overreaction or appropriate

Overreaction or Appropriate By: Max Gasvoda Some players are forgetting the words “Safety First.” How to Learn More And Reply to this Article... Pick a side What is a concussion? Small Steps My wallet seems thinner James Harrison putting a ferocious hit on Mohamed Massaquoi.

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Overreaction or Appropriate. By: Max Gasvoda. My wallet seems thinner. Some players are forgetting the words “ Safety First. ”. Small Steps. What is a concussion?. Pick a side. How to Learn More And Reply to this Article. James Harrison putting a ferocious hit on Mohamed Massaquoi. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Overreaction or Appropriate

Overreaction or AppropriateBy: Max Gasvoda

Some players are forgetting the words

“Safety First.”

How to Learn More

And Reply to this Article...

Pick a side

What is a concussion?

Small Steps

My wallet seems thinner

James Harrison putting a ferocious hit on Mohamed Massaquoi.

Page 2: Overreaction or Appropriate

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What is a concussion?

Small Steps

My wallet seems thinnerMy wallet seems

thinnerJames Harrison is probably the leagues biggest offender of the NFL’s

new helmet to helmet hits rule. Harrison palpably has realized this after he has been fined $125,000.

Harrison used the Super Bowl media day to get back at NFL commissioner Roger Goodell for all of the $125,000 he was fined, “I don’t want to hurt nobody. I don’t want to step on nobody's foot or hurt their toe. I don’t want to have no dirt or none of this rubber on this field (in Cowboys Stadium) to fly into their eye and make their eye hurt. I just want to tackle them softly on the ground, and if you all can, we’ll lay a pillow down where I’m going to tackle them, so they don’t hit the ground to hard, Mr. Goodell,” said Harrison.

As far as Harrison is concerned he hasn't merited a penny of his fines. Now when your making as much money as he is it’s like giving away a broken leaf.

“It’s getting to the point where they’re going to have to go and put flags on us at least to protect the quarterbacks, because that’s what it really comes down to,” Harrison said, “Most of the rules are implemented to protect the quarterbacks. Tell me how many people would watch the game if you went and put flags on everybody. See how popular the game is then.”

Fortunately for the Steelers James Harrison isn’t getting very distracted by the fines and continues his high playing level.POWER WORDS!Implemented- appliedPalpably- obviously Merited- deserved

THINK: If you were

James Harris

on what

would you do about

the NFL fining you?

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What is a concussion?

Small Steps

My wallet seems thinner

Think: What other

steps do you think

are necessary to


Small Steps

Even with all the danger with helmet to helmet hits there still are steps being taken towards player safety. Here are some of the steps that have been taken.

One of these steps has been taken by the U.S. Congress. Congress and NFL commissioner Roger Goodell have met to discuss the NFL’s helmet to helmet situation.

Another one of these progressions towards player safety is being taken by the U.S. House Judiciary Committee. They censured the NFL on it’s safety research. This is good, because the NFL will now try harder with it’s safety research.

Last but not least the monstrous leap was obvious, creating the rule in the first place. The NFL is still taking a lot of heat from a lot of populaces.

Of course the NFL has took a lot more steps than these alluded to above but those were just a few.

POWER WORDS!Alluded to: referred toCensured: criticized Populaces: people

Page 4: Overreaction or Appropriate

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What is a concussion?

Small Steps

My wallet seems thinner What is a concussion?

A concussion is a brain injury that could result in a bad headache, diverse levels of alertness, or unconsciousness. It provisionally gets in the way with the way your brain works.

A concussion may result when the head hits an object or when a moving object strikes the head.

Sometimes concussions last for a short amount of time but sometimes people can have a concussion for several days.

In the NFL the players are harder hitting, more belligerent, and a lot stronger than kids but it might surprise you to know that 400,000 kids get sent to the Emergency Department every year for major brain injuries.

POWER WORDS!Provisionally: temporarilyDiverse: variedBelligerent: aggressive

THINK: If you got a

concussion what would

you do?

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Pick a side

What is a concussion

Small steps

My wallet seems thinner Pick a side

Helmet to helmet hits now have a terrible penalty, 15 yards, several thousand dollars, and a suspension. Many people think the NFL is overreacting and that football is simply just a physical game. There are still people (mostly league officials) who believe that the players safety is most important. Which side are you on? Here is some gen to help you with your decision.

“The thing we try to coach our players to do is basically hit in the strike zone,” Ravens coach John Harbaugh said, “Try to make an effort to keep your head out of it. It’s not just for the safety of your opponent, it’s safety for yourself. When you throw your head in there like that you put yourself at risk. It’s just not good football.”

Harbaugh’s point was upheld when the Eagles wide receiver Desean Jackson and the Falcons cornerback Dunta Robinson collided and they both sustained concussions.

Now you have some gen so don’t be petrified, pick a side.

POWER WORDS!Gen: informationUpheld: supportedPetrified: afraid

THINK: Which sid


are you on. Why?

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What is a concussion?

Small steps

My wallet seems thinner How to Learn Moreand Reply to this Article...

To learn more about the dangers ofHelmet to helmet hits and the

controversies over them, go to the websites below:



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