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Industry Theory and Practice Forecasting Project Spring 2013 Allyson Tonge-Mack

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Industry Theory and PracticeForecasting Project Spring 2013Allyson Tonge-Mack

Page 2: Industry Theory Practice

Sase and Bide Spring 2010

I would describe this collection with the words: edgy, dark, and smoggy. I say this because the colors mainly include a variety of grey monochromatic colors and black. The clothing gives off a very constricted feeling by the modern ruffs that gather around the neck tightly and the tight waist belts.


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Sase and Bide Spring 2011

I would describe this collection with the words: vibrant, adven-turous, and new. I say this because the colors are all very bright and bold. It definitely gives this the clothing a playful feeling with the bright colors and asymmetrical shapes. It’s as if the clothes have an energy of their own.


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Logical ThoughtsTo explain why Sase and Bide 2010 and 2011 collections were so different I did extra research. I examined what was going on in the

world around the time each collection was presented. To my surprise I saw how worldly events influenced the runway.

April, Spring 2010 Obama announces that he is going to be revising the American nuclear strategy and the creation of new nuclear weapons. This of course begins to concern the people of the U.S. because they do not want to draw any attention to their nation.

Especially after 9/11, and all the terrorist attack people are tense, trying to stay shelter, and feel very limited to the things they can do. Which explains the Sase and Bide Spring 2010 collection. The edgy look with the grey monochromatic, chalky, and black colors. The

modern style ruffs around the neck that seem tight and constricting all fit the mood of this point in time.

June, Spring 2011 a law is passed to allow gay and lesbian marriage in New York. Now New York is the largest state that supports same-sex marriage. It is good news to members of gay communities, people who support them, and the national-gay rights move-

ment. This begins other “coming out” and being proud of who you are movements. Influencing people’s positive new attitude on the world around them. People are much happier, want to be out and about, and feel comfortable speaking their minds again. With Sase

and Bides Spring 2011 collections definitely expresses these emotions. The asymmetrical shapes, vibrant, and bold colors shout joyful, and fun. Even thought each piece of clothing looks slightly different, they all say, “hey look at me.”

Sase and Bide Spring 2010 and 2011 collection ideas probably weren’t based specifically because of Obama or same-sex marriage legalized in New York. But, it could also be something that subconsciously happens when designers make a collection. Whether

they realize it or not, a designers collection normally portrays a dark glumpy mood verses a bright happy mood of the people in their society or globally.


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TrendThe going aboard trend will unfold an exotic world of clothing for consumers to buy this upcoming spring 2013. They will become more open-minded to bold prints, patterns, embroidery, and colors from a varity of cultures. This movement begins changing the way consumers socially interact. Making them more willing to communicate with people around the globe after experiencing this trend. Sooner or later consumers realize that interracial friendship/relationships and mixed-races are not so usual anymore. Trend has a modern, tribal, and spirited vibe.

DriverThe driving forces that contribute to this trend is the consumer will not become or no lon-ger be apart of America’s melting pot society. These trends allow the consumers to express themselves, and explore many cultural aspects of clothing. Consumers wouldn’t assimilate to what their societies typical look. Opening their wardrobe to plenty of playful colors and bold patterns. For consumers who have never left the U.S. wearing these pieces of clothing lets them feel as if they’ve traveled around the world.

Consumer BehaviorBehaviors that are key to this trend are to encourage the consumers to travel to foreign countries. Doing so can broaden their horizons from styles of clothing to ethnical backgrounds. Many people who experience most of these things are considered well-rounded individuals, and receive better job opportunities.


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Deco Yellow

Island Blue

Light Aqua

Misty Violet

Pumpkin Orange

Raspberry Red


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Rayon Brocade Cotton Guaze

Silk Habotai Cotton Interlock JerseyLightweight Cotton Denim


I choose fabrics that I thought would be great to wear in the spring also to portray the bold colors well.

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African/Indian/Native Patterns And Prints


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TrendThe organic trend will convert consumers to a healthier lifestyle from the foods they eat to the way they treat the environment. This trend will persuade customers to begin buying natural fruits, vegetables, grains, and even natural fabrics. Even though it’s a bit pricy, consumers must realize how much happier their lives will become after this transformation. From there that must decide if they are willing to maintain this organic lifestyle. Trend has an earth bound, go green, and natural feeling.

DriverThe driving forces that are contributing to this trend is the customers need to stop eating unhealthy processed foods and harming the environment. Customers need to try or at least observe an organic lifestyle. Once this happens, other things become factors such as: recycling, and/or going green to protect the environment to maintain an extremely organic lifestyle.

Consumer BehaviorBehaviors that are key to this trend are to inspire the consumer to limit their clothing to organic fabrics, and eating organic foods. A consumer who supports, and lives by the eco movement would fit well with this trend. These trends are a free-spirited, lifestyle where consumers are happy, and always willing to make a change.

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Mahogany Red

Grainy Brown

Cold Stone

Pale Wheat

Carrot Top Orange

Mustard Seed Yellow


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Medium Weight Linen Pińa Polyester Blend

Cotton Crepon100% Cotton Denim3

I choose organic light weight fab-rics for this trend also keeping in mind that it is spring.

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Loose Blouse Neutral vibe with still a pop of earthy colors

Loose Fitted Cargos

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Trend DescriptionThe futuristic trend will make the consumer feel like he or she is stepping into a new millennium. With a hint of metallic colors, sequins, and sheer fabrics customers will feel like a brand new person. Asym-metrical shapes of garments will also be included in this trend to give it a more abstract look. Consum ers will sense that my futuristic trend will give a reborn, abstract and sheik vibe.

DriverThe driving forces that are contributing to this trend is the buyer will begin thinking and questioning their future more. Consumers walk into this mystery world not knowing what to expect, but up for exploring it. In this new world of clothing consumers will also realize the more advances technology, and everyday structures. Garments and buildings beings symmetrical will be outdated. The upgrades will be of metallic, stainless steels, and abstract forms.

Consumer BehaviorBehaviors that are key to this trend are to force the consumer to think about their future. Having the consumer question: What fashion would look like in the future? This trend will encourage them to take their style/wardrobe to the next level. Also have the consumer up to date with technical and architectural structures that lead to the future.


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Olive Green

Blue Violet

Warm Black




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Sequin Nylon Organza

Silk Satin


I choose shiny, sheer fabrics for this trend also keeping them light weight for the spring.

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Asymmetrical Forms


Metallic Colors Sheer Fabrics

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“April 2010 Current Events: U.S. News.” infoplease. Pearson Education, Inc., n.d. Web. 28, February 2012. At google images, 2012. Web. 28, February 2012.

“June 2011 Current Events: U.S. News.” infoplease. Pearson Education, Inc., n.d. Web. 28, February 2012. At notcot now viewing: Wearable, 2012. Web. 28, February 2012. At pinterest search bar, 2012. Web. 28, February 2012. At styles: Fashion Shows, 2012. Web. 28, February 2012.