overview report speech writing

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  • 8/3/2019 Overview Report Speech Writing




  • 8/3/2019 Overview Report Speech Writing


    Learning ObjectivesAt the end of the presentation, participantswould be able to

    determine the purpose of reports andspeeches in organisational process

    decide information requirements for writingreports and speeches

    discuss at least five qualities of a good reportand speech

  • 8/3/2019 Overview Report Speech Writing


    use report as effective tool for carrying

    people along, participation and good

    governancedevelop core competencies in report and

    speech writing

    Learning Objectives

  • 8/3/2019 Overview Report Speech Writing


    Reports and speeches are utilised by top level

    officers and chief executives for various reasons

    They can have significant effects on corporategovernance and leadership.

    Inaccurate reports and poor speeches distort

    history and records and misdirect action

    Managers and professionals have to develop the

    capability to write reports and speeches effectively


  • 8/3/2019 Overview Report Speech Writing


    Organisations and Reports Organisations need report for the good

    conduct of their business

    Reports form the basis of providing information

    on activities and operations

    Reports enable organisations obtain a clearerview of the environment

    They also form the basis of communicatingwith customers and critical stakeholders

    As operations expand, the need to report onactivities becomes even more pertinent

  • 8/3/2019 Overview Report Speech Writing


    Organisations and Speech

    Making Speech making is also a vehicle for


    Managers make speeches in social and

    business events Speech making forms the basis of providing

    strategic and policy direction

    They can be used for constructive

    engagement and for developing enduringrelationships

    They form major activities in social and formalevents in organisations

  • 8/3/2019 Overview Report Speech Writing


    Government is in many respect like businessorganisations.

    Top government functionaries have to

    constantly interact with people within andoutside

    The complex nature of government businessand wide spread activities underscore the need

    for effective coordinationGovernment has to reach out to a largenumber of people, groups and institutionsspanning a large geographical areas.

    Government: Reports and


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    Reports help to bring people together andhelp to integrate and coordinate people andactivities.

    Reports and speeches serve as valuabletools for information, coordination, synergyand decision making.

    Government: Report and

    Speech Writing

  • 8/3/2019 Overview Report Speech Writing


    What is a Report?An oral or written account of an eventAn account of event which is provided for

    information, record and which serves asguide to actions

    A document which provides an account ofsomething witnessed or examined

    A statement of work carried or investigationcarried out, together with conclusions arrivedat as a result of the investigation

  • 8/3/2019 Overview Report Speech Writing


    A written statement of the facts of a situation,project, processes or tests;

    Reports show how these facts were ascertained;

    their significance; the conclusions that are drawnfrom them; and the recommendations made(Michell, 1974).

    A document in which a given problem is examined

    for the purpose of conveying information, reportingfindings, putting forward ideas and sometimesmaking recommendations as the basis of furtheractions

    What is a Report?

  • 8/3/2019 Overview Report Speech Writing


    Purpose Of Report1. They serve as tools of communication,

    information and education.

    2. Reports cover a wide range of organizationalactivities and serve as an aid to memory

    3. They give information on investigations carriedout, on findings and are useful for makingappropriate recommendations

    4. They provide information and records onorganisational operations and challenges andserve as aid to decisions.

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    Purpose of Report5. Reports help officers draw on individual andcollective experience and enhanceorganisational learning

    6. They help planning, budgeting and provideinformation for quality decisions

    7. They are needed to manage projects, tomonitor and evaluate projects for the

    attainment of project goals8. Negotiation with workers, contractors and

    suppliers, etc draws on good reports

  • 8/3/2019 Overview Report Speech Writing


    Purpose of Report9. They help policy makers formulate and

    implement people and issue-oriented


    10. Organisations are in better position to

    respond to challenges in the environment

    and effectively manage resources when

    there are good reports.

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    Types of ReportsOperational reports

    Marketing reports

    Human resource reports

    Financial matters


    Project reports, and

    Special reports

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    Operational ReportsActivity reports

    Weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly reports

    Progress made State of facilities

    Key challenges

  • 8/3/2019 Overview Report Speech Writing


    Marketing ReportSales report (weekly, monthly, quarterly,

    etc report)

    Field sales reportReport on market surveys

    Report on research

  • 8/3/2019 Overview Report Speech Writing


    Human Resources Report Employment report

    Performance appraisal report Promotion, interview report

    Training report

    Special investigation

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    Administrative ReportReport on facilities, properties

    Reports on projects Stock report

    Maintenance report

    Special investigation

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    Financial ReportIncome and expenditures.

    Main sources of income, revenue.

    Expenditures: personnel cost; overheads;Expenditures: capital expenditure; project



    Report on financial assets and liabilities

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    Project ReportProject Feasibility

    Monitoring and evaluation

    Progress, operational report

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    Media(news, features, sports, etc)

    Special Purpose Reports

  • 8/3/2019 Overview Report Speech Writing


    A speech may be oral or in written form ofcommunication.

    It is a formal talk or presentation made to ameeting or an audience at specific event oroccasion

    Those who hold key positions in organisations,community or government are often called uponto make speeches in written form.

    Speech: What is it?

  • 8/3/2019 Overview Report Speech Writing


    1. A speech may be used to express opinion orpresent facts on a subject

    2. It may be used to persuade people to act inspecific ways.

    3. In meetings or social gatherings, speech makingforms the basis of welcoming members, declaringevents open and conducting the event.

    4. Communities use speeches to express needs,make requests to community elites, political officeholders, organisations and to government

    Speech as Medium of


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    5. Speeches form the basis for mobilising peoplefor specific action, enlisting participation andeffecting attitude change, etc

    6. In conflict situations, speech can form the basiscalming people or steering them to action

    7. Speeches are made in public, enter intopermanent records, reflect the character orquality of the presenter or his organisation andneed careful handling

    Speech as Mediumof Communication

  • 8/3/2019 Overview Report Speech Writing


    8. Great leaders make speeches that form partof governance, their philosophies and valueorientation

    Remember the speech by Mark Anthony: Icame to bury Caesar, not to praise him inJulius Caesar (Shakespeare)

    Remember the speech by Martin Luther King

    (Jr) - I have a dream that the Americanpeople will not be judged by their colour butby the content of their character

    Speech as Mediumof Communication

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    Welcome address

    Keynote address

    Public enlightenment


    Persuading, selling an idea or product

    Requests, appeals for support or change of

    policy Presenting a candidate

    Stewardship (report on events)

    Evaluation (of a project); etc

    Speech Making Situations

  • 8/3/2019 Overview Report Speech Writing


    Writing the Report

    and Speech1. ClarifyTerms of reference (for report)

    Target dates for interim and final report

    Date for the speech

    Background information

    Scope of investigation needed

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    2. Clarify ObjectivesWhat is expected by the leadership/management?

    Who constitute the readership/audience forthe report or speech?

    What do the expected audience know

    already?What do readers of the report or audiencefor the speech expect?

    Writing the


  • 8/3/2019 Overview Report Speech Writing


    3. Obtain and Analyse InformationDetermine possible sources of information

    Collect information from records and fromother sources;

    Obtain information from observation,

    interviews and questionnaires;

    Ensure that data gathering and analysis

    are objectively carried out.

    Writing TheReport/Speech

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    4. Insist On Accuracy, Completeness andRelevanceInformation has to be factual and accurate

    False information creates credibility gapInformation also has to be complete,relevant and timely

    Accurate and complete information demandeffort, cross-checking and skills

    Information that cannot be verified shouldbe discarded

    Writing theReport/Speech

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    5. Pay Attention to LanguageReports and speeches are not a show case oflanguage ability

    They are however the mirror of the mind-set andpersonality of the writer

    Reports and speeches have to be written insimple and clear language and good grammar

    Faulty expressions can distort report/speech andintended meaning

    Writing theReport/Speech

  • 8/3/2019 Overview Report Speech Writing


    6.Pay Attention to Proof-readingAn otherwise good speech or report may be

    undermined by poor proof-readingPressure of work often undermines careful

    preparation and proof-reading of reports and


    Writing theReport/Speech

  • 8/3/2019 Overview Report Speech Writing


    Style of Writing

    1. Use short sentences and paragraphs

    2. Use relevant sub-headings to help readerfollow report

    3. Give your report a logical flow

    4. Use active rather than passive voice

    5. Most reports are prepared in the third person

    6. Use simple words and phrases rather thancomplex ones

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    7. Avoid vague and ambiguous expressions

    8. Avoid words and phrases that do not provideadditional meanings

    9. Write to suit your readers background andexperience

    10. Keep it (report) short and simple as much aspossible (KISS)

    11. Ensure careful preparation and proof readingof report

    Style of Writing

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    12. The acid test of communication

    effectiveness is: clarity, simplicity,

    conciseness and completeness

    13. Ensure that conclusion and

    recommendations derive appropriately from

    the facts in the report.

    Style of Writing

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    Quality of Report

    Achieve the purpose for which it is prepared

    Gives complete and accurate information

    Written in clear language and style

    Logical presentation (good flow ofinformation)

    Good analysis

    Helps decision makingConforms to specific standard

    Facilitate dissemination of information

  • 8/3/2019 Overview Report Speech Writing


    Structure of Reports

    i. Title Page

    ii. Content

    iii. Synopsis or Summary

    1. Introduction

    2. Methodology

    3. Data Presentations, Analysis

    4. Findings5. Conclusion and Recommendations


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    ConclusionThe report constitutes a very important

    source of information and may be used as a

    reference document.

    It is absolutely necessary for reports to

    contain nothing but facts.

    Poor presentation of facts and discussion

    can make the report unwieldy andmisleading.

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    It is essential to present facts and analysis in

    a logical manner to ensure ease of reading

    and the use of the report.

    Report writing is an important element ofcommunication and should be given theseriousness it deserves.


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    The End,Thank You

    AndGod Bless You All

  • 8/3/2019 Overview Report Speech Writing


    Discussion Questions

    1. What are the main objectives of reportwriting in government?

    2. What roles do reports and speechesplay in public administration

    3. What are the qualities of a good report?

    4. What are the qualities of a goodspeech?

    5. What processes are involved in reportand speech writing?