overview of global theory and practice

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  • 8/6/2019 Overview of Global Theory and Practice


    Chapter 1Chapter 1



  • 8/6/2019 Overview of Global Theory and Practice


    Chapter OutlineChapter Outline

    Meaning and nature international businessMeaning and nature international business

    environmentenvironment Distinctions between internal and internationalDistinctions between internal and international

    businessbusiness Advantages and disadvantages of internationalAdvantages and disadvantages of international

    trade/businesstrade/business Theories in international tradeTheories in international trade

    MercantilismMercantilism Theory of absolute cost advantageTheory of absolute cost advantage Comparative cost advantageComparative cost advantage Heckscher Ohlin theoryHeckscher Ohlin theory

    International investmentInternational investment

    Global forces effecting international tradeGlobal forces effecting international trade

  • 8/6/2019 Overview of Global Theory and Practice


    What is business and businessWhat is business and business


    Business is a wide term andBusiness is a wide term and signifies allsignifies all

    economic activities carried on with theeconomic activities carried on with the

    objective of earning money/profit/gainobjective of earning money/profit/gain..

    Economic activities involveEconomic activities involve production,production,exchange, distribution and consumption ofexchange, distribution and consumption of

    goods and services.goods and services.

    In short, the definition of aIn short, the definition of a business as abusiness as acommercial activity to make a profit of ancommercial activity to make a profit of an

    organisation (private or public).organisation (private or public).

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    Important decisions related to business

    such as What business to do, where to

    do the business, when to do thebusiness, how to do the business,

    whether to expand a business and if

    where and how to expand it areinfluenced by a number of factors.

    In a broad sense, business environment

    refers to all those internal and externalfactors that have a bearing on the


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    DefinitionsDefinitions B.O. WheelerB.O. Wheeler Business is an institution Business is an institution

    organised and operated to provide goodsorganised and operated to provide goodsand services to society under the incentive ofand services to society under the incentive ofprivate gain.private gain.

    The Income Tax Act 1961The Income Tax Act 1961 Business Businessmeans any trade, commerce or manufacturemeans any trade, commerce or manufactureor any adventure in the nature of trade,or any adventure in the nature of trade,commerce or manufacturing.commerce or manufacturing.

    The above definition emphasis that businessThe above definition emphasis that businessis a wide term and includes all types ofis a wide term and includes all types ofeconomic activities carried on with aeconomic activities carried on with a

    profit motive.profit motive.

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    External Environment

    Input Output

    Chart: 1.1 Input and output model

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    The success and failure of a businessdepends on various factors like physical

    resources, financial resources,technological, human resources, skillsand organisation.

    Thus, success and survival of a firm,depend on two sets of factors internalfactors and external factors.

    The business environment consists of anumber of factors which have differenttypes and degrees of influence on thebusiness.

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    Some factors have a favourable impact on

    the business, some of the them are

    adversely affected and some are neutral. For example New Economic Policy

    Liberalisation, Privatisation &

    Globalisation generate employmentopportunities, new technology, increases in

    income, importing raw-material etc.

    Keith DavisKeith Davis business environment as the business environment as theaggregate of all condition, events &aggregate of all condition, events &

    influences that surround and influence it.influences that surround and influence it.

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    Business Environment

    Internal Environment External Environment

    Micro ExternalEnvironment

    Macro ExternalEnvironment

    Chart: 1.1 Classification of Business Environment

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    Internal factorsInternal factors are generally regarded as

    controllable factors because the company has because the company has

    control over these factors it can alter or modifycontrol over these factors it can alter or modify

    such factors as its such factors as its personnel, physical personnel, physical

    facilities, organisation and functionalfacilities, organisation and functional..

    External factorsExternal factors by and large, beyond theby and large, beyond the

    control of a companycontrol ofa company. The external factors such. The external factors such

    asas economic factors, socio-cultural factors,economic factors, socio-cultural factors,

    government and legal factors, demographic government and legal factors, demographic

    factors, physical factorsfactors, physical factors etc.etc.

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    Internal Environment Internal environmental factors are -

    controllable factors because the firm canchange or modify these factors to improve itsefficiency.

    Internal environment includes such factors as

    Value system, Mission and objectives of the firm,

    Management structure,

    Quality of its human resources, Corporate culture

    Physical assets,

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    Mission &Objectives




    Chart 1. 2 Internal Environment

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    1. Value System The value system of a business organisation

    also determines its behaviour towards itsemployees, customers and society at large. The value system of the promoters of a business

    firm has an important bearing on the choice ofbusiness and the adoption of business policiesand practices.

    Value system makes an important contribution toits success and its prestige in the world ofbusiness.

    Infosys Technologies which won the firstnational corporate governance award in 1999attributes its success to its high valuesystem.

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    2. Mission and Objectives

    The objective of all firms is assumed to be

    maximisation of long run profits. Butmission is different from this narrowobjective of profit maximisation.

    Mission is defined as the overall purposewhich guides and influences its businessdecision and economic activities.

    For example, to become a world class

    company and to achieve global dominancehas been the mission of Reliance Industriesof India.

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    3. Organisation Structure

    Organisation structure is the composition of

    board of directors, the number of independentdirectors, the extent of professional

    management and share holdingpattern.

    The nature of organisational structure has asignificant influence over decision making

    process in an orgnisation.

    An efficient working of a business organisation

    requires that its organisation structure should beconducive to quick decision making.

    Board of directors is the highest decision

    making body in a business organisation.

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    4.Corporate culture & Style of Functioning oftop Management

    Corporate culture & Style of Functioning of topmanagers is important factor for determing theinternal environment of a company.

    Corporate culture is generally considered as

    either closed and threatrening or open andparticipatory.

    In a closed and thretening type of corportateculture the business decision are taken by top

    level managers, While middle level and lower level managers

    have no say in business decision making.

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    5.Quality of Human Resources Quality of employees of a firm is an important

    factor of internal environment of a firm. The success of a business organisation

    depends to a great extent on the skills,capabilities, attitudes and commitment of itsemployees.

    Employees differ with regard to thesecharacteristics.

    It is difficult for the top management to dealdirectly with all the employees of the businessfirm.

    Therefore, for efficient management of humanresources, employees are divided intodifferent groups.

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    6. Labour Unions Labour unions are other factor determining internal

    environment of a firm.

    Unions collectively bargain with top managers regardingwages, working conditions of different categories ofemployees.

    Smooth working of a business organisation requires that

    there should be good relations between management andlabour union.

    7. Physical Resources and Technological Capabilities Physical resources such as plant and equipment and

    technological capabilities of a firm determine its competitivestrength which is an important factor determining itsefficiency and unit cost of production

    R & D capabilities of a company determine its ability tointroduce innovations which enhance productivity of


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    External Environment External environment are by, and large, beyond

    the control of a company. External environment consists of those factors

    that affect a business enterprise from outside.

    External environment is generally classified

    into micro environment and macroenvironment.

    External Micro environment includes Suppliers of Inputs, customers, competitors

    market Intermediaries and publics. External Macro Environment are classified

    into Economic, social, technological,political and legal and demographic

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    11.. External Micro EnvironmentExternal Micro Environment

    External micro environment orExternal micro environment or task environmenttask environment

    refers to thoserefers to those individuals, groups and agenciesindividuals, groups and agencieswith which the organisations comes into direct andwith which the organisations comes into direct and

    frequent contact in the course of its functioning.frequent contact in the course of its functioning.

    Micro environmental factors exercise a directMicro environmental factors exercise a direct

    influence on the operations of the enterpriseinfluence on the operations of the enterprise.. Therefore, it is also known as direct actionTherefore, it is also known as direct action

    environment or stakeholders.environment or stakeholders.

    For examples -For examples - customers, competitors,customers, competitors,suppliers, marketing intermediaries, financierssuppliers, marketing intermediaries, financiers

    and publicsand publics

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    Suppliers ofInputs








    Chart: 1. 3: External Micro Environment

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    1. Suppliers of inputs1. Suppliers of inputs

    An important factor in the external microAn important factor in the external micro

    environment of a firm is the suppliers of its inputsenvironment of a firm is the suppliers of its inputssuch as raw-materials and components.such as raw-materials and components.

    A smooth and effective working of a businessA smooth and effective working of a business

    firm requires supply of inputs such as raw-firm requires supply of inputs such as raw-

    materials and power etc.materials and power etc.

    Energy input is an important input in theEnergy input is an important input in the

    manufacturing business.manufacturing business.

    If supply of raw materials are uncertain, then aIf supply of raw materials are uncertain, then afirm will have to keep a large stock of rawfirm will have to keep a large stock of raw

    material to continue its transformation processmaterial to continue its transformation process


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    2.2.CustomersCustomers The primary task of any business is to create andThe primary task of any business is to create and

    sustain customers.sustain customers.

    Without customers business is unthinkableWithout customers business is unthinkable.. The success of business depends upon how best itThe success of business depends upon how best it

    monitors the sensitivity of customers.monitors the sensitivity of customers.

    3. Competitors3. Competitors

    Business firms compete with each other not only forBusiness firms compete with each other not only forsale of their product but also in other areas.sale of their product but also in other areas.

    Generally, market forms ofGenerally, market forms of monopolisticmonopolisticcompetition & differentiated oligopoliescompetition & differentiated oligopolies exist inexist in

    the real work.the real work. This competition may be on the best of pricing ofThis competition may be on the best of pricing oftheir products.their products.

    Non- price competition Non- price competition advertisement & salesadvertisement & salespromotionspromotions

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    In USA, American firms faced a lot ofIn USA, American firms faced a lot ofcompetition from Japanesecompetition from Japanese firms producingfirms producing

    electronic and automobiles goods.electronic and automobiles goods. Similarly, theSimilarly, the Indian firms are facing a lot ofIndian firms are facing a lot ofcompetition from Chinese productscompetition from Chinese products..

    4. Marketing intermediaries4. Marketing intermediaries

    Marketing intermediaries play an essential role ofMarketing intermediaries play an essential role ofselling and distributing its product to the finalselling and distributing its product to the finalbuyers.buyers.

    Marketing intermediaries includesMarketing intermediaries includes agents andagents andmerchants such as distribution firms,merchants such as distribution firms,wholesalers, retailers.wholesalers, retailers.

    Marketing intermediaries are responsible forMarketing intermediaries are responsible forstocking and transporting goods from theirstocking and transporting goods from their

    production ultimate buyersproduction ultimate buyers..

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    External Macro environmentExternal Macro environment Macro environment refers to theMacro environment refers to the generalgeneral

    environmentenvironmentor remote environment within whichor remote environment within which

    a business firm and forces in its microa business firm and forces in its microenvironment operate.environment operate.

    The external macro environment determines theThe external macro environment determines theopportunities for a firm to exploit for promoting itsopportunities for a firm to exploit for promoting its

    businessbusiness The macro environment has both positive andThe macro environment has both positive and

    negative aspects.negative aspects. An important fact that macro environmental An important fact that macro environmental

    forces is the uncontrollable by theforces is the uncontrollable by themanagement of a firmmanagement of a firm.. Because of the uncontrollable nature of macroBecause of the uncontrollable nature of macro

    forces a firm has to adjust or adapt itself to theseforces a firm has to adjust or adapt itself to theseexternal forces.external forces.

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    Social & culturalEnvironment

    Political & LegalEnvironment




    Chart 1. 2 External Macro Environment

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    Classification of Macro environment -Classification of Macro environment -

    1.1. Economic environmentEconomic environment

    2.2. Social and cultural environmentSocial and cultural environment

    3.3. Political and Legal EnvironmentPolitical and Legal Environment4.4. Technological EnvironmentTechnological Environment

    5.5. Demographic EnvironmentDemographic Environment

    6.6. Natural EnvironmentNatural Environment

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    1. Economic Environment1. Economic Environment

    Economic environment includes the type ofEconomic environment includes the type of

    economic systemeconomic system that exists in thethat exists in theeconomy and nature and structure economy and nature and structure capital, social & mixed economy.capital, social & mixed economy.

    TheThe phases of business cyclephases of business cycle boom or boom orrecission.recission.

    TheThe fiscal, monetary and financialfiscal, monetary and financialpoliciespolicies of the government.of the government.

    These economic policies of the govtThese economic policies of the govtpresent both thepresent both the opportunitiesopportunities as well asas well asthethe threatsthreats for the business firms.for the business firms.

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    Industrial Policy 1948, 1956, 1980, 1990Industrial Policy 1948, 1956, 1980, 1990

    & 1991.& 1991. Foreign Exchange Regulation Act (FERA).Foreign Exchange Regulation Act (FERA).

    Monopolistic & Restrictive Trade PolicyMonopolistic & Restrictive Trade Policy

    (MRTP)(MRTP) Structural Adjustment Programme (SAPs)Structural Adjustment Programme (SAPs)

    New Economic Policy 1991 New Economic Policy 1991

    Liberalisation, Privatisation andLiberalisation, Privatisation andGlobalisation (LPG).Globalisation (LPG).

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    2. Social and Cultural Environment2. Social and Cultural Environment The buying and consumption habits of the people,The buying and consumption habits of the people,

    their language, belief & values customs &their language, belief & values customs &

    traditions, tastes and preference, education etc.traditions, tastes and preference, education etc. The socio-cultural fabric is an important environmentalThe socio-cultural fabric is an important environmental

    factor that should be analyzed while formulatingfactor that should be analyzed while formulatingbusiness strategies.business strategies.

    For a business to be successful, its strategy should beFor a business to be successful, its strategy should bethe one that is appropriate in the socio-culturalthe one that is appropriate in the socio-culturalenvironment.environment.

    Good corporate governance should be judged notGood corporate governance should be judged not

    only by the productivity and profits earned by aonly by the productivity and profits earned by abusiness firm but also by its social welfarebusiness firm but also by its social welfare

    promoting activities.promoting activities.

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    3. Political and Legal Environment Business are closely related to the govt.

    The political philosophy of the govt wields agreat influence over business policies.

    The industrial policies 1948, 1956, 1980,

    1990 & 1991. Foreign Exchange Regulation Act


    Monopolistic & Restrictive Practices(MRTP) Act

    Structural Adjustment Programmes(SAPs) 1991.

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    4.4.Technological EnvironmentTechnological Environment The nature of technology used for productionThe nature of technology used for production

    of goods & services is an important factorof goods & services is an important factorresponsible for the success of a business firmresponsible for the success of a business firm..

    Technology consists of the type of machinesTechnology consists of the type of machinesand processes available for use by a firm andand processes available for use by a firm andthe way of doing things.the way of doing things.

    The improvement in technologyThe improvement in technology raises total factorraises total factor productivity of a firm and reduces of cost of productivity of a firm and reduces of cost ofoutputoutput..

    The use of a superior technology by a firm for itsThe use of a superior technology by a firm for itstransformation process determining its competitivetransformation process determining its competitivestrength.strength.

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    5. Demographic Environment

    Demographic environment includes the size

    of growth of population, life expectancyat birth, rural and urban distribution of

    population etc.

    All these demographic features have animportant bearing on the functioning of

    business firms.

    The demographic environment affectsboth the supply and demand sides of

    business organisations.

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    6.6.Natural environmentNatural environment Natural environment is theNatural environment is the ultimate sources ofultimate sources of

    many inputs such as raw-materials, energymany inputs such as raw-materials, energywhich business firms use in their productivewhich business firms use in their productive


    The availability of natural resources in a region isThe availability of natural resources in a region is

    a basic factor in determining business activity.a basic factor in determining business activity.

    Natural environment which includesNatural environment which includes

    geographical as well as ecological factorsgeographical as well as ecological factors

    minerals, oil resources, forest resourcesminerals, oil resources, forest resources.. Fore example, the availability of minerals such asFore example, the availability of minerals such as

    iron, coal etc in a region influence the location ofiron, coal etc in a region influence the location of

    certain industries in that region.certain industries in that region.

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    Global Business EnvironmentGlobal Business Environment The global environment refers to those globalThe global environment refers to those global

    factors which are relevant to business such asfactors which are relevant to business such asWTO principle & agreements, otherWTO principle & agreements, otherinternational conventions treaties, agreementinternational conventions treaties, agreementdeclaration & protocols etc.declaration & protocols etc.

    Economic conditionsEconomic conditions in other countries mayin other countries mayaffect the business.affect the business.

    International political factorsInternational political factors war, political war, politicaltension or uncertainties.tension or uncertainties.

    Developments in information &Developments in information &communication technologiescommunication technologies..

    Certain developments such as aCertain developments such as a hike in thehike in thecrude oil price have global impact.crude oil price have global impact.

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    Modern business is very much influencedModern business is very much influencedby global or international environment.by global or international environment.

    The increasing importance ofThe increasing importance ofliberalization, privatization &liberalization, privatization &globalization (LPG)globalization (LPG) has significant bearinghas significant bearingon business activities.on business activities.

    The establishment of GATT & later WTOThe establishment of GATT & later WTOhas profound impact on global businesshas profound impact on global businessenvironment.environment.

    The trade liberalization has offered manyThe trade liberalization has offered manyopportunities for business firms.opportunities for business firms.

    If the firm will have to beIf the firm will have to be efficient &efficient &

    dynamicdynamicto survive the global competition.to survive the global competition.

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    International Business Environment

    Internal Environment External Environment

    External MicroEnvironment

    External MacroEnvironment

    Value System

    Mission &


    Corporate culture

    Organisational structure

    Human Resource

    Physical Resources

    Share holders


    Bankers & FIs



    Market Intermediaries


    Social &






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    Evolution of international Business

    The origin of international business goes back

    to human civilization. The concept of international business is a

    broader concept relating to the integration of

    economies and societies.

    The first phases of globalization begin around1870 and ended with first world war 1919.

    This results by the industrial revolution in the UK,

    Germany & the USA. The colonial empires importing raw-material

    and exporting finished goods at higher prices.

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    Later stage, various govts initiated and imposed a

    number of barriers to trade to protect their

    domestic production that led to decline in traderatio.

    1913 22,1%

    1930 9.1%

    That leads severe set back to advanced countries. In addition to breakdown of the gold standard

    resulted severe set back on international trade.

    Therefore, world nations felt the need forinternational co-operation in global trade and

    BOP affairs.

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    These efforts resulted in the establishment

    of the IMF & IBRD

    After the second world war most of thecountries adopted protection policy to

    protect themselves.

    After Geneva Conference GATT hascame to picture in 1947.

    After concluded the Uruguay round WTO

    came into establish in 1995.

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    Drivers of Globalization

    Various economies including the former

    communist and socialist countries openedtheir economy with rest of the globe.

    The shifts in globalization and international

    business have been encourage to fast growth

    after 1990s.

    The external factors have been contributing

    significantly for the remarkable strides in

    global business. Globalisation influences on various aspects.

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    Establishment of WTO

    Regional Integration

    Decline in Trade Barriers

    Decline in Investment Barriers

    Increase in FDI

    Changes inTechnology

    Growth of MNCs

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    1. Establishment of World TradeOrganisation

    General Agreement on Trade and Tariff (GATT)concluded in the Uruguay round 15th

    December, 1994.

    Marrakesh Declaration 15th

    April 1994strengthen world trade through investment,

    employment and income growth.

    On 1st January 1995 WTO was established.

    The value of exports increased by 245% andimport increased by 1014% after establishment

    of WTO during 1995 & 2006.

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    2. Regional Integration Integration has developed as an alternative to

    the policy of free trade.

    It is an arrangement in which certain countrieshaving common economic interest and

    political system decide to reduce or removetariff and other trade barriers amongthemselves.

    The two essential features are free tradeamong the member countries and imposition of

    a common external tariff policy on non-members.

    The significant regional integrations includes European Union, NAFTA, ASEAN, SAARC,


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    1. EU European Union 1952 West Germany,France, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands & luxembourg.

    2. NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement -1989 - USA, Canada & Mexico.3. ASEAN The Association of South-east Asian

    Nations 1967 Singapore, Brunei, Malaysia,Philippines, Thailand & Indonesia.

    4. SAARC South Asian Association for RegionalCo-operation 1985 Indian, Bangladesh, Bhutan,Pakistan, Maldives, Nepal & Srilanka.

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    5.EFTA The European Free Trade Association 1960 Austria, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, &

    Switzerland.6. APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation

    1989 21 members Canada, Chile, China,

    China Republic, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan,

    Republic Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, New

    Zealand & Peru.

    7. MERCOSUR 1991 Argentina, Brazil,

    Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile & Bolivia.8. ANDEAN 1993 Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador,

    Peru & Venezuela

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    3. Declining Trade Barriers Another significant drivers of globalization is the

    declining trade barriers. Govts used to impose trade barriers like quotas

    and tariffs in order to protect domestic businessfrom the external business.

    Advanced countries after World War II agreedto reduce tariffs in order to encourage freeflow of goods.

    GATT in various rounds of negotiations

    agreed to reduce the tariff rates. Uruguay round negotiations contributed to

    further reduction of trade barriers to covermanufactured goods and services.

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    1913 1950 1990 2000

    USA 44% 14% 4.8% 3.9%

    Japan 30% 18% 5.3% 3.9%

    Declining Trade Barriers

    The bilateral treaties increased from 181 in 1980

    and 1,856 in 2000 among 160 countries.

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    4. Declining Investment Barriers

    Global business firms invest capital in order to

    establish manufacturing and other facilities inforeign countries.

    Foreign govts impose barriers on foreign

    investment in order to protect domestic industry.

    After the globalization policy, various countries

    have been removing these barriers on foreign

    direct investment in order to encourage the global

    business Various govt made 1,238 changes in the laws

    governing FDI between 1991 and 2007.

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    5. Growth in FDI

    Foreign direct investment means investment

    in a foreign country where the investor retainscontrol over the investment.

    There are a number of reasons for the growth

    of FDI in recent years. Increase in sales and profits

    Rapid growth of markets

    Reduce costs

    Consolidate trade blocs

    Protect domestic & foreign markets

    Acquire technology

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  • 8/6/2019 Overview of Global Theory and Practice


    6. Changes in Technology Technological change is amazing and phenomenal

    after 1980s. Infact, it is like a revolution in

    telecommunication, information technology,transportation technology.

    In addition, the latest developments in informationtechnology have enabled the global company todevelop.

    Micro-processors and Telecommunication

    Internet and worldwide webOn-line globalisation

    Transportation technology.

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    6. Growth of Multinational Companies

    A multinational corporation is anorganization doing business in more than

    one country.

    Transnational company produces, markets,

    invests and operates across the world.

    European Union - 163

    USA - 162

    Japan - 67

    Developing countries - 53

    India - 06

    Internal and international trade

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    Internal and international trade Internal trade is meant transactions taking place

    within the geographical boundaries of a nation

    or region domestic or intra regional or hometrade.

    International trade, on the other hand, is tradeamong different countries or trade across

    political frontiers. International trade, thus, refers to the exchange of

    goods and services between one country withother countries.

    In brief, trade between one nation with other nationis called international trade and trade within theterritory (political boundary) of a nation internaltrade.

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    Reasons for international trade

    1. Inter dependence of each and every


    2. Factor endowments in different

    countries in differ

    3. Technological advancementof different

    countries in differ

    4. Labour and entrepreneurial skills differs in

    different countries.

    5. Factors of production are highly

    immobile between countries.


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    Immobility of Factors

    Heterogeneous Markets

    Different National Groups

    Different Political Units

    Different NationalPolicy & Govt

    Different Currencies

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    1. immobility of Factors The degree of immobility of factors of production

    like labour & capital which is generally greaterbetween countries than within the country.

    Immigration laws, citizenship, qualifications

    etcoften restrict international mobility of labour.

    For instance, wages may be equal in Mumbai

    and Pune but not in Bombay & London.

    Prices of G/S similarity within the economy but at

    internationally differentiated - Dumping

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    2. Heterogeneous Markets

    In the international trade lack of

    homogeneity on account of differences inclimate, language, preferences, habit,customs, weights and measurementsetc.

    Socio-economic environment differs greatlybetween nations, while it is more or lessuniform within the country.

    Frederick List domestic trade is amongus and international trade is between us &them.

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    3. Different National Groups

    International trade is a phenomenon which occurs

    among different political units.4. Different Political Units.

    International trade occurs between different

    political units, while domestic trade occurs within

    the same political unit.

    The government in each country is keen about

    welfare of its own nations against that of the

    people of other countries. Hence, in international trade policies of each

    government tries to see its own interest at the cost

    of the other country.

    5 Diff t N ti l P li i & G t i t ti

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    5. Different National Policies & Govt interventions

    Economic & political policies differ from one country

    to another.

    Policies pertaining to trade, commerce, export &

    import, taxation etc also differ widely among countries

    through they are more or less uniform within the

    country. Tariff policy, import quota system, subsidies &

    other controls adopted by a government interfere

    with the course of normal trade between us & other


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    6. Different currencies

    Another notable feature of international

    trades is that it involves the use of differenttypes of currencies.

    So, each country has its own policy in

    regard to exchange rates and foreignexchange policies.

    That is why there is the problem of

    exchange rates & foreign exchange.

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    Internal and international trade or internal Internal trade is meant transactions taking place

    within the geographical boundaries of a nationor region domestic or intra regional or hometrade.

    International trade, on the other hand, is trade

    among different countries or trade acrosspolitical frontiers. International trade, thus, refers to the exchange of

    goods and services between one country withother countries.

    In brief, trade between one nation with other nationis called international trade and trade within theterritory (political boundary) of a nation internaltrade.

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    Reasons for international trade

    1. Inter dependence of each and every


    2. Differences in Factorendowments

    3. Differences in Technological


    4. Differences in Labour and entrepreneurial

    skills between the countries.

    5. Factors of production are highly

    immobile between countries.

    Diff b t d ti b i

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    Differences between domestic businessand international business

    Basically, domestic business andinternational business operate on similarlines.

    But there are certain differences betweenthese two business.

    The significant differences between thesetwo emerge from foreign exchange,

    quotas, tariff, regulations of a number ofgovernments, wide variations in cultureetc.

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    The classical economists argues that there

    were certain fundamental differences

    between internal and international businessAdam Smith, David Ricardo & J.S. Mill

    They propounded a separate theory of

    international trade. But modern economists like Bertil Ohlin &

    Haberler view and opine that the

    differences between interregional andinternational trade are of degree rather

    than of kind.

    Indicators International business Internal business

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    Factors ofProduction

    Perfectly immobile between thecountries

    Perfectly mobile withineach regions



    Greater differences between


    Not much differences

    between regionsGeographical &Climaticconditions

    Different geographical & climaticconditions

    Not much differences



    Language, usage, taste &

    preferences, weights andmeasurement

    Homogeneous in



    Different currencies Dollar,Pound, Yen etc.

    Single currency - Rupees

    Transport Cost More transport costs Less Transport costs

    BOP It is perpetual in internationaltrade

    No need of BOP



    Different national policies Homogeneous policy


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    Immobility of Factors

    Heterogeneous Markets

    Different National Groups

    Different Political Units

    Different NationalPolicy & Govt

    Different Currencies

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    2 H t M k t

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    2. Heterogeneous Markets

    In the international trade lack of

    homogeneity on account of differencesinclimate, language, preferences, habit,customs, weights and measurementsetc.

    Socio-economic environment differs greatlybetween nations, while it is more or lessuniform within the country.

    Frederick List domestic trade isamong us and international trade isbetween us & them.

    3 Diff t N ti l G

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    3. Different National Groups

    International trade is a phenomenon which occurs

    among different political units.4. Different Political Units.

    International trade occurs between different

    political units, while domestic trade occurs within

    the same political unit.

    The government in each country is keen about

    welfare of its own nations against that of the

    people of other countries. Hence, in international trade policies of each

    government tries to see its own interest at the cost

    of the other country.

    5 Different National Policies & Govt interventions

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    5. Different National Policies & Govt interventions

    Economic & political policies differ from one country

    to another.

    Policies pertaining to trade, commerce, export &

    import, taxation etc also differ widely among countries

    through they are more or less uniform within the

    country. Tariff policy, import quota system, subsidies &

    other controls adopted by a government interfere

    with the course of normal trade between us & other


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    6. Different currencies

    Another notable feature of international

    trades is that it involves the use of differenttypes of currencies.

    So, each country has its own policy in

    regard to exchange rates and foreignexchange policies.

    That is why there is the problem of

    exchange rates & foreign exchange.

    7 Problem of Balance of Payment

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    7. Problem of Balance of Payment

    Another important point which distinguishes

    international trade from interregional trade is theproblem of BOP.

    The problem of BOP is perpetual in international

    trade, while regions within a country have no such

    problem. This is because there is greater mobility of capital

    within regions than between countries.

    Further, the policies which a country chooses tocorrect its disequilibrium in the balance of

    payments may give rise to a number of other


    Advantages of international business

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    Advantages of international business1. High Living Standards

    2. Increased Socio-economic Welfare

    3. Wider Market4. Reduced Effects of Business Cycles

    5. Reduced Risks

    6. Large-scale economies

    7. Potential Untapped Markets

    8. Provides the Opportunity for and challenge todomestic business

    9. Division of labour and specialisation

    10.Economic growth of the world

    11.Optimum and proper utilization of world resources12.Cultural transformation

    13.Knitting the world into a closely interactive traditionalvillage.

    Disadvantages of international business

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    Disadvantages of international business

    1. Political Factors

    2. Huge Foreign Indebtedness

    3. Exchange Instability

    4. Entry Requirements

    5. Tariffs, Quotas and Trade Barriers

    6. Corruption

    7. Bureaucratic Practices of Government8. Technological Pirating

    9. Quality Maintenance

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    Theories of International TradeTheories of International Trade

    International trade becomes possible forInternational trade becomes possible for

    mutual benefit to the two countries due tomutual benefit to the two countries due to

    the differences in opportunity costs.the differences in opportunity costs.

    International trade between two countriesInternational trade between two countries

    can benefit both countries if each countrycan benefit both countries if each countryexports the goods in which is has aexports the goods in which is has a

    comparative advantage.comparative advantage.

    A number of theories have beenA number of theories have beendeveloped by the international economistsdeveloped by the international economists

    are -are -

    Theories of International TradeTheories of International Trade

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    Theories of International TradeTheories of International Trade

    1.1. MercantilismMercantilism

    2.2. Theory of Absolute Cost AdvantageTheory of Absolute Cost Advantage3.3. Comparative Cost Advantage TheoryComparative Cost Advantage Theory

    4.4. Comparative Cost Advantage with MoneyComparative Cost Advantage with Money

    5.5. Heckscher Ohlin TheoryHeckscher Ohlin Theory differences in differences infactors endowmentsfactors endowments

    6.6. Country Similarity TheoryCountry Similarity Theory

    7.7. Product Life Cycle TheoryProduct Life Cycle Theory

    8.8. Global Strategic Rivalry TheoryGlobal Strategic Rivalry Theory

    1 Mercantilism1 Mercantilism

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    1. Mercantilism1. Mercantilism Mercantilism is the oldest international tradeMercantilism is the oldest international trade

    theory during 1500 1800.theory during 1500 1800.

    According to this theory the holdings of aAccording to this theory the holdings of acountrys treasure primarily in the form ofcountrys treasure primarily in the form of goldgoldconstituted its wealth.constituted its wealth.

    This theory specifies that countries shouldThis theory specifies that countries shouldexport more than they importexport more than they import & receive the& receive thevalue of trade surplus in the form of gold fromvalue of trade surplus in the form of gold fromthose countries which experience trade deficits.those countries which experience trade deficits.

    Government imposed restrictions on imports &Government imposed restrictions on imports &encouraged exports in order to prevent tradeencouraged exports in order to prevent tradedeficit & experience trade surplus.deficit & experience trade surplus.

    Colonial powers like the British used toColonial powers like the British used to

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    Colonial powers like the British used toColonial powers like the British used totrade with colonies like India, Srilanka etc.trade with colonies like India, Srilanka etc.

    By importing the raw-materials from &By importing the raw-materials from &exporting the finished goods to colonies.exporting the finished goods to colonies.

    The colonies had to export less valuedThe colonies had to export less valuedgoods & import more valued goods.goods & import more valued goods.

    The theory benefited the colonial powersThe theory benefited the colonial powers& caused much discontent in the colonies.& caused much discontent in the colonies.

    This theory was criticized by Adam SmithThis theory was criticized by Adam Smith

    & developed new theory of absolute cost& developed new theory of absolute costadvantage different cost of productionadvantage different cost of productionleads the international trade.leads the international trade.

    2 Theory of Absolute Cost Advantage2 Theory of Absolute Cost Advantage

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    2. Theory of Absolute Cost Advantage2. Theory of Absolute Cost Advantage

    Adam Smith proposedAdam Smith proposed Absolute Cost Absolute Cost

    Advantage Theory of International TradeAdvantage Theory of International Trade in hisin hisPublication Publication An Enquiry into nature and causesAn Enquiry into nature and causes

    of Wealth of Nation in 1776of Wealth of Nation in 1776..

    He explain aboutHe explain about reason for international tradereason for international trade

    between two countriesbetween two countries in terms of absolute costin terms of absolute costadvantage.advantage.

    He assumed that the cost of the commoditiesHe assumed that the cost of the commodities

    was determined by the relative amounts of labourwas determined by the relative amounts of labour

    involved in their production.involved in their production.

    Free trade promote international division ofFree trade promote international division of

    labour and specialisationlabour and specialisation..

    Assumptions of the law

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    p1. 2 x 2 Model two countries and two commodities

    A & B Countries X & Y commodities.

    2. Labour is the only factors of production.3. A policy ofLaissez faire is advocated absence

    of govt intervention.

    4. Perfect competition existed in both commodity

    and factor market.5. All labour were assumed to be homogenous equal skills and efficient.

    6. Factors of Production are perfectly mobile

    within the countrybut perfectly immobilebetween different countries.

    7. Ignores transport costs.8. There is no trade cycles in the economy.

    International trade would be beneficial for a

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    country to exports products to thosecountries where these products could not be

    produced at lower rates. The trade between the countries would result in

    allocation of the resources in the world and henceproductivity will boost.

    Trade between them will take place if each of thetwo countries has absolutely lower cost in theproduction one of these commodity.

    A country will export that commodity in the

    production of which it has an absolute costadvantage and import that commodity inwhich it has absolute cost disadvantage.

    Table: 1 Absolute Costs Differences

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    CountryCountry Commodity XCommodity X Commodity YCommodity Y

    AA 1010 55

    BB 55 1010

    Table: 1 Absolute Costs Differences

    A = 10X or 5 Y = 15

    B = 5X or 10 Y = 15

    (one unit of labour)

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    A has an absolute advantage in theA has an absolute advantage in the

    production of X i.e., 10X > 5Y.production of X i.e., 10X > 5Y.

    B has an absolute advantage in theB has an absolute advantage in the

    production of Y i.e., 10Y > 5Xproduction of Y i.e., 10Y > 5X

    10 X of A10 X of A_____________ > 1 >5 X of B

    5 Y of A______________

    10 Y of B

    After trade contractAfter trade contract

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    After trade contractAfter trade contract Trade between the two countries will benefit bothTrade between the two countries will benefit both

    if A specialise in the production of X & B in theif A specialise in the production of X & B in theproduction of Yproduction of Y



    before tradebefore trade

    Production afterProduction after


    Gains from tradeGains from trade


    AA 1010 55 2020 -- +10+10 -5-5

    BB 55 1010 -- 2020 -5-5 +10+10TotalTotal

    ProductionProduction1515 1515 2020 2020 +5+5 +5+5

    Table: 2 Gain from trade

    Th b t bl l th t b f t d b th

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    The above table reveals that before trade both

    countries produce only 15 units each of the two

    commodities by applying one labour unit on eachcommodity.

    A were to specialise in producing commodity X

    and use both units of labour on it, its total

    production will be 20 units of X.

    Similarly, if B were to specialise in the production

    of Y alone, its total production will be 20 units of

    Y. The combined gain to both countries from trade

    will be 5 units each of X and Y.

    Chart: Absolute Cost Differences

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    XB XA






    X CommodityO X


    Chart: Absolute Cost Differences

    OXA > OXB country A

    OYB > OXA - country B

    Before tradeBefore trade

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    Before tradeBefore trade

    Both countries produce only 15 units eachBoth countries produce only 15 units each

    of the two commodity by using one unit onof the two commodity by using one unit oneach commodity.each commodity.

    After tradeAfter trade

    A country were specialise in producingA country were specialise in producingcommodity X with 20 unitscommodity X with 20 units

    B country were specialise in the productionB country were specialise in the production

    of Y with 20 units of Yof Y with 20 units of Y The combined gain to both countries fromThe combined gain to both countries from

    trade will be 5 units each of X & Y.trade will be 5 units each of X & Y.

    Criticism of the theory

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    1. No Absolute Advantage One country shouldbe able to produce at least one product at a

    comparatively low cost. But in reality most of thedeveloping countries do not have absoluteadvantage of producing any product at the lowestcost.

    2. Country Size countries vary in size. Thistheory does not deal with country by countrydifferences in specialisation.

    3. Variety of Resources though these areseveral resources like labour, technology andnatural resources, this theory deals with onlylabour and ignores all other resources.

    4 Transport cost though the cost of

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    4. Transport cost though the cost oftransportation plays a significant role in

    international trade, this theory ignored thisaspect.

    5. Large scale economies large scale

    economies reduces the cost of production &form of part of the absolute advantage.

    6. Absolute Advantage for many products

    some countries may have absoluteadvantage for many products for example

    Japan, USA, France & U.K. etc.

    3 Theory of Comparative Cost Advantage3 Theory of Comparative Cost Advantage

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    3. Theory of Comparative Cost Advantage3. Theory of Comparative Cost Advantage

    The classical theory of the international trade, alsoThe classical theory of the international trade, also

    known as theknown as the theory of comparative coststheory of comparative costs.. The Comparative Cost Theory was firstThe Comparative Cost Theory was first

    systamatically formulated by the Englishsystamatically formulated by the English

    economist David Ricardo in his Publicationeconomist David Ricardo in his Publication

    entitledentitled Principles of Political Economy &Principles of Political Economy &Taxation 1817.Taxation 1817.

    It was later refined byIt was later refined by J.S. Mill, Marshall,J.S. Mill, Marshall,

    TaussingTaussing& Others.& Others. According to David Ricardo,According to David Ricardo, it is not the absoluteit is not the absolute

    but the comparative differences in costbut the comparative differences in cost thatthat

    determine trade relations between two countries.determine trade relations between two countries.

    Ricardo states that the countries could beRicardo states that the countries could be

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    Ricardo states that the countries could beRicardo states that the countries could bebenefited by trade even when a country couldbenefited by trade even when a country could

    produce both the commodities at less labour produce both the commodities at less labour

    cost than the other country.cost than the other country. Production costs differ in countries because ofProduction costs differ in countries because of

    geographical condition, division of labour &geographical condition, division of labour &specialisation in production, climatespecialisation in production, climate

    conditions, natural resources & efficiency ofconditions, natural resources & efficiency oflabour of a countrylabour of a country can produce one commoditycan produce one commodityat a lower cost than the other.at a lower cost than the other.

    One country has a comparative advantage inOne country has a comparative advantage in

    the production of both the commodities whilethe production of both the commodities whileother country has a comparative lessother country has a comparative lessdisadvantage in the production of onedisadvantage in the production of onecommoditycommodity..

    As long as the cost ratios differ, both countriesAs long

    as the cost ratios differ, both countries

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    g ,ggain from trade, regardless of the fact that one ofgain from trade, regardless of the fact that one ofthe countries might have an absolutethe countries might have an absolute

    disadvantage in the production of both thedisadvantage in the production of both thecommodities.commodities.

    Therefore, when a country develop trade link withTherefore, when a country develop trade link withsome other country, it willsome other country, it will export thoseexport those

    commodities in which their comparativecommodities in which their comparative productions costs are low, productions costs are low, && will import thosewill import thosecommodities in which its comparativecommodities in which its comparativeproduction cost are high.production cost are high.

    This is theThis is the basis of international tradebasis of international trade.. He assumed Portugal and England as the twoHe assumed Portugal and England as the twocountries and Wine and Cloth as the twocountries and Wine and Cloth as the twocommodities they produced.commodities theyproduced.

    Assumptions of the theoryAssumptions of the theory

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    1.1. There are onlyThere are only two countriestwo countries A & B or A & B or

    England & Portugal.England & Portugal.

    2.2. They produce theThey produce the same two commoditiessame two commodities say,say,

    Wine & Cloth X & Y commodities.Wine & Cloth X & Y commodities.

    3.3. There areThere are similar tastessimilar tastes in both the countriesin both the countries

    4.4. Labour is the onlyLabour is the only factor of productionfactor of production..5.5. TheThe supply of labour is unchangedsupply of labour is unchanged..

    6.6. All units ofAll units oflabour are homogeneouslabour are homogeneous..

    7.7. Prices of two commodities are determined byPrices of two commodities are determined bylabour cost.labour cost.

    Assumptions of the theoryAssumptions of the theory

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    Assumptions of the theoryAssumptions of the theory

    8. Commodities are produced under the8. Commodities are produced under the law oflaw of

    constant cost or returns.constant cost or returns.9.9. Technological knowledgeTechnological knowledge is unchanged.is unchanged.

    10. Factors of production are10. Factors of production are perfectly mobile perfectly mobile

    within each country,within each country, but are perfectlybut are perfectlyimmobile between countries.immobile between countries.

    11.11. No transport costsNo transport costs are involved.are involved.

    12. All the12. All the factors of production fully employedfactors of production fully employed

    in both the countries.in both the countries.

    Explanation of the theoryExplanation of the theory

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    p yp y Ricardo shows that trade is possible betweenRicardo shows that trade is possible between

    two countries when one country has antwo countries when one country has an

    absolute advantage in the production of bothabsolute advantage in the production of both

    commodities, but a comparative advantage incommodities, but a comparative advantage in

    the production of one commodity than in thethe production of one commodity than in the


    CountryCountry WineWine ClothCloth

    EnglandEngland 120120 100100

    PortugalPortugal 8080 9090

    Table: 1 Man-Years of Labour Required forproducing one unit

    The production of a unit of Wine in EnglandThe production of a unit of Wine in England

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    The production of a unit of Wine in EnglandThe production of a unit of Wine in England

    requires 120 men for a year, while a unit ofrequires 120 men for a year, while a unit of

    Cloth requires 100 men for the sameCloth requires 100 men for the sameperiod.period.

    On the other hand, the production of theOn the other hand, the production of the

    same quantities of Wine & Cloth in Portugalsame quantities of Wine & Cloth in Portugalrequires 80 & 90 men respectively.requires 80 & 90 men respectively.

    Thus, England uses more labour thanThus, England uses more labour than

    Portugal in producing both wine & cloth.Portugal in producing both wine & cloth. In other words, the Portuguese labour isIn other words, the Portuguese labour is

    more efficient than the English labour inmore efficient than the English labour in

    producing both the products.producing both the products.

    So Portugal possesses an absolute advantage inSo Portugal possesses an absolute advantage in

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    both wine and cloth.both wine and cloth.

    But Portugal would benefit more by producing wineBut Portugal would benefit more by producing wine

    & exporting it to England because it possess greater& exporting it to England because it possess greatercomparative advantage in it (80/120 men).comparative advantage in it (80/120 men).

    On the other hand, England interest to specialise inOn the other hand, England interest to specialise in

    the production of cloth in which it has the leastthe production of cloth in which it has the least

    comparative disadvantage.comparative disadvantage.

    This is because the cost of production of cloth inThis is because the cost of production of cloth in

    England in less (100/90 men) as compared withEngland in less (100/90 men) as compared with

    wine (120/80 men).wine (120/80 men). Thus, trade is beneficial for both the countries. TheThus, trade is beneficial for both the countries. The

    comparative advantage position of both the country.comparative advantage position of both the country.

    Diagrammatically representation

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    G R L


    g y p

    O X


    ER parllel to PL

    PL Production Possibility curve Portugal

    EG - Production Possibility curve EnglandER Parllal to PL

    PL is the production possibility curve of Portugal, & EG thatPL is the production possibility curve of Portugal, & EG thatf E l df E l d

  • 8/6/2019 Overview of Global Theory and Practice


    of England.of England.

    Portugal enjoys an absolute advantage in the production ofPortugal enjoys an absolute advantage in the production of

    both Wine & Cloth over England.both Wine & Cloth over England. It produces OL of Wine & OP of Cloth as against OG ofIt produces OL of Wine & OP of Cloth as against OG ofWine & OE of Cloth produced by England.Wine & OE of Cloth produced by England.

    But the slope ER (parallel to PL) reveals that Portugal hasBut the slope ER (parallel to PL) reveals that Portugal hasgreater comparative advantage in the production of Winegreater comparative advantage in the production of Wine

    because if it gives up the resources required to produce OEbecause if it gives up the resources required to produce OEof Cloth.of Cloth.

    It can produce OR of Wine which is greater than OG ofIt can produce OR of Wine which is greater than OG ofWine of England.Wine of England.

    On the other hand, England had the least comparativeOn the other hand, England had the least comparativedisadvantage in the production of OE Cloth.disadvantage in the production of OE Cloth.

    Thus, Portugal will export OR of Wine to England inThus, Portugal will export OR of Wine to England inexchange for OE of Cloth from her.exchange for OE of Cloth from her.

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    The table shows that the domestic exchangeThe table shows that the domestic exchange

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    ratio in England is one unit of Cloth 0.83 unitsratio in England is one unit of Cloth 0.83 units

    of Wine and in Portugal one unit of Wine 0.83of Wine and in Portugal one unit of Wine 0.83

    units of cloth.units of cloth. If we assume the exchange ratio between theIf we assume the exchange ratio between the

    two countries to be 1 unit of Cloth 1 unit oftwo countries to be 1 unit of Cloth 1 unit of

    Wine.Wine. England would gain 0.17 (1 0.83 + 0.17) unit ofEngland would gain 0.17 (1 0.83 + 0.17) unit of

    Wine by exporting one unit of Cloth to Portugal.Wine byexporting one unit of Cloth to Portugal.

    Similarly the gain to Portugal by exporting oneSimilarlythe gain to Portugal by exporting one

    unit of Wine to England will be 0.11 (1 0.89 +unit of Wine to England will be 0.11 (1 0.89 +0.11) unit of cloth.0.11) unit of cloth.

    Thus trade is beneficial for both countriesThus trade is beneficial for both countries

    Domestic Exchange Rate between Portugal and England

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    O B




    (0.83)W2 W1


    C1W2 1 unit of cloth = 0.83

    W1C2 1 unit of wine = 0.89

    C1W1 1 unit cloth & 1 unit of wine

    England Gain = W2W1 0.17 wine

    Portugal Gain = C2C1 - 0.11 - cloth

    The line C1W

    2depicts the domestic

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    1 2p

    exchange ratio 1 unit of cloth = 0.83 unit

    of Wine of England. The line W


    2that Portugal at the

    domestic exchange ratio 1 unit of Wine= 0.89 unit of Cloth.

    The line C1W

    1shows the exchange rate

    of trade of 1 unit of cloth = 1 unit of winebetween the two countries.

    At this exchange rate, England gainW


    1(0.17 unit) of wine while Portugal

    gains C2C

    1(0.11 unit) of cloth.

    Criticisms of comparative cost analysisCriticisms of comparative cost analysis

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    p yp y

    1.1. Unrealistic Assumption of Labour costUnrealistic Assumption of Labour cost

    2.2. No similar tastesNo similar tastes3.3. Ignores transport costsIgnores transport costs

    4.4. Factors are not perfectly mobile internallyFactors are not perfectly mobile internally

    5.5. Unrealistic two country & two commodities modelUnrealistic two country & two commodities model

    6.6. Assumption of free trade is not realisticAssumption of free trade is not realistic

    7.7. Assumption of full employment is not realisticAssumption of full employment is not realistic

    8.8. Ignores the role of technologyIgnores the role of technology

    9.9. One sided theoryOne sided theory

    10.10. Complete specialisation is impossible.Complete specialisation is impossible.

    4. Modern Theory of International Trade4. Modern Theory of International Trade

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    The Modern Theory of International TradeThe Modern Theory of International Tradewas advocated and developed by twowas advocated and developed by two

    Swedish economists Swedish economists Heckscher and BertilHeckscher and BertilOhlin.Ohlin.

    Bertin Ohlin in his famous bookBertin Ohlin in his famous book Inter-Inter-regional & International Traderegional & International Trade - (1933)- (1933)

    criticised the classical theory of internationalcriticised the classical theory of internationaltrade and formulated the General Equilibriumtrade and formulated the General Equilibriumof International trade.of International trade.

    Therefore, it is popularly known asTherefore, it is popularly known as Heckscher-Heckscher-Ohlin theory of trade (H.O. Therom)Ohlin theoryof trade (H.O. Therom)

    It is also known asIt is also known as Factor Endowment orFactor Endowment orFactory Intensity Theory.FactoryIntensity Theory.

    Factor Endowments means land, capital,Factor Endowments means land, capital,natural resources, labour, climate etc.natural resources, labour, climate etc.

    For example Argentina and Australia have

    l d I di d P ki t h

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    more land, India and Pakistan have an

    abundant supply of labour & USA and U.K

    plenty of capital. Hence, Argentina and Australia produce more

    of land intensive goods, India and Pakistan

    more labour intensive goods & USA and UK produce more capital intensive goods.

    According to Heckscher Ohlin differences

    in the distribution of factor endowments are

    responsible for differences in factor price andtherefore in the prices of goods and services

    in different countries.

    Trade results from differences in factor

    d t i diff t t i l d t

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    endowments in different countries leads to

    differences in prices of commodities.

    Some countries have much capital others

    have much labour.

    The theory says that countries that are rich in

    capital will export capital intensive goods and Countries that have much labour will export

    labour-intensive goods.

    Thus, the main cause of trade between

    regions is the difference in prices of

    commodities based on relative factor

    endowments and factors prices.

    Assumptions of the theoryAssumptions of the theory

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    Assumptions of the theoryAssumptions of the theory

    1.1. It is 2 X 2 X 2 modelIt is 2 X 2 X 2 model - there are two countries- there are two countries

    (A & B), two commodities (X & Y) & two factors(A & B), two commodities (X & Y) & two factorsof production (capital & labour).of production (capital & labour).

    2.2. There isThere is perfect competition in commodityperfect competition in commodityasas

    well aswell as factor marketsfactor markets..3.3. There isThere is full employment of resourcesfull employment of resources..

    4.4. Country A is capital abundant & country B isCountry A is capital abundant & country B is

    rich in labourrich in labour

    5.5. There is perfect mobility of factors withinThere is perfect mobility of factors within

    each region but internationally they areeach region but internationally they are


    Assumptions of the theory.Assumptions of the theory.

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    p yp y

    6. There are6. There are no transport costno transport cost..

    7. There is7. There is free & unrestricted trade betweenfree & unrestricted trade betweenthe two countries.the two countries.

    8. There are8. There are constant returns to scaleconstant returns to scale in thein the

    production of each commodity in each region.production of each commodity in each region.9. There is9. There is no change in technologicalno change in technological


    10.10. Demand conditions are identicalDemand conditions are identical in bothin both

    the countries.the countries.

    Explanation of H.O. Therom

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    Heckscher and Ohlin states that,

    immediate cause of international tradeis the differences in relative commodityprices caused by differences in relativedemand and supply factors as a result

    of differences in factor endowmentsbetween the two countries.

    Fundamentally, the relative scarcity of

    factors and unequally distributedbetween countries leads to differentrelative prices of commodities.

    Production functions are different for

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    different commodities capital intensive production function and labouintensive production function.

    International trade responsible due todifferences in the relative prices of

    commodities. Two main causes responsible for diversity

    of production conditions

    1. Differences in terms of distribution of factors ofproduction

    2. Differences in the ratio of participation of thesefactors of production

    Ohlin in his views General Equilibrium

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    Theory of cost of the factors of productiondepends on conditions of supply andconditions of demand.

    According to modern theory, theimmediate cause of international trade is

    the differences in relative prices ofcommodities in the two countries.

    Differences in commodity prices between

    the countries due to differences infactors endowments of differentcountries.

    Relative differences in the relative factor

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    endowments of different countries and

    different factor intensities for theproduction of different commodities.

    The theory is usually formulated interms of two factor model labour and

    capital are the two factor of production. The proposition is that capital rich

    countries export capital - intensive

    goods & Labour - rich countries export labour

    intensive goods.

    Factor abundance in terms of factor prices

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    O X













    In the figure xx and yy is the isoquants for two

  • 8/6/2019 Overview of Global Theory and Practice


    g yy q

    goods X and Y respectively.

    There are two types of factors intensity commodity X and Y represents capital and

    labour intensity.

    There are two types of countries A & B. A is the

    relatively capital abundant & B is labourabundant countries.

    The capital abundant country A will produced

    with OA of capital & OB of labour. B country has labour abundant will produce OA


    of capital and OB2of labour.

    S i it f H O thS i it f H O th

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    Superiority of H.O theory overSuperiority of H.O theory over

    classical theoryclassical theory1.1. International trade a special caseInternational trade a special case

    2.2. General equilibrium theory.General equilibrium theory.

    3.3. Two factors of production 2 X 2 X 2Two factors of production 2 X 2 X 24.4. Differences in factor suppliesDifferences in factor supplies

    5.5. Differences in factor endowmentsDifferences in factor endowments

    6.6. Complete specialisation.Complete specialisation.

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    6. International Product Life Cycle Theory International product life cycle theory developed by

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    International product life cycle theory developed byRaymond Vernon & Lewis. T.Wells - 1966

    PLC theory states that the development of a newproduct moves through a cycle or a series of stages inthe course of its development.

    And also get comparative advantage changes as it

    moves through the cycle. According to this theory of a new product is first

    manufactured and marketed in a developed countrylike - USA.

    Because, certain favourable factors such as largemarket, enterpreneurship, R & D etc.

    The product is then exported to other developedcountries.

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    High IncomeCountries

    Middle IncomeCountries

    Low IncomeCountries

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    Xerox origninally introduced photocopierinthe USA It later spread the manufacturing

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    the USA. It later spread the manufacturing

    facilities in Japan (Fuji-Xerox). Great Britain

    (Rank Xerox) & India (Modi Xerox).

    Xerox USA Japan UK India





    According to Vernon, firms establish manufacturingfacilities in foreign countries, when the product

    h i i h h Th

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    reaches maturity stage in the home country. Theyinvest in low cost countries when cost becomes a

    competitive edge. As competition increases in these markets,

    manufacturing facilities are established there tocater to these markets & also to export to the

    developing countries. As the product becomes standardised &competition further intensifies, manufacturingfacilities are established in developing countries tolower production costs & due to other reasons.

    The developed country markets may also beserviced by exports form the production units in thedeveloping countries.

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    Stage I


    Stage III

    Stage IV





    Chart : International Product Life Cycle (PLC) Theory

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  • 8/6/2019 Overview of Global Theory and Practice


    About 95% of innovations take place in

    i d t i ll d d t i

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    industrially advanced countries.

    This is mostly due to severe competition,customer demands, availability of R & D.

    During this stage the firms sell most part of

    their product in domestic country and a

    limited part in other countries.

    Microsoft sold most part of its innovated

    software in the USA and the remaining part

    in various countries including India.

    2. Stage II Growth Increase in the sales of the new product attracts

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    Increase in the sales of the new product attractsthe competitors.

    At the same time, the increased awareness ofthe new product in various countriesparticularly in advanced countries increases thedemand for the product.

    Further innovation in product, costreduction, market process etc.

    There is mass production and distribution of

    the new product. The innovating countries continues to have a

    monopoly in producing and exporting theproduct.

    3. Stage III Maturity Worldwide production increases during this

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    Worldwide production increases during thisstage along with the demand for the product -

    resulting in decline in exports. Increased competition results in increased

    product standardization & cost reduction.

    Producers start gaining the economies of scale

    reducing the cost of production per unit. The lower per unit cost of production results in

    exports to developing countries.

    At this stage technology becomes standard.

    Therefore, the producers start locating of theirplants in developing countries in order to takethe advantage of lower costs.

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    Product Life-Cycle Theory

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    Fig 4.5

    Product life cycle theory

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    Diagrammatically representation

    The chart explains the possible international trade

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    The chart explains the possible international trade

    patterns in the life cycle of a new product.

    OX and OY axis measures time and sales volume


    The figure shows three sets of curves The uppermost

    set of curves relates to the innovating country, themiddle set to other advancedcountries, and the lowest

    set to the less developed countries.

    The uppermost set of curves relating to the innovating

    country In the first stage, when the new product is

    introduced, it is consumed in the domestic market, and

    small portion exported to other advanced countries.

    The middle set of curves shows that otheradvanced countries having started the

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    g production of the new product continue toincrease its production upto the maturing

    product stage and then become net exportersof the product in the standardised productstage.

    The lowest set of curves relating to less

    developed countries shows that suchcountries continue to import the productthroughout the three product stages. It is,however, in the maturing product stage thatthey start its production and become its netexporters very late in the last stage when the

    product actually becomes old in advancedcountries.

    Theories of International Investment

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    1.Theory of Capital Movement

    2.Market Imperfections Theory

    3.Internationalisation Theory

    4.Appropriability Theory5.Location Specific Advantage Theory

    6.International Product Life Cycle Theory

    7.Eclectic Theory

    1. Theory of Capital Movement

    Th l i l li t th ti i d l d

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    The classical or earliest theoreticians, developed

    theory of capital movement of international


    The classical or tradition, assumes that, the

    existence of a perfectly competitive market.

    Foreign investment in the form factor movementto take advantage of the differential profit.

    Charles Kindleberger, Stated that, under perfect

    competition, foreign direct investment would notoccur & that would be unlikely to occusing world

    where in the conditions were even approximately


    2. Market Imperfections Theory Th k t i f ti th f f i

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    The market imperfections theory of foreigninvestment was advocated by Stephen in 1960,under monopolistic advantage theory.

    According to this theory, foreign directinvestment occurred largely in oligopolisticindustries rather than industries operatingunder near perfect competition.

    Hymer, suggested that, decision of firm to investin foreign markets was based on certainadvantages the firm possessed over the localfirms (foreign country).

    Economies of scale, superior technology,production, marketing & finance.

    3. Internationalisation Theory

    According to the internationalisation theory

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    According to the internationalisation theory

    which is an extension of the market

    imperfections theory.

    Foreign investment results from the decision of a

    firm to internalise the firm specific advantage like

    a superior knowledge production, marketing,HRM.

    Internationalisation include formal ways &

    informal ways.

    Formal ways patents & copy rights

    Informal ways Secrecy & family networks

    4. Appropriability Theory

    According to the Appropriability Theory a

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    According to the Appropriability Theory, afirm should be able to appropriate the

    benefits resulting from a technology, it hasgenerated.

    If this condition is not satisfied, the firm

    would not be able to bear the cost oftechnology generation & therefore, wouldhave no incentive for Research &Development (R & D)..

    MNCs tend to specialise in developing newtechnologies which are transmittedefficiently through their internal channe