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w r niar ar T vv S f I 7- wo ii r t < 7 > v 1 t I mTtTT A OCALA EVENING STAR I RIDAY DECEMBER 24 1906 1 1 THATt BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS y BY FRANKIISWEET Copyright 1S69 by American Press Asso ¬ cl- aUonlP1 t was the night before Christmas J and t IT stormy it SquaHb squash went the wheels of the carriage In the r A a mud Whewewew whistled the wind 4d And It blew Peters hat out into the middle of the road i Whoa yelled Peter dfHmi- uvu jfm n mn t bit sent The princess poked her head out of the window Whats the matter r she asked My hat blew off Peter told her and the wheel is stuck in the mud tnlss 1t Ob Peter Peter the princess chided You must get that wheel out of the mud at once Which is easier said than done Peter grumbled Its that dark I cant see my hand before me Theres a light back there among the trees the princess Informed him Perhaps you could get some one to help you Til go and see miss if you aint afraid to stay alone said Peter after i C i i- ibiit J 41 > ID YOU EVER SMEtTi ANYTH1XO SO GOOD1 SUB ASKCD some effort succeeding In quieting the plunging horses I am dreadfully afraid she admit- ted ¬ ahlverlugly hut 1 suppose you will have to go Now In the middle of the pine grove was set a little cottage Peter knock ¬ ed at the door Who3 thereT asked childish voice and a little girl poked her head c out of the square window Our wheel is tuck in the mud Peter answered from the dark and 1 wantto get a man to help me There Isnt any man here Jenny Informed him There is only me and Jessie nud our mother huts gone to- nurse a sick neighbor and she wont be home until morning So Peter went back to the carriage and Peported to tin princess r shall freeze out here said the prlucess I will go up to the house and sit by the fire while you look for Some one to help you with tbe car- riage ¬ Sheclimbed out of the carriage and with Peter In the lead she plodded through the woods and tbe wind mew oPt long controls way anti that and at last wet and panting she came to the little house And once more Peter knocked and once more Jenny came to the window Then she flung the door wide open and so tall was the princess that she had to stoop to enter It It was a j dingy little room and there was a dumpy black stove iij the corner with I a bubbling iron pot that gore forth a j most appetizing odor i Oh oh how nice and warm it is said the princess as she held out her hands to the lire I In all their lives the little girls bad never beheld such a wonderful per son for the princess wore n long red cloak and a black velvet hat with a waving plume and her muff was big I and round nnd soft and she had n I scarf of the same soft fur about her j nock Her hair was j ale gold and she I the bluest eyes and tbe reddest1- 11psI and her smile was so sweet and j tender that Jenny ratio right up to her nnd tried Oh I am soglnd that you I earner Jessie from her little chair echoed C her sisters words But she JId not run for there was a tiny crutch beside Jessies chair in the square window And I am glad to be here said the princess whose quiet eyes were tak- ing ¬ in the details of the shabby room Its so nice and warm and cozy Isnt it said Jenny happily And we are getting ready for tomorrow- On n small round table beside Jes ¬ sies chair was a tiny cedar bush and Jessies fingers had been busy with bits or gold and blue und starlet pa ¬ perWe are going to pop some popcorn I Jenny explained and string it anti hang Iton the tree Ob may I helpT the princess asked havent popped any corn since 1 was a little girl- Jessie clasped her thin little bands I think it would be the loveliest thing In the world she said if you would stay Peter Is going lo find some one to help with the carriage and 1 will stay until he comes back And when Peter hail gone the prin ¬ cess slipped off the long red cloak and underneath it she wore u shining silken gowu and around her neck was a collar of pearls And now if you will lend me an apron she said we will pop the corn But Jessie and Jennie were gazing at her speechless Oh you must be a fairy princess gasped little Jessie at last The beautiful lady laughed joyously Peter calls me the princess she said He has lived with me ever since I was a little girl But really 1 I am just an everyday young woman and aui going to spend Christmas with some friends In the next town She dismissed the subject with a wave of her hand And now to our popcorn she said I Jenny brought a green gingham I apron and the princess tied the apron 1 ojjinnj a bow ofjthe strings InTiuTlmclf aijd then she danced over to the dumgy little stove and peeped Into the bubbling pot Did you ever smell anything so good she asked 1 am as hungry- as a bear The little girls laughed joyously Its bean soup Jenny said and we I are going to have It for supper with some little dumplings in it 1 was afraid it wasnt nice enough for you I RIce enough the delighted lady exclaimed I think bean soup and little dumplings areumum And she flung out her hands expressively I thought Jessie remarked faint- ly ¬ that fairy princesses only ate honey and dew Which shows that I am not a true princess said the beautiful lady for honey and dew would never satisfy me Jenny got out three little blue bowls and set them on n table that was spread with a coarse but spotless cloth There were a crusty loaf and clover sweet butter andjnst and best of nil there were the beau soup and the bobbing little dumplings served to- gether ¬ In an old mulberry tureen It was perfectly wonderful to see- the princess In tier shining gown at t s- r k I I I I AFTER SUPPER THEY POPPED THE CORN the head of the table and little lame Jessie said You were just sent to us for Christmas Why its just like I The night before Christmas when all through the house I Not a creature was stirring cot even a I mouse The stockings were hunG by the chimney with sire In hope that St Nicholas soon would be- t The re nestled all snug In their beds While visions of sugar plums danced in their heads But our stockings werent hang yet and we werent in bed said I Jenny It was too early for that said the t I I i i I j I j I I I 1i I- f t i j j j i i i I princess but lets go on with the I rhyme just for fun I see you know lit all through so you mustnt wInd my changing It n little I I When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter Jenny sprang from her chair to see what was the matter I Away to the window she flew like a flash Tore open the shutters and threw up the I sash When what to her wondering eyes should I appear n But a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer I Oh no 1 forgot I mean When what to her wondering eyes should I appear I But a carriage stuck In the mud right out here I And a little old driver so lively and quick I You must have thought Peter was dear i old St Nick i The children laughed gleefully and Jenny said We would have thought that only we arent going to bang up our stockings this Christmas at all i Jessie and 1 arent going to get any presents for mother hasnt been well and she couldnt get any sewing But she said we could make our Christmas merry and we were to pretend that we had been to the big stores in the city and had bought things for the tree and dolls and everything Thats a lovely way said the prin- cess ¬ gently and she laid her laud with its flashing rings over Jessies thin ones I And we are going to pretend Jes- sie ¬ I said that our chicken Is turkey i I r t Jt- r 1 xtrd- r 1 I rttf D r I rI I I p ir4 I I i 3 1T v i I i I I I H QUIETLY QUIETLY PETER WARNED THE PMNCZSS But we wont have to pretend about the mince pie for mother has made a lovely oue 1 I wish I could help you eat the chicken said tile princess wistfully and I should like to tweet your moth- er ¬ 1 know she is lovely And I havent any mother you know Oh said the little girls round eyed with sympathy And then the I princess told them that all her life she had lived In a big lonely house and she bad always yearned for a cozy home and for a sister After supper they popped the corn and just as they finished in came Pe- ter ¬ I cant find any one to help miss he announced and its snowing Ill have to unhitch the horses and go back to town and get something to take you over in Xo the princess demurred as she stood in the middle of the room with a heaped up dish of snowy kernels In herWind No Peter Im going to stayhere all night Peter stared and the little girls cried On will you And the princess said I really will I And Peter you can bring up the I steamer trunk and my bag Wont your friends expect you miss Peter inquired as if awaiting orders I will send a note by you was the calm response And as tile man went out she followed him and shut the door behind her Oh Peter Peter she whispered confidentially 1 am going to give them such a Christmas The little girls miss I Yes They are so sweet and brave = I And I have till presents In my trunk I that 1 was going to carry to the other I children But they will have so much that they wont miss them and 1 shall I spend my Christmas in a pUin little bouse but it will be a joyful house I Peter I Yes miss Peter agreed under- f stnndingly i I I wish we had a big tree said the princess regretfully- Well leave that to me miss Peter told her eagerly Yon just get them little timings to sleep early and Ill be here with a tree Oh Peter PeterSanta Claus ex- claimed ¬ the princess gleefully It will be the nicest Christmas that I have had since l was a wee bit of a girl I So Peter went away and the prin- cess ¬ I with her eyes shining like stars l danced back into the room and said Oh lets play mariners Jessie and Jenny had never heard of such a game but the printess told them that she was a ship on the high seas and that they were to tell from her cargo what country she hailed from 1 carry tea she began Where do- I hail from China guessed Jenny u No- Japan cried Jessie with her little t face glowing- No tf Then the little girls pondered It might be India ventured Jenny hilt the princess shook her head Then Jessie cried Its Ceylon And that was right J A And after that Jessie brought p cnri go of oranges from Florida npd Jenuys- r c I r- i J 4 S THERE STOOD A WHITE FACED 8UIVEBIXO LITTLE WOMAN brought a cargo of rugs from Persia and there were cargoes of spices and of coal and of coffee and of fish and of grain and of lumber and the prin- cess ¬ finished triumphantly by carrying a cargo of oysters from the Chesa- peake ¬ bay One more begged Jessie 1 carry a cargo of castles said the sparkling princess Where do 1 hail from f The little girls guessed and guessed- and at last the princess said That wasnt a fair one really for my castles are castles In Spain Then with Jessie in her arms she told them of her own castle building and when she had finished she said And so your mother shall have all of my sewing and that will keep her busy until spring Oh you are going to be married and live happy ever after sighed Jes ¬ sie rapturously Its just what a fairy princess should do- And what you should do said the princess looking at the clock is to- go to bed bed bed so that you can Nwake up early in the morning Jshe tucked them In and came back I later in a fascinating pink kimono with her hair in a thick yellow braid and she 1 ssed them both But it was little larnd Jessie that she kissed last And then y ie went away like a glo ¬ rings visions nd the little girls sank Into slumberX In the next k the princess open- ed ¬ the door cautiOi ly and tbeTrewas Peter with snow all over him and his arms were full of holly and mis- tletoe ¬ and a great tree was propped against the doorpost Quietly quietly Peter warned the princess and Peter tiptoed In and set the tree up in the corner and its top reached to the ceiling Tbe princess opened the steamer trunk and took out two white Teddy bears one with a flaring blue bow nnd the other with a flaring pink one nnd then she took out a green and a yellow and a red and a blue fairy book anti a beautiful square basket of candy tied with holly ribbon and then from the very bottom of the trunk she drew string after string of shining little silver bells fastened on- red and pale green rIbbons- 1 was going to get up a cotillon for the children at the other house the princess explained to Peter but these little folks need it so much more The little bells went tinkle tinkle I as Peter hung them and JessIe- I I I i i I r I YOU ARE THE LITTLE MOTHER SAID THE I PKINXESS I dreaming in her little bed heard the sound and thought It a part of her I dream i And while Peter and the princess trimmed and whisi > ered and laughed- some one rattled the doorknob Peter opened the door and there stood a white faced shivering little woman Oh what has happened to my little girls she panted ITI sawThe light and It ia so late Then as she beheld the golden haired vision in pink and the gay tree and Peter in his trim liv- ery she gasped Why 1 believe It Is fairies And she sat down very snd denly In Jessies chair You are the little mother said be p princess as she knelt beside her and I put her arms around her and told her how she came to be there and when she bad finished she said simply And I have wanted my own mother so much this Christmas and the little girls were so sweet that tfknew I should love you 1 You poor Httlethingr cried tlJ 1t w tie mother toihe n princess nIid t- ti lt + > beautiful lady nu her head > dnwt ofJ the otljerK shabby shoulder nnd wet because In sprite of her riches she bpd been wry very lonely m her bl house A ndFntfterlcter lufrt gone thejtalk I l unInldulght o lesLiejnnd le tuy TUT then roitroied greaflplanp almmfhoprfoty things HmtrtHf Hit IP mother was to make for the uiiiess I nil in the morning iT sle anti Jen- ny ¬ i waking In the early dawn saw I Bitting fin tin footboard of the lied two I Teddy hears one with a flaring pink how and one with n flaring blue hew and the Teddy hears held out their i arms saucily and gazed at thr happy little girls with twinkling eyes 1 Oooh = cried the little girls who had never seen a Teddy bran before I And that was the beginning of time I most wonderful day of their lives for I all lay the tree went tinkle tinkle as they foraged in its branches for Ixinbons And the chicken dinner wa a delicious stiteiss And In the after- noon They all took a ride In the prin- cess ¬ sleigh with Peter driving on the box said when at last he set them down on their own humble doorstep and lifted little Jessie in his minus the princess smiled at them radiantly from underber plumy hat Remember Peter will come for you every Saturday and you are to stay- at my house all day she said Oh yes Jenny sighed with rap ¬ tureAnd yon are to come to my wed THE IKINCESH HMIIKD AT THEM KAOI- AXPLY UEXKATII lIEU PLUNKS ding iii the springtll of you said the princess gayly And see the prince said Jessie over Peters shoulder And you mire going to let me share- a third of your mother II- Yes oh yeses z vdDdTi of the lit le1rl9 Then you shall share a third of Pe- ter ¬ the princess taped track as the smiling coachman drove her away i through the glistening snow The Present Said Papa In station K in New York city a young clerk who was sorting a sack of Christmas mail was amazed to see a package in the sack move He ear riedthe sack to the sorting table and dumped out the contents Something suddenly exclaimed Papa Papa The frightened clerk examined every package carefully In the one that moved be found a live kitten packed I in a small bird cage The kitten had a pink bow of ribbon at its neck and attacked to the ribbon was a card bear lug the inscription- A Merry Christmas from Uncle Jack I Farther investigation brought forth tl1e fact that the cry Papa twine froip a doll with blond curls that call- er ¬ pPapa each time it was squeezed- In I moving the mail sack the postal I clerk bad frightened the kitten in one package and squeezed the mechanical doll In the other package He was much relieved when he had unraveled the double mystery Revised For Christmas- You say Jack writes he cant be here- With you on Christmas day Well Absence makes the heart grow fonder So the poets say TIs not Jacks absence What care I Because he cant be near I Its absence of the presents That J of all most fear For sake of up to lateness now Well change this little rhyme- TIs presents make the heart grow fond- est Just at Christ as time I Waller Wellman Daddys Christmas Dream That Christmas comes but once a year la rather sad fur Willy And likewise limits much the cheer Of Mabel Maud and Miliy t For they would welcome ten or twelve To shout around the shanty I And In their stockings deep to delve I Fur goodies left b > Manly But onre a year I r quite enough Since buying s tIJ4h a bother When timrs are p nlcxy and tough For these dear oungsters father- In fact poor daddy hopes the fates Will cause to set a cheap year The calendar to change Its dates And Christmas swap with leap year ROBERTU3 LOVE T I R FULLER CDAVEft i FULLER a AYER DENTAL SURGEONS Office Over the MRUroe GlmmMiM i Bank OCALA FLORIDA TERMS CASH r J E CHACE t OENTAL SURGEON H Rooms 910 and 11 Second Floor Holder Block L OCALA FLORIDA f TERMS CASH l A4 L F BLALOCK Dental Surgeon 1jr like Over CerclallM Phone 211 Office Hours 8 to 12 a m q 1 to 5nmT- ERMS CASH i- e F E McCLANE r Ptsysiciai ul Srlll General Practice Calls Made Prompt- ly Night Or Day Special Attention to Obstetrics Di- seases ¬ Ufe 4 of Women and Children Ofllcs Rooms 322 Holder Build- ing ¬ r Second Floor Phones Office No 333 Residence No 333 OCALA FLORIDA CHARLES D HULBERT I D HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND d SURGKON t i OfficeSecond Floor the Munroe Charnbliss Ban Building Ocala 5 Florida- TelephonesOffice > 222 Residence 221 t Office Hours9 to 12 am2to4- p m4 730 to 830 p m- HcIYER 1 MAcKAK 1- FUNERAL DIRECTORS JJ- y Undertakers and Embalmers O E Mclvcr Alfred E Owen Undertakers < t Fine Caskets and Burial Robes f All work done by licensed embalm- ers i and fully guaranteed i- WC BLANCHARD t < I CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER- PLANS 5- si j1fJ FURNISHED < J OX APPLICATION- P 7 i- xTHERtt O Box 40 OCALA FLA i C J PHILLIPS Contractor and Builder Plans and Specifications Furnished Upon Request E ° 120 South Third Street Dr Win Jones D V S Graduate of the American Veterinary College i 5 ir i MILK AND MEAT INoPECTOR f at For City of Ocala Office at Tompkins Cobba Stable j Residence at Montezuma Hotel s f IS A DIFFERENCE IN j t s- Our t t f ICE r 1 < 7- j ice by our new process Is fro- zen ¬ i at a temperature of eight to tea degrees above zero is as clear as crystal and as pure as can be made < i We guarantee it to last longer t f IJUV FROM THri BLUE WAGONS Ana Not be Disappointed In Service slJ and Quality l OCALA ICE AND PACKING CO l iIEI ART K TAYLOR Phone 34 Ts- w v r L ALEXANDER Practical CMPEXTER AND BUILDER J Careful estimates made on all contract work Gives more and bet ter work for the money than any V f i

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Copyright 1S69 by American Press Asso ¬




was the night before ChristmasJ andt IT stormy

it SquaHb squash went thewheels of the carriage In the

r Aa mud

Whewewew whistled the wind4d And It blew Peters hat out into the

middle of the roadi Whoa yelled Peter dfHmi-

uvujfm n mn tbit sentThe princess poked her head out of

the window Whats the matterr she asked

My hat blew off Peter told herand the wheel is stuck in the mud

tnlss 1t

Ob Peter Peter the princesschided You must get that wheel outof the mud at once

Which is easier said than donePeter grumbled Its that dark I

cant see my hand before meTheres a light back there among

the trees the princess Informed himPerhaps you could get some one tohelp you

Til go and see miss if you aintafraid to stay alone said Peter after



i i-

ibiit J


some effort succeeding In quieting theplunging horses

I am dreadfully afraid she admit-ted


ahlverlugly hut 1 suppose youwill have to go

Now In the middle of the pine grovewas set a little cottage Peter knock ¬

ed at the doorWho3 thereT asked childish

voice and a little girl poked her headc out of the square window

Our wheel is tuck in the mudPeter answered from the dark and 1

wantto get a man to help meThere Isnt any man here Jenny

Informed him There is only me andJessie nud our mother huts gone to-

nurse a sick neighbor and she wontbe home until morning

So Peter went back to the carriageand Peported to tin princessr shall freeze out here said theprlucess I will go up to the houseand sit by the fire while you look forSome one to help you with tbe car-


Sheclimbed out of the carriage andwith Peter In the lead she ploddedthrough the woods and tbe wind

mew oPt long controls way anti thatand at last wet and panting she cameto the little house

And once more Peter knocked andonce more Jenny came to the windowThen she flung the door wide openand so tall was the princess that shehad to stoop to enter It It was a

j dingy little room and there was adumpy black stove iij the corner with

I a bubbling iron pot that gore forth aj most appetizing odori Oh oh how nice and warm it is

said the princess as she held out herhands to the lireI

In all their lives the little girls badnever beheld such a wonderful person for the princess wore n long redcloak and a black velvet hat with awaving plume and her muff was big

I and round nnd soft and she had nI scarf of the same soft fur about herj nock Her hair was j ale gold and sheI the bluest eyes and tbe reddest1-11psI and her smile was so sweet andj tender that Jenny ratio right up to her

nnd tried Oh I am soglnd that youI

earnerJessie from her little chair echoed


her sisters words But she JId notrun for there was a tiny crutch besideJessies chair in the square window

And I am glad to be here said theprincess whose quiet eyes were tak-ing


in the details of the shabby roomIts so nice and warm and cozy

Isnt it said Jenny happily Andwe are getting ready for tomorrow-

On n small round table beside Jes ¬

sies chair was a tiny cedar bush andJessies fingers had been busy withbits or gold and blue und starlet pa ¬

perWe are going to pop some popcornI

Jenny explained and string it antihang Iton the tree

Ob may I helpT the princess askedhavent popped any corn since 1 was

a little girl-Jessie clasped her thin little bandsI think it would be the loveliest thing

In the world she said if you wouldstay

Peter Is going lo find some one tohelp with the carriage and 1 will stayuntil he comes back

And when Peter hail gone the prin ¬

cess slipped off the long red cloakand underneath it she wore u shiningsilken gowu and around her neck wasa collar of pearls

And now if you will lend me anapron she said we will pop thecorn

But Jessie and Jennie were gazingat her speechless

Oh you must be a fairy princessgasped little Jessie at last

The beautiful lady laughed joyouslyPeter calls me the princess she

said He has lived with me eversince I was a little girl But really 1

I am just an everyday young womanand aui going to spend Christmas withsome friends In the next town

She dismissed the subject with awave of her hand

And now to our popcorn she saidI Jenny brought a green ginghamI

apron and the princess tied the apron1 ojjinnj a bow ofjthe

strings InTiuTlmclf aijd then shedanced over to the dumgy little stoveand peeped Into the bubbling pot

Did you ever smell anything sogood she asked 1 am as hungry-as a bear

The little girls laughed joyouslyIts bean soup Jenny said and we

Iare going to have It for supper withsome little dumplings in it 1 wasafraid it wasnt nice enough for you

IRIce enough the delighted lady

exclaimed I think bean soup andlittle dumplings areumum Andshe flung out her hands expressively

I thought Jessie remarked faint-ly


that fairy princesses only atehoney and dew

Which shows that I am not a trueprincess said the beautiful lady forhoney and dew would never satisfyme

Jenny got out three little blue bowlsand set them on n table that wasspread with a coarse but spotlesscloth There were a crusty loaf andclover sweet butter andjnst and bestof nil there were the beau soup andthe bobbing little dumplings served to-


In an old mulberry tureenIt was perfectly wonderful to see-

the princess In tier shining gown at








the head of the table and little lameJessie said You were just sent to usfor Christmas Why its just like

I The night before Christmas when allthrough the house

I Not a creature was stirring cot even aI

mouseThe stockings were hunG by the chimney

with sireIn hope that St Nicholas soon would be-

tThe re nestled all snug In

their bedsWhile visions of sugar plums danced in

their headsBut our stockings werent hang

yet and we werent in bed saidI Jenny

It was too early for that said the











I I 1i I-


t i






princess but lets go on with theI rhyme just for fun I see you knowlit all through so you mustnt wInd mychanging It n littleI


When out on the lawn there arose sucha clatter

Jenny sprang from her chair to see whatwas the matter

I Away to the window she flew like a flashTore open the shutters and threw up the

I sashWhen what to her wondering eyes should I


But a miniature sleigh and eight tinyreindeer

I Oh no 1 forgot I meanWhen what to her wondering eyes should I

appearI But a carriage stuck In the mud right out

hereI And a little old driver so lively and

quick I

You must have thought Peter was dear i

old St Nick i

The children laughed gleefully andJenny said We would have thoughtthat only we arent going to bang upour stockings this Christmas at all i

Jessie and 1 arent going to get anypresents for mother hasnt been welland she couldnt get any sewing Butshe said we could make our Christmasmerry and we were to pretend thatwe had been to the big stores in thecity and had bought things for thetree and dolls and everything

Thats a lovely way said the prin-cess


gently and she laid her laudwith its flashing rings over Jessiesthin ones


And we are going to pretend Jes-sie


I said that our chicken Is turkey

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But we wont have to pretend aboutthe mince pie for mother has made alovely oue


I wish I could help you eat thechicken said tile princess wistfullyand I should like to tweet your moth-


1 know she is lovely And Ihavent any mother you know

Oh said the little girls roundeyed with sympathy And then the

I princess told them that all her life shehad lived In a big lonely house andshe bad always yearned for a cozyhome and for a sister

After supper they popped the cornand just as they finished in came Pe-


I cant find any one to help misshe announced and its snowing Illhave to unhitch the horses and goback to town and get something totake you over in

Xo the princess demurred as shestood in the middle of the room witha heaped up dish of snowy kernels InherWind No Peter Im going tostayhere all night

Peter stared and the little girlscried On will you

And the princess said I really willI And Peter you can bring up theI steamer trunk and my bag

Wont your friends expect youmiss Peter inquired as if awaitingorders

I will send a note by you was thecalm response And as tile man wentout she followed him and shut thedoor behind her Oh Peter Petershe whispered confidentially 1 amgoing to give them such a Christmas

The little girls missI

Yes They are so sweet and brave =

I And I have till presents In my trunkI that 1 was going to carry to the otherI children But they will have so much

that they wont miss them and 1 shallI spend my Christmas in a pUin little

bouse but it will be a joyful houseI PeterI Yes miss Peter agreed under-f stnndinglyiI I wish we had a big tree said the

princess regretfully-Well leave that to me miss Peter

told her eagerly Yon just get themlittle timings to sleep early and Ill behere with a tree

Oh Peter PeterSanta Claus ex-


the princess gleefully It will

be the nicest Christmas that I havehad since l was a wee bit of a girl

I So Peter went away and the prin-cess


I with her eyes shining like starsldanced back into the room and said

Oh lets play marinersJessie and Jenny had never heard of

such a game but the printess toldthem that she was a ship on the highseas and that they were to tell fromher cargo what country she hailedfrom

1 carry tea she began Where do-

I hail fromChina guessed Jenny


Japan cried Jessie with her littletface glowing-No tf

Then the little girls pondered Itmight be India ventured Jenny hiltthe princess shook her head ThenJessie cried Its Ceylon And thatwas right J


And after that Jessie brought p cnrigo of oranges from Florida npd Jenuys-

r c Ir-






brought a cargo of rugs from Persiaand there were cargoes of spices andof coal and of coffee and of fish andof grain and of lumber and the prin-cess


finished triumphantly by carryinga cargo of oysters from the Chesa-peake


bayOne more begged Jessie1 carry a cargo of castles said the

sparkling princess Where do 1 hailfrom f

The little girls guessed and guessed-and at last the princess said

That wasnt a fair one really formy castles are castles In Spain

Then with Jessie in her arms shetold them of her own castle buildingand when she had finished she said

And so your mother shall have all ofmy sewing and that will keep herbusy until spring

Oh you are going to be marriedand live happy ever after sighed Jes ¬

sie rapturously Its just what afairy princess should do-

And what you should do said theprincess looking at the clock is to-

go to bed bed bed so that you canNwake up early in the morning

Jshe tucked them In and came back I

later in a fascinating pink kimonowith her hair in a thick yellow braidand she 1 ssed them both But it waslittle larnd Jessie that she kissed lastAnd then y ie went away like a glo¬

rings visions nd the little girls sankInto slumberX

In the next k the princess open-



the door cautiOi ly and tbeTrewasPeter with snow all over him andhis arms were full of holly and mis-


and a great tree was proppedagainst the doorpost

Quietly quietly Peter warned theprincess and Peter tiptoed In and setthe tree up in the corner and its topreached to the ceiling

Tbe princess opened the steamertrunk and took out two white Teddybears one with a flaring blue bownnd the other with a flaring pink onennd then she took out a green and ayellow and a red and a blue fairybook anti a beautiful square basket ofcandy tied with holly ribbon andthen from the very bottom of thetrunk she drew string after string ofshining little silver bells fastened on-

red and pale green rIbbons-1 was going to get up a cotillon

for the children at the other housethe princess explained to Peter butthese little folks need it so muchmore

The little bells went tinkle tinkleI

as Peter hung them and JessIe-










dreaming in her little bed heard thesound and thought It a part of her


dreami And while Peter and the princess

trimmed and whisi >ered and laughed-some one rattled the doorknob

Peter opened the door and therestood a white faced shivering littlewoman

Oh what has happened to my little

girls she panted ITI sawThe lightand It ia so late Then as she beheldthe golden haired vision in pink andthe gay tree and Peter in his trim liv-

ery she gasped Why 1 believe It Isfairies And she sat down very snddenly In Jessies chair

You are the little mother said bep princess as she knelt beside her andI put her arms around her and told her

how she came to be there and whenshe bad finished she said simply AndI have wanted my own mother somuch this Christmas and the littlegirls were so sweet that tfknew I

should love you1 You poor Httlethingr cried tlJ 1t w

tie mother toihe n princess nIid t-


>beautiful lady nu her head

>dnwt ofJ

the otljerK shabby shoulder nnd wetbecause In sprite of her riches she bpdbeen wry very lonely m her blhouse

AndFntfterlcter lufrt gone thejtalkI l unInldulght o lesLiejnnd le tuy

TUT then roitroied greaflplanpalmmfhoprfoty things HmtrtHf Hit IP

mother was to make for the uiiiessI nil in the morning iT sle anti Jen-


i waking In the early dawn sawI Bitting fin tin footboard of the lied twoI Teddy hears one with a flaring pink

how and one with n flaring blue hewand the Teddy hears held out their

i arms saucily and gazed at thr happylittle girls with twinkling eyes

1Oooh = cried the little girls who

had never seen a Teddy bran beforeI And that was the beginning of timeI most wonderful day of their lives forI

all lay the tree went tinkle tinkleas they foraged in its branches forIxinbons And the chicken dinner waa delicious stiteiss And In the after-noon They all took a ride In the prin-cess


sleigh with Peter driving on thebox said when at last he set themdown on their own humble doorstepand lifted little Jessie in his minus theprincess smiled at them radiantly fromunderber plumy hat

Remember Peter will come for youevery Saturday and you are to stay-at my house all day she said

Oh yes Jenny sighed with rap ¬

tureAnd yon are to come to my wed


ding iii the springtll of you saidthe princess gayly

And see the prince said Jessieover Peters shoulder

And you mire going to let me share-a third of your mother II-

Yes oh yeses z vdDdTi of the litle1rl9Then you shall share a third of Pe-


the princess taped track as thesmiling coachman drove her away i

through the glistening snow

The Present Said PapaIn station K in New York city a

young clerk who was sorting a sackof Christmas mail was amazed to seea package in the sack move He earriedthe sack to the sorting table anddumped out the contents Somethingsuddenly exclaimed

Papa PapaThe frightened clerk examined every

package carefully In the one thatmoved be found a live kitten packed I

in a small bird cage The kitten had apink bow of ribbon at its neck andattacked to the ribbon was a card bearlug the inscription-

A Merry Christmas from UncleJack


Farther investigation brought forthtl1e fact that the cry Papa twinefroip a doll with blond curls that call-er


pPapa each time it was squeezed-InI moving the mail sack the postal

Iclerk bad frightened the kitten in onepackage and squeezed the mechanicaldoll In the other package He wasmuch relieved when he had unraveledthe double mystery

Revised For Christmas-You say Jack writes he cant be here-With you on Christmas day

Well Absence makes the heart growfonder

So the poets say

TIs not Jacks absence What care IBecause he cant be near

I Its absence of the presentsThat J of all most fear

For sake of up to lateness nowWell change this little rhyme-TIs presents make the heart grow fond-

estJust at Christ as time

I Waller Wellman

Daddys Christmas DreamThat Christmas comes but once a year

la rather sad fur WillyAnd likewise limits much the cheer

Of Mabel Maud and Miliyt For they would welcome ten or twelve

To shout around the shantyI And In their stockings deep to delveI Fur goodies left b> Manly

But onre a year Ir quite enoughSince buying s tIJ4h a bother

When timrs are p nlcxy and toughFor these dear oungsters father-

In fact poor daddy hopes the fatesWill cause to set a cheap year

The calendar to change Its datesAnd Christmas swap with leap year






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