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IT-ITeS Sector Skills Council NASSCOM 7

Name of Company/Training Provider



Curricula Framework for CRM Domestic Voice

1 IT-ITeS Sector Skills Council NASSCOM




Job Role CRM Domestic Voice

(Customer Service Associate, Customer Service

Representative, Customer Care Executive, Customer Agent,

Helpdesk Coordinator, Customer Support Representative,

Process Associate- Voice)

Role Description Managing and resolving client queries / issues primarily

through telephonic calls.


Minimum Educational Qualifications

Maximum Educational Qualifications



Master's Degree in any discipline


(Suggested but not mandatory)

Training programs in customer orientation, dealing with

difficult customers, Telephone etiquettes etc.


0-1 year of work experience/internship in a related area

Applicable National Occupational

Standards (NOS)


1. SSC/N3020 (Make outbound calls to customers)

2. SSC/N9001 (Manage your work to meet requirements)

3. SSC/N9003 (Maintain a healthy, safe and secure working



Not Applicable

Performance Criteria As described in the relevant OS units

Qualifications Pack Code SSC/Q2210

Job Role Domestic Voice

Credits(NVEQF/NVQF/NSQF) TBD Version number 0.1

Sector IT-ITeS Drafted on 30/04/13

Sub-sector Business Process

Management Last reviewed on 30/04/13

Occupation Customer Relationship

Management Next review date 30/06/14

technology consul t ing

EYE ON IT Current Industry Trends

Suscipit, vicis praesent erat

feugait epulae, validus indoles

duis enim consequat genitus at.

Sed, conventio, aliquip

accumsan adipiscing augue

blandit minim abbas oppeto


Enim neo velit adsum odio,

multo, in commoveo quibus

premo tamen erat huic. Occuro

uxor dolore, ut at praemitto opto

si sudo, opes feugiat iriure

validus. Sino lenis vulputate,

valetudo ille abbas cogo saluto

quod, esse illum, letatio lorem

conventio. Letalis nibh iustum

transverbero bene, erat vulpu

tate enim esse si sudo erat.

SOFTWARE Monthly Picks

Volutpat mos at


nulla lobortis


conventio, torqueo, acsi roto

modo. Feugait in obruo quae

ingenium tristique elit vel natu

meus. Molior torqueo capio velit

loquor aptent ut erat feugiat

pneum commodo.

Enim neo velit adsum odio,

multo, in commoveo quibus

premo tamen erat huic. Occuro

uxor dolore, ut at praemitto opto

si sudo, opes feugiat.

Aptent nulla aliquip camur ut

consequat aptent nisl in voco

consequat. Adipsdiscing magna

jumentum velit iriure obruo. damnum

pneum. Aptent nulla aliquip camur ut

consequat lorem aptent nisl magna

jumentum velitan en iriure. Loquor,

vulputate meus indoles iaceo, ne

secundum, dolus demoveo

interddfico proprius. In consequat os

quadfse nudflla magna. Aptent nulla

aliquip camur utan sdl as consequat

aptent nisl in vocoloc consequat ispo

facto delore ergo maska forgeuit

masca pala ergo sacrum lamap

allacum dergo ipso aliquip mia sermi

proprius. quae nulla magna. Delenit abdo esse quia,

te huic. Ratis neque ymo, venio illum

pala damnum. Aptent nulla aliquip camur ut

consequat aptent. Adipiscing magna jumentum

velit iriure obruo vel.Volutpat mos at neque nulla

lobortis dignissim conventio, torqueo, acsi roto

modo. Feugait in obruo quae ingenium tristique

elit vel natu meus. Molior torqueo capio velit loquor

aptent ut erat feugiat pneum commodo vel obruo

mara duis enim consequat genitus. Enim neo velit

adsum odio, multo lorem ipso mata irlosa.

Curricula Framework for CRM Domestic Voice

IT-ITeS Sector Skills Council NASSCOM 7

Unit Code SSC/N3020

Unit Title (Task) Make outbound calls to customers.

Description This unit is about making telephone calls to customers and prospective customers in order to sell products/services or with respect to

an existing product or service used by them.

Scope This unit/task covers the following:


existing customers

prospective customers

Appropriate people:


other members of the sales team

subject matter experts


Performance Criteria (PC) w.r.t. the NOS: SSC/N3020 (Make outbound calls to customers)

To be competent, you must be able to:

PC1. establish contact with customers, following your organization’s procedures

PC2. introduce yourself and the purpose of your call, following standard scripts

PC3. obtain information from customers to identify their needs

PC4. make convincing sales pitches to customers following standard scripts

PC5. handle customer queries, objections and rebuttals following standard scripts

PC6. adapt your approach and style to customer preferences, within the limits of your competence and authority

PC7. refer issues outside your area of competence and authority to appropriate people, following your organization’s procedures

PC8. identify and act on opportunities to up-sell or cross-sell other products/ services to customers

PC9. confirm customer wishes and needs in order to close sales

PC10. obtain required financial information from customers, following your organization’s procedures

PC11. complete your organization’s post-sales procedures in order to complete/ fulfill sales

PC12. comply with relevant standards, policies, procedures and guidelines when making outbound telesales calls







Curricula Framework for CRM Domestic Voice

3 IT-ITeS Sector Skills Council NASSCOM

Knowledge and Understanding (K)

Outcomes Performance Ensuring Measures Duration


Work Environment / Lab

Requirement (Inclusive of Hardware

/ Software Specifications)

A. Organizational

Context (Knowledge

of the company/

organization and its


You need to know and


KA1. your organization’s

standards, policies,

procedures and

guidelines for making

telesales calls and your

role and responsibilities

in relation to these

Questionnaire / debate among the

peers on the standards, policies

procedures and guidelines

Team based activity to simulate

telesales and customer conversation

with their roles and responsibilities


Faculty outline

2.00 Hrs Fully furnished class rooms with the following

equipment / tools / accessories to support 25


Chairs and Desks

White Board, Markers and Erasers


PC with supporting software / applications

for projecting audio, video, recording,

presentation, internet connection

Tools to support Domestic Voice such as:

o Intranet

o Email

o IMs

o Call center activity and performance

data Application and Software with


o Cloud based call center software

o Standard Resource Calculator

Speakers with Mic.

PPT presentations


Handy Camera

Stationery Kit – Staples, Glue, Chart Paper,

Sketch Pens, Paint Box, Scale, A4 Sheets

Computer Lab with 25 PCs with net

connection, MS Office, Browser,

Assessment and Test Tools for day to day

online Tests and Assessments

Note: The above mentioned are generic in nature and

should be available for every class room session

and/or lab sessions. Any requirement apart from the

one mentioned above is specified in the respective

tabular against respective section Eg. KA2 , KA4…

Questionnaire Manual AND/OR Test and Assessment

Tool - Online

Curricula Framework for CRM Domestic Voice

4 IT-ITeS Sector Skills Council NASSCOM

KA2. your organization’s sales

plan and priorities

Group Discussion followed by

presentation / Peer-evaluation and

score with feedback

1.50 Hrs Round Table Setup for four teams

Grade Sheet

KA3. standard scripts and

tools available for sales

pitches, customer

queries, objections and


Practical session (Mock – Answering

Calls) where trainees / peers will

simulate telesales answering customer

queries and denials / Fculty overview

1.00 Hr Questionnaire Manual AND/OR Test

and Assessment Tool - Online

KA4. typical issues that may

occur and how to

address these

Team activity based on given scenario

which would illustrate handling issues

and addressing them / Faculty overview

1.00 Hr Round Table Setup for four teams

Spacious Room / Auditorium for Role


KA5. where to refer issues

outside your authority

Written test (outline the hierarchy and

mentioning the next superior level to


Multiple choice questionnaire to

evaluate their depth of understanding /

Score with feedback

1.00 Hr Questionnaire Manual AND/OR Test

and Assessment Tool - Online

KA6. types of financial

information required

from customers and how

to obtain this

Written test (Descriptive Type)

Trainees will have to create

questionnaire on collecting information

from customers / Faculty evaluation

1.50 Hrs Questionnaire Manual AND/OR Test

and Assessment Tool - Online

KA7. the importance of

confirming customer

wishes and needs and

how to do this

Team activity (create four team and one

team would enact as customer and the

second team members would enact

telesales collecting information and

confirming the same. Repeat the same

with other two teams vice versa) /

1.50 Hrs Round Table Setup for four teams

Spacious Room / Auditorium for Role


Curricula Framework for CRM Domestic Voice

5 IT-ITeS Sector Skills Council NASSCOM

Faculty Evaluation

Viva / Score

KA8. how to use your

organization’s tools,

systems and procedures

for recording,

completing and fulfilling

customer sales

Written Test – Fill in the blank type

questions / Score & feedback

1.50 Hrs Questionnaire Manual AND/OR Test

and Assessment Tool - Online

Curricula Framework for CRM Domestic Voice

6 IT-ITeS Sector Skills Council NASSCOM

Outcomes Performance Ensuring




Work Environment / Lab

Requirement (Inclusive of Hardware

/ Software Specifications)

B. Technical


You need to know and understand:

KB1. the importance of introducing yourself and

the purpose of the call

Individual presentation session

to evaluate the level of

understanding / Faculty and

Peer Evaluation with feedback

1.00 Hr Classroom setup

KB2. different styles and approaches to use

when working with customers

Team activity (form four teams

and one candidate from each

team at a time would play the

role of telesales who will have

to answer and satisfy the

opposite team who is the

customer for the candidate of

the other team)

Peer-evaluation based on the

performance / score by faculty

1.50 Hrs Round Table Setup for four teams

Spacious Room / Auditorium for Role


KB3. how to adapt your style and approach to

meet customers preferences

Discussion among the peers

followed by individual


Score / faculty overview

1.50 Hrs Discussion Room

Grade Sheet

KB4. different questioning techniques for

identifying customer needs and how to

apply these

Team activity for questionnaire

design / peer review and


Role play / faculty overview

Formative test

1.50 Hrs Round Table Setup for four teams

Spacious Room / Auditorium for Role


KB5. how to match products/services to

customer needs

Analysis of case studies by every

individual and answering the

questions to match customers

needs / Score with feedback

1.50 Hrs Classroom setup

KB6. different opportunities for up-selling or

cross-selling other products/services to

Demo followed by presentation

Team activity (Divide the

1.50 Hrs Questionnaire Manual AND/OR Test

and Assessment Tool – Online

Curricula Framework for CRM Domestic Voice

7 IT-ITeS Sector Skills Council NASSCOM


strength of trainees into two

teams and allow them to discuss

on the product they are about

to sell. One person from each

team will be selling their

product to other team

Peer evaluation / faculty


Classroom setup

KB7. current practice in sales and customer


Written test - multiple choice

Score / feedback from faculty

1.00 Hr Questionnaire Manual AND/OR Test

and Assessment Tool - Online

A. Core Skills/

Generic Skills

You need to know and understand how to:

SA1. complete accurate well written work with

attention to detail

Written Test on comprehension,

vocabulary, punctuation, style,

flow and grammar

1.00 Hr Questionnaire Manual AND/OR Test

and Assessment Tool - Online

SA2. write in at least one local language Local Language Test - Essay 1.00 Hr Questionnaire Manual AND/OR Test

and Assessment Tool - Online

Curricula Framework for CRM Domestic Voice

8 IT-ITeS Sector Skills Council NASSCOM

Outcomes Performance Ensuring




Work Environment / Lab

Requirement (Inclusive of Hardware

/ Software Specifications)

Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)

You need to know and understand how to:

SA3. communicate effectively in at least one

local language

Presentation on communication

in local language / Faculty

Evaluation with feedback

1.50 Hrs Questionnaire / Template / Forms

Sound System

Round Table Setup for four teams

SA4. listen effectively and orally communicate

information accurately

Listening Skills Assessment

based on audio play – Objective

Type Questions / scores and


Team Activity – Instructor reads

a passage and the teams has to

frame 5 questions based on

listening to passage and fire the

question on the opposite team /


Oral Conversation Activity

between every two trainees A

and B where A is given a picture

and is asked to describe the

same, B takes note of the

description and explains back

the picture content and

placements of objects. This

helps in understanding the

verbal communication and

understanding skills in every


1.00 Hr Questionnaire / Template / Forms

Sound System

Round Table Setup for four teams

SA5. ask for clarification and advice from others Practical Test – based on the

scenario every individual would

simulate the act composed with

clarification and advisory /

1.00 Hr Questionnaire Manual AND/OR Test

and Assessment Tool - Online

Curricula Framework for CRM Domestic Voice

9 IT-ITeS Sector Skills Council NASSCOM

Faculty Overview

B. Professional Skills

Decision Making

You need to know and understand how to:

SB1. make decisions on suitable courses of


Team Activity – Divide the group

into teams. Wherein, each team

has to demonstrate a scenario,

and the team will be assessed

on their decision making skills.

Example: Your irate customer is

yelling at you over phone on the

product that was delivered to

her. Ouline three different

methods to pacify her and

decide the best method.

Written Test (Objective and

Descriptive Type questions

based on a scenario/case study

concern to IT Helpdesk

incidents) on Decision Making

Skills / scores and feedback

1.50 Hrs Questionnaire Manual AND/OR Test

and Assessment Tool - Online

Plan and Organize

You need to know and understand how to:

SB2. plan and organize your work to achieve

targets and deadlines

Written Test – Objective Type

(Self Assessment) on Time

Management / score

Achieve Target – Team Activity

based on planning, organizing

and achieving the target /

Faculty overview

Example: Create a “To Do List”

and list down from the high

priority job to low priority job

1.50 Hrs Questionnaire Manual AND/OR Test

and Assessment Tool - Online

Round Table Setup for four teams

Questionnaire / Template / Forms

Curricula Framework for CRM Domestic Voice

10 IT-ITeS Sector Skills Council NASSCOM

and execute in the same order.

Exercise – List out “to do” tasks

and set the priority / score and


Customer Centricity

You need to know and understand how to:

SB3. build and maintain positive and effective

relationships with customers

Exercise – List out all the

positive and negative attitude

and or behavior followed by

action plan on overcoming

negative behavior / peer


1.50 Hrs Questionnaire / Template / Forms

SB4. work effectively in a customer facing


Exercise – Create a SWOT

(Strength, Weakness,

Opportunity and Threat)

Analysis for yourself focusing on

“Your customer facing work

environment”, with a help of a

discussion session with your

team to overcome your

mentioned weaknesses and

threats / Faculty Evaluation

Viva / score and feedback

2.00 Hrs Discussion Room

Grade Sheet

SB5. deliver consistent and reliable service to


Group Discussion (all trainees)

and manual creation (by leads

representing each team) in

parallel on various

measurement to deliver

consistent and reliable service

to customers / Faculty Overview

1.50 Hrs Discussion Room

Grade Sheet

SB6. check your own work meets customer


Exercise – Fill up the “Work

Tracker” to analyze and evaluate

1.50 Hrs Questionnaire / Template / Forms

Curricula Framework for CRM Domestic Voice

11 IT-ITeS Sector Skills Council NASSCOM

your proficiency, work meets

and or loopholes / Self, peer and

faculty evaluation / score

SB7. carry out rule-based transactions in line

with customer-specific guidelines

/procedures/rules and service level


Written Test (Objective and

Descriptive Type) / score and


1.50 Hrs Questionnaire Manual AND OR Test

and Assessment Tool - Online

Problem Solving

You need to know and understand how to:

SB1. apply problem-solving approaches in

different situations

Mock Session (Team Activity) on

specific problem solving

approaches for a given problem

(Scenario Based) / Peer and

Faculty Evaluation

2.00 Hrs Round Table Setup for four teams

Questionnaire Manual AND OR Test

and Assessment Tool - Online

SB2. seek clarification on problems from others Open Hall session with real time

questionnaire towards seeking

clarification on a specific

problem / peer and faculty


1.50 Hrs Spacious Room / Auditorium for Role


Outcomes Performance Ensuring




Work Environment / Lab

Requirement (Inclusive of Hardware

/ Software Specifications)

Analytical Thinking

You need to know and understand how to:

SB1. analyze data and activities

Practical test – Trainees will

have to do analysis on the data

provided and generate report /

Score and Feedback

2.00 Hrs Questionnaire Manual AND/OR Test

and Assessment Tool - Online

SB2. pass on relevant information to others Role Play – Form teams and call

one member from the team and

share an information on

answering to particular call from

a particular set of customers.

The same has to be addressed

1.00 Hr Round Table Setup for four teams

Spacious Room / Auditorium for Role


Curricula Framework for CRM Domestic Voice

12 IT-ITeS Sector Skills Council NASSCOM

by him/her to their respective

team / Faculty Evaluation

Critical Thinking

You need to know and understand how to:

SB3. apply balanced judgments to different


Written Test (Self opinion

based) followed by a discussion

about applying balanced

judgmental methodology / score

and feedback

Example: You have an irate

customer on line who is yelling

at your colleague who did not

keep her promise of allowing

discount on the purchase made.

You are unsure about the fact.

1.00 Hr Questionnaire Manual AND/OR Test

and Assessment Tool - Online

Attention to Detail

You need to know and understand how to:

SB4. check your work is complete and free from


Proof Reading Test / score

Activity where every individual

will be provided with a list of

tasks to accomplish with time

limit for each tasks, finally they

have to collect the status of

each tasks and the same will be

evaluated by other trainee

Score / faculty overview

1.50 Hrs Questionnaire Manual AND/OR Test

and Assessment Tool - Online

Team Working

Curricula Framework for CRM Domestic Voice

13 IT-ITeS Sector Skills Council NASSCOM

You need to know and understand how to:

SB5. work effectively in a team environment

Team Building Activities /

Faculty Overview

Exercise – know your

neighbor/co-trainee and work

together to complete a given


2.00 Hrs Questionnaire / Template / Forms

SB6. work independently and collaboratively Written Test (Match the

following) / score and feedback

1.00 Hr Questionnaire Manual AND/OR Test

and Assessment Tool - Online

C. Technical Skills You need to know and understand how to:

SC1. use information technology effectively to

input and/or extract data accurately

Written Test (Objective and

Descriptive Type) on

Information system and data

Management / Score and


1.50 Hrs Questionnaire Manual AND/OR Test

and Assessment Tool - Online

SC2. store and retrieve information

System based Practical Test /

score and instant feedback

1.50 Hrs Questionnaire Manual AND/OR Test

and Assessment Tool - Online

SC3. agree objectives and work requirements

Written test (multiple choice) on

industry objetives and work


Score / Feedback

1.00 Hr Questionnaire Manual AND/OR Test

and Assessment Tool - Online

SC4. keep up to date with changes, procedures

and practices in your role

Assignment – (week on week

basis) by maintaining a book to

update amendments and or new

learning and or upgrades made /

Score and feedback

1.50 Hrs Home Work

Curricula Framework for CRM Domestic Voice

14 IT-ITeS Sector Skills Council NASSCOM

Unit Code SSC/N9001

Unit Title (Task) Manage your work to meet requirements

Description This unit is about planning and organizing your work in order to complete it to the required standards on time.

Scope This unit/task covers the following:

Work requirements:

activities (what you are required to do)

deliverables (the outputs of your work)

quantity (the volume of work you are expected to complete)

standards (what is acceptable performance, including compliance with Service Level Agreements)

timing (when your work needs to be completed)

Appropriate people:

line manager

the person requesting the work

members of the team/department

members from other teams/departments






Performance Criteria (PC) w.r.t. the NOS: SSC/N9001 (Manage your work to meet requirements)

To be competent on the job, you must be able to:

PC1. establish and agree your work requirements with appropriate people

PC2. keep your immediate work area clean and tidy

PC3. utilize your time effectively

PC4. use resources correctly and efficiently

PC5. treat confidential information correctly

PC6. work in line with your organization’s policies and procedures

PC7. work within the limits of your job role

PC8. obtain guidance from appropriate people, where necessary

PC9. ensure your work meets the agreed requirements







Curricula Framework for CRM Domestic Voice

15 IT-ITeS Sector Skills Council NASSCOM

Knowledge and Understanding (K)

Outcomes Performance Ensuring




Work Environment / Lab

Requirement (Inclusive of Hardware

/ Software Specifications)

A. Organizational

Context (Knowledge

of the company/

organization and its


You need to know and understand:

KA1. your organization’s policies, procedures

and priorities for your area of work and

your role and responsibilities in carrying

out your work

Quiz-Verbal (Every individual

will be fired with a quiz

question) on organization’s

standards, policies, procedures

& guidelines / Score with


Written Test (Multiple Choice) –

on service level agreements for

dealing with customer queries,

role and responsibilities. /Score

with feedback

2.00 Hrs Fully furnished class rooms with the

following equipment / tools /

accessories to support 25 trainees:

Chairs and Desks

White Board, Markers and



PC with supporting software /

applications for projecting

audio, video, recording,

presentation, internet


Tools to support Domestic Voice

such as:

o Intranet

o Email

o IMs

o Call center activity and

performance data

Application and Software

with recording

o Cloud based call center


o Standard Resource


Speakers with Mic.

PPT presentations


Curricula Framework for CRM Domestic Voice

16 IT-ITeS Sector Skills Council NASSCOM

Handy Camera

Stationery Kit – Staples, Glue,

Chart Paper, Sketch Pens, Paint

Box, Scale, A4 Sheets

Computer Lab with 25 PCs with

net connection, MS Office,

Browser, Assessment and Test

Tools for day to day online Tests

and Assessments

Note: The above mentioned are

generic in nature and should be

available for every class room

session and/or lab sessions. Any

requirement apart from the one

mentioned above is specified in the

respective tabular against

respective section Eg. KA2 , KA4…

Questionnaire Manual AND/OR Test

and Assessment Tool - Online

KA2. limits of your responsibilities and when to

involve others

Group Discussion and note

taking in parallel / Faculty


1.00 Hr Round Table Setup for four teams

KA3. your specific work requirements and who

these must be agreed with

Project – Prepare the chart to

show the organization structure

/ hierarchy and point of contacts

for your specific work

requirement / Score

1.00 Hr Spacious Room / Auditorium

KA4. the importance of having a tidy work area

and how to do this

Team activity – Peers will

demonstrate the importance of

tidy work area through skit and

display the methodology to

1.50 Hr Round Table Setup for four teams

Curricula Framework for CRM Domestic Voice

17 IT-ITeS Sector Skills Council NASSCOM

keep work area tidy

KA5. how to prioritize your workload according

to urgency and importance and the

benefits of this

Written Exercise – List down 10

“to do tasks” and set the priority

while mentioning the reason for

setting priority for a particular

task and present the same to co-

trainees / peer evaluation and


1.00 Hr Questionnaire / Template / Forms

KA6. your organization’s policies and

procedures for dealing with confidential

information and the importance of

complying with these

Exercise on Security System

Measurement – Enlist Do’s and

Don’ts / Score

1.00 Hr Questionnaire / Template / Forms

KA7. the purpose of keeping others updated

with the progress of your work

Debate on Keeping others

updated with the progress of

work is good / Score to every

individual who contributes their

voice and valid points in the


1.00 Hr Spacious Room / Auditorium

KA8. who to obtain guidance from and the

typical circumstances when this may be


Written Test (Objective Type) /

Score with discussion session

1.00 Hr Questionnaire Manual AND OR Test

and Assessment Tool - Online

KA9. the purpose and value of being flexible

and adapting work plans to reflect change

Role Plays to show case

flexibility and adaptability on a

change at work

1.00 Hr Spacious Room / Auditorium for Role


Curricula Framework for CRM Domestic Voice

18 IT-ITeS Sector Skills Council NASSCOM

Outcomes Performance Ensuring




Work Environment / Lab

Requirement (Inclusive of Hardware

/ Software Specifications)

B. Technical


You need to know and understand:

KB1. the importance of completing work

accurately and how to do this

Written Test – Create a check

List for completing a task or

series of tasks for accurate job

outcome / Faculty Evaluation

1.50 Hrs Questionnaire Manual AND OR Test

and Assessment Tool - Online

KB2. appropriate timescales for completing

your work and the implications of not

meeting these for you and the


Project Work (Instant) – Draft a

task tracker template and

present the effectiveness of the

template / Score

1.50 Hrs Spacious Room / Auditorium for Role


KB3. resources needed for your work and how

to obtain and use these

Creative Thinking (Team

Activity) – Present a structured

process or methods that pops

up resources needed for a

particular work and its source /

Faculty Evaluation

1.00 Hr Round Table Setup for four teams

Skills (S)

A. Core Skills/ Generic


Writing Skills

You need to know and understand how to:

SA1. complete accurate work with attention to


Self Practice Quiz / Score and


1.50 Hrs PCs for every individual to take up

the test with net connectivity

Reading Skills

You need to know and understand how to:

SA2. read instructions, guidelines, procedures,

rules and service level agreements

Written Test (Multiple Choice)

based on Reading

Comprehension / Score and


1.50 Hrs Questionnaire Manual AND/OR Test

and Assessment Tool - Online

Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)

You need to know and understand how to:

SA3. ask for clarification and advice from line


Listening Skills Assessment

based on audio play – Objective

Type Questions / scores and

2.00 Hrs Round Table Setup for four teams

Sound System

Curricula Framework for CRM Domestic Voice

19 IT-ITeS Sector Skills Council NASSCOM


Team Activity – One Team reads

a passage and the other team

has to frame 5 questions based

on listening to passage and fire

the question on the opposite

team / Score

SA4. communicate orally with colleagues Conversation Test – Oral (Test

upon tone, pitch, flow, rhythm

etc.) – Faculty Evaluation

1.00 Hr Conversation Document

B. Professional Skills

Decision Making

You need to know and understand how to:

SB1. make decisions on suitable courses

Team Activity – Outline 3

different methods and decide

the best method that will help

you to achieve your target on a

daily basis / Faculty Evaluation

Written Test (Objective Type)

Decision Making Skills test –

Know you self stand / Score and


Draft - Decision Making Strategy

or steps / Score

1.50 Hrs Questionnaire Manual AND/OR Test

and Assessment Tool - Online

Plan and Organize

You need to know and understand how to:

SB2. plan and organize your work to achieve

targets and deadlines

Written Test – Objective Type

(Self Assessment) on Time

Management / score

Achieve Target – Team Activity

based on planning, organizing

and achieving the target (Teams

2.00 Hrs Questionnaire Manual AND/OR Test

and Assessment Tool - Online

Curricula Framework for CRM Domestic Voice

20 IT-ITeS Sector Skills Council NASSCOM

should draft an execution

methodology on how they

would achieve the targets.

/ Faculty Evaluation

Exercise – List out “to do” tasks

and set the priority / score and


SB3. agree objectives and work requirements Role Play - Prioritizing Tasks and

Incidents / Faculty Evaluation

1.00 Hr Spacious Room / Auditorium for Role


Outcomes Performance Ensuring




Work Environment / Lab

Requirement (Inclusive of Hardware

/ Software Specifications)

Customer Centricity

You need to know and understand how to:

SB4. deliver consistent and reliable service to


Group Discussion Session on

maintaining consistency and

reliable service to customers

while creating a map to depict

the points discussed in parallel /

Faculty Overview

1.50 Hrs Round Table Setup for four teams

SB5. check your own work meets customer


Quiz on Understanding

Customer requirement

1.50 Hrs Questionnaire

Problem Solving

You need to know and understand how to:

SB6. refer anomalies to the line manager

Role Play (Individual and Team

Based) – Every individual would

come up with a problem and

solution like:

o Not managing work

o Incorrect output

o Volumes not met

o Not organized

1.50 Hrs Questionnaire Manual AND/OR Test

and Assessment Tool - Online

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o Do not seek clarification

with co-workers

/ Faculty Overview

Written Test (Objective Type) /


SB7. seek clarification on problems from others Practical Assessment (Mock

Meeting) with reference to

seeking clarification from others

on a given problem / Faculty


1.50 Hrs Questionnaire Manual AND/OR Test

and Assessment Tool - Online

Analytical Thinking

You need to know and understand how to:

SB8. provide relevant information to others

Online Questionnaire / Auto

Result with Score

1.50 Hrs Questionnaire Manual AND/OR Test

and Assessment Tool – Online

PCs for every individual to take up

the test with net connectivity

SB9. analyze needs, requirements and

dependencies in order to meet your work


Exercise - Draft a Table and

mention the needs after

analyzing, requirements and

dependencies to execute a

particular work / Faculty


1.50 Hrs Questionnaire / Template / Forms

Critical Thinking

You need to know and understand how to:

SB10. apply judgments to different situations

Viva – One on One / Score and


Role Play (Individual and Team

Based) – Every individual would

come up with a judgement to

various situations pertaining to

/ Faculty Evaluation

1.50 Hrs Discussion Room

Grade Sheet

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Attention to Detail

You need to know and understand how to:

SB11. check your work is complete and free from


Exercise – Enlist all the points

and or sequence in order to

complete a specified work while

mentioning the steps taken to

ensure the accuracy of the work

in a tabular format / Score

1.50 Hrs Questionnaire / Template / Forms

SB12. get your work checked by peers Proof Read a completed work to

further filter for accuracy / score

1.50 Hrs Questionnaire

Team Working

You need to know and understand how to:

SB13. work effectively in a team environment

Individual and Team based

activity - Complete the set of

activities and questionnaires as

an individual wherein the

individual’s performance would

contribute to the team, any

weak performers would pool in

negative scores or zero score

letting the team down. The

team thereby must come up

with the solutions or steps to

improve the average performers

/ Faculty Evaluation

1.50 Hrs Round Table Setup for four teams

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Outcomes Performance Ensuring




Work Environment / Lab

Requirement (Inclusive of Hardware

/ Software Specifications)

C. Technical Skills You need to know and understand how to:

SC1. use information technology effectively, to

input and/or extract data accurately

Online Practical Test on data

management and process

followed using information

technology / Score

1.50 Hrs PCs for every individual to take up

the test with net connectivity

SC2. identify and refer anomalies in data

Team Activity – Outline the

various ways in identifying

differences in data (scenario

based) / Faculty Overview

1.50 Hrs Round Table Setup for four teams

SC3. store and retrieve information Practical Online Test – Database

and or Information

Management Activity / Score

and Feedback

1.50 Hrs PCs for every individual to take up

the test with net connectivity

SC4. keep up to date with changes, procedures

and practices in your role

Project Work – Draft a template

to make note of daily activities

with reference to changes in

procedures and practices

involved in your role while

maintaining the same (a

continuous process) / Faculty


1.50 Hrs Class Room Setup

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Unit Code SSC/N9003

Unit Title

(Task) Maintain a healthy, safe and secure working environment

Description This unit is about monitoring your working environment and making sure it meets requirements for health, safety and security.

Scope This unit/task covers the following:

Emergency procedures:




other reasons to evacuate the premises

breaches of security


Performance Criteria (PC) w.r.t. the NOS: SSC/N9003 (Maintain a healthy, safe and secure working environment)

To be competent, you must be able to:

PC1. comply with your organization’s current health, safety and security policies and procedures

PC2. report any identified breaches in health, safety, and security policies and procedures to the designated person

PC3. identify and correct any hazards that you can deal with safely, competently and within the limits of your authority

PC4. report any hazards that you are not competent to deal with to the relevant person in line with organizational procedures and warn

other people who may be affected

PC5. follow your organization’s emergency procedures promptly, calmly, and efficiently

PC6. identify and recommend opportunities for improving health, safety, and security to the designated person

PC1. complete any health and safety records legibly and accurately







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Knowledge and Understanding (K)

Outcomes Performance Ensuring




Work Environment / Lab

Requirement (Inclusive of Hardware

/ Software Specifications)

A. Organizational

Context (Knowledge

of the company/

organization and its


You need to know and understand:

KA1. legislative requirements and

organization’s procedures for health,

safety and security and your role and

responsibilities in relation to this

Written Test (Objective Type) /

score and feedback

Activity – Collage Messages and

pictures with respect to health

and safety security system /

Faculty Overview

2.00 Hrs Fully furnished class rooms with the

following equipment / tools /

accessories to support 25 trainees:

Chairs and Desks

White Board, Markers and



PC with supporting software /

applications for projecting

audio, video, recording,

presentation, internet


Tools to support Domestic Voice

such as:

o Intranet

o Email

o IMs

o Call center activity and

performance data

Application and Software

with recording

o Cloud based call center


o Standard Resource


Speakers with Mic.

PPT presentations


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Handy Camera

Stationery Kit – Staples, Glue,

Chart Paper, Sketch Pens, Paint

Box, Scale, A4 Sheets

Computer Lab with 25 PCs with

net connection, MS Office,

Browser, Assessment and Test

Tools for day to day online Tests

and Assessments

Note: The above mentioned are

generic in nature and should be

available for every class room

session and/or lab sessions. Any

requirement apart from the one

mentioned above is specified in the

respective tabular against

respective section Eg. KA2 , KA4…

Questionnaire Manual AND/OR Test

and Assessment Tool - Online

KA2. what is meant by a hazard, including the

different types of health and safety

hazards that can be found in the


Mindscape – List out all the

possible and or expected

hazards at workplace followed

by remedies to eradicate the

same / Score

1.00 Hr Classroom setup

KA3. how and when to report hazards Group Discussion / faculty


1.00 Hr Round Table Setup for four teams

KA4. limits of your responsibility for dealing

with hazards

Quiz / Score 1.00 Hr Questionnaire / Template / Forms

KA5. your organization’s emergency procedures

for different emergency situations and the

importance of following these

Exercise – Team Lead to mentor

the team, followed by series of

questions to every individual /

1.00 Hr Questionnaire / Template / Forms

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score and faculty overview

KA6. the importance of maintaining high

standards of health, safety and security

Team Activity – Create a chart

that encompasses the

importance of high standards

health, safety & security

measurements, followed by

each trainee explaining on

different points / score and


1.50 Hrs Round Table Setup for four teams

KA7. implications that any non-compliance with

health, safety and security may have on

individuals and the organization

Role Play – Team Based with

every individual taking a role /

peer evaluation and faculty


1.50 Hrs Spacious Room / Auditorium for Role


B. Technical


You need to know and understand:

KB1. different types of breaches in health,

safety and security and how and when to

report these

Written Test (Objective and

Description Type) / Score and


1.50 Hrs Questionnaire Manual AND OR Test

and Assessment Tool - Online

KB2. evacuation procedures for workers and


Practical Test – Mock Drill (Team

Based) / Score and feedback

1.50 Hrs Round Table Setup for four teams

KB3. how to summon medical assistance and

the emergency services, where necessary

Presentation / score 1.00 Hr Class Room Setup

KB4. how to use the health, safety and accident

reporting procedures and the importance

of these

Project Work (Instant) –

Prepare the chart that shows up

the contact information with

image orientation to reach out

during hazard / calamities

1.50 Hrs Class Room Setup

KB5. government agencies in the areas of

safety, health and security and their

norms and services

Group Discussion Sessions /

Faculty Overview

1.50 Hrs Round Table Setup for four teams

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Skills (S)

Outcomes Performance Ensuring




Work Environment / Lab

Requirement (Inclusive of Hardware

/ Software Specifications)

A. Core Skills/ Generic


Writing Skills

You need to know and understand how to:

SA1. complete accurate, well written work with

attention to detail

Written Test (Objective Type) on

process followed to accurately

complete the work related to

safety and security system /

Score and feedback

Question and answer session –

Team based activity / Score and


1.50 Hrs Questionnaire Manual AND/OR Test

and Assessment Tool - Online

Reading Skills

You need to know and understand how to:

SA2. read instructions, guidelines, procedures,

rules and service level agreements

Written Test - Passage Reading

and answering the

questionnaire / Score

1.50 Hrs Questionnaire Manual AND/OR Test

and Assessment Tool - Online

Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)

You need to know and understand how to:

SA3. listen effectively and orally communicate

information accurately

Verbal Test – Answer to the

questions (communication skills

based questionnaire) / Score

Activity – Team based

assessment on listening and

speaking skills / scores and


Conversation Test (test upon

tone, pitch, flow, rhythm etc.) –

Oral / Faculty Overview

1.50 Hrs Round Table Setup for four teams

Questionnaire Manual AND/OR Test

and Assessment Tool – Online

Conversation Document

B. Professional Skills Decision Making

You need to know and understand how to: Written Test on Decision Making 1.50 Hrs Questionnaire Manual AND/OR Test

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SB1. make decisions on suitable courses of


Skills (Objective Type – based on

a scenario related to health and

safety measurements)

Example: When your co-worker

struggles to breathe while

working you will -

a) call doctor

b) inform management

c) imply first aid

/ Score and Feedback

Group Discussion based on the

written test.

Draft - Decision Making Strategy

(on any given point in time,

depending upon the scenario,

the steps followed to make a

decision) / Score

and Assessment Tool - Online

Plan and Organize

You need to know and understand how to:

SB2. plan and organize your work to meet

health, safety and security requirements

Role Play - Assume the NEWS

spread to take precautionary

measurement to prevent swine

flu. Show the way you will plan

and organize from swine flu.

Written Test (Multiple Choice) -

Know your Time Management

Skills / Score and feedback

Exercise - Prioritizing Tasks and

Incidents / Score

1.50 Hrs Questionnaire Manual AND/OR Test

and Assessment Tool - Online

Questionnaire / Template / Forms

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Exercise – Grid an Activity

Planner for a week / peer


Customer Centricity

You need to know and understand how to:

SB3. build and maintain positive and effective

relationships with colleagues and


Activity – Individual and Team

based activity (List all the points

that contributes towards

positive and effective

relationships with co-workers

and customers) / Score and


1.50 Hrs Questionnaire / Template / Forms

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Outcomes Performance Ensuring




Work Environment / Lab

Requirement (Inclusive of Hardware

/ Software Specifications)

Problem Solving

You need to know and understand how to:

SB4. apply problem solving approaches in

different situations

Team Activity (Individual teams

will frames 3 questions related

to illness/sickness/health and

safety) with problem solving

approaches / Faculty Evaluation

Written Test (Objective Type) on

problem solving skills based on

the health, safety and security

measurements / Score

Presentation on problem solving

approaches at different

situations / Score

1.50 Hrs Questionnaire Manual AND OR Test

and Assessment Tool – Online

Analytical Thinking

You need to know and understand how to:

SB5. analyze data and activities

Group Activity – Track and

create a database that shows

the no. of accidents at

workplace be it major or minor

with respect to negligence in

health and safety

measurements and outline a

graph to depict and or support

your gathered data.

Written Test on Data

Interpretation understanding

capability / score and feedback

1.50 Hrs Questionnaire Manual AND OR Test

and Assessment Tool - Online

Round Table Setup for four teams

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Team Activity – Understand and

Explain the purpose of different

demo Graphs

Critical Thinking

You need to know and understand how to:

SB6. apply balanced judgments to different


Team Activity: Assume two co-

workers at workplace fought

and the verbal fight turned to

physical extent, both had a

minor injury, as a team member

or team lead how will you tackle

this situation and apply

balanced judgement.

Written Test (Self opinion

based) followed by a discussion

about applying balanced

judgmental methodology / score

and feedback

1.50 Hrs Questionnaire Manual AND/OR Test

and Assessment Tool - Online

Attention to Detail

You need to know and understand how to:

SB7. check your work is complete and free from


Individual Activity – List out all

the steps, measurements and

pointers to ensure that you

follow health and safety

measurements and verifying if

you have missed to adhere to

the system.

Written Test (Formative Type) –

Enlist all the measurements to

complete a work errorless /


1.50 Hrs Questionnaire Manual AND/OR Test

and Assessment Tool - Online

SB8. get your work checked by peers Individual Activity – Do a check

if your peer have missed to

1.50 Hrs Questionnaire / Template / Forms

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adhere to health and safety

measurements policy.

Proof Reading Test on an

already proof read passage by

the trainee in the format of re-

proofing / Peer Evaluation

Team Working

You need to know and understand how to:

SB9. work effectively in a team environment

Skit – Divide the team and play a

skit where an act to be

performed will depict

eradicating lineance to health

and safety policies

Team Work Assessment –

Complete the work effectively

as a team with responsibilities

shared and thorough

understanding / Score and


1.50 Hrs Round Table Setup for four teams

Questionnaire / Template / Forms

C. Technical Skills You need to know and understand how to:

SC1. identify and refer anomalies

Team Exercise – Update and or

Escalate the ideas or changes in

the workflow while asking the

trainees to take down the

update, followed by explaining

the same to the mass / Score

and Feedback

1.50 Hrs Round Table Setup for four teams

Questionnaire / Template / Forms

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SC2. help reach agreements with colleague

Group Activity – Form teams

followed by the instructor to fire

upon a concern or issue related

to health and safety policies.

Example: You find your

colleagues using softboard pins

while handling them they are

bound to drop on floor. As a

result of this behavior your co-

worker is injured. How will you

reach agreements with your co-

worker on such issues.

Team Based Practical Test – On

a given task(s) the team has to

work together while discussing

and considering all the points

from every individual for a

effective job turnout while

having all agree with the final

call / Score and Feedback

1.00 Hr Round Table Setup for four teams

Questionnaire Manual AND/OR Test

and Assessment Tool - Online

SC3. keep up to date with changes, procedures

and practices in your role

Practical Activity – Almost many

do not have any idea about the

aid to health issues.

Manage/update a book on a

weekly basis mentioning the

methodology to execute first aid

on a basic level injuries at

workplace / safety measures to

prevent possible injuries

Written Test (Objective and

1.00 Hr Questionnaire Manual AND/OR Test

and Assessment Tool - Online

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Descriptive) on data

management, updates and

escalation capabilities / Score

and Feedback