our town may 30, 1930

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  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 30, 1930



    Volume 16, No. 33 Narberth, Pa., Friday, May 30, 19 30 Price, Three Cents

    A parade led by a twenty-piece bandwith the American Legion and Auxiliary, gold star mothers, members ofCouncil and oth er Borough officials,Boy Sco ut s, Girl Scouts, Fire Company, and c hi ld re n f rom t he Borou ghSchools and 5t. Margaret's School inline together with exercises. at themonUlllent in front of the COlllmunityBuilding will feature t'Jarberth's observance o f Memor ia l D ay .Tom Kerrigan will act as Marshal

    of the parade w hose route had notbeen definitely determined at t he t imethis paper went to press. 1' arrangements can be made i t will include flagraising ceremonies at the NarberthSchool.At t he Communi ty Building a pres

    ent at ion o f medals will take place.The Legion will award medals to theboy with the highest standing fromboth the Narberth School and St.Margaret's School. The Leg ion Aux iliary also will make a similar present at io n t o t he two g ir ls w it h t he h ig he ststandings. Frank A. Schrepfer willmake the presenta tion .Th e s pea ker for the exer cis es fol

    lowing the parade had not been decided up on up to press time. The program will conclude in time for all part i cipat ing to attend the morning bast.'ball game on the playground.

    Plans Strawberry FestivalThe annual Strawberry Fes ti va l o fthe Holy Trini ty Lutheran Church, ofNarberth, will be held in the socialroom of the cht.rch, Narbe rt h and\Voodbine Avenues, on Thursday, June5, from 6 to 9 P. 1\f. Strawberries, icecream and home-made cake will he onsale.

    List Ball Games HereNarberth's baseball t eam p la ys

    two games on Memor ia l Day , bothof them at the conllllUnity playground: St . Phil ips at 10.15 A. 1\1 ..fol lowing the Ameri can Legion'sflag raising: and Brookline-aMain Line League game-a t 3.15P. :M.Thi s S atu rd ay Paoli, anothermember o f t he l eague, will play atN arb erth a t 3.15 P. M. NextWednesday a t 6.15 P. M. will secthe start o f Nar be rt h' s twilightgames this season. The visitingteam wi ll b e Hilldale.

    W. F. M. S. Meets MondayThe \Vomen's Foreign Missionary

    Society of t he Met ho di st EpiscopalChurch will mect at 2:30 P. M. Monday in the Narberth Methodist Episcopal Chur ch. M rs . Vv'ilIiam C. Griffiths will he hostess and 1\1 rs. SamuelMacAdams will he prog'ram leader.The mit e box will he open in chargeof Mrs . Minni e 1\lopes and t he myst er y b ox in charge of Mrs. A. J. Bawden. A large attendance is desired.

    Library Closed FridayThe Narber th Library wil l be c losedall day Friday, Memorial Day.

    Population of Borough Is4663; Inc.rease 26 Per Cent

    Parade With Many Groups in Lineto Feature Memorial Day in Borough

    The population of the Boroughof Narberth is 41163, according toprelimiuary figures from 1\1 uuroeH. Anders. supervi so r of the15th census for t he 22d District.The last figures to be receivedwere those for the Second Dis t ri ct . whi ch numhered 2091.The population of the Borough

    according to the 1920 cen su s was370-1. The net i nc rease therefore in t he t en -yea r period wa s959. or 2(1 per cent. The population of the other distr ict s. p re\ 'i onsly puhl ished. arc No. 3(South Side) 1063: No. I, 1509.Th e largest i nc rease t ook p lacein t he Second Dis tr ic t.

    Comments on Things Seen andHeard at. Last Week's


    tSpectator' Spends aDay at the Polls

    I I has heen many a yea r s in ce JoeGrundy has missed l in ing up with ther es t o f th e workers at his polling placein Bris tol , and this past election, whenhe was one of the candidates for Senate. was no exception to his longstanding rule. There he was brightand early in t he morning , the handhook always in evidence. gree t ing andcheck ing the voters as they callie tot ake t he ir part in onr great Americanscheme o f t hi ng s.In this t own Fle tche r S ti te s always

    seems to ge t a great kick out of thesame procedure , and there is no question t ha t an obs er ve r who is alert foractual facts can hardly do hetter thanspend a d ay a s "wa tc he r, " coming indirect contact w it h t he men and womenwhose suf frage con trol poli t ical des ti nies.To the amateur it al so a ff or ds a kind

    of d iversion and inst rnct ion not avail ahle in any other way, as such a one islikely to advance h is l 'a nse with exceeding' earnestness. and because ofthat he is ap t to be keene r than theold-timer in drawing accurate conclusions from the numerous impressionswhich are made o n him as he standsaround t he w hole day long.

    CONTINUED ON PAGE 8Mercury Fickle

    Three d ay s w it h t empe ra tu re s o f SOor ahove and four in the forties arcnoted in the report of Main LineVV cather Ohserver Charl es Decke r, o fNarberth, for the week ending May26. Monday was elevell degrees underthe normal for that date. An inchand olle-tenth of r ai n fell during theweek.

    Graduates at Capital

    Miss Honora Snyder, daughter ofDr . and Mrs . O. J. Snyder, of Woodbine Avenue, Narberth, who gradua tes f rom the Hol ton Arms School,Washington, D. C., on Monday,June 2.Narberth Girl to PortrayBetsy Ross in Radio PlayletMiss A nn Polk Speed, of Narberth.

    who has p layed a number of leadingroles in productions given d ur in g t hepast year hy the ~ l a i n Line HepertnryTheatre, will portray "netsy I ~ o s s " ina n h is to ri ca l p la yl et whi ch will heh r o a d c a s t o ve r S ta ti on \VFAN,Phi lade lphi a, on Saturday evening( ~ I a y 31) a t 10.30 o 'c lock (D. S. T.)The play, which is entitled "The

    1\1 aking of the Flag," was written byJulian \V. Gardy , former d irec to r ofthe Main Line Hepertory Theatre, whowill play the part of ( ;enera l George\\ashington. The other parts ofColonel Ross, Hohert ~ orri s and PeterPickering wi ll he port rayed hy vVilliam\\'atson, Charles H. Schweitzerhof and\\'alter G. Emmott.The playlet is in two scenes, hoth o fwhich t ak e p la ce in the little Betsy

    Hoss home at -239 Arch Street, Philadelphia, which is no\\' a historic shrine.The first scene is

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 30, 1930


    llage Two OUR TOWN May 30, 1930 '.

    Strawbridge & ~ I o t h i e .. Announce fo r,SATURDAY, MAY 31the Opening of Their

    Anniversary Sale

    Note All charge purchasesm ade on S at urda y, May31, will go on Junebills, payable in July. I fyou have not a lr eadyestablished a chargeaccount, we i nv it e y outo do so. This can be

    , a r r anged at ei therthe Philadelphia orArdmore s tores

    This will start an intensely progressivemonth in an intensely progressive store.Everything is ready. Merchandise preparations are compete. OU. New Main L ille S to .ea t Ardmo re Wi l l Pa r t i c i p a t eWith ten selling floors ofour new Philadelphiabuilding occupied, we have more space therethan ever before for this event. In addition tothis, our new Main Line Store at Ardmorewill also participate in the Anniversary Salewith duplicate lots of a great many of themost attractive Anniversary values. ComeSaturday and share in the feature groups forthe opening day . or come any ~ i m e afterthat, dur ing June, with the full expectation offinding new, s ty le-r ight merchandise atAnniversary Sale prices.




  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 30, 1930


    May 30, 1930 OUR TOWN Page ' f h rdstrikes aud Flcck forced Burns otIthird. Martiu hit Iivcly for two bascs,Curwin and Flcck crossing. Rubicanrammcd a r oh us t swa t i nt o right-ficldto sco re Mar ti n. Kne ib le r and Thomas


    Silver StorageI.The knowledge that your silver andfamily pieces are safe in our roomy vaultswill add immeasurably to the enjoymentof your summer .I.Bring us your chest, hamper, or trunk.We will bestow it safely, insured at yourvaluat ion, for a nomina l sum while youare away.


    Narberth Coal CompanyMain Line Distributors

    Ralph S. DunneNARBERTH 2430.2431

    PRIDE AND ASSURANCEKnowledge of proper fuels and their relation to our dailycomfort, ease and health i s now common property and menand women are proud o f t he ir abil i ty to selec t the best inthis line. For thi s reason Jeddo-Highland coal has becomethe natural choice of householders who think well beforethey bu)' and who ar e justly proud o f t he ir knowledge ofvalues.We, the authorized distributors of Jeddo-Highland coalal on g t he Main Line , are proud to offer this premiumanthracite to you and to recommend it, unreservedly, as amost satisfactory and economical fuel.


    Jeddo..Highlandc/ /n thraci te



    I -, II


    to the'HOME~

    Also permit us tosuggest that you canget your screens an dpaint!! here.

    CIIEERFUL, co lo r f u Ia w n i n ~ s Icnd a f cs ti ve

    aspect t o t he home, in addition to affording protectionagainst the sun's ,glare.Your choice of many pleasing pattern effects.Many sat is fied cus tomerson the Main Line tes t ify tothe qua li ty of our work.

    230 Haverford AvenuePhone: NARBERTH 4177


    o TheATLAS CO.,IIIIiInc. I

    SAMUEL N. HALL, President !109 North Narberth Avenue i

    Phone: Narberth 3625 IIDECORATORSUPHOLSTERERS 1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I , , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - =

    . . . . ,.. ...


    at the beautiful newEMBASSY ROOMrmhrwick.

    Locust Street at 17thRlmNHOUSE SQUARESpecial Dinner nightly, $2.50. Aliaa la,carte. Delicious dishes. ConcertOrchestra 7 to, 9 ,P. M. Excellentparkin" space directly adiacent tohotel, "arage adlolnlng. Reservation,"Paul," Pen nypacker 3800


  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 30, 1930


    Page Four OUR TOWN May 30, 1930FORE AND AFT JESS-IN FUN

    Notes on the tennis tournaments OUR m O ~ ' 11\...1 A Lower for Ton ight land inter-club matches; Hedgerow -Jl. I , W J . Practically all t he r ai lroads do itreturning to Wayne , I There is no excuse f or i t e it he r. It isSaturday "'as a da v o f UlJSets 011 the f b b h Inot only inconvenient, discouraging and"J A Coopaati'Ye Community N e w s M a g a ~ i n e , ounded in 1914 y th e Nar ert f ' I Id I I't enni s court s. In the finals of the un aIr to tI e wou - Je patron; Jut IPhiladelphia District Claycourt Cham- Civic Association, and published every Friday at Narberth, Pa., by the is also of dubious economic consequence

    pionship at t he Cynwyd Club, Samuel LIVINGSTON PUBLISHING COMPANY t o the r ai lr oad i tsel f. I r ef er , o f con rse,Gilpin o f t he Me rion Cric ke t Club re- to th e mode rn c ustom o f announcingver sed las t year 's verdict and defea ted I PHILIP ATLEE LIVINGSTON, President and General Manager reservations as all sold out when thereHarold MacGuffin of Germantown in ROBERT MOORE CAMERON, Editor is in reality a goodly supply o f lower sstraight sets. Over at the Huntingdon Iand d rawing -r ooms a s yet unreserved.Valley Country Club Miss Anne Page, THOMAS A. ELWOOD. Associate Editor "A lower on the Mad Hatter for to-champion of the Women 's Inter -Club Inight? Hal Ha! Why, fella, that trainLea gue , w as de th ro ne d b y h er team- Office-258 Haverford Avenue, Narberth was a ll sold out before noon yesterday,mate, Mrs. C. C. Madeira, of the Merion h f dm II f you get on board, t he conductorCricket Club. Telephone-Narbert 2545; i no answer, Ar ore 3100 lI li ght be abl e to find you an upper. t\Gilpin playing at top speed f rom the Ilower for tonight, haI ha! "start had little trouble capturing the SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE "But I l lIu st get to Chicago. H. X,first set 6-2. MacGuff in appeared in- said there'd be no difiicultv if 1 -"different, Gilpin making several place- Entered as second-class matter, October .13, 1914, at t he P ost Office at "\Vhy didn't you meJit ion Misterments. The sec ond s et saw the best Narberth, Pa., under t he Act of March 3 , 1879. Smith before, sir? I beg your pardon,tennis o f the match, MacGuffin strok- sir.-Bob, ge t me a l ower on the ~ ading wit h machi ne li ke r egul ar it y h ad Hatter for tonight. On the right side.Gilpin on the run but the Merion May 30, 1930 and in the middle of the car-no troubleplayer' s cour t cover ing abI li ty pul led at all, sir."him through at 6-4. The third set was "Rut you said the train was all sold?"a walkaway with MacGuffin able to "Oh, we always save a few goodtake only one game. A Healthy Increase Jowers for emergencies li ke this, s ir.At Huntingdon Valley Mrs. 11a- No, I couldn't think of taking a tip,deira's s teadiness was the deciding fac- Some of the wiseacres ahout town may he slightly surprised by th e sir, Well , if you insist, sir,"tor. The first set was clos ely con- final population fig-ures of th e Borough f or th e ISth ce nsus . M an )' w ild It is indeed strange what a few wel lte st ed, fou r o f g ames g oi ng t o deuce . guesses ha\ 'e heen fl\'ing- ahout that Narberth now nUll lbered in the neig-h- p laced ini ti al s will accompl ish in ,anAfter t he s co re was tied at 3 all in the 1 I I t- '1 I I I cmergenc\', I make a regular practicesecond set, Mrs. Madeira swept through lo r lOne ~ se\'en or elg lt t lOUSan( sou s. . . .. of noting'down the ini tials of the Pas-t o c ap tu re t he nex t t hr ee and t he mat ch . :\ n IIlcrease. howe\'er, of 2fJ pe r cent 11\ the ten-year penod Illchcates I senger Tralllc l\lanager of eve ry rail-(,-4, 6-3. a healthy growth and is in \ 'i ew of th e extent t ha t t he Borough is huilt up,l r oad upon \ \' hi ch I t rave l. That's howT h f i n ~ l s ,?f t ~ l ~ doubles in the Phila- quite high. I get my reservations, Other peopledelphia D l s t r ~ c t Iourne) at .C) nwyd o,n A b ~ ) t l t th e onh' wa\, that Narberth ca n now expand is thrott"h an i have equally eftlcien,t, methods. SomeSunday prOVIded only medIOcre telllllS I' . .. ,., . have none at all. l hey are severelyf or the gallery. After a close first set I t l c r e a ~ e I.n apartment houses. In f a ~ t there h ~ \ ' e hee!l s ome who p redI ct i n c o m n ~ o d e d . A twenty-dollar-a-weekBrammal and Olhausen had I. ittle dif - t h a ~ ' ~ I t l l l n te n (!r t.w.enty years multIple dwelhngs WIll rep lace the great Ic!erk at. the An,lalgam:tted Oyster :lIld11culty with their opponeuts, l\lacGuftin maJonty of t he I tl (hndua l homes. Clam C o q ~ o r a t l l l n or 0' t hc Umte,dand Colhurn, taking the match 7-5, One of the chief charllls of such a suhurhan cOlllmtmit\ as ours is l\lanures Company, taklllg. a week s(,-D, 6-2. This match seemed to prove t l I . '.







  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 30, 1930


    Mar 30, 1930 OUR TOWN Page Five

    2106.08 MARKET ST.

    Charge Accounts Welcomed

    We sel l only meats, and wesell only th e best meats.Taste them, and you'l1 noticethat they are perceptibly better.


    Ou r trucks deliver twice dailyto your neighbors-why notl et us serve you?You have but to phone 65,200,on your Ardmore, Bryn Mawr,Cynwyd, Merion or NarberthExchange-free of toll charge,of course-and Philadelphia'sbest meats will shortly be atyour door.

    Remember the Number65 ,200

    Sigll of B ~ r t M ~ a t s

    Try Bradlcy MarkctFor thc B ~ r t McatrTry Bradlcy MarkctFor Moderatc PriccrTry B r a d l ~ y Markct

    For t h Bcrt Mcats at Modcratc Pricer

    Memorize It !

    Senior High Scho ol wer e el ect ed ;Florence May Alburger, Alfred EugeneBonniwell, Riehard Deering Case, RuthLee Cook, Frank Crafft, Emma K ir khri de C ro ssda le, Hen ri et ta Mari eDeubler, George A. Hanse ll , J r. ,Arthur Sidney Hicks, Frank J. Hoder,Anne Elizabeth Jones, Jonathan Randolp h Ke is . Grace Marie Mahoney,David Longston McVicker, Alice Virginia 1\fonks, and L. Alv ina Young.There were n ine memhers from the

    Junior Class chosen: Susan Abernathy,James Bailey, Rohert Blair, BettyHartley, John Pennypacker , HelenLouise Thomas, Jame s Tur ne r, J oyceTrenholme and Rose \Veigel. TheHonor Society emhlems, gold pins andcharms, were given hy Mrs. H . Wi lson Moorhonse this year to t he i ni tia lmembers of the Lower rool erion Chapter.

    .................... ,..

    R'dh Chatterton in' ~ S a r a h and Son"

    Laurence Tibbett andLaurel & Hardr in"The Rogue Song"

    Show Shop of the Main Line

    ~ ~ T h e Lost Zeppelin"arid comedyttShivering Shakespeare"


    ' I 'HI:US)) ' \ l' OSI, \ 'Walter HllstOIl and Claudette Colbert in"THE LADY LIES"

    NBX'I ' ~ I O N l J A '" , ' I 'UESUA Y I Il 1d " ' I ~ U S I ' ~ S I J A YJohn Barrymore in ~ ~ G E N E R A L CRACK"Also Musical Featurette-UIRISH PHANTASY"

    For C o m i r / ~ l I t l ' Y Good E l l t ~ r t a i " I I I C I I IVirit t h N a r b ~ r t h T h ~ a t r ~

    N I ~ X ' I ' 1'"1111),,"Y lII.d SA'ITIIU,\ \'"THE COHENS AND KELLYS IN SCOTLAND"~ l f I " \ i l t f \ i l f & l t I \ i l i r n l f l \ i l t f \ i l f l \ i l i 1 \ i I i 1 \ i I i 1 \ i I i 1 \ i I i 1 \ i I i 1 \ i & 7 \ I I J 1 \ i I r t \ i I i 7 \ i I W l f l \ i l i 7 \ i l m i & r n l r t \ 1 l i t l l

    'I'HIS 1"n.IU.\Y l lI .c I S,\ 'I 'UI1U,\ Y"LET'S GO PLACES"a laughing riot-also MICKEY MOUSE Comedy

    I'"IUUA Y IIlld SA'I 'UItDAY

    " ' I ~ J ) : \ I ~ S U A \' RI"I '1'HUIlSD,\Y

    'I'HIS 1'"IIIU.\ l' RI.d S.\ 'I 'UII U,\.Y

    : \ ' 1 ~ _ X ' I ' ~ I O : \ ' l J A l' nn d ' l ' U I ~ S U A Y

    "Case ofSergeant Grisca"a great war dramattThe Fighting Parson"a Harry Langdon' Comedy


    will be the Egyptian's feature nextMonday and Tuesday . Lawrence Tibbett, Metropoli tan opera tic baritone,plays and sings the leading role-anunusually pleasing role-and Laureland Hardy, comedy stars, arc conspicuous in the cast o f t his, t he ir firstfull-length picture."The Case of Sergeant Grischa,"based on the much-discussed war novelby Arnold Zweig, is scheduled fornext Wednesday and Thursday. Stell ar r ol es a re p la yed hy Chester Morrisand Betty Compson. Accompanyingthe feature is "The Fighting I'arson,"

    a Harry Langdon talking comedy.Coming the end o f nex t week is RuthChatterton's greatest success, thedramatic "Sarah and Son."National Honor SocietyInstituted at Lower MerionOn Thu rs da y morni ng , l \Iay 29, at8:30 o 'clock the Ini ti at ion Ceremonyfor the memhers of the Lower Merion

    Chapter o f t he National Honor Societywas h el d. Professor Rufus Jones ofJ-Ia\'erford College was the speaker.Election to the Soc ie ty was d et er mined by each pupil's activity, as shownin the School, in character, scholarship. service and leadership. Thoseeligihle for memhership were rated inthese fou r fields hy faculty memhers

    and pupils.The following s ixteen members ofthe Senior Class of t he Lower Merion

    Where toGoLOCAL MOVIES

    )':GY)'1'IA1"-1'oday l ln d t Ol l\ or r ow . " Th e LOHt. Zeppelin"; I\[onda y an,l 1 ' u e H d a ~ ' , I,awrenee'I'llIlIet I llnd Laurel an d H a r d ~ 'In " Th e Ro gu e Son ,. "; WedneHda y an d 1'hurHday, "Case ofSergean t GrIHcha"; t ~ r l d a ~ ' an dSat.urday, Rut.h Chattert.on In"Sarah an d Son.":-

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 30, 1930










    I .




    May 30, 1930

    S e a s h o ~ e Express

    Cynwyd 662

    "Givc Flowcrs-Sclld Ollrs."

    --door to door scrvice, withtrunks, etc., delivered sameday , Rates to seashore andother points on request.Local and long distancehauling.

    PhollcsCYllwyd 202Cynwyd'1513W c Dcl ivcr , of COllrsc

    SERVICE COMPANYFrank H, Seely, Jr., Prop.5 BALA AVE., BAI.APhone: CYNWYD 877

    ~ M ~ l : : : 1 e l ~ ~

    MYRON L. UPHAM,Proprietor

    B ENCH

    near Old Lancaster Road.288 MONTGOMERY AVENUE, CYNWYD-You are invited to inspect our new florist shop at

    and fo rGraduates.

    Fresh ellt Flowers from Ollr own large assortment, beau-tifully arranged to order.

    The Link Between Forest and Home

    HOWARD C. FRITSCHJ u . ~ t i c e of the PeaceREAL ESTATE

    "'ire Insurance-Best CompaniesPhone 40ID-W lllil Banrford A.. .

    Forum group t o rcsume mectings ncxtautumn, bu t thc gcneral subject f or t henext scrics has not vet bcen decidcd.These mcctings arc a lw ay s o pcn t o allwho wish to attcnd; Th e Forum hasno formal mcmbcrship list nor eligibili ty rcquircments.

    TH E

    ~ r e a m w l J l d Florist Co.Greenhouses - C d tnState and (l)arM IDatersford 'Roads ynwy,ra ,

    OUR TOWN ,


    25 and 29 Bala Avenue

    The ambition of a lawyer-heartbreak to a basebal lL r . play". bu t a delight to the "Sw.ot Sixt. . . . . . , uu . 01j lJ ou r attractively painted, long life benches. Long life,

    because they ar e made of Cypress and Cedar. Attractive, because they ar e properly proport ioned, and a

    pleasure because they can be placed just where you want them-visible only to the moon and starsand your nearest fr iends. Don't forget that Rustic Cedar is a part of ou r regular stock, and that ou rGARDEN at 25 Bala Avenue is open between 7 an d 5:30, or any evening by appointment .To give our employees the benefit of a week.end holiday, the yard and office will be closed ME-MORIAL DAY, May 30th, and SATURDAY, May 31.

    Page Six.bcgin. Th c subjcct will bc a gcneralreview and summary of thc Old Testa-W mcnt by t hc Icadcr, t hc Hcv. Hobcrtay I E. Kcighton, in which hc wil l point outcspecially the spiri tual significancc ofthe Old Tcstamcnt writings and thcirrcvclation of thc broadcning ethical andreligious conceptions of the Hebrewpeople as thci r h istory and exnericnces ..-...-..-.. . - . . - . . - . . - . . - ..-.-..-..-.-.unfoldcd.The twclfth mcct ing at thc hOlllc ofMr. and 1\1 rs. Arthur Staples, of 124UPLAND TERRACE IRKED Woodsidc Avcnuc, on thc cvcning' ofthc 15th, was wcll attcnded in spitcof unfavorable wcather. Jcrcl1liah was

    Resur fa ci ng o f s cv cr al Lowcr M cr - t ~ l e sUbjcct.of consid.cration aJ!d discusion roads is being undertakcn by the iSlon that mght. I t IS thc desIre of the ~ - . - . . - . - . . - . . . - . . . . - . . . - . - . . . . - . - - - . . - ..towns hip highway dcpartment, and I -72 -- -_ . -considcrable activity is contemplatedfor t he nca r fntnrc, according to High-Iway Eng in cc r 'V. E. Hoscngartcn at It hc township building in Ardmore. IOnc of the jobs-Upland Terrace,lBala-has had rcsidcnts of th c streetup in thc air. Thcir pctition of aboutf ou r y ea rs a go was a ct ed upon recentlywhcn rcsurfacing bctwecn :vlaple and IBryn Mawr Avcnucs was ordcrcd.From its old crooked width of from20 to 22 fcct the strect has b ec n widcned and straightened to 24 fcct. Thc Istrcet, pavcd thi rty-fivc ycars ago, willhavc a c onc ret c bas e and a sp halt icconcrete top.Residents objected when they. sawthci r s idewalks torn up, and electricl ight pol es moved nearcr thcir homcs.

    B ala C ommi ss ion er George Brownhope s t o effect an agreement with t h ~ 'Phi lade lphi a Elect ri c Company for itt o e re ct nea t, new, comparatively tLiniron posts in place of the largerwooden ones. ,Meanwhile, improvements a re bei ng 'cffec ted, whi le the street is torn up.Stone curbs are being set, and a re taining wall o n t he s ou th side of thestreet. The wa ter company has replaced its two and one-half-inch mainwith a four-inch one, as an added firesafeguard. A fire hydrant is to bei ns ta ll ed a t t he corner of Maple Avenue and Upland Terrace. And t hc gasmain has been l ower ed and r ef it te dwith new connect ions. I* * *Conshohocken State Road is being Iresurfacl 'd and widened. fwm ~ ontgomery Pike at t he Cynwyd Station,to Amherst Road-beyond Levcring I1\1 ill Road, Cynwyd. G ra di ng is practically completed. and the thirty-footwidth is r eady for puur ing in concrete.Grading is nea rl y complet ed on Conshohocken Statc Roa d nor th of Gla dWYIll' , and it is cxpccted t ha t c ur bsand gutters will bc laid this wcek. Abad turn at M urrav's Road is beingcliminated, about three-quartcrs milcabovc Gladwyne.\Vork will soon start on Black RockHoad. Ardmorc Road in Gladwvne,an d Ol d Gulph Road 's continuatioil ofMill Creek Road, f rom ConshohockcnState Road to 1\lontg'omcry Avenue,Dridge work i s included in t hi s j ob .(;rays lane from ~ ill Cre ek Ruadto thc t op of th e hill for a 'Iuarter-milestretch has been graded and curbed,and paving is to start shortly. Included in thc work is construction ofa new bridge across 1\1 i ll Creek.Pav ing' o f Havcrford Road hetweenArgyle Road and County Linc has just Ibeen completcd.. The State Highway Dcpartment,a ~ d c d financially by ~ l o n t g 0 1 1 l e r y~ o u n t y .and _Luwer 1\1 erion Township.IS workmg on I-1a\'crford a nd A rgvl eRoads. hetween 1\1 anna and \V vnilewood Roads , a nd is expected to 'finishpav ing' in t he next fcw wccks .

    Work Being Pushed by HighwayDepartment on Several


    Road Work HereWell Under

    TIll' thirtecnth ami final IIlcctinoY of theIForulll for t he p re scnt scason ~ \ ' i 1 1 bcheld at the homc of Mr. and 1\1 rs. I ~ o b cr t F. \"uod, 237 Forrest Avenue, next IThursday cvening', Jllne 5, and as thisIwill be a sp ec ia l meeting in severalrespects it will begin at 6:30 P. M.,at which time the members of thegroup will for th e f ir st t im e devotethemse lves to sociability and refreshments. About 8 o'clock t he reg 'u la rprogram of Iccture and discussion will

    Final Meeting of ForumScheduled For Thursday

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 30, 1930


    Mar 30, 1930 OUR TOWN Page Seven-------- -------------------_.----

    NARBERTH 2898

    VICTon RADIO R - a ~


    The world's pnest radio receiyer 1/1 a modem,compact cabinet.

    To All Radio OwnersA Remarkable Offer

    241 HAVERFORD AVENUE, NARBERTHPhone: Narberth 4182

    Patricia Elizabeth ShopWomen's and Children's Apparel


    "For Electrical and Radio Satisfaction"WALTER G. CASE, Proprietor

    (Less RadiotTons)What you pay .. $119

    Convenient Terms if Desired(By th e way, ou r $76 tra

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 30, 1930


    Full 14-lnchCut-BallBearingThroughout

    Plaut Manu Annual.' Thi.Y Sum,merTheu Are BeautifulAdd 15" lor Pa"kin6 '" In.uran.,.N9W MarketPerennial G

    114 'RANDOLPH rlOAD ----s,. e f lWJ",...,

    J Anaual.: ~ . u . . . .erCardea

    B es t S tr ai ns a ndVarieties. 1\1 0 s tA ttractlve Blooms.. Cut Flower.All SummerASTER-California G ia nt . The latoot-immense ftower heads. BrilIlantc ol or a. 15 l l tantl for. . . . . . . . . . .11.10ASTER-American Beaut:r-Incurvedblo oms. M ixe d 40 lltantl for... 11.10BLUE CORNFLOWER8-2& for ~ 1 . 1 0LARKSPUR-Klxed. 15 for 11.10ZINNIAS - Dahtia f tcwerinl r . Mi"edcolora. C5 fcr , .. 51,103NAPDRAGONB - Novel ty - Beststrains and cotors. 4() Ion t l fo r.. 11,10~ T R A W F L O W E R S - Beautiful sum"mer and winter . Mixed. 40 for .. . 11.10CALBNDULA - O ra nl re K ln lr . 1I5: i ' l r " ; t ~ l l \ . I A - ' : ' i i ; i f : j , ~ j . d Y 'AJii,uaj::.11.l0Bes.utlful bue. 1I0 llls.ntl for 11.1"SPECIAL-A Selection 01 ='An y 6 01 the Abo"e. $S

    Seroco Snowhite Wall}$4. 10namel,Gallon ..Seroco Flat-FinishVelvet Kalsomine

    4-lb. } 42cpackageSero-VarVarnish, \ $2. 70Gallon r

    Seroco DecorativeWood Enam- } 72cel, Quart ..

    STORE HOURS9 A. M. TO 5 P. M.Saturday9 A. M. to 9.30 P. M.

    Mar 30, 1930Powell, ss. .... 2 1 1 0 0 0Parks, p. ..... 4 2 0 1 2 0Young, If. .... 2 0 0 0 0 0Burgess, If . .. , 1 1 0 1 0 0Totals ...... 31 6 5 27 9 0



    Serotone}$2. 80

    JUNIORSI' h 0o 0 0o I 1o I 0o 0 11 I 01 0 16o 1 5o 0 2

    ~ a w n ' Mower Made toRetail/or $12.50But Now Only

    There's Beller Lawn Mowing-Longer LiFeand a Saving 0/ Almost Hal l W ith theSears, Roebuck and Co.

    Und ou bt ed ly o ne o f th e mos t e f fi c ie n t made.Equipped w it h a ll t he n ew es t f ea tu re s: fourself-sharpening blades. cutting ba r of genuineDi811ton ' .aw . t ee l . e x tr a -w ide wh ee l t r ea d.

    $15 Value, $7.80 I $16.50 Value, $8 .8016-Inch Cut. . . . 18-Inch Cut. .. .

    Seroco BrushL ~ c q u e r , % } 30cPlOt Can . . . ,SerocoInteriorPaint, Gal.

    Seroco ColorVarnish, } $2. 25Gallon . . . .Seroco Porch

    Furniture } 77cPaint, Quart

    The Reasons Are Many and Good!

    SATURDAY, 9 A. M. TO9.30 P. M.

    s up po rt a t the Saturd ay g ame andwou ld be p le as ed to see such a turno ut a t t h ei r n ex t.NARBERTHnb

    S t r n u ~ H , 2b. .. . 2McKelvey, 2 b . . 3Heckel, 3b. . . . 5ROHe, rf. 3R. Torchlana, cr. 3Gallegher, c. .. 2Albert, lb . .... 3Torchlana. lb.. 1

    Long-Life}$2. 22


    - = ~ = = = ~ = = = ~ = = = = = = = = =

    Colors inc lude beaver b rown. black, buff. "anary , choco la te b rown, Co lon ia lyellow. cream, dark steel gray, dove. emerald g r ee n . f aw n. French gray,golden green. i v or y w h it e . leather brown. light b lu e, l ig h t s t on e g r ay .maroon , myr t le green. Nile green. ox id e r ed , pea ~ r e e n . pearl gray, pureblue. straw yellow. te r ra co t ta .Paint Paddle Included With 5-Gallon Cans

    This StoreOpen Eve ryEvening

    Serbco M a s t ~ r . M i x e dHouse Paint$3.05Gallon

    47 E. LancasterAve.Ardmore, Pa.

    SEROCOGood Paints 1" ... t-Cut Your Paint Bill Substantially Without Any Sacrifice of Quality

    Also Sold at th eSears-RoebuckStore at

    Seroco Porch FloorPaint, } $1.40liz Gallon ..

    Seroco InteriorFloor Paint, } $1.20liz Gallon ..

    SerocoHousePaint, Gal.Serocof or Barns ,Gallon ..

    The Crusader "6 "Lawn Mowerl { . i ~ ~ h $15.50Cu t


    H as s ix r ev ol vi ng cut t e rb Ia d e s . I2 - inch wheels.chrome a ll o y a te el b a ll bearings, finished i n r oy al p ur pl ..and gold.

    Park Free and Shop Comfortabl,

    Saappy Airs n a t Are DODd To PleueI U t t ~ rn._ K. n.. . Clty-Fo" TrotU I B a d . Girl Llk. You-Fa",TrotHudy V.Ul\e .n d HI. Connect leut Y. . . . ._

    No. 22-&19, lo-InehI n t o My n e a r t - F m t Trot (rom l\fetro.Goltlwyn . l\layer J l i ( ~ t u r e .

    "In Gay Madrid")Dark N I . h t - F o x Trot (from l\lelro-Goldwyn-Mayer J.icrure."lnCey Modrid") Na t bhl1kret nnd th e VictorOreh ... tr ..No. 22"20, lo-Inch

    KI.. MeW i t h Your E:r... -Fo", TrotNa t S b i J k ~ t a n d t h e Vlntor Ortlh. . . t r aRo-R- . .Ro l l ln ' Alon(IiJ-FoJ: Trut ( ~ r u m Hay t one picture, '" N,mr,h. Rainbo":I'. End")Viclor Arden-P:,:1 O h m an a n d Tb.,lr OrcbelllrllRo-Ro-Roilln ' Alon. (from n a y l u l l e I ) i . ~ l u r e . . . . NIIfJr ,h.Rainbow', End")Down th e Hi"er or Gold"n n......mA Johnny M . . . . . lnNo. 221111, IO-lnehnanRf'lroua Na n McGrf'lw ((rum Iluramiluntpicture. "Danwrror.. eNan M c C r ~ w " )I Owe You (rum Paramountp icture . lJangerou. Nan McGf'Pf(''')

    No. 2 2 ~ 0 1 , IO-ln"h H"i ..n K " n ~ .

    Tu b .._ $1.981.952.182,181.9!!2.301.98


    RETAIL DEPARTMENT STORE63rd and Market-West PhiladelphiaFree Bus Service to 69th Stree t Terminal

    'rlreM .$12.95. . 12.60. . 14.10.. . 16.60.. . 12.80.. . 14.50., .13.20.. . 12.90.. . 14.65.. . 17.45.. . 13.85.. . 13.10 .. 14.85 .. 17.75

    STORE HOURS 9 A.M. TO5 P. M.

    lil" ..301:5.77301:6.00301:6.20301:6.753h6.003h6.20321:5.77121:6.00321:6.2032':6.75331:5.77331:6.00331:6.20331:6.75


    EXTRA! ! !29x4.40Balloon


    Every A ll st at e Is Backedby Our Guarantee ofSatisfaction as Goodas Our Bond

    RE-TIRE YOU R CARNOW-for Memor ia l D aysummer trips - and

    TU....M, .. $

    ALT. THE MUSIC yOU WANT WHEN yOU WANT IT on Victor Records


    241 Haverford Ave., NarberthNARBERTH 4182

    T i r e ... . $5.535.545.556.307.658.157.989.209.956.357.958.459.40.. . 10.20



    This Fact Has Been Proven to Thousands.

    We SeD Thoroughly Dependable Tiresand Paints at Guaranteed Lowest Prices

    lilze!71:4.40281:4.40291:4.40291:4.50291:4.75291:4.95291:5.00201:5.25291:5.50301:4.50~ 0 1 : 4 . 7 5301:4.95301:5.25301:5.50

    Si"e T i r e . Tub"M30x3 C I. R eg . .. , ..... $4.89 ., ,.-. .. . $1 .0530x3 CI. O. S. . ... ' 4.98 ......1.0530x3 S. S. O. S. ...... 6.35 .. . . . . . . . 1.05

    Parks Blanks ChestnutHil l For Juniors

    OUR TOWNnSpectator" Spends aDay at the Polls

    who al lowed but two . h i t s and f annedsixteen of the visi t ing batsmen. N.Mahe r a l so hur le d weJl for the visi torsb ut w as h an di ca pp ed by the faulty

    CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 I The master ful p i tching of K ei th fielding behi nd h im . The f ea tu re o fthe game was a f la shy bit of fieldingThc pol l i s not far o n i ts w ay w he n Parks won an easy victory, 6-0, f or t he by McKeh'ey and J . To rch iana, whichyou learn , subject to the exceptions of Narberth J un i or s t e am over Chestnut r obbed Myer s o f a hit. .all general rules, that there are two Hill Juniors last Saturday a t t he Nar- Every Tuesday and Thursday evedefinite classes of women voters, those berth Playground. The v is it or s w er e n in gs t he Juniors battle first-classw ho a pp ea r t o k no w al l about it and helpless throughout the game against teams at the playground. The Juniorsthose who, in ingenuous fashion, make the curves of the Lower Merion s tar, I w is h t o thank t h e f an s for their loyali t p la in t ha t t he y k now u tt er ly nothing, a nd i t' s n ot at all difficult t o d etermine the respective species. Comesthe lady who is impressed she knowsi t a ll , rather stern-faced, brief in herspeech and quite inclined t o s ha rp lyr eb uk e t he wor ke r w ho is s o b ol d asto submit his " l ite ra ture ." She makesit e\ 'ident that she is on a very seriousentcrprise. has no til11e nor t il t f orbadinage, a nd s he swe cp s h er w ay upthe allev with a beauti ful scorn of al lthose \ \:ho would dar e t o p ro ff er s ug gcstions. IAs a r ul e, she tra\'els alone. and as is hc c omes o ut o t he pol ls . ! Ie r duty Iwel l done. her vIsage proclanl ls that Ishe is wel l awar e o f the fact that sheh as l ef t t he wat cher s cold. and inevitably conversation stills as she Iwends her homeward way .The dumb dears. howe\ 'e r , a re of analtogcthcr different mold. They in\ ' ar iabh ' comcs along with friend husband ~ , r . l ac ki ng t ha t l ug ga ge . t he yarrivc with a neighbor who shares theirown confused men ta l p os tu re . T he yt cl l you cxact ly wha t t hey want t o do,ea/-{crly implore your superior mascul in c i nt cl li ge nc e t o properly inst ruc tthcm. and thcn you p roud ly mar chthcl1l up thc walk t o m akc s ur c th atthe\' arc delivcrcd at dcsti nation wit h a

    p r ~ f o u n d l y tutorcd "tatc of m i n ~ .\\'hcn thcy cOllie o ut t hc y nC\'cr fatlto bcalll. whilst you thank thclII. andthc\' thank you. and directions will be/-{i\'cn you i o look out for thc :'Iadywho livcs in our s t rce t. as shc \\'111 hcdown soon. an d sh c si mpl y do es n'tknow a thin/-{ about it: '\\'hcn c vc ni ng c omcs y ou will bcprobably ready to bel ic \'c (and youlila \. ha vc bc li cv cd it al l a long ) t ha twoincn arc morc in tcrcs t ing . possiblymorc atlracti\ 'c as womcn, whcn thcyd on 't pr ct en d t o k no w s o v er y muchabout politics aiter all.* * >The neighborhood scraps add t o th czcs t of thc occasion. Fred \\'alzcrlooms around t hc cor nc r t o s iz e up t hesituation at thc firc housc. Hc s cesCharlic ; \o cl a nd illll1lcdiatcly thcyarc at it. It's not always casy to knowwhat thc\' arc talking about . but in one\\'a\' or illlOthcr it SCCIIIS to bc a caseof 'too much J oh ns on . A t least. Fredappears to think so and it is c \ ' i d e l ~ tthat Charl ie wi, ;hes he wou ld t ake Itcasicr. Thcre is no intcrruption offriendship and thcn Fred tclls u,; howhc is procecding with his pcr,;onal slatea t Cook' s place. Hc use s somc hadwords from time to t ime . a iact ahoutwhich his wife should hc informed. andthen with anothcr crack at Charlic hewhisks h im,;el i away. to return in anh our o r so to resnme a, ; heforc andalso ad l i ~ t .:,.... .At midmght hoth I'rcd and C1.1arltedcclared th cms el ves a s pc rte ctl ypleased \with thc resj,!lts. and d ~ n o n stratcd thcir rcspecti\ 'c victories in amanncr \ \' hi ch was altogethcr incx-plicable to a tyro. . .During the day we arc nSltcd hy~ r. Sloan. thc candidate for thc Legislaturc. Hc i,; a quict-spoken youngman. following a timc-llllnorcd customof /-{cuin/-{ out an long thc proletariet.hut hc ha s I I l l knack of gct ting a f IbSmadc ahout hinl. and he soon disappcars.~ can\\'hile. word comcs that :\1 crionTr ibu te Hous e is polling a hig wct\'ote and thcn thc gucs,;c,; start againas to how many Bohlen ~ n P h i l l i P . ~ Iwill g et t hr ou gh ou t t hc S ta lc .and. It;the\' c an r ca ll \' t hr ow thc nonl1natlOn!to 'I 'inchot. : \pparent ly they cuuld. IOn the south side Barris tcr Hcrher tDarton. quitc uninformed, was disco\'crcd trying to cxtract a wet \' lltC outof Dr. Chalfant. The bcholdcrs stuckthcir lingcrs in thcir cars a,; theyawaitcd an cxplosion which did notcomc. Hcrhcr t la tcr said hc iclt hecould makc thc gradc if hc had morctimc. Hc no douht for/-{ot t ha t t he rcis no such thing as timc in ctcrnity.* * *Defcctivc registrations caused a lotof trouble and serious not e ough t tohc madc o f i t. \\'c are /-{oinl: to gi\'ea fc\\' facts to thc cdi to r and sugge sthc do somcthin! !: . Deny a man orwomcn thc ri/-{ht to votc and you havea bit of a prohlcm on your hands . Onedisappointcd l ad y l et us know howtimes havc changcd hy using t he mos timprcssive kind of lan!!:uagc you cverdid hcar. \V c made a notc of scveralof thc choice ones to p as s alOlI!!: toFreel. Anothcr pret ty young one cried.and rcal tears at that. She said shcwas so anxious t o vot c wct. \\' c almost c ri ed t oo wh en we learned \\'hatwc had l os t. Onc man a rr iv ed a t ElmHall and explaincd he had only livedin the district several wceks, but hadrcsided in Narberth all his \ ' ot ing life.Hc was s en t t o Cooks. his prC\'iollSd is tr ic t a nd whc rc his n amc w as stillre/-{istcred. His e rs twhi le neighbor.o ne o f thc officials. saw him and toldthc jud/-{e. He los t h i" \ ' otc and a c cr tain election oHicial h as l os t a f riend.Prohabh' a hundr ed men and womenwere not' permitted to vote because Ithci r names were not on th c lists. Inmany o t he r c as es no party affiliation Iwa,; indicated and the conlpla ints wereloud on that score as a consequence.A t Cook' s a d oz en or s o lost out Ibecausc thcy arri\'ed too late. The Icomplicated v ot e a t that s tat ion kept It he c le rk s on the j ob unt il 5 o 'clock I\ \' cdnesday nlOrning. Fred and iCharlie didn' t /-{o to bed at all. Per- isonally. we !!:ave no idca as to wherc Iyou c an /-{et /-{ood bcer. ,

    II 'c rh ap s th e tr op hy f or t he prize ia nt ic o f t he day ou!!:ht to !!:o to thc,man at Cook's who t oo k t he "wct" ,sample ballot. threw it o n t he sidewalk. Iand then jumped on it a couplc ofItimes. aftcr which (pardon, pleasc) hcspit on it with /-{reat \'chemencc. Itwould appcar he wa s n o f ri en d of the,'w et c au sc . a lt hough. o f cou rs e. we

    could be wrong. ITH E SPECTATOR.

    June -1:P. l\f.-I'rayer ~ ccting.June (0:P. ~ f . - B i r t h d a \ ' I'arl\' of thc\V. H. ~ 1 S. ill the DeaconessHOllie. 601-615 V in c Street.Pageant-"Thc Ca th ed ra l o fMemory:' Tickets $1.00.June 7:P. 1\1. to 8:30 1'. ~ I . - S t r a w h e r n Festival lImlcr thc allspices (;fLadics' Aiel Soeiet\. Tickets35 cents. ' .0:00




    Methodist Episcopal Church!{lV. Samucl ~ ac:\dams.. 1 inister.Sund;l\. J unc I :

    lJ :-15 :\. ~ 1 . - S l I I i e l a ~ School.II :()() A. ~ r . - ~ l o r n i ; l g \\'orship andScrmon. "T ra II sfiguration."2:30 1'. ~ I . - I ' c n t c c ( ) s t a l ~ I c c t i n g iuthe Acadcmy oi ~ I u s i c , BishopBadlcy of 1nelia will preach.i:45 P. ~ I . - E v e n i n g \Vo rs hi p a ll dScrmon. "\\ 'hat Do You Expcct thc Church to Do forYou?" Junl' 2:P, :\I.-Tilc \\'oman's Forcign~ issiouarv Socictv wil l meet atthe Churc'h. ~ ite-Box Openin/-{.1'. ~ f . - ~ l c cti ng of th c OfficialBoard. June 3:P. M, - T h c S tl n eI a v SchoolBoard witl Incct at the hOllle of~ I r . \Varrcn C;m,;s. 322 Dudle\'Avcnuc. '

    Bilptist Church of the E'J'lIngelRobert E. Keighton, Minister.

    Sunday, June I:9 :45 A. M.-Program by t he ent ir cschool in the church auditorium.This wil l b c our obscrvance ofChildren 's Day with appropr iateexercises by each department.11 :00 A. M.-Morning worship. Ser1I10n: "The ~ e th od of Pentecost."7:45 P. :M.-E\'Cning wor sh ip . S er

    1I10n: "Thc :\1 ind of Chris t. "Tuesday, June 3:10:30 A. M.-1Iecting of the W'hiteCross.10:30 A. :\1.-Annual commencemcntof the Crozer Theologica l Seminary at Chestcr. l'a. Friends ofthe seminary are invited to bepresent.8:00 P. M.-l\1e et ing o f thc trusteesat the church.\Vednesday, June 4:8:00 P. !lL-Prayer senice. Topic:"Thing s That Madc Pentecos t.\' -Service."T he J un e F es ti \' al o f t hc B ap ti stOrphanage will be held on Thursday,Friday and Saturday. Jnne 5. () and 7,at the Orphanage . Fi fty-c ighth St rec tand Thomas Avcnuc . in Philadelphia.

    Report Thirty CasesThirty new cascs of contagious d i ~

    e a s ~ s wer e r ep or te d d ur in g t he w ee kc ~ l d l l l g :\Iay 23 by Hcalth GAicer 1\lar\In E. Rcyno ld s. o f t he Lower ~ erionBoard of Health. Twclvc of thcscwcre 1I.Il'aslcs, e1c\'en (;crman measles.two ~ l l I c k e n p o x . onl' lIIumps. two pnct!nlOll;

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 30, 1930


    Page Ten OUR TOWN Ma y 30, 1930


    Staples to Address !J . O M Ioint Inner eettng:All Main Line Business and Servo:

    ice Organizations toGather June 3.

    :\nother hig ~ I a i n Line gathering issl"lwdull'd for Tuesday e,"eniug. June !3, at (,:30 dinner at the ~ l a s o n i c BUild-,1ing, .\rdlllore .\venuc. .\rdlllore, It!\\"ill he a joinl IIll ' l, ting nf the . \rd-IIInllurance policyfrolll L loyd 's Ca8ua lt y Comltany.Fillfl ou t u\)out KONATE. Getth e fa. ,t " h )' td.phoning nowto E,'cr/ol:rcf'n 1200 or l\liehiigun l} I 011. Lf't uo; t el l you howit i" dOni', where it is done,who hu s h ud it done, what itc n ~ ' ~ an d wh)' )'oU should haveit dnne. You aren'tnhli/ol:uted by a>lking. . l'.r t Ilf' f ac t" uhoutI. KONATE or ahoutan,' IIth.'I ofour f'OIll1.lelf' " e r v i . ' ~ " . "IIl'h U8 !!toring,nln,'ill/ol:. " h i l ' p i n ~ or packing.

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 30, 1930


    Mar 30, 1930 OUR TOWN Page Eleven

    219 Haverford Ave.Narberth

    Phone Narberth 4005


    you can get pure, rich,delicious ICE CREAM-absolutely home.made,and of the best ingredi.ents. Fourteen flavors!

    GoODPure milk is as v i t ~ 1 to growing children~ fresh air, sunshine and play. It buildsbodies that laugh at the ills of childhood,romp safely through school years, andreach maturity assured priceless health.Thirty-four gold medals attest the superior purity of this fine milk, It brings arich supply of lime and phosphorus todevelop strong bones and teeth; proteinsto build firm muscle; iron to enrich theblood; vitami'ns essential to health.Give your child a quart every day

    SUP PLEE -WI L L 5 - JON E5

    up ..



    ADELIZZI BROS.Clcllllcr-lJ."rrs-Tailors102 Forest Avenue. NarberthPhone: Narberth 2602


    W e drc exclllsiye agcllts herc forKUlle & Killg Vlliform Co., Chicago

    f ~ Army Officers, Chauf.feurs, Bus Dri ve rs , Pos tmen ,Policemen and Firemen andConductors.

    Made to Measure(at moderate prices)


    L. M. ThompsonBALACYNWYDPhone CYNWYD 280

    LET Winter lind Summerin ~ ' o u r house. Ourclean coal in your b in meansyou'l l make i t warm for him.Ther e' s a lot of comfort foryou in our high-grade anthracite.

    Herc is thc codl, thdl goodllcsskllowsWdrms Willicr lip from toes to/lose.



    HardyOrientalPoppy, .B ~ ; ' : i n g SPECIAL SALE o ~ : r l ' : ' ~ :, APRICOT QUEEN-Anr!rot color.BEAUTY OF LIVERMERE-Very dark nlve\>'I rrt l .II CERISE B E A U T Y - J . i ~ h l eerlBe., DELICATA-lll,t rnBe \ lInk. Bilky texture.ENFIELD BEAUTY - HCll uUrul Ba lmon withmaroon b l U U ~ .IIENRI CAYEAUX-Old rOBe. BhndIn Into wInecolor.HltRcULES-Brl,,:,1 red on Inll. BlroD .tem .lOYCE-I,lIr". Rndil luce Roae col or o n t al l.erect RtflinR.MRS. PERRY - Very fine 88ImOD DInk wllhorllnl:f"nnrlcot Unlitf'".MENELIK-Hcd. medium hel"h t : late.NEGRILLON-Vh'ld cnrmlne.O R l E N T A L E - - l l r n n ~ e red ...orlety.PINK BEAUTY-I.nr"e denr Dink wllb blackhilSf'.PROSERPINE - A ...ery b"nutlrul re d withBloom durin It Anril. Kav. June and. RotJ'All: 8 ~ f A l t L E T _ Y e r . , hrh:ht Ilf'urlet.I... t forever. Flowers mo asu re 8 TOREADOR-r.,v IAr". dnrk red .... lt b bluktnehe. in diameter. Ptant now. Tho e.nter.rcolo must be olanted now to btoom WELCOME-lt",I,li.h , 'rim."n.next S ~ ~ . t i ~ d J ~ ~ ~ n ; e ~ ~ n e . W ~ ~ T r ~ ~ ~ E R G I A - o n . or the beBt toll-lrro"',

    The Entire Selection of 18 Roots, $3.30 ,Not Labeled. With Planting Directions.The Fischer Nu rseries ' i , V e e ; ~ ' ; 6 nEaBlon, Pa .Add 250 for Pllckimr and In.unnce

    Summer ' s ahead!Let cxper t s hangyour awnings, fi xyour screens , orp lant you r garden.Look in the Classi.fied Telephone Di.rectory. They' re a lllisted

    Miss Esther Keirn toWed on Saturday

    Th e lIIarri;lgT "f ;"1 i ~ E ~ t h e r Syl\'

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 30, 1930


    Page Twelve OUR TOWN Mar 30, 1930









    Phone: Paoli 250

    We have a large varietyof unusually artistic anduseful articles from whichto choose-Breakfast Sets, C hin a Closets,

    Kitchen Dressers, Chest of Drawers,Telephone Sets, Tabourets, Tables,Chairs, Pier Cabinets, MagazineCarriers, and so on-buil t to giveyears of service.

    Member Federal Reserve System


    Unpainted furni ture can be easily finishedaccording to your individual taste t o suit thecolor scheme of the room in which it is to be used.We can supply you with the paints you will need.

    Expertly Designed-Sturdily ConstructedCarefully Sanded-Ready to Decorate

    The Narberth National Bank

    Gillingham Lumber & Woodwork Co., Inc.


    DC? you remember Wilk ins Micawber who was

    always Hwaiting for something to turn up"-andnearly starving in the meantime? ~ M i c a w b e r was onlya creature of Dickens ' imagination; bu t he has hiscounterparts in real l i fe good men, men of talentand wit, bu t waiting for Opportunity to send an en graved invitat ion. ' INo, i t' sthe men who have readymoney to invest when theysee the chance who attain

    ,TODAY: Open aSavings AccountAn ever-swelling sum, augmented by 40/0 interestcompounded half yearlywill save you f rom Mieawber's melancholy fate. Wewill welcome your account.

    Lincoln Highway, Paoli, Pa.1__ArG rrOU


    - T HE EDITOR.ttTime Out"

    A nnapolis Graduate

    Joseph C. Snyder, son of Dr. andMrs. O. J. Snyder, of Woodbine Avenue, who will graduate from theUnited S ta te s Naval Academy atAnnapol is on Thursday,

    By Tommy Macklin.Keith Parks pitched a heautiful gameagainst Upp er D ar by T ue sd ay a ft er noon as the invade rs fro111 the n e i ~ h - Ihor in g t owns hi p l uc ked out a victory( we r C oa ch Co ckl in's g oo d and hadteam at Lower :-'leriou, Keith goth imse lf into thr ee or four holes duringth e pastime, alld a c ou pl e of passesthat he iss ued turned illto importantruns. Th e S av ag e men WOIl. 7 to 0.an

    hil lers dll";lI.'! 11r,' lIi l lc i l ll l il l !! s a / ll ih c ld I hc l ll 10 ..i.'Jlrl Irils. l i i s I Cl /I Il -11I1111'.1'. IIICIII/'1('/,i/c, h a ll' /cd 0111 clC'1'CIIh il s, h il i " ol li d 1101 /';'''11/'' 0111 wilhall,\'llrill.'! ,(',1,1'1/ Ilrc ,.il/e/, "'11111'. S,'u-""I' Rosc. OI/(IIIr .. r /10111

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 30, 1930


    Mar 30 , 1930 OUR TOWN Page Thirteena pairReg, Price$ 1. 50 a Pair

    co.111 Years ofService


    ( 'LAIN a ll TIPPBD)

    Cleaned $1.00Rugs CleanedDomestic Rugs, 4csq.f t .Regular 5cOrienta l Rugs, 8csq. f t.Regular 10cCotton ....... ....... 1 .50 Chinese ' Rugs, 8csq. f t.

    Regular $2,25 Regular 10 cCurtains CleanedAll Curtains and Draperies Dry Cleaned10% off regular priceNEPHEWS (51

    Quilts CleanedSilk ~ 2 . 0 0

    Regular $3.00

    r - ~ ~ r H e r e You Are Look!.5 Days Only-HurryAnother 5 d a ~ ' 8 to a vall yoursp l ! ofthis offel'. This Is th e final offer atthese special prIces.

    Bill Values! Excel lent Quali ty!1:.\X"1' Ill '; nEAT! nUT H1DI . :ml lm. uHAY>, o:-;r.y. . - \ 1 l ~ O J . l " 1 ' F . I . Y :-;(1 (lHIl!,!:ACCI-:I''J'JW ~ ' O l t 'J'IIE!'," 1'H1t'Jo:S A ~ " n : K1'HAT llATI-;. UUItHY Vl 'l. . . . - - - -S .Day Spe c i a l - - - -


    CJir:;y r;y a trifk morefrltaltigh181 Two fOr 351

    Tune in on "The RPleighRevue" every Friday, 10:00 10 11:00p,m.(New York Time), overthe WEAP coast-to-coast network o/N.B.C.C r u w h BIlOWN '" WILUAKSON TOllAcco CORPOIlATlON, LOUISVILlJl, Ky ,

    Tbe M.nufacturers of SirWalter Raleigh SmokingTobacco,

    'Jhf>low trt,"!! ;1 fP [ . to (l : \ ' t ' a r ~ oh1.all Olh'(' t r H I I ~ I I ' l l l l t c l l ill t h l1l11'lwn.

    - - - Th i . Week'. Special8 Evergreens2 NorwGJ' Spruce, 2 Ar-$lborlJUae, 2 AustrianPine, :l Juniperus Com-muni

    AZALEA NUDIF!CItA - Coral nil,k. HARDY FLOWERING PERENNIALSA bes.utiful . 'Pocies. Heavilv buddr.d. -I n 6 different varieties. An aU.J r l o t h i n ~ 10 b e a u t ~ { u l as llil Azalc:l. 5U.nmer ilowerinl' collection. 121 to 2 ft e ach 98c ulants a ss or t ed for C"-~ p m E A A. WATERER - Dwarf. AZALEA MOLLIS--'Cliin..... A2.lc"""Deeu Red Sui rea. CharmiDJe' for -Deen OranKe. No ~ a r d c n loverI t r o u t l i n ~ 2 for 980 oan afford to be without this beau-NIXKO BLUE HYDRJ lNGEA - Th. tiful nlant. 2 s t ron" nlanls for .. .$1 ,New. Xr.rdv 11"11. Blu. Variety. RRODODENDRONS-Pink, Purnle andLarK. rolund b looms. b luo as tho Red. O"e of each in s t ron" . s turdv'kyo Ii DAYS' SPECIAL PRICE. stock. Now is t he t im e to nlant!Romember. Ii Days O"lv! . . . . . 2 fo r 9Se Got busvl A co llect ion of 3 1"0, .. . 51 :CEDRUS DEODORA-"God Tre." of 111'.GnOLIA GRANDIFLORA - Thethe Himalavas. Silvorv tinted most maa-niflcent of the MMmolias.foUaKe. Blue colo!'. Graceful sween Flowers the size o f sau cers andin .. b ranches . 1 to IV, ft . . ea ch 98c frurane. r iv al in " t he Gardenia.HYBRID ROSFS - 2 monthlv rD.... Pink a nd whi to . 1 to 111, f t.. a tGrafted atock. Best varieties. ~ 2 f ~ 9Ce. 1% to 2 H . . e ach l'Oev.ar old, No.1 ouality 2 for 98c c ial lv nriced at 51 ~ ;

    ADD 16 . FOR l 'ACKIXa A:\D I : \ S V I l . - \ : \ ( , I < ; - W I ~ PAY l'OSTAGE

    .... :.:. " 'j;;?l 1::; { : ~ ~ ; ' 1 ; }

    '. , : ' I - ~ ~ "'." ' '. d-.< L~ ; ' ~ 4FREE- Any 51. HI I t";on fromIhl" ad FREt; wllh pa.h ord .r of11I,1lO or o,,'r. (lrd.r dlr.4D80181: 'ferv nrOfU!6 f ' ~ d .hnw, ,..b e a u t ~ u l urlotT. V.rT hardT. $1 10:11loomln.. . Each :1:11&00, Whit . and Plllk. 2 . : " n l . . Sl.10Althe.. (Boo. of Sharon). Pink. n,rtx:..4"i'rl t; :' dr ;, ;, li : lii.i.' i;I,ik.' 51.10

    G . 3 4 : ~ r ' ! J ' : 1 I : Y;.ii",;: j i o " ; ' ~ ; ' ~ . i,i' ;'i,i-ivS1.10: B u ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ B2u.:::.II I>;. ~ I ; ' : , i i , . : : : : : : : : : :n:;~ ~ ( i : : , , ~ o ~ \ I > ~ n b ~ ~ I I ~ ~ : : : : : : : J ; ' ; ~3&1)&.1 Barberry. o ne t oo t hlrhe:.l-;,UUaml. "'1 1 : / l I . ~ . , . n1tlnf!o ~ ~ J ~KardY Ohrvlantllemuml. 1''''\01 '!"tfl"t.II 'Dlant. Sl.10GrJU.. .dla. III IIln'I'O ..............11.10I : t ~ ~ " c ~ : : ~ ~ : ~ 8 . l ~ \ I I : ~ f ~ j ~ ~ ' ~ ~ .HI;' ; , ; t M " ! : l ~T.UO'lII' D..b' o 111 ,,1'''''0 At.111Shut .. DaI"e. 10 11'11"10..Sl.10Doubl. X o l l v ~ o c k . . h"," , ' l r l l l ""1':' .D . \ ~ t J : : r ~ . Il.rk Iii,;,.: i . i ~ I ; ' '1\,:1.:51.10O .:'l:r;onDi".: hi-ii'lin;'" ;':'10.'. " .51.10flower .. 8 In.1I1' f1 Iwrc'",," 11) tll' ' 'l'tt ~ , . ' OOolumbine. hrnutttnl ( f ' l u n ~ . 11) l l 'u"I ' " !,:1.10J 'o z G love 118snrtp,I ( , f l l ~ I " . 1'4 1I1:111IM t t . l010 Noveltv Snandral'on nlnllt!=10 A R I 8 t ~ r t ( ' ~ i n ~ ~ : . & ! : I E : : : W : ~ t o t i + \ ' i ; f ~ . 11.101M) ~ ' : t ~ ~ t d ~ l : A l ~ l : ~ t : , u t ) ~ ~ ~ r H ~ ; : ' ~ i , ~ ~ : : . ; i : : ~60 Dahll.. FlowulDlr Zinnia .. :."1.10 a : ~ ~ t : d ~ t ~ : r : , ( ' E ~ ~ ~ i ' ~ ' i 1 t ; H 1 : ' i , R R t c 1 . ~ ' . ' 1 )eo Btr&w Flower o l n n t ~ . "MR", ..",,1 . . elIOeo Panllel.. .taut flowerlnlZ' ml.'turt'.OOoullflll morkln". t ill !""". $1.1015 G l a d i o l u a ~ m W i , f M ! - . ' \ : ~ ~ : ; ? 1'1 rfol11 oolora. up to 6 l n ch . . a c ro " . (.> I !0]l\oomlq olz. . ' CHINESE ARBOR-VITAE1',4 ft . hh, h a nd buohv. 51.10 o1ch.% ft . hi ..h and bu .hv . 52.' .aehThe FISCHER NURSERIES

    ~ ~ ~ ' i l ' : ' ~ o r D r j : ~ : ~ n . . ~ i ~ d " ' I ; ~ ~ r J : i ~ ( :

    6E V ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ : ! 1.10AND PLANTING TIllE7h re e t o 4ve- 2 American 8uruceyeAr-old trBe.. I 2 Norwav 8ufuoeII Chin.. . Arbor.vIta.Field.Grown S tock, 250 Acre.

    18 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r . $ 1 8 0 Iitae, 2 Scotch Ph . . 2 Junin.rtuoOommunjll, Treel pre 6 to 6 Yea rs o ld .

    Seashore (51 ResortsA T I ~ A N T I C CITY at Longport , com-f o rt abl e co tt age , double garage, 300f1. from heach. G5x30 f1. porcheR. allenview. 'Veil e(luipped. .Tune to Sellt.or lJa.rt time. A. 'V. 'Vhitney, Longllort, N. ;T. (ombG-G)B U N ( : A I ~ O ' V S , cottages an d apar t-ments fo r th e s ea so n o f 1930. Corwin P. Van"ant, 161h an d New J e r R e ~ 'A\'e., North Wildwood, N. ,1. (omIJG-27)

    Garages For RentPH 1.,.,\ 'I' I': goa rage, $S ller mon Ih, 100CheHtnut AYP., Narherth. PhollC" ~ a r .::G:I!I-W . (G- l ::>

    ! ~ l a n k e t sIISpec!al1 PrIceIi May 15toI June 9Ii BARRETTI Old Staten Island Dyeing Est., Inc.I Phone 118 SOUTH 12TH STREETI " I p e ~ n .rPtlcker 4036 Auto Dtli'YtTy, City and SuburbsPor S l t l ~ _company FOR HALE-Tomato plants, 40c pe rdoz., 3 doz. fo r $1.00. Zinnia", asters ,sIHt)(lragons an d other plants. 339Dudley Avenue, Narberth. (oG-27)

    SIn:'I'LAND P O ~ Y , 7-yr. old. g'entle,r ide o r 111'i'"e. Alxo harness , saddlean d (art. I"ran!, H. S e e l ~ ' , .lr., 5 RalaA ve . C yn \\ "y d 877. (ol11h5-:;0)

    pup, l as t:":arhel'thA \'(nue.


    Phone Your Ads to ARDMORE 3100

    Rates 10 cents a Hne In each pape r ; 25 cents a line in all three.- -M in imum charge, 35c in on e paper; 75 centa in al l three A V -erage of five words to th e line. No b lackt aced t ype u sed .Deadline fOJ"lnsertions- Classified adverth,ements will

    be accll)ted up to Wed n""dal ' f.o 'cl oc k f or OUR TOWN or al l three papers; Thursday, 1 o 'clock, for THEMAIN LINER; Thursday, 5 o'clock to r NEWS OF BALA-CYNWYD.

    General Not;ce- Classified Advertisements w1l1 be charged only., to residents ot th e Main L in e w ho se namesappl'or in th e t e lephone d ir ect ory; t o pe rs ons main t ain ing an account withu ~ or to regular subscr ibers to either TH E MAIN LINER , OUR TOWN, orNEWS OF BALA-CYNWYD.

    WantedELPI:nLY LADY "' ishps rnOl l l an dhoard fOJ' SUl l l n l P r in refined pri

    val" hOIlH'. P I( 'I IHe wI!te Balal ' ) ' n \ \ ' ~ ' d P .O . , Box 1:12. (ohii-:IO)

    At Your ServiceFLORA GEROLD-Specia l iz ing in slipc ov er s, d r ap e ri es , wicker furniturerepaln te d a nd u ph ols te re d. A ll workguaranteed an d estimates given. 344' J' r evo r Lane , Cynwyd. Phone Cynwyd1595-W. (omb-tt)

    DRESSMAKING an d alterat ions ormending in your home or mine. Mrs.M. Redlich. Ph . Narb. 2 365 -W. ( 6- 27 )PIANO tuning' a nd r ep a ir in g In yourow n tow n costs much less. Sendposta\ . Q. Uberti, 311 Hampden Avenue. (tf)

    Lost and FoundT'. llJXI I-A Illaee 10 get your lawn1110\\'er an d ~ a s ha rp en ed a nd re -lIainl\. : 'Iedlan i < ' a l l ~ ' a el lu ra te . ' Vo rl ,('alled fo r lInd d(livelcl\' Herv i cc Coml I a n ~ ' , ii Bala Ave., Bala. Phone C ~ ' n wy d S77. (obG.27)l .OST--Betweell E ~ x t . x A.\"t.'. an d : \a r -ber th ]1 , , 'y . ~ t a t i o l l a 1lrooch of uncu t pearls in t i l " form of a rose. H,,ward if rpturnt 'd to I:dilor of Our'J 'o"'Jl.

    Help WantedESTABLISHED, we l l- I ,nownis ready to employ three men whoh av e mo re than ordinary ambi t io n andar e energetic. Sales e x pe r ie n ce w il l

    help bu t if you haven't It an d wouldlike to le ar n, yo u will have extraordinary co -ope rat i on he re , as y ou w illhe g iven thorough t raining an d unlimited a ssi s tan ce to help yo u if yo u ar ewlJllng to hell) you rs e lf . C a ll a t KirschChevrolet Co., 2 08 Bala Ave., Cynwyd.(omb5-30)Real Estate for Rent

    C O M F O H T A B L I ~ five-room apartment,$2ii. nar. S PlI ce, $8. 109 DUdley Ave.NarlH'rlh 3721. (omb5-30)

    -------:: . . . . :=::::--.---

    l ~ O H T - f f o l d pill w i t h hlup t . ~ I H l l l H ~ l fo1'-g e t - n l l ~ - n o t s ; ahou t 2 inehel" long.1t('", . if ret. to 215 Ches tnut Ave. Xarher th 402H.l-:o: .;rr--YouUg U t . ~ r J l l a l l police] ' r iday. Hpwarcl. Phone4152-H o r r et ur n 21G Fore"t

    Rooms and BoardingA HDMOHI:, Arg'yle Courl , 1211 A r g ~ ' l eHonJ']i, or (1river. Wri te "1\1," ( 'a re ofOu r '1'own, Narberth. (om5-30)YO l T1\:( i g i r l , ('ollpgoe s t u d e n t , de:-iireH

    \ \ ' o l ' l i fo r sU ln l ll P r. O fl i( 'e ' \ " f J r l ~ . sales\VoJ"li o r ('alOe of ('lIilcll"en. Phone AId.:1049-'V. (omhii-::(J)(OLL.I;n ; girl w ou lt ) l il ie to a:-:slst\ " i t h ( ' h i l d l ' l ~ l I or luul

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 30, 1930









    2 pkgs., 25c

    May 30, 1930




    Clicquot Club Be'VeragesPALE GINGER ALE .. bot., HeGOLDEN GINGER ALE, SARSAPARILLA,CASE of 12 bottles, $1.50

    .Quaker SweetCREAM BUTTER

    lb., SSc

    Timely Hints... ~ - l b . , 17c Peter Pan SUGAR PEAS. . .can, 23cParis CRUSHED CORN. 3 cans, 50c

    Heart o f Maine APPLE SAUCE .. 2 cans, 29cLUX SOAP FLAKES. . . . . 2 large pkgs., 45cKANSAS CLEANSERS can, 5cP. & G. SOAP.. 5 cakes, 19c


    Libby's or Golden GatePEACHESin Rich Syrup2 large cans, 49c

    Ivins' SWEET MARIES...Polk's Fancy GRAPE FRUIT. . can, 19cGeisha CRAB MEAT. ... .. ... ... ... . . c an, 39cReputation Pure Cider VINEGAR, pt. bot. 10cLibby Fancy Sliced PINEAPPLE, 19. can, 29c

    You'll like Cotler's Meats.They are bought especiallyto suit your taste. And likeour Groceries, they are soldat prices that suit your pock-etbook.

    Friendly Service - Prompt Delivery - Reasonable PricesMain Line Shopping Center for T h o s . ~ Who Like to Purchase the Best Foods a tModerate Prices-We De/her from City Line to Bryn MawrPhone: NARBERTH 4050 Haverford Avenue, Narberth


    R. Be S. WINE JELLY, Madeira, Port or Sh.erry

    Libby's Stuffed or Plain Queen Manzanilla Olives 3 'i'2-oz. jar, 9c; 3 for 25cWRAP WAXED LUNCH PAPER, large rolls, value 25c . roll, 19cWalter Baker's BAKING CHOCOLATE Yi-Ib. cake, 23cC R I S ~ O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lb. can, 23c

    Gulden's MUSTARD ........... 8-oz. jar, 13c; 2 for 25cLibby's COOKED CORNED BEEF can, 23cDiplomat BONED CHICKEN. can, 49cSchlorer's PICKLES and RELISHES 2 7-oz. bots. for 25c

    Page Fourteen

    C O N T J N U J ~ D FROM P A G J ~ 3 'Ihoth garnered passes and Graham 'I'hlanked. Four hits, threc rUlls. no 'crrors. 'Bnrns a lso s ta rt ed the second frame IIwith a double over the right-field f ence, ,which accordingly to the regulations I'of the park only permi ts two bases. ICurwin s lapped his second consecu-,t ive hit o f t he game by singling to cen- 'Itr e to send in Mickey . Humphreys 'Ihit into a double play, Baldwin to C.!

    ~ 1 o ( ) n e y to \Vo rral l. F leck popped to I',:\/-(atone.Bot h t eams s co re d their last in the I!sixth, Narberth sending olle man ove r It he d is c while Media went two better,s co ri ng t hr ee runs from two hits. '\Vakh held the c hamp io ns t o o ne hitdur ing the last. t hr ee p er iod s, a nd t hegame' came to an abr upt end in the in in th when r ain be/-(an t o fall just as IRnhican, la st m an up, lofted to third Iior the th ir d out. II'

    NARBERTH '1R. H. O. A. EolBnrll s, c. I 2 () 0I ICurwin, rf. I . ~ . ~ 0 0"If umphreys, :lb. . () () () () () I IFleck, If. ... . .. I I 2 0 0 I~ 1 a r t i n , Ih. I I 7 0 0Ruhincan, 2h 0 I -I :l IKneibler, ss. . . . I I 0 :l 0Thomas, d . .. 0 0 5 0 0(iraham, p. . 0 I 0 I 0Totals 5 12 *2.1 7

    ~ I E D J AI t 11. O. A. E.A/-(atone, d . ..... I I 2 0 0K. Mooney, ss. .. 2 I 2 I () IBaldwin, .lb. I 2 J I 0Wor ra ll , l b. . I I 9 () 01Cochrane, If. I 1 1 ~ ) I. ;\( ooney, 2b........ I ,Humes, c. IWalch, p. 0 J ITotals ... 9 U 27 10 2:*Rnhincan hit by batted hall in the I

    thinl inning. IIThe Fireside I

    Mr. J. Bruce Byall, of Bryn 1\lawr iAvcnue, Penn Valley. left on Thursday 'hv motor for SkvlalHl, Va., and willsiay until Sunday. ~ r. Byall is the Irepresentative 'o f the Blue Mount ai n IClub of Pennsvh'ania. a sub-c1uh of Ithe Appalachial i Trai l Club o f Uni te d IStates. This c1uh is organizing hikingt ra il s f rom Mai ne to Georgia, .cuttingthem on the u pp ermo st r id ge s of t he 'Imount ai ns . P la ns have been made t o Ibuild sleeping shacks at various spotsa lon g t he trails. fifteen miles apart. IOne -t hi rd o f t he trail has been cut by Ithe members of the organizat ion . Professor Eugene Bingham, o f La faye tt eCollegoe, is the pres ident o f th e Blue: \' Iountain Club. Accompanying Mr.Byall are ~ ajor William A. 'Velsh,chief engineer of Palisades Park. N. Y.,and Mr. Horace Kephart, a well-'known author.!\hs. James B.' Smith , of Avon Road,has as her guests this week her mother,~ I r s . C. H il lman , a nd h er s is te r, M is sMarie Hi llman, of "vood Haven, L. 1.Mr. and Mrs . Geo rge R. 'Yatts, ofEssex Avenue, are being congratulatedupon the bi rth o f a daugh te r, Hel enLou ise \Va tt s, on \Vednesday, May 21.Mrs. 'Yatts prior to her marriage was~ I . i s s Helen Caldwell, daughter of }.lrs'llohn A. Caldwel l. of Elmwood Ave-;ll1e. Mrs. T. F. Nealon and her daughter, IPearl N ea lo n, o f Phi la dc lph ia , andMiss Blanche Sayer, of New J erseY'1spent Sunday ',::ith Mr. and Mrs. H.F. Darnes, o f hssex Avenue.Mr. and Mrs. C. H . B ar tl et t and dthcir son. .Ned Bar tl et t, of . Merion iAvenue, WIll spcnd' Memonal Dayw eek- end a s the gues ts of Mrs . Bartl et t' s mot he r, M rs . Edward Leary, atWildwood Crest , N. J.Miss Ruth Quinn, of Doylestown, Iwas t he g ue st o f Miss Evelyn Jefferis,o f Dud ley Avenue, for a few days t hi s

    week. Irs . Rohert J. Nash, of Nor th Nar -herth Avenue, entertained the memhersof her c lub at luncheon and b ri dge on ITn csdav . 1 1 ~ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! i ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! i ! ! i i ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! j j ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! i ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! i ! ! ! ! i ! ! ~ 1ONTINUED ON NEXT PAnE I l

    Narberth Bows to Media I ~ ! ! . ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ~ ! ! ! i ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! . ! ! ! ~ ! ! ! ! ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ! i _ ~ _ i i i i j____iiiii. i i i i i i . ~ ~ ! ! . . ~ _ ~ _ ~ . _ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ! ! ! - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Iin Main Line League Debut

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 30, 1930


    May 30, 1930 OUR TOWN Page Fifteen(If J \l r. and J\lrs. Joscpl, ~ ; J)lluJ::"hcrtY'1 Dr. an,l IIlrs, II. ll . Hartley am iof .\nth\\"\'I1 I{oall, who is a studcnt falllilv, of 11;J\'t'rford ..\venUl'. willat Villa ~ I : ~ r i a , will spenll fllelllllrial spcnl \ l \l cl ll or ia l wcck- cn ll at Uceanweek -end w;th he r parents. City as t he g ue st s lli 1\1 rs, Hartley'sM.r. an d J\lrs. T. S. Kcenan an d f am- mothe r, 1\lrs. F, n, I'rescott,;Iy, oi Bl"\'n :\lawr Avenu e and \Vell, :\Irs. ClilTorll J. Cood\\ 'i n , o f Lant- eience. ing-tnn J{oad, will spend th c sUllllller \\'vn Lane, was th e hllstl'ss to he r

    :\1 iss Margaret Dougherty, daughter; in th e I'ocouos. 1 1 I : i d ~ e clu h o n :\Ionday c\'cnil1J.{o. -- _ ..- -'. - .0- ..fIi

    Narberth Business Guide1I1III THE MERCHANTS AND PROFESSIONAL MEN LISTED HERE ARE~ PREPARED TO SERVE NARBERTH'S TRADING SECTIONI - Promptly, Reasonably, Courteou31yI Amusements Cleaners-Dyers-Tailors I IceI RU.LIARD PARI,OR AUEUZZI BROTHERS C I I I ~ S ' I ' I ~ R G. .'ONF.S 1NARnF.RTH We :;erve t he Be" t I - c - eA Clean Amu"ement Centp.r 1 0 I 'o re" t Ave. Narberth 2(;02 1200 'Voo,lhine Ave, NarIJerth 40foS2nd Floor, Narb. Theatre Bldg.I AnCAuE 'I 'AILOn SIIOI''I' NARBEIlTH TIIEA'I'IlE l.'rench Dry Cleaning LaundriesPerfect Sound-Bette r Plcturp.s 719 Montgomery Ave. Narb.416fo-'V1 2 Narherth Ave. Narberth 24GS EAIl.I.., ltIACI{I.OUIS 'NUl 'J'AII.OIt l ~ i l , , , t - C l a , , , , Hand Worlc234 WoodlJiue Avenue 33 Narberth A\'e.Automobile Sen,ice Phone: Narberth 2666

    FUNK'S G,\RAGE Coal Moving-HaulilJgRepair", Simollizillg, lias an d Oi l I JOliN NEEI,Y107 Es sex Ave. Narberth ~ 7 1 0 NARRF.U'I'II COAl, CO. Heavy Duty Hauliu/;- Mack 'l'rue!,,,.Jeddo Highland Anthraci te folO Brool,hur"t Ave, Nar. 2858-\VNarherth 2430-24311 GEORGE L. I.OI. 'TUS II General Repah'-BaUerles, Etc. Newspapers925 Montgomery Ave, Narb. 2553 Contractors Oilit ' I 'on 's, F.AUI, IUECI{F. GUY e 1 t O Y I , I ~ I 'rhe COlllnlullity N ( ~ \ \ ' H J ) n . p e r

    :1Autoll1olJile Hepairing Gpncl'ltl Contl'acto, ' -Dl' ive" 2liS li a verford Ave. Narh. 2:'1 f.II I rona Ave. Narberth 3,S, S02 !\folltg'n',w,'y Ave. N'"'h. 2 ~ 0 0

    SI\II'J'tI'S AU'I'O 'VUF.CKINn l ind -_._--- Painting-Papering,\I\II':S 1"1l.\ 'I'AVI'ONI .'\: so:\s'I'OWING S E I l V I C I ~ . J ( l l J l l i l l ~ ~ - ~ l l l l ~ C O \ V o t ' l ~I Night Phone : Narberth 2675 2:l7- ~ : ~ ~ I l-1a;: I)den " :e . 1\'al"l . 41,jti ~ L \ l t S l l A I , I , ('OI\U'AI\"YDay Phone: NarIJerth 2699 G(IfJ(1 \\r IJ 1'1{-!\[IHlerale l ' l ' k , ~ sI Delicatessen :1:10 P"icc Ave. NIlI'IJerth 294 fo11 Bakeries U A R : ~ Y II. II \ ' lEU PlasteringNARBERTH PASTRY SHOP Fine Assurtlllellt Goud 1o'ouolI We Bal'e Fresh Daily on Premises 250 Haverfor,l Avp. I ~ U ' V A I l D S. IIA'VSI 243 Haverford Ave. Narberth 3694 Plas le r i l lg , .JolJOllIg, SluCL.:1I RepairsI Il)9 J 'uclJ,'y A\ e. Na"),l,,'th 3721WHITE'S SWEET SHOP Drugs Ice Cream, Candy, Nuts, Pastry . , ...4:nCAUE , P J l A n ~ I A ~ Y ,' " Plumbing-Heating19 Haverford Ave. Narberth 4005 Fr!UC"d, lJ ....uucllhaud, 1 I U l l l l C ~ O l I UOOI... UItO'I'HEIlS

    Banks 70" Montgomery Ave. Narb, 2,,13 PlumlJ ing-l lea t lng-Roofing104 Essex Ave. Narberth 4040MEIlION 'I'ITI.E & TRUST CO. E l c c ~ r ; c i a l l s - UANIEI. J. I\lcGAIUlYHaverford an d Narberth A\es. ,v AI.TER G . CASE. Prop'r. Oi l Burning Bquil>mentI Phone Narberth 3698 Narh. j',lp"trlc Rhop Old (;,,1[>11 Road Narh,-rlh 2673.NAUBEIlTH NA'I'IONAL DANIi: Wirh. b a1l

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 30, 1930


    Page Sixteen OUR TOWN May 30, 1930




    Owne.. hipMonaoemenr

    Phone: Narberth 4035Th . Oldest StOTt;/1 Narberth


    The Maill Line Music Store


    fronck/eI Cope

    s. P. Frankenfield Sons: : = - . : : : : : : : = = : - = - ~ ~ = - : ~ - - : : : : - - : " : " = - = - : - : : - . = - - - ~ - - - - - - . : ~ . ~ _ : : : : = : : : - _ - : : " - . ~ - = = ~ : : - _ -FUNERAL

    A,,,l th. Alblllll Compl.1t Is Only $7.50!

    A Z V ~ L L ~ ~

    Flags For Memorial Day!Yes, we have them-and red, white and blue napkins

    and table cloths for picnics and lawn parties. Also anassortment of gifts the boy and girl graduate will l ike.

    I : , \ ;COIlI 'OI l, \ ' I 'gU

    Ready for You In Permanent Record Form

    The Music of

    224 Haverford Ave.

    IF you 're t ired of rooms and baths and want somethinga l it tl e mare l ike home. then came to Hotel Lafayet te . You'llflnd us tucked away in the most beautiful p ar t o f one of AtlanticCity's broadest avenues, just a step away from everything that 'sanything in th . World's Playground. Here's seclusion withoutsnobbery. Here' l beauty without aus teri ty .. in a hotel asmodern as 1930 . , . with rates as modes t as 1920, Spaciouslounge rooms,asolariumand sundeck. food thatwould delightanepicure. Comfort. Service. Quiet. All these ar e yours as a guest o f

    The beautiful melodies of a foremost American Composer recorded forVictor by Nath ani el Shi lk re t. Come and let us play it for you. It isfascinating. On the five doublefaced records you will find your favorites.The A side of rhe first record is devoted entirely to piano solos played bythe composer himself. Then there are delighrful melodies and songs from"High Jinks", "Katinka", "The FireAy", " ''