pacific commercial advertiser. (honolulu, hi) 1878-09-21 [p ]....san fhanc-vic-o. manufacturers and...

i -- 7 1 I t 2 I li 1 A 1 - a 3 BY E. P. ADAMS. Credit OF china qod EX BARK Frank Marion & Other Late Arrivals BY ORDER OF Jleisrs. CnULAS k CO., O N" WEDNESDAY, : SEPT. 25, at in n'riofk. a. m. at Salrs Room, will b to 1.1 On a CREDIT TO THE TRADE 100 SESTS TRICKS, I EAth. 1041 ROLLS .. 1 WHITE M1TT1XC, 100 ROLLS COLORED M-T- BOXES OOLOXG TEJ, Baslicts Fine Tea ! LICQl BOXES TEA, 2 1- -i k - ! SILK 111SDKERCDIEFS, JIOSQUTO .ETTI.C, LOOKIXC fcLlSSKS, THE CR1J CLOTD, CHIXA SLIPPERS, GENUINE I Sjnqie anrj Double Harness! CHINA PEOCKS, PANS, CHINA S1J-1-- & LAltGK CHEPK MI I. V AVI. W. ALSO CIIIiVA FUKXITUUE! Beriming Chairs, Arm Chairs, Silks. &c TERMS K. V. ADAMS. Aact'r. HOUSE AT AUCTION ! ON SATURDAY, : : : SEPT. 28 By Order of John D. Brewer. Esq., Cod.uI fr Japan, A 1 12 o'clock, noon, ON THE PREMISES, PUNCHBOWL ST. Will be .old all the right, title and Interest of Hanakami G. Kuniatsu, deceased IN AS1T0 ONE WOODEN HOUSE ! On the .oath ide f Punchbowl Street. . P. ADAMS, Auctioneer CAWFOillVIA Furniture Slauufacturing Company, SAN FHANC-ViC- O. MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS A. 1 HQ.-B1- 1I OF MCI- - IPTION OF MIT1B PARTIES IN HONOLULU, or other part, of the Island. DESIRING FURNITURE ! CAN HAVE THKIR B, application to .Mr. E. P. AIA MS.en ho ha. our uecrip - OIS3" H AN Dl It Store or L. W. nOPP, Kin? St., Black Walnut Sets Black Walnut Sideboard., Black Walnut Dining Chairs Oak Cane Seat Dining Chairs, Cedar Bedroom HcU, Pine Bureaus, e., c. E. P. ADAMS, Camden- - Sept 17 A5.Wi6 ft jt7UJ:I ft drege lumli r. 100 M oUiugles, 6M iatii. M bx. flab, 1 pkg private elfr-ctH- . Fkom Abctto Perflyren, Bept whalebone. a ck. rant, i- - pkg. to Dacca. Fao Tokobaxi Per Pernsia, St-p- t 186 f"es enrioa. om Poar trrow Per Lihollho, Sept V) 37,712 it ouh timber, 20 M to U Uackfeld A. Co. Fiox BoTO!t Per Amy Turner. Sept 19 163 rkgs rope. tf.O'ja pkff .hooks. VJ pkgs hardware, 43 pkK nia- - rblnerv, toe ptr lurnitnre, a en tones ana ny wneeis. v.i ton coal. 2,'MO case oil. .35 door. 47 stoves, 7 whale boaU. 2ut pcis oak plank. 430 canes canned goods. .7 chair.. 1.057 bdl. hoop iron and wire, 3U bar. iron. SO rae matches, 375 oars. keg. nil,1.4;'J pkgi carriage good.. tbl neada ana contalnerH, ana viso pkgs gene- ral BdM. ' - EXPORTS. Ton PoaTKl. O Per City of Perth. Sept 14 200 bis tea, 150 bags rice. Value, domestic produce, (650; foreign - To Pobt Towtwewd Per Jenny Pitts. Sept 14100 bbU aiolaxses, 1 basket gin. Value, dom produce, f.(64. " Foa Krw BmroRO Per Syren, Set 18 ,029 bbls oil, 37,t1 . lb whalebone. Value, $&,072.88. Fob 8a FEASCiaco Per Discovery, Sept 18379.824 lbs sugar. 157.075 lbs rice, 19.786 lb. paddy, 4.892 gal mo- - lssxes. 1 cim effects. 3 esses law books, 37.045 lbs whale bone. Value, domestic produce, J6,028.C0 ; foreign do. (400. Foa FAjrrrrxa Island Per Vivid. Sept 19 Value, do- mestic produce, $456.50 ; foreign do, $(.03.4::. PASSENGERS. f From Wixdwakd Pobis Per Lik like. Svpt 15 Mrs S .A Mrs J H Coney and son, t'apt Pope. Mrs S Kipi. lion T W Martin. Miss L Martin, Miss S Martin. C ;WHart. J Bird. W Taylor, Rev Father Gulstone. Kev Father nbert. AT tireen, C Perry. Ahsee. a U Akina, Mrs T Foster, Mrs M Previer, Miss Thompson, V ojiili. A P Kumeiakea, and 12- - deck. ' Faox Kahtjici Per Kilanea-hou- , Sept 15 II P Bald- - 'wtn. V AcdrewR. Vr Xittrede, wife and 2 childre-j- . J C . Bailev. W H Bailey. C A Bailey, E P Adams. T W Everett. Akanaliilii, Mrs Sbarratt and 2 children, J B Gibson, and 10 deck. For KAHtrt-- n Per Eilanea Dtou. Sept 1J W H Bailey. f A Bailer. Mrs Grar. GT Tickell, C Siders. Kev SE Bishop, John lloes, J Joaqnin, C others, and about 35 deck. Too. "Windward Ports Per IJkelike. Sept 17 Kev H Bingham wife. Miss Wells. G C Williams i wife, Master . ... t-- . . . . . . T X7 TV-.-- .. W l...nn. TT f yie, IISS X Je, r a. inr . j.' cr, a .s , .icicn, u F Baldwin, Jas Richard n k wife. Mrs C Coleman. Mr. C A CvtUt k 2 children, H L. Chsse, Mrs Armstrong child. Sirs J B Dickson k child. 1) Kamaiopili. J as C Bailey. Mr Wells. E Delemar, P Milton, J Mali, Akanalii lii, and about .a aeca. FBOJf Pobt Gamble Per Camden, Sopt 17 Ah Sun. Fro Yokohama Fer Pentsda. Sept IS Mrs J B Gibbs and child, T Lawson. ana li'J Chinese. ' Ton CaIXaO Per Perusia, Sept 18 John Weber, Chuni Snng. Fob.Sa FraxcTsco Per Picovery. Sept 18 W H Wenner, i McPonald, Mrs CZ Furness. For Sax Fraxcisco Per Frank Marion, Sept 18 Mr C E Wiliiams and daughter. From Kahx-.c- t Per Kilanea-hou- , Sept 18 Miss Ilowell, Mr Btoakes, and s aeca. From Boston Fer Amy Turner, Sept 19 Miss A lizzie Xewell. Fna KAHrin Per Kilanea-hon- . Sept. Ii Itis Ex Gov Domini.. F Pratt. T Meek. Mrs Maipinepine, F Metvalf A: wife. E Sniffen. wife and chiM. J Jones, wife children. A Doiron. Ah Sack, Mrs Ah Fat, 4 others, and 25 deck. From Mact Per Mokolii. Sept 19 His Majesty the Sn. Colonel C II Judd, C Iaokea. and 10 deck. DIED, KAVAXAUGH. At South Kona. Hawaii. September 11th John Kavanangh. ajred 66 years, a native of county Down Ireland. Ue leavea a widow and one child, for whom he ha provide- - by wllL this City Sept. 17th of Diphtheria. Bennie Hawley. second son of Mr k. Mrs. J. Ii. Atherton, xed 7 year. 6 month 30 days. Safe in the anna of Jesus, Safe on hi. gentle breast. There by hi love o'er shaded, f Sweetly hia soul shall rest." 1 Portrait and Landscape Photography. ww a v m Oil' a I T. the-ppar- and convenience, for traveling, prepared and do either portrait, or of the Uland., part NvTews any at .hort notice. First-cla- ss work only will be Wonolula, when the negative. re made. Address, -- ubp Nnnoin!!. BY C. S. CARTOW Buildings at Auction! THis SATURDAY, : : SEPT. 2i, At 12 o'clock Noon, Br crier of IIT Ex. tte Mx'.s-.e- r of the Ir.'.-- ri r. I an ia- - atructed to Sell AT PUBLIC AUCTION ! THE t DiiiMInnrQ I I WU YT UUUCI 1 uuiiuiiiqO Oa th Corner cf Fort and Que- - Stra ti. T3iiil clings to lo C. 8. BARTOW, AurtT. UP 031 SALE ! ON FRIDAY, : : SEPT. 27th, At 10 4. , will b- - told A Choice Assortment of 1VEW DRY GOODS ! invoice: of FRESH GROCER! AND A Lot of Furniture ALSO MANILA CIGARS LIBERAL. AND An Assortment of other Merchandise! C. 9. BARTOW. AuctV. JAPANESE CURIOS E Perusla, direct from Japan, a Jct receive., Ki learner Choice Valuable and careiuuy Invoice of Japanese Goods t Which will he offered at Public Auction in October. Due Noll will be Given of Ibe Day Sale. C.3. BARTOW, Aact'r. tgal Utdiscnunts. COURT OF THE HAWAIIAN Clr"1.. i tha eatate of Ilia Excellency deceased, Inteatate. Before of onolulu, W ,r'. ju,"ce JuJd.' On reading and filing the pemion of Mra. K.pek.Moebonua.of Honolulu, allegins that W. L. Uono on the 8th Honolulu. Oahu. died jr.te.Ute at A. V. 1S7S, and praying that Letter ol XiS iae to Charle. T. GuUck and that Chart. Administrator or aaiu be appointed temporary eVtaVe It la ordered that A. U. 1873, be and nereDy is appoint- - b j., In the court-roo- m of this said it Honolulu, at which time' and place all person, coneernejl and show cause, if any they have, why may appear ahould not be granted, and that thi. order be publ.ahed In ,he EngUsh and Hawaiian language, for three -- ccev "Koo-koa- " Advertiser" and week. In the - Pacific Commercial newspapers In Honolulu. n Dated Honolulu, II. I., W-'FBANCIS-- Justice of the Supreme Court. A ttest: IST A. R03A, Deputy Clerl Kyiw. SUPREME COURT OF THE HA- - fln Wlano-- of the October Term. 1873. la the ,at- - the of Kapo (w.) ana rae.c i- -. terof the Act ol it.ZZ title onder "'J; SU A.1oc?ate Justice Judd. On read- - !uZn of Kauo (w.). Paele (k.) her hus- - iDgauu :, .; ,h l.v richt ; ol in- - band, and lkana t a; " - ; -- , lhe ,ai1 heritance inrougu v- -.- fem af certain Island of Oahu, about the year isoo, an v''"'r"":-- . the Mhn fk 1 claimant, and for a decree adjudging Ka (w ) -- nd the M (k.) to be entitled to .aid land dayoiyctooer .V.r.rr...Vnn hefore said Justice of the &me Court at the "ex. regular meeting of lh. Suptem. Honolulu at time and Cort. .t the Court Hon: in . m v annear anu nuuw i d hould not be granted, and that this ne publ-- S ln Honolulu, in the ViTAwrt.r- - - K-- Sl in the taLr of a-- M koa" newspaper., lor inw - Term of the Supreme Court. 11 thAD. 18. 3. Dated Hono.ulu, September Justice Supreme Court. Clerk Supreme Cmirt. 8epU-3- t Attest: A. RQ3A, Deputy Orders Filled at Lowest Rates sWgTO1irS Bedroom AgenUbrHavv!als oe! Te?Vc-.n,ordraft- on Day, Ifceiriovo-- l Charle. e. " reading and Judd. On Chamber., before the Hon - a Francis i ; and account. 0 W. C 1 . rt aUministrator fiUDf the petition deeeBiwlf of the estate or "-- -? Ki nd charge, him- - wherein he ask. to - - ( - be nmineA eVto nUtnTnd'dcr.r furthe? responsibility a. .nch. " Jk A M . ai u:n v c ni.H ,!. of SeDtember, A. D. 13i3, n rhltnh(, lrl the Court House, if any they have, why the same m bh -- resent .vidence as to w' peny, .. lU:tst and simDiest wav of . true value of the grand list, for . ropertv shows for itself, and a claim in rem. taxes compels the parties claiming it, whoever they may be, or whatever the nature of their inter- est, to pay the tax, or lose the property by tax sale. In fact, the claim for taxes is now a claim in rem, but there is also a claim in personam, especially for taxes on personal property, which causes confusion, inequality and any quantity of perjury. If it were possible in the nature of things, or permissible under the idea of free Government, for the Assessor to de- mand the books of every citizen on the day to which the assessment relates, the exact truth could be learned of every man's taxable worth. But this is not possible, or if it were, the attempt to enforce it would lead to revolution. We, therefore, fall back on the statements voluntarily made by the as- sessed, in default wherever the judgment of the Assessor is made absolute, provided it is not too high; if it t too high, it can be sworn down by the citizen. The result whereof is practically the omission of probably more than half the personal property legally subject to assessment. Yet if assessments in perso7iam could be accurately made, whether both debts and credits or neither were included, the result would be precisely the same as it an outside assessment of things only were made, without noticing rights in things. Why, then, not confine the labors ot the Assessors to the things only rather than exact from tbem impossibilities, at the cost of equality and truth, and of the demoralization caused by the present practice ? 4. By adhering solely to the in ran system, there would be no danger whatever of double tax- ation, which is inevitable when both the thincr and rights in the thing are assessed. No man can be assessed on a secured debt without being made liable for a tax on hit right to the thing pledged, which thing has also been taxed in rem, and when- ever this occurs, the lender will always provide in his mortgage that the tax thereon must be paid by the borrower. To omit this provision, or to force the lender to pay the tax without recourse, is to lend money on mortgage at a rate less than on other loans by the amount of the tax, or to increase the rate of interest by the same amount, either of which would throw real estate out of the loan mar- ket, and thereby sap the very foundation of all credit based upon landed property ; while to insist upon the payment of the tax by the borrower is to make him pay a double tax. or indirectly to increase the rate of interest on mortgage loans. Oub xeigebob. of the Gazette, in last Wednes- day's issue, makes a desperate effort to set himself up as the champion defender of the Chinese. The editor makes a poor attempt to misconstrue the language of our item, when he says that we " appear to have contracted a peculiar hatred, of late, towards the Chinese." Our opposition has been consistently against the indiscriminate introduction of males, exclusively, of that race of people, as a desirable element for the increase of our population. Of this our friends are fully aware ; and so is every one who has read our paper, and can understand the English language. TVe did not make the allegation that Mr. Jones' watch was stolen by Chinese, or any other class cf thieves ; but we did say, and we reiterate it : Look cut for your premises, for there are lots of new California Chinamen' about." Docs the editor of the Gazette desire to see these Islands become a community of Chinese particularly those "from California?" We do not so much object to the China Chinaman, especially those who have done such wonderful things for the advancement of Christianity" and " the arts and sciences amonjr other nations." (see the x Chinese Ambassador's paper on this subject, when published by the Gazette) if they will only bring their wives and families with them. We advise our friend of the Gazette to infprm himself of what is transpiring among our neighbors on the Pacific Coast, and when he has done so, be will have no difficulty in perceiving the peril which so closely confronts us. and to which we have felt it our dutv to call public attention. FOR " dip: Til- - ETEiMiulr sp the -- r- TT T A:t. The McEES-- T JJAiii. b- - Dor r" -- "" tc at? RTinnT N0VE-BEB- ., 13, 18 F or Freight cr rv'T 0 C. BREWER A CO . , 21 it the t THF the eicg iza- - rtif nte Jen- - .fting cf Mrs. For Taliiti Iircct Uir uhi iplendii THE BARK COD "Teg- - & EDWARD JAM Will sail for the above Port on cr;a Powers Saturday, September Ferret CORN.8prea- - with FOR SAX FRAlCIwlth BARK -- 23k KALAKAX MASTER, Will Sail for Above Port paivU) i""" Already Engaged. c:..l,t Pn12. BROWN. BREWER jrreTious to end the pa- - an " of .Iraihra JEN -.-3 - - pp!y to o. r.r C. d- - Ho!y ';h, beg to offer i!atiocs on the ercies bestowed in Ilia T . rcitj cf pure anil X' It mil dear to us AMERIUA?i - r of the love and u brethren of the .MAST, holda most dear. - Of ClnA anri (T.a Will Sail for Above Port w) May be num- - For Freighter Taase having sopertf your 81P'iie,l0t C. BREWlrough - a. e of the Christian qj JL JUXJJr nie may insure HAWAIIAN lO.iOWlDg priesthood. confijiDg FOIl SAI All.d self-deni- al, theMMterf nujvu i w una ucru THE BJthe flock entrusted lYIattie IKv words as an hum- - a M - .9 tV n rti GEORGE TOPE ouu lu"iuu sing. Ia now Loadine for thr WILL HAVE QUIClflected and unques- - Fur freight and passage, apply to Jres8 anJ replied in "ACf ,e7 tf Al C lttenance a- -J nter-Fu- H wALi Ufl't have been between HAWAIIAN S'1 late !a lhe -- fternoon. GIOVAN Thompson- - R5 TONS Koiiala , Sept. 4th WELL FOUJMU Commercial Advertiser Slet I see in an arti- - FOR SEA s, that I am the only -- - not support bis ideas "t of affairs at the Queen's Jt ?iL - t0 t&J that 1 d not, for -- p . pjWJ not think the document written in a truly profes-- do not consider that my has been sufficient to war-- FOR SAW , the gentlemen constituting of the affairs of the Hospital, THE SFt.Eey are quite competent to n7 8tofthe institution. Third UJC at Dr. McKibbin was bo as I Lave, when in Hondia"y inTiteJ o Visit with Will leave hat letter of mine can be 5n or about as I have written but jiqj. Sydj ,Lat t0 Dr. Rodgers in Iwas rel-est- ed to sign; but -- T('' ,ia'C SUCl1 aD 6p'St,e' WOulJ lJ ve it published if any point can .i . . . ON OR (.a,iu wuenever my opinions on ABC ie8ted y committee I will lem; but as I have stated before, '. in good taste that I, being a new Good for S'gt mj ,;ews Up0n tne committee, be Siorcd, Ft Wnrfhou.- - Respectfully. . L. S. Thompson M. D. STEAfrd from tlie epers' SHEI'lopleasant subject to allude to, but ession is good for the soul." There- on record the that owing to tion to the last Iip-Arv- !, of ha v " - .lit Mfll'-- ri Tuesday, Oct. 8, 6p tu... Tuesday. O'" - W gen-;- e he we fact, these Islands within species Asiatic disease ' --e j uttn , .va before, terrifying T'auu costly to the nation in the extreme. The late Legislature appropriated 3 -- ery liberal sum of $05,000 for the support of those poor unfortunates, isolated in a district on the windward side of Molo- - kai. Here are some extracts from a letter received from a recent " transport " to that Island, an edu cated Hawaiian, who talks and reads English with facility : " Dear Feiesd : I now improve an opportunity of writing to you, hoping that this will find you and your family and mine in good health. After giving some very particular directions as to some money matters, the letter proceeds: Molokai is a very fine island, and so is the station. Everything at hand poi and meat. One bundle of poi for one week for one person, and seven pounds of beef. It lasts pie over a week that is, I can't eat it all. Sometimes I get Borne sweet potatoes, which makes a good change. The Board of Ilealth supplies us with soap, salt, kerosene oil really, everything looks handy, and nothing lacking. The carpenters have just put up five houses, and there are more to be put up. The fact is. there are more lepers here than there are houses for, and if the constables do their duty, without respect to friendship, there will be a great many more here than at present. Our Governor is a good old man, ard I like him much. All we want is a good doctor to come here to reside and try his skill on us poor creature. " Yours in the faith of Christ, ." Water Discoveries. To the Editor of the Pacific Commercial Advertiser : Eureka ! The water question is solved. Who did it? The Gazette man. Why, you must have been sleeping that you did not see it. The Gazette, speak- ing of Capt. Wilfong's discovery of a lake of Ires-- water on the southern slope ol Manna Loa, (an ac- count of which you give last week) says : Should the expectations etc.,'-- ' " prove correct, the exist- ence of such a large body of fresh water at such an elevation, must prove both a blessing and a benefit to these Islands.'' Of course, it would, and to us here in Honolulu, more particularly. How grateful to the parched and dust- - choked throats or Metropo- litans would be a good, square drink of fSe ice-co- ld water from the mountain slopes of llaw" ! Cut the Gazette man does not tell us how to get it here. I have no intention of robbing him of any. portion of the laurels or fame bis genius has jnst-l- y earned by the publication of his brilliant idea, but, merely this, and nothing more,'" make a sug- gestion by which the ' blessing and benefit to these Islands" may be realized, and it is a plan, too, so easy to carry out. Here it is : Just lay down an inverted syphon from the centre of the lake to Honolulu, and the thing is done. The engineer (where is Houseman) must not forget to have the short leg of the syphon run up the moun- tain, and the long leg under the sea (or carried on poles) across the channels to Honolulu. This last plan would have some peculiar advantages, for pendants with lancets could attached tor the ' blessing and benefit' of coasters that mij;ht get becalmed between the Islands and short of water. The sypbon could also be tapped t intervals where it pa.-s- es Maui, and thus prove a blessing'" etc.. to the denizens of that Island in time of drouth. Mr. Spreckles would, I tbiuk, be willing to pay a large royalty for the use of the water, as it would Eave him the great expense of ditching, in his projected sugar enterprise at the Commons.'-Othe- planters, undoubtedly, would also avail themselves ot the b. and b.'' Three throusand feet elevation of the other leg would give us here, in Honolulu a good head of water in case of fire, and thus obviate the expense of steam Ore engines, which we have been contemplating (or some time. In short, the advantages, " blessings and benefits" to accrue, are manifold, and cannot be specified in a short comn!,?5tf3. Yours, respectfully. Fuit th: infortj'.k-c.- a!l frunJ and acquala-tjnee- s Mr. D tijr. gire the f'.lonicj letter from Li in : cvy nNCisco, Avg. Zi'.h. leTS. H. L. i'UKiSHJS. , IEAit Sir: Yot anJ:y ruany U.nola:.i friends wiil be glad t laow at I have arrived Lore la excellent health. Tfcirip so far has been a de lightful one. I fet wing to go rormd the Horn in the Jane A. the trip was men a pleaant one. owbjr I the kindness of Captain liabbard and fcu !Lsr. Item I ortlaad to i-- Francisco I have ladcnanT new friends and met with many old one. hough I was not feeling ill in Honolulu, yetaptarances were against me causing cuch anietjand solicitude among my well-wiaher- s. so I'eelhat Dr. Hutchison and Dr. Trousseaa will be ;lado learn that their diagno sis ol my case was wong one, and that nobody cere looks on me a a invalid, bat oa the con trary thinks me in Ircons health. Mr. Dal:oa oa bis return to HonoUaand also Capt. Hubbard of tne a.A-jnter- c wiusa the same. I feel deeply indebted to Dr. Tida for his kind care of ne. and for his auranes I a speedy return to health by change of climte.iidei by Lis InCnitesimal doses so often ridictecbv the ignorant and preju diced. It has all cm to pass just as he said it would, and I want rot to publish this letter in your valuable napei tbat others may profit by nis medical skill an !.t ledge. ith best wisn eg to all friends left tr.d. " aloha i oe e Ilono lnlu.'" I am. 1s Chas. y A iaet-tiro- f Quren Emin LoJe Xo. 2 will litlJ next Tlin.danfoiu,;. Ba-sine- of iiuiKrtance. full of meUfr rwjiiestd. Per Onler. It 7 XT 1 11 aCcobdavce lb the provUiocs of Uie lav la rela- - Luu to Labor Contrac:I have apioiate4 J. T. Waterhoose. jr., ta act aa tny Depatyluricf aj temporary abaeoce from thi city. HENRY WATERHOCSE, Agent to te ackao wledementa to Conlracn foLaW in the District cf Koua, Oahu. Sept. 19th, 1378. ir't 0 LET. fMIIE COTTAC1IN THEXLT'AM' LKV. at present octpied by Mr. Jt. -- orstenau. Posses- sion will be given on the rst day of October next. For apply to JA3. W. ROBERTSON. st-2- 2t In thib-stor- e of Whitney 4r W&TED. 4 BUILDING lulu. e21 4t OR Olfers with size f lot. and cash price, under B. L. AT TUI 10ST. ON SUNDAY EIVIXG, ON THE WAN road, between Oi residence of Capt. Dan. Smith and Nuuanu Street, j V GRA1 SHAWL ! The finder will receive th ank of the owner by leaving the aame;taia office. .ei!l riiiE M oriened on Fort Street, .bove Hotel to the Public ol nnniulu, that he Is prepared to do IN VOL. c. in all branches of the business. Jpecial attention given to turning Billiard Balls, and all Having had an of thirty year, in this busitss, (over eighteen in he leels coo&ident of giving pfect to ali his cus- tomers. se213m tV. K. or to Let. Five Walk of the Pott In a cenltl and pleasant location. Will be let to only. Inuire at this office. sel4 tf V. HAS L'M. thi day been admiied as a partner in our Arm. Honolulu, Sept. 1, IS79. U. Co. w sei 4t OR or bearer, to a retun passage to 8an by the P. M. S. S. Co. The Cndr will be suitably rewarded on leav- ing the order at Messrs. h Hackfeld 4- Co.'s Office. sell lit WIFE truly, -- TICE. W A II I NE. i'Ja left me without snf cause, VAL--Ji infor- mation Robertson. LOlX NEAR HOXO- - OrFICE. UBOERSIGNED HAVING ITURSISB K3TABLISHMKNT TURNING IVORY, experience Honolulu) satisfaction HERRICK. Furnished Unirnished, Booms Within Mnntrt gentlemen 10TICE. 1IR. HEINRHM SCHMIDT UACKFELD LOST STOLEN. AN ORDER. EWITLIXC F.R.MELLIS Francisco JOTICE. KAINO HAVING I warn all persons not to trust her on my icouut, as I will pay no debt, con- tracted by her. JOE. MANURL. Knanapali, Maui, la;. 23, 1S7S. e!4 St EX T Street, announce, finorork. hereby NOTICE. PARTNERSHIP HITHRRTO ISTING betweei the undersigned PHILIP MILTON and GOOiMLK ARMSf-ON- U as Sugar Planter., at Olowalu, on the Island cf Maui, jmier the firm or style of P. MILTON 4s Co., ha. this day bea dissolved by mutual consent. Dated this twelfth dy of September, 1878. (SigttJ) GOODALE ARMSTRONG. Sigad) PHILIP MlLTON. Witness. (Signed) VYM. O. IK WIN. The undersigned will enrrv on the business at Olowalu under the style or firm oft. 'ARMSTRONG, tf Co., and will assume all (he liabilities o'tie late firm. se!4 (Signe) G. ARMSTRONG k Co. I0TICE. UKIKti 11 IBXItK I'KUM TIIK Kinadom, KDWAB) PRESTON, Esq.. will ki K" I nil business interested tony care. J VJ a . j , 1 attend to I0TICE. Ml yliSEXCK FROM THE DURING Kingdom, dr. JOIIN H. BOP tit oTLahaina, will represent me under poer of attorney. Sept. and, 1S73. se7 4t .OIL II. TURTON. 10TICE. IS IIERKBV G1VSX,TIIAT DURING MY absence, my .on, Tbcias It. Lucas, is fully authorized to transact all business as f I were present to do the same in my own proper person. se7 lin GEORGE LUCAS. N)TICE. 'IMIKINTERESTIXD RESPOXSIBIL1T V JL of K. Furstenau, Esq in our firm ceases on this dale. Honolulu, Sept. 1st. 187! II. UACKFELD k Co. se7 St N)TICE. WE THE UND1RSIGNED, II AVE l'artnershiby mutual consent from this date. R. W. THEODORE PCKVIS. Aug. 23d, 1878. QYEREND Q. ROSE. 3e7 lt NiTICE. AS I HAVE DEC DED NOT to ACCEPT . the Agency of the Te?phone Company for the Islands, I will dispose ot the Telephcies on hand and to .pare, at their cost to me; and I will glaly give information in regard to Telephones or Telephone Lit. to any person desiring it. C. II. DICKEY, se7 lm Haiku, Maui. TO LET. THOSE PES I FAULE PREMISES N09. 143 and 150 Nuuanutvenue. Apply to J. II. WOOD, Nuuanu, or E. A. WLLIAM3, 64 Fort 8t. n3 tf) LAND I0R SALE. Large and Deairaile Piece of Ren I Eatnle in Honolulu, in present occupancy of the Hon. G. W. P1LIPO. Very desirable as i JFz1xx1.ll.-5- r riosiclonco, In pciut of health, facine the cool from Nuuanu Valley. Their is One and Two Small Taro Patche. on the property. Two Woodei Houses, water laid on. The land is about two acres in eslent. The above will be .old to the highest bidder at private sale on early application. For further particulars, enquire cl G. W. PILIPO. or Honolulu, Sept. 7, 17 i. 'm Hi. Ex. E. PRESTO N TO IET. rMIE MAKAI STOEE AND ROOM OVER-J- L head in the new fire-pro- ot baildinir, corner of Fort and Hotel streets. jal2 tIESinE Will be rentedseparately if desired. Apply tr C. 4- - CO. TO SL'II ABLE FOR A LARGE JL. family, .ituated wilhii ten minutes walk of the Poet Office. To a good tenant, th; rent will be very moderate. my25 tf Apply u E. T. O NOTICE. VL.L. PERSONS ARE WARNED my wife on ay account, as I will Dot pay such debts. Honolulu. May 15, 1373. LET. myl3 6m BROWN. BREWER HALLORAN. Against AKON0. To Planters Sugar Machinery. rpHE UNDERSIGNED ARE PREPARED to receive orders furnish drawings and prices for Sagar Machinery of every description and to auy extent. Mills, Vacuum PaiiM, Clarifier, Evaporators, Double Effect Appar- atus, Arc, c, Ac, imp-Tie- on short ndice at lowest rales. j C. BREWER &. CO. To Suar Planters. R. WOODnEAD. REPRESENTING lhe .. f.imiius House of .Mesr. i'ONTlFEX &. WOOD, Su- gar Machinery akrj if Lcudon will visit parties or confer with p!anirr on their estates to take orders, fnrruih plans and give any information to parties desiring to order sugar ma- chinery. Address with C. BREWER CO. . jto NOTICE. HAVING FORMED CONNECTIONS WITH Railway Stock Manufacturers of England and the l"ciied tate, I am prepared to give estimates and con- tracts for the laying of Tramway, and Narrow Gauge Rail- ways on the Hawaiian Islands costing from $3,500 per mile and upwards, wot including bridges. C. V. HOUSMAN, jy8 3m Civil Engineer. II. WILT, JJ UJb'HOZjSTJEI-EI- l. rpHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING JUST RE- - m. from California, heps to inform the public of Honolulu that be is prepared to do UpbaLlering in nil it Branrhea, at an Francisco rates. Good workman-shi- n guaranteed. Shop on Hotel Street, near Fori, with Chr. Direct from the Mac facl. i. j Now Landing Ex Amy Turner ! ! For Sale in Quantities to suit Purchaser. .i 4t A N I . By J. T. WATERHOUSE. KNOWLES' STEAM AND VACUUM PUMPS THE l'NKRSIGXEI HAVE JIST RE- - i JL per AMY TITR-R- ." from B-- '.a. a lU ; .Moranect cf thee Pumps, which ar f aaranttwd J to CUEAP-- R. AND bETTfcK iaa any other tle cf : pomp imported. We call the attention cr planter, partjeu- - ! larly to the VACI TM rCMP. wh is less coopl.catd i and more serTkabie than other pump.. se213ca C. BREWKR A CO. MEW BY THE AMY TURNER E. O. HALL & SON, Have Just Eeceived, and on Hand, OF. NEW GOODS In Their Line. SPECIAL: A FRESH LOT OF DOWNER'S KEROSENE Direct from lhe Manuiactwry. Also, a New Standard White Nooday Kerosene, ISO3 aadl'pw.rd, Teat. COOKING STOVES Plows, Harrows, Horso Hoos, Cultivators, Plantation and Socket Hoes I Pick, and Pick Mattocks; Grindstones; Yard Brooms, Axes, Hatchets; Hal)'. Cane Hatchets; Cane Knives; Plow Harness; Oz Bows, Coal Scoops; Bog and Eice Hoe.: Carpenter's Tool., all kinds; Relrigerators; Cream Freeiers; Cbaroa; IRON SAFES! Horse Shoe, and Nail.; Spade.; Shovels; Rakes; California Harness Leather! SadJIe Leather; Call Kip Skin.; e21 4t Lot of Ice and Calf Skins; Sheep Skin. 4cy Leather; Colored Lining Skin.; Sole Leather; BELT tftCtNG LEATHER I , 8om these - iht- - ,e of beinf: alarmf J ..n sleep .... be I disturbance tlia V ? French Patent U '0REWER (k GO. HAVE JUS T RECEIVED! THE AMERICAN BARK AMY" TURETER! 114 DAYS FHOM BOSTON. Having on Board a Cargo of Well Selected Merchandise For Ibla Market, Conai.ling in purl riUMBERLAXD COAL, in casks, bag and bulk, rrankiin fmne uoal ror lamily use, m CABR3, Wilmington Pitch; 50 pkgs No. 1 Resin; An Assortment of Bar Iron ! Card MatclLes i MANILA CORDAGE I OARS; OX O yV. R T S ! Made especially for Flantation use; Mule Carts; Heavy Hand Carts; Axle Grease; 1 Iron Safe; Eagle Flows; Hay Cutters; A few Caaea of well .elected A ill ERIC A IV PRINTS! 25, 23, 30 in. wide, desirable style.; WESTON'S CENTRIFUGALS, complete. Hoe Handles, Ax Handle, Pick Handles; Ox Bows, lin.; Charcoal Irons; Hunt'. Axe. Sc. Hatchets; Fairbanks Platform Scales Babbit Metal; Solder; Rubber Packiug; Black Rivets; NOONDAY KEROSENE OIL I STANDARD TEST, Downer's Ktrosene Oil; Eastern Keg k Barrel Shocks; Hoop Iron, . 1, 1 in.; Fence Wire, Not. 5A 6; GALVANIZED CORRUGATED ROOFING. A Fine Assortment of Stylish Carriages ! JUMP-SEA- T CARRYALLS, PHAETONS, EXTENSION TOP CARR i'ALLS, ASSORTMENT OF CHAIRS I Saratoga Arm Cot tare Chairs; Crown Top Cirecian Chairs; Astor Grecian Chairs; ya.ocy Wood Chairs; Arm Cabinet Chairs; Ilning Chairs; Revere Office wUs Cottage Chairs; Library Chairs; Wood Seat Narsedo; Wood Seat Racking do. ALSO, A FEW Chamber Sets in Chestnut! AN INVOICE OF McMurray's Fresh Oysters I Burnett's Extracts, Cocoaine, A few Cases of BURNETT'S AQUA FLORIMEL! All of the above Merchandise will be of- fered for sale upon satisfactory terms to Purchasers. DD ? Wc bc to notify Our Old "Krioiuls ami the Public ;euerall v. that wo open up T I-- I IS IN OUR we to offer to of in our line. 'it WE HAVE IlEMViE MORNING! T Xo. 117 Fort Street, AN OF 1 1 Where shall continue every ponille inducement purchasers Merchandise DILLINGHAM & CO. JUST RECEIVED BUGGIES, CARRIAGES AND WAGONS ! F R OM T II K CORTLAND WAGON MANUFACTURING COMPANY I rr.nlaail, Neir YerU. wkirb will bPMlJal L.w I'r irt'A II. ON receipt of a letter from the Cortland Maoufaclurinf Ccmpr,y a months ainre. In which Ihey ffrr4 as iht tmef ibeir factory fur ibe Kingdom, wm wrote ihrm, that a her. afainat Isa partes! Carrl.tfWM a. the larger portion of thou, brought Inln this country, were MADE Tti F.I.I.. anl proei Ink rtii luium That we did not CARK TO bandl. such goods, and iinle thry w"ulJ lu!U1 vrl.u ir of IU1IENT M A I'EUI A l and GUARANTEE Ibetn to b in erery respect El KMT CI. ASM (MUltUIJ EH. w. suul lr .bliJ la 4rcu. In reply tbey write as follows : We have full cnnflJrore iu te durtni,ty ol our wuik ao4 Its adaptation U any rlimate, our Wagon, are in use in every part of this country frotu the Pacific to tli Atlantic, ovrr a ranft of territory la whu U sm-prise- d ln extreme, of beat arid cold, drrnea and ini.ture. and an rrwrirnce of ever len year. ha. drmonsiraiad tlxir rlwt ability to resist the ravage of th. MO T Tltl'I.NU fEI.MATE. Iu Ihnr r M.uurtioo mm only thm IIEiT and moat approved material, such as year of, rrwarth and applirattun have sIiowb to ba ImwI Bit4 mUm In la-e- u with .iraagth, and elegacro with mmrorl. HeareM'KE when Ihey hae li IrateJ hj actual la yor ruuniry, the prejudice you .peak ol as etisting Sfmn.t W'aeon I lorrigu make, wi b,i far as 1 11 -- V an concerned enurrly di.-- ar. We fully warrant all our good, to you, and ynu may look la us fr roui-iiauio- iu rase nf ll lailitr. of Ih wafuos to r.n up to our reprewoiaiiona." M e bars Cut of Ibe d;fT.renl styles of vrhiclr m.le l.y the Corlland lnufi turn Cofnnv, and are prepared la lake special orders to be delivered at any rrrular port n the kingdoiu at LOW ('AMI I'KH'E. aororaiiig tu il aud kind of carriage or wagon. se7 DILLINGHAM & CO. - ITT IPAlfg T EEABD! SMALL PROFIT ON EASTERN PRICES. TO PLANTERS, MILL OWNERS & OTHERS, --rV Fine Htoclc to lSolot 1 10111 mul Uoulit nt Jiot-to- m Ttatcw in ICnlniKl, IVw Yorlr, nnd JSxiii Iixinr?isieo, ly CASTLE & COOKE: FAEIS PLOWS, genuine improved, heavy, at lower rate than ever offered, STEEL MOLINE PLOWS, 12- -1 4- -1 0, STEEL MOLINE GANG PLOWS, at small advanco above Coit, STEEL HOESE PLOWS, XI, XO, X00, complete. GARDEN HOES, solid socket, 5-- 8 in. neck, stout blade, made to our order, and sold at reduced rates, HOES, Planter's, Lane's, best quality, HUNT'S AND SIMMONS' AXE AXTD PICK MATTOCKS, Hunt'.,' Collin', k Crossmano'a Handled Axes; Hunt's and Pays Ate Tattero llali'hels. Not. I A f , do; O-o- s. American make, beat Cast Steel and heavy; A Be', ItrmTa. Hanilr'n' and lorr li'J l"t Miovrl. Ik Itpadv, Cane Knive, DUaton'a make, improved style tooror; Canal Harrow, W lief I llarmw., Collar. llamea. Ox Yoke, Ox How., ljm , 2 in., Wcxl A Iron; Ox Chain; Trace Chain; Topiall rheet Chains; llo..p Iron, No, lil, I k i As.'tdRouod k Flat Iron; Axe, Pick. Oo, Hletlce, llanimi-- r and Ads Handles; KILKS a lull assortment for Machinist s use; Nails, Wrought k Cut. all siaea; Cut Pkke Steam Packlnir, Asbesto's Packing and Hemp Parking; Ken ce Hire, Work, Annealed, Tarred 4 Ualvanlredi THE CELEBRATED BARBED GTEEL FENCE WIRE J j A dispatch from Manufacturer says: "W -- x?Jinj at th" "my ... 7anT. Trustee of that f . but there Js IJJ2Z . w I rtui-- u lucttu aow iuiles of wires! aul" Pteel Barb, for the ordinary No.. 60 Fence Wire; Anvils, Pteplirii' Vlresi Cooprr's ic, Ac Cooper'. Tools ; Carpenter's and Builder's Hardware; A largo and varied Aimrunrnt 4 lwl In a Heat Cold Punched Not: Painta. Oila k (Jlasai A larve aaiortuirnl i.f l'inl. ari.Uh llora l Scrubbing, Centrifugal Ac tHove Brushes; 1' FAIRBANK'S PLATFORM SCALES. FROM TO 3.000 LIU., TTITSrrT.TRT-- T FINR A. T)TT1 V' A few Engllah msde Aastrslisn Pattern ra.l iiicji-- , very suierior .M Trers, Ualrv A Fin. Assortment ol Driving Whips, New York Make. ' ' 4 STATIONEHY?a Pencils, ftr Legal Cap, Bill, Letter k Fools Cap, Note Papers, Pens, Inks, Envelope, Time Book., Staples, Denims. Bleached k Unbleached Cotton, k Drills, Tickings. Linen Drills, Dlsptf -- heetiog AMERICA Raw DRY GOODS s, Ac, corsets, Brooks' ana uoata' cotton x Dreads, Linen IB real a; a N WHITE FLANNELS. FINE MEDIUM AND SILK Wl frT.OCEl.IES. t a 1 1 k Kennea sugars, pardlnes. oysters, Salmon, tsiap, Hawaiian, Knciitn H Americal"B Warranted Pare A Full Weight Candles, California anned Fruits, Assorted; Car. Cream Tartar, Nutmegs, Burnet's hi tracts, Blacking, Worcestershire Sauce, Ac., jc T? Weston's Patent Centrifugals; The Colebratcd;t bot"0 tm" gating Vacuum Pumps, assorted sizes 'Oils Down- - Parlor Organs, several styles; Kcrosenctog( & war ors, Vulcan and Dovocs, at lowest nvict. aug3l rantod equal to any in tho -- -, IlILS UDays from ILn'ilfl TIT " EX "CITY OE PEP Zinc Pe- ter Sheet Lead, Perforated SIjDct Wrights best Solid0 Viacs Steel Faced An BEST ANNEALED AND OILE' FENG,NG WE, Sauce Pans, Tea Kettles, Galtf ,,zed Fry Pans Ga'- - and Tubs vanized Iron Bucke BEST TOPSAIL CHAIN, 3-- 8, 7-1- G, l- - nch, 7VTAT.Q Large assortment of D And a LarK"Srtm0nt SEINE TWINE- - HUBBUCK & SON'S WIIl LEAI) ZINC-'- . D LINSEED OIL. HUBBUCK & SON'S PALE RED LEAD, &c, &c, &c. jE. TO OO SOICI INVOICE --W k-k-LlXi VTA- - xcxt UPWARDS OF 400 ACRES, IIELI adjoining Onr.uiea PUriUlion. diatrii: Ililo. BC 80 Acres Planted in Coff Now in fair condition and some la to it. healthy growth and bearing. hearing. No dc R 7"Se, ANI) iLLINGHAfll & CO. NAPA LADIES' SEMINARY E SESMONOFTIIIH KCIOOL TUESDAV. At., Andcont.nue 'umin. particular, Mcl)0.Al.D,f,ln,i,,al WII.DEK. 300 ACRES EXCELLENT CANE PARISIAN RESTAURANT Within It' HOTEL HTHKK'1', rice otlier staplea. vrral banana good condition. very larr fir COST $8000 AS STAre And for that price; fnurth ilown and easy terms. Apply Mtrr or rona:ly. n - "i -- -.' )! 3s 4) i's Mai. Ilildlei Prim., kle., 4.( Rplrea, & ' A f . full I , , for .hould at iha Ti ,- - 'rLI For ol fchool appl- - ta MlHd F. Kefcrs hv l'f"enia. . ; .. , . r ' i t-- U. U. reach of flumes It also t.t-- d to il.e r"" 1 li: and Ihnuaanj A deajrahie I, IT is offered on riy -- rxt I l. be tr.. is ad v l'f.JM, m m . 1.IIIII .. ..... 'SHIIIS RESTAI-HA.V- T Wll L lV Daily." keked Superior &, Ma Hawaii. twenty wimlui,,,, )fW2m Wa.W - . V Jt nail, rru.l. A.. Buc Ac. at Iheir re.,de.H- - wh 'rVJ -- ,.7''.' in il.r n,.,.. , , , -- ...,, i,. . ...".,0"',r r .M JL -- r - w -- JI. ibji illliWI. .IIIWM 1' . . V VI l

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    - a


    BY E. P. ADAMS.


    china qodEX BARK

    Frank Marion & Other Late ArrivalsBY ORDER OF Jleisrs. CnULAS k CO.,

    O N"

    WEDNESDAY, : SEPT. 25,at in n'riofk. a. m . at Salrs Room, will b to1.1




    Baslicts Fine Tea !LICQl BOXES TEA, 2 1- -i k - !




    GENUINE I Sjnqie anrj Double Harness!CHINA PEOCKS, PANS, CHINA S1J-1-- &


    CIIIiVA FUKXITUUE!Beriming Chairs, Arm Chairs, Silks. &c

    TERMSK. V. ADAMS. Aact'r.


    By Order of John D. Brewer. Esq., Cod.uI fr Japan,A 1 12 o'clock, noon,

    ON THE PREMISES, PUNCHBOWL ST.Will be .old all the right, title and Interest of

    Hanakami G. Kuniatsu, deceasedIN AS1T0

    ONE WOODEN HOUSE !On the .oath ide f Punchbowl Street.

    . P. ADAMS, Auctioneer



    Company,SAN FHANC-ViC- O.


    A. 1






    or other part, of the Island.


    B, application to.Mr. E. P. AIA MS.enho ha. our uecrip -

    OIS3" H AN DlIt Store or L. W. nOPP, Kin? St.,

    Black Walnut SetsBlack Walnut Sideboard.,

    Black Walnut Dining ChairsOak Cane Seat Dining Chairs,

    Cedar Bedroom HcU,Pine Bureaus, e., c.

    E. P. ADAMS,

    Camden- - Sept 17 A5.Wi6 ftjt7UJ:I ft drege lumli r. 100 M oUiugles,

    6 M iatii. M bx. flab, 1 pkg private elfr-ctH- .Fkom Abctto Perflyren, Bept whalebone.

    a ck. rant, i-- pkg. to Dacca.Fao Tokobaxi Per Pernsia, St-p- t 186 f"es enrioa.

    om Poar trrow Per Lihollho, Sept V) 37,712 itouh timber, 20 M to U Uackfeld A. Co.Fiox BoTO!t Per Amy Turner. Sept 19 163 rkgs

    rope. tf.O'ja pkff .hooks. VJ pkgs hardware, 43 pkK nia- -rblnerv, toe ptr lurnitnre, a en tones ana ny wneeis. v.iton coal. 2,'MO case oil. .35 door. 47 stoves, 7 whaleboaU. 2ut pcis oak plank. 430 canes canned goods. .7chair.. 1.057 bdl. hoop iron and wire, 3U bar. iron. SOrae matches, 375 oars. keg. nil,1.4;'J pkgi carriagegood.. tbl neada ana contalnerH, ana viso pkgs gene-ral BdM. ' -


    Ton PoaTKl. O Per City of Perth. Sept 14 200 bistea, 150 bags rice. Value, domestic produce, (650; foreign

    - To Pobt Towtwewd Per Jenny Pitts. Sept 14100bbU aiolaxses, 1 basket gin. Value, dom produce, f.(64." Foa Krw BmroRO Per Syren, Set 18 ,029 bbls oil,37,t1 . lb whalebone. Value, $&,072.88.

    Fob 8a FEASCiaco Per Discovery, Sept 18379.824lbs sugar. 157.075 lbs rice, 19.786 lb. paddy, 4.892 gal mo--lssxes. 1 cim effects. 3 esses law books, 37.045 lbs whalebone. Value, domestic produce, J6,028.C0 ; foreign do.(400.

    Foa FAjrrrrxa Island Per Vivid. Sept 19 Value, do-mestic produce, $456.50 ; foreign do, $(.03.4::.


    f From Wixdwakd Pobis Per Lik like. Svpt 15 Mrs S.A Mrs J H Coney and son, t'apt Pope. Mrs SKipi. lion T W Martin. Miss L Martin, Miss S Martin. C

    ;WHart. J Bird. W Taylor, Rev Father Gulstone. KevFather nbert. AT tireen, C Perry. Ahsee. a U Akina,Mrs T Foster, Mrs M Previer, Miss Thompson, Vojiili. A P Kumeiakea, and 12- - deck.' Faox Kahtjici Per Kilanea-hou- , Sept 15 II P Bald- -

    'wtn. V AcdrewR. Vr Xittrede, wife and 2 childre-j- . J C. Bailev. W H Bailey. C A Bailey, E P Adams. T W Everett.

    Akanaliilii, Mrs Sbarratt and 2 children, J B Gibson, and10 deck.

    For KAHtrt-- n Per Eilanea Dtou. Sept 1J W H Bailey.f A Bailer. Mrs Grar. G T Tickell, C Siders. Kev S EBishop, John lloes, J Joaqnin, C others, and about 35 deck.

    Too. "Windward Ports Per IJkelike. Sept 17 Kev HBingham wife. Miss Wells. G C Williams i wife, Master. ... t-- . . . . . . T X7 TV-.-- .. W l...nn. TTf yie, IISS X Je, r a. inr . j.' cr, a .s , .icicn, uF Baldwin, Jas Richard n k wife. Mrs C Coleman. Mr.C A CvtUt k 2 children, H L. Chsse, Mrs Armstrongchild. Sirs J B Dickson k child. 1) Kamaiopili. J as CBailey. Mr Wells. E Delemar, P Milton, J Mali, Akanaliilii, and about .a aeca.

    FBOJf Pobt Gamble Per Camden, Sopt 17 Ah Sun.Fro Yokohama Fer Pentsda. Sept IS Mrs J B Gibbs

    and child, T Lawson. ana li'J Chinese.' Ton CaIXaO Per Perusia, Sept 18 John Weber, ChuniSnng.

    Fob.Sa FraxcTsco Per Picovery. Sept 18 W HWenner, i McPonald, Mrs C Z Furness.

    For Sax Fraxcisco Per Frank Marion, Sept 18 MrC E Wiliiams and daughter.

    From Kahx-.c- t Per Kilanea-hou- , Sept 18 Miss Ilowell,Mr Btoakes, and s aeca.

    From Boston Fer Amy Turner, Sept 19 Miss A lizzieXewell.

    Fna KAHrin Per Kilanea-hon- . Sept. Ii Itis Ex GovDomini.. F Pratt. T Meek. Mrs Maipinepine, F Metvalf A:wife. E Sniffen. wife and chiM. J Jones, wife children.A Doiron. Ah Sack, Mrs Ah Fat, 4 others, and 25 deck.

    From Mact Per Mokolii. Sept 19 His Majesty theSn. Colonel C II Judd, C Iaokea. and 10 deck.

    DIED,KAVAXAUGH. At South Kona. Hawaii. September

    11th John Kavanangh. ajred 66 years, a native of countyDown Ireland. Ue leavea a widow and one child, forwhom he ha provide-- by wllL

    this City Sept. 17th of Diphtheria.Bennie Hawley. second son of Mr k. Mrs. J. Ii. Atherton,xed 7 year. 6 month 30 days.

    Safe in the anna of Jesus,Safe on hi. gentle breast.There by hi love o'er shaded, fSweetly hia soul shall rest."

    1 Portrait and Landscape Photography.ww a v m Oil' a I T.

    the-ppar- and convenience, for traveling, preparedand do either portrait, orof the Uland.,part


    at .hort notice. First-cla- ss work only will beWonolula, when the negative.

    re made. Address, -- ubp Nnnoin!!.


    Buildings at Auction!

    THisSATURDAY, : : SEPT. 2i,

    At 12 o'clock Noon,

    Br crier of IIT Ex. tte Mx'.s-.e- r of the Ir.'.-- ri r. I ania- -

    atructed to Sell


    Oa th Corner cf Fort and Que- - Stra ti.

    T3iiil clings to loC. 8. BARTOW, AurtT.

    UP 031 SALE !ON FRIDAY, : : SEPT. 27th,

    At 10 4. , will b-- told

    A Choice Assortment of1VEW DRY GOODS !

    invoice: ofFRESH GROCER!

    AND A

    Lot of FurnitureALSO




    An Assortment of other Merchandise!C. 9. BARTOW. AuctV.

    JAPANESE CURIOSE Perusla, direct from Japan, aJct receive., Ki learner

    Choice Valuable and careiuuy

    Invoice of Japanese Goods


    Which will he offered at

    Public Auction in October.Due Noll will be Given of Ibe Day Sale.

    C.3. BARTOW, Aact'r.

    tgal Utdiscnunts.

    COURT OF THE HAWAIIANClr"1.. i tha eatate of Ilia Excellencydeceased, Inteatate. Beforeof onolulu,W,r'. ju,"ce JuJd.' On reading and filing the pemion of Mra.

    K.pek.Moebonua.of Honolulu, allegins that W. L.Uono on the 8thHonolulu. Oahu. died jr.te.Ute atA. V. 1S7S, and praying that Letter olXiS iae to Charle. T. GuUck and that Chart.Administrator or aaiube appointed temporary

    eVtaVe It la ordered that U. 1873, be and nereDy is appoint- - b j.,In the court-roo- m of thissaidit Honolulu, at which time' and place all person, coneernejl

    and show cause, if any they have, whymay appearahould not be granted, and that thi. order be publ.ahed

    In ,he EngUsh and Hawaiian language, for three-- ccev

    "Koo-koa- "Advertiser" andweek. In the - Pacific Commercialnewspapers In Honolulu. n

    Dated Honolulu, II. I., W-'FBANCIS--

    Justice of the Supreme Court.A ttest:

    ISTA. R03A, Deputy Clerl Kyiw.

    SUPREME COURT OF THE HA- -fln Wlano-- of the October Term. 1873. la the ,at--the of Kapo (w.) ana rae.c i- -.terof the Act olit.ZZ title onder"'J; SU A.1oc?ate Justice Judd. On read- -!uZn of Kauo (w.). Paele (k.) her hus- -iDgauu :, .; ,h l.v richt ; ol in--band, and lkana t a ; " - ; -- , lhe ,ai1

    heritance inrougu v- -.- fem af certain

    Island of Oahu, about the year isoo, an v''"'r"":-- .theMhn fk 1 claimant, and for a decree adjudgingKa (w ) --nd the M (k.) to be

    entitled to .aid land

    dayoiyctooer .V.r.rr...Vnn hefore said Justice of the&me Court at the"ex. regular meeting of lh. Suptem.

    Honolulu at time andCort. .t the Court Hon: in. m v annear anu nuuw id hould not be granted, and that this ne

    publ--S ln Honolulu, in the ViTAwrt.r- - - K-- Sl

    in the taLr of a-- Mkoa" newspaper., lor inw -Term of the Supreme Court. 11 thAD. 18. 3.Dated Hono.ulu, September

    Justice Supreme Court.Clerk Supreme Cmirt. 8epU-3- tAttest: A. RQ3A, Deputy

    Orders Filled at Lowest Rates sWgTO1irS



    oe! Te?Vc-.n,ordraft- on


    Ifceiriovo-- l

    Charle. e. " reading andJudd. OnChamber., before the Hon - a Francisi ;and account. 0 W. C 1 . rt aUministratorfiUDf the petition deeeBiwlf

    of the estate or "-- -? Ki nd charge, him- -wherein he ask. to - - (- be nmineA

    eVto nUtnTnd'dcr.rfurthe? responsibility a. .nch. " Jk A M .ai u:n v cni.H ,!. of SeDtember, A. D. 13i3,n rhltnh(, lrl the Court House,

    if any they have, why the same m

    bh --resent .vidence as to w'peny, .. lU:tst and simDiest wav of. true value of the grand list, for

    . ropertv shows for itself, and a claim in rem.taxes compels the parties claiming it, whoever

    they may be, or whatever the nature of their inter-est, to pay the tax, or lose the property by tax sale.In fact, the claim for taxes is now a claim in rem,but there is also a claim in personam, especially fortaxes on personal property, which causes confusion,inequality and any quantity of perjury. If it werepossible in the nature of things, or permissible underthe idea of free Government, for the Assessor to de-mand the books of every citizen on the day to whichthe assessment relates, the exact truth could belearned of every man's taxable worth. But this isnot possible, or if it were, the attempt to enforceit would lead to revolution. We, therefore, fall backon the statements voluntarily made by the as-sessed, in default wherever the judgment of theAssessor is made absolute, provided it is not toohigh; if it t too high, it can be sworn down bythe citizen. The result whereof is practically theomission of probably more than half the personalproperty legally subject to assessment. Yet ifassessments in perso7iam could be accuratelymade, whether both debts and credits or neitherwere included, the result would be precisely thesame as it an outside assessment of things onlywere made, without noticing rights in things.Why, then, not confine the labors ot the Assessorsto the things only rather than exact from tbemimpossibilities, at the cost of equality and truth,and of the demoralization caused by the presentpractice ?

    4. By adhering solely to the in ran system,there would be no danger whatever of double tax-ation, which is inevitable when both the thincr andrights in the thing are assessed. No man can beassessed on a secured debt without being madeliable for a tax on hit right to the thing pledged,which thing has also been taxed in rem, and when-ever this occurs, the lender will always provide inhis mortgage that the tax thereon must be paid bythe borrower. To omit this provision, or to forcethe lender to pay the tax without recourse, is tolend money on mortgage at a rate less than onother loans by the amount of the tax, or to increasethe rate of interest by the same amount, either ofwhich would throw real estate out of the loan mar-ket, and thereby sap the very foundation of allcredit based upon landed property ; while toinsist upon the payment of the tax by the borroweris to make him pay a double tax. or indirectly toincrease the rate of interest on mortgage loans.

    Oub xeigebob. of the Gazette, in last Wednes-day's issue, makes a desperate effort to set himself upas the champion defender of the Chinese. The editormakes a poor attempt to misconstrue the language ofour item, when he says that we " appear to havecontracted a peculiar hatred, of late, towards theChinese." Our opposition has been consistentlyagainst the indiscriminate introduction of males,exclusively, of that race of people, as a desirableelement for the increase of our population. Of thisour friends are fully aware ; and so is every onewho has read our paper, and can understand theEnglish language. TVe did not make the allegationthat Mr. Jones' watch was stolen by Chinese, orany other class cf thieves ; but we did say, andwe reiterate it : Look cut for your premises,for there are lots of new California Chinamen'about." Docs the editor of the Gazette desire tosee these Islands become a community of Chineseparticularly those "from California?" We do notso much object to the China Chinaman, especiallythose who have done such wonderful things forthe advancement of Christianity" and " thearts and sciences amonjr other nations." (see thexChinese Ambassador's paper on this subject, whenpublished by the Gazette) if they will only bringtheir wives and families with them. We adviseour friend of the Gazette to infprm himself of whatis transpiring among our neighbors on the PacificCoast, and when he has done so, be will have nodifficulty in perceiving the peril which so closelyconfronts us. and to which we have felt it our dutvto call public attention.

    FOR" dip:

    Til- - ETEiMiulr sp the--r- TT T A:t. The

    McEES-- T JJAiii.b- - Dor r" -- ""

    tc at? RTinnT N0VE-BEB- ., 13, 18

    F or Freight cr rv'T 0C. BREWER A CO

    . ,

    21 it



    THF the

    eicg iza--rtif

    nte Jen- -.fting

    cf Mrs.

    For Taliiti Iircct Uir uhiiplendiiTHE BARK COD "Teg- -

    & EDWARD JAMWill sail for the above Port on cr;a Powers

    Saturday, SeptemberFerret CORN.8prea- - with


    --23k KALAKAX


    Will Sail for Above Port

    paivU) i"""Already Engaged.

    c:..l,t Pn12.



    jrreTious toend the pa--


    "of .IraihraJEN -.-3


    pp!y too. r.rC.

    d- -

    Ho!y';h, beg to offeri!atiocs on the

    ercies bestowedin Ilia

    T . rcitj cf pure anilX' It mil dear to us

    AMERIUA?i -r of the love andu brethren of the

    .MAST, holda most dear.- Of ClnA anri (T.a

    Will Sail for Above Port w) May be num- -For Freighter Taase having sopertf your

    81P'iie,l0t C. BREWlrough- a. e of the Christian

    qj JL JUXJJr nie may insure




    FOIl SAI All.d



    nujvu i w una ucruTHE BJthe flock entrusted

    lYIattie IKv words as an hum- -a M - .9 tV n rti

    GEORGE TOPE ouu lu"iuusing.

    Ia now Loadine for thrWILL HAVE QUIClflected and unques- -

    Fur freight and passage, apply to Jres8 anJ replied in"ACf,e7 tf

    Al C lttenance a- -J nter-Fu- HwALi Ufl't have been betweenHAWAIIAN S'1 late !a lhe -- fternoon.

    GIOVAN Thompson- -

    R5 TONS Koiiala , Sept. 4th

    WELL FOUJMUCommercial Advertiser

    Slet I see in an arti- -FOR SEA s, that I am the only

    -- - not support bis ideas"t of affairs at the Queen'sJt

    ?iL - t0 t&J that 1 d not, for--p . pjWJ not think the document

    written in a truly profes--do not consider that my

    has been sufficient to war--

    FOR SAW , the gentlemen constitutingof the affairs of the Hospital,THE SFt.Eey are quite competent to

    n7 8tofthe institution. ThirdUJC at Dr. McKibbin was boas I Lave, when in

    Hondia"y inTiteJ o Visit withWill leave hat letter of mine can be 5nor about as I have written butjiqj. Sydj ,Lat t0 Dr. Rodgers in

    Iwas rel-est- ed to sign; but--T('' ,ia'C SUCl1 aD 6p'St,e' WOulJlJ ve it published if any point can.i . . .

    ON OR(.a,iu wuenever my opinions on

    ABCie8ted y committee I willlem; but as I have stated before,

    '. in good taste that I, being a newGood for S'gt mj ,;ews Up0n tne committee,

    be Siorcd, FtWnrfhou.- - Respectfully.

    . L. S. Thompson M. D.

    STEAfrd from tlie epers'SHEI'lopleasant subject to allude to, but

    ession is good for the soul." There-on record the that owing totion to the last

    Iip-Arv-!, of hav " - .lit

    Mfll'-- riTuesday, Oct. 8, 6 p tu...Tuesday. O'"



    gen-;- e



    fact,these Islands within

    species Asiatic disease

    ' --e j uttn,.va before, terrifying

    T'auu costly to the nation in the extreme. The lateLegislature appropriated 3 --ery liberal sum of$05,000 for the support of those poor unfortunates,isolated in a district on the windward side of Molo--kai. Here are some extracts from a letter receivedfrom a recent " transport " to that Island, an educated Hawaiian, who talks and reads English withfacility :

    " Dear Feiesd : I now improve an opportunityof writing to you, hoping that this will find you andyour family and mine in good health. After givingsome very particular directions as to some moneymatters, the letter proceeds: Molokai is a veryfine island, and so is the station. Everything athand poi and meat. One bundle of poi for oneweek for one person, and seven pounds of beef. Itlasts pie over a week that is, I can't eat it all.Sometimes I get Borne sweet potatoes, which makes agood change. The Board of Ilealth supplies uswith soap, salt, kerosene oil really, everythinglooks handy, and nothing lacking. The carpentershave just put up five houses, and there are more tobe put up. The fact is. there are more lepers herethan there are houses for, and if the constables dotheir duty, without respect to friendship, there willbe a great many more here than at present. OurGovernor is a good old man, ard I like him much.All we want is a good doctor to come here to resideand try his skill on us poor creature.

    " Yours in the faith of Christ, ."

    Water Discoveries.

    To the Editor of the Pacific Commercial Advertiser :Eureka ! The water question is solved. Who did

    it? The Gazette man. Why, you must have beensleeping that you did not see it. The Gazette, speak-ing of Capt. Wilfong's discovery of a lake of Ires--water on the southern slope ol Manna Loa, (an ac-count of which you give last week) says : Shouldthe expectations etc.,'-- ' " prove correct, the exist-ence of such a large body of fresh water at such anelevation, must prove both a blessing and a benefitto these Islands.'' Of course, it would, and to us herein Honolulu, more particularly. How grateful tothe parched and dust- - choked throats or Metropo-litans would be a good, square drink of fSe ice-co- ld

    water from the mountain slopes of llaw" !Cut the Gazette man does not tell us how to get ithere. I have no intention of robbing him of any.portion of the laurels or fame bis genius has jnst-l- y

    earned by the publication of his brilliant idea,but, merely this, and nothing more,'" make a sug-

    gestion by which the ' blessing and benefit tothese Islands" may be realized, and it is a plan,too, so easy to carry out. Here it is : Just laydown an inverted syphon from the centre of thelake to Honolulu, and the thing is done. Theengineer (where is Houseman) must not forget tohave the short leg of the syphon run up the moun-tain, and the long leg under the sea (or carried onpoles) across the channels to Honolulu. Thislast plan would have some peculiar advantages,for pendants with lancets could attached tor the' blessing and benefit' of coasters that mij;ht getbecalmed between the Islands and short of water.The sypbon could also be tapped t intervalswhere it pa.-s-es Maui, and thus prove a blessing'"etc.. to the denizens of that Island in time ofdrouth. Mr. Spreckles would, I tbiuk, be willingto pay a large royalty for the use of the water, asit would Eave him the great expense of ditching, inhis projected sugar enterprise at the Commons.'-Othe-

    planters, undoubtedly, would also availthemselves ot the b. and b.'' Three throusandfeet elevation of the other leg would give us here,in Honolulu a good head of water in case of fire, andthus obviate the expense of steam Ore engines,which we have been contemplating (or some time. Inshort, the advantages, " blessings and benefits" toaccrue, are manifold, and cannot be specified in ashort comn!,?5tf3. Yours, respectfully.

    Fuit th: infortj'.k-c.- a!l frunJ and acquala-tjnee- sMr. D tijr. gire the f'.lonicj letter

    from Li in :cvy nNCisco, Avg. Zi'.h. leTS.

    H. L. i'UKiSHJS. ,IEAit Sir: Yot anJ:y ruany U.nola:.i friends

    wiil be glad t laow at I have arrived Lore laexcellent health. Tfcirip so far has been a delightful one. I fet wing to go rormd the Hornin the Jane A. the trip was men apleaant one. owbjr I the kindness of Captainliabbard and fcu !Lsr. Item I ortlaad to i--Francisco I have ladcnanT new friends and metwith many old one. hough I was not feeling illin Honolulu, yetaptarances were against mecausing cuch anietjand solicitude among mywell-wiaher- s. so I'eelhat Dr. Hutchison and Dr.Trousseaa will be ;lado learn that their diagnosis ol my case was wong one, and that nobodycere looks on me a a invalid, bat oa the contrary thinks me in Ircons health. Mr. Dal:oa oabis return to HonoUaand also Capt. Hubbard oftne a.A-jnter-c wiusa the same. I feel deeplyindebted to Dr. Tida for his kind care of ne.and for his auranes I a speedy return to healthby change of climte.iidei by Lis InCnitesimaldoses so often ridictecbv the ignorant and prejudiced. It has all cm to pass just as he said itwould, and I want rot to publish this letter inyour valuable napei tbat others may profit bynis medical skill an!.t ledge. ith best wisneg to all friends lefttr.d. " aloha i oe e Ilonolnlu.'" I am. 1s


    y A iaet-tiro- f Quren Emin LoJe Xo. 2 willlitlJ next Tlin.danfoiu,;. Ba-sine- of iiuiKrtance.

    full of meUfr rwjiiestd. Per Onler. It

    7XT 1 11 aCcobdavce lb the provUiocs of Uie lav la rela- -Luu to Labor Contrac:I have apioiate4 J. T. Waterhoose.jr., ta act aa tny Depatyluricf aj temporary abaeoce fromthi city.

    HENRY WATERHOCSE,Agent to te ackao wledementa to Conlracn

    foLaW in the District cf Koua, Oahu.Sept. 19th, 1378. ir't


    LKV. at present octpied by Mr. Jt. -- orstenau. Posses-sion will be given on the rst day of October next. For

    apply toJA3. W. ROBERTSON.

    st-2- 2t In thib-stor- e of Whitney 4r


    lulu.e21 4t

    OROlfers with size f lot. and cash price, under B. L.

    AT TUI


    ON SUNDAY EIVIXG, ON THE WANroad, between Oi residence of Capt. Dan. Smithand Nuuanu Street, j

    V GRA1 SHAWL !The finder will receive th ank of the owner by leaving the

    aame;taia office. .ei!l

    riiiEM orienedon Fort Street, .bove Hotel tothe Public ol nnniulu, that he Is prepared to do

    IN VOL. c. in allbranches of the business. Jpecial attention given to turningBilliard Balls, and all Having had anof thirty year, in this busitss, (over eighteen in heleels coo&ident of giving pfect to ali his cus-tomers.

    se213m tV. K.

    or to Let.Five Walk of the Pott

    In a cenltl and pleasant location. Will belet to only. Inuire at this office. sel4 tf

    V. HASL'M. thi day been admiied as a partner in our Arm.

    Honolulu, Sept. 1, IS79.U. Co.

    w sei 4t


    or bearer, to a retun passage to 8an by theP. M. S. S. Co. The Cndr will be suitably rewarded on leav-ing the order at Messrs. h Hackfeld 4- Co.'s Office. sell

    lit WIFE


    -- TICE.

    W A II I NE.i'Ja left me without snf cause,






    TURNING IVORY,experience



    Furnished Unirnished, Booms

    Within Mnntrtgentlemen






    I warn all personsnot to trust her on my icouut, as I will pay no debt, con-tracted by her. JOE. MANURL.

    Knanapali, Maui, la;. 23, 1S7S. e!4 St


    Street, announce,




    ISTING betweei the undersigned PHILIP MILTONand GOOiMLK ARMSf-ON- U as Sugar Planter., at Olowalu,on the Island cf Maui, jmier the firm or style of P. MILTON4s Co., ha. this day bea dissolved by mutual consent.

    Dated this twelfth dy of September, 1878.(SigttJ) GOODALE ARMSTRONG.Sigad) PHILIP MlLTON.

    Witness. (Signed) VYM. O. IK WIN.The undersigned will enrrv on the business at Olowalu

    under the style or firm oft. 'ARMSTRONG, tf Co., and willassume all (he liabilities o'tie late firm.

    se!4 (Signe) G. ARMSTRONG k Co.

    I0TICE.UKIKti 11 IBXItK I'KUM TIIKKinadom, KDWAB) PRESTON, Esq.. will ki K" I

    nil business interested tony care. J VJ a. j , 1 attend to

    I0TICE.Ml yliSEXCK FROM THEDURING Kingdom, dr. JOIIN H. BOP tit oTLahaina,

    will represent me under poer of attorney.Sept. and, 1S73. se7 4t




    IS IIERKBV G1VSX,TIIAT DURING MYabsence, my .on, Tbcias It. Lucas, is fully authorized totransact all business as f I were present to do the same inmy own proper person.

    se7 lin GEORGE LUCAS.


    JL of K. Furstenau, Esq in our firm ceases on this dale.

    Honolulu, Sept. 1st. 187!II. UACKFELD k Co.

    se7 St


    WE THE UND1RSIGNED, II AVEl'artnershiby mutual consent from this date.R. W. THEODORE PCKVIS.

    Aug. 23d, 1878. QYEREND Q. ROSE. 3e7 lt


    . the Agency of the Te?phone Company for the Islands,I will dispose ot the Telephcies on hand and to .pare, at theircost to me; and I will glaly give information in regard toTelephones or Telephone Lit. to any person desiring it.

    C. II. DICKEY,se7 lm Haiku, Maui.

    TO LET.THOSE PES I FAULE PREMISES N09.143 and 150 Nuuanutvenue. Apply to J. II. WOOD,Nuuanu, or E. A. WLLIAM3, 64 Fort 8t. n3 tf)

    LAND I0R SALE.Large and Deairaile Piece of Ren I Eatnle

    in Honolulu, in present occupancy of the Hon. G. W.P1LIPO. Very desirable as i

    JFz1xx1.ll.-5- r riosiclonco,In pciut of health, facine the cool from NuuanuValley. Their is One and Two Small Taro Patche. onthe property. Two Woodei Houses, water laid on. Theland is about two acres in eslent. The above will be .old tothe highest bidder at private sale on early application. Forfurther particulars, enquire cl G. W. PILIPO. or

    Honolulu, Sept. 7, 17 i. 'm Hi. Ex. E. PRESTO N


    head in the new fire-pro- ot baildinir, corner of Fort andHotel streets.



    Will be rentedseparately if desired.Apply tr C. 4- - CO.

    TOSL'II ABLE FOR A LARGEJL. family, .ituated wilhii ten minutes walk of the Poet

    Office. To a good tenant, th; rent will be very moderate.my25 tf Apply u E. T. O


    VL.L. PERSONS ARE WARNEDmy wife on ay account, as I will Dot pay suchdebts.

    Honolulu. May 15, 1373.


    myl3 6m





    To Planters Sugar Machinery.rpHE UNDERSIGNED ARE PREPAREDto receive orders furnish drawings and prices for SagarMachinery of every description and to auy extent. Mills,Vacuum PaiiM, Clarifier, Evaporators, Double Effect Appar-atus, Arc, c, Ac, imp-Tie- on short ndice at lowest rales.

    j C. BREWER &. CO.

    To Suar Planters.R. WOODnEAD. REPRESENTING lhe.. f.imiius House of .Mesr. i'ONTlFEX &. WOOD, Su-

    gar Machinery akrj if Lcudon will visit parties or conferwith p!anirr on their estates to take orders, fnrruih plans andgive any information to parties desiring to order sugar ma-chinery. Address with C. BREWER CO.

    . jtoNOTICE.

    HAVING FORMED CONNECTIONS WITHRailway Stock Manufacturers of England andthe l"ciied tate, I am prepared to give estimates and con-tracts for the laying of Tramway, and Narrow Gauge Rail-ways on the Hawaiian Islands costing from $3,500 per mileand upwards, wot including bridges. C. V. HOUSMAN,

    jy8 3m Civil Engineer.


    m. from California, heps to inform the public ofHonolulu that be is prepared to do UpbaLlering in nilit Branrhea, at an Francisco rates. Good workman-shi- n

    guaranteed. Shop on Hotel Street, near Fori, with Chr.

    Direct from the Mac facl. i. j

    Now Landing Ex Amy Turner ! !

    For Sale in Quantities to suit Purchaser.

    .i 4t

    A N I




    VACUUM PUMPSTHE l'NKRSIGXEI HAVE JIST RE-- iJL per AMY TITR-R- ." from B-- '.a. a lU ;.Moranect cf thee Pumps, which ar f aaranttwd Jto CUEAP-- R. AND bETTfcK iaa any other tle cf :pomp imported. We call the attention cr planter, partjeu- - !larly to the VACI TM rCMP. wh is less coopl.catd iand more serTkabie than other pump..

    se213ca C. BREWKR A CO.



    E. O. HALL & SON,Have Just Eeceived, and on Hand,


    NEW GOODSIn Their Line.


    DOWNER'S KEROSENEDirect from lhe Manuiactwry.

    Also, a New

    Standard White Nooday Kerosene,ISO3 aadl'pw.rd, Teat.

    COOKING STOVESPlows, Harrows,

    Horso Hoos,Cultivators,

    Plantation and Socket Hoes IPick, and Pick Mattocks; Grindstones;Yard Brooms, Axes, Hatchets;Hal)'. Cane Hatchets; Cane Knives;

    Plow Harness; Oz Bows, Coal Scoops;Bog and Eice Hoe.: Carpenter's Tool., all kinds;Relrigerators; Cream Freeiers; Cbaroa;

    IRON SAFES!Horse Shoe, and Nail.;

    Spade.; Shovels; Rakes;

    California Harness Leather!SadJIe Leather; Call Kip Skin.;

    e21 4t

    Lot of


    andCalf Skins; Sheep Skin. 4cy Leather;

    Colored Lining Skin.; Sole Leather;


    , 8om these - iht- -,e of beinf: alarmf

    J ..n sleep




    disturbance tlia



    French Patent




    Having on Board a Cargo ofWell Selected Merchandise

    For Ibla Market, Conai.ling in purlriUMBERLAXD COAL, in casks, bag and bulk,

    rrankiin fmne uoal ror lamily use, m CABR3,Wilmington Pitch; 50 pkgs No. 1 Resin;

    An Assortment of Bar Iron !


    OX O yV. R T S !Made especially for Flantation use;

    Mule Carts; Heavy Hand Carts; Axle Grease;1 Iron Safe; Eagle Flows; Hay Cutters;

    A few Caaea of well .elected

    A illERICA IV PRINTS!25, 23, 30 in. wide, desirable style.;

    WESTON'S CENTRIFUGALS, complete.Hoe Handles, Ax Handle, Pick Handles;

    Ox Bows, lin.; Charcoal Irons;Hunt'. Axe. Sc. Hatchets;

    Fairbanks Platform ScalesBabbit Metal; Solder;

    Rubber Packiug; Black Rivets;


    Downer's Ktrosene Oil;Eastern Keg k Barrel Shocks;

    Hoop Iron, . 1, 1 in.;Fence Wire, Not. 5 A 6;


    Stylish Carriages !JUMP-SEA- T CARRYALLS, PHAETONS,


    ASSORTMENT OF CHAIRS ISaratoga Arm Cot tare Chairs;Crown Top Cirecian Chairs;

    Astor Grecian Chairs;ya.ocy Wood Chairs;

    Arm Cabinet Chairs;Ilning Chairs;

    Revere OfficewUs Cottage Chairs;

    Library Chairs;Wood Seat Narsedo;Wood Seat Racking do.


    Chamber Sets in Chestnut!AN INVOICE OF

    McMurray's Fresh Oysters IBurnett's Extracts,


    A few Cases of


    All of the above Merchandise will be of-fered for sale upon satisfactory

    terms to Purchasers.

    DD ?

    W c bc to notify Our Old "Krioiuls ami the Public;euerall v. that wo open up


    we to offer to ofin our line.





    Xo. 117 Fort Street,

    AN OF

    1 1

    Where shall continue every ponille inducement purchasersMerchandise




    CORTLAND WAGON MANUFACTURING COMPANY Irr.nlaail, Neir YerU. wkirb will bPMlJal L.w I'rirt'A II.

    ON receipt of a letter from the Cortland Maoufaclurinf Ccmpr,y a months ainre. In which Ihey ffrr4 as iht tmefibeir factory fur ibe Kingdom, wm wrote ihrm, that a her. afainat Isa partes! Carrl.tfWM a.the larger portion of thou, brought Inln this country, were MADE Tti F.I.I.. anl proei Ink rtii luiumThat we did not CARK TO bandl. such goods, and iinle thry w"ulJ lu!U1 vrl.u ir of IU1IENT M A I'EUI A l andGUARANTEE Ibetn to b in erery respect El KMT CI. ASM (MUltUIJ EH. w. suul lr .bliJ la 4rcu.In reply tbey write as follows : We have full cnnflJrore iu te durtni,ty ol our wuik ao4 Its adaptation U any rlimate,our Wagon, are in use in every part of this country frotu the Pacific to tli Atlantic, ovrr a ranft of territory la whu U sm-prise- dln extreme, of beat arid cold, drrnea and ini.ture. and an rrwrirnce of ever len year. ha. drmonsiraiad tlxir rlwtability to resist the ravage of th. MO T Tltl'I.NU fEI.MATE. Iu Ihnr r M.uurtioo mm only thm IIEiTand moat approved material, such as year of, rrwarth and applirattun have sIiowb to ba ImwI Bit4 mUm In la-e- uwith .iraagth, and elegacro with mmrorl. HeareM'KE when Ihey hae li IrateJ hj actual la yor ruuniry,the prejudice you .peak ol as etisting Sfmn.t W'aeon I lorrigu make, wi b,i far as 1 11 -- V an concerned enurrly di.-- ar.

    We fully warrant all our good, to you, and ynu may look la us fr roui-iiauio- iu rase nf ll lailitr. of Ih wafuos to r.n upto our reprewoiaiiona."M e bars Cut of Ibe d;fT.renl styles of vrhiclr m.le l.y the Corlland lnufi turn Cofnnv, and are prepared la lakespecial orders to be delivered at any rrrular port n the kingdoiu at LOW ('AMI I'KH'E. aororaiiig tu il audkind of carriage or wagon.

    se7 DILLINGHAM & CO.-


    TO PLANTERS, MILL OWNERS & OTHERS,--rV Fine Htoclc to lSolot 1 10111 mul Uoulit nt Jiot-to- mTtatcw in ICnlniKl, IVw Yorlr,nnd JSxiii Iixinr?isieo, lyCASTLE & COOKE:

    FAEIS PLOWS, genuine improved, heavy, at lower rate than ever offered,STEEL MOLINE PLOWS, 12--1 4- -1 0,STEEL MOLINE GANG PLOWS, at small advanco above Coit,STEEL HOESE PLOWS, XI, XO, X00, complete.GARDEN HOES, solid socket, 5-- 8 in. neck, stout blade, made to our order, and sold at

    reduced rates,HOES, Planter's, Lane's, best quality,HUNT'S AND SIMMONS' AXE AXTD PICK MATTOCKS,

    Hunt'.,' Collin', k Crossmano'a Handled Axes; Hunt's and Pays Ate Tattero llali'hels. Not. I A f , do;O-o- s. American make, beat Cast Steel and heavy; A Be', ItrmTa. Hanilr'n' and lorr li'J l"t Miovrl. Ik Itpadv,Cane Knive, DUaton'a make, improved style tooror; Canal Harrow, W lief I llarmw.,Collar. llamea. Ox Yoke, Ox How., ljm , 2 in., Wcxl A Iron;Ox Chain; Trace Chain; Topiall rheet Chains; llo..p Iron, No, lil, I k iAs.'tdRouod k Flat Iron; Axe, Pick. Oo, Hletlce, llanimi-- r and Ads Handles;KILKS a lull assortment for Machinist s use; Nails, Wrought k Cut. all siaea; Cut PkkeSteam Packlnir, Asbesto's Packing and Hemp Parking; Ken ce Hire, Work, Annealed, Tarred 4 Ualvanlredi

    THE CELEBRATED BARBED GTEEL FENCE WIRE Jj A dispatch from Manufacturer says: "W -- x?Jinj at th"

    "my ... 7anT. Trustee of that f .but there Js IJJ2Z .w

    I rtui-- u lucttu aow iuiles of wires!


    Pteel Barb, for the ordinary No.. 60 Fence Wire; Anvils, Pteplirii' Vlresi Cooprr's ic, AcCooper'. Tools ; Carpenter's and Builder's Hardware; A largo and varied Aimrunrnt 4 lwl In aHeat Cold Punched Not: Painta. Oila k (Jlasai A larve aaiortuirnl i.f l'inl. ari.Uh llora l

    Scrubbing, Centrifugal Ac tHove Brushes; 1'FAIRBANK'S PLATFORM SCALES. FROM TO 3.000 LIU.,

    TTITSrrT.TRT-- T FINR A. T)TT1 V'A few Engllah msde Aastrslisn Pattern ra.l iiicji-- , very suierior .M Trers, UalrvA Fin. Assortment ol Driving Whips, New York Make. ' ' 4

    STATIONEHY?a Pencils, ftrLegal Cap, Bill, Letter k Fools Cap, Note Papers, Pens, Inks, Envelope, Time Book.,

    Staples, Denims. Bleached k Unbleached Cotton, k Drills, Tickings. Linen Drills, Dlsptf--heetiog



    DRY GOODSs, Ac, corsets, Brooks' ana uoata' cotton x Dreads, Linen IB real a; a


    frT.OCEl.IES. t a 1 1k Kennea sugars, pardlnes. oysters, Salmon, tsiap, Hawaiian, Knciitn H Americal"B

    Warranted Pare A Full Weight Candles, California anned Fruits, Assorted; Car.Cream Tartar, Nutmegs, Burnet's hi tracts, Blacking, Worcestershire Sauce, Ac., jc

    T?Weston's Patent Centrifugals; The Colebratcd;t bot"0 tm"

    gating Vacuum Pumps, assorted sizes 'Oils Down- -Parlor Organs, several styles; Kcrosenctog( & warors, Vulcan and Dovocs, at lowest nvict.

    aug3l rantod equal to any in tho -- -,

    IlILS UDays from ILn'ilflTIT "EX "CITY OE PEP

    Zinc Pe-ter

    Sheet Lead, Perforated SIjDctWrights best Solid0 Viacs


    Sauce Pans, Tea Kettles, Galtf,,zed Fry Pans Ga'--

    and Tubsvanized Iron Bucke

    BEST TOPSAIL CHAIN, 3-- 8, 7-1- G, l- -nch,


    Large assortment of DAnd a LarK"Srtm0nt SEINE TWINE- -



    RED LEAD, &c, &c, &c.



    --W k-k-LlXi VTA- - xcxtUPWARDS OF 400 ACRES, IIELIadjoining Onr.uiea PUriUlion. diatrii:Ililo.


    80 Acres Planted in CoffNow in fair condition and some lato it. healthy growth and bearing.

    hearing. No dc











    300 ACRES EXCELLENT CANE PARISIAN RESTAURANTWithin It' HOTEL HTHKK'1',rice otlier staplea. vrral bananagood condition. very larr fir

    COST $8000 AS STAreAnd for that price; fnurth ilown andeasy terms. Apply Mtrr or rona:ly.

    n - "i -- -.'




    i's Mai.



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    For ol fchool appl- - taMlHd F.

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    U.reach of flumes It also t.t-- d to il.e r"" 1li:and Ihnuaanj

    A deajrahie I,

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    Hawaii. twenty



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