overcoats, macintoshes, and waterproof shoe;s. t · terwards, when tbeo. cadle was calle--i of...

ANOTHER DROWNING. TTTESDAX NO NEARER 4ft Rmu Dr . Feb.fl.2:14D.m $6.00 buys a good Mandolin with book THIS WE "It is a startling fact that, almost without exception, the adulterated teas are dangerous to health. Some of them are actually poisonous." - N. V. Herald. Yes; some not all. But that isn't the point You drink tea because you like it not because it is good for you. The wholesome tea is also the best-tastin- g: Schil- ling's Best at grocers' in We devote to closing out our entire line of Overcoats, Macintoshes, and Waterproof A special week of our MID WINTER SALE s 6 L. E. QslISs!LsS!!EIVINa- - cttwnat. TERMS. Opv nnnin a mAtilK W.00 per year.in advance. SOc per month S Vn dvan. By carrier, 10c per wee. 10 per cent added if allowed to rua over s months. Single copies 5c. WksKLT $1.25 fn advance; 51.50 at end tKar;!U5for a1"1 year;-r- 00 for tnird and proceeding yeaw, when not paid in advance. Club of five new subscribers X . Clubbing Offer. The Wti. ,lixmner fi" be sent to subscribers for J.35 a year. This includes all the priv- - V8 0 tne Examiners big premium gift Vn May, the same as if you sent the reg-al- ar subscription price of $1.50 directly t0me P61" Isa't that a - bargain. Weekly Democrat ami thrice a week N. Y. World, $2.00 a year. J Another Chapter. The following from the VTel some is another chapter in the life of Mrs. t, nee Ryan, etc, a former Albany woman: When Miss Anna G. Southard married . . ' ITnHt Xl hi v .Avi.MuiiBtugu iii AiuHii v, wr. . oa il ay 24, 1893, she had little idea that merce- nary motives not love, inspired him, of But it did not take long for her to find out what he was after and now she poees as a badly abused woman. Mrs. Nelson today filed papers in the state circuit court asking; for a divorce from her husband. She says that at the time of her marriage she was the owner of 10 acres of residence property adjoin ing Albany. She was also possessed of uousenoia property ana furniture valued at about $350. Then she was engaged in the poultry business, and taken alto- gether the estimates that she was worth of at least s&jTO. Soon after the marriage, her husband, set uj taise preien8t-- s and nrisrepresenta-tion- s, with a view to defrauding her of uer property, induced her to place a "ungate upon ner real estate for SSOO. Then without her knowledge and con- sent, he sold all her personal property for $50, and also disposed of all her pou- ltry and livestock. The money he ap- propriated to his own use and she claims that he squandered it all iu riotous liv- ing. Soon after this happened the couple far came to Portland and upon one occasion Mrs. 'Nelson was taken down sick. She was in need of medicine and asked her husband for 50 cents with which to pur- chase some. This made him angry, and six flying into a rage threatened that if she ever again asked him for money he would kill her. the On Aprii 15, 1394, he deserted her, leaving her in a destitute condition. She was sick and wast compelled to go to a hospital, where she rendaed for some the weeks. Ever since, she claims, she has been in poor health, the result of her husband's Jefferson. G. W. Simpson, of Albany, now travel- ing: to for Page & Son, Portland, was in the city yesterday. The Review has removed to the Sav- age building, two doors north of the store of F B Sackett, where we have more commodious quarters. The change was rendered necessary by our large and wis rapidly increasing list of delinquent Bay Dorsey, the four year old son of W L Jones and ite, is dangerously ill with He acute meningitis, and grave fears are had of his recovery. Dr. Smith is the physician, and on Thursday Dr. J. P. Wallace, of Albany, one of the best phy- sicians of our state, was summoned in consultation; add while he endorsed the treatment of Dr. Smivh, he gave but slight hopes of the recove r of the pa- tient. It is earnestly Loped that a change of for the better may occur soon, for the little lad is a general favorite. Review. ban Old Tims Pri.vkvii.le Row. One day last week the usually quiet village of Prineviile was aroused from its lethargy by an fight, which, for the trip number of participants, the zest with which they went at it, the sexes repre- sented, the lawsuits accruing therefrom stands without a peer, says the Prine- viile Journal. Tbe fin was started by Mrs. Delia Frazier taking it upon herself to give Emmet Ilolman a hiding for in- sulting her. Ths beleaguered party nat- urally objected to this treatment, where- upon to Tbeo. Cadle fiew to the rescue. Then followed a scene of the wildest hilarity, a sort of free-for-- all fight. No arrests were made until seven- - days af- terwards, of when Tbeo. Cadle was calle--i before Recorder Bell, and, upon hearing, fined $15. Later he was again called up- on N. to defend himself, thU time before Justice Biggs and a jury. George Cline day has a'so been arrested and will have a lor hearing ntxt Friday. It is understood jnore arrrekts are to follow. trip not Protracted Meeting. At the Church of Cbriet the sermon on "Baptism" last sight was listened to by a very Urge and Attentive audience; all the seats and a standing room being taken at an early tiour, many went away for want of ac- commodations. at The singing was well rendered by the choir and tbe special song was very effective. Services to- night at 7:30. The subject will be Ezekiel's prophecy, "Theu will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean." Tomorrow the "Types of the Tabernacle will be considered." Every- one is invited to attend these interesting services. Hermann Has a Place. A Washing- ton dispatch taken from a San Francisco paper contains tbe following information : "One of the latest names mentioned ia connection with the Commission-rshi- p of tbe General Land office is that Con- gressman Hermann of Oregon. He has served 12 years in congress, but failed of denomination to the Fifty-fift- h congress. "e is thoroughly familiar with public fid matters and might be satisfactory .the people of the west. It is positive- - Mbs. Weight Discharged. Mrs. Mm. Wright, who was plased in the invane asylum upon the complaint of her hus- band less than two months ago, was yee-- . 4.. granted a leave of absence by Su perintendent Paine. Mrs. Wright will .in ii, this citv for a few days, stay- - ine with friends, after which she will go to Albany where her son. Perry, has pre- pared a home for her, and where she will iLin Perrv holds a good position un- - j. k receiver of the Albary Woolen u.n. no., and is thoroughly able and willing to look after his mother's welfare Statesman. Obatobt. In the State University ,. f0r a representative to go to the I7r intercollegiate oratorical contest, TiVed Fik won. His subject was "Broth-'IH- t There were five contestants ! i nm6n. In the McMinnville col ?:J? .. there were seven orators "? rrr.Yan and two ladies. J. Sher- - . vVallace won, his subject being "patriotism-o- ur Present Need One ..teatants was Ralph Knapp, a farmer Albany printer. His sr bject was m.e o? Democracy." Not a - ...mntinit was necessary in the delivery of the seven orations. Lett :r List. Following tbe ,ist ot letter remaining at Albany, Linn county, ftSSW-T- o . 18?7. , Persons calling for these letters must give lue aaie on wnicn tbey were aaveruuw. iauieoMJsscWoo.eiy, Jennie T. J. Stives, P M The Way to i.ure catarrh is to pri-- , , fh. biood. and tbe surest, safest, best t nnrify the blood is b takinir Hood's apirWtbe One True Blood Purifi.r. act harmoniously with HoldVBamparilla. Cure all liver ills: 'lb cents. After roll-ca- ll was begun in the joint convention, Patterson moved adjourn- ment. Bilyeu and Lee were absent- - The fear of speeches of withdrawal from here tofore Mitchell men was the alleged cause of the adiourment. There were 38 resent. Senator Mitchell ia sail con-de- nt E of election. The senate adjourned until and the Benton house until 2:30 to-da-y, ALBANY'S PAST. From the Democrat of July 23 to Oct, 6, 1876. Prof R. K. Warren left for Portland, where he became one of that city's lead ine citisens. The contract for the first Green's ferry bridge was let to A 5 Miller & Son (F J Miller), ot Eugene, for $11,150. It cost $15,699 69 for the Centenial cel- ebration in Portland. Capt Miles Bell, (now on the rive-- ) waa the principal river captain. L J Powell accepted the presidency of the Albany College. Tbe Montgomery Queen circus was in Albany Sept 19. The Albany schools were first graded Sept 18, opening with Prof Gilbert as principal. His aseistanta wereEO Hyde, Ella Uuusaker, Addie Mansfield and A'm Thompson. Hon. J. K. Weatherford was speaker ot the lower house of the State legisla ture which then met in beptember. In one night in Scio and Marion four different safes were robbed by a band of robbers and about $3000 in cash stolen, the safes of D P Mason, Irvine & Morris, Brown & Johnson at Scio and the depot safe at Marion being robbed, the biggest robbing event ot those days. L F G rover was elected U S senal r on the first ballot, receiving 48 volts, Lish Applegate 35. T P Hackleman left for Ann Arbor to enter the law school. From the Democrat of October 6 to Hov. 17, 1876. The Democrat in its issue of Oct 20, ISifiaaid people were cooimitting a crime against society "ben they countenanced man like J. II Mitchell. (Neverthe- less Mr. Mitchell has been countenanced continually since.) Miss Nettie .Piper began teaching mu- sic in Albany. F. M. Miller arrived from Keosauqaa, Iowa, and began practicing law. Albany Engine Co. No. 1 won their famous victory at the state fair, The engine threw 190 feet 2' inches. The Salem Tigers threw 184 ft 2',' ibebes and the Portland Tigeis 163 frll'i inches. The prise was $15C Tbe next contest was a quarter mile run and the throwing 100 feet through 250 feet of hose. The record was, Salem 3 :1 1 S ; Portland 2 :29 ; Albany 2:05. This has always been con- sidered tbe greatest test victory in the history of the Albany fire department. Dr. Chas. A. Plummer bought the Odd Feliows bmlding drag store of bis uncle, Dr. O. P. S. Plummer. Mr. Andrew R. McCov and Miss Clara Wrenn were married at Muddy on Wed- nesday, Oct, 25. In the national elect ioa Haves and Wheeler had a majority of 10 ever Tilden and Wheeler ia Albany, and Tilden bad majority of 81 in the county. On Nov. 10 Kay Neil, the murderer of Seth Hays at Halsey, was sentenced jo banged by Judge Boise. The jury in this famons case, often refrerred to, was Isaac Haye, John Millard, J B Houston, Meeker, II Eckerman, M F Hvde. A S Nanny, Cyrus Westiake. Jas Nixon, J Barr, J Turner, and Milton Hale, of whom at least six sre dead. Geo H Bur- nett, prosecuting attorney, J O Powell and N P Humphrey were attorneys for the state and J K tVeslherf jrtord, JJ Whitney and F M Miller for tbe defend- ant. The jury was out about an hour. Oakville. While C. far J it Harnish were at woik on the legislature two first daft photographers were at work among tbe intelligent people ot Oakville. Tbe first picture tbey lock waa the schools, but after the schools had been arranged a book agent caa,e np in tbe rear of tbetn and dimmed up on a poet and spread his umbrella (se Job They next went to the farm residence of I. N. Smith and took a picture of bis house snd family.. They then took a picture of the P. parsonage, also the residence of W. Pugb on River street. Judge Barton arrived in our town last Saturday and on Monday he laid away his official garb ana ( !) went to work Mr. H M. Stone called on ns yest-r-da- y. He has been in Salem all last week looking after the fruit industry and es- pecially 'prone driers." Mr. S. intend j increase bis capacity for drying, and from tbe present prospect for a large crop it is time some one was doing some- thing, for what good will it do tbe farmer raise a large crop of prunes with no way to prepare them tor market. A tew more men like Mr. S. would be a good thing for the prune raisers. Master Johnnie Pattison met with a psintol accident last week, while at work the hay loft be slipped and fell to the ground and striking on tbe tinea oi nis fork tbey ran in his leg. Master Bennie Black met with an ac cident at school yesterday. Whitest plsy be slipped and sprained nis ansie. Mr. Fred Hamul called on ns today. Call again! t A wagon drawn by two very poor noniea nassed no the street today and in short time came back loaded with bay. We then discovered that tbe driver waa woman and the object was to beg lor everything, even horse feed. We don't Dave anyining to givo iui ciu beg- gars, but we are in favor of a law to com pel tbat Class OI people to wort or starve. iTnela Ike Watson has deserted the "white bouse" and has gone to resids with his relat' ves. Lttle Hose Ben A Rm Shoot The biggest live bird shoot yet will occur next Monday on the 1 hanff Hnofl. I lis orlDCIDfti mm will h a free for all. with an entrance fee of S2.V the winner to . take the whole. Sky . . . ' - a a a- T I : Meeka. of HarniDurg. ana r. t. Dam- - more and George Froman have entered and any gun manipulator in Oregon is invited to enter. Jo one will be barred. 25 birds will be shot at. 250 birds are on hand, and there wiil be other contests. tnty Years Ago. Vo theory of germs to chill Affection' budding bUe 'When ardent lover took their fttt. No microbe ea their kte. Bow bsppy tbey were not to know Ib germ-fa- d jo years ago. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is the standard family remedy of the world for oolds, coughs and lunar diseases. It is not a palliative, and is not therefore nut no in small cheap bottles. It is snt tip in large bottles for the household. They cost more but cure more. Pads corns and go but no theory or fad can overthrow the fact, that the greatest cure tnr all Aolda. OOUffhS and throat and lung diseases, Is Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. SO Years of Cures. Tbe Willamette At Corvallia a Death Hole. The Willamette at Corva'.lis seems to be a death hole. When a man falls into the river at that place bis fate seems to be sealed. A vicious current sweeps him into eternity. Another case occurred this morning. The Ruth and Gypsy were lying beside each other as the time arrived for the Ruth to depart. One of the Ruth's deck bands, Mr. Snyder, was on tbe guard of the boat shoving tbe Gypsy back when be slipped and fell into the Willamette between tbe boats. It was pretty dark, but two other bands saw tbe accident, and rushed for ward with ropes to help him as be came up; but he never appeared in sight, at east couia not be seen ana was undoubt edly swept down stream by a treacher ous undercurrent. Thus another body is in the river to be found by searchers with the prospects sgaiost its recovery for some lime it at all, as tbe water is well up and running fast. snyiior was a man labout 85 years ol age, aoout wnom little cou'd be learned tie wan not married. HOME AND ABROAD. February 16, Boys Club entertainment. W U T U social at their bail tonigtt. a. goou program. Smiley does oar job printing. No blur on Smiley ' printing. King pbone 9, or fimiley ttu. nriater Finest candies and nuts at C. E Bkowsiix's. Timothy seed for sals st C E. Brow aaus. Pop corn that pops can found at C, E. BaowK six's. Ail tbadea in chiffon, alio new veiling a-- , me uaaies uazaar. A sew line of infants wear jost received at the Ladies Bazaar. Our printing is the ch en pent became it me tet. bur let, the Printer. Our work ia the brat. tWefr.- - it is tbe cheaoent. Smiley, the Printer. We do binding. Smiley, tbe printer. Crawford t Barnuh for photograph. Prkea from 91 to f?0 per dozea. Ifyouwant absolutely correct time t jour watch with French's regulator. At trench s jewedy store voo can La p.ctcle and e gtaase from 25e op- - Two packages of garden seeds for Sets. according to their uwal custom at Stewart Sol i. Oakland has dob composed inwmoiaMs oo naa Aiuasy, but it is notorgaaued. Dr. G. W. Hartoa, poyKiaa aad sm geon, Albany Or. CaiUaaswered prompt in city or country. Reserve seats are now on sals at Bark bart & Lee's for the eegagfman1 of Pay ton Big Comedy Co. on Feb. 8m. Information that is worth its weight ia gx:d: Gh your meet of ah kinds at Hen- ry liroitfT, on Second street. If you are ia Dd of a beating stove call and examine tea Royal Jewel at TU. Stewart Six Hardware Co-'- a. Dr. II. E. aad O. K. Bn offices al residence ia tbe post o&c building. Spec- ial attention girea to disease of women. E Woodward has been elm-fe- mayor oi GorrallU to succeed Jedg KetMy, and W VV iilbankt succeed Mr WoodmuxJ as coonalcMii. Fines tbe seating ot lbs aew denMcratk suitor from Delaware, tbe U S senate UjkU; republican. 41; democratic 40; populut 6. IVputy aWMcrt onler the present ad i&iotOf atioa will be ... allowed $3 a day is i i - to " mog to There wiil be a regnUr meeting of Knights of Sliver Star this eve at 7 SO. All members reqaeted to attend. By braer premies u A good rmolotiea for 157 ia to call u j Ilaigbt tiro, aad order some of their choice tueat. Their cocstaal resolution u of trMt tbe well. Tbe !dtes iixr are showing new mtMlia endftwear ia skirts, nightgown, cenet corers and drawers for lees mosey (baa tbey can be mad) np at boose. For cboioe meet of all kind call on Em erkk 6 Brockmta la the Blumberv block Cere they are tunning their owa bosiness snd treating their customers wWl. Jtut rfown the street at Snd aad Ells- worth, the Albany Dressed Beef Co are tpiendidly equipped for serviag the pablK well in all kind of choice meat, promptly autcarefuliy. lla'l' Hair Renewrr contain tbe aatora food and co' or matter for tbe hair, aad ot medical herb for te sfalp, cuncg gray nets, baldness, dandruff, snd scalp sores. One of the finest special editions ever gotten out ia Oregon ia that of the E. O. Pencletoa of February 9. It is elegant- ly il'ustrated. being full of tbe faces of prominent Pendleton men, places of buai tttm. residences, streets, tc It Ukes a live t)m to justify such a prod action. TRANsrr.si.KD to Lnrx Co. Tbe suit ot Mrs. J. M. Mover vs. Mrs. M. A. Callo way, L. D. Cole, J. M. Mover and Mrs. Mary Croft, to recover frXKX) on a note, has been transferred to Linn county for trial Tbe money waa loaoed to tbe Al- bany woolen milts by Mrs. Moyer, a guardian of Earl tfrown. Tbe case was hsve been tried yesterday, in Judge Sears' department. All ot the witnesses were in attendance save L, I). Cole, who was reported to be quit e ill. The caw could not go to trial without the presence Mr. uole, and as stl cf the other wit nesses reside in Linn county, it was deemed inadvisable to causa them to - come to Portland again to the trial at a future date, so tbe suit was transferred to Linn county. Oregonisn. Periiap8 the First. Perhaps the first black walnnt lumber ever manufactured on the Pacific roast Irom - Pacific coast timber, was sawed a few days ago at the mill of S. n. Morton, west of Monroe. rbe logs came from old Lancaster, a burg that is a relic ot early Oregon days, situated two or threw miles from Junc- tion, and tbe trees were plsnted while the commonwealth was still in swad- dling clothes. The logs were in dimen- sions from twelve to fifteen inches, and only a few hundred feat of the lumber wss made. The fibre wss tough and the grain was smooth and susceptible of tbe high polish usually seen in walnut furniture. Times. THE PLACE TO BUY Your Groceries and Baked Goods Is at Parker Bros. Everybody kuows where their place is. They keep a Iresh stock of groceries, produce and baked goods, of all kinds, sell at reasonable prices and treat their customers wen, an a. ike. You may twrrflt some 8 tens von take in lifo tut none taken into the store of Parker Bros. It is a great thing to be well fed. Par- ker Bros keep good groceries. A loaf of bread is not roach but yoa want it well made. Try Parker Bros. We Lead, Others Follow. , , aid that is ths reason Hopkins Bros, are the first to dis- play a full line ot tbe fsnioos 1897 0as cent and Crawford bicycle. Calk and see tbetn. The Weather Tonisot snd Thursday continued rain. alationary temperature. River 11.5. F.M.b'BiNCH, duplayman. The Modern Way.-Commend- s itseli to ths well informed, to do pleasantry and effectually what was formerly dons in the crudest . manner and disagreeably as well. To cleanse the sys- tem and bieak np colds, headaches, and uithnnt. minloasant after effects, ass tbe delightful liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs. Manufactured by California Fig 'yrup Comp any. Real Estate Sales. R S Moses to Daniel Simons, . acres $ 25 G F Simpson to First N Bank, 807 acres it w4 8500 Oollis Reed to J W Irvine, 1 lot Lyons 300 Johnson White to Emery Bvton. 10 acres Oakville 250 H Jrow to EL Tandy, 50 acres... 550 M J Stafford to Susan Zeigler, 4 lots Halsey....... 800 u r uoshow to n Brownsville, strip land fo? atreet 1 0 P Coshow to Brownsville, 60 x 90 feet . 6 JJ Barnes to 16' O F Lodge, Scio 34x70 feet . 125 A Humphrey to JF Penick, in- terest in several tracts land. .. . 1300 G F Colton to O Saltmarsh, 25x 159 feet Lebanon 1000 A Saltmarsh to Almira and W A Saltmarsh. 320 acres 1 J L Hill to I O Duedall, 61otsSo- - davitie loo W J Higby to 0 C Jackson, 197.69 acres..... 3300 Jas Vanderpool to Jennie Myers, zo acres 325 Emma Sommers to Perry Hyde, 8 roas dv luuieet 375 O P Coshow to W R Kirk, 35 acrs and 60 feet 93 OP Coshow to Alex Kirk, 2.83 acres W R Kirk to Alex Kirk, 268x345 feet 900 Annie Gibson to Jas and E A Car- ver, 3 lota Lyons 1200 JasGarver to Anna Myers, 160 acres 1200 Henry Myers to J H lliirains. 1 lot Brownsville 1200 J Powell to Harriet Shi-- p 500.39 acres 13 w3 1000 N Rice to J M Rice, 10 acres. . .. 200 Willard Lackey to Martha Lackey 70 acies 800 P Coshow to Mary A Gibler, 8505 sq feet Brownsville Mary Peters to Willie Land Nel- lie Peters. 8x10 rods Harriaburz Lucy Wright to Jas Nanny, 63 89 acres Shedd 2816 Philip LenUy to D M Hanson, 40 acres 800 N Rice to Wm H Rice, 80 acres a 14 w l . 200 B Hopkins to E B Lybscker, 326 J acres 320 J Calloway to EL Bryan, 4.11 acres 1 Harvey Ward by sheriff to A D Horner, 40 acres - 596 E Williams to Mary Ellen Hot-to- n, 2 lots, Lebanon Byant to H O Jordan, 16.40 acres 240 L Maple et at to H C Jordan, 16.40 acres 160 Hackleman to Aroline Rankin. part of block H's 2nd ad 1 of L Nixon - to John Nixon, 560 acres 1 Edwin Simmons to Wm Simmons, 4 lots, Boston . 2 Found His Father. The following somewhat romantic story told by the Corvsllis Gazette: Roy Taylor came to Corvsllis about two years sgo, fatherless and motherless, he thought. Its different now. Roy was just of voting age at the fall election, though be looks younger. He a boarding with Mrs. Warner .and some- times assists John Warner with his steam wood saw and for some time waj a be student in the agricultural college. Roy's father and mother separated when he was a small child, Rot staying I wun his mother. since that tune he heard nothing of bis father and supposed him dead. Meanwhile, his mother died, leaving him some property and he has since been "looking oat' for himself. A short time ago he concluded to rape np an acquaintance with his grandfather, so he wrote him a letter His grandfather, though, died several years ago. and the Litter vu opened by ancle, who wrote to Roy, informing him that bis father was in Montana and doing welL Roy wrote to the address given and was gladdened by a reply from father, who asked Roy to make his home with him. The son of a new-foun- d father expects leave within a short time for tbe state where the gold mines grow, and become acquainted with bis unknown dad. Mrs. C. C. Hottmas. Frances E. Willard eavs of her: "Mrs. Hoffman hails from Missouri and is tbe Thomas Benton of the prohibition movement. U. She is every whit as able as tbe great U. senator from Missouri, and bringi to ber pies lor tbe protection of the ch rut-a- n firesi ie a logic as powerful, a pathos far mare tender and a personality vastly more homelike. Yon will rejoice to hear her. She will do yoa eood." Mrs. Hoffman will sneak in Albany Monday evening Feb. 15 to ThkPattoxs. A. line and please 1 audience greeted the Pavtors on the first night of their third appearance in to Albany. "Is Marriage a Fall ore," was presented. It is a live comedy, and gives the company a big field Ijr displaying their irenias in corned v. To-nig- ht Driven from Home will be given, and no doubt anoiber big bouse will face tbe popular in troop. . Deserves Taa. md Feathers An apology for a man, a blot on humanity, baa been in tbe southern part of tbe city, making indecent exposures sad conduct ing nimseit in a manner disgracefaf in the extreme. Tar and feathers would be mild punishment for such a man. Mr. T. Z. Drais. of Gates is in tbe city a for a day. Mr. Feltz, advance agent of the Far- - ton Co., went to Portland this noon. Hon. W. . Bilyeu was in Salem yes terday to look after his big brother, and on business. Banker Sommerville. ot Portland was in the city today. He is an ancle of Mr. Ed Blodgett and Mrs. C. O. Lee. Miss Portia Knight, a former Salem younelady, is winning dramatic laurels lnineeasi. xier acing is nigmy spoken of. Senator S. A, Dawson and Represent ative J. M. Somers.of Linn Co., returned this morning from Bortland. Monday's 7 Journal. Misses Amelia and Nora May. of Har ris d org, are visiting Albany relatives and friends, among whom they are al ways welcome. John Schlosser has received a letter from Mr. J. B. Comely at Nampa. Ida- - bo. stating that he will be here this week. Tbe reasons given are too much snow ana no beer. Mrs. and Mrs. S. G. Gourley went to the Portland Hospital yesterday to have an operation performed on tbe leg of their son. It is desired to have it straightened if possible. Rev. J. T. Abbett. was in the city on bis wsy to Portland to attend a meeting of the educational committee of the con ference. Rev. Wire went yesterday on me same mission. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bruckman. have returned from Washington, where they bad been to rnn a creamery. Tbe pros- pects were entirely different from repre- sentations and they were glad to return borne. Ths picture of Rev, Driver in f he Ore gonian today is the best that paper has yet given of any state celebriies. It is good. lhe Corbett-Fitzsimmo- ns fight will take place in Carton. Navada. on March 17. From now until then high winds, cyclones and tornadoes may be looked for in tbat run down state. Baker City wants the 1897 fireman's tournament and wants it S700 worth Walla Waila has already authorized ber delegates to offer $600, and now Baker City bos "seen" Walla Walla and "raised her yaw. K. O. The monthly ontDnt of the Baker Citv (Or.) camp is placed by tbe Spokesman Re- view at from $160,000 to $170,000, and it says that the principal producing $30,000 a month; Bonanza, $18,000; E 4 K $25,000; North Pole, $15,000; Vhita Grouse, $10. WU; Ked Buy, $10,000; Baisley k Elk-bo-rn, $10,000. The shaft of the "Virtue is now down 700 feet. Money Loaned. On improved farms; fint mortcage: no bonus required. Address J. Nohaw, Grant Oreon- - $5.00 bays a good new Guitar with book. $1.00 buys 16 choice "cat gut" Banjo la strings. $1.00 buys 12 choice "cat gut" Violin E strings. $4.00 buys a fine Violin with bow. 25cts buys one dozen steel Violin 1st or 2nd strings. $25.00 buysao-draweraewi- machine: I. : L. l - i . - uin rm, iigni running; guaran teed o years. CTPrices on Pianos. Organs. Banios sent on application. E. U. Will Albany. BILYEU AND LEE. Salkm, Ore., Feb. 7th. 2:04 p. in. Ell- - yeu and Lee joined Mitchell men in joint convention. They were sworn in before ustic Moore. The total vote was thirty-eigh- t. Adjourned to 7 :S0. Probate Record. In estate of Thos .Umrhrev. citation set tor Aiarcn a Inventory filed in estate of M M Lew is, i'ersonal property set aside for widow. Peter Home was appointed adminis trator of estate of J H McKercher. Bond $2000. In estate of Jos Nixon, citation for sale real proierty ordered issued. Wiil of Arthur Saltmarsh tiled. In- ventory filed. Total property $4962 50. Final account in estate of JF Price ap- proved. O J Objections to final account in estate of MG Hill filed In estate of Wm Kinder, citation or- dered O issued for sale of real estate. In estate of H A McCartney, objec- tions to final account filed. Final ac- count approved. w' In esute of R C Findley. 50 per cent claims ordered paid. In estate of J H McNeil, final account for April 9. Guardian of minor chil- dren J was ordered to turn over interest money for support of minors. T M Spreading Over ths U. S. The Chron- icle eays: Mongolian pheasants have been in Oregon for ten or eleven years past, and nnder the influence of the laws A protecting" them from slaughter they have multiplied there in great numbers, H and are now foond nearly if not quite as south as the Siskiyous. . If they cross W that range they will soon spread ove: North California. Recently the state A game commissioner of Ohio introduced of these beautiful and useful game J birds into Ohio and tbe legislature of that state his passed a law prohibiting slaughter of pheasants for any pur- pose until the year 1900 in hope tnat they may be multiplied sufficiently by that time to enable the flecks to survive open game season . is J. P. Galbraith was in Portland jes- - terday, Mr. J. N. Hoffman has gone to Port- land, as on a prospecting trip. Senator Lake, of Benton countv, went is SAlem this noon, too late for the ioint session, an immaterial fact. There was born in Washington recent- ly to Maj. and Mrs. Powell a daughter, camber five. Ail doing well. Mrs. Wm. Wolf and daughter and Mim Clira Sternberg, came up from Portland noon ana are at Mr. M. Sternberg's. Hon. Allan Parker came over from the today for the purpose of having an operation performed for bloodpoisoning. has been ill for some time. so The charge against E. C. Millner, teacher of the Woodstock school, for al- leged battery on an ngly pupil named his Peterson in correction him. was dis charged today in Justice McDevitt's court. Portland Tribune. A former Albany man. bis Mr. R. L. Catro'l and two damrhtera Berry returned home this noon from irancisco. by way of Yaquina, com-i- ne to on the Farralon. which left th Golden Gate on Wednesday and cross Yaquina bar yesterday. Mr. and Mrs H. G. Colton returned Friday morning from a seven-wee- ks' through tbe Eastern states. They went principally to see Mr. Cotton's mother, who has been very sick, and whom they left in usual good health. Oregonian. Prof. R. A. Heritage, of tbe Willam- ette Conservatory of Music, who was re- ported to have located at Chattanooga, Tenn., is on his way back t Salem resume bis position in the conserva- tory, it is reported much preferring Ore- gon to the east. Mr. Ira. L. Cambell, tbe genial editor tbe Eugene Guard, after being delin- quent for a great many years, and Mrs. K. Frazier, a well known resident of Eugene, were married in that citv Satur evening. Mr. Campbell's fondness crocodiles and tropical fruits took them south, and they left on a bridal for Mexico. Mr. Bob Johnson did go as chaperoce. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell will uave the best wishes of every editor ia Oregon he was one president of the btate Press Association and was one of its founders as well as ofr host of friends generally. In this city, Sunday, January 31, 1897. 8 p. m , in the parlor of the Junction City Hotel, Mr. Fred Peebler and Miss a Minnie Houston, Rev. C. E. Graff offic- iating. Tbe wedding was strictly private ana ws quite a surprise .in many. r. Peebler is in tbe employ ' the Southern racihe Co. and has tbe esteem and con- fidence of all bis acquaintances and is known to be perfectly reliable. Mis Houston IB the only daughter of Rev. Wm. Houston and has for the past four years acted as postmistress for this city and is well known to our readers, tshe has lived here ail her life and has manv friends who wish her happiness. They will reside in itoeetmrg. Junction city Times. Mr. Peedler is a former Lebanon young man a jd ia well known in Albany A Portland lady Lai jut received $118, 000 in cash, the life insurance of her late husband. Tbe California overland was delayed even hours today by a washout in (south- ern Oregon. In tearinor down the old U P Church Mr R B Vunk found a tetter dated Oct 7, 1861, yellow with aire, ft was addressed to M i9 Wbifson, without any signature, and wa about musical matters. Geo. W. FlaifK. the well known painter w) o recently died in Massachusetts, was tbe father of E H Flogg, a Salem news paper man and politician, i lags was an intimate friend of N P Wallis toe poet. An Albany man drove to Kings valley, Benton countv lat week in a day. going over the hilly road, which was oaa enoueh. Some friend knew a better route borne and be came another wCy, making tbe trip in three days on horrid roads, lie win use bis own judgment alter taia. This is the complaint ot thousands at this season. They have no appetite; food does not relish. They need tbe toning upof the stomach and digestive organs, which a course of Hood's SarsaparUla will give them. It also purines and enriches ths blood, cures that distress after eating and Internal misery only a dyspeptio can know, creates an appetite, overcomes that tired feeling and builds np snd sustains the whole physical system. It so prompt ly snd efficiently relieves dyspeptic symp- toms and cures nervous headaches, that It teems to have almost " a magic toucn." M ssbsb n mm lul ..dasssi Sarsaparilla Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier. the best after-dinne- r HOOd'S PlllS plUs, aid digestion. 268. packages A Schilling & Company SOT WBDITBSDAT ANOTHER 38. Salem. Feb 10. The 46 did not mater ialise in the joint seas on. The old 38 were present. (Jarterof Benton witmirew as Mitchell caucus member. Said be was persuaded to attend on pledge thathe would be tbe 46th man. He demanded where were tbe other seven. Declared some one had lied creating quite a sensation. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. Huston, foreman ot the Eugene Guard, was in Albtny today on his way to Salem. Mrs. Thos. Monleith snd child, ot Spokane, arrived in Albany this noon on a visit. Judge J. J. Whitney has been ap pointed deputy district attorney of Liur. county, to succeed C. H. Dalrymple. is . Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Maton, of Al- bany, are tbe guests ot Judge and Mrs. C. h. Wolvmon, on Cbemeketa street. Salem Journal. Mr.O. P. Oothow, a McMinnville at- torney, has been in this city several days, and we understand is considering tbe advisability of locating here. Itose-bn- rg Review. Mr. J. H. Decew. of Ainsle- -, Wssh., who owns a large timber tract up tbe Santiam, arrived in Albany this noon and ia at the Kass. Mr. Decew is the gentleman who contemplated erecting a big saw mill here. It U not too late now. At the aJ van red age 82 years, Mrs. oi Jane Graham, wife of Dr. Graham and mother of Richard Graham, died at the family home in Corvallia at 5:45 yester- day morning. She came to Oregon in ly I. H. Van Winkle, who has been at- tending Willamette University the past year during which time he has served as Professor of the Pig bkin department, went to Albany this morning where be will be employed as Deputy Asesorun-ti- l possibly next Jane Saiem Journal. District Attorney A. A. Jayne arrived on the noon train from Shedds, Linn county, and will be present dar- ing tbe term of tbe circuit court. Mr. Jayce was called to Shedds on account of the sickness of bis mother, who was dan- gerously ill. but was convalescent yester- day when Mr. Jayne left that place J Tbe Dalles T. M. Tbe condition of Hon. T. W. Daven- port was vesterdsy considerably im- -i proved, and be is considered out of dan ger. Wben be was at bis worst a tele- gram was sent to his ton. Homer Daren- - port, tbe artist, announcing the condi tion ol tis lather and wua u now en bis wsy to this city., being e peeled m! reab here in a few days. Statesman. I : I CITY COUNCIL. I Tuesday Evening, Feb. 9. at Present Mayor, reoorJe- -, marshal, street superintendent, poundmaster and to counciimen Tweedale, Dannalt.Hopkint, Iiocoe, Martin and Dickey. Tbe action of the committee oa fire and water in having on y one erg;ne go to a fire at a time nnlees needed, was presented and ducosted, and opon mo- tion was ratified unanimously. w In tbe matter U tbe compfaint of the S. P. engine on tbe switch being a nuis- ance, the same was withdrawn and tbe matter dropped. Tbe following accounts were ordered paid: J Crowder, $1.35; P Cohen $? 50; F M West fall, $3;J M Wiltiamon. $1.50; White A Warner, $3 50; li F Purdom, tl 15; I C Dickey, $210; W N Miller, $10 50; CO Lee, $7; II A Leinenger, $0 75; BB Dunn, $4; BM Hint on A Co, w o; ungues ct l rout man, $! 75; J Henton, $12 50; John Maxwell, $3; electric lights, $139; S Conn, $3. of An ordinance bill providing for the leasing ot tbecouncilhambersof D Fro man lor nve years at $5 a month. Passed. A communication was real from No. 's inviting t ie members of the council to a bouse warming at the hall on Thurs-- : dsv evening, February 18. Accepted. air. m trnmm made complaint of bridge near bis blace oeinir tmken dcarn and of the flume near it, which he reported in each a bad condition that it was liable to give away any time and wash bis place away. Me asked that the itcn company be required to fix the same. Keierred to tbe committee on to streets and public property. iinuimiii was airecteo. to give no ties that all taxes mast lie paid by April I or tbe marshal will proceed and collect them accoiding to law. of Tbe matter ol sawing wood was dis- cussed. Mr. Dickey said tbe sawyers thought tbe owners of tbe wood should clean up where wood has been sawed. an also that it should not be permitted on First street. Those speaking seemed to think the ordinance should stand a at nresent. The matter of feeding tramna was dis cussed at random, the opinion beta; that .. ...... inn, n nil li 1 nam n .in Iniwl 1. and be made to work for it. The bid of G. Stetter for furnishing meals tor prisoners and tramps st li'1. rents a meal, was accepted Tie-petlti..- of F. E. Adams, asking ror me privilege of running gas pipes for ,igui ana power in the streets from near tbe Albany brewery t the office of Dr Adams, w as read . Referred to the com mittee on fire and water with power to act, alter quite a discussion on gas gen rally, blinds lor the couucil chambers were ordered procured by the committee on accounts ana current expenses. The following nersonalsappear in to day's (statesman : Judge Whitney re turned to Albany last evening. "B-lli- e Pfieffer of Albany ia in Salem for a tew days. City Marshal U. J. Day of Al bany is in this city as a witness before tbe grand juty. Thomas Brown of Al bany came down yesterday and will be one of the participants at the Entre Pous ball this evening at the Heed. Ths Second NionT. The Pavtons were greeted by another large audience last mgbt, who were greatly please J with the presentation of "Driven Irora Home," a urama with many pleasing situations, ably presented. "Turning the Tables,' a farce, closed the entertainment. To night "t he Lancashire Lass ' will be given. Tug Cokvallib Creamery association has been organised with George Taylor si president. Mr. Taylor owns 200 shares of stock, a majoiky, and will of coarse rnn things. The success of the Albany ereamery is due to its cooperative cnaracter, and the jjsmocbat doubts if one man creamery will succeed in the long run. Epwobth Lkaous Vai.sntink Sociai The Epworth League will give a valen- tine social in tbe M. E. parsonage, (first door east of M. K church) Friday even- - t . ?.. V . 0. 1. IIL4 1 I i lug, i curuory i.lii. ugiurBiresnmenia i win Deserved and valentines sold. Ad' mission 10 cents. A Druggist rtowndaysmuet have a complete knowledge of drugs, and know iust wbat to look for. Burkbart A Lee nave mat Knowieuge, iney mane a spec ialty of coniDOundinB all nresannbonf us ing nothing bat the best grade of pure drugs. Shoe; s. t Clo. Co. Clothiers. JL Always Up-to-da- te in Shoes A Laced Shoe,, fancy boxing, crack proof calf with solid sole for damp weal her ..$2J0 A Laced Shoe, dongola kid. high cat $290 A haad-tnr-n flexible sole ia three stales of bxs, narrow square, needle aad Colum- bia $3 50 S. E. YOUNG. MEN Nearly all wear short bosom white shirts, as they don't posh the collar up into the neck and wrinkle the linen. A short time ago they could only be had in the fine qual-it- y but we are now able to show you a complete assort- ment in good qualities at popular pricea. Call and see oar line. READ, PEACOCK & CO. Opera House. For One YT cck Only -- TBE- SENTER PAITON Big Comedy Co. nriiiii m BRASS BAND Superb Orchestra. SENTER Lucy Iola Vina PAYTON and a fins ensemble oi Artists ia New Plays, New Music, New Dances. TONIGHT Uncle Daniel , Reserve seats at th usual place J Gen eral admidsion 10 and SOc Beeerved seals SOc Coming! Coming I Rfll Asiual Tout cf tis Coast. Kentncfcy Minstrels and JnWlee Singers. Opeia House Feb. 16 &17 Old Time Jubilee Songs, Plantation Melodies, Scenes From the Sun- ny Saoth. in Plantation Costumes. Dear the Black Nightingale, the lion Basso and Shoatiag Tenor. Popular Prices. 1SSHELAR. GILBffl, Tcaclsr ol Rasa & Organ (Mason System of Technic) Careful Instruction of Child ren s Spa sltv. Terms moderate. Washington St. south of V. P. church. A T l'HE MIXES Boarding, lodeing and meals may be secured of the sab- - cnDsr si ins aanuam mines, a us pura at the mouth of Dry Gulch. H. W. Whits. GEO E FISH PLUMBER Tin roofing aad plumbing, Op posit hsopsraaoasa BLAIN Leading sb x Hotel Burned. Ths Arlington House at Junction City was entirely consumed by fire this morn- ing. As the train passed the city at :40 it wss in flames. Tbe fire company were laboring in vain against it w.th a weak stream from one noczie. There were two guests in the hotel and their trunks were gotten oat, bat nearly all tbe contents of tbe building were burn- ed. How tbe fire started was not known, bat it wss probably of incendiary origin. man had also been prowling around tbe other hotel in a suspicious man ner. Slanderous Tongues. To who it may concern : We ought to say something aboot slanderous tongues bat will simply state that the $2 we late- ly received from tbe county waa in pay merit for flour, sugar, salt, coffee and to- bacco furnished to m. P. Vaughn by the eoaatj on aa order given Jan. 7, 1897, by the Hon. Judge Bartotu The candle of clothes sre handed to Sir. Vaughn was a free gift from oar good neighbor Mrs Leeds. S.'F, Bbciex. A well-kno- traveling mas who ar- rived yesterday in the city, from Hepp-ne- r, said that bosiness in Eastern Ore- gon waa onosuallv dot even fcr this doll season, and tbat Baker City and Astoria wete ths only two towns in the state where be had fennd say prospects of batter times ia the immediate f store. Astoriaa. Mr. Johnson has introduced a bill nn- der which nearly everything that goes out of telegraph and express offices shall be covered with stamps printed by tbe state. At first consideration the bill seems to the Man about Tcwn to be a very poor one. Tbe day for patting stamps on everything is pact. It is on peine pie a poor form of taxation. It shoald stop with the mail service. Tears ago there were stamp oa every photo- graph, insurance plicies were plastered with the m .etc, bttt they were done a wsy with. Tbe people (imply pay for the stamps. This bill would not be a tax on tbe express and telegraph companies bat the peoplaand they are already taxed enough. Aad then again, all public ser- vice shoald be made as rim pie as pos- sible. There is lets of tqiminf going oa dowa at Salem. "Drowned while skating," is seea ia nearly every paper containing eastern dispatches. Fortunately we have bttle lea ia Oregon, though that is treacherous enough to make np for ths lack of it. . and G. Corsets and h! Fitting Corsets. I have just received a full line ia both ot these celebrated corsets aad aa prepared to give extra value of SOe, 76c aad $1 ia black and slate. Abo keep better graces aad extra siaea. The $1.00 can worthy of special notice. Ask to see oar 50c 75c sad $1.00 corsets. bAMcn. E. loss a Properly used, "Perfection dyea are superior insist on Having "Perfection" Dyes, tor sale by Fred Lfavrson. . a keep the oaly complete stock o printer's stationary ia the countv. 'Smi ey tbe printer. KNOCKING AT YOUR DOOR. Send ia roar order aad we will call your door for yoor laundry aad deliver it wiuhhh cixra caarge. uive as a oui, we will guarantee yoa will be satisfied, fine naian to areas anirts. tace curtain re newed. Ftree mendisg department for bundle work. City Lausdbt, Opp St Cb Hotel. We handle the amous Whiting papers aad print them np for yoa at tbe same price yoa pay for interior grades, bmiley he printer If our work aad stock isn't as represent ed, yoa can get yoor money back. Smi ley the printer. Fin a Clubbisq Orrca. Leslie's Week ly is tbe oldest and beet of the illustrat- ed weeklies of the U. S. It is a model in its character, as everybody knows. LlharecnlarpncaialiaTear: bat yoa can secure it and the w bxklt 1kmocsii for only $3.25, or hand the Daily by man tor so. Perfcctioa, Dyes are Brilliant and Permanent, for sale by Fred Dawson. Too can pay more, oat yoa wob"i get any better service. Ton can pay lea, bat yoa won't get as good service. Bmiley the printer. Honklfi KfOQ have received a full slock of 1S97 Crawford bicycles. Tbey ax im mense, Uome and see tor yourself. Satisfaction guaranteed when you vae "Perfection" Dyes, for sale oy r reu uawson. If you want a aood and clean smoke buy cigars made by our Al bany vigar factory. For tht best drugs, Dawson's, tuuii nun. Whit, 69c Oats 25 Floor. U 0o Butter 173 Eggs 13c Lard 6 to So Pork ham. 8 to 10c, shoulder '4 to S Sides. 6 to 8. 1 Hiy bitei, cheat, $7.00, Timothy, ta. THE LEGISLATURE. Ia taking bis teat in the joint session Bilyeu declared emphatically that ha was not there to recognise the Benson bouse He stood by the Davis S lion. Ue hsd met with the temporary organization. Ue demanded an organi sation of some sort. He denied that there hsd been any participation of bis in any aeaaiocK. The state constitution had nothing to do with election of a sen ator. Tbe preiiminaiy organization was sufficient to elect a senator. He was A tired of the strife between tbe republi- can factioos tbat deadlocked both the hones and the senatorial election. In the senate some bills were read the second time. In tbe Benson house there waa only a lit Us formality Tbe following bills were introduced in the eenste: Dofor. To enable school districts to borrow money and kindred to itiers. King. To resrnlata emntovment of clerical aid for bouse and senau. Johnson. To regulate tbe charges and rates of express companies. aong. io prevent fraud in the sale of mines. Dalr. To orovide for reclamation of arid lands snd kindred matters. Johnson. To retraUle telegraph tbarre and providing tor stamp tax thereon. Is tbe illegal Benson boose bills were introdneedjby Cbspmaa, regulating tbe hauling oOogs and ties over rmblic roads : Tbomss, amending the act iacorpatiag lraui; osier, aulbortsiagcoonty clerks administer pention oaths wittmat charge ; Thomas, amending the code re lating to the public lioa of summons. la tbe senate several bills were read the second time and tbe following new ones introduced : Dulur. to amend code rdatinw ta the exemptions of an earning debtor. aiicneu, to provide for toe duaoiuboa municipal corporations. Uaiy. to pro nde for acceptance by the state of certain lands un3er the reclam- - latioo art. Uaseltine. to create the office of state biologist to serve without salary. Keaotouon try miur. aaaing tbat tbe committee on commerce and navigation be allowed to visit and inspect the lite o the portage railway contemplated be- tween oa The Dalies and Oelilo. The bill asking for this appropriates $196,000. Adopted. Johnson, asked tor the third reading ot tbe bill to abolish the state board ot equalisation. Senator Mcdong opposed the passage any bills until tbe house is fully or- ganized and adjournment immediately loi.owed. The Parsons Concert. The concert to be given Thursday evening at tbe armory at 8:30 o'clock, nnder the auspices of F Co. will be a choice one, one deserving tbe patronage of all moic loving people. Following is the program : 1. Overture, "Raymond" Ambr Thoroaa. 2 Fantasia, Faust"' Gounod. 3. Serenade and Lullaby, "Open the i Lalti Arr McClure. 4. Grand Selection, "Carmen," Bizet Intermission, 10 Minutes. 5. Overture, William Tell." Rossini. 6. (a) Intermezzo from "Cavaileria RusUeaaa," Mascagni. (b) Narcissus, arr. F Sharp. Kevin. 7. Valse Caprice (Spanish "Torea- dor," Koyle. 8. SelecUon(FopuUr)uBohamiaaGiii'' Balfe. Geo. H. Pasjsoss, Conductor. Admission, 25 cents, reserved seats, SO cents. Tax Bovs Cits entertainment wCl be given on tbe 16th of February instead of the 12th as announced. The boys wiL be assisted in the entertainment by some ot Albany's best talent, and tbey deserve aiiberal patron aire. They will present tbe irresistable farce "Initiating a Gran- ger" on that night, which will show tbe public the manner in which grangers are sometimes treated at an agricultural college. Tbe entertainment will be given ia the Oonsrreeational church and the admission will be only 10 cents. Co mo out and help the bovs. tbeir entertain ment will be choek fall ot fan. ltCUREA COLl IN OXE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the moneyit it fails o care, --oc Ko Change la Sugar. AlbTky. Jan. 20th. 1S37. 3. Gradwoh! informs the general public tbat hs will ted 20 lbs dry granulated tngar for $1 or 10 lbs for SOc, ia oroer to give all modIs the benefit to iret cheap sucar, Come one, come ail, and take advantage of the low prices before the market changes. f Hear Parson's Orchestra at Armory Hall Tbursdav nigbt. Lnder auspices ot r Co. 25 and 60 cents. Lovers of music shoald hear ths famous I IWkLln .t Innon Hall tOmflT- - I rownighU Concert begins at 8:30, I The Crescent was tbe fitst to nts the new tabica. The other factories copy. MvIIow Sweet. A common remark about those delicate and lasting perfume at Burkhart & Lee's drag store . Ws cer- tainly have the best ia 'he market aad ao higher ia price than inferior goods. Pay Conn ft Huston. Pay Conn tc Hasten. Pay Conn & Huston . If you want to dye easily and permanently use 'Perfection' Dyes, tor sale by Fred Dawson. Use Dawson's furniture polish. Pure DruRs,.rrea Dawson's. Try Dawson once on school books.

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Rmu Dr . Feb.fl.2:14D.m$6.00 buys a good Mandolin with book


"It is a startling fact that, almostwithout exception, the adulteratedteas are dangerous to health. Someof them are actually poisonous."-N. V. Herald.

Yes; some not all. Butthat isn't the point Youdrink tea because you likeit not because it is goodfor you.

The wholesome tea isalso the best-tastin-g: Schil-

ling's Best at grocers' in

We devote to closing out ourentire line of

Overcoats,Macintoshes, and

WaterproofA special week of our


6 L. E.

QslISs!LsS!!EIVINa- -


TERMS.Opv nnnin a mAtilK

W.00 per year.in advance. SOc per monthS Vn dvan. By carrier, 10c perwee. 10 per cent added if allowed torua over s months. Single copies 5c.

WksKLT $1.25 fn advance; 51.50 at end

tKar;!U5for a1"1 year;-r- 00 fortnird and proceeding yeaw, when not paidin advance. Club of five new subscribers

X .

Clubbing Offer.

The Wti.,lixmner fi" be sent to subscribers for

J.35 a year. This includes all the priv--V8 0 tne Examiners big premium giftVn May, the same as if you sent the reg-al- ar

subscription price of $1.50 directlyt0me P61" Isa't that a - bargain.

Weekly Democrat ami thrice a weekN. Y. World, $2.00 a year.


Another Chapter.

The following from the VTel some isanother chapter in the life of Mrs. t,

nee Ryan, etc, a former Albanywoman:

When Miss Anna G. Southard married. . 'ITnHt Xl hi v

.Avi.MuiiBtugu iii AiuHii v, wr. . oa il ay24, 1893, she had little idea that merce-nary motives not love, inspired him, ofBut it did not take long for her to findout what he was after and now she poeesas a badly abused woman.

Mrs. Nelson today filed papers in thestate circuit court asking; for a divorcefrom her husband. She says that at thetime of her marriage she was the ownerof 10 acres of residence property adjoining Albany. She was also possessed ofuousenoia property ana furniture valuedat about $350. Then she was engaged inthe poultry business, and taken alto-gether the estimates that she was worth ofat least s&jTO.

Soon after the marriage, her husband, setuj taise preien8t-- s and nrisrepresenta-tion- s,

with a view to defrauding her ofuer property, induced her to place a"ungate upon ner real estate for SSOO.

Then without her knowledge and con-sent, he sold all her personal propertyfor $50, and also disposed of all her pou-ltry and livestock. The money he ap-propriated to his own use and she claimsthat he squandered it all iu riotous liv-

ing.Soon after this happened the couple farcame to Portland and upon one occasion

Mrs. 'Nelson was taken down sick. Shewas in need of medicine and asked herhusband for 50 cents with which to pur-chase some. This made him angry, and sixflying into a rage threatened that if sheever again asked him for money hewould kill her. the

On Aprii 15, 1394, he deserted her,leaving her in a destitute condition. Shewas sick and wast compelled to go to ahospital, where she rendaed for some theweeks. Ever since, she claims, she hasbeen in poor health, the result of herhusband's


G. W. Simpson, of Albany, now travel-ing:

tofor Page & Son, Portland, was in the

city yesterday.The Review has removed to the Sav-

age building, two doors north of thestore of F B Sackett, where we havemore commodious quarters. The changewas rendered necessary by our large and wisrapidly increasing list of delinquent

BayDorsey, the four year old son of W L

Jones and ite, is dangerously ill with Heacute meningitis, and grave fears arehad of his recovery. Dr. Smith is thephysician, and on Thursday Dr. J. P.Wallace, of Albany, one of the best phy-sicians of our state, was summoned inconsultation; add while he endorsed thetreatment of Dr. Smivh, he gave butslight hopes of the recove r of the pa-tient. It is earnestly Loped that a change offor the better may occur soon, for thelittle lad is a general favorite. Review. ban

Old Tims Pri.vkvii.le Row. One daylast week the usually quiet village ofPrineviile was aroused from its lethargyby an fight, which, for the tripnumber of participants, the zest withwhich they went at it, the sexes repre-sented, the lawsuits accruing therefromstands without a peer, says the Prine-viile Journal. Tbe fin was started byMrs. Delia Frazier taking it upon herselfto give Emmet Ilolman a hiding for in-

sulting her. Ths beleaguered party nat-urally objected to this treatment, where-upon

toTbeo. Cadle fiew to the rescue.

Then followed a scene of the wildesthilarity, a sort of free-for-- all fight. Noarrests were made until seven-


days af-

terwards, ofwhen Tbeo. Cadle was calle--i

before Recorder Bell, and, upon hearing,fined $15. Later he was again called up-on

N.to defend himself, thU time before

Justice Biggs and a jury. George Cline dayhas a'so been arrested and will have a lor

hearing ntxt Friday. It is understoodjnore arrrekts are to follow. trip


Protracted Meeting. At the Churchof Cbriet the sermon on "Baptism" lastsight was listened to by a very Urge andAttentive audience; all the seats and astanding room being taken at an earlytiour, many went away for want of ac-

commodations. atThe singing was wellrendered by the choir and tbe specialsong was very effective. Services to-

night at 7:30. The subject will beEzekiel's prophecy, "Theu will I sprinkleclean water upon you, and ye shall beclean." Tomorrow the "Types of theTabernacle will be considered." Every-one is invited to attend these interestingservices.

Hermann Has a Place. A Washing-ton dispatch taken from a San Franciscopaper contains tbe following information :

"One of the latest names mentioned iaconnection with the Commission-rshi- p

of tbe General Land office is that Con-

gressman Hermann of Oregon. He hasserved 12 years in congress, but failed ofdenomination to the Fifty-fift- h congress."e is thoroughly familiar with public

fid matters and might be satisfactory.the people of the west. It is positive--

Mbs. Weight Discharged. Mrs. Mm.

Wright, who was plased in the invaneasylum upon the complaint of her hus-

band less than two months ago, was yee-- .4.. granted a leave of absence by Su

perintendent Paine. Mrs. Wright will.in ii, this citv for a few days, stay- -

ine with friends, after which she will goto Albany where her son. Perry, has pre-

pared a home for her, and where she williLin Perrv holds a good position un--

j. k receiver of the Albary Woolenu.n. no., and is thoroughly able andwilling to look after his mother's welfare


Obatobt. In the State University,. f0r a representative to go to theI7r intercollegiate oratorical contest,

TiVed Fik won. His subject was "Broth-'IH- t

There were five contestants! i nm6n. In the McMinnville col?:J? .. there were seven orators"? rrr.Yan and two ladies. J. Sher- -

. vVallace won, his subject being"patriotism-o- ur Present Need One

..teatants was Ralph Knapp, afarmer Albany printer. His sr bject was

m.e o? Democracy." Not a- ...mntinit was necessary in the

delivery of the seven orations.

Lett :r List.

Following tbe ,ist ot letter remainingat Albany, Linn county,

ftSSW-T-o . 18?7. ,Persons calling

for these letters must give lue aaie on wnicn

tbey were aaveruuw.

iauieoMJsscWoo.eiy, Jennie

T. J. Stives, P M

The Way to i.ure catarrh is to pri-- ,

, fh. biood. and tbe surest, safest, bestt nnrify the blood is b takinir Hood's

apirWtbe One True Blood Purifi.r.act harmoniously with

HoldVBamparilla. Cure all liver ills:

'lb cents.

After roll-ca- ll was begun in the jointconvention, Patterson moved adjourn-ment. Bilyeu and Lee were absent- - Thefear of speeches of withdrawal from heretofore Mitchell men was the allegedcause of the adiourment. There were 38

resent. Senator Mitchell ia sail con-de- nt

E of election.The senate adjourned until

and the Benton house until 2:30 to-da-y,


From the Democrat of July 23 to Oct,6, 1876.

Prof R. K. Warren left for Portland,where he became one of that city's leadine citisens.

The contract for the first Green's ferrybridge was let to A 5 Miller & Son (F JMiller), ot Eugene, for $11,150.

It cost $15,699 69 for the Centenial cel-

ebration in Portland.Capt Miles Bell, (now on the rive-- )

waa the principal river captain.L J Powell accepted the presidency of

the Albany College.Tbe Montgomery Queen circus was in

Albany Sept 19.The Albany schools were first graded

Sept 18, opening with Prof Gilbert asprincipal. His aseistanta wereEO Hyde,Ella Uuusaker, Addie Mansfield and A'mThompson.

Hon. J. K. Weatherford was speakerot the lower house of the State legislature which then met in beptember.

In one night in Scio and Marion fourdifferent safes were robbed by a band ofrobbers and about $3000 in cash stolen,the safes of D P Mason, Irvine & Morris,Brown & Johnson at Scio and the depotsafe at Marion being robbed, the biggestrobbing event ot those days.

L F G rover was elected U S senal r onthe first ballot, receiving 48 volts, LishApplegate 35.

T P Hackleman left for Ann Arbor toenter the law school.

From the Democrat of October 6 toHov. 17, 1876.

The Democrat in its issue of Oct 20,ISifiaaid people were cooimitting a crimeagainst society "ben they countenanced

man like J. II Mitchell. (Neverthe-less Mr. Mitchell has been countenancedcontinually since.)

Miss Nettie .Piper began teaching mu-sic in Albany.

F. M. Miller arrived from Keosauqaa,Iowa, and began practicing law.

Albany Engine Co. No. 1 won theirfamous victory at the state fair, Theengine threw 190 feet 2' inches. TheSalem Tigers threw 184 ft 2',' ibebes andthe Portland Tigeis 163 frll'i inches.The prise was $15C Tbe next contestwas a quarter mile run and the throwing

100 feet through 250 feet of hose. Therecord was, Salem 3 :1 1 S ; Portland 2 :29 ;Albany 2:05. This has always been con-sidered tbe greatest test victory in thehistory of the Albany fire department.

Dr. Chas. A. Plummer bought the OddFeliows bmlding drag store of bis uncle,Dr. O. P. S. Plummer.

Mr. Andrew R. McCov and Miss ClaraWrenn were married at Muddy on Wed-

nesday, Oct, 25.In the national elect ioa Haves and

Wheeler had a majority of 10 ever Tildenand Wheeler ia Albany, and Tilden bad

majority of 81 in the county.On Nov. 10 Kay Neil, the murderer of

Seth Hays at Halsey, was sentenced jobanged by Judge Boise. The jury in

this famons case, often refrerred to, wasIsaac Haye, John Millard, J B Houston,

Meeker, II Eckerman, M F Hvde. A SNanny, Cyrus Westiake. Jas Nixon, JBarr, J Turner, and Milton Hale, ofwhom at least six sre dead. Geo H Bur-nett, prosecuting attorney, J O Powelland N P Humphrey were attorneys forthe state and J K tVeslherf jrtord, J JWhitney and F M Miller for tbe defend-ant. The jury was out about an hour.


While C. farJ it Harnish were atwoik on the legislature two first daftphotographers were at work among tbeintelligent people ot Oakville. Tbe firstpicture tbey lock waa the schools, butafter the schools had been arranged abook agent caa,e np in tbe rear of tbetnand dimmed up on a poet and spread hisumbrella (se Job They nextwent to the farm residence of I. N.Smith and took a picture of bis house sndfamily.. They then took a picture of the

P. parsonage, also the residence of W.Pugb on River street.

Judge Barton arrived in our town lastSaturday and on Monday he laid awayhis official garb ana ( !) went to work

Mr. H M. Stone called on ns yest-r-da- y.

He has been in Salem all last weeklooking after the fruit industry and es-

pecially 'prone driers." Mr. S. intend jincrease bis capacity for drying, and

from tbe present prospect for a largecrop it is time some one was doing some-thing, for what good will it do tbe farmer

raise a large crop of prunes with noway to prepare them tor market. A tewmore men like Mr. S. would be a goodthing for the prune raisers.

Master Johnnie Pattison met with apsintol accident last week, while at work

the hay loft be slipped and fell to theground and striking on tbe tinea oi nisfork tbey ran in his leg.

Master Bennie Black met with an accident at school yesterday. Whitest plsybe slipped and sprained nis ansie.

Mr. Fred Hamul called on ns today.Call again! t

A wagon drawn by two very poornoniea nassed no the street today and in

short time came back loaded with bay.We then discovered that tbe driver waa

woman and the object was to beg loreverything, even horse feed. We don'tDave anyining to givo iui ciu beg-

gars, but we are in favor of a law to com

pel tbat Class OI people to wort or starve.iTnela Ike Watson has deserted the

"white bouse" and has gone to residswith his relat' ves.

Lttle Hose Ben

A Rm Shoot The biggest live birdshoot yet will occur next Monday on the1 hanff Hnofl. I lis orlDCIDfti mm willh a free for all. with an entrance fee ofS2.V the winner to. take the whole. Sky. . .' - a a a- T I :Meeka. of HarniDurg. ana r. t. Dam--more and George Froman have enteredand any gun manipulator in Oregon isinvited to enter. Jo one will be barred.25 birds will be shot at. 250 birds areon hand, and there wiil be other contests.

tnty Years Ago.Vo theory of germs to chill

Affection' budding bUe'When ardent lover took their fttt.

No microbe ea their kte.Bow bsppy tbey were not to knowIb germ-fa-d jo years ago.

Ayer's Cherry Pectoralis the standard family remedyof the world for oolds, coughsand lunar diseases. It is not apalliative, and is not thereforenut no in small cheap bottles.It is snt tip in large bottlesfor the household. They costmore but cure more.

Pads corns and go but notheory or fad can overthrowthe fact, that the greatest curetnr all Aolda. OOUffhS and throatand lung diseases, Is Ayer'aCherry Pectoral.

SO Years of Cures.

Tbe Willamette At Corvallia aDeath Hole.

The Willamette at Corva'.lis seems tobe a death hole. When a man falls intothe river at that place bis fate seems tobe sealed. A vicious current sweeps himinto eternity. Another case occurredthis morning. The Ruth and Gypsywere lying beside each other as the timearrived for the Ruth to depart. One ofthe Ruth's deck bands, Mr. Snyder, wason tbe guard of the boat shoving tbeGypsy back when be slipped and fell intothe Willamette between tbe boats.

It was pretty dark, but two otherbands saw tbe accident, and rushed forward with ropes to help him as be cameup; but he never appeared in sight, ateast couia not be seen ana was undoubt

edly swept down stream by a treacherous undercurrent. Thus another bodyis in the river to be found by searcherswith the prospects sgaiost its recoveryfor some lime it at all, as tbe water iswell up and running fast.

snyiior was a man labout 85 years olage, aoout wnom little cou'd be learnedtie wan not married.


February 16,Boys Club entertainment.W U T U social at their bail tonigtt.

a. goou program.Smiley does oar job printing.No blur on Smiley ' printing.King pbone 9, or fimiley ttu. nriaterFinest candies and nuts at C. E

Bkowsiix's.Timothy seed for sals st C E. Brow

aaus.Pop corn that pops can found at C,

E. BaowK six's.Ail tbadea in chiffon, alio new veiling

a-- , me uaaies uazaar.A sew line of infants wear jost received

at the Ladies Bazaar.Our printing is the ch en pent became itme tet. burlet, the Printer.Our work ia the brat. tWefr.- - it is tbe

cheaoent. Smiley, the Printer.We do binding.

Smiley, tbe printer.Crawford t Barnuh for photograph.Prkea from 91 to f?0 per dozea.Ifyouwant absolutely correct time t

jour watch with French's regulator.At trench s jewedy store voo can La

p.ctcle and e gtaase from 25e op- -

Two packages of garden seeds for Sets.according to their uwal custom at Stewart

Sol i.Oakland has dob composedinwmoiaMs oo naa Aiuasy, but it is

notorgaaued.Dr. G. W. Hartoa, poyKiaa aad sm

geon, Albany Or. CaiUaaswered promptin city or country.Reserve seats are now on sals at Bark

bart & Lee's for the eegagfman1 of Pay tonBig Comedy Co. on Feb. 8m.

Information that is worth its weight iagx:d: Gh your meet of ah kinds at Hen-ry liroitfT, on Second street.

If you are ia Dd of a beating stovecall and examine tea Royal Jewel at TU.Stewart Six Hardware Co-'- a.

Dr. II. E. aad O. K. Bn offices alresidence ia tbe post o&c building. Spec-ial attention girea to disease of women.

E Woodward has been elm-fe- mayor oiGorrallU to succeed Jedg KetMy, and W

VV iilbankt succeed Mr WoodmuxJ ascoonalcMii.

Fines tbe seating ot lbs aew denMcratksuitor from Delaware, tbe U S senateUjkU; republican. 41; democratic 40;

populut 6.IVputy aWMcrt onler the present ad

i&iotOf atioa will be...allowed $3 a day isi i - to" mog to

There wiil be a regnUr meeting ofKnights of Sliver Star this eve at 7 SO.All members reqaeted to attend. Bybraer premies u

A good rmolotiea for 157 ia to call u jIlaigbt tiro, aad order some of their

choice tueat. Their cocstaal resolution u oftrMt tbe well.Tbe !dtes iixr are showing new

mtMlia endftwear ia skirts, nightgown,cenet corers and drawers for lees mosey(baa tbey can be mad) np at boose.

For cboioe meet of all kind call on Emerkk 6 Brockmta la the Blumberv block

Cere they are tunning their owa bosinesssnd treating their customers wWl.

Jtut rfown the street at Snd aad Ells-worth, the Albany Dressed Beef Co aretpiendidly equipped for serviag the pablKwell in all kind of choice meat, promptlyautcarefuliy.

lla'l' Hair Renewrr contain tbe aatorafood and co'or matter for tbe hair, aad otmedical herb for te sfalp, cuncg graynets, baldness, dandruff, snd scalp sores.

One of the finest special editions evergotten out ia Oregon ia that of the E. O.

Pencletoa of February 9. It is elegant-ly il'ustrated. being full of tbe faces ofprominent Pendleton men, places of buaitttm. residences, streets, tc It Ukes alive t)m to justify such a prod action.

TRANsrr.si.KD to Lnrx Co. Tbe suit otMrs. J. M. Mover vs. Mrs. M. A. Calloway, L. D. Cole, J. M. Mover and Mrs.Mary Croft, to recover frXKX) on a note,has been transferred to Linn county fortrial Tbe money waa loaoed to tbe Al-

bany woolen milts by Mrs. Moyer, aguardian of Earl tfrown. Tbe case was

hsve been tried yesterday, in JudgeSears' department. All ot the witnesseswere in attendance save L, I). Cole, whowas reported to be quit e ill. The cawcould not go to trial without the presence

Mr. uole, and as stl cf the other witnesses reside in Linn county, it wasdeemed inadvisable to causa them to -

come to Portland again to the trial at afuture date, so tbe suit was transferredto Linn county. Oregonisn.

Periiap8 the First. Perhaps the firstblack walnnt lumber ever manufacturedon the Pacific roast Irom - Pacific coasttimber, was sawed a few days ago at themill of S. n. Morton, west of Monroe.rbe logs came from old Lancaster, aburg that is a relic ot early Oregon days,situated two or threw miles from Junc-tion, and tbe trees were plsnted whilethe commonwealth was still in swad-dling clothes. The logs were in dimen-sions from twelve to fifteen inches, andonly a few hundred feat of the lumberwss made. The fibre wss tough andthe grain was smooth and susceptible oftbe high polish usually seen in walnutfurniture. Times.


TO BUYYour Groceries and Baked GoodsIs at Parker Bros. Everybody kuowswhere their place is. They keep a Ireshstock of groceries, produce and bakedgoods, of all kinds, sell at reasonableprices and treat their customers wen, ana. ike.

You may twrrflt some 8 tens von takein lifo tut none taken into the store ofParker Bros.

It is a great thing to be well fed. Par-ker Bros keep good groceries.

A loaf of bread is not roach but yoawant it well made. Try Parker Bros.

We Lead,Others Follow.

, , aid that is thsreason Hopkins Bros, are the first to dis-

play a full line ot tbe fsnioos 1897 0ascent and Crawford bicycle. Calk and seetbetn.

The Weather

Tonisot snd Thursday continued rain.alationary temperature. River 11.5.

F.M.b'BiNCH, duplayman.

The Modern Way.-Commend-s

itseli to ths well informed, todo pleasantry and effectually what was

formerly dons in the crudest . manner anddisagreeably as well. To cleanse the sys-

tem and bieak np colds, headaches, anduithnnt. minloasant after effects, ass

tbe delightful liquid laxative remedy, Syrupof Figs. Manufactured by California Fig

'yrup Comp any.

Real Estate Sales.

R S Moses to Daniel Simons,. acres $ 25G F Simpson to First N Bank, 807

acres it w4 8500Oollis Reed to J W Irvine, 1 lot

Lyons 300Johnson White to Emery Bvton.

10 acres Oakville 250H Jrow to EL Tandy, 50 acres... 550M J Stafford to Susan Zeigler, 4

lots Halsey....... 800u r uoshow to n Brownsville,

strip land fo? atreet 10 P Coshow to Brownsville, 60 x

90 feet . 6J J Barnes to 16' O F Lodge, Scio

34x70 feet . 125A Humphrey to J F Penick, in-

terest in several tracts land. . . . 1300G F Colton to O Saltmarsh, 25x

159 feet Lebanon 1000A Saltmarsh to Almira and W A

Saltmarsh. 320 acres 1J L Hill to I O Duedall, 61otsSo- -

davitie looW J Higby to 0 C Jackson, 197.69

acres..... 3300Jas Vanderpool to Jennie Myers,

zo acres 325Emma Sommers to Perry Hyde, 8

roas dv luuieet 375O P Coshow to W R Kirk, 35 acrs

and 60 feet 93OP Coshow to Alex Kirk, 2.83

acresW R Kirk to Alex Kirk, 268x345

feet 900Annie Gibson to Jas and E A Car-

ver, 3 lota Lyons 1200JasGarver to Anna Myers, 160

acres 1200Henry Myers to J H lliirains. 1

lot Brownsville 1200J Powell to Harriet Shi-- p 500.39acres 13 w 3 1000N Rice to J M Rice, 10 acres. . . . 200

Willard Lackey to Martha Lackey70 acies 800P Coshow to Mary A Gibler,8505 sq feet Brownsville

Mary Peters to Willie Land Nel-lie Peters. 8x10 rods Harriaburz

Lucy Wright to Jas Nanny, 63 89acres Shedd 2816

Philip LenUy to D M Hanson, 40acres 800

N Rice to Wm H Rice, 80 acres a14 w l . 200

B Hopkins to E B Lybscker,326 Jacres 320

J Calloway to E L Bryan, 4.11acres 1

Harvey Ward by sheriff to A DHorner, 40 acres - 596

E Williams to Mary Ellen Hot-to- n,2 lots, Lebanon

Byant to H O Jordan, 16.40acres 240L Maple et at to H C Jordan,16.40 acres 160

Hackleman to Aroline Rankin.part of block H's 2nd ad 1 of

L Nixon - to John Nixon, 560acres 1

Edwin Simmons to Wm Simmons,4 lots, Boston . 2

Found His Father.

The following somewhat romantic storytold by the Corvsllis Gazette:Roy Taylor came to Corvsllis about

two years sgo, fatherless and motherless,he thought. Its different now.

Roy was just of voting age at the fallelection, though be looks younger. He a

boarding with Mrs. Warner .and some-times assists John Warner with hissteam wood saw and for some time waj a bestudent in the agricultural college.

Roy's father and mother separatedwhen he was a small child, Rot staying Iwun his mother. since that tune heheard nothing of bis father and supposedhim dead. Meanwhile, his motherdied, leaving him some property and hehas since been "looking oat' for himself.

A short time ago he concluded torape np an acquaintance with his

grandfather, so he wrote him a letterHis grandfather, though, died severalyears ago. and the Litter vu opened by

ancle, who wrote to Roy, informinghim that bis father was in Montana anddoing welL Roy wrote to the addressgiven and was gladdened by a reply from

father, who asked Roy to make hishome with him.

The son of a new-foun- d father expectsleave within a short time for tbe state

where the gold mines grow, and becomeacquainted with bis unknown dad.

Mrs. C. C. Hottmas. Frances E.Willard eavs of her: "Mrs. Hoffmanhails from Missouri and is tbe Thomas

Benton of the prohibition movement. U.She is every whit as able as tbe great U.senator from Missouri, and bringi to berpies lor tbe protection of the ch rut-a- n

firesi ie a logic as powerful, a pathos farmare tender and a personality vastlymore homelike. Yon will rejoice tohear her. She will do yoa eood." Mrs.Hoffman will sneak in Albany Mondayevening Feb. 15


ThkPattoxs. A. line and please 1

audience greeted the Pavtors on thefirst night of their third appearance in toAlbany. "Is Marriage a Fall ore," waspresented. It is a live comedy, and givesthe company a big field Ijr displayingtheir irenias in corned v. To-nig- ht Drivenfrom Home will be given, and no doubtanoiber big bouse will face tbe popular introop. .

Deserves Taa. md Feathers Anapology for a man, a blot on humanity,baa been in tbe southern part of tbe city,making indecent exposures sad conducting nimseit in a manner disgracefaf inthe extreme. Tar and feathers would be

mild punishment for such a man.

Mr. T. Z. Drais. of Gates is in tbe city afor a day.

Mr. Feltz, advance agent of the Far- -ton Co., went to Portland this noon.

Hon. W. . Bilyeu was in Salem yesterday to look after his big brother, andon business.

Banker Sommerville. ot Portland wasin the city today. He is an ancle of Mr.Ed Blodgett and Mrs. C. O. Lee.

Miss Portia Knight, a former Salemyounelady, is winning dramatic laurelslnineeasi. xier acing is nigmy spokenof.

Senator S. A, Dawson and Representative J. M. Somers.of Linn Co., returnedthis morning from Bortland. Monday's


Journal.Misses Amelia and Nora May. of Har

ris dorg, are visiting Albany relativesand friends, among whom they are always welcome.

John Schlosser has received a letterfrom Mr. J. B. Comely at Nampa. Ida- -bo. stating that he will be here this week.Tbe reasons given are too much snowana no beer.

Mrs. and Mrs. S. G. Gourley went tothe Portland Hospital yesterday to havean operation performed on tbe leg oftheir son. It is desired to have itstraightened if possible.

Rev. J. T. Abbett. was in the city onbis wsy to Portland to attend a meetingof the educational committee of the conference. Rev. Wire went yesterday onme same mission.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bruckman. havereturned from Washington, where theybad been to rnn a creamery. Tbe pros-pects were entirely different from repre-sentations and they were glad to returnborne.

Ths picture of Rev, Driver in fhe Oregonian today is the best that paper has yetgiven of any state celebriies. It is good.

lhe Corbett-Fitzsimmo- ns fight will takeplace in Carton. Navada. on March 17.From now until then high winds, cyclonesand tornadoes may be looked for in tbatrun down state.

Baker City wants the 1897 fireman'stournament and wants it S700 worthWalla Waila has already authorized berdelegates to offer $600, and now BakerCity bos "seen" Walla Walla and "raisedher yaw. K. O.

The monthly ontDnt of the Baker Citv(Or.) camp is placed by tbe Spokesman Re-view at from $160,000 to $170,000, and itsays that the principal producing $30,000a month; Bonanza, $18,000; E 4 K $25,000;North Pole, $15,000; Vhita Grouse, $10.WU; Ked Buy, $10,000; Baisley k Elk-bo-rn,

$10,000. The shaft of the "Virtue isnow down 700 feet.

Money Loaned.

On improved farms; fint mortcage: nobonus required. Address J. Nohaw, Grant

Oreon- -

$5.00 bays a good new Guitar with book.

$1.00 buys 16 choice "cat gut" Banjo lastrings.

$1.00 buys 12 choice "cat gut" Violin Estrings.

$4.00 buys a fine Violin with bow.

25cts buys one dozen steel Violin 1st or2nd strings.

$25.00 buysao-draweraewi- machine:I. : L. l - i . -uin rm, iigni running; guaranteed o years.

CTPrices on Pianos. Organs. Baniossent on application.

E. U. Will Albany.


Salkm, Ore., Feb. 7th. 2:04 p. in. Ell--yeu and Lee joined Mitchell men in jointconvention. They were sworn in before

ustic Moore. The total vote was thirty-eigh- t.

Adjourned to 7 :S0.

Probate Record.

In estate of Thos .Umrhrev. citationset tor Aiarcn a

Inventory filed in estate of M M Lewis, i'ersonal property set aside forwidow.

Peter Home was appointed administrator of estate of J H McKercher. Bond$2000.

In estate of Jos Nixon, citation for salereal proierty ordered issued.Wiil of Arthur Saltmarsh tiled. In-

ventory filed. Total property $4962 50.Final account in estate of J F Price ap-


JObjections to final account in estate ofMG Hill filed

In estate of Wm Kinder, citation or-dered Oissued for sale of real estate.

In estate of H A McCartney, objec-tions to final account filed. Final ac-count approved. w'

In esute of R C Findley. 50 per centclaims ordered paid.In estate of J H McNeil, final account

for April 9. Guardian of minor chil-dren Jwas ordered to turn over interestmoney for support of minors. T

MSpreading Over ths U. S. The Chron-

icle eays: Mongolian pheasants havebeen in Oregon for ten or eleven yearspast, and nnder the influence of the laws Aprotecting" them from slaughter theyhave multiplied there in great numbers, Hand are now foond nearly if not quite as

south as the Siskiyous. . If they cross Wthat range they will soon spread ove:North California. Recently the state Agame commissioner of Ohio introduced

of these beautiful and useful game Jbirds into Ohio and tbe legislature ofthat state his passed a law prohibiting

slaughter of pheasants for any pur-pose until the year 1900 in hope tnatthey may be multiplied sufficiently bythat time to enable the flecks to survive

open game season .

isJ. P. Galbraith was in Portland jes--

terday,Mr. J. N. Hoffman has gone to Port-


on a prospecting trip.Senator Lake, of Benton countv, went isSAlem this noon, too late for the ioint

session, an immaterial fact.There was born in Washington recent-

ly to Maj. and Mrs. Powell a daughter,camber five. Ail doing well.Mrs. Wm. Wolf and daughter and Mim

Clira Sternberg, came up from Portlandnoon ana are at Mr. M. Sternberg's.

Hon. Allan Parker came over from thetoday for the purpose of having an

operation performed for bloodpoisoning.has been ill for some time. so

The charge against E. C. Millner,teacher of the Woodstock school, for al-leged battery on an ngly pupil named hisPeterson in correction him. was discharged today in Justice McDevitt'scourt. Portland Tribune. A formerAlbany man. bis

Mr. R. L. Catro'l and two damrhteraBerry returned home this noon from

irancisco. by way of Yaquina, com-i- ne toon the Farralon. which left th

Golden Gate on Wednesday and crossYaquina bar yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs H. G. Colton returnedFriday morning from a seven-wee- ks'

through tbe Eastern states. Theywent principally to see Mr. Cotton'smother, who has been very sick, andwhom they left in usual good health.Oregonian.

Prof. R. A. Heritage, of tbe Willam-ette Conservatory of Music, who was re-ported to have located at Chattanooga,Tenn., is on his way back t Salem

resume bis position in the conserva-tory, it is reported much preferring Ore-gon to the east.

Mr. Ira. L. Cambell, tbe genial editortbe Eugene Guard, after being delin-

quent for a great many years, and Mrs.K. Frazier, a well known resident of

Eugene, were married in that citv Saturevening. Mr. Campbell's fondnesscrocodiles and tropical fruits took

them south, and they left on a bridalfor Mexico. Mr. Bob Johnson didgo as chaperoce. Mr. and Mrs.

Campbell will uave the best wishes ofevery editor ia Oregon he was onepresident of the btate Press Associationand was one of its founders as well as ofr

host of friends generally.In this city, Sunday, January 31, 1897.8 p. m , in the parlor of the Junction

City Hotel, Mr. Fred Peebler and Miss aMinnie Houston, Rev. C. E. Graff offic-iating. Tbe wedding was strictly privateana ws quite a surprise .in many. r.Peebler is in tbe employ ' the Southernracihe Co. and has tbe esteem and con-fidence of all bis acquaintances and isknown to be perfectly reliable. MisHouston IB the only daughter of Rev.Wm. Houston and has for the past fouryears acted as postmistress for this cityand is well known to our readers, tshehas lived here ail her life and has manvfriends who wish her happiness. Theywill reside in itoeetmrg. Junction cityTimes. Mr. Peedler is a former Lebanonyoung man a jd ia well known in Albany

A Portland lady Lai jut received $118,000 in cash, the life insurance of her latehusband.

Tbe California overland was delayedeven hours today by a washout in (south-

ern Oregon.In tearinor down the old U P Church

Mr R B Vunk found a tetter dated Oct 7,1861, yellow with aire, ft was addressedto M i9 Wbifson, without any signature,and wa about musical matters.

Geo. W. FlaifK. the well known painterw) o recently died in Massachusetts, wastbe father of E H Flogg, a Salem newspaper man and politician, i lags was anintimate friend of N P Wallis toe poet.

An Albany man drove to Kings valley,Benton countv lat week in a day. goingover the hilly road, which was oaaenoueh. Some friend knew a better routeborne and be came another wCy, makingtbe trip in three days on horrid roads, liewin use bis own judgment alter taia.

This is the complaint otthousands at this season.

They have no appetite; fooddoes not relish. They need tbe toning upofthe stomach and digestive organs, whicha course of Hood's SarsaparUla will givethem. It also purines and enriches thsblood, cures that distress after eating andInternal misery only a dyspeptio canknow, creates an appetite, overcomes thattired feeling and builds np snd sustainsthe whole physical system. It so promptly snd efficiently relieves dyspeptic symp-

toms and cures nervous headaches, that Itteems to have almost " a magic toucn."

M ssbsb n mm


SarsaparillaIs the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier.

the best after-dinne- r

HOOd'S PlllS plUs, aid digestion. 268.

packagesA Schilling & Company



Salem. Feb 10. The 46 did not materialise in the joint seas on. The old 38were present.

(Jarterof Benton witmirew as Mitchellcaucus member. Said be was persuadedto attend on pledge thathe would be tbe46th man. He demanded where weretbe other seven. Declared some onehad lied creating quite a sensation.


Mr. Huston, foreman ot the EugeneGuard, was in Albtny today on his wayto Salem.

Mrs. Thos. Monleith snd child, otSpokane, arrived in Albany this noonon a visit.

Judge J. J. Whitney has been appointed deputy district attorney of Liur.county, to succeed C. H. Dalrymple. is


Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Maton, of Al-

bany, are tbe guests ot Judge and Mrs.C. h. Wolvmon, on Cbemeketa street.

Salem Journal.Mr.O. P. Oothow, a McMinnville at-

torney, has been in this city severaldays, and we understand is consideringtbe advisability of locating here. Itose-bn- rg

Review.Mr. J. H. Decew. of Ainsle- -, Wssh.,

who owns a large timber tract up tbeSantiam, arrived in Albany this noonand ia at the Kass. Mr. Decew is thegentleman who contemplated erecting abig saw mill here. It U not too late now.

At the aJ van red age 82 years, Mrs. oiJane Graham, wife of Dr. Graham andmother of Richard Graham, died at thefamily home in Corvallia at 5:45 yester-day morning. She came to Oregon in ly

I. H. Van Winkle, who has been at-

tending Willamette University the pastyear during which time he has served asProfessor of the Pig bkin department,went to Albany this morning where bewill be employed as Deputy Asesorun-ti- l

possibly next Jane Saiem Journal.District Attorney A. A. Jayne arrived

on the noon train from Shedds,Linn county, and will be present dar-ing tbe term of tbe circuit court. Mr.Jayce was called to Shedds on account ofthe sickness of bis mother, who was dan-gerously ill. but was convalescent yester-day when Mr. Jayne left that place JTbe Dalles T. M.

Tbe condition of Hon. T. W. Daven-port was vesterdsy considerably im- -iproved, and be is considered out of danger. Wben be was at bis worst a tele-gram was sent to his ton. Homer Daren- -port, tbe artist, announcing the condition ol tis lather and wua u now enbis wsy to this city., being e peeled m!reab here in a few days. Statesman.





Tuesday Evening, Feb. 9. atPresent Mayor, reoorJe- -, marshal,

street superintendent, poundmaster and tocounciimen Tweedale, Dannalt.Hopkint,Iiocoe, Martin and Dickey.

Tbe action of the committee oa fireand water in having on y one erg;ne goto a fire at a time nnlees needed, waspresented and ducosted, and opon mo-tion was ratified unanimously.


In tbe matter U tbe compfaint of theS. P. engine on tbe switch being a nuis-ance, the same was withdrawn and tbematter dropped.

Tbe following accounts were orderedpaid: J Crowder, $1.35; P Cohen $? 50;F M West fall, $3;J M Wiltiamon. $1.50;White A Warner, $3 50; li F Purdom,tl 15; I C Dickey, $210; W N Miller,$10 50; CO Lee, $7; II A Leinenger,$0 75; B B Dunn, $4; B M Hint on A Co,

w o; ungues ct l rout man, $! 75; JHenton, $12 50; John Maxwell, $3;electric lights, $139; S Conn, $3. of

An ordinance bill providing for theleasing ot tbecouncilhambersof D Froman lor nve years at $5 a month. Passed.

A communication was real from No.'s inviting t ie members of the council

to a bouse warming at the hall on Thurs-- :dsv evening, February 18. Accepted.

air. m trnmm made complaint ofbridge near bis blace oeinir tmken

dcarn and of the flume near it, which hereported in each a bad condition that itwas liable to give away any time andwash bis place away. Me asked that the

itcn company be required to fix thesame. Keierred to tbe committee on tostreets and public property.

iinuimiii was airecteo. to give noties that all taxes mast lie paid by AprilI or tbe marshal will proceed and collectthem accoiding to law. of

Tbe matter ol sawing wood was dis-cussed. Mr. Dickey said tbe sawyersthought tbe owners of tbe wood shouldclean up where wood has been sawed.an also that it should not be permittedon First street. Those speaking seemedto think the ordinance should stand aat nresent.

The matter of feeding tramna was discussed at random, the opinion beta; that

.. ......inn, n nil li 1 nam n .in Iniwl 1.

and be made to work for it. The bid ofG. Stetter for furnishing meals tor

prisoners and tramps st li'1. rents ameal, was accepted

Tie-petlti..- of F. E. Adams, askingror me privilege of running gas pipes for,igui ana power in the streets from neartbe Albany brewery t the office of DrAdams, w as read . Referred to the committee on fire and water with power toact, alter quite a discussion on gas gen

rally,blinds lor the couucil chambers were

ordered procured by the committee onaccounts ana current expenses.

The following nersonalsappear in today's (statesman : Judge Whitney returned to Albany last evening. "B-lli- e

Pfieffer of Albany ia in Salem for a tewdays. City Marshal U. J. Day of Albany is in this city as a witness beforetbe grand juty. Thomas Brown of Albany came down yesterday and will beone of the participants at the EntrePous ball this evening at the Heed.

Ths Second NionT. The Pavtons weregreeted by another large audience lastmgbt, who were greatly please J with thepresentation of "Driven Irora Home," aurama with many pleasing situations,ably presented. "Turning the Tables,'a farce, closed the entertainment. Tonight "t he Lancashire Lass ' will begiven.

Tug Cokvallib Creamery associationhas been organised with George Taylorsi president. Mr. Taylor owns 200shares of stock, a majoiky, and will ofcoarse rnn things. The success of theAlbany ereamery is due to its cooperativecnaracter, and the jjsmocbat doubts ifone man creamery will succeed in thelong run.

Epwobth Lkaous Vai.sntink SociaiThe Epworth League will give a valen-tine social in tbe M. E. parsonage, (firstdoor east of M. K church) Friday even- -t . ?.. V . 0. 1. IIL4 1 I

i lug, i curuory i.lii. ugiurBiresnmeniai win Deserved and valentines sold. Ad'

mission 10 cents.

A Druggist rtowndaysmuet have acomplete knowledge of drugs, and knowiust wbat to look for. Burkbart A Leenave mat Knowieuge, iney mane a specialty of coniDOundinB all nresannbonf using nothing bat the best grade of puredrugs.

Shoe;s. t

Clo. Co.Clothiers.


AlwaysUp-to-da- te

in ShoesA Laced Shoe,, fancy boxing,crack proof calf with solid solefor damp weal her ..$2J0A Laced Shoe, dongola kid.high cat $290A haad-tnr-n flexible sole iathree stales of bxs, narrowsquare, needle aad Colum-bia $3 50



Nearly all wear short bosomwhite shirts, as they don'tposh the collar up into theneck and wrinkle the linen.A short time ago they couldonly be had in the fine qual-it- y

but we are now able toshow you a complete assort-ment in good qualities atpopular pricea.

Call and see oar line.


Opera House.For One YT cck Only--TBE-


Big Comedy Co.

nriiiii mBRASS BAND Superb Orchestra.


and a fins ensemble oi Artists ia NewPlays, New Music, New Dances.

TONIGHTUncle Daniel

,Reserve seats at th usual placeJGeneral admidsion 10 and SOc Beeervedseals SOc

Coming! Coming I

Rfll Asiual Tout cf tis Coast.

Kentncfcy Minstrels and

JnWlee Singers.

Opeia House Feb. 16 &17

Old Time Jubilee Songs, PlantationMelodies, Scenes From the Sun-

ny Saoth.in

Plantation Costumes.Dear the Black Nightingale,

the lion Basso and Shoatiag Tenor.

Popular Prices.


Tcaclsr ol Rasa & Organ

(Mason System of Technic)Careful Instruction of Child ren s Spa

sltv. Terms moderate.Washington St. south of V. P. church.

A T l'HE MIXES Boarding, lodeingand meals may be secured of the sab--

cnDsr si ins aanuam mines, a us puraat the mouth of Dry Gulch.

H. W. Whits.


Tin roofing aad plumbing, Op posithsopsraaoasa

BLAINLeadingsb x

Hotel Burned.

Ths Arlington House at Junction Citywas entirely consumed by fire this morn-

ing. As the train passed the city at:40 it wss in flames. Tbe fire company

were laboring in vain against it w.th aweak stream from one noczie. Therewere two guests in the hotel and theirtrunks were gotten oat, bat nearly alltbe contents of tbe building were burn-ed. How tbe fire started was not known,bat it wss probably of incendiary origin.

man had also been prowling aroundtbe other hotel in a suspicious man ner.

Slanderous Tongues.

To who it may concern : We ought tosay something aboot slanderous tonguesbat will simply state that the $2 we late-ly received from tbe county waa in paymerit for flour, sugar, salt, coffee and to-bacco furnished to m. P. Vaughn bythe eoaatj on aa order given Jan. 7,1897, by the Hon. Judge Bartotu

The candle of clothes sre handed toSir. Vaughn was a free gift from oargood neighbor Mrs Leeds.

S.'F, Bbciex.A well-kno- traveling mas who ar-

rived yesterday in the city, from Hepp-ne- r,

said that bosiness in Eastern Ore-gon waa onosuallv dot even fcr this dollseason, and tbat Baker City and Astoriawete ths only two towns in the statewhere be had fennd say prospects ofbatter times ia the immediate fstore.Astoriaa.

Mr. Johnson has introduced a bill nn-der which nearly everything that goesout of telegraph and express offices shallbe covered with stamps printed by tbestate. At first consideration the billseems to the Man about Tcwn to be avery poor one. Tbe day for pattingstamps on everything is pact. It is onpeinepie a poor form of taxation. Itshoald stop with the mail service. Tearsago there were stamp oa every photo-graph, insurance plicies were plasteredwith the m .etc, bttt they were done awsywith. Tbe people (imply pay for thestamps. This bill would not be a tax ontbe express and telegraph companies bat

the peoplaand they are already taxedenough. Aad then again, all public ser-vice shoald be made as rim pie as pos-sible.

There is lets of tqiminf going oadowa at Salem.

"Drowned while skating," is seea ianearly every paper containing easterndispatches. Fortunately we have bttlelea ia Oregon, though that is treacherousenough to make np for ths lack of it.

. and G. Corsets and h! FittingCorsets.

I have just received a full line ia bothot these celebrated corsets aad aa

prepared to give extra value of SOe, 76c aad$1 ia black and slate. Abo keep bettergraces aad extra siaea. The $1.00 can

worthy of special notice. Ask to see oar50c 75c sad $1.00 corsets.

bAMcn. E. loss a

Properly used, "Perfection dyeaare superior insist on Having"Perfection" Dyes, tor sale by FredLfavrson. .

a keep the oaly complete stock oprinter's stationary ia the countv. 'Smiey tbe printer.


Send ia roar order aad we will callyour door for yoor laundry aad deliver itwiuhhh cixra caarge. uive as a oui, wewill guarantee yoa will be satisfied, finenaian to areas anirts. tace curtain renewed. Ftree mendisg department forbundle work. City Lausdbt,

Opp St Cb Hotel.

We handle the amous Whiting papersaad print them np for yoa at tbe sameprice yoa pay for interior grades, bmileyhe printer

If our work aad stock isn't as represented, yoa can get yoor money back. Smiley the printer.

Fin a Clubbisq Orrca. Leslie's Weekly is tbe oldest and beet of the illustrat-ed weeklies of the U. S. It is a modelin its character, as everybody knows.LlharecnlarpncaialiaTear: bat yoacan secure it and the w bxklt 1kmocsiifor only $3.25, or hand the Daily byman tor so.

Perfcctioa, Dyes are Brilliantand Permanent, for sale by FredDawson.

Too can pay more, oat yoa wob"i getany better service. Ton can pay lea, batyoa won't get as good service. Bmileythe printer.

Honklfi KfOQhave received a full slock

of 1S97 Crawford bicycles. Tbey ax immense, Uome and see tor yourself.

Satisfaction guaranteed whenyou vae "Perfection" Dyes, for saleoy r reu uawson.

If you want a aood and cleansmoke buy cigars made by our Albany vigar factory.

For tht best drugs, Dawson's,

tuuii nun.Whit, 69cOats 25Floor. U 0oButter 173Eggs 13cLard 6 to SoPork ham. 8 to 10c, shoulder '4 to SSides. 6 to 8.


Hiy bitei, cheat, $7.00, Timothy, ta.


Ia taking bis teat in the joint sessionBilyeu declared emphatically that hawas not there to recognise the Bensonbouse He stood by the Davis Slion. Ue hsd met with the temporaryorganization. Ue demanded an organisation of some sort. He denied thatthere hsd been any participation of bisin any aeaaiocK. The state constitutionhad nothing to do with election of a senator. Tbe preiiminaiy organization wassufficient to elect a senator. He was Atired of the strife between tbe republi-can factioos tbat deadlocked both thehones and the senatorial election.

In the senate some bills were read thesecond time.

In tbe Benson house there waa only alit Us formality

Tbe following bills were introduced inthe eenste:

Dofor. To enable school districts toborrow money and kindred to itiers.

King. To resrnlata emntovment ofclerical aid for bouse and senau.

Johnson. To regulate tbe charges andrates of express companies.

aong. io prevent fraud in the sale ofmines.

Dalr. To orovide for reclamation ofarid lands snd kindred matters.

Johnson. To retraUle telegraph tbarreand providing tor stamp tax thereon.

Is tbe illegal Benson boose bills wereintrodneedjby Cbspmaa, regulating tbehauling oOogs and ties over rmblic roads :Tbomss, amending the act iacorpatiaglraui; osier, aulbortsiagcoonty clerks

administer pention oaths wittmatcharge ; Thomas, amending the code relating to the public lioa of summons.

la tbe senate several bills were readthe second time and tbe following newones introduced :

Dulur. to amend code rdatinw ta theexemptions of an earning debtor.

aiicneu, to provide for toe duaoiuboamunicipal corporations.Uaiy. to pronde for acceptance by the

state of certain lands un3er the reclam- -latioo art.

Uaseltine. to create the office of statebiologist to serve without salary.

Keaotouon try miur. aaaing tbat tbecommittee on commerce and navigationbe allowed to visit and inspect the lite othe portage railway contemplated be-tween

oaThe Dalies and Oelilo. The bill

asking for this appropriates $196,000.Adopted.

Johnson, asked tor the third reading ottbe bill to abolish the state board otequalisation.

Senator Mcdong opposed the passageany bills until tbe house is fully or-

ganized and adjournment immediatelyloi.owed.

The Parsons Concert.

The concert to be given Thursdayevening at tbe armory at 8:30 o'clock,nnder the auspices of F Co. will be achoice one, one deserving tbe patronageof all moic loving people.

Following is the program :1. Overture, "Raymond" Ambr

Thoroaa.2 Fantasia, Faust"' Gounod.3. Serenade and Lullaby, "Open the i

Lalti Arr McClure.4. Grand Selection, "Carmen," Bizet

Intermission, 10 Minutes.5. Overture, William Tell." Rossini.6. (a) Intermezzo from "Cavaileria

RusUeaaa," Mascagni. (b) Narcissus,arr. F Sharp. Kevin.

7. Valse Caprice (Spanish "Torea-dor," Koyle.

8. SelecUon(FopuUr)uBohamiaaGiii''Balfe.

Geo. H. Pasjsoss, Conductor.Admission, 25 cents, reserved seats,

SO cents.

Tax Bovs Cits entertainment wCl begiven on tbe 16th of February instead ofthe 12th as announced. The boys wiLbe assisted in the entertainment by someot Albany's best talent, and tbey deserveaiiberal patron aire. They will presenttbe irresistable farce "Initiating a Gran-ger" on that night, which will show tbepublic the manner in which grangersare sometimes treated at an agriculturalcollege. Tbe entertainment will be givenia the Oonsrreeational church and theadmission will be only 10 cents. Comoout and help the bovs. tbeir entertainment will be choek fall ot fan.

ltCUREA COLl IN OXE DAYTake Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.All druggists refund the moneyit it failso care, --oc

Ko Change la Sugar.AlbTky. Jan. 20th. 1S37.

3. Gradwoh! informs the general publictbat hs will ted 20 lbs dry granulated tngarfor $1 or 10 lbs for SOc, ia oroer to give allmodIs the benefit to iret cheap sucar,Come one, come ail, and take advantage ofthe low prices before the market changes. f

Hear Parson's Orchestra at Armory HallTbursdav nigbt. Lnder auspices ot r Co.25 and 60 cents.

Lovers of music shoald hear ths famous I

IWkLln .t Innon Hall tOmflT- - I

rownighU Concert begins at 8:30, I

The Crescentwas tbe fitst to nts

the new tabica. The other factoriescopy.

MvIIow Sweet. A common remarkabout those delicate and lasting perfumeat Burkhart & Lee's drag store . Ws cer-

tainly have the best ia 'he market aad aohigher ia price than inferior goods.

Pay Conn ft Huston.Pay Conn tc Hasten.Pay Conn & Huston .

If you want to dye easily andpermanently use 'Perfection' Dyes,tor sale by Fred Dawson.

Use Dawson's furniture polish.

Pure DruRs,.rrea Dawson's.

Try Dawson once on schoolbooks.