tP a d u a , I t a l y

T E L E P H O N E(123) 456-7890 F A X(123) 456-7891

New Sport?

Old Kate New Kate Business or Not?

Page 2: Padua Journal Constitution


By: Omar Sbay





Not only did Petruchio

shock the world the first time

around by marrying Katherine

but now not only does he

arrive late to his own wedding

but also to arrive in such

marred habiliments.

Petruchio showed up late to

his wedding a few days ago but

not only was he late he showed

up in terrible clothing, claiming

“To me she’s married, not unto

my clothes.”

Petruchio’s actions were

quite an outrage. The wedding

did not end on a happy note.

Katherine was forced to leave

right after the wedding by her

ruffian husband making a

scene that Padua will never


“It’s a disgrace to a man

of his social position and an

insult to this solemn

ceremony.” said Baptista.

“It’s disgraceful! You

never saw such a mockery of a

marriage in your life!” Stated


People all over Padua

are talking about the marriage

of the shrew and her ruffian


Shrew Taming School!!

Now OPEN!!

We now have an amazing new

Shrew Taming School with a 100% success

rate. This Shrew Taming School was first started when our very own Petruchio tamed his own wife Katherine. Since then his Shrew Taming

School has grown to a class of two students, Lucentio, and

Hortensio. We now have a

branch in Padua for more

information talk to Kate Minola.

Petruchio’s Wild Wedding

Page 3: Padua Journal Constitution


By Omar Sbay

W e l l d e a r readers, you two have been fighting over this Bianca for a while and I believe you two are her schoolmasters. I believe that the best way to woo a lady of her kind would be a poem or maybe even a song. If you find that you are not getting anywhere with her than maybe you should try to get her to realize what you have to offer her.

maybe it might be a boat, a house, or even a business but remember don’t do anything to r i sk being able to marry her, such as letting her father find out. You must wait till the right time and make sure that all goes as planned. I t mus t be we l l p l a n n e d a n d executed. Maybe take her for a walk under the stars in the forest to “study.” Then you

“study,” the plans to run away together. Oh wait sorry that is the wrong book. never mind but remember don’t do anything stupid.

Written by: OmarEdited by:



Cambio and Litio

Page 4: Padua Journal Constitution


By: Andrew Bake


Petruchio & Katherine

He came to his wedding on a lame horse.He dressed his wife in ragsHe starved her In this special edition we will be looking at Petruchio’s logic of taming Katherine. Petruchio said in Act 4 Sc. 1 p. 149 Line 161 “ `Tis burnt and so is all the meat.” Here Petruchio does not want Kate to be able to eat so he complains about how unfit it is for his Kate. Kate later says in Act 4 Sc. 1 p.149 Line 168-171 “I pray you, husband, be not so disquiet. The meat was well, if you were so contented.” Petruchio says “I tell thee Kate, `twas burnt and dried away, And I expressly am forbid to touch it.” Kate right now probably is thinking, The meat was fine why is Petruchio acting so angry? Petruchio is acting in this manner for he does not want his blessed wife to touch the supposedly “marred” meat. His twisted logic behind that is If I starve her long enough she will give in to me. Petruchio also acts in the same manner when the tailor comes along with clothes fit for a queen and Petruchio rips them up as demonstrated in Act 4 Sc. 3 p.171 lines 93-95 “Whats this? A sleeve? `Tis like a demi-cannon. Whats, up and down carved like an apple tart? Here’s snip and nip and cut and slish and slash” Petruchio is complaining about the dress and unless Kate says okay to his demands he will not let her go to the wedding reception for Bianca because apparently Katherine needs to learn obedience before she can go anywhere else. I hope this article has given you and inside look into Petruchio’s logic.

Come by your local tights dealership for f a s h i o n a b l e functional tights such as Petruchio’s flashy tights pictured below

Page 5: Padua Journal Constitution


By: Andrew Bake

Italy, the home of several prominent cities

including famous cities like Pisa as well as

Padua which is the home of the fine arts. In

Shakespeare Act 1 Sc. 1 Lines 8 & 9 Lucentio

says “Here let us breathe and haply institute A

course of learning and ingenious studies.” He

says this for he wants to learn of the many fine

arts of Padua. Padua is renowned for its arts

and fine food. Though the most famous by far

and away is the cathedral of Saint Anthony.

Padua also has an impressive collection of

buildings like the university which still runs was

founded in 1222 makes it the oldest running

university in the world.

Cathedral of Saint Anthony

Padua Park

Padua Bridge

Tower in Padua