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David Nuckles, One Social Media, Client Presentation, 215.300.8454


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SocialWhat is


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Social Media is


Supported by online tools.

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Tools like these

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Social media is a great equalizer in that it allows small businesses to compete more effectively with large ones.

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4 Reasons

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The way marketing has been.

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The average person is exposed to

advertising messages per day.3000

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of people trust advertisements.


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of people trust the recommendations of other consumers.


*Neilson “Trust in Advertising” report October 2007

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The future of the internet is social.

Without finding ways to reach your prospects through social media you could be left behind by your competitors.

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2010 marks the first year Millennial’s will out number Baby Boomers.

and they spend > 16 hrs/week online.

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And they don’t care about your ad.

They care what their friends think.

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Social media is the

#1 activity on the web.

The facts don’t lie.

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Facebook added 100 million users in less

than 9 months. (Currently > 300 Million)

The facts don’t lie.

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80% of companies use LinkedIn as a primary tool to find employees.

The facts don’t lie.

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The #2 largest search engine in the world is…

The facts don’t lie.

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There are over 200,000,000 Blogs.

The facts don’t lie.

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The number of Tweets in December 2009 exceeded the world population, passing 6.8 billion Twitter messages posted.

The facts don’t lie.

*Source: Socialnomics, by Eric Qualman

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1. Google

2. Facebook3. Yahoo

4. YouTube5. MySpace6. Wikipedia7. Amazon

8. Blogger9. eBay10. Windows Live11. Craigslist

12.Twitter13. MSN14. AOL15. Go16. Bing

17.LinkedIn18. CNN

19.Wordpress20. ESPN

Top 20 Most visited websites on the internet

Source: Alexa.com

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People are not just demographics anymore.

To connect with them you need to understand…

relationships are more powerful than marketing.

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Your customers expect you to use Social Media

…as a means to communicate and interact with them.

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The studies are proving it. 93% of Americans believe a company should have a presence in social media.

85% believe a company should not only be present, but also interact with its consumers via social media.

56% of American consumers feel both a stronger connection with and better served by companies when they can interact with them in a social media environment.

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You’ll Increase Customer Loyalty.

Social Media is a good loyalty tool because it builds community around a business and brand.

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You’ll increase credibility.In the minds of customers, companies that use Social

Media seem more open, and trustworthy.

Check this out!

This is cool!Look what they did… Go


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It takes knowledge.

It takes time.

It takes consistent effort.


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You Get All of Our Collective Years of Experience.

When you partner with us, you’ll leverage our vast experience in blogging, social networking, sales, traffic building, content writing, and social media business strategy.

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We’re Flexible.

Whatever your needs and your audience, there should be an option to use social media for your benefit.

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We’re affordable. It’s true. Hiring us on a monthly basis is typically less than half the monthly cost of hiring or paying an employee to handle your social media business strategy.

Experience included.

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We’ll do it all for you. Make the jump to social media without the headaches, the hassles or hiring of additional employees.

We’ll be your complete social media department and handle everything for you.

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We’ll Provide Increased Visibility of You, Your Products & Services and Your Brand.

From blogging to article marketing to video sharing, we’ll make sure you stand out in a sea of competition.

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We’ll drive more traffic to your website and blog.

The more social media sites that link to your site, the greater the authority of your site with the search engines.

(Don’t have a blog? We’ll make one for you and manage it.)

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Resulting in more leads.

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And increased revenues.

Join other small businesses who continue to realize the ROI of social media marketing.

It won’t be overnight, but social media has been proven to increase revenues.

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The Social Media Mix

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Our Process

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Let’s figure out what’s the right size social media package for your business.

Visit us at
