overview of the day presentation


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Post on 26-Jan-2015




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Page 1: Overview of the Day Presentation

#transformedbyou http://bit.ly/transformedbyou

Page 2: Overview of the Day Presentation

Overview of the day

• Welcome10.00• Overview of the day10.15• Get into groups to start prototyping10.30• Help yourself to lunch13.00• Showcase your prototypes to the judges15.00• Judges announce winners16.00

#transformedbyou http://bit.ly/transformedbyou

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Photo by Jameson42 under Creative Commons 2.0

TWBC_GUESTUsername: guest

Password: twbc1013

#transformedbyou http://bit.ly/transformedbyou

Page 4: Overview of the Day Presentation

What could I win?#transformedbyou http://bit.ly/transformedbyou

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What could I win?

£1000 for Best Idea for each of the three challenges

254 Ideas

#transformedbyou http://bit.ly/transformedbyou

Page 6: Overview of the Day Presentation

What could I win?

£2000 for Best Prototype for each of the three challenges

? Prototypes

#transformedbyou http://bit.ly/transformedbyou

Page 7: Overview of the Day Presentation

2011 winner leveraged £90K funding to roll out its idea across several schools

2012 winner launched website with full integration with social network tools

What happened to the winners?

#transformedbyou http://bit.ly/transformedbyou

Page 8: Overview of the Day Presentation

Judging CriteriaHow creative the name of the prototype is

How well the prototype meets the challenge selected

The target audience the prototype is designed to help

How well it could be used by the target audience

What long-term potential does the solution have

How well people would use the prize to take it forward

#transformedbyou http://bit.ly/transformedbyou

Page 9: Overview of the Day Presentation

Answer these questionsWhat will you call your prototype?

How does your prototype meet the challenge?

Which target audience will it help?

How would it help them?

How will the solution work?

How would you use the winnings to take it forward?

#transformedbyou http://bit.ly/transformedbyou

Page 10: Overview of the Day Presentation

Help people keep fit & stay healthy

• An app that sends daily recipe ideas for affordable and healthy meals using ingredients that can be sourced from your local shop.

Daily Digestion Suggestion (Alex Bricher)

• An automatic meal planning app that links to local businesses.

Diet Timetable (Ed Wellbrook)

• An easy-to-follow app to help lose weight and promote a healthy lifestyle.

Lifestyle Programme (Dee Boates)

#transformedbyou http://bit.ly/transformedbyou

Page 11: Overview of the Day Presentation

Help people keep fit & stay healthy (continued)

• An application that rewards time being spent in the gym. For every hour you spend in the gym the app records your progress and gives you bonus.

Gym It (Panayiotis Christofides)

• An app which creates a randomised route every time

Randomised Exercise Route (Lewis Cleminson)

• An app that helps you to find people that do a similar workout to you.

Gym Buddy Locator (Jordan Stebbings)

#transformedbyou http://bit.ly/transformedbyou

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Help people help each other

• A fun and easy way to display recent job postings from JobCentrePlus, community events and people that need help.

Community Treasure Map (Viorel Tudose)

• A mobile user friendly website to provide an instant way for businesses to search opportunities to improve the community.

Fault Finders (Chrissy Docherty)

• CreataboX at Home helps people who are usually excluded from social activities

Createabox at Home (Natasha Steer)

#transformedbyou http://bit.ly/transformedbyou

Page 13: Overview of the Day Presentation

Help people help each other

• Plan and deliver an outdoor event to happen only if the weather is right.

Fair Weather App

• The idea is to analyse data from passive sensors and give an instant picture of wellbeing for the previous 24 hours for elderly people.

Peace of Mind (Leonard Anderson)

• An app that allows people to report problems in their local area, such as anti-social behaviour hotspots & fly-tipping.

Report It (Stephen Wilson)

#transformedbyou http://bit.ly/transformedbyou

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What do we mean by prototyping?

#transformedbyou http://bit.ly/transformedbyou

Page 15: Overview of the Day Presentation

Sketch it out

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Map it out

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Mock it up

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Program it

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Design it

Page 20: Overview of the Day Presentation

Overview of the day

• Welcome10.00• Overview of the day10.15• Get into groups to start prototyping10.30• Help yourself to lunch13.00• Showcase your prototypes to the judges15.00• Judges announce winners16.00

#transformedbyou http://bit.ly/transformedbyou

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Be polite and generous – offer your ideas and opinions and value other people’s

If you are not learning or contributing, find a group where you can contribute or learn

The people who come are the best people who could have come