oumh 1303

Faculty Of Education And Language SMP January Intake 2011 Semester 2 OUMH 1303 English For Oral Communication MATRICULATION NO : 680915106909001 IDENTITY CARD NO. : 680915106906 TELEPHONE NO. : 0126626202 E-MAIL : [email protected] LEARNING CENTRE : Seremban,NSDK

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Faculty Of Education And Language

SMP January Intake 2011 Semester 2

OUMH 1303

English For Oral Communication

MATRICULATION NO : 680915106909001

IDENTITY CARD NO. : 680915106906

TELEPHONE NO. : 0126626202

E-MAIL : [email protected]


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OUMH 1303ENGLISH FOR ORAL COMMUNICATION 680915106906001 Tittle : Communication Effectively In Spoken English In Selected Social Contexts



1. Introduction

(a) Important of speaking English for study and work purposes

(b) Principles of effective speaking and listening skills

(c) Various forms of oral communication in English

2. How oral communication works

(a) Theories of oral communication

(b) Model of communication

(C) Form of communication

(d ) What makes the process complex

3. Interpersonal communication

(a) Personal and impersonal situation

(b) Appropriate topics of conversation

(c) Listening and speaking skills and strategies

4. Small group communication

(a) How to group small group communication

(b) Roles of group members

(c) Question and answer strategies

(d) Example of small group communication in academic context

5. Public speaking

(a) Social contexts where public speeches occur and function

( b) How to made oral presentation

(c ) Credibility of speaker and related qualities

( d) Audience analysis for effectiveness

6. Conclusion

( a ) Complexity of the speaking process

( b ) Knowledge and strategies needs for effective speaking in different social context

( C ) Need for speech training


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OUMH 1303ENGLISH FOR ORAL COMMUNICATION 680915106906001 1. Introduction

Important of speaking English for study and work purposes

We communicate everyday with different level of people, at different times, in different

ways. With good oral communication skills we can create close relationships and bond with

our family, friends, people at work, and people we meet. We also can effectively share

information, thoughts, feelings, needs and intentions. As a good listener ,we also tend to win

friends as most people regard and appreciate someone who listens to their problems, fears,

joys, and successes as a true friend. This help to foster friendship.

In learning process, good oral communication skills help us to acquire knowledge more

effectively, especially when we are able to ask questions, express opinions and ideas, and

summarise information. As an example, English language is a compulsory subject in the

Malaysian Curriculum. Pupils learn English as a second language. They have to learn proper

English, this mean they need to learn, listen and understand, speak and write accurately and

fluently. Proficiency in English with good oral communication skills is an advantage to reach

the higher level of education specially to further study in oversea university.

People who are good communication will be do better in their careers. Business and

professional people depend a lot on oral communication skills when they engage in different

activities. They needs to interact with customer and suppliers, participate in meetings, and

hold informal discussions with employers and employees. Whereas, for teachers, especially

English Teachers, effective communication is the key to excellence. First of all the class-

room environment should have better view of the teacher. With good communication skills

the teacher can conduct her class confidently and effectively.

Principles of effective speaking and listening skills

i) Always listen when someone is talking.

The most frustrating thing about communication is when the person whom you are talking

to is not listening to you. Before you even finish a sentence, he cuts you off. A lot of the

misunderstanding and misinterpretation are caused by not listening to other party.

ii) Make sure that it is a two way process.


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Communication should always be a two way process. Make it safe for other to express his

views. Effective communication means ideas are exchanging freely.

iii) Affirm and acknowledge results.

Effective communication is about the RESULT you get. It means the person you are

communicating to totally understands your point. And you also understand his point. So to

ensure that your communication is effective, you must always confirm understanding.

That's the three most basic principles for an effective communication. It sounds simple but

in practice, it is perhaps the hardest principles to follow, and has to be constantly worked at.

Various forms of oral communication in English

In communication it requires a sender, a message, and an intended recipient, although the

receiver need not present or aware of the sender’s intent to communicate at the time of

communication. The communication process is complete once the receiver has understood

the sender messages. According to Camp & Satterwhite (2002), there are three types of


  (a) Oral Communication

  (b) Written Communication

  (c) Non-Verbal Communication

Oral communication has been described as the process of people using verbal and non-verbal

messages to generate meaning within and across various contexts, cultures, channels and

media. Basically, this take place in the face-to face communication, meetings, voice mail

messages, teleconferencing, oral presentations and public speaking. 

In written communication , we exchange information using the written language by words

and sentences. It provides documentation and proof of the exchange information. This can

take place such as in letters, faxes, memos, e-mail, reports, minutes of meeting, charts and


Whereas in non-verbal communication , no words are used. It also known as body language,

can be a very powerful form of communication . Messages can be communicated


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OUMH 1303ENGLISH FOR ORAL COMMUNICATION 680915106906001 through gestures and touch ,by body language or posture, by facial expression,  eye contact,

nervousness, grooming and dressing.

In this short paper is divided into several section of oral communication on how it works

such as interpersonal communication ,small group communication and public speaking.

2. How Oral communication Works

Theories of oral communication

Communication is an important part of our lives. Elizabeth Tierney (1998) describes

communication as process which begins when you have a message that you want to deliver

to an audience. Your audience receives the message, reacts to it and then responds to your

message. That response may lead you to react and give another message. This process may

then go on and on. According to Julia T.Wood (2009) .” Communication is a systematic

process in which people interact with and through symbols to create and interpret meanings.”

Communication enables us to improve our skills at interacting with people.

Model of communication

Transactional Model of Communication

In a simple model, often referred to as the transmission model or standard view of

communication, information or content (e.g. a message in natural language) is sent in

some form (as spoken language) from an emisor/ sender/ encoder to a destination/

receiver/ decoder. This common conception of communication simply views

communication as a means of sending and receiving information. The strengths of this

model are simplicity, generality, and quantifiability. Social scientists Claude Shannon

and Warren Weaver structured this model based on the following elements:


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1. An information source, which produces a message.

2. A transmitter, which encodes the message into signals

3. A channel, to which signals are adapted for transmission

4. A receiver, which 'decodes' (reconstructs) the message from the signal.

5. A destination, where the message arrives.

What makes the process complex

In any communication model, noise is interference with the decoding of messages sent

over a channel by an encoder. In the presence of "communication noise" on the

transmission channel (air, in this case), reception and decoding of content may be faulty,

and thus the speech act may not achieve the desired effect. One problem with this

encode-transmit-receive-decode model is that the processes of encoding and decoding

imply that the sender and receiver each possess something that functions as a codebook,

and that these two code books are, at the very least, similar if not identical. Although

something like code books is implied by the model, they are nowhere represented in the

model, which creates many conceptual difficulties.



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OUMH 1303ENGLISH FOR ORAL COMMUNICATION 680915106906001 3. Interpersonal communication

Interpersonal communication 

Interpersonal communication includes message sending and message reception between two

or more individuals. This can include all aspects of communication such as listening,

persuading, asserting, nonverbal communication, and more. A primary concept of

interpersonal communication looks at communicative acts when there are few individuals

involved unlike areas of communication such as group interaction, where there may be a

large number of individuals involved in a communicative act.

Personal and impersonal situation

Some scholars identify a category of impersonal communication. This is a distinction

between impersonal and interpersonal communication on the basis of the quality of the

interaction. Impersonal communication is that which involves functional short-term

exchanges such as might occur between a shopper and a salesman; the label of interpersonal

is reserved for communication that functions in deeper and more meaningful relationships.

Appropriate topics of conversation

Interpersonal communication can be categorized by the number of participants.

• dyadic communication involves two people. Example: two friends talking.

• group communication involves three or more persons, though communication scholars are

inconsistent as to the top end of the number scale. The smaller the number in the group, the

more closely this mode resembles interpersonal communication. Often group communication

is done for the purpose of problem solving or decision making. Example: teleconference in a

distance learning class.

• public communication involves a large group with a primarily one-way monologue style

generating only minimal feedback. Information sharing, entertainment and persuasion are

common purposes of public communication. Example: lecture in university class.

Listening and speaking skills and strategies

According to Devito (2009) ,effective listening comprises five components as below :i) Receiving – When you listen, you concentrate on the verbal as well as non-verbal

message. This involves reading gestures, body movements and facial expressions.


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ii) Understanding - This stage where you learn to decipher the meaning of the message

as well as pick up cues from the emotional tone of the speaker.

iii) Remembering – Listening also involves remembering interpreted sounds or messages

and saving them for use later.

iv) Evaluating – Make some judgement about a message. You may need to decide

whether the speaker has a personal agenda, or is biased and prejudiced.

v) Responding – Give feedback based on what you have heard. In responding you

allowed the speaker to know what you think or feel about what he has said.

Wood (2009) lists three principles that effect oral communication in speaking skills.

i) Interpretation of symbols create meaning – Every words has a dictionary meaning but

when used by a person in an expression, you have to look into the person and the

context in which the words is used to get the actual meaning.

ii) Communication rules – Verbal communication has its own set of unspoken but

widely understood rules. These rules are not formalised but are unconsciously

developed as we interact with family, friends and people at work. Regulative rules as

unwritten rules tell you when, where, how, and with whom you can have a

conversation and communicate in a particular way. Whereas constitutive rules means

by showing us the meaning behind certain kinds of symbol in communication.

iii) Punctuation affect meaning - The full stop , for instance marks the end of one

sentences and the beginning of another. Similarly, punctuation can signal the

beginning or end of a particular interaction.

iv) Voice attributes effect the quality of speech. To be an effective speaker, the volume

of voice must be heard clearly in order to let people to hear and understand what you

are saying. Speak with a pleasing pitch that is neither too high nor too low. Speaker

need to learn to vary the pitch of their voices when they speak so as to get the right

intonation. Intonation is the rhythm, or rise and fall of your voice when you speak.

The tone of your voice must also be suitable for the words and the message that you

intend to convey. Don’t speak too fast or too slowly. Speak according to the tempo

rate as 125 words per minute. Use clear enunciation of words will help your listener

to better understand your message. Speak with the correct stress and emphasis in

pronunciation skill.


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4. Small group communication


Small group communication is, of course, the communication that is carried out within a

small group. A small group is generally defined as a group that consists of at least three

members and at the maximum around twelve to fifteen members. A group that has just two

members or more than fifteen members would not come in the category of a small group.


A group's members must be able to communicate freely and openly with all of the

other members of the group. Groups will develop norms about discussion and

group members will develop roles which will affect the group's interaction.


A group must have a common purpose or goal and they must work together to

achieve that goal. The goal brings the group together and holds it together through

conflict and tension.

Small group communication is a fact of life, and learning to be a better small group

communicator can enhance your academic performance, your career achievement, and your

personal success. Small group members share a common purpose, are interdependent, and

exert influence on each other. The primary benefit of small groups is that they are more

productive and creative than individuals working alone.

Roles of group members

Successful group interactions require active participation by members of the group. The aim

is to fulfill the objectives of the meeting. In meeting the objectives of the meeting, the first

thing a group may do is brainstorm for ideas. Then, gradually, through question and answer,

irrelevant ideas can be weeded out and the group can come to a consensus. To this end, each

member of the group has a role to play. Usually there is one person who manages the

discussion. This person is either appointed by a higher authority or by the group, and has to

open the discussion, introduce the subject, invite people to contribute ideas, interrupt to seek


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OUMH 1303ENGLISH FOR ORAL COMMUNICATION 680915106906001 clarification, and finally close the discussion. The other members of the group are to put

forth their arguments, substantiate them, negotiate, interrupt politely to ask questions or seek

clarification, etc. If the discussion is managed well, members are cordial and polite to each

other and the discussion may turn out to be a fruitful and enjoyable event.

Question and answer strategies

After the group leader introduces the topic or subject of the discussion, he/she invites

members to contribute to the discussion. Members can offer opinions, ask questions and

respond to questions. Basically, we use Wh-Questions when we wish to get more

information or seek clarification of an issue ( Example : What are the cause of pollution?).

There are some questions that we respond with a Yes or No. When replying orally, we need

not give answers in complete sentences ( Example: Are you going to see doctor now ?

Yes/No ). Using polite forms to get information in a polite way such as by asking question

with “Would you mind….. telling me what happened………”etc.

5. Public speaking

Public speaking is the process of speaking to a group of people in a structured, deliberate

manner intended to inform, influence, or entertain the listeners. In public speaking, as in any

form of communication, there are five basic elements, often expressed as "who is

saying what to whom using what medium with what effects?" The purpose of public speaking

can range from simply transmitting information and to motivating people to act.   Public

speaking can be a powerful tool to use for purposes such as motivation, influence,

persuasion, informing, translation, or simply entertaining.

How to made oral presentation

The ability to make an oral presentation is an important skill. In the workplace most

information professionals will be required to address colleagues or external groups from time

to time, and it is also increasingly common for selection interviews to include an oral



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(a) Body language is important. Standing, walking or moving about

with appropriate hand gesture or facial expression is preferred to sitting down or

standing still with head down and reading from a prepared speech. Use audio-visual

aids or props for enhancement if appropriate and necessary. Master the use of

presentation software such as PowerPoint well before your presentation. Do not

over-dazzle your audience with excessive use of animation, sound clips, or gaudy

colors which are inappropriate for your topic. Do not torture your audience by

putting a lengthy document in tiny print on an overhead and reading it out to them.

(b) Speak with conviction as if you really believe in what you are saying. Persuade

your audience effectively. The material you present orally should have the same

ingredients as that which are required for a written research paper, i.e. a logical

progression from INTRODUCTION (Thesis statement) to BODY (strong

supporting arguments, accurate and up-to-date information) to  CONCLUSION (re-

state thesis, summary, and logical conclusion).

(C) Do not read from notes for any extended length of time although it is quite

acceptable to glance at your notes infrequently. Speak loudly and clearly. Sound

confident. Do not mumble. If you made an error, correct it, and continue. No need to

make excuses or apologize profusely.

(c) Maintain sincere eye contact with your audience. Use the 3-second method, e.g.

look straight into the eyes of a person in the audience for 3 seconds at a time. Have

direct eye contact with a number of people in the audience, and every now and then

glance at the whole audience while speaking. Use your eye contact to make everyone

in your audience feel involved .Like the old saying, "Eyes are your window to the

world," eyes can be the window to credibility. Studies on eye contact and its effect

on communication and credibility find that maintaining gaze while communicating is

beneficial to credibility, and, conversely, averting eye contact is detrimental to


(d) Speak to your audience, listen to their questions, respond to their

reactions, adjust and adapt. If what you have prepared is obviously not getting

across to your audience, change your strategy mid-stream if you are well prepared to


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do so. Remember that communication is the key to a successful presentation. If you

are short of time, know what can be safely left out. If you have extra time, know

what could be effectively added. Always be prepared for the unexpected.

(e) Pause. Allow yourself and your audience a little time to reflect and think. Don't race

through your presentation and leave your audience, as well as yourself, feeling out of


(f) Add humor whenever appropriate and possible. Keep audience interested

throughout your entire presentation. Remember that an interesting speech makes

time fly, but a boring speech is always too long to endure even if the presentation

time is the same.

(g) When using audio-visual aids to enhance your presentation, be sure all necessary

equipment is set up and in good working order prior to the presentation. If possible,

have an emergency backup system readily available.  Check out the location ahead

of time to ensure seating arrangements for audience, whiteboard, blackboard,

lighting, location of projection screen, sound system, etc. are suitable for your


(h) Have handouts ready and give them out at the appropriate time. Tell audience ahead

of time that you will be giving out an outline of your presentation so that they will

not waste time taking unnecessary notes during your presentation.

(i) Know when to STOP talking. Use a timer or the microwave oven clock to time your

presentation when preparing it at home. Just as you don't use unnecessary words in your

written paper, you don't bore your audience with repetitious or unnecessary words in

your oral presentation. To end your presentation, summarize your main points in the

same way as you normally do in the CONCLUSION of a written paper. Remember,

however, that there is a difference between spoken words appropriate for the ear and

formally written words intended for reading. Terminate your presentation with an

interesting remark or an appropriate punch line. Leave your listeners with a positive

impression and a sense of completion. Do not belabour your closing remarks. Thank

your audience and sit down.

Credibility of speaker and related qualities


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OUMH 1303ENGLISH FOR ORAL COMMUNICATION 680915106906001 i) Preparedness- The best speakers take their time developing their speeches. They monitor

the rate, tone, pitch and volume of their presentation. They find specific points where they

will deliberately gesture in order to emphasize their words. In other words, they practice.

Being prepared builds your credibility and helps you to make your speech more entertaining.

(Attachment of essential preparation and planning checklist)

Experienced presenter are able to improvise and adapt to changing circumstances but

you may have one chance to present your information, so be prepared.

ii) Energy-  The best speakers make an effort to keep the energy in their presentation up by

speaking at a brisk pace that is still understandable, smiling, and varying their pitch and


iii) Credibility- Excellent speakers know that building credibility is one of the most

important factors in improving audience reception of a message. Credibility can be

established by sharing the study that went in to developing the speech, achievements of the

speaker in related fields, and by including thorough research and data to support the claims

of the presentation.

iv) Structure-  Organizing information in an easy to follow, logical manner increases the

ability of the audience to retain the information. Structure does not need to be obvious. In

fact, the best speakers will mask structure with a conversational tone and speaking pattern.

v) Interactive Presentations-  Most people have terrible listening skills, so the best

speakers will find ways to allow the audience to actually participate in the presentation.

Whether they accomplish this through activities, asking questions or demonstrations, when a

speaker forces the audience to participate, they have a stake in the presentation, increasing

their attention to the materials presented.

Audience analysis for effectiveness

The audience is the specific group of people to whom your speech is directed. When you

give a speech, your goal is to communicate with your audience members. You will effective

if, when you have finished speaking, the members of your audience have remain attentive,

have understood what you have said, remember the main ideas you have spoken about, and


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OUMH 1303ENGLISH FOR ORAL COMMUNICATION 680915106906001 are motivated to use what they have learned from you. All effective public speakers are

audience- centered. Being audience- centered means considering who your listeners are, how

your message can best tailored to their interests, desires and needs. Be alert and respect about

audience gender, age, social, economy and education backgrounds, culture , prior

knowledge, habits, personality etc.


In everyday life, we interact with people. We interact with family members at home, with

friends and colleagues at the workplace or place of learning. The art of speaking, therefore, is

a skill and to convey meaning accurately, we must use words appropriately and speak

politely. Although English is a second language in Malaysia, it is widely spoken in Malaysia.

Try to speak using simple, plain and easily understandable English when you speak to

Malaysian as well as to people from other countries in our social communication. Avoid

figures of speech or idiomatic expressions, don’t use fancy, cute or trendy terminology, be

careful of words which may have difficult meanings in different cultures or nationalities and

avoid using of slang, e.g. cool which means in stlye.

English has become an important language in Malaysia in this new millennium. It is not only

the English language that has been a major concern nowadays, but also oral communication

skills in order to become compete in communication with the rest of the world. English is the

dominant international language in communication, education, business, entertainment,

diplomacy and on the internet.

For Malaysian to be able to compete, English oral communication skills are essential to

success. To succeed in any field, the ability to convey and interact with other people is a


One will become a fully developed, thinking, and forceful human being to the degree that

one has learned and practiced speech making skills and oral communication skills.

Ultimately one speaks not only to serve others, but also to achieve one’s own goals on the

job and in the public forum.


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OUMH 1303ENGLISH FOR ORAL COMMUNICATION 680915106906001 While it is not easy to participate at the beginning – with time and perseverance it will

become second nature to you to stand up and give your opinion voluntarily. By doing this

you will slowly notice the change in yourself. You will feel more confident, more decisive,

and happier in yourself. Attend courses like Toastmasters’ gives you that opportunity to

obtain speech training. The primary purpose need for speech training is to gain confidence,

to learn to communicate effectively. Just think what a relief it would be to be able to meet

people on an equal footing, make your point diplomatically but firmly, and leave knowing

you have not been ‘brow beaten’. This is a good feeling, which will allow you then, to

perform to your optimum.




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OUMH 1303ENGLISH FOR ORAL COMMUNICATION 680915106906001 1. Knapp, m.l. (1984). Interpersonal communication and human relationships. Boston: allyn

& bacon.

2.Operrario, d., & fiske, s. (2001). Stereotypes: content, structures, processes, and context. In

r. Brown & s. Gaertner (eds). Intergroup processes.

3. Oxford, uk: blackwell. Trenhold, s., & jensen, a. (2000). Interpersonal communication

(4Th ed.).

4. Belmont ca: wadsworth. Tubbs, s. (1992). A systems approach to small group interaction.

New york: mcgraw-hill.

5.Thayer, Lee. (1968). Communication and Communication Systems. Homewood, IL: Irwin.

6. Brown, r., & gaertner, s. (eds.). 2001). Intergroup processes. Oxford, uk: blackwell.

7. Rudolph F. Verderber, Kathleen S. Verderber, Deanna D. Sellnow The Challenge of

Effective Speaking(14th edition)

8. Tierney,E (1998). 101 ways to better communication. London:Kogan Page.

9. Wood, J.T (2009) Communication in our lives. Ausrtralia : Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

10. Devito, J.A. (2009) Human Communication : The basic course. Boston, USA :Pearson


► Relevant Web Sites

1. Wikipedia(n.d.) Available : http://en.wikipedia.org [ 2011, Jun 26]

2. Leon's Self-Development Blog(2011) Basic Principles of Effective

Communication{Online}. Available:


[ 2011.Jun 26]

3. Chapter 3. Presentation Tips for Public Speaking {online}

Avalaible:http://www.aresearchguide.com/3tips.htm [2011,Jun 28]

4. Articles about interpersonal communication{Online} Avalaible : http:

www.pertinent.com/articles/communication/index.asp –

5. Resources about interpersonal communication {Online} Avalaible : http:



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OUMH 1303ENGLISH FOR ORAL COMMUNICATION 680915106906001 6. Chapter 9: Small Group Communication (1995 – 2010) Pearson Education



[2011,Jun 28]

7. Davis Foulger (Draft: February 25, 2004)Models of the Communication Process .

{Online}. Available :


[ 2011,June 27]

8. DeVito, Essentials of Human Communication, (4th ed.) Members in small group

communication( pp. 264–265).

9. Group Interaction Skills

{Online}Available :http://www.elc.edu.sa/auto/English101-New/topic7/101-0701.html

[ 2011,June 28]

10. Richard Proctor. (November 2000) Oral Presentation Skills {Online} Available :

http://dagda.shef.ac.uk/study/oral.html [ 2011,June 30]


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