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Domain Driven Design, Multi-Model Databases and ArangoDB Max Neunhöffer Baksia Meetup, Oslo, 23 October 2014

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Domain Driven Design,Multi-Model Databases andArangoDBMax Neunhöffer

Baksia Meetup, Oslo, 23 October 2014


Max NeunhöfferI am amathematician

“Earlier life”: Research in Computer Algebra(Computational Group Theory)Always juggled with big dataNow: working in database development, NoSQL, ArangoDBI like:

research,hacking,teaching,tickling the highest performance out of computer systems.


ArangoDB GmbHtriAGENS GmbH offers consulting services since 2004:

software architectureproject managementsoftware developmentbusiness analysisa lot of experience with specialised database systems.have done NoSQL, before the term was coined at all2011/2012, an idea emerged:to build the database one had wished to have all those years!development of ArangoDB as open source software since 2012ArangoDB GmbH: spin-off to take care of ArangoDB (2014)


A typical Project: a Web ShopThe Specification Workshop

(need recommendation engine, need statistics, etc.)

The Developers get to work . . .(tables, relations, normalisation, schemas, queries, front-ends, etc.)

HANDOVER(Why can I not . . . ? This is unusable!)


Solution: Agile Approach and Domain Driven DesignThese days, many use (or try to use):

agile methods (Scrum, sprints, rapid prototyping)with continuous feedback from product owners to developerspromising less surprises in deployment and high flexibility.Domain Driven Design (Eric Evans, 2004):

identify a Domain (area in which software is applied)make a Model (abstract description of situation)use a Ubiquitous Language (that all team members speak)clearly define the Context in which the model applies.Model your data as close to the domain as possible.Example: object oriented programming


Fundamental Problem: need a ubiquitous LanguageListening to team members, you hear completely different things:Product Managers talk about

customers “browsing” through the shop,powerful search for products (with the “good ones” on top),“useful” recommendations.

Developers talk abouttables, normalisation, queries and joinssecondary indexes, front-end pagesobject oriented, model view controller, responsive design

=⇒ both groups think the others are morons5

The problem is rooted very deeply

functionality not gatheredmethodically⇓“obvious” functions are missing

no common language⇓misunderstandings about details


NoSQL: Richer Data Models are closer to the DomainSome terms used by Evans as part of the ubiquitous language:

Entity: has an identity and mutable state (e.g. a person)Value object: is identified by its attributes and immutable(e.g. an address)Aggregate: is a combination of entities and value objects into onetransactional unit (e.g. a customer with its orders)Association: is a relation between entities and value objects, canhave attributes, usually immutableConsequencesThese terms coming from the Domain must be present inthe Design. The whole team must understand the samewhen talking about them.


Polyglot PersistenceIdeaUse the right data model for each part of a system.

For an application, persistan object or structured data as a JSON document,a hash table in a key/value store,relations between objects in a graph database,a homogeneous array in a relational DBMS.If the table has many empty cells or inhomogeneous rows, usea column-based database.

Take scalability needs into account!8

Document and key/value storesDocument storeA document store stores a set of documents, which usuallymeans JSON data, these sets are called collections. Thedatabase has access to the contents of the documents.each document in the collection has a unique keysecondary indexes possible, leading to more powerful queriesdifferent documents in the same collection: structure can varyno schema is required for a collectiondatabase normalisation can be relaxed“Special case”: key/value storeOpaque values, restrict to key lookup without secondaryindexes:

=⇒ high performance and perfect scalability9

Graph databasesGraph databaseA graph database stores a labelled graph. Vertices andedges can be documents. Graphs are good to modelrelations.graphs often describe data very naturally (e.g. the facebookfriendship graph)graphs can be stored using tables, however, graph queriesnotoriously lead to expensive joinsthere are interesting and useful graph algorithms like “shortestpath” or “neighbourhood”need a good query language to reap the benefitshorizontal scalability is troublesomegraph databases vary widely in scope and usage, no standard


Massively parallel: map-reduce and friendsThe area of massively parallelA massively parallel database can use thousands of serversdistributed all over the world and still appears as a singleservice.Humongous data capacity and very high read/writeperformanceexamples are Apache Cassandra, Apache Hadoop, Google’sSpanner, Riak and othersthese systems have important use cases, in particular in theanalytic domainquery capabilities are somewhat limited like for example only“map/reduce”

⇒ good horizontal scalability at the cost of reduced query flexibility11

A typical Use Case— an Online ShopWe need to hold

customer data: usually homogeneous, but still variations=⇒ use a document store:product data: even for a specialised business quiteinhomogeneous=⇒ use a document store:shopping carts: need very fast lookup by session key=⇒ use a key/value store:order and sales data: relate customers and products=⇒ use a document store:recommendation engine data: links between different entities=⇒ use a graph database:


Polyglot Persistence is nice, but . . .Consequence: One needs multiple database systems in the persis-tence layer of a single project!Polyglot persistence introduces some friction through

data synchronisation,data conversion,increased installation and administration effort,more training needs.Wouldn’t it be nice, . . .. . . to enjoy the benefits without paying with thedisadvantages?


The Multi-Model ApproachMulti-model databaseA multi-model database combines a document store with agraph database and is at the same time a key/value store.Vertices are documents in a vertex collection,edges are documents in an edge collection.a single, common query language for all three data modelsis able to compete with specialised products on their turfallows for polyglot persistence using a single databasequeries can mix the different data modelscan replace a RDMBS in many cases


Why is this possible at all?Document stores and key/value storesDocument stores: have primary key, are key/value stores.Without using secondary indexes, performance is nearly asgood as with opaque data instead of JSON.Good horizontal scalability can be achieved for key lookups.Document stores and graph databasesgraph database: would like to associate arbitrary data withvertices and edges, so JSON documents are a good choice.

A good edge index, giving fast access to neighbours.This can be a secondary index.Graph support in the query language.Implementations of graph algorithms in the database engine.


A Map of the NoSQL LandscapeTransaction Processing DBs

Analytic processing DBs


Column Stores



Massively distributed





Complex queries


is a multi-model database (document store & graph database),is open source and free (Apache 2 license),offers convenient queries (via HTTP/REST and AQL),memory efficient by shape detection,uses JavaScript throughout (Google’s V8 built into server),API extensible by JavaScript code in the Foxx framework,offers many drivers for a wide range of languages,is easy to use with web front end and good documentation,enjoys good professional as well as community supportand has sharding since Version 2.0.


A Map of the NoSQL LandscapeTransaction Processing DBs

Analytic processing DBs


Column Stores



Massively distributed





Complex queries


The ArangoDB TerritoryTransaction Processing DBs

Analytic processing DBs


Column Stores



Massively distributed





Complex queries


Strong ConsistencyArangoDB offers

atomic and isolated CRUD operations for single documents,transactions spanning multiple documents and multiplecollections,snapshot semantics for complex queries,very secure durable storage using append only and storingmultiple revisions,all this for documents as well as for graphs.

In the (not too distant) future, ArangoDB willoffer the same ACID semantics even with sharding,implement complete MVCC semantics to allow for lock-freeconcurrent transactions.


Replication and Sharding— horizontal scalability

Right now, ArangoDB provideseasy setup of (asynchronous) replication,which allows read access parallelisation (master/slaves setup),sharding with automatic data distribution to multiple servers.

Very soon, ArangoDB will featurefault tolerance by automatic failover and synchronousreplication in cluster mode,zero administration by a self-reparing and self-balancingcluster architecture.


Powerful query language: AQLThe built in Arango Query Language AQL allows

complex, powerful and convenient queries,with transaction semantics,allowing to do joins,with user definable functions (in JavaScript).AQL is independent of the driver used andoffers protection against injections by design.

For Version 2.3, we are reengineering the AQL query engine:use a C++ implementation for high performance,optimise distributed queries in the cluster.


Extensible through JavaScript and FoxxThe HTTP API of ArangoDB

can be extended by user-defined JavaScript code,that is executed in the DB server for high performance.This is formalised by the Foxx framework,which allows to implement complex, user-defined APIs withdirect access to the DB engine.Very flexible and secure authentication schemes can beimplemented conveniently by the user in JavaScript.Because JavaScript runs everywhere (in the DB server as wellas in the browser), one can use the same libraries in theback-end and in the front-end.

=⇒ implement your own micro services23