os pronomes reflexivos são usados quando a pessoa é ao mesmo tempo o sujeito e objeto de um verbo....


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Page 1: Os pronomes reflexivos são usados quando a pessoa é ao mesmo tempo o sujeito e objeto de um verbo. São eles I You He She It We You They Myself Yourself
Page 2: Os pronomes reflexivos são usados quando a pessoa é ao mesmo tempo o sujeito e objeto de um verbo. São eles I You He She It We You They Myself Yourself

Os pronomes reflexivos são usados quando a pessoa é ao mesmo tempo o sujeito e objeto de um verbo.

São eles IYouHeSheItWeYouThey


Page 3: Os pronomes reflexivos são usados quando a pessoa é ao mesmo tempo o sujeito e objeto de um verbo. São eles I You He She It We You They Myself Yourself

He himself did all those things wrong. There is nothing I can do to fix that!

They themselves did not know what they were doing.

How do teachers prepare themselves for this ever-changing world of online education?

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Sujeito e objeto de um verbo.

Page 4: Os pronomes reflexivos são usados quando a pessoa é ao mesmo tempo o sujeito e objeto de um verbo. São eles I You He She It We You They Myself Yourself

Os pronomes reflexivos concordam com o sujeito da oração.



Page 5: Os pronomes reflexivos são usados quando a pessoa é ao mesmo tempo o sujeito e objeto de um verbo. São eles I You He She It We You They Myself Yourself

How do I prepare myself for an interview? Give me a tip!

She didn't kill herself. She was attacked by an alien! I saw everything!

We do not need people or things to make us feel happy for God's sake ! We can do that by ourselves.

You can't help men permanently by doing for them what they can and should do for themselves.

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Concordam com o sujeito da oração.

Page 6: Os pronomes reflexivos são usados quando a pessoa é ao mesmo tempo o sujeito e objeto de um verbo. São eles I You He She It We You They Myself Yourself

São usados antes do verbo

Enfatiza o sujeito.

Reflexive pronoun + Verb

Page 7: Os pronomes reflexivos são usados quando a pessoa é ao mesmo tempo o sujeito e objeto de um verbo. São eles I You He She It We You They Myself Yourself

The plan The plan itself will cost will cost a fortune. I'm out!

II myself triedtried countless products to clear my acne. None of them worked!

The civilians The civilians themselves werewere the targets of those attacks.

HeHe himself solvedsolved the problem of having two books in one by simply separating them .

SheShe herself wrotewrote the screenplay and the songs.

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Enfatiza o sujeito.

Page 8: Os pronomes reflexivos são usados quando a pessoa é ao mesmo tempo o sujeito e objeto de um verbo. São eles I You He She It We You They Myself Yourself

São usados no final de uma oração

Enfatiza o sujeito.

Sentence + Reflexive Pronoun

Page 9: Os pronomes reflexivos são usados quando a pessoa é ao mesmo tempo o sujeito e objeto de um verbo. São eles I You He She It We You They Myself Yourself

 I can killkill him myself . I don't need your help! Get out loser!

She had done her best to be what he wanted. But she waswas, after all, herself.

Sarah became impatient, so she decided to solvesolve her problem herself.They diddid everything themselves. Every single detail. They are good!

Enfatizam o sujeito.

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Page 10: Os pronomes reflexivos são usados quando a pessoa é ao mesmo tempo o sujeito e objeto de um verbo. São eles I You He She It We You They Myself Yourself

São usados após um verbo

O sujeito realiza e recebe a ação.

Verb + Reflexive Pronoun

Page 11: Os pronomes reflexivos são usados quando a pessoa é ao mesmo tempo o sujeito e objeto de um verbo. São eles I You He She It We You They Myself Yourself

Isabel killedkilled herself after she had said "I'm done". Why? Tell me why?

You have to prepareprepare yourself for that job interview. It's your career at stake!

Many individuals who hurthurt themselves, lie about the causes of their injuries.

A social worker who said he was knifed in a horrific gang attack has confessed that he invented the story and stabbedstabbed himself.

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O sujeito realiza e recebe a ação.

Page 12: Os pronomes reflexivos são usados quando a pessoa é ao mesmo tempo o sujeito e objeto de um verbo. São eles I You He She It We You They Myself Yourself

São usados após a preposição "by" significando "alone“ (sozinho)

Para expressar que o sujeito realizou a ação sozinho.

By + Reflexive Pronoun = Alone

Page 13: Os pronomes reflexivos são usados quando a pessoa é ao mesmo tempo o sujeito e objeto de um verbo. São eles I You He She It We You They Myself Yourself

My trial was held in the town where I committed the murder. Yes… I did it. I did it byby myself. Today I regret.

He walked byby himself all night long. And you know what? All places were alike to him.

She clearly remembers the first decision she had to make. She did it byby herself! When? She was sixteen years old for God's sake!

Para expressar que o sujeito realizou a ação sozinho.

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Page 14: Os pronomes reflexivos são usados quando a pessoa é ao mesmo tempo o sujeito e objeto de um verbo. São eles I You He She It We You They Myself Yourself

São usados após uma preposição.

O pronome reflexivo funciona como objeto da preposição e se refere ao sujeito da oração.

Preposition + Reflexive Pronoun

Page 15: Os pronomes reflexivos são usados quando a pessoa é ao mesmo tempo o sujeito e objeto de um verbo. São eles I You He She It We You They Myself Yourself

What has he done toto himself ? He's totally crazy!

She was saying toto herself. "If he calls me, I'll think about."

At this age children are interested inin themselves. They recognize themselves in a mirror and learn that they are different from other people.

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O pronome reflexivo funciona como objeto da preposição e se refere ao sujeito da oração.

Page 16: Os pronomes reflexivos são usados quando a pessoa é ao mesmo tempo o sujeito e objeto de um verbo. São eles I You He She It We You They Myself Yourself

São usados com sentenças imperativas.

Expressa pedidos ou ordens nas segundas pessoasdo singular e do plural.

Imperative form + Reflexive Pronoun

Page 17: Os pronomes reflexivos são usados quando a pessoa é ao mesmo tempo o sujeito e objeto de um verbo. São eles I You He She It We You They Myself Yourself

Please Mark! MakeMake yourself comfortable, take a deep breath and take a long look at these wonderful cars! Pick one!

SuitSuit yourself man! I told you the truth but you don't wanna listen to me!

John! HelpHelp yourself with this depression! Don't let the disease beat you!Guys! Dinner is ready! ServeServe yourselves!

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Expressa pedidos ou ordens nas segundas pessoasdo singular e do plural.

Page 18: Os pronomes reflexivos são usados quando a pessoa é ao mesmo tempo o sujeito e objeto de um verbo. São eles I You He She It We You They Myself Yourself

Complete the sentences with the correct Reflexive Pronouns.

a) We _________feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean.

b) They speak for ___________when they talk about rejecting the plan.

c) Be careful with that fire or you'll burn ___________!

d) See what that Canadian girl did to _______all in the name of dieting.

She is only bones! All fat is gone!

e) How can I make ___________have a miscarriage? I can't have

this baby!






Page 19: Os pronomes reflexivos são usados quando a pessoa é ao mesmo tempo o sujeito e objeto de um verbo. São eles I You He She It We You They Myself Yourself

f) Guys! You shouldn't blame ____________. It was not your fault!

It happens all the time!

g) I can't understand you! Make ____________clear!

h) Patrick will not make it by __________ . We must help him!

i)I can't understand! Why has she distanced __________?

Everybody loves her!

j) When you are content to be simply ________and don’t think about

comparing or competing then everybody will respect you for sure.






Page 20: Os pronomes reflexivos são usados quando a pessoa é ao mesmo tempo o sujeito e objeto de um verbo. São eles I You He She It We You They Myself Yourself

Answer the questions with the reflexive pronouns:

 a) Are you sure you don't need any help for studying? You know, SAT is a tough exam!I'm pretty sure! I prefer to study by___________.

b) Is Jeff interested in those issues?Are you kidding? He' s just interested in__________.

c) Did she have any help to fix the mistakes she made?No, she fixed them by____________.

d) What are you guys doing? Stop that! You can't make such decisions! Of course we can! We are grown-ups! We can make any decisions _________!

e) Does your mom always wash the dishes?No, sometimes my sisters ____________ wash them.






Page 21: Os pronomes reflexivos são usados quando a pessoa é ao mesmo tempo o sujeito e objeto de um verbo. São eles I You He She It We You They Myself Yourself

f) What is going on?I don't know! I was told that a woman is trying to kill________.Really? Call 911!

g) What are those sick freak people talking about?Stuff like killing people, kicking asses…! I_______don't understand them.

h) Man…I don't know what to do! I'm freaking out! Would you help me?Sorry! I can't! You will have to handle the situation by_________.

i) Have you talked to them? Will they ask for help?I don't think so! My hunch is that they will do the stuff by__________.

j) Let me help you girls! You may get hurt using those tools.Stay away! We can do the job _____________.






Page 22: Os pronomes reflexivos são usados quando a pessoa é ao mesmo tempo o sujeito e objeto de um verbo. São eles I You He She It We You They Myself Yourself

(UNIFAE - SP) - Mark the best option:   Alice hurt __________ when she was trying to save _______. a) herself / them b) hers / himc) himself / herself d) yourself / theme) themselves / them

Test 1

Page 23: Os pronomes reflexivos são usados quando a pessoa é ao mesmo tempo o sujeito e objeto de um verbo. São eles I You He She It We You They Myself Yourself

Test 2

(FMP - SP) - Asslnale a alternativa correta:  I took my husband to the airport ________.  a) himselfb) oneselfc) myselfd) herself e) yourself.

Page 24: Os pronomes reflexivos são usados quando a pessoa é ao mesmo tempo o sujeito e objeto de um verbo. São eles I You He She It We You They Myself Yourself

Test 3

"Betsy and John finished the job by themselves".  This means that:  a) Betsy said to John what to do. b) John finished the job without any help. c) Both of them didn't finish the job. d) Betsy and John finished the job alone. e) Betsy finished the job alone.

Page 25: Os pronomes reflexivos são usados quando a pessoa é ao mesmo tempo o sujeito e objeto de um verbo. São eles I You He She It We You They Myself Yourself

(Mack - SP) - Mark the option that completes the sentence correctly:  I think of _____________ too much. My aunt thinks of __________as well and often forgets to think of ___________. a) myself / me / herselfb) myself / herself / herselfc) me / me / himselfd) me / me / herselvese) I / herself / himself

Test 4

Page 26: Os pronomes reflexivos são usados quando a pessoa é ao mesmo tempo o sujeito e objeto de um verbo. São eles I You He She It We You They Myself Yourself

Test 5

(AFA - SP) - Mark the best option to complete the sentence:   They intended to keep all the money for _________Jack ________ gave me this information. What is going to happen to __________ now?  a) they / his own / ours;b) themselves / himself / us c) theirselves / himself / we d) they own / by him / ourselvese) them / his / by ourselves.

Page 27: Os pronomes reflexivos são usados quando a pessoa é ao mesmo tempo o sujeito e objeto de um verbo. São eles I You He She It We You They Myself Yourself

Test 6

(UEL-PR) – Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentence: Paul enjoyed __________at the party. Did you enjoy __________, too? a) him – himself. b) himself – yourselves. c) herself – yourselfs.d) himself – themselves.e) him – theirselves. 

Page 28: Os pronomes reflexivos são usados quando a pessoa é ao mesmo tempo o sujeito e objeto de um verbo. São eles I You He She It We You They Myself Yourself

Test 7

(UERJ) – Indique a expressão que corresponde à palavra em negrito na frase: My sister went to the cinema alone. a) Herself. b) By herself. c) By her.d) Himself.e) By himself.

Page 29: Os pronomes reflexivos são usados quando a pessoa é ao mesmo tempo o sujeito e objeto de um verbo. São eles I You He She It We You They Myself Yourself

Test 8

Choose the correct answer. "Behave _____, boys!" said Mrs. Tennison. a) himselfb) yourselvesc) herselfd) themselvese) yourself

Page 30: Os pronomes reflexivos são usados quando a pessoa é ao mesmo tempo o sujeito e objeto de um verbo. São eles I You He She It We You They Myself Yourself

Test 9

The alternative that completes the sentence below is… They blame __________ for their children not be doing well at school. a) ourselvesb) herselfc) yourselfd) themselvese) myself

Page 31: Os pronomes reflexivos são usados quando a pessoa é ao mesmo tempo o sujeito e objeto de um verbo. São eles I You He She It We You They Myself Yourself

Test 10

Assinale a alternativa correta: Alice had gone to England. Her boss didn't have a replacement, so he had to do all the service (...) a) Yourself. b) Themself. c) Himself.d) Herself.e) Itself.