overview of scientific literature

a quick introduction to Scientific Literature

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Page 1: Overview of Scientific literature

a quick introduction to

Scientific Literature

Page 2: Overview of Scientific literature

• The journal published papers by Newton, Faraday, and Darwin.

• Henry Oldenburg, the journal’s first editor, began the process of having article submissions evaluated by subject experts. Thus began the idea of peer-review.

• The earliest science journal dates back to 1665.

• It was called The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society

How Science Journals began…

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Every legitimate science research article is published in a peer-reviewed/scholarly science journal.

But…Not every article in a peer-reviewed/scholarly science journal is a research article. For example, you may also find editorials, literature reviews, and book reviews in research journals

So is there a way to tell if an article is a research article? YES!

about Science Journal articles

Page 4: Overview of Scientific literature

• Abstract

• Introduction

• Methods (or Methodology, or Materials and Methods)

• Results

• Discussion

parts of a Science Research Article

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An abstract is a summary of what the article contains. The abstract of a science article will include the nature of the study or experiment being conducted, the study/experiment’s findings, and a brief note on the significance of the findings.

parts of a Science Research Article

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As the name suggests, this section of a science research article introduces the reader to the concept being studied and why its study is significant.

parts of a Science Research Article

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Methods (or Methodology or Materials and Methods)

This section lays out the methodology of the experiment (or study) that the paper’s authors are conducting.

parts of a Science Research Article

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This section lays out the findings of the experiment (or study) that the paper’s authors are conducting.

parts of a Science Research Article

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The discussion section of a science research article is where the authors interpret and discuss the significance of their experiment’s results.

parts of a Science Research Article

Page 10: Overview of Scientific literature

Finding Science Research articles in NCLIVEYou can find science articles in a number of different databases in NCLIVE. To get to any

NCLIVE database…

• First go to NCLIVE (available at www.NCLIVE.org)• Find the full alphabetical list of databases by clicking on “Browse” and then “A-Z Browse All”

in the upper left corner

Page 11: Overview of Scientific literature

Academic Search Complete

Biggest general database for peer-reviewed articles.

CINAHL w/ Full Text

Database of health-related peer-reviewed articles

Science Reference Center

This database includes a sampling of science articles from a variety of fields

Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition

Good source for peer-reviewed health and medicine related articles

Finding Science Research articles in NCLIVEThe databases below all include a range of science articles (this is only a sampling—several

other databases may include useful articles)

Page 12: Overview of Scientific literature

• Searching databases is different than searching Google

• Avoid long strings of words, avoid sentences or phrases

• Think about the concepts you want to search. What’s the shortest way of expressing your topic?

• Use Boolean Operators (AND, OR, NOT, *, “”) to build complex searches out of simple keywords

If your topic is the effects of smoking cigarettes, try breaking that down into short keywords separated by the Boolean Operator AND:

Smoking AND effect

You may also want to experiment with different search terms:

Cigarettes AND effectSmoking OR cigarettes AND health(Tobacco OR smoking) AND (cancer OR effect)

The more you play around with your search terms, the better your search results will be.

a quick word about searching in databases…

Page 13: Overview of Scientific literature

Always mark off the “Full Text” box. Otherwise, you’ll get search returns for articles you can’t access.

Always mark off the “Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals” box. Otherwise, you’ll get search returns for articles that aren’t from peer reviewed publications

a quick word about searching in databases…